Contour elbe entrance. For whom is the Kontur.Elba service suitable - program overview

For many entrepreneurs and small companies, accounting is a sore point. Especially at the start, when there are no extra funds. Keeping an accountant on staff is expensive in terms of salary, not to mention social package and workplace equipment (necessary software, office supplies, folders, paper, etc.). Moreover, in very small companies there is not much work and it is mostly seasonal. The peak occurs before reporting. And this is several times a year.

Outsourcing, of course, turns out to be more profitable. However, other difficulties arise here. Employees of third-party companies are not interested in reducing the entrepreneur’s expenses for taxes and other deductions; they simply do their job - prepare documents, certificates, and notify about deadlines for submitting reports. And no more. In fact, outsourcing companies are not responsible for reports not submitted on time or other misunderstandings with the tax authorities and funds. The maximum that can be demanded from them is a penalty according to the contract. But the amount of fines and penalties accrued to the entrepreneur will still be on the conscience of the businessman. And you need to pay for the provision of services in any case.

There is a third option - to use specialized online accounting services. They have one huge advantage - they will cost much less than a full-time accountant or outsourcing. But there is also a significant drawback, but it applies to all cloud services in principle - the data is located in remote storage. And you need to choose reliable companies that care about information security and support and develop their product.

One of these services is “Contour Elbe”. A product of the SKB Kontur company, which has been operating since 1988. She is developing software, simplifying document flow for enterprises. One of the main competitors of the online service is the cloud platform "". In fact, there are many analogues. But not everyone can be trusted.

Individual entrepreneurs, company directors, and accountants can use “Kontur.Accounting”. The developers in their software tried to take into account the needs of small businesses and create a multifaceted service. It is understandable for beginners in accounting and convenient for experienced specialists.

The main advantages of working with the service for all categories of users:

  • preparation of documents using templates;
  • reminders to submit reports;
  • any forms of taxation (OSNO, simplified tax system, UTII, patent);
  • access from anywhere in the world.

The tariffs are quite flexible and you can choose one that is ideal for your company. main criteria: number of employees, mandatory reports, consultations, possibility of generating other documents.

How to start using it?

Only registered and authorized users can use the service. The connection takes place via the Internet. You can try a free trial period. It lasts 30 days from the date of registration. However, to gain access to all features and continue accounting for a longer period, you need to make a payment. If there is a promotional code, the cost will be lower. The activation code is sent by mail.

To get 3 months of free service, enter the promotional code when registering:


For initial registration, you only need an email address and password. But then you will need to enter data about the company/individual entrepreneur into the system, as well as customize it for yourself. Create counterparties, products, etc. Login to the system is carried out through the official website. There is no need to install anything additional.

Product of the company "Kontur" for a director or individual entrepreneur

The program allows you to do your own reporting and control the work of an accountant. Everything is done through authorization in the company profile, and the data is available from anywhere in the world where there is Internet. After authorization, you can see all the information (statuses of accounts, counterparties, etc.).

For the director of a small company and individual entrepreneur, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • no one-time payment of a large amount is required as when installing stationary accounting programs (for example, 1C);
  • maximum user convenience in the reporting system;
  • all data for analytics is at hand;
  • saving time on routine operations.

When using desktop programs that require installation on the user's computer, various difficulties may arise. And this is not just about the price of the product. For example, there are certain system requirements for specific software, and it may be necessary to upgrade the computer before installing the hardware on it, which will significantly increase the cost of integration. This is one moment.

Secondly, everything may fit the requirements, and errors during downloading, installation and unpacking are also possible. Again, costs to fix.

Third, you need to configure the program correctly so that it performs its functions.

And this can result in:

  • a lot of wasted time trying to figure out the software on your own;
  • lack of necessary modules in the purchased version, the need to pay for them separately;
  • programmer services for editing and configuration;
  • errors in work, which also cost money.

Moreover, you can only work in the program from the computer on which it is installed. In some cases this is extremely inconvenient. For example, if you need to constantly be up to date and see everything online. Or an entrepreneur is constantly on the move (this is the industry), and order in documents and accounting needs to be constantly maintained. And the cloud service will allow you to work remotely. In the “My Page” section you need to enter user data (phone, email, etc.).

IN personal account“Elbe Contour” reflects the minimum settings. There are only the options you need. This is both a plus and a minus. The disadvantage is that there is no way to customize the system to suit you. The way everything is organized inside is how it will work. And the advantage is that many people don’t need to configure everything flexibly! The main thing is that it works in principle. Cloud services have minimal settings, but they are much more convenient for beginners in accounting to use. You can figure it out and organize the work completely in a few hours. And everything is done independently, without the involvement of specialized specialists. At most, you will have to use information materials, watch video instructions, and contact support. But all this is free and in an understandable form.

