Brief description of the zodiac sign Gemini. Zodiac sign Gemini: horoscope, meaning and description

The zodiac constellation Gemini is perhaps the most beautiful among others. It contains almost seven dozen different stars, but only two of them shine brighter than the rest. They are called Castor and Pollux.

Legend says that this constellation speaks of the greatness and immensity of brotherly love. The fact is that Pollux was endowed with immortality, which he received from Zeus. However, after the death of his second brother, he was overcome by persistent melancholy and grief. Therefore, the gods took pity on him and gave both brothers eternal life in the night sky.

The dates for the Gemini zodiac sign fall between May 22 and June 21. It obeys the air element and is influenced by the planet Mercury.

People of this sign surprise those around them with their speed of reaction, captivate them with their liveliness of mind and height spiritual development their interlocutors. At the same time, they often demonstrate absolute indifference to the conventions that society imposes. They make excellent speakers, brilliant with eloquence and capable of captivating the masses.

Symbol: Anything that represents twins.

Element: air

Ruling planet: Mercury.

Numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32, 50.

Day of the week: Wednesday.

Stone: topaz, agate, emerald

Color: yellow, lemon, orange and yellowish brown.

Flowers and herbs: lavender, celery, myrtle and fern.

Professions: writer, artist, inventor, psychiatrist, artist and journalist.

Traits: inquisitive, witty, airy, curious, changeable, versatile, noisy, cheerful, inquisitive, restless, artistic, fickle and contradictory.

Positive qualities: common sense, practicality, courtesy, the ability to impress others, friendliness, the ability to win over your interlocutor, enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy, friendliness and cheerfulness.

Negative qualities: stubbornness, indecisiveness, carelessness, fickleness, sloppiness, self-centeredness, indifference, rudeness, intemperance, changeable moods, infatuation with the opposite sex and superficiality (especially when the sign is under the influence of the planet Mars).

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini suggests that two natures live in one person, which are very interesting to watch. They quickly change clothes, place of residence, decisions made, manners, work and environment. Geminis are always on the move, even if they are lying on the couch with a book. They are filled with a nervous energy that makes them talk quickly, listen poorly, and become intolerant of conservatives.

Despite this, Geminis show sincere friendliness towards others, as long as they do not go beyond permitted boundaries. People born under this constellation are fast, graceful and can easily get out of the most difficult situations. But you shouldn't try to convince them of anything. They will instantly think about everything and turn on caustic sarcasm. The only one who can cope with Gemini is a person born under the constellation Aquarius.

Geminis in love can constantly surprise. Their main secret is duality, which helps to do several things at the same time without much effort. This sign cannot stand monotony, routine and routine. They are rarely punctual and are always late.

They easily change their minds and spend money, but angels always help them in the most unrealistic projects. Fickle character, avoidance of problems in any way, inability to manage finances have a bad impact on the well-being of Gemini, who either wallow in luxury or sit in debt.

They need a lot of sleep to give their brain a break. At the same time, Geminis often suffer from insomnia and rarely get proper rest. For them there is a real threat of nervous exhaustion, and only the sun and fresh air can save them. The most common diseases of Gemini are pathologies of the shoulders, arms, fingers, palms, lung diseases, migraines, arthritis and rheumatism.

The air element pushes Gemini to a life unencumbered by worries. They do not tolerate troubles and bad luck well. When faced with difficult situations, they easily become depressed, overly dramatizing and exaggerating what is happening.

Mercury pushes Gemini to improve the universe. Within themselves, they strive for an ideal, which can be anything, since Gemini’s imagination knows no bounds. They never have enough money, fame, wealth, love and attention. It seems to this sign that it is better where it is not. They are constantly searching for themselves. Their eyes are sharp, their talents are numerous, they love diplomacy and subtlety, but they lack constancy and patience. They are fatalists who believe in fate and feel like strangers on this earth.

Division into decades helps to more accurately describe the characteristics of a person, born under the sign of Gemini.

People born on the days of changing signs have their own character traits.

  • The period May 19–22 is strongly influenced by the constellation Taurus. These are incredibly exciting people who can be very stubborn, inflexible and intractable at times. They are characterized by wit, temper, cunning and versatility.
  • Gemini, whose date sign falls between June 20 and June 23, feels the strongest influence of the constellation Cancer. Such people may have psychic abilities, are witty, easily susceptible to mood swings, attractive in appearance, but sometimes very reserved and cold.

