Pencil drawing of a girl's face. Drawing a person's face

Today we will try to draw a woman's face in all its glory. The human face is a very complex structure by nature. And not only from a physical point. Think for yourself, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, the shape is the character of a person, and the mouth will tell you how pleasant a person is when he smiles. When drawing a person, the face is always the most difficult part.

It may be a secret to many that the human body is asymmetrical (that is, the halves of the body are not equal in structure). One leg is longer than the other, the fingers on one hand are shorter than the others, the ear sticks out more, etc. There is the same problem with the face, and everything is connected with the fact that the two halves of the brain are responsible for different parts, and, at the same time, some functions of the halves of the brain differ from each other. So, we, creative people, rely more on the right side, while the left is responsible for logical thinking and calculations.

Now let's take the risk of drawing a woman's face. Among all the possible ones, I chose Angelina Jolie, because for many men (and women) she is the ideal of beauty and femininity. This is a very important lesson for everyone, so let's get started.

How to draw a woman's face with a pencil step by step

Step one: let's start simple and draw an oval with lines, under it, using the same lines, draw the contours of the neck.

Step two: now we add hair, erase the oval lines and neck lines, making the structure more even, draw a line in the middle, which will indicate half of the face. Step three: now we use the same lines to mark the places where the eyes and nose will be located.

Step four: be careful not to make your facial features too big or small. To do this, we accurately mark the places for the eyeballs, draw the nose and the part of the mouth with lines.

Step five: now, based on the work done, carefully and accurately draw the lines of the eyebrows, then the eyes and mouth. We also add nostrils to the girl’s nose.

Step Six: If all the previous steps are done well, then the hardest part of the lesson has already been completed. We erase all unnecessary lines, give the eyebrows more elegance, draw the pupils, bridge of the nose and trim the lips.

Step seven: apply shadows to the face, sketch out the eyes, lips, and sharpen the eyebrows even more.

Step eight: now the only thing left to do is fine-tune everything so that the drawing looks more like Angelina Jolie’s face. Let's add color to the hair, sketch out the eyes and lips more carefully.

We will draw a portrait of a girl from this photograph.

Step 1.

To begin with, it is advisable, even when drawing from life, to take a photograph and look at the photo, as during the long process of drawing, the emotions on the face may change. on the sheet we determine where the head will be located in the sheet and outline the shoulders relative to it

Step 2.

Let's draw 2 main axes: vertical - the middle of the face, which also determines the rotation of the head, horizontal - the axis of the eyes (approximately the middle of the face)

Step 3.

Let's visually divide the face into 4 equal horizontal parts (you can leave a little space at the top, as this part will go to the back of the head and hair): forehead, eyebrow line and lip line.

Step 4.

Mark 3 identical segments on the eye line (2 eyes and the distance between them)

Step 5.

Let's outline the middle line of the face - imagining that this is a cross-section, thereby letting ourselves understand what shape the face is.

Step 6.

Don’t forget to erase the marks from the previous stage each time, as they will distract you in the future. Let's determine that the corners of the lips are the middle of the eyes.

Step 7

Let's outline the smile and the shape of the bridge of the nose

Step 9

Let's complete the rest of the skull. We will also draw horizontal lines from the corners of the eyes and the tip of the nose - you can use them to navigate where the ear is located

Step 10

Let's draw the shape of the nose according to all the rules of anatomy, so that in the future it will be easier to draw shadows

Step 11

Let's start drawing the lips, upper lip in most cases it is simply copied from life or a photo, as it is original for everyone, but we also focus on triangles - they symmetrically coincide with the lines under the nose, on the lower lip we determine the middle and draw an oval according to the shape of the lips

Step 12

We connect the oval with the corners, do not forget to look at nature, mark the place of the bend under the lips for the chin

Step 13

We outline the shape of the cheeks (cheekbones), and begin drawing the eyes. We always remember that the eye is, first of all, a ball, so we first outline it

Step 14

Now, as if enveloping this ball, we outline the shape of the eyes, comparing with nature

