Key competencies of a director: what is expected from a leader. How to determine what competencies a candidate for a leadership position lacks

What competencies should a leader have? Very interesting question, which requires an answer to understand what constitutes a boss today who can effectively manage a company.

Types of manager competencies:

  • General corporate;
  • Personal;
  • Professional;
  • Managerial.

General corporate competencies

General requirements of the company for its employees.


The manager, like all employees, must use existing skills as well as learn new ones. Moreover, we are talking not only about constant study, but also about using the acquired knowledge in practical work. It is necessary to be able to interact effectively with colleagues, achieving coordinated actions to achieve set goals. It is required to be focused on clients, their needs, and also be result-oriented, successfully solving the tasks assigned to the company, and constantly achieving those goals that are determined during the operation of the business.

Personal competencies of a manager

  1. Innovation, innovation;
  2. Development of solutions;
  3. Ability to work with information;
  4. Achieving goals;
  5. Self-regulation and endurance;
  6. Initiative and determination;
  7. Sociability and confidence;
  8. Attitude towards others;
  9. Development orientation;
  10. Constructiveness towards yourself.

The personal competencies of a leader are related to the potential inherent in nature. The qualities and competencies of a leader in this case have very strong connections. For example, not all managers are proactive and decisive enough, which negatively affects the management of the company; lack of confidence becomes the reason for the company’s unstable behavior among competitors, etc. However, if desired, all of the above competencies can be developed. The development of personal competencies allows you to become a modern leader capable of ensuring the efficiency of the company.

Professional competencies of a manager

Professional competencies are the requirements of a specific profession + requirements for a leadership position. In this case, the manager’s competence includes:

  • Professional knowledge, skills;
  • Achievement orientation;
  • Organization of activities, control;
  • Motivation and development of employees;
  • Ability to influence subordinates;
  • Ability to organize your own work.

An effective leader must know everything about the direction of the company's activities, and have a complete understanding of it. However, it is important to be able to manage, focusing on achievements. A manager who is able to organize work, monitor the progress of its implementation, and at the same time motivate his subordinates to achieve results, without forgetting about the organization of his activities, is undoubtedly valuable for any company interested in effective leadership.

Managerial competencies of a leader

What are the managerial competencies that are considered managerial? Let's highlight TOP 5:

  • Leadership;
  • Strategic thinking;
  • Technological competencies;
  • Organizational skills;
  • Own efficiency.

Leadership presupposes the presence of confidence, the ability to quickly make decisions in any situation, and lead the team. Strategic thinking - be able to solve problems outside the box, have a penchant for decomposition and forecasting. The most valuable manager is the one who has a complete understanding of the technological aspects of the company’s activities and has full-scale technical knowledge. In turn, organizational skills presuppose the manager’s ability to form a unified team, which allows creating a strong framework for the company. Self-efficacy, expressed in the ability to present oneself, the ability to persuade, and accurately express one’s thoughts, is also important.

What competencies are important for a leader? How to develop them?

All of the above competencies must undoubtedly be possessed by a modern leader. The success of management and the achievement of results, expressed in the fact that the company and the business as a whole are constantly developing, reaching new heights, without stopping there, depend on each of them.

Any of the competencies of a company director can be developed. Trainings for managers provide an opportunity to reach a level that allows us to talk about effective leadership. Training participants are trained by specialists who have extensive experience in transferring knowledge that allows them to improve themselves. Classes are based not only on theory. Practicums included in trainings improve learning outcomes and allow you to successfully apply the acquired knowledge in future work.

“Competencies are the characteristics necessary for successful management activities.”


When considering the qualities of a person that contribute to the formation of certain work skills and the performance of certain job duties, professional and individual (personal) competencies are usually distinguished. As a rule, professional ones include those that relate to his performance of work, his official activities, intensify with a person’s professional specialization, and also reflect predominantly rational behavior in a person. In contrast, it is believed that individual (personal) competencies are those that are manifested outside of work relationships, in everyday life, in the family, in everyday communication with friends, family members, relatives and other people. As the most important personal qualities The leader is considered: benevolence, fairness, collectivism, ability to keep his word, responsiveness, poise, modesty, external attractiveness, cheerfulness, breadth of outlook. The business qualities of a manager include hard work, initiative, accuracy, professionalism, organization, diligence, energy, responsibility, ability to work, and discipline.

At the same time, practice shows that this division is not only arbitrary, but often does not fully reflect reality. The fact is that the effectiveness of management and the success of the organization are directly related not only to purely professional, but also to all other qualities of a leader. In particular, there are management situations, the successful resolution of which depends decisively on the moral qualities of the leader.