Often these are unusually beautiful, graceful, flexible and dexterous guys. Geminis are very charming and can make you fall in love with them after a short acquaintance. Their wit, cheerful disposition and intelligence become a passport to any society, because they know how to make a lasting impression on others.

The Gemini man loves the public, is an excellent conversationalist and has a delicate taste. If he gives compliments, they must be sincere. Possessing excellent manners, such people can direct the movement of society in a certain direction.

But when marrying him, you need to understand that this person does not promise a reliable future. His moods can change as quickly as his life goals. Today he will confess his love, and tomorrow he will refuse to come on dates. And then he will begin to doubt that he can be happy in this union.

A good match for such a man would be a gambling woman who understands love games. Often Gemini husbands hide their love under the guise of rudeness, covering their feelings with completely opposite words and actions. They want to confuse a woman, and then completely change, become open and frank, thereby winning them over. You need to treat Gemini calmly and unobtrusively, then the romance will be bright and the most original.

There is no need to get too close to a Gemini man, then love with him will be easy and pleasant. An intellectual partner, an equal in intelligence, is suitable for him, and not a silent mouse.

Many Geminis marry several times, especially if they marry for the first time when they are young. He is a faithful husband, but there are always a lot of women and gossip around him. But you shouldn’t expect that such a man will begin to shun all female fans just because wedding ring on the hand. He can have fun with them, drink with them and chat with them. This is the natural state of men of this sign. In turn, Geminis are not jealous; for them the physical side of marriage comes first.

Geminis easily leave old friends for new ones, but not because they are heartless. This sign’s own personality is constantly changing, so he needs new interesting acquaintances. He feels at home everywhere and rarely gets attached to old things. During periods of loneliness, he sheds sentimental tears, as he does not like to be alone with himself for a long time.

A man at the beginning of his life can be very generous person, and then become insanely greedy. He does not know how to accumulate money and knowledge. Consumer is its main function.

One such woman can replace a whole harem. But this is a conditional comparison, because the young ladies of this sign are practically indifferent to earthly passions and do not try to look better than they really are. It is difficult to force such a lady to do serious things.

If you look deeper, you can see a romantic woman capable of strong passion. Moreover, it will be a combination of intelligence, spirituality and physical beauty. In her youth, novels were just a game for her. Her behavior is incredibly unpredictable. At first, a girl may admire a man, then she will begin to criticize him with rare sarcasm. But she's always like this. Not heartless, but a visionary. And a novel for her is the easiest way to express her dreams, which are transferred to relationships. This woman needs pity, not anger. It is difficult for her to devote herself to one person. She may admire her man, but calmly notes his shortcomings.

The Gemini woman is a cheerful partner. This is a bright, intelligent person who is good at conversation. Loves romantic and sentimental gestures, and she can charm herself in original ways manifestations of falling in love. She is different: at first a cheerful, easy-going woman, then an adoring wife and a serious lady, who in an instant turns into a bundle of nerves, fears, etc. Her soul is always in conflict. But she keeps the complexities of her character to herself, without burdening others with them.

She is a wonderful friend and partner. And her quick and sharp mind does not interfere with remaining soft and feminine. She can be sincerely in love with two or three men at the same time. This is her nature, striving for constant change and looking for it. If she does not learn to manage her own behavior, she can ruin the life of herself and her husband. Fortunately for men, most Gemini women eventually come to a deep understanding of their own nature. And if she accepts the marriage proposal, then the lucky one will receive not one, but at least five wives at the same time:

The ideal lovers for women in the constellation Gemini are Aquarius, Libra and Virgo. A strong union is possible with Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces men. Leos for Geminis are good spouses and lovers.

Gemini men prefer Aries, Aquarius and Sagittarius women as lovers. For family life they should choose Libra, Gemini or Leo.

Famous Geminis

  • Among the strong half of the sign Gemini there are many famous actors, politicians, writers and poets. For example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Alexander Abdulov, James Belushi, Johnny Depp, Oleg Dal, Donald Trump, John Kennedy, Peter the Great, Conan Doyle, Thomas Mann and Mikhail Sholokhov.
  • A striking example of Gemini women are Marilyn Monroe, Naomi Campbell, Larisa Guzeeva, Elena Isinbaeva and Angelina Jolie.

They are friendly, inquisitive, dexterous, energetic, changeable, fickle, with a great sense of humor - these are the special characteristics of the Gemini sign, which are able to captivate and inspire others. However, their life itself is a kaleidoscope of impressions and a stormy, rapid rhythm of events.

