Summary of GCD in the junior group: Safety rules with strangers. Conversation “Danger of contacts with strangers” (preparatory group) Meeting with a stranger senior group lesson

Summary of a safety lesson in the preparatory group

"How to Deal with Strangers"

Goals: Help children develop safe life skills and key communication competencies (responsible attitude towards themselves and people, caution, readiness to act in inappropriate situations).

To prevent possible negative situations for a child if he is alone in the house or on the street, to help children develop skills of correct behavior when meeting strangers.

To promote the development of caution, attention, and ingenuity.

To promote a responsible attitude towards one’s life and health.

Equipment: Projector, screen for viewing presentations "How to behave with strangers" . Illustrations for the fairy tales “The Golden Key”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Little Red Riding Hood”


1. Organizing children for joint activities.

2. Work on mastering new material.

3. Work on consolidating new material

4. Summary.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory conversation between the teacher and the children.

Children, look how many guests have come to us. Look carefully and tell me, do you know all the guests?

The people you have already seen are familiar to you.These are acquaintances .

What can you call those people whom you have never seen and do not know?Strangers, strangers.

Guys, what kind of person do we call a stranger? (Children's answers.)

Remember, this is a person you do not know personally.

He may call you by name, say that he knows one of your relatives, be called a colleague of your dad or mom, a friend of your grandfather, but all these words mean nothing. After all, he could have specifically found out your name or simply heard what your friends call you. And the best thing for you guys is not to enter into any conversations with strangers!

Game “Beware of the Stranger!” (we consider situations.)

Situation one. A stranger (an adult) persuades a girl or boy to go somewhere with him, offers something interesting, and introduces himself as his mother’s acquaintance.

Possible answers : “Thank you, I’m in a hurry!”; “Sorry, my mother is waiting for me”; “I already rode today”; “I don’t want to talk to you!” etc.

(During the discussion, the teacher should make the children aware that it is better not to enter into a conversation with strangers, and if a conversation does take place, then you need to answer politely, briefly, by all appearances showing that you are not interested in this person, that you are in a hurry, they are waiting for you).

If aunt came up

And she took me aside,

And she gave me some candy,

And I talked to you,

I asked about my parents:

“Are Mom and Dad at work?”

What if she's a bad aunt?

I'll give you one piece of advice:

Say more often: no.

“Me with a stranger without permission

They didn’t tell me to talk.”

Can you give me this offer?

Repeat twelve times.

Situation two. A pleasant-looking young man invites a boy or girl to take a ride in his new car: “Sit down! I'll take you around our house! Do you want to turn the steering wheel? We’ll ride around a little, and even mom won’t know!”

Possible answers : “Thank you, I’m in a hurry!”; “Sorry, my mother is waiting for me”; “I already rode today”; “We have the same car”; “I don’t want to talk to you!” etc.

Then there is a discussion of the answers and identification of the most successful ones.

If the uncle is very kind,

And there are no friends nearby,

Maybe he just wants

Take away your bike?

If he doesn't know you,

Why is he calling you?

Suddenly he promises everything

And will he take him away from his mother?

Situation three. A stranger calls the apartment. He explains that he brought a telegram.

The children are alone at home.

Possible answers : “Now I’ll call my mother (they call a neighbor)”; “Mom is in the bathroom, wait a little,” etc.

(Make it clear that the door cannot be opened if there are no parents in the house).

The doorbell rings, but mom is not there.

Maybe a neighbor came

Maybe mechanic Nikolai -

Don't open it to anyone!

A complete stranger says

You say: “Mom is not at home.”

Don't let him home!

Situation four.The boy is home alone. The phone rings, he picks it up and hears:

Hello boy! Are your parents at home now? I forgot your address, could you remind me of it?

Possible answers:

“Now I’ll call dad to the phone.” “Dad is busy now, tell me your phone number, he will call you back.”

(Under no circumstances should you tell strangers your address when there are no adults at home).

Situation five. The child is lost. What will he do?

    Run and look for mom.

    To stand in the place where you were lost.

    Contact the policeman for help.

    He will go with an unfamiliar aunt, who will say that she just saw his mother, who is crying and looking for him.

    He will ask a passerby to take him to the nearest police station.

    Contact the seller or controller for help.

    He will ask a passerby to call the police and report that he is lost and is in some place, etc..

Discuss all the options with the children and choose the most correct one.

(In this situation, knowing your address will be very useful, home phone. And even a stranger can come to your aid).