Not by chance a whole series Sources among the qualities of a leader that are important for the effectiveness of management of an organization do not separate professional and individual (personal). Thus, among the most important qualities of business decision makers, special attention is paid to the following (Fig. 1):

Qualities of business decision makers:

motivation self-esteem

and level of aspirations

In the course of his activities, a leader inevitably projects his inner world, their qualities, all their advantages and disadvantages on emerging management situations, on the activities of the team and the development of the organization. Depending on these qualities, situations are harmonized and resolved positively, contribute to the development and strengthening of the team he leads and the organization as a whole, or, on the contrary, they are aggravated, contribute to the emergence of new problems and lead to the decomposition of the team, degradation, destruction and, ultimately, to the liquidation of the organization .

Thus, no less important for the success of a manager’s work is the general attitude towards life and activity and his moral qualities, including respect for people, a sense of duty, loyalty to word and deed, honesty to oneself and to others, enthusiasm for work, optimism, openness, curiosity, creativity, independent judgment, flexibility of behavior, impartiality, the ability to criticize and self-criticize , goodwill, sensitivity, responsiveness, exactingness, generosity, modesty, a sense of the new.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance for leadership and management of a manager’s communicative qualities, and, above all, sociability, tactfulness, the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, the ability to get along with people, politeness, the ability to psychologically correctly influence people, the ability to maintain distance.

Strong-willed qualities such as persistence, patience, self-control, and the ability to concentrate for long periods of time are essential for a manager.

His emotional manifestations are also of great importance for the effectiveness of a manager’s work: natural behavior, ease, sincerity in communication, resistance to stress, emotional stability, and the ability to empathize.

It should be noted other qualities, often forgotten, such as alertness (relaxed composure, instant readiness for adequate action without fuss and overexertion) and sobriety (approach to life and situations in it, in which there is an objective, true assessment of ongoing events and the actions of all those involved persons in them, including himself).

On the other hand, for various areas of a manager’s activity - scientific, practical, consulting - we can identify some qualities that are of particular importance for these areas (Fig. 2).

Manager qualities

Communication skills are extremely important for the activities of a practical leader and consultant in the field of management; they are less important for a scientist specializing in the problems of management science.

It should be kept in mind that in professional activity, especially in its first stages, it is difficult to be successful in everything. Not all types of activities inherent in a manager do not show the same inclinations and abilities of a novice manager. Not all forms and methods inherent in the sphere of management are mastered equally successfully. In this regard, it is important for a novice manager to purposefully form his own individual leadership style, which would take into account, on the one hand, his inclinations and abilities of various kinds individual characteristics, and on the other hand, the need for development professional qualities and self-improvement. In this regard, it is important for a novice manager to have adequate self-esteem, to be aware of his individual characteristics, abilities and inclinations, strengths and weaknesses character, as well as ways and methods of compensating for one’s own shortcomings. The negative qualities of a manager are absolutely unacceptable as they exclude effective social management: treachery, arrogance, inertia (slavish adherence to outdated habits and traditions, inability to perceive and support new things dictated by the needs of life), dogmatism, formalism, authoritarianism.

This kind of knowledge of one’s qualities helps the manager to form an individual management style, contributes to increasing the efficiency of his activities, and therefore the success of the actions of the team he leads, and the stable development of the organization.

To independently assess your qualities, in particular thinking, managerial abilities, volitional factors, and moral qualities of a manager, you should take into account the opinions of others, use introspection, as well as psychological tests.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the desire to engage in organizational activities and communicate with people largely depends on the content of the corresponding forms of activity and on the characteristics of the person himself. To a large extent, this desire is determined by the subjective value and significance for a particular person of the future results of his activities and the attitude towards the people with whom he interacts. Often, tendencies appear in the course of such types of activities and communication, which at first are indifferent to a person, but as he becomes involved in them, they become significant. It is very important here that a person sets goals for his own development, as well as the efforts made by a person to achieve his goal.

For effective leadership at any level of management, two groups of individual qualities of a manager are important:

1. qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities determined by the organization’s field of activity (economics, science, culture, military affairs, etc.). Here great value have education in the field of activity, experience in this field, as well as personal connections in the field of activity of the organization;

2. qualities and skills related to the field of people management and in their essence independent of the organization’s field of activity (leadership qualities and skills, the degree of development of the volitional, intellectual and emotional spheres, moral qualities of a person). In this regard, it is important that knowledge is acquired as a result of possibly very intensive training sessions, complete immersion in work situations, are acquired and consolidated relatively quickly in the presence of a Teacher and sources of information (books, documentation, etc.), as well as practice in working in specific life situations.

At the same time, the will, emotional and intellectual spheres, and moral qualities of a leader (like any person) are formed throughout his life. The development of these qualities requires hard work on oneself, awareness and moral assessment life situations, specific events, their role and place in them. This is a long process, sharp jumps in it are extremely rare and unlikely.