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Gemini is one of the most interesting and mysterious signs of the zodiac, which is characterized by its variability. In this article we will look at the characteristics of such people, their talismans and compatibility.

General description

Geminis have a birth date from May 21 to June 21. They are quite intelligent, easily absorb new knowledge and skills, attractive, love flirting, and can easily win. Family life is a little burdensome for them.

Those representatives of the sign whose date of birth falls on the period from May 21 to May 31 are influenced by Jupiter, endowed with a flexible mind, have developed intuition, selflessness, and appreciate art.

Such people show a little aggression; they are no strangers to ridicule, anxiety and concern.

The third ten days of the month from June 11 to June 21 are characterized by the influence of the Sun. Characteristics include unbridledness, power, irritability, vanity, talkativeness.

Let us dwell in more detail on the character of Gemini.


This zodiac sign is an Air sign, which is influenced by Mercury. A person is distinguished by changeability of character, a certain duality. Moreover, such people are always attractive. Their indifference can become a defense mechanism for critical remarks, irony or any jokes.

Geminis have an active mind. They will create their lives based on own desires and interests. For them, the main thing is ease, which can lead to neurasthenia. Representatives of this sign are inquisitive and lively, as well as sensitive people. Geminis tend to exaggerate trifles.

Such people are characterized by imbalance and inconsistency. Geminis can start several things at once in parallel. They are characterized by practicality, as well as selfishness and pettiness. Possible failures occur due to the habit of letting everything take its course. However, if such a person applies the necessary perseverance, he will be able to achieve his goals. Geminis are distinguished by their ease, they have changeable moods, grasping everything on the fly, love to argue, and have the ability to live a double life.

In general, Geminis can be described as quite nice people who are laid-back and easygoing., cannot live without traveling, meeting friends and making new acquaintances. Their reactions are quick. Many representatives of this sign have literary inclinations. Disadvantages include inconstancy and disorganization.

What does it look like?

Geminis are quite attractive individuals. They themselves love to attract attention, so their clothes will always be stylish and fashionable. Female representatives love to use bright colors in their clothes. Men also pay due attention to their appearance.

These are often slender people, above average height, and unusually active. The facial features are quite clear. Eyes can be brown, but generally Mercury gives such people attractive blue, green, gray shades. The gaze of representatives of this zodiac sign will not linger on one object for long.

This will make him appear wandering.

Their skin is generally pale, but humans can tan easily. Hair comes in a variety of shades: from dark to light. The nose is often straight and the forehead high. Of course, ethnic and racial characteristics should also be taken into account here. Representatives of this sign stand out from the crowd with active gestures.


Geminis have a changeable, rather difficult character. Let's tell you the difference between men's and women's.

Gemini men

If you like a representative of this zodiac constellation, then you need to be prepared, as they say, for the most unexpected turns. The peculiarity is that they require being in a state of love. That's why they can easily start small affairs.

Outwardly, they will stand out from the crowd with their slimness, flexibility, and tall stature. Men often look even younger. They are excellent conversationalists and it is interesting to chat with them on a variety of topics. Geminis are generous with compliments, have good taste, excellent manners. All this attracts a woman like a magnet.

Gemini has a completely uncertain future, which can constantly change just like his mood. He always reconsiders his life goals. A person will not be able to do just one thing. He definitely needs to perform several actions at once. Its goals are often not permanent and have a dual nature. He will not immediately reveal his feelings. Often, Gemini husbands can hide their feelings with the help of rudeness, trying to subconsciously hide love.

Relationships with representatives of this sign can be quite easy and successful if you keep a short distance. Don't be intrusive and annoying. It is better to always maintain some distance. Gemini will not tolerate dramas, quarrels and scandals. Everything should be taken lightly and simply.

To attract the attention of a Gemini, you don’t need to immediately reveal all your cards and show interest. They will choose mystery, they are fascinated by women-mysteries, which are not easy, but they so want to be solved. If the lady immediately submits, the man will be disappointed. Geminis love to win, to achieve their goal in the fight.

As for physical side love, then it does not occupy a leading place in their lives. Gemini actively courtes girls not because he desires passion, but only for variety and new impressions. For a continued romance, you will have to transform together with your man.

He prefers intellectual partners, likes to arrange arguments, while superiority should always be on his side.

