Beautiful quotes about art and love. Statements of great people about art. Composition skills

Without imagination there is no art, just as there is no science.

"Ferenz Liszt"

Nature is by no means the mother who nurtured us. She is our creation. Life imitates Art much more than Art follows Life.

"Oscar Wilde"

It is not colors that make figures beautiful, but good drawing.

"Titian Vecellio"

"Somerset Maugham"

The highest purpose of art is to make the human heart beat, and since the heart is the center of life, art must constantly be in the closest connection with the entire moral and material life of mankind.

"Jean Marie Guyot"

Precisely because true art strives for something real and objective, it cannot be satisfied with only the appearance of truth.

"Johann Friedrich Schiller"

Only art allows us to say even what we don’t know.

"Gabriel Laub"

They try to appeal to the authority of Shakespeare - they always appeal to him - and will quote that poorly written passage where it is said about the mirror that Art holds up to Nature, forgetting that this unfortunate aphorism was put, not without reason, in the mouth of Hamlet, so that those around him would have an extra an opportunity to see his complete madness when it comes to art.

"Oscar Wilde"

A brush, hand and palette are needed to paint, but the picture is not created by them.

"Jean Chardin"

In painting, whoever, having painted a face, adds something else, makes a painting, not a portrait.

"Blaise Pascal"

Everyone who has thought about the art of governing people is convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.


In no case does art reproduce its age. The great mistake of all historians is that they judge the era itself by the art of the era.

"Oscar Wilde"

A painter who sketches senselessly, guided by practice and the judgment of the eye, is like a mirror that reflects all the objects opposed to it, without having knowledge of them.

"Leonardo da Vinci"

Remembering the voter's name is the art of government. To forget means to be consigned to oblivion.

"Dale Carnegie"

I know that art is absolutely necessary, but I don’t know why.

"Jean Cocteau"

The arts are useful only if they develop the mind and do not distract it.


There is no need to copy nature, but you need to feel its essence and free it from accidents. –

"Isaac Levitan"

If Galileo had written in poetry that the Earth moves, the Inquisition would probably have left him alone.

"Thomas Hardy"

The greater the artist, the more strongly he should desire the ranks and orders that serve as his protection.


Painting is passionate silence.

"Gustave Moreau"

Art without individuality is impossible. Although at the same time its purpose is not to express individuality. It exists to provide pleasure.

"Oscar Wilde"

Art requires knowledge.

"B. Brecht"

What can't art do? “Women know how to cry beautifully!” They cry when they want and how they want.


A lasting work of art is always mutilated: its time is amputated.

"Andre Malraux"

Science is spectral analysis; art is a synthesis of light.

"Karl Kraus"

Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless it is learned.


Art is always modern.

"Fyodor Dostoevsky"

Don't try to be modern. This is the only thing that will not escape you, no matter how hard you try.

"Salvador Dali"

A sketch is the creation of ardor and genius, a painting is the creation of labor, patience, long study and complete knowledge in art.

"Denis Diderot"

The purpose of art is to reveal beauty and hide the artist.

"Oscar Wilde"

The most necessary art at court is not to speak well, but to be able to remain silent.


There are areas in which mediocrity is intolerable: poetry, music, painting, oratory.

"AND. Labruyère"

None contemporary art No. There is only art - and advertising.

"Albert Sterner"

Color must be thought out, inspired, dreamed out.

"Gustave Moreau"

The purpose of art is to rub our eyes.

"Karl Kraus"

A lot is needed for art, but the main thing is fire!

"Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy"

Painting allows you to see things as they once were, when they were looked at with love.

"Paul Valéry"

If a lion could be stuffed into a canary's cage, he would chirp here!

"Stanislav Jerzy Lec"

A well-chosen boutonniere is the only link between Art and Nature.

"Oscar Wilde"

Art is a reality ordered by the artist, bearing the stamp of his temperament, which is manifested in style.

"Andre Maurois"

Painting is jealous and demands that a person belong to it entirely.

"Michelangelo Buonarroti"

The student copies not out of imitation, but out of a desire to join the mystery of the Image.

"Peter Miturich"

In art there is a certain limit of perfection, just as in nature there is a limit of solubility and maturity.

"La Bruyère"

Art is a jealous lover.