The essence of most problems in the activities of any organization and complex management situations consists of various kinds of ethical conflicts. Conflicts of this kind arise due to differences in the interests of various divisions of the organization, different employees, the interests of an individual employee and the work collective or the entire organization, the interests of the organization and the consumer or society as a whole, etc. To adequately respond to unique management situations and successfully, harmoniously resolve emerging problems in an organization’s activities, it is necessary, first of all, to have the moral qualities of a leader, as well as developed emotional, volitional and intellectual spheres.

Thus, the manager’s personality structure is projected onto the activities of the organization he manages, therefore all qualities of a manager are important for successful management. They cannot be divided into professional and individual qualities that are important for management effectiveness. This is one of the features of the managerial profession.

Some human qualities are of particular importance for different areas of a manager’s activity (practical leadership, management consulting, scientific activity in the field of social management), including: leadership, organizational skills, communication skills.

The profession of a manager not only requires certain qualities in a person for effective management, but also itself develops these qualities over time.

In the conditions of modern management of an organization, a manager must have a number of necessary qualities, both personal and professional.

Professional ones include those that characterize any competent specialist. Possession of them is only a prerequisite for the successful performance of official duties.

These qualities are:

1. high level of education, production experience, competence in the relevant profession;

2. breadth of views, erudition, deep knowledge of not only one’s own, but also related areas of activity;

3. the desire for constant self-improvement, critical perception and rethinking of the surrounding reality;

4. search for new forms and methods of work, helping others master them, training them;

5. the ability to use time rationally and plan your work.

The personal qualities of a manager should also not differ much from the qualities of other employees who want to be respected and taken into account. Here you can mention:

1. high moral standards;

2. physical and psychological health;

3. internal and external culture, justice, honesty;

4. responsiveness, caring, goodwill towards people;

5. optimism, self-confidence.

But possessing them is also just a prerequisite for successful management, because what makes a person a manager is not professional or personal qualities, but business qualities, which must include:

1. the ability to organize the activities of subordinates, provide them with everything necessary, set and distribute tasks, coordinate and control their implementation;

2. dominance, ambition, high level of aspirations, desire for independence, power, leadership in any circumstances, and sometimes at any cost, courage, determination, assertiveness, will, uncompromisingness;

3. contact, communication skills, the ability to win people over, to convince them of the correctness of their point of view (experts believe that 80 percent of a manager’s knowledge should be knowledge about a person);

4. initiative, efficiency in solving problems, the ability to concentrate on the main thing;

5. the ability to manage oneself, one’s behavior, and relationships with others;

6. desire for transformation, innovation, willingness to take risks and involve subordinates.

The requirements for managers in relation to these qualities at different levels of management are not the same.

At low levels, decisiveness, sociability, and some aggressiveness are valued; on average - in to a greater extent communication skills, some conceptual skills; At the highest levels, the ability to think strategically, assess the situation, set new goals, carry out transformations, and organize the creative process of subordinates comes first.

Since a manager at any level not only organizes and directs the work of employees, but also, if necessary, influences their behavior, including off-duty behavior, he must be quite well prepared pedagogically.

Any management activity consists of a certain set of relatively permanent tasks. The scale of the challenges facing modern society, sharply increases the relevance of the problem of managerial competence. Therefore, the number of competencies must correspond to the number of tasks included in the manager’s professional responsibilities.

A successful manager must have high managerial competence, that is, he must not only have a good knowledge of the professional field (production, technology, sales, etc.), but also have knowledge and skills in the field of management (Fig. 1). Only in this case can he succeed.


Competence is knowledge of a range of issues in which a person has knowledge and experience that allows him to judge something, determining the capabilities and skills of a person in any field of activity. The concept of “competence” is used to assess the level of a person’s qualifications in individual issues, problems, but not in professional activities as a whole.

A. Novikov puts the following meaning into the concepts of “professionalism” and “competence”: “When they talk about professionalism, they first of all mean a person’s mastery of technology - be it the technology of processing materials, accounting, designing machines, growing crops or construction work. Competence implies, in addition to technological training, a number of other components that are mainly non-professional or supra-professional in nature, but at the same time necessary to one degree or another for every specialist. These are, first of all, such personality qualities as independence, the ability to make responsible decisions, a creative approach to any task, the ability to bring it to the end, and the ability to constantly learn. This is flexibility of thinking, the presence of abstract, systematic and experimental thinking. This is the ability to conduct dialogue and communication skills, the ability to cooperate, etc. Above the actual professional - technological - training there grows a huge non-professional superstructure of requirements for a specialist."

Professional competencies can be divided into the following categories:

Competencies related to work and intelligence level;

Knowledge-level competencies: what needs to be learned and known;

Skill-level competencies: what a person should be able to do;

Competencies at the behavioral level: attitudes, principles, norms and values, demeanor and other qualities necessary to occupy a certain position.