Gemini can change friends easily. He loves meeting new people interesting people, does not get attached to old things. A representative of this sign will not tolerate loneliness. He prefers noisy fun. As for finances, there is also a streak of unpredictability here. A man may start saving or suddenly begin to waste money. In his youth he is often quite generous.

For a Gemini man, it is always important to be in the center of attention, to catch the admiring glances of others. Even if you manage to legitimize the relationship, do not expect him to bypass the ladies. Flirting is an important state of life for him. However, this does not mean that he wants to have an affair on the side. Such a man will good father. True, he won’t be able to be strict with kids.

Such people are distinguished by their brightness, intelligence, and spiritual qualities. That’s why it’s interesting and you want to spend all your free time with them.

Gemini women

Representatives of the fair sex of this sign are a real hurricane. It's not easy to compete with them. If a lady cannot curb her emotions, then constant stormy scenes await her chosen one. However, basically, already getting married, ladies know how to keep their face. It is interesting that in the person of Gemini, the husband will acquire several wives at once.

She's different different character: cheerful and sad, light and faithfully loving, and will also turn into a caustic, cynical person. Will be able to challenge you in an intellectual debate. You can be sure that you will never be bored in such a union. A woman wants to be attractive to everyone, but this does not mean that she likes all people. You should not try to limit her freedom. To be confident in Gemini's constancy, you need to be close to him and remind him of yourself.

Negative aspects include the inability to control one’s own mood. Such a girl is subject to frequent changes of emotions. Behavior is often unpredictable. Due to her flexible mind, it can be difficult for her to do serious things. The lady will fantasize and dream, transferring all this to her novels. It will be quite difficult for her to give herself to one person. Each man will be attracted by certain virtues, while a woman always strives for perfection.

She can easily get carried away by other men, even if she has love.

A dual nature is also characteristic of the Gemini woman. She has a sharp mind, so she often shows good abilities at work. She can be described more as a businesswoman than as a thrifty housewife. The lady will easily make friends and new acquaintances. However, she is not in the mood for a long friendship.

It will be difficult for such a person to concentrate on only one thing, who will always be attracted to something unusual and new. However, it is rare that the result will be completed. If you pay attention to a Gemini woman, then be sure that in front of you is a resilient and cheerful partner who will always support you in difficult situations. Brightness, charm, wit allow you to attract any person. She loves to analyze and is a good conversationalist.

She will become a faithful friend to a romantic man. At the same time, it is worth remembering that she can forget a person faster than any other. The personality seeks colorful impressions and changes and will not be satisfied with what it has. There are many Gemini women on earth who never got married, despite the fact that they are attractive and smart. Ladies love children very much, but sometimes they devote little time to them. Teenagers love to talk to them, as Gemini's imagination is somewhat reminiscent of a child's.


Gemini belongs to the Air element. She endowed her representatives with a cheerful, active character, a love of conversation, and openness. Such people do not like to make plans. Thinking and imagination are their main feature. They live in a world of ideas and thoughts. Interestingly, in accordance with your element, it is better to choose friends from Air or Fire.

TO positive aspects Gemini can be attributed to the ability to adapt to different situations, the willingness to always come to the rescue, and impartiality. Such a person can support any topic; he is a good conversationalist. As for the minuses, they are stubbornness, excessive confidence, duplicity, and talkativeness.

Based on the element of Air, a person should live in open places where there is fresh air. The house must have air conditioning. In the office, you should sit near the window.

It’s better to try to spend more time outside.

Compatibility in love

When building relationships, you should carefully look at which zodiac sign suits Gemini.

  • Aries. Relationships with Aries will be beautiful, but short-lived. There is a chance for a long union. Aries is able to clearly guide Gemini. He will be satisfied with their waywardness.
  • Taurus. This sign will try to limit the will of Gemini. Taurus will not tolerate flirting. For Gemini, this is a bit of a boring partner. He needs security, which Gemini also cannot provide.
  • Twins. Such a relationship can work out quite successfully. However, there is a fear of loss of stability. Both partners are impulsive, love to flirt, and can quickly become despondent.
  • Cancer. The union will be complicated by differences in temperaments. Cancer is quite shy, will not show true feelings. Gemini can play at love, misleading Cancer. The connection will not be very successful and will most likely fade out.

