Summary of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group. Drawing “Spring landscape. Drawing with crumpled paper on the topic “Spring landscape Formation of universal educational activities

Lesson plan on the topic: “Spring has come”

Lesson objectives:

Teach children to recognize changes in nature with the arrival of spring; introduce folk signs and spring holidays; develop attentiveness, observation and interest in learning new things; expand your vocabulary using epithets to describe the beauty of spring nature; introduce children to the works of I. Levitan; cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.

Planned results:

Learn to find spring changes in nature, learn folk signs and holidays; competently and concisely describe the beauty of spring nature and works of art, observe the weather.

Equipment: painting by I. Levitan (1st image), posters with a list of holidays, crossword puzzle.

Preliminary work: draw a crossword puzzle on the board, hang reproductions and posters.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition of covered material.

III. Getting to know new topic.

IV. Learning new material.

V. Physical exercise.

VI. Consolidation.

VII. Summing up.

VIII. Homework.

* In the image there is a painting by I. Levitan “The Last Snow”

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment. Greetings.

II. Repetition of previously studied material is checked accordingly homework.

III. Introducing children to a new topic and upcoming tasks.

Spring has come

The lesson begins with the teacher reading the poem “Spring” by K. Kubilinskas

Spring has arrived in the snow,
On a damp carpet,
Scattered snowdrops,
I sowed grass.
Badger families due
I picked it up from my holes,
Birch sap
I gave it to the guys.
I looked into the den:
- Well, get up, bear! -
She breathed on the branches -
It's time to go green!
Now spring is beautiful
Calling from all over
Geese, swifts and storks,
Cuckoos and starlings.

So, as you may have guessed, the topic of today’s lesson is “Spring”. Today you will find out what gifts she pampers us with, what changes she brings to the lives of people, animals, plants, let us remember the spring months and holidays that we love to celebrate at this wonderful time of year.

IV. Learning new material

Children are invited to look at Isaac Levitan's painting "The Last Snow". The teacher asks leading questions: What season did the artist depict? What month of spring exactly? What helped you determine? What feeling does the painting evoke? Who knows when the first meeting of spring is celebrated in the folk calendar (February 15) that’s right, guys, winter has not yet receded, but spring is already reminding itself and warm days are already coming in February (they are also called February windows). Children take turns trying to describe what they saw, using epithets and comparative phrases. Next, the children list how nature and life around them change with the arrival of spring days (the days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter and warmer, the snow is melting, the grass is turning green, the first flowers appear in the clearings, migratory birds are returning, the winter crops are rising and turning green in the fields , buds swell on the trees and the first leaves appear, the birch gives tasty sap, many insects wake up, changes occur in the lives of animals, and so on). Then the teacher asks the children if they know what a folk sign is, why it is needed, can anyone give an example? (Discuss each sign with the children, give an example from life)

If the water stagnates in the field, the cattle will be well fed.
You can’t work hard in the spring - it’s a hungry year.
The bird returns in a flock - a friendly spring.
The bird builds a nest on the sunny side - cold summer.
To meet a hare in a white fur coat in the spring means there will still be snow.
The onset of early spring is a sign of a long summer.
If the snow melts early, there will be a long thaw.
The snow is melting quickly - it will be a rainy summer.
A fluffy comb appeared on the willow - and spring arrived.
In April there is grass, in May there is grass.
Warm April and wet May - may everyone have a good harvest.
If the bee takes off early, there will be a bright spring.
Next, children can list which migratory birds return to your place in the spring. native land(starlings, cranes, ducks), what are the first flowers to grow? (crocus, snowdrop, lily of the valley, tulip, daffodil, coltsfoot, scilla)

Spring months


The teacher reads a riddle poem to the children:

A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month?
Who will know? (March). Children are asked to remember what holidays are celebrated this month. (a list of holidays is posted on the board)


The river roars furiously and breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us? (April).


The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings,
IN white the garden is dressed,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles.
Guess what month this is? (May). Well done guys, now let's rest a little.

V. Physical exercise. Children stand one after another and repeat the exercises after the teacher.

The wind is blowing in our faces. (They wave their hands in our faces)
The tree swayed. (Raise your hands up and shake)
The wind is getting quieter and quieter. (sit down)
The tree is getting higher and higher (stand up and stretch high)
If desired, you can repeat it, only the student can act as a leader.