Step 15

We do the same with the other eye, and also do not forget about perspective. ovals denote the protruding places of the eyelids

Step 16

To prevent the drawing from looking at you with a blank stare, you can add pupils, easily outlining them. We also start drawing the eyebrows

Step 17

We clarify the line of the eyebrows, comparing with nature, you can add a couple of folds on the face, but the main thing is not to get carried away with them, otherwise they will come out too obvious and nature may be offended. we outline the shape of the hair, but don’t focus on it, because drawing each hair will not only not improve your drawing, but can also ruin it - because it will definitely take more attention from the audience than the face itself

Step 18

Do not completely erase the auxiliary lines, shade the dark areas of the face

Step 19

We correct the eyebrows and nose, also do not forget to compare with nature, I advise you to move a short distance to see the work as a whole

Step 20.

outline the shoulders and curls, lightly shade the shadows

Step 21

Add a little more shadows, refine the shapes, adjust the clothes

Step 22

And most importantly. We move a meter away from the drawing and begin to actively compare it with nature or a photo. This is the most important point in drawing a portrait, because... it determines your ability to grasp small details. For beginners, my advice is to quickly move your gaze from drawing to nature and back, do this until you notice changes. also at this moment it will be clear which areas of the face are the darkest - we shade them more actively. And after careful work with eyes and hands - a signature!

To know how to draw a girl with a pencil, you don’t have to study art and be an artist. Any beginner can try his hand at it. It is enough to be persistent and gradually master some skills. It is important to keep in mind the aspects below.

What materials are needed

Before starting the lesson, novice creators should stock up on materials such as:

You should not skimp on basic drawing materials, even if you are a beginner. Poor quality materials can discourage interest in drawing and complicate the first steps in art. For beginners, the best choice would be mid-priced products.

Female body proportions

Proportions female body differ from men's in some respects. In addition, in different times for the standard of beauty in fine arts different proportions were adopted.

Nowadays, the following parameters of the female body are relevant for drawing:

  1. To measure height, you need to calculate the height of the woman’s head and multiply this parameter by 7-8.5 times. It is useful to know that a person’s height is divided exactly in half at the point of the pubic symphysis.
  2. To calculate shoulder width, you will need an average of 1.5 head heights.
  3. The width of the pelvic bone is directly proportional to the width of her shoulder, and the height of a woman's pelvis is slightly lower than the height of her head.
  4. The waist is on average equal to 1 head height.
  5. To calculate the height between the base of the rib cage and hip joint, you should divide the height of the head in half.

Axes and proportions of the face

Not everyone knows the tricks on how to draw a girl with a pencil. It is easy to explain this process step by step for beginners.

It is enough just to know about the following proportions of facial features and about the universal axes on which you can rely on in the process of constructing a face:

Face drawing scheme


How to draw a girl in profile

When wondering how to draw a girl with a pencil step by step for beginners, you need to look for the answer in the same measurements and center lines as when drawing from the front. You should start drawing by drawing auxiliary lines in the form of a square. Its height should be 1/8 greater than its width. All the main axes need to be transferred to it, as if a face was inscribed in it from the front.

Then, you should inscribe an inclined ovoid oval into a rectangle between the axis on which the tip of the nose is located and the top of the entire square. This oval helps build the correct shape of the skull, back of the head and forehead.

The part of the side of the skull that connects to the neck should be angled downward.

  • From the top extreme point oval, you should start drawing the line of the forehead, eyebrows, nose, mouth and chin. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the drawn auxiliary lines. The most prominent point of the forehead, closer to the eyebrows, is in contact with the edge of the square.
  • The eyes are located on their own axis. On the face in profile, the eyes take the shape of an arrowhead. The iris changes from round to a thin, elongated oval with a pointed top and bottom.
  • The tip of the nose will protrude slightly beyond the square. The depression of the bridge of the nose falls on the same axis on which the eyes are located.
  • Lips on a profile face will appear prominent, especially the lower lip. The line where the lips meet goes slightly downward from the lips. Even if a person smiles, the line goes straight at first and then smoothly curves upward.
  • When viewed in profile, the ears take on a C-shape. An arc of thin cartilage runs along the edge of the ear. Also, be aware of your earlobe. When drawing female face, ears are often covered with hair.