Rules of conduct with strangers:

    Do not get into a car with strangers.

    Do not engage in conversation with a stranger on the street.

    Do not agree to go anywhere with a stranger, no matter how much he persuades you and no matter what he offers.

    Do not trust a stranger if he offers to give or buy you something.

    Never brag that your parents have a lot of money.

    Do not linger on the street on the way home, do not play until dark.

    Do not allow strangers to touch you.

    If a stranger is too persistent, call loudly for help, try to break free and run away.

Work on consolidating new material.

Game "Finish the poem"

Don't let your uncle into the house

If the uncle is unfamiliar!

And don't open it to your aunt,

If mom is at work,

After all, the criminal is cunning,

Pretend that... (fitter)

Or he will even say

What has come to you... (postman)

He will show you the package

And under the arm….(gun).

Or he put on a robe,

And under it there are about five... (pomegranates)

And the “old lady” hurries after him,

She has in her string bag... (a gun).

Anything happens in life

With the one who opens the doors... (opens).

So that you don't get robbed,

Not grabbed, not stolen,

Don't trust strangers

Close it tight... (door)!

Remember the proverb.

Educator: Listen and remember one more proverb

“Don’t trust everyone - lock the door tightly” (Children take turns repeating)

What other words can convey the meaning of this proverb? (Expected answers: “Don’t open the door to strangers”, “Don’t trust strangers who ask you to open the door”...).

V - l : What to do if there is no telephone in the apartment? (Call for help from a window or balcony)

Dangers can await you not only at home, but also on the street.

Let's remember the overly trusting heroes of fairy tales who found themselves in a similar situation and behaved incorrectly (examining illustrations for the fairy tales “The Golden Key”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Little Red Riding Hood”

To summarize:

What new did you learn today?

What should you do if you are alone at home?

How should you behave with strangers on the street?




"Meeting Strangers"

(preparatory group)



Roslyakova I.S.

G. Sychevka

Tasks : Teach children safety rules on the street if a “stranger” comes into the house, consider situations of violent behavior on the part of a stranger and teach children how to act in such situations.

- In life there are not only dangerous objects, but also dangerous people. Such people are called criminals. They can rob an apartment, steal a child, or even kill a person.

And the criminal is disgusting,

To put a child to sleep,

Fantu will give him something to drink,

Very tasty sweets

He puts in sleeping pills.

Bring a pack of stickers

And poisoned chewing gum.

We must remember: such food

It will do you a lot of harm!

Now we will look at the dangers that may await us near the house and on the street.

And so, the first situation:

1. If you lost your parents in an unfamiliar place (market, new city, store), your actions? (Children's opinions are listened to)

And so from everything you said, we deduce the rules: stand where you lost them, if they are gone for a long time, ask for help from a policeman, a seller, or the duty officer.

2. You are walking on the street, a kind and affectionate man comes up to you, offers you sweets and a promise to go for a ride in a car, what are your actions? (Children's opinions)

And so from everything you said, we deduce the rules:

a) when going outside, let your parents know where you will be playing;

b) if it’s already dark it’s better to return home;

c) do not accept treats from unfamiliar adults;

d) never talk to drunks or strangers on the street;

e) do not agree to go with unfamiliar children or adults to someone else’s entrance, basement, wasteland or other deserted places.

3. Situation: you are returning home along a dark alley or forest, and you feel that someone is running after you, what should we do? (Children's opinions)

Now let's summarize:

a) without looking back, run to a crowded place: to the store, to the bus stop, to your parents;

b) if he uses force, resist, scream, call for help: “Help, a stranger is taking me away”

c) to questions and requests from a stranger, answer “No!”

4. Situation: if guys older than you, teenagers, call and persuade you to go play with them in the basement, someone else’s entrance, or ask for money, what are your actions? (Children's opinions)

And so we derive the rules:

a) it’s better not to communicate with older guys; you have your own peers to play with;

b) if they persistently call, not paying attention to your refusals, they blame it on a headache or are hungry and run home;

c) if they ask for money and threaten you, give it, but when you get home, be sure to tell your parents;

d) know how to say “No!” a friend who is trying to get you involved dangerous situation- climb onto the roof, go alone into the forest.

5. Now I invite you to play the game “ Fairy-tale heroes" Rule of the game: the teacher shows illustrations depicting the heroes of fairy tales: “Pinocchio”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “The Tale of the Sleeping Princess”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Pipe and the Jug” , “Kolobok”; and the children must say which rule the heroes broke and what they should have done to avoid getting into difficult situations.