It is important to understand that you can work in parallel in a cloud service and in a desktop program. Typically, it is possible to exchange data in popular file formats (for example, .csv). You can download information from 1C into Elbe Contour.

The product allows you to analyze data, collect graphs, compare periods and obtain other important and useful information for business. And do it all quickly and manage it from your personal account. There is no need to export tables to collect information from them into visual graphs. The service is easy to use and will do everything itself. Of course, there are some templates for analytics.

By the way, about templates. They are very useful because they can significantly reduce the time for some operations. For example, drawing up contracts, issuing powers of attorney, sending acts and invoices. Everything is ready, you just need to tweak some things for specific companies. In addition, you can design everything in your corporate style. Props will allow this.

Additionally, you can activate the “Counterparty Verification” service, which allows you to identify unreliable companies and immediately see all the details of a potential partner. The purpose of the verification function allows you to reduce the risk of an entrepreneur being thrown out.

"Kontur.Accounting" for an accountant

If there is only one accountant in the company, then the cloud service will also be useful to him. But at more or less large enterprises where there is an accounting department, it is unlikely to be used. At least for an ordinary accountant managing one site, for sure. However, if there is only one employee involved in accounting, then the service will be useful to him. It has a notification feature and also many useful information. It is impossible to miss the deadline for submitting an important report. To ensure that documents are accepted immediately, templates for filling them out have been created.

The service allows you to:

  • keep accounts;
  • calculate salaries;
  • submit reports.

By the way, the company constantly posts educational materials, detailed articles on accounting and conducts seminars for accountants. Everything changes in legislation, forms are updated, new reports appear, existing ones are abolished. And it is important to be aware of all changes.


The service is useful for those who do not want to get bogged down in routine and make bookkeeping as convenient as possible. It is aimed at individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. And this is predominantly small companies. He has his own “tricks” for both the director and the accountant. Judging by user reviews, it’s worth at least trying, many recommend it.

Web service for entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system and UTII. Helps small businesses maintain accounting, control income and expenses, and submit all necessary reports via the Internet. You don't need to be an accountant.

Contour.Elbe- the main competitor among online accounting services. I learned about Elba from an advertising leaflet at the pension fund branch, where I came to register. The leaflet talked about a free year for new entrepreneurs. I decided to register in Elba and tell you about my impressions.

Prices and tariffs

Cost per year

from 4,900 to 18,000 rubles

Free version

30 days of Premium tariff + 1 year for new entrepreneurs

Submitting reports via the Internet

Submitting reports to the tax office

Submission of reports to pension fund

Submitting reports to the Federal Statistics Service and the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund

Integration with Internet banking

Alfa-Bank, Tochka, Tinkoff, Modulbank, import statements from other banks

Document templates

Warehouse accounting

Directory of counterparties

Free consultation with an accountant

Free year for individual entrepreneurs

For individual entrepreneurs who have recently registered their business, Elba offers a year of free service. During this year, the Premium plan is available, with all features available. After the free year ends, you can stay on Premium or choose a different service package.

To take advantage of a free year of service, you must register as an individual entrepreneur no later than three months before registering in Elba. If you used the business registration service from Kontur, then a free year will be available to you immediately. Please note that this promotion is only valid for individual entrepreneurs - legal entities will be served under standard conditions.

Conditions for LLC

Elba’s electronic accounting can be used not only by individual entrepreneurs, but also by LLCs. They have access to all services and functions under the same conditions. To do this, a legal entity must meet the following requirements:

  • Taxation form - simplified tax system or UTII
  • Staff size - less than 50 people
  • Lack of people with disabilities on staff

In other situations, you can use Kontur.Accounting - an advanced accounting system designed for larger companies. It is available to LLCs on any tax system and with a staff size of up to 100 employees. The cost of Accounting is from 1,500 per quarter.

Connection using a promotional code

To get more favorable terms of service in Elba, you can indicate a promotional code when registering. To do this, you will need to indicate the code in a separate field during registration. A promotional code may give you a discount on rates or free periods of service.

You can monitor the appearance of new promotional codes on this page and in the official communities of the service on social networks. Please note that after registering in the system, you will no longer be able to use the code.

Key Features

SKB Kontur tries to make managing a small business simple and comfortable. To do this, it implements many useful services, both built into Elba and third-party.
The most popular options are:
  • Props
  • Online cash register
  • Reconciliation reports
  • Verification of counterparties
  • Integration with partner banks
  • Qualified electronic signature - CEP (EDS)
  • Tax return according to the simplified tax system
  • Zero reporting
  • Help 2 personal income tax
  • Vacation pay calculation
Next, you will learn about them in more detail, as well as about other useful Contour services.


