Kristen Stewart personal life April. Kristen Stewart spoke about her deep love for all her girlfriends and added that she might start dating men. Memes with Cate Blanchett

Kristen Stewart

Actress, film director Date of birth April 9 (Virgo) 1990 (29) Place of birth Los Angeles Instagram @kristenstewart

Kristen Stewart - film director, actress, model. She gained widespread recognition in 2008, playing Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga (2008-2012), which grossed over $3.3 billion at the worldwide box office. In 2011, she made the list best actors Hollywood. She is the face of the Balenciaga and Chanel brands. The highest paid artist in 2012. Winner of the Cesar, BAFTA, Young Artist awards. Between 2000 and 2017, she starred in 39 films and directed the short film Come Swim (2017).

Biography of Kristen Stewart

The actress was born in Los Angeles on April 9, 1990. Kristen's parents were related to the entertainment industry. Dad, Jon Stewart, worked for Fox as a director and producer. Mom, Jules Mann-Stewart, was a script supervisor and assistant director. The girl has three brothers: her own Cameron and adopted Taylor and Dan.

Until the seventh grade, Kristen studied at a local school, but with the start of active filming she had to switch to homeschooling. At this time, the family moved to Colorado, but soon returned.

Stewart tried herself as an actress while still at school, taking part in a festive Christmas play. An agent, who happened to be at the holiday at the time, noticed the girl’s talent and offered to help develop it further. The parents did not like this idea, but they gave in to their daughter’s requests and began taking her to auditions. In 1999, the girl received a small cameo role in “Son of a Mermaid,” and in 2000 she starred in “The Flintstones.”

At the age of 11, the future star played the tomboy Sam Jennings in the drama Facility Security. It was a small but serious leading role.

In 2002, the young actress was assigned to the role of Sarah Altman in the major Hollywood thriller Panic Room. Stewart was not inferior to the famous actors who worked with her on the set and played so convincingly that even the harshest critics compared the girl to Jodie Foster in her youth. It was a high rating and a pass into the world of serious Hollywood-level cinema.

After Panic Room, The Devil's Mansion was filmed. In this psychological thriller, the future star played Kristen Tilson. She shared the set with such figures as Sharon Stone, Christopher Plummer and Dennis Quaid.

The next project, Forbidden Mission, became a landmark for the actress - in the film, released in 2004, Kristen played the leading role for the first time. According to the story, young mountain climber Maddie Phillips's father became seriously ill, and she was forced to break into the bank to get money to pay for treatment. loved one. The film received only 12% approval from critics, but viewers found it interesting.

The next film, “Ebb Tide,” in which the girl played Lila, did not receive wide release, receiving rather contradictory reviews from film critics.

The film adaptation of the novel “Speak” (2004) turned out to be more successful. The actress had the opportunity to play a rather psychologically complex role. In the story, 14-year-old Melinda Sordino had no friends and was ridiculed by her classmates. After being raped at one of the parties, she became withdrawn and stopped talking to others. Sarcasm was revealed in her. Sardonic comments began to form in her head, which she periodically uttered. Kristen very subtly portrayed the sensuality and complexity of her character's character. Despite the brilliant performance, the film never appeared at the box office. The film was presented at the Sundance Film Festival and in an abridged version on two local channels.

In 2004, the girl was offered two more roles in the fantasy “Zathura” and the drama “Cruel People”. Both films were presented in limited release and were not widely distributed.

During 2007, with the participation of Kristen Stewart, the following films were released: the horror film “The Messengers”, the romantic comedy “Women's Country”, the drama “Sweet Midnight”, the biography “Into the Wild”, the drama “The Pointed Hoe”.

In 2008, Twilight appeared at the box office, which brought the actress worldwide fame and recognition. The romantic fantasy, based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer of the same name, was dedicated to the development of the relationship between teenage girl Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen, who dreams of clearing the earth of unclean vampires. Twilight grossed $393 million worldwide and became the best-selling DVD of the year. After such a fantastic success, three more parts “New Moon”, “Eclipse” and two episodes of “Breaking Dawn” were filmed.