VI. Fixing the material.

The teacher asks the student to repeat the spring month. After completing the lesson, solve a crossword puzzle as a reinforcement, using words from the lesson topic.

1) The strongest insect (ant);
2) Second spring month (April);
3) Migratory bird (Starling);
4) First spring flower(snowdrop);
5) A tree that produces tasty sap (birch);
6) Who is the artist of the painting we examined (Levitan);
7) Spring flood of rivers (flood);
8) Forest fragrant flower (lily of the valley);
9) In what month is International Women's Day celebrated? (March);

VII. The results are summed up and the teacher finds out whether the students liked the lesson. Next, the children are assessed. Submitting grades in journals and diaries.

VIII. Homework is assigned. Children need to draw spring, namely the spring month, which they liked the most, with its distinctive features. Prepare a beautiful story for illustration.


Name of the educational center: Multimedia presentations: “I.I. Shishkin”, “Spring is red!”, “Sequence of drawing a landscape”, video “Spring”, paintings by artists depicting a spring landscape, methodological development lesson. Item: fine arts

Class: 2

Lesson topic: “Spring landscape.”

The place and role of the lesson in the topic being studied: Painting. Spring landscape. 2 hours. First lesson.

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new knowledge.

Objective of the lesson: creating conditions for the development of art education in children, expanding the understanding of the spring landscape.

Lesson objectives: to form emotional and sensory connections between the manifestation of color in nature and the color structure of the image; develop artistic and graphic skills; use the technique of linear perspective in your drawing, combine the main and additional elements in the landscape in the composition; develop an understanding of the world around us, as well as a perception of nature and art; when working from life and from memory, develop children’s associative color perception; To instill in children a caring attitude towards their native nature and friendly relations with each other.

Lesson stage

Time, min

Methods and techniques of work

forms of organization educational activities

Teacher activities

Student activities

FUUD (formation

universal educational activities)

I. Organizational

Hello friends!

I'm glad to meet you!

Let's join hands

Let's gather in a circle soon.

The sun is shining through our window:

I missed you a little

I'm waiting with my friends!

Get ready quickly!

Greet each other and wish good mood in class.


Set up for work.

Checking the readiness of the workplace.


checking students' preparedness for training session;

organizing the student's attention.

II. Preparing students for work at the main stage.

Mystery. If you see a river painted in a picture, or a spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds. Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut. The painting must be called (landscape). Who guessed what the lesson will be about? Well done! Right! We'll talk about the landscape.

Brainstorming. Conversation.


Conversation with active children.

Conversation with the teacher. Answer questions.

Ensure that schoolchildren are motivated to learn and that they accept the lesson objectives;

Updating the subjective experience of students (personal meanings, basic knowledge and methods of action, value relations).

III. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

Who can help me give the concept of landscape? Prepared students make messages.

Landscape is a depiction of nature. It first appeared in China, Japan and other eastern countries in the 7th-10th centuries.

Landscape is a type of painting that deals with depicting views of nature and conveying the mood instilled by their contemplation.

To clarify what landscape will be discussed, the teacher reads a poem by A. Pleshcheev.

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window,

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

To talk about spring and its signs, watch the presentation “Spring is Red!” Native land appears in a new image: awakening and variety of colors. Play the game: “What is associated with the colors of the rainbow?” Exercise for the eyes. Let's give our eyes a rest and do some exercise for the eyes. Please stand up and just blink. Let's look 10 times up and down, right and left, in a circle to the left, in a circle to the right. And we just blinked.

When viewing reproductions of paintings by I. I. Shishkin and video materials, pay attention to emotional state.

The presentation “Sequence of drawing a landscape” will help you choose the right drawing techniques and techniques, accurately determine the colors and their shades.

Verbal Visual Interactive. Associative series.

In pairs. Collective.

Explanation. Demonstration of drawing techniques. Organization of children's recreation.

View new material. Exercise for the eyes. Dynamic warm-up.

To ensure students’ perception, comprehension and primary memorization of the material being studied “Spring Landscape”.

Help students learn new material that will lead to

a certain conclusion (generalization).

Create substantive and organizational conditions for students to master methods of reproducing the material being studied.

To ensure students’ comprehension and primary memorization of the material being studied “Spring Landscape”.

To facilitate students’ assimilation of new material that will lead to a certain conclusion (generalization).