6. Summarize the lesson:

Every literate child

Must know firmly from the cradle:

If you are invited to swim,

To appear on TV,

They promise to give you candy.

Answer firmly “No!”

They will offer you a monkey

Or even money to the bank,

Or even a ticket to the circus

Answer firmly “No!”

Then it is proposed to conduct training.

7. Training

It trains the child’s protective behavior in the event of violent acts. It is extremely important to teach a child to scream loudly, calling for help and attracting the attention of others,

First, the teacher asks to call for help, as the cockerel did in the fairy tale:

The fox carries me through the dark forests,

For fast rivers, beyond the high mountains...

Cat and blackbird save me!

A skit is played out where one of the children portrays a fox and the other a cockerel. At the same time, the fox tries to forcibly drag the cockerel, and the cockerel screams and calls for help.

The following training plot asks you to imagine a situation: a stranger on the street grabs a child by the hand and drags him somewhere. Let the children in pairs pretend to be a “stranger” and a “child” who is being kidnapped and forced into a car. It is important that every child plays the role of the “kidnapped”. End the situation happy ending when a child breaks out and runs away or other children come to his aid in the role of adults.

Invite children to think of other ways to defend themselves: biting the hand, hitting the leg with a shoe, throwing sand in the offender’s face, etc.

Conversation “My Safety”

Preparatory group

Meeting a stranger

Educator: Today we will talk to you about how to behave when meeting a stranger. What kind of person do we call a stranger? A stranger is someone you do not know personally. Imagine that a pretty young girl approaches you on the street. She calls you by name, says that she works with your mother and asks you to accompany her to the pharmacy. Before you go with her, think for a minute. Do you know this girl personally? No. You see her for the first time. Did the girl call you by name? But she could have found out your name by chance or asked one of your friends.

The fact that a stranger says that she knows your mother and works with her may well turn out to be a lie. In any case, you cannot check this now. Finally, you can object to me that the unfamiliar girl makes a pleasant impression, she has an open smile and a soft voice. But it’s only in fairy tales that villains have a disgusting, repulsive appearance. In real life, criminals look like ordinary people. They can even be cute and friendly.

By the way, what should immediately alert you to the behavior of this stranger is that an adult is asking for help from you, a child.

Remember, asking for help is a common trick of a criminal, especially a kidnapper. Adults should only seek help from adults.

What should you do in this case? In response to a suspicious request to accompany an unfamiliar girl to the pharmacy, you must firmly answer: “Sorry, I can’t help you.” Quickly move away from the stranger, and maybe even run away.

Do not think that only men are criminals, unfortunately, this is not the case. The criminal can be a young girl, an elderly woman, or even someone your age.

Most often, criminals pay attention to children who walk alone. Therefore, it is better to go for walks with friends, and even better accompanied by adults.

Imagine that you are walking along the sidewalk. A car pulled up next to you. Move away from the edge of the sidewalk immediately. Never get into a stranger's car. If a stranger offers you candy, ice cream, gum, a toy or something interesting, refuse without hesitation. Don't trust him, don't agree to go or go anywhere with him. It is best not to engage in conversations with strangers at all. If the person is too persistent, call loudly for help, try to break free and run away.

To remember the rules of safe behavior when meeting a stranger, listen to the poem.

How to Deal with a Stranger

With a stranger

Don't engage in conversation!

Hurry up to the house:

One, two, three - and run away!

From candies, toys, chewing gum

You give up right now.

Maybe he's a good person

Well, it might be bad.

Be polite and careful with him

Remember - the person is a stranger!

Educator: One of the most dangerous places in the house is the elevator. If you are standing and waiting for an elevator, and at that moment a stranger approaches you, under no circumstances should you ride with him.

What to do? You need to quickly leave the entrance to the street and try to spend some time in a crowded place where you can ask for help. This, of course, is, first of all, a police station. Then a bank, a large store, a hospital - any place where there are guards at the entrance. Such places in the city are called “safety islands”.


What kind of person is called a stranger?

How to behave with a stranger if he asks you for help?

What should you do if a stranger offers you toys, chocolate, or a gift?

What is the right thing to do if you find yourself with a stranger near an elevator?

Why can't you start a conversation with a stranger?

What does the expression “appearances can be deceiving” mean?

Why shouldn't you walk alone?