"Ralph Emerson"

When depicting something, we take on a huge responsibility - to understand nature and depict it as completely as possible.

"Vladimir Andreevich Favorsky"

Life imitates Art in much better ways to a greater extent how Art imitates Life.

"Oscar Wilde"

Art is the mystery of the birth of an old word.

"Karl Kraus"

In all forms of art, you yourself need to experience the sensations that you want to evoke in others.

Art, like life, is beyond the capabilities of the weak. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Art never dies. Gaius Petronius Arbiter

Sheet music is just the art of writing down ideas, the main thing is to have them. Stendhal

The picture should not be judged by the amount of time that is wasted on it without success, but by the ability and skill of the one who executes it. Michelangelo Buonarroti

With the help of art, nature creates miracles. Carl Linnaeus

There are people who show their art in slandering the arts. Hippocrates

What can't art do? “Women know how to cry beautifully!” They cry when they want and how they want! Publius Ovid Naso

A work of art is the highest work of the human spirit; it gives life, it perfects man. Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge

A thing that exists in nature becomes much more beautiful if it resembles an object of art, but an object of art does not become truly beautiful by resembling a thing that exists in nature. Oscar Wilde

A person who is not familiar with the art of horse riding will not undertake to give advice on how to break horses. But in morality we are less distrustful. Here we always consider ourselves knowledgeable and able to give advice to all people. Claude-Adrian Helvetius

Art is, in essence, science; this is what we should see in architecture. Etienne-Louis Boulet

The importunity of young amateurs should be treated with condescension; in adulthood they will become true admirers of art and its masters. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Pitiful is the master whose work is ahead of his judgment; that master advances in the perfection of art, the works of which are surpassed by judgment. Leonardo da Vinci

Art is alive - through the living blood of sacrifices. Maximilian Aleksandrovich Voloshin

A work of art reproduces something - however, not only something past or present, but also something future. Karol Izhikowski

Science is spectral analysis; art is a synthesis of light. Karl Kraus

The main thing in oratory is to prevent art from being noticed. Marcus Fabius Quintilian

It is more pleasant for an artist to paint a picture than to finish it. While he was writing, art itself delighted him. The adolescence of our children is richer in fruits, but their infancy is dearer to us. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

Life is learned from books and works of art, perhaps even more than from life itself. Theodore Dreiser

The arts go around the whole world and circulate like blood in our veins. Voltaire

Painting is a very specific art; it can only be an image of truly existing things. This is the language of nature, the language of the visible world. What we do not see, non-existent and abstract, does not belong to the field of painting. Gustave Courbet

Art has never left man, it has always met his needs and his ideal, it has always helped him in finding this ideal - it was born with man, developed alongside his historical life. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Painting is a quiet art, and this, in my opinion, is its considerable merit. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix

A wonderful addition to the art of living and dying would be a book on the art of growing old, which would teach people how to gradually renounce their pretensions, the pleasures and courtships of youth, as age and illness approach. Richard Steele

Painting is an art through which the artist depicts passion through facial features and body position and moves the viewer with his sympathetic and ironic attitude towards the subject. Stendhal

No one except the artist can promote art. Patrons encourage the artist, this is fair and good; but this does not always encourage art. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Art never addresses the crowd, the masses, it speaks to the individual, in the deep and secret recesses of his soul. Maximilian Aleksandrovich Voloshin

The art of drawing and painting itself are nothing more than tools that promote literature and, consequently, the enlightenment of the people. Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov

Among all the arts that nature has assigned to the human race, painting is the most pleasant and serves for useful amusement of the eyes and mind. Alexander Andreevich Ivanov

The highest purpose of art is to make the human heart beat, and since the heart is the center of life, art must constantly be in the closest connection with the entire moral and material life of mankind. Jean-Marie Guyot

Art is the ability to see the invisible, touch the intangible and draw what has no form. Joseph Joubert

For artists, constant touching of art dulls their aesthetic sense, replacing it with an aesthetic eye. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

In love, as in art, you don’t need to say what others have said: you need to say what you feel; and he who is in a hurry to speak when he still has nothing to say runs the great risk of never saying anything. Romain Rolland

Should art be understandable? Yes, but only for those to whom it is addressed.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

If art is not confined to the four walls of a room, it can be confined to the four walls of a cell.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Art goes ahead, and the guards follow.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Art is the ability to see the invisible, touch the intangible and draw what has no form.
Joseph Joubert (1754 – 1824), French writer

Art is thinking in images.
Vissarion Belinsky (1811 – 1848), critic

Art is an infection of other people's feelings.
Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910), writer

Art was more of a blanket than a mirror.
(1854 – 1900), English writer

Art is the mystery of the birth of an old word.

