Concert Hall “At Finlyandsky. Concert hall "At Finlyandsky Arsenalnaya embankment 13 1 theater carom

For more than 50 years, the beloved St. Petersburgers and guests of our city have hospitably opened its doors to viewers. Concert hall near Finlyandsky. The building was built in 1954 according to the design of architects G.I. Ivanova, N.V. Baranova, N.G. Ageeva, harmoniously fit into the architectural appearance of Lenin Square and Arsenalnaya Embankment.

The chronicle of the Concert Hall is rich in performances by bright stars and talents. In the 60s, the philharmonic focus of concert activity was determined. Each season opened with an original concert by the great composer Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich. The concerts were attended by leading soloists of the country, the Leningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, the composer’s son Maxim Shostakovich was at the conductor’s stand, and performances the best musicians: Boris Gutnikov and Mikhail Vaitman, Pavel Serebryakov and Ekaterina Murina.

In this hall they started their creative life performers who have become world stars: Elena Obraztsova, Lyudmila Zykina, Boris Shtokolov. Leading musicians and masters shone on this stage artistic word, domestic and foreign pop artists: Ben Bentsianov, Galina Kareva, Edita Piekha, Eduard Khil, Lyudmila Senchina, Anna German, French pantomime master Marcel Marceau.

In the 70s, another direction was determined creative activity hall - jazz. Musicians who have today become classics of jazz gathered here to sell-out houses: A. Kozlovsky, D. Goloshchekin, L. Chizhik, I. Bril, the jazz orchestras of A. Kroll and O. Lundstrem. In the early 80s, spectators enthusiastically attended original concerts of Soviet composers and songwriters: Andrei Petrov, Ian Frenkel, Mark Fradkin, Mikael Tariverdiev, Veniamin Basner, Maxim Dunaevsky.

Performances and literary evenings with the participation of famous actors theater and cinema: S. Yursky and A. Filippenko, Z. Gerdt, M. Kazakov, V. Smekhov; authors-performers B. Okudzhava, A. Dolsky, A. Gorodnitsky, V. Dolina, Y. Kukin, O. Mityaev. Leading directors G. Tovstonogov, M. Zakharov, L. Dodin, M. Rozovsky, I. Vladimirov, A. Sokurov, S. Govorukhin - this list can be listed endlessly!

The hall was always looking for new forms, not afraid to experiment, and strived to discover new names. Romance and Russian folk song, concerts of bards, evenings of music for button accordion and accordion, rock concerts, creative meetings with famous cultural figures, performances for children and adults, evenings of opera and operetta remain to this day the main directions of the repertoire policy of the hall.

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Alexander Gorodnitsky “Birthday” On April 4, a concert of the poet, songwriter, one of the founders of the bard song Alexander will take place in the Concert Hall “U Finlyandskogo”...More Alexander Gorodnitsky “Birthday” On April 4, a concert of the poet, songwriter, one of the founders of bard song Alexander Gorodnitsky with the “Birthday” program will take place at the Concert Hall “U Finlandsky”. At this concert there will be a presentation of the book of poems and songs “Ocean of Times” and a film about the history of the author’s song “String and Word”. His songs have already become classics: “Snow”, “Over Canada”, “The French Ambassador’s Wife”, “Atlanteans Hold the Sky on Stone Hands”, “Guadeloupe Island” and many others. According to tradition, the concert will feature both early and new songs, of which the poet has over last year a lot appeared. Peter - hometown Alexander Gorodnitsky. Here he was born and raised, studied here, survived the blockade, and went to sea from here. And that’s why he brings new songs to his hometown. Gorodnitsky is a traveler and scientist, but for us he is primarily a bard and poet. Creativity and science are a dual fusion, the core and basis of his life... Although Alexander Gorodnitsky has been living in Moscow for many years, he still feels like a Leningrader and continues to write about his beloved city.A. Gorodnitsky is a wonderful storyteller! In each of his concerts you can hear amazing stories from his life - the life of a legendary poet and scientist, whose fate is refracted through the fate of the country. He wrote about 250 scientific works and about the same number of songs. Alexander Moiseevich considers the fact that many of his songs literally “went among the people” to be the highest form of recognition. Poems and songs by A.M. Gorodnitsky are translated into the languages ​​of many peoples of the world, included in school curricula. Gorodnitsky is one of the leading Russian scientists in the field of geology and geophysics of the ocean, professor, honored scientist Russian Federation, academician Russian Academy natural sciences, author and presenter of the scientific and educational television program “Atlanta. In search of truth.” Completely incredible, but true: this same person is the author of more than three dozen books of poetry, songs and memoir prose, several dozen discs with original songs, a member of the Russian Writers' Union, laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize and the first laureate of the Bulat State Prize Okudzhava. The song “Atlanteans hold the sky on stone hands” and its author have become symbols of St. Petersburg. Gorodnitsky, a man of amazing destiny and enormous talent, himself looks like an Atlantean. At the end of each concert of Alexander Gorodnitsky, the entire audience stands up in one impulse and performs his famous song together with the author. People at his concerts different generations become like-minded people, since Alexander Gorodnitsky knows how to create a special atmosphere, infecting the audience with his energy of a real “sixties” and romantic. Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes with one intermission. Collapse

For more than half a century, the concert hall at the Finlyandsky Station, beloved by St. Petersburg residents and guests of the city, has hospitably welcomed spectators. Today it is often called in a modern manner - U Filyandskogo Concert Hall. The building was built in 1954 according to the design of architects G.I. Ivanov, N.V. Baranov, N.G. Ageeva and very succinctly fit into architectural ensemble Arsenalnaya embankment.