How to draw a girl in full height

When drawing a girl with a pencil step by step, it is extremely important for beginners to maintain the body proportions discussed earlier. Only compliance with proportions will help avoid depicting an awkward, unrealistic body.

To portray a girl in full height, it is recommended to consider the following aspects:

  • Image central axis. This axis coincides with the girl’s spine. At the initial level of drawing, it is recommended to draw a figure standing straight and level, from the front. Therefore, the central axis will also be straight.
  • Torso. It is recommended to depict it schematically as an inverted triangle. You should not make it too large or wide, as female figure, on average, has more graceful shoulders and chest.
  • Breast. To determine the correct location of the chest, another smaller one is inserted into the torso triangle, pointing upward. At its corners you need to draw two identical circles, which are the chest.
  • Hips. To depict the hips, it is convenient to draw a circle, a small part of which extends to the lower corner of the triangle representing the torso.

Using the obtained guidelines, you need to connect them with smooth, rounded lines. The figure should acquire the contours of a female body. Next, you need to draw the arms and legs. The length of the arms is just below the groin area.

Important points when drawing hair


  • When drawing hair, it is important to pay attention to how the light falls on them. As a rule, the roots of the hair are in the shadow, and at some distance from them a highlight is noticeable on the hair. It should be left unpainted, or only a few strokes should be added around the edges. Next, it is important to pay attention to how the hair lies in the strands. In the drawing, you should combine small strands into larger ones and depict a highlight on them as the light falls. Also, it is necessary to highlight the darker, shadow areas so that the drawing does not look flat.
  • The hair lies luxuriantly on the head, covering part of the forehead, cheeks, and ears. Depending on the hair structure (curly, straight), it can be more voluminous or, on the contrary, smooth. It is important to notice the direction in which the hair grows to reflect them as realistically as possible.
  • There is a lot of hair on a person's head, but you shouldn't depict all of them.. You just need to show their overall texture. Pencils of varying hardness are used for shading hair. For shady areas, take the most soft pencil and hatch with pressure. Hard pencils are needed to define hairs in lighter parts and highlights. It is important that the strokes are confident and long. To do this, it is recommended to rest your hand with a pencil on your elbow, and not on your wrist, and draw from the elbow.

Step by step drawing of hair

Now we know how to draw a girl with a pencil.

Step by step for beginners it is realistic to master such a complex detail as hair:

How to draw a girl with long flowing hair

However, some distinctive features should be taken into account:

How to draw a girl with short hair

Short hair in the drawing process has several distinctive features:

How to draw a girl from the back

Many people don’t know how to draw a girl with a pencil step by step. For beginners, it will not be difficult to master drawing a girl from the back.

This is a simpler option where you won’t need to depict her face, breasts and other complex details.

However, drawing a girl from the back has its own nuances:

  • The width of the shoulders and back should be indicated. General form will resemble a triangle, however, it should not be too large and wide. Otherwise, the girl will look too strong and masculine.
  • The spine runs vertically in the center of the back, which must be reflected in the form of several strokes.
  • At the level where the arms are attached to the body, the shoulder blades are visible on the back. They should not be highlighted too clearly. But if the picture shows a slender girl, it is advisable to indicate the shoulder blades with light strokes.
  • Often the back and neck are covered with loose hair. Drawing a girl from the back is a good opportunity to depict beautiful curls scattered over her shoulders.

Anime style

Anime style involves a stylized image of the girl's figure and face. Generally, anime characters have exaggeratedly large and round eyes in a small face, and a small mouth and nose (which may be indicated by a dash or a dot). The arms and legs are thin and slender. The girl herself is most often petite and graceful, with a thin waist. The legs are exaggeratedly long.