IV. Consolidation of new knowledge and methods of action.

Dynamic pause.


Consolidation of new knowledge.

Ensure that students retain in their memory the knowledge and methods of action that they need to independent work on new material.

During consolidation, ensure an increase in the level of comprehension of the studied material and the depth of its understanding.

V. Application of knowledge and methods of action.

Invite children to sketch their impressions. For individual work with children, the following recommendations can be given:

Don't get carried away when drawing small details, this will fragment the work and disrupt its general mood,

Use bright, but not flashy colors in your work, because we paint nature, and everything in it is harmonious.

Clip "Spring". Music will lift your spirits and inspire you to create bright works.

Practical, creative

Integrated (using music)


Monitor the correctness of the work and compliance with safety regulations.

Create your own landscape using various techniques and means.

Complete work in full. Develop techniques for working with paints. Help in mastering the technique of drawing with a cotton swab. Ensure that students acquire knowledge and methods of action at the level of their application.

Ensure that students develop the ability to independently apply knowledge.

VI. Reflection. Demonstration of works.

Children, please tell me what new did you learn in the lesson?

What was the most interesting thing for you? What do you remember most?

Creative. Verbal.

Create a gallery of works. Help consolidate the work.

Try to finish the work with the whole class. Pin your work on the board.

Initiate and intensify students’ reflection on their psycho-emotional state, motivation, their activities and interactions with the teacher and classmates.

VII. Lesson summary.

Guys, please look at the board, the exhibition is already ready there. Let's evaluate your work. Whose work is most correct in the execution of the spring landscape, in the use of colors and the correct drawing technique.

I liked all your work, well done, you completed the task. We have a wonderful showroom.

Questions. Summarize the lesson. Thank you for your active participation in the lesson.

Answers to questions.

Identification and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation. Give a qualitative assessment of the work of the class and individual students.

Plan - outline open class on the topic

"Spring Landscape"

teacher additional education MBU DO TsDT O.V. Beltyukova

Date: November 30, 2017

Subject: Spring landscape.

Children's age: from 10 to 13 years. Second year of study.

Target: creating conditions for the development of art education in children, expanding the understanding of the spring landscape.



When working from life and from memory, develop children’s associative color perception; develop artistic and graphic skills; use the technique of linear perspective in your drawing, combine the main and additional elements in the landscape in the composition;

Correctional and developmental:

to form emotional and sensory connections between the manifestation of color in nature and the color structure of the image, to develop an understanding of the surrounding world, as well as the perception of nature and art;


To cultivate in children a caring attitude towards their native nature, friendly relations with each other.


1. Organizational part.

2. Introduction to the topic.

3. Studying theoretical material.

4. Physical exercise.

5. Practical work.

6. Exhibition creative works and a brief analysis.

Lesson equipment:

For the teacher:

Illustrations depicting a spring landscape

For students:

  • gouache
  • brushes
  • palette
  • jar for water.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational part.

The long-awaited bell has been given, the lesson begins!

So we don’t waste time and start working.

Today we will draw, learn and reason.

2. Introduction to the topic.

If you see in the picture, a river is drawn,

Or spruce and white frost, or garden and clouds.

Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut.

Does the painting have to be called...?


Who guessed what the lesson will be about?

Well done! Right! We'll talk about the landscape.

Who can help me give the concept of landscape?

Landscape is a depiction of nature. It first appeared in China, Japan and other eastern countries in the 7th-10th centuries.

Landscape - genre fine arts, engaged in depicting views of nature and conveying the mood instilled by their contemplation.

To clarify what landscape we are talking about, I will now read you a poem by A. Pleshcheev.

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window,

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

3. Study of theoretical material.

And now I will give you the sequence of doing the work, tell you when you can start, and I will consistently do the work with you!

When drawing, do not get carried away with small details, this will fragment the work and disrupt its overall mood,

Use bright, but not flashy colors in your work, because we paint nature, and everything in it is harmonious.

4. Physical exercise

The chick looked out of the nest - Head down.

Wow, what a height!Shaking your head.

Let the height - Right hand swing.

Fly out of the nestSwing with both hands.

Look at the world -

One, two, three... Turns the head to the right,

Left, forward.

5. Practical part.

Pay attention to what colors and shades predominate in reproductions depicting spring. So, your task is to depict a spring landscape!

Let's get to work with me! Create your own landscape using various techniques and means.