Props is a small page that contains the basic data of your business. Using it, you can quickly provide all the necessary details to a counterparty or company employee. All users can register details, regardless of the current service package.

In the details you can indicate:

  • Legal name
  • Full name of the director (for LLC)
  • Contact details - address, telephone, email
  • TIN and checkpoint
  • Details of the current account or accounts.
  • Link to price list for your services

You can view and configure your details on the main page of your personal account. You can specify what data you want to display and configure access. You can make the details available to everyone or enable access via a link. In the second case, if necessary, you can send a link to a counterparty or employee via SMS, email or messenger.

Online cash register

SKB Kontur offers various services to those involved in retail trade. Such clients have access to the services of Kontur’s own OFD, the Kontur.Market commodity accounting system and online cash registers that meet the requirements of Federal Law-54. Kontur cooperates with a major supplier of cash register equipment ATOL.

Unlike other companies, Kontur does not have ready-made cash solutions. You can assemble a convenient cash register yourself to suit your needs. In addition to the cash register, you can purchase a fiscal drive for up to 36 months, a receipt printer (if it is not already built into the cash register), a 1D or 2D code scanner and a terminal for accepting payments from bank cards.

A fully equipped cash register with a fiscal drive and connection to Kontur.OFD costs from 20,500 rubles.

Elba already has a built-in simple commodity accounting system that is suitable for small store. For active trading, it is better to use Kontur.Market - it will allow you to organize the work of your store more efficiently. The market is compatible with many popular cash register solutions and interacts with Elba, Accounting and 1C. With the help of the Market you can:

  • Maintain a catalog of goods, process invoices, conduct inventory
  • Exchange data about goods (directories, sales, balances) with the cash register
  • Create price tags and barcodes, set markups and discounts
  • Track sales statistics by outlets, dates and specific product items
  • Interact with EGAIS, generate and send alcohol declarations

Kontur.Market packages:

Reconciliation reports

In order to agree on mutual settlements based on the results of a particular period, as well as to check the presence or absence of debts, counterparties draw up a reconciliation report. This is a document that displays data on all contracts or agreements concluded between organizations for a specified period. Drawing up a reconciliation report will help identify outstanding debt and agree on its repayment.

The reconciliation report is drawn up in two copies - one for each counterparty. In order for a document to receive legal force, it must be certified by the signature of a manager or accountant who has a power of attorney, as well as the company’s seal.

To generate a reconciliation report using Elbe, go to the “Counterparties” section, select the desired organization and select “Create a new” - “Period for reconciliation”. The system will automatically generate a document using information from the “Documents” and “Money” sections. You can immediately print the finished act or send it to the counterparty at electronic form for prior approval.

Verification of counterparties

Before concluding a transaction with a counterparty, it is necessary to assess its reliability. Cooperation with an unreliable company can lead to violations in fulfilling the terms of the transaction, loss of time, money, and in some cases, reputation. You can find out more about the counterparty using the express check service built into Elba.

Using the accounting system, you can request information about the organization from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This way you will find out how long the company has existed, where and how it was registered, what types of activities it is engaged in, whether reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy procedures have been carried out. Usually this information is enough to assess the reliability of the counterparty. To use the function, go to the “Counterparties” section, select the desired organization and click the “Check counterparty” button.

The counterparty verification service is available on Business and Premium tariffs and is included in the price.

For a deeper check of counterparties, Kontur has a separate service - Kontur.Focus. Using it, you can not only study information about the company in all official databases, but also select counterparties according to specified criteria. The cost of a one-time audit of a company using Focus is 1,300 rubles.

Integration with banks

If you have a current account with a partner bank - Tochka, Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank or Modulbank - you can link it to this accounting system. Then the accounting department will automatically process all transactions on the account and keep reports on them. Integration is not available to clients of other banks - they can download a statement in 1C format from the client bank and add it to Elba.

To set up integration, go to the “Details” - “Bank Accounts” section, select or add the desired account and click the “I want to integrate” button. Follow the instructions to set up the integration. Elba will begin interacting with the account within one to two days. You can add an account statement from another bank in the “Money” section - click the “Upload file from bank” button and select required document(usually it is saved in .txt format).

Modulbank clients can send payment orders directly from Elbe, without logging into the Internet bank. She will send the generated document to the online bank and make the payment. You can confirm the operation with an SMS password.

Electronic signature

To send reports to the Federal Tax Service and other authorities electronically, you will need a qualified electronic signature. If you don't have it yet, you can order it to be released in Elba. The signature is issued free of charge - its cost is already included in the tariff.