First you need to make a sketch, depict the head, facial features and hairstyle. Anime hairstyles suggest some carelessness and volume. Next, you should detail the sketch, adding details and paying attention to the location of shadow and light in the drawing.

In a dress

A pencil drawing of a girl in a dress should begin with a step-by-step sketch of the girl’s figure as if without a dress. For beginners, this will help to correctly build her figure in clothes. It is advisable to take into account that clothing helps to hide those details that turn out poorly. Therefore, it is important to choose a dress style that will cover the most complex elements of the design.

In addition, the style of the dress should suit the drawn girl and fit her well.

When drawing a dress, it is important to take into account the material from which it is supposed to be made. Soft and delicate material will flow or hug the figure, dense material will not deform along the lines of the girl’s body. In addition, the direction and distribution of light should be considered to reflect soft lighting on the fabric. This will make the drawing more voluminous and naturalistic.

How to apply chiaroscuro using strokes

Hatching is an important element of drawing a girl with a pencil, and for beginners, first of all, it requires step-by-step training. You need to learn how to apply strokes, changing the saturation from dark to light as softly as possible. The softer and smoother the transition, the better the shading is mastered.

To draw a girl, you should take into account the rules of construction and proportions of her body and face. In drawing, training and observation are important, which will help you depict what you want with the greatest accuracy.

Video: how to draw a girl with a pencil

How to draw a portrait of a girl with a pencil, watch the video:

How to draw a person's face correctly, watch the video:

Today's lesson is devoted to this type of drawing as a portrait. A portrait is an image of a person or group of people who exist (or existed) in reality. The main task of a portrait is to repeat the lines of a living face with an artistic interpretation. I took as an example a photo of the wonderful American singer, actress Debby Ryan. Here is her photo: I will say right away that a portrait is one of the most difficult types of drawing, since we have to convey all the features of a person. If you don’t succeed the first time, don’t be discouraged, people learn from mistakes =). So let's try step by step draw a portrait of this girl with a pencil.

STEP 1. Start drawing a circle that describes the face. Apply light strokes on it where the eyes and nose will be located. STEP 2. Now let's sketch out the contours with light strokes real shape heads. Please note that it has a slightly square shape. Let's add bangs, tilted to the right side like . STEP 3. Let's move on to outlining the elements of the face. Let's sketch out thin eyebrows, upper eyelids, and eyelashes with strokes. Then start drawing the nose. The nose is a very important part of the portrait, which beginners sometimes do not pay attention to. This element can radically change the entire portrait as a whole. IN next lessons we'll take a closer look. Let's move on. 4. We just have to finish the sketches of the eyes. Here you need to carefully outline the eyeballs. Let's also add eyelashes and upper and lower eyelids. STEP 5. You are almost there. Now we have to draw the mouth. Look closely at her lips. (Do you want to know how to draw lips correctly? Then read the lesson: How to draw a smile) Draw folds on the skin to show its emotions, a smile. The lips are slightly raised. The edges can be shaded a little with a pencil. STEP 6. The last thing we need to do is the hairstyle. She has long straight hair, slightly wavy. Try to draw with smooth lines, and you can also add some thicker lines to create the effect of voluminous hair. After everything has been done, erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser and refine the edges. We should get a picture like this: I hope everything worked out for you. Ask questions about the lesson. Show off your masterpieces! Leave your comments below, write what pencil drawing lessons you still want to see. I recommend taking the following lessons:

One morning you woke up in a good mood and... discovered a desire to create. Before my eyes there is an image of a girl that urgently needs to be transferred from my head to paper. And without delay you begin to implement your spontaneous idea. But how to draw a girl’s face without having a specialized education?

The human face is one of the most difficult subjects to depict. His drawing in art schools devote the greatest number of activities. Unlike inanimate objects that have a clear shape (still lifes), in the image of a face it is necessary to convey not only the correctness of lines and proportions, but also emotions. And this is much more difficult. So novice artists will have to spend more than one sheet of paper trying to “revive” the image and bring their skills to perfection. This is a matter of technique and many days of practice. Now our task is to convey to you the basics of drawing a human face with a pencil. So, how to draw a girl’s face step by step?