Art is always a limitation. The meaning of every picture is in its frame.
Gilbert Chesterton (1874 – 1936), English writer

Science is spectral analysis; art is a synthesis of light.
Karl Kraus

Science calms, but art exists to prevent calm.
Georges Braque (1882 – 1963), French artist

Theory is a monologue, art is a dialogue in which the interlocutor is silent.
Grigory Landau (1877 – 1941), philosopher, critic

Art is a jealous lover.
Ralph Emerson (1803 – 1882), American writer

Art is a way to experience the making of a thing, and what is done in art is not important.
Boris Shklovsky (1893 – 1984), writer, literary critic

If anyone calls something art, it is art.
Donald Judd (b. 1928), American sculptor

I know that art is absolutely necessary, but I don’t know why.
Jean Cocteau (1889 – 1963), French playwright

Only art allows us to say even what we don’t know.
Gabriel Laub (b. 1928), Czech-German aphorist

The purpose of art is to rub our eyes.
Karl Kraus (1874 – 1936), Austrian writer

The purpose of art is to reveal beauty and hide the artist.

The artist's task is to make people children.
(1844 – 1900), German philosopher

Art without individuality is impossible. Although at the same time its purpose is not to express individuality. It exists to provide pleasure.
Oscar Wilde

Science makes us gods; art is by people.
Arkady Davidovich (b. 1930), writer

Art is human nature; nature is the art of God.
Philip Bailey (1816 – 1902), English poet

Nature is by no means the mother who nurtured us. She is our creation. Life imitates Art much more than Art follows Life.
Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900), English writer

Art creates great archetypes, in relation to which everything that exists is only an unfinished copy.
Oscar Wilde

God created Italy according to Michelangelo's design.

A thing that exists in nature becomes much more beautiful if it resembles an object of art, but an object of art does not become truly beautiful by resembling a thing that exists in nature.
Oscar Wilde

London fogs did not exist until art discovered them.
Oscar Wilde

A soap bubble is the most beautiful and most perfect thing that exists in nature.
Mark Twain (1835 – 1910), American writer

They try to appeal to the authority of Shakespeare - they always appeal to him - and will quote that poorly written passage where it is said about the mirror that Art holds up to Nature, forgetting that this unfortunate aphorism was put, not without reason, in the mouth of Hamlet, so that those around him would have an extra an opportunity to see his complete madness when it comes to art.
Oscar Wilde

A well-chosen boutonniere is the only link between Art and Nature.
Oscar Wilde

Nero's lyre was a tuning fork.
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec (1909 – 1966), Polish writer

In a free society, art is not a weapon, and artists are not engineers of human souls.
John Kennedy (1917 – 1963), US President

People who have nothing in common with art should have nothing in common with it. Just?
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The greater the artist, the more strongly he should desire the ranks and orders that serve as his protection.
Stendhal (1783 – 1842), French writer

Beelzebub encourages art. He guarantees his artists peace, good food and absolute isolation from hellish life.
Zbigniew Herbert (1924 – 1998), Polish poet

Prisons with stained glass windows inserted into the bars.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Horses and poets must be fed, but not overfed.
Charles IX (1550 – 1574), French king

“But I have to live!” - “I don’t see the need.”
Dialogue of a certain French writer of the 15th century. with Minister d'Argenson

Poets should be expelled from the state.
Paraphrased thought of Plato

I can make ten grandees out of ten Castilian men, but even out of ten grandees I cannot make one Velazquez.
Philip IV (1621 – 1665), King of Spain

Having finished with education, he took up culture.
Leonid Leonidov (b. 1940), satirist

And the nightingale can help the plowman, if you don’t put a collar on him.
Leszek Kumor, Polish aphorist