  • Lion. This partnership can be called optimal. Geminis are distinguished by their diversity and originality. Leo will perceive everything with delight and will allow you to follow the desired path.
  • Virgo. This connection will be short. Gemini will be bored with Virgos, who will also often criticize them. Because of this, hobbies with other people are possible.
  • Scales. Such a marriage can be called happy. These zodiac signs will balance each other. No one will be jealous and claim ownership.
  • Scorpion. The beginning of a relationship can attract with its ardor. However, Geminis are not constancy, and Scorpios are quite jealous. Not every couple can work out with this situation.

  • Sagittarius. A good connection can be created if considerable effort is made. Gemini often criticizes Sagittarius.
  • Capricorn. Practical Capricorn will believe that Gemini is fickle in its goals. Such a relationship is possible, but it’s hard to say whether it will lead to marriage.
  • Aquarius. There is hope for a good union based on affection. The relationship will be characterized as unpredictable. At the same time, they will be able to satisfy both parties.
  • Fish Quite passive for Gemini. The emergence of deep attachment cannot be ruled out, but good relationship rarely happen.

Talismans and lucky numbers

Each zodiac sign has its own specific patron mascots, which help their representatives quickly achieve their goals, solve desired issues, and gain self-confidence. It is believed that these numbers are three and four, which bring good luck and success to Gemini and will have a beneficial effect on their life.

Of course, this rule will apply if a person needs it and tries to use the magic of numbers.

However, no one cancels hard work and perseverance. A special day is Wednesday. Astrologers believe that this is when important things should begin. In this case, everything will be accomplished without unnecessary effort.

Silver and gray shades will give Gemini good luck. This is worth taking into account for those who want to decorate their home, buy new thing for the wardrobe. But it is worth remembering that moderation is good in everything. The symbol of the zodiac sign is a mask. This is explained by the fact that Geminis have different character traits. They do not tolerate boredom and routine. These people are advised to wear a mask in the form of a pendant or keychain.

Let's look at what other talismans Gemini has.

  • Key. This is symbolic of accessible information. Geminis love to be the center of attention, they are sociable and good conversationalists. This talisman will help protect a person from bad people, as they say, “lock up” your peace of mind from prying eyes. You can use a silver or gold talisman. Ladies are recommended to hang the pendant on a chain. For men, it’s better to wrap it in a rag and take it with them all the time. If difficult situations arise, you should take the talisman to right hand, hold on a little, and everything will soon be resolved.
  • Hand, star, snake. Since Geminis are considered intellectuals, these products can also become their talismans. They can bring confidence and good luck.
  • The patron of the sign is the planet Mercury, responsible for dexterity and speed of movement. An amulet is an object that stores or transmits information: a pen, a flash drive, banknotes, a car.
  • Geminis work well with paper. You can use a notebook, diary, or notebook as a talisman.

The totem animal is the elephant. He is graceful and agile, capable of giving physical and spiritual strength to his owner. You can purchase a figurine or keychain in the shape of an elephant. The crow can also be considered a mascot. This cunning bird has a great interest in learning about the world. It’s also worth getting a dolphin figurine. He will only give best qualities to its owner.

Gemini also has flora talismans. Among the trees these are oak, ash, hawthorn; flowers - ivy, daisies, bluebell, chlorophytum.

Particular attention is paid to stones. Here you should first decide what result you want to achieve and what to attract.

Let's look at common options.

  • Topaz. A yellow or green mineral will help a woman be more careful and reasonable. With its help, you can start taking life more seriously. The mineral will help you achieve success in your career, climb the corporate ladder, and develop your business.
  • Chrysoprase. Will be responsible for success in your personal life and protect you from disappointments.
  • Agate. This mineral is able to attract harmony and happiness, and will nip quarrels with loved ones in the bud. It is better to use agate in earrings. This way it will be possible to attract the right candidate for family life.
  • Citrine will help men become more self-confident and will bring success in business. This gem will develop oratory and communication skills.
  • Yellow or white agate will help the Gemini man get rid of excessive selfishness. This way it will be possible to find compromises in family life, making it smoother and more harmonious.
  • Emerald. This mineral will be useful to those representatives of the stronger sex who are building a career. It will help you achieve the most best results, solve certain problems.



There are also stones that are strictly not recommended for Geminis. These include diamond, opal, ruby, black pearl, hematite, and onyx. They can have a negative impact on a person and reduce the ability to see the world clearly. Geminis love change, but sometimes it has an unfavorable effect on them.


Among the people of this zodiac constellation there are many famous personalities. The most famous: Peter the Great, Alexander Pushkin, Joseph Brodsky, Carl Faberge, Marilyn Monroe, Christina Orbakaite, Nicole Kidman, Maxim Galkin, Kylie Minogue and others. Beautiful and famous, they are a clear confirmation of their belonging to this sign.