Expert analysis allowed us to determine the following characteristic features professional competencies:

1. multifunctionality (mastery of them allows you to solve various problems in everyday, professional or social life);

2. belonging to the meta-educational field (they are cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary and applicable in a variety of situations);

3. intellectual capacity (they require abstract thinking, self-reflection, self-identification, self-esteem, etc.);

4. multidimensionality (they include various mental processes: analytical, communicative, know-how, common sense, etc.).

The term “competence” can also be defined as a set of knowledge (subject “what”, procedural “how”, value-semantic “why and why”), responsibility equal to authority, and personal characteristics of a person that ensure the effectiveness of his work activity.

Competencies, in our opinion, are fundamentally different from the triad of “knowledge, abilities, skills.”

Firstly, they define larger units of analysis of professional activity (these are essential parts of a specific activity).

Secondly, they include professionally important personality traits of a manager.

The same knowledge may be included in different competencies, but at the same time they change significantly. Therefore, we can say that competence transforms existing knowledge, adapting it to a specific subject and conditions, making it inextricably linked with professional actions. The core of competence is “skills”. Their combination and interrelation forms the internal structure of competence.

M.A. Kholodnaya defines competence as a special type of organization of subject-specific knowledge that allows making effective decisions in the relevant field of activity.

V.S. Gorchakova emphasizes that competence as a thorough knowledge (which, of course, is formed through intensive practice) of any subject activity consists of two equally important components: the best adaptation to the relevant activity and further qualitative transformation of this activity. At the same time, the author distinguishes:

1) basic reproductive competence based on the recreated;

2) creative competence, which is based on what is personally transformed (incremented or added).

In practice, three are used different meanings concepts of "competence":

First, the unique characteristics of the organization, consisting of knowledge, technology and processes that can be created and developed. Such competencies that apply to the entire organization are called core competencies. These competencies are closely related to the organizational balanced scorecard.

Secondly, the totality of knowledge, experience, skills, values, norms, and behavior patterns of an individual employee, which serves as the basis for his personal success and position in society. This individual competency is closely linked to the personal balanced scorecard.

Thirdly, the body of knowledge, skills, values, norms, and behavior patterns necessary to perform a given job. This professional competence is related to individual plan work and is included in the competency profile.

Some management textbooks highlight socio-psychological competence, which means:

1) the ability to understand oneself (which involves awareness of one’s own motives, communication capabilities, and behavioral patterns);

2) the ability to understand other people (which involves understanding the needs, motives of other people, their behavioral characteristics, and the psychological defenses used);

3) the ability to understand the relationships between people (which means the ability to adequately perceive the communication situation, the relationships that develop in the process of communication, to realize one’s own influence on the communication process, to understand the reasons for the difficulties that arise);

4) the ability to predict interpersonal situations (which is impossible without the development of all the abilities described above, and also requires knowledge about the obstacles to mutual understanding and the use of constructive communication techniques).

L. Iacocca once wrote about the importance of socio-psychological, or communicative, competence of managers. He attributed the fact that students with brilliant abilities became very mediocre managers to the fact that they were not sociable.

Later, the concept of social intelligence emerged as something that managers need more than general intelligence, as measured by IQ. For managers to be highly effective, it is enough to have an average level of general intelligence. The test developed by J. Guilford allows one to measure social intelligence and can be used in the selection of managers, but not for their development.

Examples of professional competencies: delegation, coaching, management, independent work, customer orientation, collaboration, interpersonal skills, organization, process orientation, proactiveness, inspiration, determination, persuasion, etc.

As domestic enterprises develop and grow in capitalization, it becomes increasingly obvious that the main thing character in an organization - a manager. He is the one who makes many decisions every day and is responsible for quality work. structural divisions. The role of the head of a modern Russian organization cannot be overestimated. Sociologists note the internal heterogeneity and inconsistency of this social group, which includes both leaders of the old formation and a new generation of managers who support market values ​​and the guidelines they include for the development of enterprises and the economy as a whole.

The changes that have taken place in our country place high demands on the competence of managers of a modern organization.

One can imagine the competence of a manager as a combination of three spheres of his existence in the organization: his affairs (I can - formed by professional training), his feelings (I want - formed by upbringing and organizational culture) and his thoughts (I know - formed by education). By the degree of their expression and the dominance of one or the other, one can judge the level of competence of the manager.

The head of an organization determines 80% of what the organization he heads will look like, what management technologies it will choose, what kind of people will work in it and what behavioral norms will prevail. Time goes by, society is changing. Today the country feels the need to search for new management methods and professional leaders and managers. Russian companies need leaders who build their relationships with the organization and employees on the principles of professionalism, cooperation, mutual respect and interest, and a clear understanding of mutual obligations.