6. Exhibition of creative works and brief analysis.Summing up.

Children, please tell me what new did you learn in the lesson? What was the most interesting thing for you? What do you remember most?

Guys, please look at the board, the exhibition is already ready there. Let's evaluate your work. Whose work is most correct in the execution of the spring landscape, in the use of colors and the correct drawing technique.

I liked all your work, well done, you completed the task. We have a wonderful showroom.

Mametova Aida Ayupzhanovna - primary school teacher.



Lesson summary on fine arts in grade 2 “D” on the topic:

"Spring landscape"


To expand students’ knowledge about landscape as a genre in art that involves a harmonious combination of the artist’s feelings and their expression in creative activity.



    Strengthen children's ideas about spring.

    Strengthen children's knowledge about characteristic features of this time of year.

    Draw the children's attention to the first signs of spring: drops, water all around, the first young grass, trees with swollen buds and the first leaves, the first flowers, the bright sun.

    Teach to compose spring composition using paints.


develop speech, memory, thinking, imagination, attention, auditory, visual, motor memory, fine motor skills.


    To instill in children a love for their native land.

    To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness.

    To instill in children a kind, caring attitude towards nature.

    Foster a caring attitude towards nature and maintain a clean environment.

    To cultivate an aesthetic feeling for nature, to arouse a keen interest in the changes occurring in nature.

Equipment: A3, A4 paper, colored pencils, paints, brushes, reproductions of paintings depicting landscapes, water glasses, Tchaikovsky’s melody “The Seasons”

Methodical techniques: conversation, artistic word, examining and comparing paintings on the theme “Spring”, riddle, turning children into artists, listening to the melodies “Seasons”.

Vocabulary work: activation and enrichment of the vocabulary: drops, the first swollen buds, landscape, landscape artists, horizon line, drawing technique.

Lesson progress

The class is divided into 4 groups.

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher. Guys! Let's start the lesson with a smile, look, guests have come to us, smile at them and each other and wish creative success, now let’s take a look and check if everything is ready for the lesson. In the fine arts lesson, I wish you a good mood and creative success in your work!

Today's lesson is unusual! We work as a team in groups. Let's remember what rules we came up with for groups? (Children answer)

Group work rules:

    Listen carefully to each other.

    Don't interrupt the speaker.

    Respect each other's opinions.


    Stop rule

    Set a goal and achieve it.

    “A person’s intelligence is manifested in the clarity of his speech” (accuracy, expressiveness, accessibility, correctness and meaning)

    Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace.

2. Updating basic knowledge.

The streams rang,

The rooks have arrived

Home to your hive, bee

I brought the first honey.

Who can say, who knows when this happens?

Children: Spring (visual display - SPRING)

What time of year is it in our yard?

Children: Spring.

3.Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson

What do you think we will do in class? (learn, reason, draw, evaluate, speak beautifully)

We will also continue to expand our knowledge about genres in fine art and draw a spring landscape.

4. Preparation for studying new material.

What spring months do you know?

(children's answers) (MARCH, APRIL, MAY)

What is the first month?

Indeed, the first month of spring is March.

(The teacher shows an illustration of March).

“The snow became full of holes in March,

And it almost completely fell.

He's no longer pure white

Not fluffy, like rotten.”

TASK No. 1 (Performed and discussed in a group, one of the students defends his team)

Choose a figurative comparison to describe the March snow.

Which part of speech helps you accurately and vividly describe the characteristics of objects? (Adjective)

- (Students’ opinions) white aerated chocolate, feather bed, sheet of foam, gray knitted tablecloth, mother-of-pearl, fluff, clouds, fur coat.

The river roars furiously

And breaks the ice.

The starling returned to his house,

And in the forest the bear woke up.

A lark trills in the sky.

Who came to us?


What month is it now?

Name the second month of spring.

- Indeed, the second month of spring is named April. Spring in April resembles a tearful girl, and the tears on her face are beads of melt water. The earth washed in spring in streams, and the spring sun became even redder.

Imagine the image we have drawn of the second month of spring.

- The rivers opened up in April. The ice on the river in the spring also woke up gradually: at first it darkened, then frowned and became covered with cracks. And only then did it begin to split, gradually coming into motion. The ice floes floated down the river, constantly colliding and breaking.

- People say: “April streams awaken the earth.” In April, the land was freed from snow captivity. She took off her winter rags. She happily thawed out and drank plenty of water.