Until 2013, the issuance and use of electronic signatures was regulated by federal law No. 1-FZ “On electronic digital signature”. Now, instead of it, Law No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signature” is in force. It uses the term "qualified electronic signature" (QES) instead of the old "electronic digital signature"(EDS). The difference between these terms is only in a few technical and legal nuances.

The procedure for issuing an electronic signature is as follows:

  • Go to the "Reporting" section and select the "Release" task electronic signature»
  • Select the certification authority where you want to obtain a signature
  • Fill out an application for issuing a CEP in your personal account on the website of the certification center
  • Print and sign the application
  • Upload scans of the signed application, passport and SNILS. The CA you choose may also require other documents.
  • Wait for your application to be reviewed - you will be notified of the results by phone or SMS
  • Sign the agreement at the certification center in person or through a representative (a power of attorney is required)

After this, you will receive a CEP certificate, which will be valid for a year. After this period, the CA will replace it free of charge. The signature itself is stored in the cloud, without physical media - you can use it at any time and from any device.

Please note that in Elbe you can only use its internal ECP - other signatures are not suitable for it.

Declaration according to the simplified tax system

A tax return under the simplified taxation system is submitted every year by April 30. Both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are required to take it. Using this system, you can calculate the tax payable for the billing period, prepare a declaration and send it to the tax office.

To generate a declaration, select the desired task in the “Reporting” section. Provide information about your income - to do this you need to upload a bank account statement. Elba will automatically calculate the amount of tax and other mandatory contributions. After paying these payments, the service will help you prepare a declaration and a book of income and expenses. The finished document can be sent to tax office in person, by mail or online (if you have an electronic signature).

Zero reporting

Even if an individual entrepreneur using the simplified taxation system did not have income and expenses for the reporting period, he is still required to report to tax service(always) and funds (if there are employees). To do this, you need to prepare and submit zero reporting. Entrepreneurs using other forms of taxation, as well as legal entities, cannot submit it.

For those who submit zero reporting, there is separate tariff- Zero. It only includes preparing and sending reports to the Federal Tax Service - all other functions are disabled. Connection and maintenance are free. You can switch to or from it at any time.

Help 2 personal income tax

2-NDFL certificates are necessary for reporting on income tax withheld and paid from the salaries of your employees. Employees may also request such certificates to confirm income. Both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities must generate 2-NDFL certificates and report on wages paid.

To generate a 2-NDFL certificate, go to the “Employees” section, select the desired employee and click the “Print 2-NDFL certificate” button. Select the period for which you want to generate a certificate and click the “Generate” button. Elba will automatically calculate the tax and prepare the document. The completed certificate can be printed or, if there is an electronic signature, sent electronically.

Generating and sending reports in form 2-NDFL is available only on Premium.

Vacation pay calculation

Elba does not yet have its own service for calculating vacation pay. But you can use the free calculator provided by Kontur.Accounting. The procedure for calculating vacation pay is as follows:

  • Specify the start and end dates of the vacation, select its type (main, additional or educational). The calculator will set the billing period for which vacation pay will be accrued. Click "Next" button
  • If there are periods that need to be excluded from the calculation (for example, sick leave, business trips or other vacations) - check the box “There are exclusion periods” and indicate the required dates
  • If the salary was increased during the billing period, check the box “During the billing period there was a salary increase in the organization or division” and indicate the date and amount of the increase
  • Fill in the table with the amount of accruals during the billing period, taking into account taxes. Sick leave, vacation pay, benefits and some other accruals do not need to be indicated. Click "Next" button

The service will automatically calculate the amount of vacation pay and the amount of personal income tax payable

Comparison with analogues from SKB Kontur


Accounting, unlike Elbe, is designed for larger companies on any taxation system and with a staff of up to 100 people. It provides the same functions as Elba - accounting, sending reports, paying salaries and others. At the same time, Accounting has more tools for analysis, working with documents and reporting.

Comparison of Elbe and Accounting


  • Accounting and reporting
  • For individual entrepreneurs and LLCs on the simplified tax system, PSN or UTII
  • From 4,900 rubles per year
  • Maintaining and sending reports
  • Integration with banks
  • Built-in goods accounting
  • No financial analysis tools
  • Small Business Only


  • Accounting and reporting
  • For individual entrepreneurs and LLCs on any taxation system
  • From 8,400 rubles per year
  • Maintaining and sending reports
  • No integration with banks
  • Automatic reporting
  • No built-in product accounting
  • Financial Analysis Tools
  • Access levels for different employees
  • Suitable for dedicated accounting departments


This service is designed for preparing and submitting reports. It does not have built-in accounting - all information is loaded from another accounting system (for example, 1C). The external student will help you submit reports to the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and other authorities, warn you about deadlines and check documents for errors.

