Carl Orff "Carmina Burana" and the great masterpieces of music. Carl Orff. "Carmina Burana" and the great masterpieces of music Why it's worth going




Mozart. "Lacrimosa".
Verdi. "DIES IRAE".
Schubert. "Ave Maria"
Bizet. "March of the Toreador"
Tchaikovsky. "1812".

250 artists on stage:
Soloists of the Arena or Verona Theater (Italy)
State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlova
Choir of the Song and Dance Ensemble named after V.S. Lokteva
State symphony orchestra"New Russia"
Conductor - Matteo Beltrami (Italy)

“Grand Concerts” is a cycle of great masterpieces of music performed by a huge composition of musicians, creating a sound stream of unprecedented strength and saturation. This time, the audience will be presented with a joint production of festivals in the ancient theater of Orange (France) and the Arena or Verona theater (Italy). For this purpose, the outstanding Italian conductor Matteo Beltrami, one of the directors of the Orange Festival, and the brilliant soloists of the Arena or Verona: soprano Gabriella STIMOLA and baritone Enrico MARABELLI specially fly to Moscow. A huge composition of musicians - 250 choir and orchestra artists - will perform Carl Orff's immortal composition "Carmina" and great masterpieces of music.

"Carmina Burana" (lat. " Carmina Burana") is a masterpiece of the 20th century (truly “witchcraft music”), a mysterious work, one of a kind. "Burana Codex", manuscript and great monument Renaissance, contained notes and poems of vagantes and wandering monks of the 12th century. According to legend, the author-monk devoted his entire life to serving God, and at the end of his days he looked back at life and saw that God had nothing to do with it: the world was ruled by fickle Fortune. Composer Carl Orff chose 24 songs and wrote them with inhuman beauty, brilliant, hypnotic melodies: grandiose choral passages, Gregorian chants and an orchestra with the most powerful drums in classical music.

A drawing of a wheel was found on the first page of the Burana Codex. It contained four phrases written on the wheel: “I will reign, I reign, I reigned, I am without a kingdom.” The Wheel of Fortune turns, happiness turns into sadness, and hope gives way to grief. Life goes on, the wheel of Fortune turns.

I department
K. Orff. "Carmina Burana"

II department
G. Verdi. "Dies Irae" and "Tuba Mirum" from Requiem. Performed by choir and orchestra.
S. Prokofiev. Dance of the knights from the ballet "Romeo and Juliet". Performed by an orchestra.
V.A. Mozart. "Lacrimosa" from Requiem. Performed by choir and orchestra.
E. Grieg. “In the Cave of the Mountain King” from the suite “Peer Gynt”. Performed by choir and orchestra.
R. Wagner. "Ride of the Valkyries" from the opera "Valkyrie". Performed by an orchestra.
G. Verdi. Choir of captive Jews from the opera "Nabucco". Performed by choir and orchestra.
J. Bizet. "Toreador's March" from the opera "Carmen". Performed by choir and orchestra.
G. Rossini. Overture from the opera "William Tell" (finale). Performed by an orchestra.
P.I. Tchaikovsky. Overture "1812" (final). Performed by choir and orchestra.


Daria Zykova (soprano)
Alexander Bogdanov (tenor)
Andrzej Bielecki (baritone)
Narrated by Artem Vargaftik
Children's choir Bolshoi Theater
Artistic director - Yulia Molchanova
State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlova
Artistic director - Gennady Dmitryak
State Academic Symphony Chapel of Russia
Artistic director and chief conductor - People's Artist Russia, laureate of Russian state awards Valery Polyansky
Conductor - Philip Chizhevsky

Legendary cantata "Carmina Burana"- the most famous essay German composer XX century Carl Orff. Written in 1937, the cantata still amazes listeners today both with its monumentality (both in the enormous composition of the orchestra and in its duration), and at the same time with its artistic democracy, surprisingly combining the “seriousness” of the academic genre and its bright, super-imaginative presentation. Lots of numbers immortal composition Orff became the most popular works of academic music throughout the 20th century. And the legendary opening choir “Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi” gained the greatest fame. Simplicity and clarity of form are combined with deep philosophical idea fatality of fate: in such a combination of the simplicity of the harmonic language and structural structure, on the one hand, and the ambiguity and complexity of the themes and ideas raised in music, on the other, lies the charm of the music of the outstanding German composer.