The modern Russian manager is in an environment of constant change and uncertainty. Some tasks in his activities lose their significance and disappear altogether, others are somehow transformed, or change in some way. At the same time, new tasks appear that require even greater restructuring of professional activities. There is a need for new competencies. By conducting a specific analysis of the new tasks facing the manager, it is possible to model the competence that the manager lacks and offer special program training.

On different stages socio-economic development competencies are changing. However, a modern Russian manager must manage tasks, resources, people, information, quality, projects and organizational changes. This is a universal competency model that can change depending on the needs of the organization (Table 1).

Table 1

Top manager competency model


Leadership level of development

Communicates high expectations to its employees. Helps employees believe in success and make every effort to achieve their plans. Creates a system for assessing achievements. Supports employees during periods of failure

Strong level of development

Sets goals at a level that is challenging but realistic. Highlights ways to evaluate your achievements. Able to be tenacious, active and selective over a long period of failure

Basic level of development

Tenacious, striving for success. Does not give up when faced with temporary setbacks. Focuses on a specific result, not a process. Initiative

Wants to succeed. Doesn't always show sufficient persistence. When faced with failures, he may lose faith in himself. Shows initiative in some cases

Competence is not developed

Doesn't try to succeed. Satisfied with the results obtained

Conflict Management

Leadership level of development

Sets the norm for a constructive attitude towards disagreements in the team. Requires employees to reach agreement among themselves without leading the situation to conflict. In the event of a conflict, acts as a competent mediator, helping the parties come to an agreement

Strong level of development

Knows how to identify the deep interests of his interlocutor. Avoids discussing stated positions, moving on to discussing deep-seated interests. Resourceful in finding new solutions that suit both parties. Able to avoid conflict even when communicating with an unconstructive employee

Basic level of development

When faced with disagreements, he looks for a compromise solution. Finds out the other person's position. Shows understanding and respect for the position of another, even when it contradicts his own. Able to change positions and be flexible in finding compromises. With the mutual will of the parties, disagreements do not lead to conflict

Competence is not sufficiently developed

Faced with disagreements, he tries to come to an agreement. At the same time, he holds on to his position. Not flexible. Refuses to understand the position of the interlocutor

Competence is not developed

Provokes colleagues to conflict. In case of disagreement, takes an unconstructive position

The most important thing for a top manager is the ability to be a leader. In addition, the manager must be a strategist, assess the potential capabilities of people, and manage organizational knowledge.

Thus, the development of professional competence and competence of a modern Russian manager involves the development and implementation of a complex of modern professional knowledge and practical skills, their application, mastery of effective social management skills and human technologies

Competencies are fundamentally different from the triad of “knowledge, abilities, skills.” Firstly, they define larger units of analysis of professional activity (these are essential parts of a specific activity). Secondly, they include professionally important personality traits of a manager. The core of competence is “skills”. Their combination and interrelation forms the internal structure of competence.

One can imagine a manager's competence as a combination of three spheres of his existence in the organization: his affairs, his feelings and his thoughts. By the degree of their expression and the dominance of one or the other, one can judge the level of competence of the manager.

Modern researchers of the competency-based approach (A.K. Markova, L.A. Stepnova, E.V. Zemtsova, A.I. Subetto) identify the following basic competencies of managers 11 Lukashenko M.A. Professional competencies of a manager

· Result-oriented, achievement-oriented. The ability to be responsible for the implementation of decisions, the ability to set new ambitious goals upon achieving previous ones. Task-oriented and relationship-oriented behavior.

· Flexibility. The ability to quickly and adequately respond to emergency situations, see and identify a problem, find ways to solve it, assemble a team for implementation, and evaluate the results.

· Ability to learn and self-learn. Learning ability, sensitivity to new methods and technologies, ability to apply new things in practice. Ability for self-analysis. Willingness to analyze your achievements and shortcomings, look at familiar things with different eyes, and wisely use other people's experience.

· Influence, ability to persuade. Ability to stand up own opinion. Use logic when conducting constructive conversations. Mastery of influence techniques. Ability to identify and use people's motives. Ability to ask the right questions and determine the level of awareness and emotional state partner.

· Ability to listen to others and accept feedback. The ability to create channels of two-way communication - abstract from your opinions and thoughts, concentrate on the words of your interlocutor. Good auditory and visual memory. Possession in different ways feedback. Ability to effectively encourage and criticize others.

· Presentation and negotiation skills. Ability to determine the goals and objectives of the presentation, the interests of the audience. Constructing an effective introduction, connecting phrases, the main part and conclusion of the presentation. Mastery of persuasion strategies and public speaking skills. Knowledge of the stages of an effective negotiation process. The ability to determine the interests of participants and choose the best alternative. Ability to discuss, propose, and conduct positional bargaining. Mastery of manipulation techniques and the ability to resist them.