Comparison of Elbe and Extern


  • Accounting and reporting
  • For small businesses - individual entrepreneurs and LLCs
  • From 4,900 rubles per year
  • Integration with banks and accounting systems
  • Reminders and reference materials
  • Own free CEP
  • Small Business Only


  • Maintaining and sending reports
  • For any business
  • From 1,700 rubles per year
  • Integration with any accounting systems
  • Manual and automatic filling of documents
  • Reminders, reference materials, legal framework
  • CEP is issued separately
  • Suitable for companies with branches

How to get started with Elba


On the main page you can click on the big orange “Must try” button, or on the link under the “Gift for new entrepreneurs” button (my case).

In the second case, you will be taken to the promotion page - a free year for new entrepreneurs. Such clients can use the "Premium" tariff, which will be activated automatically for 30 days. For a free year of service, you need to upload scans of documents, issue an electronic signature and enter into an agreement with the Pension Fund.

We fill out the registration form - indicate your email, come up with a password, select the type of organization ( or ) and the taxation system. Click the "Start using" button.

After registration, we are taken to the main page of our personal account. On it you will see the “Money” window, which displays the current bank and cash balances, and other data. In the window on the left - latest news from Elba's blog. We also see buttons for creating documents, notifications about invoices, acts and invoices.


First, fill out the details. You can fill in the details automatically by indicating your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

In a separate window we indicate our registration address. The index and OKTMO are filled in automatically.

Working with Elba

Work with the service occurs through the website, accessible on any device - additional programs and no apps are needed for this. Each section and operation is accompanied detailed instructions, including in video format that explain the purpose of functions and the procedure for filling out forms. Next I will tell you in more detail how to work with Elba.


On the “Documents” page we can create several types of documents: agreement, invoice, act, delivery note, invoice or other document from the template.

This is, for example, how creating an account in Elba looks like:

We can also use several types of document templates or create our own:

The contract template looks like this. The places that will be replaced with our data are highlighted.

In the “Document Scheduler” section, you can schedule the creation of documents (agreements, invoices, etc.) on certain dates of each month.


On the “Products” page you can keep inventory records of our organization.

Add new product You can use an incoming invoice, an acceptance certificate, an advance report, from a price list, or enter it manually.

This is what manually filling out information about a new product looks like:

This is what the inventory page looks like:


On the “Money” page, you can manually enter receipts, write-offs, import statements and download the cash book.

Manual entry of receipt:

Manual write-off entry:

Export of cash book for the period:


On this page you can create new payments and monitor their payment.

This is what creating a new payment card looks like


On the “Counterparties” page, a record of all your counterparties is kept. You can add a new one or check the new one using the details.

Manually filling in data about a new counterparty


The "Reporting" tab displays a list of active tasks (payment of insurance premiums for the quarter, taxes).

Creating a letter to your Federal Tax Service.


In the "Employees" tab, you can keep records of all employees of your organization, calculate salaries, deductions, vacation pay, sick leave and benefits.

Form for adding a new employee - indicate personal data and data for reporting - TIN, SNILS of the employee, etc.

Questions for the experts

Here you can consult for free with an accountant or lawyer on any issues related to running a business.

Question for an accountant:

Question for a lawyer. The first question is free:

Getting to know the Elba service

Contura Products

A special page shows all the services of the Kontur company:


Contractor verification service Kontur.Focus:


Elbe information service with search, popular articles and sections:

Video review of the service

Free registration of individual entrepreneurs


(8 ratings, average: 4.9 out of 5)

What's new in the Elbe Circuit:

Attention, only some updates of the Elbe Circuit are published here. They happen almost every week, but they all make the news - the state is constantly changing something in reporting forms, calculation formulas, various details, etc., etc. Since Elbe's mission is to hide such changes and give time to conduct business, most of these changes are not published. And if they require participation, decision-making, etc. - then, of course, Elba talks about them.

Elbe circuit - updates 2018/2019
- Elba Contour has integrated with Sberbank. Now the current account in Sberbank online is synchronized with Contour Elbe
- the course “Everything will get out of control” has appeared, this is a set of life hacks for very, very acute situations in business, the course is free
- it became possible to write to technical support through mobile applications on iOS and Android. The Elbe Contour program has become even more mobile!
- Elba Contour began to independently calculate simplified tax rates in all regions. No government agency issues such information for reference; now Elba will do such work
- Elba takes into account 1% of contributions from the difference between income and expenses under the simplified tax system (USN) income minus expenses

Introduced new way authorization, allowing you to depend less on cellular operators (SMS): enter the password on your computer → receive a push notification on your phone → click on it → Elba will open on your computer.