Personal safety

Educator: In life there are not only dangerous objects, but also dangerous people. They are called criminals. They can rob an apartment, kidnap and even kill a person. Now we will see if you know how to behave with strangers.

The teacher invites three children. The screen is the door of the apartment, its upper part is a peephole through which only the head of a policeman, grandmother, or doctor is visible. One of the heroes turns to each child, convincing him to let him into the house.

Educator: So, imagine you're home alone and the doorbell rings. What will you do? Will you open it right away or look through the peephole?

The child looks through the peephole and talks to a stranger. Is it possible to let him into the house? After the three children answer, the adults come out from behind the screen.

Educator: Don't let your uncle into the house,

If the uncle is unfamiliar!

And don't tell your aunt

If mom is at work.

After all, the criminal is so cunning!

Pretend to be a fitter

Or he will even say

That the postman came to you.

Anything happens in life

With the one who opens the doors.

So that you don't get robbed,

Not grabbed, not stolen,

Don't trust strangers

Close the door tight!

Educator: I will ask questions, and you give me the answer:

1. If a stranger tries to open your door, what will you do? (Answers)

Remember children:

If someone breaks into the house,

Call quickly... (02)

2. If there is no phone at home, what will you do?(They show how and what they will shout from the window or from the balcony, how to call for help.)

3. You are alone at home, the phone rings: “Hello! Where did I end up, whose apartment is this? What is your name? Are you home alone? What's your answer?

Danger on the street

Educator: Bad people may meet you on the street. To avoid trouble, you must follow certain rules.


Remember guys

After all, a criminal is for

To put a child to sleep,

"Fanta" will give him something to drink.

Very tasty sweets

Hide sleeping pills.

Bring a pack of stickers

And poisoned chewing gum...

We must remember: such food

Will do you a lot of harm!

Educator: From fairy tales you know that villains are very inventive and know a thousand and one ways to deceive their victims. In real life, criminals are no less inventive. So what to do if:

1. “If someone is walking or running after you on the street, but it’s far from home?”(Call loudly for help, run to a crowded place: to a store, to a bus stop...)

2. “If strangers try to take you away by force?” (Resist, scream loudly, call for help.) Show me how.

3. “What kind of car would you agree to ride with a kind auntie: a Zhiguli, an Audi, a Mercedes? (None.)

Educator: Remember.

Every literate child

Must know firmly from the cradle:

If you are invited to swim,

And even act in films,

They promise to give you candy

Answer firmly...(No!)

They will offer you a monkey,

Or even money in the bank.

Or even a ticket to the circus -

Answer firmly …(No!)

They will call you to fly to the moon,

Ride an elephant...

There is a simple answer to everything.

You must answer...(No!)

Sports competition "Run away from the criminal"

Steeplechase: which team will quickly “overcome” a dangerous road.

Bottom line

Educator: So, you know the safety rules well. But remember: you must not only know them well, but also be sure to follow them!

Summary of a lesson with children on the topic: “Safety rules with strangers”

Target: Teach children how to communicate correctly and safely when meeting strangers.
1. Formation of safe behavior with strangers;
2. Review and discuss examples of dangerous cases and precautions;
3. Education careful attitude to your life.
Demo material: Pictures for discussion (“A stranger rings the doorbell, offers candy, Asks for a ride in the car....”; illustrations for fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “The Golden Key”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Little Red Riding Hood” ).

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment:
Educator: Guys, do you think all people are kind and good?
Children: No (answer)
Educator: We live in a world where there are many different people, good and bad. good people they take care of children, love, protect them, want you to grow up healthy, smart, kind. But, unfortunately, there are also people who do evil. These are dangerous people. They can rob an apartment, steal a child, or even kill a person.
Main part:
I turn on the audio recording: “Crying.” The teacher opens the door and lets Bunny in.
Educator: Bunny, why are you crying?
Bunny: I was walking through the forest and got lost! And the wolf wanted to eat me, I barely escaped! Oh, how scared I am!
Educator: Bunny, what were you doing alone in the forest? Where is your mom?