What picture did you draw in your mind?

The warming sun began to dry out the top dark brown layer of the earth. In April, the earth warms up. Spring streams gurgle.

Popular wisdom says: “Don’t break the stove - it’s still April.” How do you understand this saying?

(Children's opinions).

- Indeed, it can still be cold in April. “The month of April is a rogue, a crafty one, it gives orders in its own way,” it is not easy to guess whether to expect cold or warmth.

TASK No. 2

Select and mark the signs by which people in April notice that this year will be warm.

¨ April is blowing with wind, the sky is blue - it promises warmth.

¨ A lot of sap flows from the birch - for a cool, rainy summer.

¨ Blue clouds in April mean warmth and rain.

¨ In Aprilhot during the day, cool at night - good weather.

Now it’s time for us to rest a little and we’ll do a warm-up.

5. A minute of health.

Spring, spring! Spring has come:

She brought warmth on her wings.

And here in the very sunshine

With your head held high

The blue snowdrop blossomed.

He's all fluffy and silver

The little one stands in the sun,

He is a reliable messenger of spring

He is not afraid of cold weather.

Other flowers will come for him,

He is the firstborn among flowers.

Which last month spring?

(children's answers)

The third month of spring is May. May can be compared to a beautiful, smiling girl, with a wide with open eyes, with bright flowers woven into her hair. She proudly walks along the ground covered with a green carpet.

Imagine the image we have drawn of the third month of spring.

- It is not for nothing that people call May - grass, pollen. This month, tree crowns are turning green and blooming everywhere. Crocuses, dream grass, buttercups and other spring flowers are growing. Daffodils, tulips, daisies, etc. are blooming in the gardens. Peonies, lilies, and irises are rising. A month after the coltsfoot flowers, rose hips, linden, gooseberries, and currants bloom, and apple trees turn green.

TASK No. 3

Select and mark the picture that corresponds to the nature of May.

(students in groups look at the pictures and choose the one they want and paste it in, answers are defended)

TASK No. 4
– Each group contains 3 reproductions of artists, divide them by genre
. - What groups were they divided into?

1st group - still life.

2nd group - portrait.

3rd group - landscape.

Why were these three paintings considered landscapes?

How are these three paintings different?

What can be depicted when landscapes are painted? ( The artist depicts fields, sky, forests, house, nature.)
- So, let's conclude: the landscapes are different
seasons, time of day, color (warm and cold, chromatic, achromatic) - Color. Color is the combination of colors in a painting. What does the combination of colors convey? (mood)

Amazing world surrounds us, this is the natural world. Artists will help us be able to see its beauty.

Paintings in which they depict nature are called landscapes.

And artists who paint landscapes are called landscape artists.

(showing several pictures)

Pay attention to this painting by Levitan.

And the artist called this painting “Spring—Big Water.”

Artists show beauty native nature in paintings, poets in poetry, and composers in music.

Listen to a poem by Fyodor Tyutchev.


I love thunderstorms at the beginning of May,

When the first thunder of spring

As if frolicking and playing,

Rumbling in the blue sky.

Young peals thunder!

The rain is splashing, the dust is flying,

Rain pearls hung,

And the sun gilds the threads.

A swift stream runs down the mountain,

The noise of birds is never silent in the forest.

And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -

Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder.

(Children's opinions).

Name the most important sign this spring month.

6.Listening to a piece of music.

Let's listen to an excerpt from Tchaikovsky's "Seasons".

Listen carefully to this melody and think about what kind of spring picture you would draw.

(listening to the melody, children’s answers)

7. Practical work.

TASK No. 5.

Drawing a spring landscape. Demonstration of complex elements by the teacher.

Well, now you are artists and will paint a spring landscape. Can be depictedbeginning of spring when nature is just beginning to wake up after winter sleep, when the snow has just begun to melt and the drops have begun, but you can also depictspring is in full swing : blue sky, first young grass, trees with swollen buds and first leaves, first spring flowers, bright sun. But today we will draw not only watercolor paints, but also with colored pencils and crayons. You are already familiar with these art materials. Unforgettable abouthorizon lines , it will be in the middle of the sheet or a little higher. Don't forget that objects located in the foreground will be larger in size than those behind. Well, artists, let's begin our work.

8. Practical work.

Now be careful to do everything correctly and accurately. (Step by step completion of the task).