Elbe circuit - updates 2017
- acquiring is automatically taken into account
- updated application for Android (09.17)
- automatic reminder to pay the bill, Elba sends it herself
- integration with Kontur.Market
- new tariffs came into force in 2017
- you can combine the simplified tax system and a patent

Elbe Circuit - autumn-winter 2016 updates
- Export of acts from Elbe to Diadoc
- Updated application on iOS: new filters and documents, etc.

Elbe Circuit - spring-summer 2016 updates
- functionality for dismissing employees in Elba has been added
- SZV-M via mobile application can be taken (both on Android and iOS)
- Custom menu now allows you to customize the interface yourself

Elbe Circuit - winter 2016 updates
- The task of preparing a report to Rosstat has already appeared
- the task of preparing financial statements is available
- integration of Elba and Tinkoff Bank took place

Elbe Contour - autumn 2015 updates

Long-awaited personnel documents have appeared in Elba. Now on the “Employees” tab there are templates for typical employment contracts, staffing table, vacation schedule. For an LLC, there is a separate order for the director to assume the position and an order for the director to perform the duties of an accountant.

Integration of a current account with Tochka Bank

A new type of document flow, like submissions to the Federal Tax Service. At the moment, only a notification about registering a trade item can be sent from the system.
In order to add a trading object, you need to go to the Details page and check the box “I pay a trading fee”.

Elbe Circuit - spring 2015 updates

An “Event Feed” has appeared - a very convenient opportunity to track primary activity, etc. for those who manage several individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on one account

Elbe circuit - winter updates 2014-2015
- In the Elbe interface for cash receipts and debits, the “Appendix” field has appeared, in which you can write the basis for the payment (previously it was only in printed forms PKO and RKO)
- Changes have been made to the integration process with Alfa Bank.
- Currency accounts have appeared - now Elba takes into account not only ruble accounts, in addition, it monitors the conversion! There is no need to check the courses.

Elbe Contour - autumn 2014 updates

The long-awaited outgoing letters to the Pension Fund and the Federal Tax Service have appeared. You can write a letter directly from Elba on the page of your personal account “Letters from the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation” in the “Reporting” section. You can also respond to incoming letters about retroconversion

Elba Contour - summer 2014 updates.
The main news was the division into two services - Elba Contour for individual entrepreneurs (partially for LLC - CE does not do accounting) and Contour Accounting for LLC.

Elba Contour - spring 2014 updates.

We changed the import of statements - now the check for duplicates for write-offs does not check the exact equality of dates, but +-month because the date for write-offs often changes
- Now in the system it is impossible to create a receipt/debit for a bank if a current account is not specified
- Now you can select the “Citizenship” field for each employee
- made document uploading easier to use with the Safari browser

Accounting Kontur - updates for May 2014.

It is now possible to set a tariff for an employee
- In personal data there is no longer a checkmark about a 5-day 40-hour chart

Elbe circuit - updates for April 2014.

Light version:

Table 10 appeared in the 4-FSS report
- The logic of the “Print” and “Save” buttons on the document preview has changed
- outsourced accounting receives 3 months as a gift when starting work (after the first payment)

Pro version:
- There was a task to prepare 4-FSS for the 1st quarter of 2014
- The task for preparing 2-NDFL will be relevant until April 2 (end of reporting)

11 Elbe Contour - updates for November-December 2013.

Light version
- The document type “goods acceptance certificate” has been added to the reconciliation report with counterparties.
- Payroll Now you can also download in Excel format
Pro version
- In the service, using the “Reviews and Suggestions” link, each user will now go to UserEcho
- the Profit Declaration has been improved
- added Production calendar for 2014

10 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for October 2013.

- the ability to send corrective reports for tax and accounting reporting has become available.

- import from Excel has appeared in working with goods (works by copying columns in Excel tables, that is, through the clipboard, and not by exporting files)
- the “rejected” status appeared for the issued invoice

09 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for September 2013.

Pro version - Accounting Kontur
- In the “Rounding amount to be paid” setting, you will be able to select the value “Round up to the full ruble.”
- etc.

Light version - Accounting Kontur
- the main page in your personal account will now change according to your wishes - by dragging and dropping the blocks you need, you will form the most important information for you on the main page
- changes for UTII: if there are two identical types of activity in one tax, with one OKATO and K2 coefficient, then they can be combined (this is more profitable!)

08 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for August 2013.