· Customer focus. Knowledge of customer service policies and standards. Focus on current and future customer needs. Ability to behave correctly with different types"difficult" clients. Ability to build partnerships with clients, ability to recognize additional opportunities and risks in relationships with clients.

· Manager competencies also include: analytical skills, creativity, organizational skills, ability to work in a team, etc.

Thus, each type of management activity has its own special competencies. The difference in employee competencies is due to the difference in their functional responsibilities, as well as the demand for their skills, knowledge and personal qualities necessary to perform these duties.

When considering professional competencies, most researchers distinguish between simple (basic) competencies and key competencies.

Professional competencies of a manager– his ability to perform work according to the requirements of the position. In turn, the latter are usually called tasks, standards for their implementation, which are accepted in a particular organization or industry.

Key professional competencies of the head of an organization

  • Achievement orientation;
  • Successful work with data, decision making;
  • Organization of activities, control;
  • Motivation and development of employees;
  • Ability to influence subordinates;
  • Ability to organize your own work.

For the manager it is important to focus on achievements, the ability to set completely achievable, but at the same time ambitious goals. It is equally important to be able to work with information and make the right decisions based on its analysis. A competent leader is able to properly organize work and control activities. The professional skills and managerial competencies of a manager include his ability to create conditions for subordinates that allow the latter to do their job with desire.

Of course, a leader must be able to influence the decisions of his subordinates. To do this you need to have:

  • Oratory skills;
  • Authority among employees;
  • Ability to conduct meetings and lead a group;
  • Ability to quickly navigate unforeseen situations.

In turn, the organization own work presupposes the ability of a person holding a leadership position to plan, organize, and correctly distribute his working hours. It is important to be able to set priorities, use delegation as a way to save time and develop the skills of subordinates.

Other professional competencies of the head of the organization

  • Knowledge of the basics of marketing to position the company in the market.
  • Ability to manage finances and use investment tools.
  • Understanding market laws in order to properly organize sales.
  • Competent implementation of business administration, etc.

These competencies are largely based on the qualifications of the manager. They are determined by the set of professional knowledge that a person holding a leadership position must have. In this case, it is necessary that the manager has not only work experience, but also appropriate education, since, for example, the ability to use investment tools is based on knowledge of the process of working with investments.

Development of professional competencies of a manager

Key competencies leaders are more based on personal characteristics. Their improvement allows you to achieve the desired result and become the most competent manager. For this purpose, it is better to use the help of professionals to develop the professional competencies of a manager. Trainings for those holding management positions provide an opportunity to develop or improve managerial skills.

Trainings for managers allow you to learn how to manage projects, changes and other components of leadership work, develop strategic thinking and communication competence. With their help, you can learn about many important aspects of good management, which makes it possible to more effectively manage a company in a variety of conditions.

general manager

Lewis Carroll, "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

Distortions in management are the result of uneven development of managerial competencies of a manager

to whom: owners, top managers, executives and those who want to become them

How to look in the mirror so that it brings you more money

The article provides a comprehensive list of manager competencies for effective management of subordinates according to Alexander Friedman. After reading, you will be able to shape the vector of your management development and, as a logical result, earn more money for yourself and your company. Soon the fairy tale will unfold, but not soon the deed will be done. First, a little lyrics...

"Supervisor! There is so much in this sound...”

"Supervisor! How much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart! How much echoed in him...”- I’ll allow myself to correct a phrase from the famous poem by Alexander Pushkin.

“Being a leader is glorious and honorable. Know yourself, give orders and puff out your cheeks.”, - with these thoughts in their heads, many dream of becoming leaders. The worst thing is that many that's how they behave taking a leadership position.

Are the symptoms familiar: “It’s easier to do it yourself”, “Slippage”, “Ignoring standards”?

God forbid that you, looking at your managerial competencies, deceive yourself!

True, with this approach, one fine day the following unpleasant symptoms appear in your company/division: “It’s easier to do it yourself than to delegate it to subordinates”, the solution of elementary problems proceeds with significant “slippage”, subordinates ignore quality standards and technology for performing work.

As I already mentioned in my previous article “ ”, in such a situation, first of all need to look in the mirror and draw conclusions.

“I would lead others, let them teach me”

Okay, let's say you agree (after reading the article from the previous paragraph) that the leader bears full responsibility for all the actions of his subordinates. “Okay, he’s carrying it. But what to do with this? How to correct the current situation in the company/division?”- impatient cries are heard from the hall.

Have you ever thought that to be an effective leader you need to have certain management competencies? Unfortunately, they are not transferred along with the portfolio. And there are only two options - either rely solely on your experience (as many do), or - purposefully develop your competencies(experience in this case will be a good addition).