(children draw, the melody “Seasons” sounds. The teacher watches the children as they draw, can make verbal comments as they work)

Image stages:
- Do you, as artists, know where work begins?
- From a sketch.
-Using thin lines we outline the horizon line, background, trees, bushes.

Wet the brush with water.
-Then we start filling: closer to the horizon the color is lighter, towards the edge - darker.

What will be lighter in tone: the earth or the sky?(The sky is lighter and more transparent)

9. Information about homework (students' choice)

Guys, as you already understand, each of us sees the beauty of nature in our own way.

Artists paint pictures.

Photographers capture the beauty of nature with cameras.

Poets write poems about nature.

Composers compose beautiful music.

10. Summing up the lesson (Spark of communication)

The artist always organizes an exhibition of his works. And now we will organize a Vernissage in the classroom. Please pin your work on the board.

I want to know how you feel after completing the work?

I am glad that there is joy, delight, sadness.
- Well done, you all did a good job.

(Evaluation of student work)

11. Reflection.

You turned out wonderful works, what helped you when drawing?

What did you learn in the lesson?

What new did you learn? Guys, there are emoticons attached to the board, if you liked the lesson and you learned a lot of new things, then take an emoticon that smiles, if it’s a lesson for you didn't like it and you didn’t learn anything new, the smiley face that’s crying.

Well done guys, you drew very beautifully. You all have different drawings. But they are all very interesting and very beautiful.

Thanks for the lesson! See you at next lesson!


1. Ostrovskaya O. V. Fine arts lessons in elementary school: 1-4kl.

M. VLADOS, 2004 - 276 p.

2.T.Ya. Shpikalova, L.V. Ershova, Fine arts, 2nd grade

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher

Sigodina Natalia Alexandrovna

MBOU Secondary School No. 160, Novosibirsk

Description of the lesson: This lesson summary is for children 6-7 years old on the topic “Spring”. The material is selected and structured according to the requirements for this age category, designed for the capabilities of children of this age. A general lesson. It has a developing and educational character. The lesson used gaming, health-saving, ICT technologies, technologies for person-oriented interaction, and technologies based on an activity approach.

Target: Generalization of knowledge about spring and birds.

Correctional educational tasks:

Summarize and expand children's vocabulary on the topic; consolidate word formation and inflection skills: agreement of nouns with adjectives; Improving a skill sound analysis and word synthesis. Work on composing sentences from given words, based on a picture, strengthen the ability to answer questions with complete answers; Improve phonemic awareness.

Correction and development tasks:

Development of coherent speech, articulation, fine and general motor skills. Automation of correct sound pronunciation in free speech, development of coordination of speech with movement, development of memory, attention, thinking and creative imagination.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Summoning positive emotions to what is shown in the paintings. Cultivate an attentive, caring attitude towards nature. Relieving emotional and physical tension.

Equipment: Audio recording of music passages “sounds of nature”, ball, puzzles, reproduction of a scene from the fairy tale “12 months”, cards with words, album, paints, pencils, marker board, markers, object pictures, projector, laptop.

Methods and techniques: Game techniques, descriptions, surveys, visual demonstrations, practical: comparison, selection of the correct wording. Active methods reflections, kinesiological exercises. psychogymnastics.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

The speech therapist invites the children to take their places, naming them in order of the month. (slide 2)

Psycho-gymnastics with elements of self-massage

We rub our hands (rubbing our palms) and warm them up (claps)

And we wash our face with warmth (run our palms over the face from top to bottom)

We use a rake to rake away all the bad thoughts (movements of the fingertips from the middle of the forehead to the temples)

We rub the ears up and down quickly (rubbing the ears along the edges from bottom to top and top to bottom)

Pull down by the earlobes (pulling down by the earlobes)

And then we run to the cheeks (fingers run to the cheeks)

We knead the cheeks (the index, middle and ring fingers knead the cheeks in a circular motion)

And then we flow from the nose to the lips (movements of the fingers from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth)

And we begin to move our lips left and right ( index fingers lay on the lips parallel to each other and move towards each other)

We pull the chin and pinch it (kneading the chin while pulling it down: pinching the lower jaw from the chin to the ears)

And then we run our hands down the neck (stroking the neck with the palm from top to bottom)

II. Main part

Guys, who remembers in which fairy tale the girl visited her brothers for months?