Pro version - Accounting Kontur
- a new salary certificate has appeared upon dismissal - now it includes periods of exceptions

Light version - Accounting Kontur
- An online warehouse has appeared!
- Multi-user mode - by default, all new users are assigned the same limited rights

07 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for July 2013.

Pro version.

Your organization now has the opportunity to maintain several current accounts:
a) in the details you can indicate which of them will be the main one. By default, this is the first account;
b) in documents (payment order, bank order, invoice for payment, accounting certificate) the default account is set to the main account, but you can reselect another account
c) in other documents, where the account is displayed only in printed form along with other details of our organization, the main account is displayed

You can use a qualified electronic signature in our online accounting!

Form 4-FSS for the second quarter has been updated

Light version.
- it became possible to save current accounts not from the directory (both for yourself and for counterparties). This is done manually - data is entered into three fields - BIC, Name and Corr. check

06 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for June 2013.

Pro version.

IN payment order and an expense cash order, an advance payment transaction has been added; it can be issued for one employee or for a list of employees (for such employees the advance must be approved)

Light version.
- the type of operation “Penalties and Penalties” was added, in addition, when importing an extract automatically, the system recognizes it by KBK

05 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for May 2013.

Pro version.
- a new tariff plan "Salary" has appeared

Light version.
- filling in the details of counterparties in documents according to the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
- for invoices, acts, invoices and invoices, page numbers have been added

04 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for April 2013.

Pro version
- fixed asset accounting appeared
- now you can order a cloud digital signature!
- it became possible to purchase a cloud digital signature from the service (Profi). This can be done provided that you have paid for a tariff plan that does not include digital signature in the cloud.
- in the “Organization” section on the “Overview” tab there is now a task for closing the month. When performing this task, Accounting Kontur creates a “Month Closing” document with the corresponding transactions.

Easy version
- instead of the “espionage” section, the service has new capabilities for checking counterparties
- for individual entrepreneurs on UTII you can reduce the tax by 100% of paid contributions
- for business on UTII you can now choose inspections from any region, and not just from the region by type of activity
- when saving the cash book, Accounting Kontur no longer offers a preview, only the “Save in format...” button is visible. This made it possible to significantly speed up it, now even 400 pages of the cash book are saved. in a minute
- the consignment note made it possible to indicate the consignee and payer separately from each other

03 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for March 2013.

Light version.
-opportunities for checking counterparties have expanded (previously it was possible to receive extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in minutes, now you can use the capabilities special service"Contour. Focus")

Pro version.
- Child care benefits up to 1.5 years old are now calculated automatically. When the child reaches 1.5 years old, the system will stop doing calculations itself.

02 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for February 2013.

Light version.
- incoming documents appeared - acts and invoices
- 2-NDFL reporting opened (the task became available for execution)

Pro version.
- Accounting statements for 2012 were opened in format 5.04 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2013 No. ММВ-7-6/35@)

01 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for January 2013.

All organizations now have the task “Entering accounting balances” with a message on the main page
- Added search for money

12 Electronic accountant Elba - updates for December 2012.

Since November 2012, the Elba Electronic Accountant program has become a “Light” version of the program (or rather, online service) “Accounting. Contour”. All updates will continue to be published on the softodrome.
- The task “pay salary and 2-personal income tax” now receives an SMS with the text “It’s time to pay taxes.”
- The book of income and expenses for the bank is now formed according to real amounts, and not according to the amount recorded in taxes. KUDIR for the tax office has not changed

- Now in Elba there is no uniqueness in the name of the counterparty. You can create counterparties with the same names but different details.
- the integration of two services has begun - Elba and Eureka. In two months, they should completely merge into the Accounting Kontur service - in the service it will be possible to conduct business using the simplified tax system, UTII and OSNO!!

Collaboration has been implemented in Elbe! Now a separate login (account) has been implemented for the accountant

The Elba online service from SKB Kontur is an indispensable assistant for organizations on the simplified tax system, UTII or patent.

The system will make it easier to do business and help organize work with goods, documents, contractors, and employees.

The functionality of the Elbe Contour web service is truly enormous, given such an attractive price. In this article we will look at how to get started with the program - register and log into your personal account, and also get a year of using the service for free.

In addition, we will figure out what is remarkable about the Elbe Contour, its advantages and capabilities.


To register in the Elba Contour web service, you need to visit the page and fill out a short form. The following data will be needed:

  • Email address
  • Password to enter your personal account (the more complex and longer, the more secure)
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (optional field, needed to activate the free period, we will discuss it below)
  • You must indicate your taxation system, or check the box “I run several individual entrepreneurs or LLCs”

Click the “Start using” button and the registration process is completed.