There are only two options: either rely solely on your experience (as many do), or purposefully develop your competencies

But!.. In order to develop something purposefully, it must first be defined. In my professional activities I try to avoid “reinventing bicycles”. Therefore, the basis for the development of leaders in “ Open Studio” took Alexander Friedman system“A set of manager competencies for effectively managing the work of subordinates.”

Management competencies: does so much depend on them?

My modest managerial experience has shown that the circuit is 100% working. With its help, I identified my most underdeveloped (and some, I’m afraid to say, completely absent) competencies. And then - everything is simple and complex at the same time - I took up their purposeful development. In fact, I continue to do this on a regular basis.

Checklist “Three groups of manager competencies for effectively managing the work of subordinates according to Alexander Friedman”

It makes sense to work with groups sequentially. First of all, start working on your competencies from “Group No. 1”, then from “Group No. 2”, and only after that – take seriously “Group No. 3”.

How can you make the material below as useful as possible for yourself? Use it as a kind of checklist. List all your skills/competencies in your spreadsheet.. Rate each one's level of proficiency on a five-point scale. Next to each item, indicate your next steps to develop this competency.

For those who want to get my personal current table, I have prepared a little surprise at the end of the article.

Group No. 1 “Managing your own efficiency”

  1. Development of solutions
  2. Presentation of solutions
  3. Planning
  4. Self-development

Competencies from this group are determined primarily personal effectiveness leader. I propose to analyze each in detail.

1.1. Development of solutions

The most important thing is that before making any decision, define goals that you plan to achieve. Avoid the first solution that comes to mind (always take time out to think).

Consider several alternative solutions. Make a list of relevant criteria

Think of a few alternative options solutions. Compose list of significant criteria, by which you will decide “which option to choose.” To improve the quality of management decisions, it is useful to master the basics of logical thinking and methods of qualitative information analysis.

1.2. Presentation of solutions

In fact, this “selling” your solution: subordinates, colleagues, senior managers. Why is this necessary? “Sold” decisions are implemented with much more enthusiasm (efficiency).

In developing this competence, materials on conducting, creating and logical structuring presentations.

1.3. Operational planning

We are talking about both planning your own work and using planning for all subordinates. However, we should not forget that monitoring the implementation of plans is also important. This is discussed below in the “Control” competency from “Group No. 2”.

1.4. Self-development

Everything is simple here. You need to constantly improve (everyone knows, but no one does), both in managing people and in the targeted development of your management competencies. Work on a regular basis cupping their shortcomings.

Learn to listen carefully to constructive criticism. Just don’t confuse your goals: You need find yours weak points for the purpose of their further development, and not to engage in “soul-searching”. Within the limits of competence, I recommend using good values ​​from Vladimir Tarasov: “Choose a horizontal career” and “Tell yourself the truth.” You can start with the article "".

Group No. 2 “Managing the actions of subordinates”

  1. Group management
  2. Regulation
  3. Delegation
  4. Coordination
  5. Control
  6. Operational motivation

Competencies from this group allow you to achieve required behavior of subordinates from the point of view of the management system through the formation of “rules of the game” and monitoring their compliance.

2.1. Competency "Group management"

Need to study rules and patterns of both group behavior and organization of group work. Where will it be useful? Conducting meetings, group discussions, managing the collective work of subordinates, etc.

Regularly occurring extremes: directive method of group management or total anarchy. If this is the case with you, this indicates that the manager needs to seriously “pump up” this competency.

2.2. Regulation

It is necessary to develop both in yourself and in your subordinates. While unregulated business processes remain in your company, their implementation depends only on the quality of memory, knowledge and goodwill of your employees.

All the secrets of setting systems of regulations“I’m burning” in the article “”.

2.3. Delegation

Delegation is the setting of a detailed task, taking into account the area of ​​immediate development of the subordinate, and not just short words"do it..."

Delegation- transfer of work, as well as responsibility and authority to subordinates. When delegating, it is necessary consider 2 important factors:

  • complexity of the task, its novelty, criticality / importance of the result.
  • knowledge, experience, personal characteristics of the subordinate (in other words, the employee’s area of ​​immediate development).

An important point: if the situation is such that you cannot delegate most tasks due to the low level of configuration of the specified factors in the subordinate, then it either needs to be developed to the required level; or, - if he does not want and / or cannot develop, - fire. Stop deceiving yourself - a miracle will not happen!

In my opinion, for effective application delegation is very useful to have implemented in your company/division “ ”. Otherwise, you can delegate effectively, but the results of the work performed will disappoint you again and again.

2.4. Coordination

Ability to support “feedback” mode when performing tasks by subordinates, provide them with support during the work process. I recommend distinguishing support from attempts by subordinates to “transplant the monkey” (to return, in whole or in part, the work previously delegated to them).