Bunny: My mom went out to get carrots and cabbage for lunch and told me to stay home. And she strictly told me not to go outside! He says the forest is full of danger! But I didn't listen to her. I was very interested in what was there in the forest! There are birds flying and hedgehogs running... I left the house, the sun was warming outside, butterflies were flying. And I really liked the one with blue wings! Well, I followed her and didn’t notice how I got lost. And then, as luck would have it, an ox! He chased me.
Educator: Yes, Bunny... You have to listen to mom! Do you know that a wolf could eat you and your mother would never find you?! Mom would cry! You can't do that!
Guys, let's show pictures from fairy tales to Bunny and tell us what happens when people don't listen! (Show illustrations of fairy tales and briefly retell the plots, repeating what is IMPOSSIBLE and what is POSSIBLE).
Bunny: I understand everything, guys! I won't do that again! Is it true! I promise!
Educator: Guys, should we believe Bunny?
Guys: Yes
Bunny: Can you take me to my mother, otherwise I’m afraid.
Educator: Shall we take Bunny?
Guys: Yes
Physical education minute:
In the Forest:
We walked, walked, walked. (Legs slightly apart. Hands on the belt. Steps in place, watch the position of the torso.)
We found the strawberry
They sat down, ate and went again. (Sit down, touching the floor with your hands, look ahead.)
We walked, walked, walked,
Finally they came to the bunnies' mother.
Educator: Bunny, goodbye, listen to mom!
Bunny: Goodbye! I will never disobey again!

Educator: -Today we talked about how you need to obey your mother and not come close to strangers
-What have we learned?
Children's answers:
You cannot open the door to strangers if there are no adults.
You can't talk about being alone in the house.
You cannot talk on the phone with strangers, tell them your name and address.
You cannot take anything from strangers, get into their car, or go somewhere with them.
You need to trust your parents, tell them everything that happens to you.
You should not be shy to scream and call for help in case of danger.
“And I’ll also tell you that you shouldn’t be rude to a stranger.” Maybe this is not an evil person at all, but a good one who loves children, and you will seem to him like a rude, ill-mannered child. And if this is an angry person, then he can respond to rudeness with rudeness - push, hit.
Be careful, careful and vigilant.

Today we will talk to you about how to behave when meeting a stranger. What kind of person do we call a stranger? A stranger is someone you do not know personally. Imagine that a pretty young girl approaches you on the street. She calls you by name, says that she works with your mother and asks you to accompany her to the pharmacy. Before you go with her, think for a minute. Do you know this girl personally? No. You see her for the first time. Did the girl call you by name? But she could have found out your name by chance or asked one of your friends.

The fact that a stranger says that she knows your mother and works with her may well turn out to be a lie. In any case, you cannot check this now. Finally, you can object to me that the unfamiliar girl makes a pleasant impression, she has an open smile and a soft voice. But it’s only in fairy tales that villains have a disgusting, repulsive appearance. In life, criminals outwardly look like ordinary people. They can even be cute and friendly.

By the way, what should immediately alert you to the behavior of this stranger is that an adult is asking for help from you, a child.

Remember, asking for help is a common trick of a criminal, especially a kidnapper. Adults should only seek help from adults.

What should you do in this case? In response to a suspicious request to accompany an unfamiliar girl to the pharmacy, you must firmly answer: “Sorry, I can’t help you.” Quickly move away from the stranger, and maybe even run away.

Do not think that only men are criminals, unfortunately, this is not the case. The criminal can be a young girl, an elderly woman, or even someone your age.

Most often, criminals pay attention to children who walk alone. Therefore, it is better to go for walks with friends, and even better accompanied by adults.

Imagine that you are walking along the sidewalk. A car pulled up next to you. Move away from the edge of the sidewalk immediately. Never get into a stranger's car. If a stranger offers you candy, ice cream, gum, a toy or something interesting, refuse without hesitation. Don't trust him, don't agree to go or go anywhere with him. It is best not to engage in conversations with strangers at all. If the person is too persistent, call loudly for help, try to break free and run away.

To remember the rules of safe behavior when meeting a stranger, listen to the poem.

How to Deal with a Stranger

With a stranger

Don't engage in conversation!

Hurry up to the house:

One, two, three - and run away!

From candies, toys, chewing gum

You give up right now.

Maybe he's a good person

Well, it might be bad.

Be polite and careful with him

Remember - the person is a stranger!

One of the most dangerous places in the house is the elevator. If you are standing and waiting for an elevator, and at that moment a stranger approaches you, under no circumstances should you ride in the elevator with him.

What to do? You need to quickly leave the entrance to the street and try to spend some time in a crowded place where you can ask for help. This, of course, is, first of all, a police station. Then a bank, a large store, a hospital - any place where there are guards at the entrance. Such places in the city are called “safety islands”.