If a lion could be stuffed into a canary's cage, he would chirp here!
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

If Galileo had written in poetry that the Earth moves, the Inquisition would probably have left him alone.
Thomas Hardy (1840 – 1928), English writer

Finally, physicists and lyricists have nothing to share - both are in the fold.
Emilius the Architect, author of the 16th page of “LG”

To be modern means to be ahead of your time just enough to allow it to catch up with you without difficulty.
Louise de Vilmorin (1902 – 1969), French writer

To be in tune with your era? But at least an octave higher.
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec (1909 – 1966), Polish poet and aphorist

A lasting work of art is always mutilated: its time is amputated.
André Malraux (1901 – 1976), French writer

Art is always modern.
Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821 – 1881), writer

The more art imitates an era, the less it conveys its spirit.
Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900), English writer

The history of art is the history of renaissances.
Samuel Butler (1835 – 1902), English writer

In no case does art reproduce its age. The great mistake of all historians is that they judge the era itself by the art of the era.
Oscar Wilde

Don't try to be modern. This is the only thing that will not escape you, no matter how hard you try.
Salvador Dali (1904 – 1989), Spanish artist

There is no modern art. There is only art - and advertising.
Albert Sterner

Even ancient philosophers were fascinated by the human ability to create. Some considered her a gift from God. To others, this feature seemed like a curse. There were only indifferent people.

What do you think about this? creative personalities? Statements and quotes about art, with the help of which great people once expressed their opinions, will help you understand.

Creativity and the Universe

The modern pace of life leaves a person very little time to enjoy the beauty of the world. Sometimes only real creators manage to distract people from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and draw their attention to true values and make you think about the eternal. Many great quotes about art are devoted to this topic.

On the role of painting

True artists always have something to say to the world. From the depths of their consciousness, they bring to light original thoughts that amaze, delight and inspire those around them, once again reminding creative potential inherent in every person.

Introducing some quotes from artists about art that may pique the reader's interest.

Quotes from great artists about art and themselves

On the role of music

Writers about art

No less remarkable is the art of writing. Aphorisms, quotes and statements of famous authors are clear confirmation of this.

Many outstanding minds of mankind have spoken about the most important role of art in the life of society. The works of writers, philosophers, scientists and public figures are devoted to this issue. They speak out different opinions, which, in essence, boil down to a general conclusion: without the ability to see beauty and create, a person will lose his essence. We bring to the reader's attention quotes about art, as well as sayings of great people on this subject:

  • Art is the daughter of freedom. (Friedrich Schiller).
  • My imagination cannot create a picture of more complete happiness than continuing to live for the sake of creativity . (Clara Schumann).
  • Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. (Victor Pinchuk).
  • The skill of a writer lies in revealing what the reader believes. (Gustave Flaubert).
  • Creativity allows itself to make mistakes. Art knows which ones to keep. (Scott Adams).
  • Culture is the only thing that remains when everything else is forgotten . (Edouard Herriot).
  • Creativity is the only way to escape without leaving home. (Twyla Tharp).
  • Culture is art raised to a variety of beliefs. (Thomas Wolfe).
  • A beautiful body perishes, but it is eternal if recreated on the artist’s canvas. (Leonardo da Vinci).
  • For me, creativity is an opportunity to give people a way to look at the world around them differently. (Maya Lin).
  • Art is the engine of culture . (Nicholas Roerich).

Creativity and progress

The following quotes about art and its inextricable connection with science also show the significant role of the creative component in the development of human society.

Architecture is music frozen in stone

Creativity surrounds people everywhere. Architecture is one of its most ancient directions. And even if there are few quotes about art embodied in stone, they are all the more interesting.

  • Modern architecture is the art of filling space. (Philip Johnson).
  • Architecture is a visual art where the buildings speak for themselves . (Julia Morgan).
  • Architecture - Residential Sculpture . (Constantin Brancusi).
  • Architecture is the pursuit of truth. (Louis Kahn).
  • Life is architecture, and architecture is the mirror of life. (Yu Ming Pei).
  • Any work of architecture that does not express tranquility is a mistake. (Luis Barragan).

Art is an infection of other people's feelings.

Leo Tolstoy

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Art is thinking in images.