Here it is worth mentioning a promotion that allows you to use the Kontur Elba system for free for a whole year on the Premium tariff plan. Individual entrepreneurs registered no more than three months ago can take advantage of this offer.

That is, a free year of Elba is a pleasant gift for aspiring individual entrepreneurs.

Enter your TIN in the form described above, or register on another page - to participate in the promotion.

Now you can log in to your personal account of the service.

Login to Circuit Elbe

To log into your personal account, simply follow the link and enter the e-mail and password specified during registration into the form.

You can check the “Remain logged in” checkbox in order to have access to your personal account without entering a password the next time you visit the site.

You can also log into the Kontur Elba system from the main page of the official website of SKB Kontur by clicking on the button at the top “Login to services” and selecting the appropriate item - “Elba”.

Main features of the system

The Elba Contour web service has a truly huge range of tools for doing business, which will be especially useful for beginning entrepreneurs.

The system will help you get rid of the bulk of the accounting routine and organize business processes.

The Elbe circuit has the following functions:

  • Simple work with documentation - creating contracts, issuing invoices, invoices and acts directly in the system’s personal account.
  • Convenient financial monitoring - all payment transactions and receipts are stored in Elba’s Kontur personal account and are always available.
  • Timely and correct reports to the Federal Tax Service - the service automatically checks the submitted documentation, and tips will help you fill out documents even without accounting knowledge.
  • Integration with banks such as Alfa-Bank, Tochka, Tinkoff and Modulbank to automatically receive statements and send payments.
  • Goods accounting - the Elba Contour system allows you to track trade turnover and create the necessary warehouse documents.
  • Calculation of salaries, insurance premiums and taxes of employees with storage in personal cards.
  • Multi-user mode - the ability for several employees to work in the system under your control.
  • Flexible tariffs with different costs per year of using the service. You can view all tariffs and prices for the Elba Contour at the link

Elba - convenient and easy-to-use online accounting for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. It will remind you about reporting deadlines, help you calculate taxes correctly, prepare all the necessary reports and send them to the tax office via the Internet. Create invoices, acts, invoices and other documents. Keep your income and expenses under control. Monitor the circulation of goods in your virtual warehouse. Elba will help you calculate your payroll taxes and pay insurance premiums and report for your employees to the tax, pension fund and Social Insurance Fund. The service works in any browser and is available anywhere in the world 24/7. We also have a convenient application for Android and iOS. You don't have to read instructions or learn the Tax Code. We will answer technical issues, we will help you understand the intricacies of accounting and taxation. If you were able to read this text, then you will definitely be able to work in Elbe. Register now and receive up to 12 months of service as a gift, the terms of the promotion are below.

Who is the service suitable for?

How to get 12 months of Elba service free for individual entrepreneurs

For accountants

If you are an accountant for a small organization, try it online service Internet accounting. Simple accounting for companies on the simplified tax system, UTII and LLC on OSNO. Accounting entries are automatically created based on the source documents that you post. All service capabilities comply with the law. Forms, documents and data update themselves.

The system itself will calculate wages. All you have to do is approve the calculations or change what you wish. “Smart service” will check all entered data for compliance with the law and format. When moving to a new month, all charges, taxes and contributions are calculated automatically, according to the values ​​\u200b\u200bin the current month.

We prepare and send reports to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Federal Tax Service for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, LLC on OSNO, financial statements consisting of two reports, upload and send the reports to Rosstat. Create documents, pay salaries, and the service itself will generate reports and check them. It will tell you which fields are filled in incorrectly and provide links to legislation. The reporting calendar will remind you of the deadlines that are relevant to you.

Kontur.Accounting - Gift for new LLCs

If you registered an LLC less than 3 months ago, we give you a quarter of work in the online service Kontur.Accounting with reporting via the Internet.

How to use?

1. Go to Kontur.Accounting:

- register using the promotional code Kontur Accounting: 3238

Login and create a new organization

The tariff is activated for the organization from which you will proceed to payment, and there should be no active payments in it.

2. Go to the “Tariffs and Payment” section. In the window that appears, select “Payment for the next period” and proceed to payment.

3. In the first step of the wizard that opens, select the “Start” tariff and the service center where it will be convenient for you to obtain a certificate for sending reports. Click Next. In the second step, enter the TIN, KPP and the name of your organization. We will check the data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If the organization has successfully passed verification, click “Activate”.

4. Hurray! The “Start” tariff is activated for 3 months.

Kontur.Accounting is an online service for easy accounting, convenient payroll calculation and quick submission of reports for small organizations, suitable for joint work of an accountant and director.

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