1. What kind of person do we call a stranger?

2. How to behave with a stranger if he asks you for help?

3. What should you do if a stranger offers you toys, chocolate, or a gift?

4. What is the right thing to do if you find yourself with a stranger near an elevator?

5. Why can’t you start a conversation with a stranger?

6. What does the expression “appearances can be deceiving” mean?

7. Why shouldn't you walk alone?

Fairy tale "Fox in a hare's skin"

Somehow the bunnies were having fun in a green forest clearing. They played hide and seek, chase, jumped, and tumbled over their heads. And Aunt Magpie sat on a tree branch and watched them play.

A fox walked past. I saw the bunnies and was delighted: “Look at so many foolish little kids at once. I won’t be left without lunch today!” Just about to grab one little hare, the magpie noticed the red-haired robber and raised a terrible cry.

- Cha-cha-cha! Cha-cha-cha! Run away quickly, little bunnies! The fox is close and wants to eat you.

The kids heard her cry and instantly different sides scattered as if peas had scattered. The fox did not catch a single hare. The fox began to think about how to feast on the hare. She thought and thought and came up with an idea. No wonder they say: “Lizaveta the fox is very clever.”

Lizaveta ran into her hole and pulled out the skins of the hares that she had eaten long ago. Why do you think? Then I decided sly fox sew yourself a hare's fur coat, dress up in it and pretend to be a hare so that the bunnies don't get scared and run away. How to sew a fur coat? You need thread and a needle.

“I’ll go,” he thinks, “to the hedgehog, he has a lot of needles, I’ll ask for one.”

The fox came to the hole under the pine tree, where the hedgehog and his cubs live. She growled, clapped her paws, and began calling to the hedgehog: “Come out of the hole, prickly one, give me one needle, otherwise I’ll eat you and your babies.” The hedgehog got scared and gave the fox a needle. Where can I get threads? The fox ran into the village, knocked on the window of the last hut where a lonely old woman lived and said:

- Give me a thread, grandma. If you don’t give it, I’ll drag all your pied hens around and eat them.

The old woman had nothing to do, so she gave the fox a thread, but not a new one, but an old one.

The fox sat down on a stump and sewed himself a fur coat from hare skins. Sewed it to her long ears, short tail, pulled her fur coat over herself and looked like a big hare.

- Now the bunnies won’t recognize me! — the red-haired cheat was delighted.

She ran to the clearing where the bunnies were frolicking. She came out from behind a walnut bush and said:

- Hello, bunny brothers! Take me into the game!

The bunnies were surprised: they had never seen such a big hare. The cautious magpie also noticed the stranger and immediately chirped loudly:

- Baby bunnies! Be careful. It seems to me that this hare is not real.

- Why, Aunt Magpie? — the bunnies were surprised.

- Because your fur coats are gray, summer, and his is white - winter.

“I haven’t had time to change my coat yet, stupid bird!” - the fox lied. - So are you taking me into the game or not?

- We accept! We accept! - the trusting kids agreed.

Soroka again for his own:

“I fly everywhere, I go everywhere, but I’ve never seen such big hares.”

The sly fox answered her:

- I'm not an ordinary hare! I grew up in a magical clearing and ate enchanted grass. Whoever eats these herbs grows big and strong. Neither the wolf nor the bear are afraid of him. Do you want me to take you to this clearing?

- We want! - the bunnies answer in unison.

And the magpie chirps:

- Oh, my heart senses trouble! Don't trust an unfamiliar hare, don't go with him.

But the bunnies didn’t even listen to the magpie.

- Lead us, hare, to the enchanted clearing. We want to become big and strong!

And the fox is very happy.

- Follow me, brothers.

She herself thinks: “I’ll take the foolish ones into my hole, and there I’ll eat every single one of them.” The fox wanted to jump forward, like real hares gallop, but she just jumped, and the old threads burst. The fur coat fell off the fox, and the little hares saw not a huge hare, but a red robber fox.

The kids ran away in all directions, and only the fox saw them. So she returned to her hole with nothing.

Questions for a fairy tale

1. Where did the bunnies have fun?

2. Who watched them play?

3. Who wanted to eat the bunnies?

4. How did the fox want to outsmart the rabbits?

5. Who did she ask for a needle from?

6. Who gave the fox a thread?

7. What did the fox sew?

8. Why didn’t the magpie believe that there was a hare in front of it?

9. How did the fairy tale end?