Vissarion Belinsky

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The artist's task is to make people children.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Art is always modern.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

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Science makes us gods, art makes us people.

Arkady Davidovich

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The closer to heaven, the colder it gets.

Anton Delvig

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If it is art, then it is not for everyone, and if it is for everyone, then it is not art.

Arnold Schoenberg

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Science calms, but art exists to prevent calm.

Georges Braque

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Muses are not the kind of girls who can always be raped. They will love whoever they want.

Mikhail Lomonosov

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Every artist who depicts the sky as green and the grass as blue must be sterilized.

Adolf Hitler

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Art is always a limitation. The meaning of every picture is in its frame.

Gilbert Chesterton

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Life is short, but the path of art is long.


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The purpose of art is to reveal beauty and hide the artist.

Oscar Wilde

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I believe in God, Mozart and Beethoven.

Richard Wagner

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Art is loved by those who have failed in life.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

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I know that art is absolutely necessary, but I don’t know why.

Jean Cocteau

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Art is the ability to see the invisible, touch the intangible and draw what has no form.

Joseph Joubert

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Art does not influence human activity; on the contrary, it paralyzes the desire to act.

Oscar Wilde

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No one lies more in art than realists.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and how less artist, the better.

Andre Gide

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The history of art is the history of renaissances.

Samuel Butler

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Nature is by no means the mother who nurtured us. She is our creation. Life imitates Art much more than Art follows Life.

Oscar Wilde

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To be in tune with your era? But at least an octave higher.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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Such is the nature of art: the artist cannot suffer alone.

Hans Keller

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Science is spectral analysis, art is the synthesis of light.

Karl Kraus

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True art has no worse enemy than a baby stroller in the hallway.

Cyril Connolly

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The best school for studying art is art itself, not life.

Oscar Wilde

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Handel had the gift of persuasion. When his music sounds on the words "seated on his eternal throne", the atheist is speechless, and you begin to believe in God, seated on the eternal throne by Handel.

George Bernard Shaw

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Modesty is the artist’s right, vanity is his duty.

Karl Kraus

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The purpose of art is to rub our eyes.

Karl Kraus

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Favorable conditions? There are none for the artist. Life itself is an unfavorable condition.

Marina Tsvetaeva

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Theory is a monologue, art is a dialogue in which the interlocutor is silent.

Grigory Landau

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Prisons with stained glass windows inserted into the bars.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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To be modern means to be ahead of your time just enough to allow it to catch up with you without difficulty.

Louise de Vilmorin

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Art without individuality is impossible. Although at the same time its purpose is not to express individuality. It exists to provide pleasure.

Oscar Wilde

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A well-chosen boutonniere is the only link between Art and Nature.

Oscar Wilde

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Art is the only serious thing in the world, but the artist is the only person in a world that is never serious.

Oscar Wilde

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A soap bubble is the most beautiful and most perfect thing that exists in nature.

Mark Twain

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Artists have gender, but art itself has no gender.

Oscar Wilde

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In no case does art reproduce its age. The great mistake of all historians is that they judge the era itself by the art of the era.

Oscar Wilde

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If a lion could be stuffed into a canary's cage, he would chirp here!

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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The more art imitates an era, the less it conveys its spirit.

Oscar Wilde

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Nero's lyre was a tuning fork.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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She was endowed with the impressionability of a true artist - and none of his other qualities.

Max Beerbohm

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Great artists have no fatherland.

Alfred de Musset

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They try to appeal to the authority of Shakespeare - they always appeal to him - and will quote that poorly written passage where it is said about the mirror that Art holds up to Nature, forgetting that this unfortunate aphorism was put, not without reason, in the mouth of Hamlet, so that those around him would have an extra an opportunity to see his complete madness when it comes to art.

Oscar Wilde

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If Galileo had written in poetry that the Earth moves, the Inquisition would probably have left him alone.

Thomas Hardy

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I can make ten grandees out of ten Castilian men, but even out of ten grandees I cannot make one Velazquez.

Philip IV

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Art can only be learned from those who earn their living from it.

Samuel Butler

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And Catholicism eventually became an applied art.

Adolf Nowachinsky

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The artist is a liar, but art is the truth.

Andre Maurois

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Art was more of a blanket than a mirror.