Now close your eyes, we too will go to fabulous trip, to visit the seasons. (Musical excerpts are heard (blizzard, winter, drops, spring)).

Who did you visit? (winter, spring)

Name the winter and spring months.

What season is over? Which one started? By what changes in nature do we know that spring has arrived?

Who can we compare winter to? spring? (words are given: old man, grandmother, girl,...) (slide 3)

What winter? Spring? (Children select adjectives for these words)

Let's help spring come into its own. And here is the first task.

Task (slide 4)

Before you is a palette of colors. Let's create a palette of colors for winter and spring.

What are the winter colors? Spring colors?

(Children display colored chips for each season and comment - What happens is white..., blue..., green..., yellow....)

How do colors change with the arrival of spring?

Speech therapist:- Oh, this winter, it doesn’t want to go away. ……. We can give strength to spring by completing the following tasks of the months. And for correctly completing tasks you will receive rays of the sun, and you know, the brighter the sun shines, the warmer it is. And at the end of the lesson we will post our spring sun.

Task 1: “Say the opposite”

How does everything change with the arrival of spring?

In winter the snow is clean, but in spring it is...dirty

In winter the days are cold, and in spring -

In winter the sun is dim, and in spring -

In winter the weather is often cloudy, and in spring -

Task 2: “Spring Forest”

(Drawing with two hands - development of graphomotor skills and interhemispheric interaction)

Each child receives a landscape sheet and two pencils. We draw the general picture on the board.

And now we have to draw a spring forest. (sun, cloud, tree, stream, snowdrop, snowdrift, ....

Well done, you drew a beautiful forest and for this you get another ray of light.

Task 3:

But we forgot to draw something else, and you will learn what from the poem. (poem).

Spring is coming to us

With quick steps,

And the snowdrifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

That's right, very warm

Spring has legs.

(- How do you understand this comparison?)

What sign of spring did you hear in the poem? (Thawed patches appear precisely in the month of March).

Task 4: Isolating the last sound in a word

Let's add thawed patches to our forest. (cards)

In what order will our thawed patches appear? (Arrange the thawed patches on the board in order (according to the last sounds)).

Task 5: Exercise on agreeing a noun with an adjective

Let's look at our forest and name everything we see with the word "spring".

spring thawed area,

spring forest,

spring birdhouse,

spring tree,

spring cloud,

spring leaf,

spring stream,

spring grass,

spring sun,

spring flower.

Task 6: Tension and relaxation exercise “Ice - water”

Task 7: Birds (puzzles)

Listen, what do you hear? (bird sounds are heard). With the arrival of spring, birds return to us. You will find out which birds flew into our forest by solving the puzzles. (slides 5-9)

What can birds do?

Dynamic pause. (Children name and show the action of birds.)

(Birds fly, build a nest, peck, chirp, sing, ...)

Task 8: Game “Change the word” (slide 10)

Our forest is getting warmer and warmer. With the arrival of spring, the sound “R” began to hide in my words. Let's name which word remains.

term - juice

baby - cat




Physical education minute. “Spring” (Exercise on coordinating speech with movements).

Our sun is high (reach up)

The sun makes us feel warm. (Light stroking of hands)

The snow melts from the rays (relaxation)

The stream ran loudly.

You are running after a stream,

And smile at each other.

Task 9: Exercise on auditory attention and memory

Now let’s see if you can distinguish spring words from others. As soon as you hear words related to spring, immediately raise your hands to the sun (up)!

(Closet, April, warmth, jug, heat, melts, puddle, snowfall, flowers, snowdrop, leaves, greens, sugar, frost, February, grass, thawed patches, wakes up, driver, drops.)

What spring words have you heard? Children name the word, clap and determine the number of syllables in the words.

(April, warm, melts, puddle, snowdrop, leaves, grass, thawed patches, wakes up, drops)

III. Reflection

Children close their eyes and listen to the audio recording “Sounds of Nature”.

Words of the speech therapist: “The spring sun smiles tenderly at people, animals, birds and plants. His warmth makes everyone feel warm. I’m in a great mood and I want to do good.” (everyone opens their eyes).

With the arrival of spring, everything changes. Let's remember what we learned today about spring. Each time, naming a sign of spring or a change in nature, we will add a ray of sunshine to our board.

Start your answer with the word - “In the spring...”.

(slide 11)

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