About the concert hall

Initially, the activities of the concert hall were philharmonic in orientation. IN different times Dmitry Shostakovich, Elena Obraztsova, Boris Shtokolov and others performed on the stage of the House of Culture. Accompanied concerts symphony orchestra Leningrad Philharmonic, led by the best conductors of St. Petersburg, Moscow and all of Russia. Over time, the hall gained popularity and began to attract domestic and foreign pop stars. Edita Piekha, Eduard Khil, Ben Betsianov and even pantomime master Marcel Marceau gave concerts here.

Today, based on the concert hall near the Finlyandsky Station, it operates children's theater Cannon. The artists delight young spectators and their parents with excellent performances, which traditionally begin at 12:00.

You can view the poster on the official KZ website -

The repertoire includes not only classic favorites, but also thematic performances. In anticipation New Year's holidays, in December, the troupe shows magical interactive fairy tales and even holds Christmas trees.

The repertoire also includes events for adults. These are performances famous artists, concerts classical music, festivals, creative evenings and even performances by invited theater troupes - opera, music, drama. They usually start at 18-00 or 19-00.

Pay attention! The exact schedule needs to be clarified on the official website in the “Events” section - there are often earlier and later events.

On the eve of May 9, Finlyandsky traditionally holds festive concert, which will be interesting to both adults and children. Admission to it is free, however, tickets are distributed mainly to organizations and veterans. There are a few places freely available, but you need to book them in advance.

Not long ago, the concert hall near the Finlyandsky Station was renovated. Thanks to excellent acoustics and high-quality technical equipment, any event taking place on stage turns into a colorful, spectacular show, a visit to which will certainly become one of the most vivid impressions of a visit to St. Petersburg.

Practical information

The concert hall is located at Arsenalnaya Embankment 13/1, a five-minute walk from the Finlyandsky Station. Getting there is not difficult - the nearest stop is public transport, Lenin Square, and the metro station of the same name are located 100 meters from the main entrance. You can get here not only by metro, but also by buses, trams and minibuses.

If you have any questions about visiting conc. hall, availability of tickets, you can always contact the manager by phone 8-812-542-37-32 or directly to the box office by phone 8-812-542-09-44.

Pay attention! The manager and cash desks are open from 11-00 to 19-00, you only need to call during this time.

How to buy event tickets

If you decide to visit the concert hall near the Finland Station, the official website will help you find out up-to-date information about all events. But you won’t be able to buy tickets there - you’ll have to contact the box office or specialized ticket agencies in St. Petersburg; many of them offer online sales and free courier delivery orders within the city. If possible, it is better to do this in advance, as many events are popular and the hall is often sold out.

Cash desks are open daily from 11-00 to 19-00, with a break from 15-00 to 16-00. For information on ticket availability, please call 8-812-542-09-44.

Pay attention! Cash desks carry out sales in cash only.

Other information

Today, KZ U Finlyandskogo is considered one of the most cozy and atmospheric in the city - not a single photo conveys all its splendor.

The hall has a capacity of 602 seats, 570 in the stalls and 32 in the boxes. The main question, which viewers are asking - which ones should they choose, if there are no explanations on the diagram presented on the official website? Audibility is ideal at any point, but in terms of visibility it is better, especially if you are going to an event with small theatergoers, to choose the first rows. For spectators in the boxes, part of the stage is covered by columns.

As for free time during intermission, you can take it by visiting temporary exhibitions in the lobby, the themes of which change periodically. But, unfortunately, you cannot visit the concert hall outside the event - there are no excursions inside it. If a visit of this kind is planned, it will have to be limited to an external inspection of the building.

You can have a snack before or after the performance at one of the nearby cafes and restaurants - Imperia, Tsar-Pyshka, Pyshechnaya, Sever-Metropol. In the concert hall itself, the buffet is often not open even during events, and without them it is completely closed.

The concert hall near the Finlyandsky Station is a great place to have a great time in the few hours remaining before the train departs - regardless of whether the tourist is traveling alone or in a group.

And even if the events from the repertoire do not fit into the schedule, you can still take a look at the building located on the embankment. In November, not far from it, on Lenin Square, one of the most beautiful Christmas trees cities. And already in March-April, standing right at the main entrance, you can enjoy the construction of bridges. If you believe the reviews, the view is excellent.

Pay attention! In the summer, it is convenient to combine a visit to the concert hall with a visit to another magnificent show - the beautiful singing fountains on Lenin Square.