Oscar Wilde

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Art is the nature of man, nature is the art of God.

Philip Bailey

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Bach almost makes me believe in God.

Roger Fry

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Art requires sacrifices, but it does not accept them from everyone.

A. Karabchievsky

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In fact, art reflects not life, but the viewer.

Oscar Wilde

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The national artist organizes the fantasy of the nation, as national politician organizes the forces of the state.

Ciprian Norwid

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Art is the mystery of the birth of an old word.

Karl Kraus

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In a free society, art is not a weapon, and artists are not engineers of human souls.

John Kennedy

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Only art allows us to say even what we don’t know.

Gabriel Laub

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A thing that exists in nature becomes much more beautiful if it resembles an object of art, but an object of art does not become truly beautiful by resembling a thing that exists in nature.

Oscar Wilde

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Art could not live even without the person who could do without art.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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London fogs did not exist until art discovered them.

Oscar Wilde

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A lasting work of art is always mutilated: its time is amputated.

Andre Malraux

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Having finished with education, he took up culture.

Leonid Leonidov

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An artist is not a special kind of person, but every person is a special kind of artist.

Eric Gill

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The career of an artist is like the career of a courtesan: first for one’s own pleasure, then for someone else’s, and finally for money.

Marcel Achard

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In art, only someone who is uneducated enough to not know that everything has already been said can say something new.

Gabriel Laub

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An artist is a person who can turn a solution into a problem.

Karl Kraus

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An artist can be defined as a neurotic who is continuously cured by art.

Lee Simonson

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Art is a way to experience the making of a thing, and what is done in art is not important.

Boris Shklovsky

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You can forgive a person who does something useful, as long as he does not admire it. For those who create something useless, their only justification is passionate love for their creation. All art is completely useless.

Oscar Wilde

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Art creates great archetypes, in relation to which everything that exists is only an unfinished copy.

Oscar Wilde

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Art created for twelve people eventually becomes the property of twelve million.

Thaddeus Peyper

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Horses and poets must be fed, but not overfed.

Charles IX

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Only a born artist is able to work hard enough to become one.

Duchess Diana

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Don't try to be modern. This is the only thing that will not escape you, no matter how hard you try.

Salvador Dali

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People who have nothing in common with art should have nothing in common with it. Just?

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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When a culture feels its end is coming, it sends for a priest.

Karl Kraus

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If anyone calls something art, it is art.

Donald Judd

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Art is a jealous lover.

Ralph Emerson

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There is no progress in art. There is a spiral.

Sergey Dovlatov

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Modern trends have imagined that art is like a fountain, whereas it is a sponge. They decided that art should hit, while it should suck and be saturated. They considered that it can be decomposed into means of representation, while it consists of the organs of perception. It should always be in the audience and look at everyone cleaner, more receptive and more faithful, but these days it has learned the powder, the dressing room and appears from the stage.

Boris Pasternak

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Yes, art is useless, but its uselessness is necessary.

Eugene Ionesco

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The divergence of nature and art - A deception for the eyes: their meeting is feasible... - translation: M. N. Rozanov

Johann Goethe

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The highest art is to hide it.

Denis Diderot

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Learn to love the art in yourself, and not yourself in the art.

Konstantin Stanislavsky

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Perhaps art is simply the body’s reaction to its own small capacity.

Joseph Brodsky

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The only art of being happy is to realize that happiness is in your hands.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

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Since we started having art connoisseurs, art itself has gone to hell.

Richard Wagner

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That is why the power of art is so great that the results of its influence cannot be foreseen in advance.

Yuri Grachevsky

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What about art? - Only a game, Similar only to life, similar only to fire. Burning ashes of a fire.

Antonio Machado

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In art, perhaps, at most, when you don’t understand where the power comes from.

Ilya Erenburg

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A work of art is a corner of the universe seen through the prism of a certain temperament.

Emile Zola

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There is craft raised to art, and art reduced to craft.

Leonid Zorin

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Art is a mystery!

Edvard Grieg

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A masterpiece is squalor brought to perfection.

Boris Krieger

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All fine arts- this is eroticism incarnate.

Yuri Perov

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Practicing art requires complete self-denial.

Erik Satie

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There is only one valuable thing about art: you cannot explain it.