Geminis are observant and changeable, persistent and sociable, talented and erudite. These people easily absorb almost any knowledge.

They will be able to prove themselves with dignity in any profession.

Alexander Pushkin

Kylie Minogue

Psychologists single out Gemini as a particularly unusual sign. It is the duality of character that attracts people in Gemini. They are able to behave one way with some people, and completely differently with others. Geminis are quite intelligent, multifaceted personalities. They are infinitely talented, they can be singers and composers, play in theaters, be politicians, and athletes.

There are several unusual facts about them.

  • It is believed that there are many scammers among Geminis. Such people are inclined to make easy money, but they are quickly taken to clean water and get caught. Geminis do not know how to be cunning, even if they try very hard.
  • Due to unstable energy, such people are subject to frequent mood swings. That is why they are often susceptible to psychological illnesses and bad habits.
  • Knows everything and nothing at the same time - this is how one can characterize this person. Thanks to their erudition and erudition, Geminis will be able to surprise many with their knowledge. However, they find themselves at a later age. Often they don’t graduate from the university they dreamed of.

  • The dependence of such people on weather conditions. Magnetic storms and other negative manifestations will worsen your mood. They do not tolerate sultry heat and severe cold well.
  • Geminis are unable to spend money correctly, save and save. They are big spenders and can constantly borrow money from loved ones.
  • Crazy innate passion for travel. They love to drive to other cities while listening to music. New emotions are simply necessary for a full life for Gemini.

  • They love to think and philosophize. Their brains seem to be constantly working, generating new and original ideas.
  • Geminis can be described as good friends. They will come to help at any time if needed. Relationships with loved ones come first for them.

Gemini (in Latin Gemini) is the third sign of the zodiac cycle. The Gemini period lasts from May 22 to June 21. An astrologer talks about the main characteristics and character traits of people born under this sign.

Background information about the sign of Gemini

  • Ruling planet -
  • Planet in fall -
  • Element - Air
  • Symbol: Gemini

Gemini character

When it comes to Gemini, the first thing that comes to mind is the song: “Well, friendship begins with a smile.” Geminis don't have to smile to a stranger on the bus or start talking to another reader in the library, which starts a further interesting acquaintance. Geminis easily get along with people, are unobtrusive and pleasant to talk to.

Despite their extensive friendships, they have few close friends. Therefore, few people know their real character well. Because of this, they often remain underestimated: people perceive their mobility, intelligence and resilient disposition, and do not see other wonderful qualities of this Sign behind them. What other traits are Gemini endowed with?

Gemini zodiac sign is number three. The symbol of this sign was chosen to be two parts of a tree that are intertwined with each other. This sign personifies the connection between form and rhythm, the fusion of matter and spirit and belongs to the element of Air. It is ruled by Mercury. Jupiter is in exile.

Thanks to the patronage of Mercury, Geminis are born with great curiosity. They always show genuine interest in everything new and original. Geminis can be described as very sociable personalities; as a rule, they have many acquaintances and friends. They have fairly well developed written and oral communication skills.

Geminis are distinguished by excellent memory and analytical abilities. They always want to learn as much as possible. In addition, Geminis do not tolerate monotony well; they constantly want something new. This also applies to their hobbies. Geminis are interested in several things at once. Distinctive feature Gemini is a sudden change in mood. Just a minute ago such a person could laugh cheerfully, but now he is already sad. Because of this, it is sometimes very difficult for them to relax.

Geminis are receptive to a variety of information. They only need to read or hear a fact once to remember it for a long time. Those born under this sign are able not only to easily remember and process information, but also to transmit it to others. Despite this, they often treat everything too superficially.

The character of the twins cannot be called constant. They constantly show their duality and inconsistency. Sometimes it is surprising how clearly opposite passions and desires can be combined in one person. They are constantly trying to connect completely incompatible things, trying to do several things at the same time. But, oddly enough, in most cases they succeed. Geminis lead a very mobile and active lifestyle. This pushes them to constantly search for something new. They always want to expand their horizons.

Geminis can have absolutely any profession. They are quite well versed in various fields of knowledge. Those born under this sign are always aware of all the new products. It is not worth telling Gemini any secrets, since their safety cannot be guaranteed. The twins immediately want to tell anyone, even the most insignificant secret. And if someone asks him about it, Gemini will not be able to resist under any circumstances.