Moving the “monkeys” is necessary nip in the bud. You shouldn’t exclude the possibility that your subordinates are “transplanting monkeys” because that’s what they’re used to (you yourself allowed them to do so before!). A simple recommendation: As soon as you encounter a similar problem, ask a straightforward question: “Do you want to transplant a monkey for me, or maybe I somehow misunderstood the current situation?”

Read more about how not to become a "victim of monkeys" "".

2.5. Control

The essence of control is assessing the compliance of the parameters of the task and the result obtained. Control is divided into 3 main types:

  • Start control: make sure once again that the subordinate has everything necessary to complete the task, and that he understood it correctly.
  • Intermediate control: assessment of the correctness of the task at intermediate stages (it is important to arrange these stages so that it is not too late to correct detected deviations).
  • Final control: assessment of the final result obtained. I recommend that you pay attention to the fact that tasks are never 99% completed. The result of a task can only have 2 options: either it is completed completely, or it is not completed.
Pay special attention to the starting and intermediate controls. At the finish line, it is often too late to correct anything.

Based on the results of the control, there must be appreciated the quality of the work done, as well as its results. What to do if the result is negative? Find the reason first. And only then identify and punish those responsible.

2.6. Operational motivation

The leader must understand basic motivational theories, as well as in all the features of the corporate motivation system. If subordinates (and especially the manager) do not understand the motivation system, then it simply stops working.

Therefore, the task of the manager is to convey to his subordinates (to the stage of 100% understanding) everything nuances corporate system motivation+ add personal methods of operational motivation from your arsenal as complementary ones. Read more about one of the effective methods of motivation "".

By the way, a quick question: “Who is a motivated employee?” Come on, my friend, we are not at the exam. Motivated employee- this is a person who wants to do his job the way the company needs it.

Group No. 3 “Managing the thinking of subordinates”

  1. Operational Leadership
  2. Communication techniques
  3. Coaching

The dream of any leader is to influence the actions and actions of subordinates. through their thinking. And thanks to this, achieve the desired result of the work. Well, why not a fairy tale?

Ah, no! It's not that simple. Competencies from “Groups No. 3” I recommend mastering and actively using only after an upgrade in competencies from “Groups No. 1” And “Groups No. 2”. No, well, of course you can start from here. Let me guess who you are: a hypnotist or a genius?

3.1. Operational Leadership

Leadership is the ability to influence subordinates without using his official powers. In order to build competence, it makes sense to develop your emotional quotient (EQ).

I am sure that many would like to understand in more detail what leadership is. About leadership mechanisms Vladimir Tarasov talks in great detail in the audio course “Personal Management Art”. I highly recommend listening, taking notes and listening again.

Is it possible to do without operational leadership? Yes, you can. However, with “leadership” the performance of your company/department will predictably be higher than without it. By the way, the word “operational” means limited to the professional framework of your work relationships.

3.2. Communication techniques

Used for strengthening all other competencies(the way you communicate with subordinates, colleagues, managers, others). It is communication that will determine the effectiveness of interaction (hence the effectiveness of your work) with colleagues, subordinates, and management. An obvious consequence: the better your command of communication techniques, the You will achieve more at work and in life.

Of course, there are people who have communications “from God,” but what to do if this is not about you. It's OK. Your task is to develop this competence at least to intermediate level. This will be more than enough to successfully complete the tasks of a manager. I recommend reading "".

3.3. Coaching

Assisting subordinates in both setting up and in achieving your professional goals. But this competence must be used extremely carefully. Before “taking someone into coaching”, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors: the moral and psychological state of the person, his capabilities, the area of ​​immediate development, experience, etc.

Benefit from competence - an employee can achieve much more greater efficiency and work results(few people win serious competitions without a coach).

Both the employee and the company win. Both make more money and are more competitive in the market

In my opinion, with the right approach we get the situation “Win-Win”: 1) The value of a subordinate on the labor market increases, he can achieve more in life. 2) The company receives additional profit due to a more experienced and efficient employee.

What is the most important responsibility of a leader?

There are many disputes about which of the manager's responsibilities is more important. In my opinion, one of the important responsibilities of a leader is engage in regular development and improvement of your management competencies.

Many imbalances in the management of your company/department (and they always exist in one form or another) are a consequence of the extremely uneven ratio between your degree of proficiency in the above competencies.

Let’s assume that you have a well-established “Planning” in your company/department. However, if you do not have the “Control” competency, then all the benefits of planning will be wasted. And the constant failure to fulfill plans and assigned tasks, instead of benefit, will undermine the basis of the management system and your authority.

Homework for managers

Now take a pencil in your hand and write down your homework:

  1. Make yourself a table with a list of the above-mentioned managerial competencies of a leader.
  2. Rate your proficiency in each of them on a five-point scale.
  3. Next to each item, indicate your next steps to develop this competency. Yes, preferably with specific deadlines.

I'll give my table to good hands

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