Georges Braque

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There were artists who progressed in their movement, and there were those who repeatedly and significantly changed their style. But there was no one who would have moved so far from himself that the two periods of his work - early and late - seem to be something lying on completely different planes, as if different arts, not to mention the fact that it is difficult for those who do not know to attribute them to the activities of one person.

Leonid Sabaneev

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Painting argues and competes with nature.

Leonardo da Vinci

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People who are imbued with art become not only more cultured and worthy of interest, they become better in the broadest sense - kinder, wiser and more beautiful - they become more peaceful, more active, more sensitive.

Julian Barnes

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The secret of art is to listen to the unsaid, to admire the invisible.

Vsevolod Ovchinnikov

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Leonid Zorin

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All art is good as long as it does not become a subject of bargaining.

Boris Krieger

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Life is beautiful, but it has no form. The task of art is precisely to give it this form and, with the help of all kinds of artificial techniques, to create something more truthful than truth itself.

Jean Anouilh

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We are faced with a saving limitation that has allowed the emergence great art. This limitation to an act of faith stops the potentially limitless flow of questions. Naturally, the strict discipline imposed by the liturgy must become an internal need, turn into a voluntarily put on fiery hair shirt of the soul, become a boundary accepted with a warm heart, and not protected by the police. There are mystical and police limitations, and if these latter do not lead to the emergence of great works, then just because the policeman controls others, he is not an inspired servant of his own art, deifying official instructions. Therefore, the prohibition must come from above, the line must be given in revelation and accepted by an ardent heart that does not question any authority or justification, it must be indisputable, just as the leaves, stars, and sand underfoot are indisputable. Therefore, faith must be embodied in a completely inflexible, absolute reality. And only in this way does the spirit - bound, submissive, but trying, with constant obedience, to express the world and itself, having such little space for ingenuity, in a narrow strip of freedom creates great works. This applies to all forms of art that are guided by deadly seriousness, forms that exclude detachment, irony, ridicule - is it possible to laugh at gravel, a bird's wing, the setting of the moon and the sun? Dance, for example, represents only apparent freedom - the dancer only plays at it, submitting in reality to the dictates of the score, which specifies his every premeditated movement, and individual self-expression appears only in the cracks left for interpretation. Of course, such sublime restrictions can be found outside of religion, but then they have to be given a sacred character and believe that they are inevitable and not far-fetched. The awareness of what can be done differently, the rejection of rigid necessity in favor of an ocean of mastered techniques, styles, methods, methods fetters thought and hands with freedom of choice. - translation: E. P. Weisbrot, 1969, 1993. This is the development of Goethe’s thought from the last three lines of the poem “Nature and Art” (1800).

Stanislav Lem

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An excessive desire for aesthetics can swallow up any capital.

Boris Krieger

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But what is art? The concepts of art are as conventional as the concepts of good and evil. Every century, every country looks at good and evil differently; what is considered valor in one country is considered a crime in another. In addition to these differences of time and place, mingled with the question of art is the endless variety of individual tastes. In France, which considers itself the most cultural country in the world, Shakespeare was not understood or recognized until this century: many such examples can be recalled. And it seems to me that there is no such poor person, such a savage, in whom the feeling of beauty does not sometimes flare up, only their artistic understanding is different. It is very likely that the village men, sitting on the grass around a home-grown balalaika player or guitarist on a warm spring evening, enjoy no less than the conservatory professors listening to Bach fugues in the stuffy hall.

Alexey Apukhtin

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After all, in order for true art to be born, a slave system is absolutely necessary. Among the ancient Greeks, slaves tilled the fields, cooked food and rowed galleys - while the townspeople indulged in poetry and mathematics under the Mediterranean sun. And it was art.

Haruki Murakami

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Should art be understandable? Yes, but only for those to whom it is addressed.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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People's tastes inevitably change over time, and what one generation considers only fit for a landfill will seem like an antique value to the next.

Shirley Conran

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Life is not a highway, but art lifts a person and often takes him aside.

Ilya Erenburg

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Turn art into a lens to view all facets of life. To draw or paint objects, it is not enough to simply imitate what you see. It is necessary to understand these subjects first. Give your art its own life.

Kevin Anderson

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