Orff's work is based on 24 poems from a collection of medieval poetry called Carmina Burana. This title is translated from Latin as “Songs of Boyern”. This is due to the fact that the original manuscript of the collection (“Codex Buranus”) was found in 1803 in the Benedictine monastery of Boyern (Bavaria). The themes of these poems, and accordingly their musical analogue, are relevant not only for the 13th century: these are the impermanence of luck and wealth, the transience of life, the joy of the return of spring and the pleasure of drunkenness, gluttony, gambling and love.

Russian-Italian music project, a show that amazes with its scope, innovative style and entertainment, will appear before the public in Moscow. On this day, the famous hall will become a reflection of the world created by a genius outstanding composer Carl Orff and the magic of one of the masterpieces of the Renaissance - the poems of Carmina Burana.

Stage cantata "Carmina Burana", written by the famous German composer Carl Orff in 1937. The music of this work is captivating with its emotionality. Many choreographers and directors often strive for it in their work. Spectators who purchase tickets to Carmina Burana will be greeted with a world musical masterpiece performed by outstanding world-famous artists. Italian contemporary art will be represented by Marina Buccarelli, Manuel Pieratelli, Enrico Mario Marabelli; together with the singers, a group of stage directors, sound engineers, lighting and special effects specialists will fly to Moscow. On the Russian side, this monumental production will be attended by the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia named after Svetlanov, the Moscow State Chamber Choir conducted by Vladimir Minin, the State Academic Symphony Chapel named after Yurlov and the boys' choir.

“Carmina Burana” was, of course, performed more than once in Moscow. But this concert will be special in its scope and originality; it will give all spectators who ordered tickets for Carmina Burana the most vivid impressions and emotions. Tickets for the Carmina Burana concert can be purchased now.

Presenter – Artyom Vargaftik

Daria Zykova (soprano)

Bolshoi Theater Children's Choir

Artistic director – Yulia Molchanova

State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlova

Artistic director – Gennady Dmitryak

State Academic Symphony Chapel of Russia

Artistic director and chief conductor - People's Artist of Russia, laureate of State Prizes of Russia Valery Polyansky

Conductor – Philip Chizhevsky

The legendary cantata Carmina Burana is the most famous work of the twentieth century German composer Carl Orff. Written in 1937, the cantata still amazes listeners today with its monumentality (both in the enormous composition of the orchestra and in its duration) and, at the same time, with its artistic democracy, surprisingly combining the “seriousness” of the academic genre and its bright, super-imaginative presentation. Many numbers of Orff's immortal compositions became the most popular works of academic music of the entire twentieth century. And the most famous was the legendary opening choir “Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi”. Simplicity and clarity of form are combined in it with a deeply philosophical idea of ​​the fatality of fate: in such a combination of simplicity of harmonic language and structural structure, on the one hand, and ambiguity, complexity of themes and ideas raised in music, on the other, lies the charm of the music of the outstanding German composer.

Orff's work is based on twenty-four poems from a collection of medieval poetry called Carmina Burana. This title is translated from Latin as “Songs of Boyern”. This is due to the fact that the original manuscript of the collection (“Codex Buranus”) was found in 1803 in the Benedictine monastery of Boyern (Bavaria). The themes of these poems, and accordingly the musical analogue, are relevant not only for the 13th century: these are the impermanence of luck and wealth, the transience of life, the joy of the return of spring and the pleasure of drunkenness, gluttony, gambling and love.

“Rusconcert” offers spectators and listeners two concerts with the performance of Orff’s great cantata-oratorio masterpiece. November 22 and 23 at Great hall The Moscow Conservatory will demonstrate a prefabricated, joint project of the State Academic symphonic chapel Russia, Choir Chapel them. A.A.Yurlova and Children's choir Bolshoi Theater. Three academic teams will present their own, undoubtedly original, interpretation of “Carmina Burana”. The conductor will be a young and very charismatic maestro - Philip Chizhevsky, and the soloists will be Daria Zykova (soprano) - a wonderful singer, representative of the Bolshoi Theater opera troupe, Alexander Bogdanov (tenor) and Andrzej Beletsky (baritone) - soloists of the Moscow New Opera Theater .