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Personal life of Kristen Stewart

The first young man with whom the actress developed a real relationship serious relationship, became Michael Angarano. The young people met on film set, when work was underway on the “Speak” project. They lived together for almost five years, from 2004 to 2009.

The reason for the split was Kristen Stewart's acquaintance with Robert Pattinson. Their relationship went wrong in 2012. The actress became interested in Rupert Sanders, the director of the film Snow White, in which Kristen played the main role. Pattinson sold the mansion in which he planned to live with Stewart, and the girl herself moved in with her mother after filming ended. Three months later, the young people reconciled, and Robert proposed to the actress. The wedding never took place - the stars soon broke up completely.

In 2016, the film star was seen hugging Alisha Cargile. Rumors spread in the press about their close relationship and upcoming wedding. Currently, Kristen is in a relationship with Stella Maxwell, a Belgian top model.

The actress recently gave an interview to The Guardian in which she admitted that she is bisexual. She is still open to meeting a man.

Is in a relationship with. But the 27-year-old actress admitted that she remains open when it comes to questions regarding her sexual orientation. In a new interview with Harper's Bazaar, the star of the Twilight Saga said that she is ready to start building serious relationships with the opposite sex again.

Kristen Stewart in a photo shoot Harper's Bazaar, September 2017

Explaining her position on sexual orientation, Chris used an analogy: "Some people know they like grilled cheese and they'll eat it every day for the rest of their lives. I want to try everything. If I've already eaten grilled cheese, I'll get a craving." question: “That was great, but what next?”

Despite the fact that Stewart, after breaking up, began dating girls, and they last year there were four, the actress insisted that she was “deeply in love” with all of her partners, regardless of their gender. She admitted: “I really loved everyone I met.” Chris asked the magazine correspondent in bewilderment: “Did you think I was pretending?”

The blonde continued: "I've always been okay with duality. I really believed in it and never felt confused, much less tried to fight it. I like to have fun."

0 2 August 2017, 19:40

The 27-year-old appeared on the September cover of the British version of Harper's Bazaar magazine. In an interview with the glossy publication, the actress talked about her personal life, admitted her feelings for her former partners and told how she perceives criticism from others.

The celebrity said that she is calm about the fact that her personal life is being discussed. In her opinion, you need to do exactly what you want at a certain stage of life. And she does not deny the fact that she is ready to start building serious relationships with the opposite sex again.

Yes, quite, definitely... You know, some people just think differently. They love eating grilled cheese, so they will eat it for the rest of their lives. I want to try everything. If I have already tried this cheese once, then after that I will have the question: “What’s next?”

- Kristen vaguely hinted at her relationship with model Stella Maxwell.

Kristen, with all this, did not deny the fact that everyone she met meant a lot to her. In her own words, she loved each of her partners with all passion and tenderness:

I was deeply in love with everyone I met. Did you think I was faking? I was always overwhelmed by this duality in relationships... But I never denied it or even tried to fight... I just didn’t like becoming a laughing stock for someone...

Journalists also could not ignore the question regarding the celebrity's facial expression. Some netizens believe that Kristen looks, to put it mildly, bitchy and at the same time as detached as possible from everything that is happening.

I'm not an introvert by nature. I'm just not used to playing to an audience all the time. How else should I look, according to people? What kind of behavior do they expect from famous people? Men can't call you a bitch anymore. She can call you anything, but not that... I simply won’t have anything to answer to that... I just don’t find anything equivalent to this that I can say in response...

— Stewart shared her thoughts.

Recall that Kristen Stewart is in a relationship with Stella Maxwell. They have been dating since December last year. In mid-June, they were photographed by paparazzi in Paris.

By the way, just the other day there were fresh shots with the participation of lovers. True, they were published by a DJ who played at the wedding of a same-sex couple. It was at this festive ceremony that Kristen and Stella “broke in”. The guests of the event warmly welcomed the stars and allowed them to spend time with them.

Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell


She spoke about her relationship with and the annoying attention of the public.