Preparation for work: materials and tools

In fine art, the correctness of the selected materials plays an important role. Of course, you can make a sketch with a ballpoint pen on a checkered sheet of paper, but such a drawing is unlikely to fall into the category of masterpieces. Therefore, if you seriously decide to master art, stock up on professional assistants.
Depending on the creative concept, artists use various performing tools: graphite pastel, gouache, charcoal, pen, ink, watercolor or felt-tip pens. Since we need to understand how to draw a girl’s face with a pencil, we choose the appropriate tool - graphite pencil. This tool is universal, it plays both main and auxiliary roles. He knows both how to draw a girl's face and how to depict the basis for a detailed landscape. Using a pencil, you can practice line drawings, line drawings and tonal painting. This artistic tool has a number of advantages. Graphite fits perfectly on any base. The color intensity can be adjusted by pressing the rod. It is possible to depict thin lines, small parts and shading. Errors made with a pencil can be easily corrected using a correction eraser. The pencil is classified according to the degree of softness from M to 5M. It is better to have at least two pencils of different hardness in your arsenal. As a basis for future work, you should choose white thick paper with a rough surface.


To understand how to draw a girl's face, you need to briefly turn to geometry. As we know, the human head, of all possible shapes, looks more like an oval. Therefore on initial stage images of a girl's face let's depict this shape. Let's make vertical and horizontal markings, defining guidelines for correct adherence. The eyes will be located on the main horizontal line. The main vertical line schematically divides the face into two equal lobes. This division will allow you to avoid axis displacement, that is, the face will not look skewed to one side.

Main and additional guides

The next step is to add secondary horizontal guides to indicate the upper and lower boundaries of the face (one stroke at the top and bottom of the oval), the line of the mouth (one solid horizontal guide and two lines indicating the upper and lower borders of the mouth) and the nose (selecting the center of symmetry). It is also necessary to define two vertical guides that divert zones on the sides of the oval for the ears.

Zone markings

At this stage, we determine the location of the boundaries of the eyes, the area for the nose and the mouth. We finally form the eye area. We are guided by the unspoken rule of artists “5 eyes”. To make it clearer, draw five identical oblong-shaped parts along the guide. They must fit clearly into the existing oval. Then we discard the outer and central parts, and the remaining ones are our eyes. This scheme helps to save correct proportions. We draw the nose in the form of an irregular quadrangle. The line of the mouth should not go beyond the guides passing through the center of the pupils.

You can also understand how to draw a girl by analyzing the guide method in detail and learning how to use it.

Easy sketch

The main zones are marked, the preparatory stage is completed. It is very important to perform correct zoning. The final result will depend on this. Therefore, after drawing all the guidelines, make a concentrated visual comparison of the model and the sketch. Are the eyes positioned correctly? Maybe we should raise them a little higher and move them apart relative to each other? Do I need to reduce the forehead area or extend the nose area? Does the thickness of the mouth correspond to reality, or did you leave room for a “silicone smile” instead of an elegant thin lip line?

For beginning artists, the guide method makes it easier to understand zones. In the future, this technique will lose its relevance, since, having gained experience, you will determine the main zones intuitively. You can also draw the profile of a girl’s face using the guide method.

Let's return to our portrait and begin visualization. We make sketches of future parts of the face, observing anatomical features and dimensions.

Final form

After drawing the surface sketch, we check whether we are moving in the right direction. Next, we give shape to all parts and apply more confident strokes. Add the necessary shadows and shade.

Final Touches

Add hair using strokes of varying lengths and directions. We shade some areas, giving the effect of shadows. Applying the finishing touches. We work with the model and correct errors, if any.

Now you have basic knowledge as an artist and know how to draw a girl’s face. Keep drawing and hone your skills - and soon the result will exceed all your expectations.