Gemini cannot be denied eloquence. They are excellent at expressing their thoughts clearly and clearly. All their words and gestures are unusually accurate. Such abilities help Geminis master almost any profession. Geminis achieve particular success in journalism. It is here that they can reveal all their talents and demonstrate their skills and abilities. In addition, they will be able to achieve considerable success in the field of advertising and linguistics. Geminis make good sales managers. Geminis are great at politics. They also have a clear aptitude for teaching and working with electronics. Thanks to their irrepressible energy and sociability, Geminis often become television or radio presenters and pop stars. And any other art is often within their grasp. Geminis also achieve considerable success in commercial activities. But if Gemini decides to seriously engage in commerce, then he must always be on guard, since he can easily be drawn into some kind of adventure.

Jupiter is in exile. Because of this, those born under the sign of Gemini do not tend to make far-reaching plans. They are used to living for today. Geminis really don’t like to go into various theoretical discussions. For them, specific tasks and goals are much closer. They cannot develop a strategy, but they can go on the offensive. Jupiter also has a significant influence on Gemini's ambition. They constantly feel the need for self-affirmation. Because of this, they often want to seem very important and serious. In some situations, they may exaggerate their achievements or simply brag. But, like no one else, Geminis are able to laugh at themselves.

Individuals born under this sign have one interesting feature, no matter what business they take on, they always turn out to be right. Whatever the situation, Gemini will always present what happened as if they acted completely correctly. At the same time, it is simply impossible to convince them. Because of this tendency to constantly manipulate words, it is sometimes difficult for Geminis to build a family.

In their personal lives, Geminis also show their tendency towards duality. And their changeable and dynamic nature can sometimes play with them cruel joke. Geminis are best at frivolous, short-term relationships, but building long-term, strong relationships can cause them difficulties. Geminis often try to compensate for the inability to build deep relationships with the number of connections. Since Gemini belongs to the element of Air, they tend to strive for freedom. They don’t like long-term obligations; they will definitely find a way to get rid of them. Most in love stories Representatives of this sign are attracted by novelty and originality. With age, Geminis begin to come to the conclusion that it is time to settle down. As a rule, they have a large number of different hobbies only until they are 30 years old. Afterwards, they will choose a person with similar intellectual interests and start a family. But in such a relationship there will no longer be a place for romance and unbridled passion.

Gemini is a zodiac sign with the following positive features:

1. Mobility;
2. Flexibility;
3. Quick and easy assimilation of information;
4. Sociability;

But they also have disadvantages:

1. Optional;
2. Unscrupulousness;

All Geminis, without exception, are influenced by Mercury - the god of merchants, lawyers, intellectuals and thieves. Therefore, people of the Gemini zodiac sign have exceptionally well-developed intuition, they comprehend many things instinctively and with animal dexterity they know how to get out of the most unpleasant stories.

And Geminis often find themselves in delicate situations - they love adventures, adventures and cannot stand staying in the same place for a long time. However, Geminis never use direct power, which, frankly speaking, they are deprived of by nature.

Much more often, people of the Gemini zodiac sign simply elude the conflict, cleverly fooling, seducing, or, in extreme cases, outwitting their angry rivals.

In terms of seduction, no one can compare with Gemini. They are keen debaters, talented parodists and great masters of teasing and tormenting others.

In fact, for Gemini there is nothing sacred - for the sake of a successful joke or a catchphrase, they will readily vulgarize or subvert the most precious and lofty feeling or event.

But people of the Gemini zodiac sign do not always do this consciously; more often than not, having destroyed some generally accepted opinion, they immediately offer a more harmonious and elegant solution to the issue.

All Geminis are freedom-loving and know how to respect other people's independence, but, more often than not, they willingly lift existing moral prohibitions for themselves and for others only in order to better mischief. They willingly try to circumvent the law and almost always succeed in this.

Geminis are always either clever swindlers or impetuous geniuses. However, they are completely unfamiliar with the concept of honor and generosity. Gemini will calmly serve both ours and yours, and first of all, themselves, knowing neither remorse nor insomnia.

Zodiac sign Gemini character

The element of all Geminis is mobile, volatile, transparent air, symbolizing their extraordinary sociability. However, deep down in their souls, people of the Gemini zodiac sign are deeply indifferent to people, which helps them more easily perceive criticism, irony and other influences from the world around them.

If not for this indifference, Geminis would go crazy at the very first trifle, since they are very impressionable, suspicious and tend to exaggerate the significance of what is happening.