“I didn’t talk about my first relationship, which became public, because I wanted to keep things that concern me to myself. I was infuriated that the details of my personal life were turned into a consumer product and released around the world. But feeling all these gazes on me, I suddenly realized that my personal life affects much more more people, not just me. It was an opportunity to let go of what was mine so that at least one person would feel better.”

By dating Pattinson, Stewart attracted more attention than she ever wanted. Now Kristen changes girlfriends like gloves, and is not at all trying to hide it from anyone.

“If the relationship had not become hot topic, I would love to keep them a secret forever. But then I won't be able to go out on the street holding hands with someone because they'll follow me everywhere. When I was dating Rob, the public was the enemy - it was impossible to live. This(change of orientation and - editor's note) It wasn’t some big statement like, “Oh, I’m confused! Now I understand who I really am!” No, I didn’t suffer or fight.”.

When asked why she decided not to hide her preferences in choosing partners, Kristen replied: “It seems important and discussed to me.”

And last Tuesday, Kristen amused the public by showing up in Los Angeles for the premiere of her new film

Kristen Jaymes Stewart, known as Kristen Stewart, was born on April 9, 1990 in Los Angeles (USA). Kristen is the youngest of two children in a family associated with television.

Kristen showed an early interest in acting, and her talent was noticed by film professionals at one of the school productions, which was attended by an agent. It was he who inspired the girl’s parents with the idea that their child had certain abilities that needed to be developed. As a result, from the age of eight, the young actress began appearing at various castings and auditions, and in 1999 she appeared on the Disney Channel in the television production “Son of a Mermaid.” Following this, she played the role of the daughter of a single mother in the film “Safety of Things” in 2001.

In 2002, Kristen starred in her first truly serious film. In the film Panic Room directed by David Fincher, Stewart played the daughter main character, performed by Judy Foster. The girl's role received such high praise from critics that they began to compare her with the young Judy Foster - and not only due to her external resemblance. For her role in this film, Kristen was nominated for a Young Actor Award.

In 2003, Kristen was lucky enough to work with such a star as Sharon Stone in the film “Devil's Mansion” directed by Mike Figgis, and the young actress was again nominated for the Young Actor Award. After that, in 2004, Stewart played in three films at once. In the youth film “Forbidden Mission” she got the main role, in which the girl demonstrated extraordinary comedic abilities. In the serious psychological film “Undertow,” Stewart starred with Dermot Marlooney and Jamie Bell. For her role in this film, the actress was nominated for the Young Actor Award for the third time, but she never received it. She also played a complex role in the film “Speak,” based on the popular book by writer Laurie Halse Anderson, which was shown on several television channels.

In 2005, she again starred in a comedic role in fantastic picture"Zathura", which received praise from critics as well as leading role in the film "Hard Men", which, however, was never released in wide release. In 2006, Kristen worked with Meg Ryan and Adam Brody in the film In the Land of Women. In 2007, she starred in the leading role in the film “The Messengers,” which was directed by Thai directors. By the way, the film with Tersk failed. In the same year, Stewart also released more successful films - “Into the Wild” by Sean Penn and “The Cake Eaters” by Mary Stuart Masterson.

The following year, the actress appeared in the same frame with Rebert De Niro, Bruce Willis and Sean Penn in the film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and also played one of her key characters, Bella Swan, in the film Twilight, which brought her worldwide fame.

The sequel to “Twilight” that followed in 2009 was the film “Twilight. Saga. New Moon" brought Stewart the title best actress according to MTV. In the same year, Kristen returned to the comedy genre again, starring in the film “Park of Culture and Recreation.”

The third “twilight” part is “Twilight. Saga. Eclipse" 2010 - also could not do without the actress. The same year, two more films with her participation were released - “Welcome to the Rileys” and “Runways”.

By 2011 – 2012 include two more films of the vampire saga - “Twilight. Saga. Dawn. Part 1" and "Twilight. Saga. Dawn. Part 2" with Kristen Stewart. She also starred opposite Sherlize Theron in the 2012 film Snow White and the Huntsman.

The paparazzi attributed Kristen to an affair with Twilight star Robert Pattinson, which was never confirmed by either actor.