One more thing negative quality Gemini - rare inconstancy. They simply cannot resist lying, lying, or, in extreme cases, fantasizing, and in this regard they behave completely like children.

Gemini of the first decade

From May 21 to May 31, Gemini is born, under the influence of Jupiter. This is an ennobling influence: Jupiterians are noble, talented and relatively unselfish, although, of course, they cannot completely forget about their benefit.

Such Geminis try to comprehend all the vital values ​​of the world around them and will willingly share their knowledge with others. Gemini Jupiterians have a clear mind and extraordinary abilities. What can I say - Sherlock Holmes himself was a Gemini Jupiter

Gemini of the second decade

From June 1 to June 10, Gemini is influenced by Mars. The usual restlessness of people of the Gemini zodiac sign turns into real anxiety and aggression among Martians. They are always preoccupied, mocking, cynical and not very likable. They are so receptive that they are unable to concentrate on any one thing.

We are ready to fulfill and implement all our plans at the same second. Martians are two-faced people who love evil pranks and mockery. They know how to adapt to the most incredible conditions.

Gemini of the third decade

Solar Geminis are born from June 11 to June 21. The hot rays of the Sun make Gemini unbearably vain, talkative, domineering and irritable. Wanting to know as much as possible, such Geminis quickly become overwhelmed by the incredible flow of information and begin to “jump to the top.”

However, innate dexterity and ingenuity help people of the Gemini zodiac sign to keep a good face when bad game. It is extremely difficult to make a Gemini look funny, but he himself will never deny himself the pleasure of teasing and torturing his neighbor.

Solar Geminis easily fit into the soul of any, even the most reserved person. They all love noisy companies, drinking, and table chatter.

Zodiac sign Gemini health

Geminis are distinguished by a fragile physique and poor health. They diligently avoid heavy physical work, as they get tired quickly and cannot regain strength for a long time.

They are very nervous, often suffer from numerous allergies, but the most weak point Geminis have lungs that they need to take special care of, trying to catch colds and hypothermia less often.

To do this, you need to harden yourself, visit more often fresh air, but laziness, the eternal companion of people of the Gemini zodiac sign, can interfere with this. They are so sociable that they can get sick even from loneliness, but this illness will quickly dissipate with the appearance of friends.

Scary talkers adoring perpetual motion and change of impressions, Geminis prefer to work as agents, distributors, journalists, and postmen. All of them are people of mental work, they make excellent publishers, secretaries, accountants and scientists.

People of the Gemini zodiac sign have pronounced literary abilities - mostly writers are born under this sign mediocre who have a good style, but too little talent.

The best compilers teaching aids, manuals - all the same Geminis' ability to speak languages ​​makes Geminis good translators. But the tendency to chatter and verbal seduction can lead them down an unkind path.

People of the zodiac sign Gemini, especially if they also have dexterous hands, often become unsurpassed swindlers and thieves, often even of international class. A penchant for adventurism can take them quite far. Gemini himself will not even notice how he finds himself in the very heart of some mysterious conspiracy , the disclosure of which could cost Gemini his life. Meanwhile, Geminis can also be successful diplomats.

Zodiac sign Gemini in love

TO love relationships Geminis treat with exceptional simplicity and ease. They prefer intellectual partners, although they are not indifferent to beauty. People of the Gemini zodiac sign never enter into relationships simply to satisfy their physical needs, but are keen collectors, savoring and sorting through their victories.

They are polygamous creatures, they marry a lot and willingly, but with ease they part with their former spouses in order to fly like a bright butterfly towards new adventures. Their feelings are superficial and completely unpredictable.

Gemini can swear eternal love three women or men at the same time, but in fact loves only himself. Gemini women are very creative in love, romantic and sentimental.

Zodiac sign Gemini stone

They prefer to wear colorful, flowing fabrics of gray-violet or orange color. It's better not to have anything green in your wardrobe - it's an unlucky color for Gemini. The stones, fortunately, are not the most expensive: garnet, jasper, beryl, agate, but we recommend setting them in gold or silver.

Zodiac sign Gemini mascots

It is better to have a snake as a pet - this is the talisman of people of the Gemini zodiac sign. However, if you are discreet about reptiles, buy a small mask - this is also a symbol of your sign. It is better for Gemini to do all its business on Wednesdays and Sundays, and on an unlucky Thursday for them to sit at home, without taking any risky steps.