The largest sunflower oil producers are uniting

The controlling stake in the merged business will be received by the structures of Solar Products, explains a person familiar with the terms of the deal; he did not say what the ratio of shares is. Representatives of Yuga Rusi and Solar Products declined to comment.

Both companies do not disclose consolidated financial results. Their revenue for 2015 is comparable: for Yug Rusi - 43.4 billion rubles. (according to Forbes), “Solar Products” has 42.1 billion. “Yug Rusi” in 2016, according to the Oil and Fat Union, produced 27% of all sunflower oil in Russia (1st place), “Solar products” - 2.3% (7th).

Over the course of 20 years, Kislov has become the largest producer of bottled sunflower oil, the main brands being “Zolotaya Semechka” and “Avedov”. He built the first plant in 1999, six years later the second, and in 2006 he bought five plants from Vadim Moshkovich’s Rusagro. "Yug Rusi" owns 200,000 hectares of agricultural land, 27 elevators, terminals on the Don, in the water area Sea of ​​Azov, in the area of ​​the Kerch Strait. Kislov’s structure won the competition for the Gavrikovskoye oil field in 2015.

Kislov has been actively looking for a buyer for Yug Rusi for about a year, two of his friends say. It was not possible to transfer the business to his heirs; he himself was tired of operational management, says his friend.

Solar Products is a key asset of the Buket group of Vladislav Burov, a partner of State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin, who was a shareholder of Solar Products until the end of the 2000s. The group has agricultural enterprises, elevators, oil extraction plants in the Saratov region and Krasnodar region, fat factories, under management - 157,000 hectares of agricultural land in 11 regions of the Volga region. “Solar Products” produces oil under the “Rossiyanka” brand, “Moscow Provencal” and “Oliviez” mayonnaise, soap, etc.

In 2016, the group took 2nd place in the production of margarine with a share of 23.2%, 4th in the production of mayonnaise (16%), according to the Fat and Oil Union.

This company is rapidly developing and has ambitions to become a market leader, says Sovecon director Andrei Sizov: it was actively buying up land, updating its management team, and announced a joint venture with another industry leader - Efko Group of Companies (4th place in oil production and 3rd – for the production of margarine and mayonnaise): they combined logistics, marketing and sales. Market leaders are uniting, this will lead to a decrease in competition for raw materials - sunflower seeds, which are not enough in Russia, Sizov believes.

General Director of Rusagro Maxim Basov spoke about growing competition in the oil and fat market and inevitable consolidation. The profitability of sunflower processing has decreased, including due to a reduction in export duties, the Fat and Oil Union reported. Rusagro, according to its annual report for 2016, had negative profitability: minus 2%.

Vegetable oil is an indispensable product in the kitchen of every housewife. Essentially, it is a vegetable fat extracted from the fruits or seeds of plants, such as corn, soybeans, and sunflowers. The oil is used to dress salads, it is added to confectionery products, it is fried with it - there are many options for using it.

Sunflower oil accounts for a significant share of the vegetable oil market in Russia. About 2 million tons of this product are consumed annually in our country. Its production is mainly carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises. The high popularity of the product, as well as the absence of territorial restrictions for its sale, make the idea of ​​​​producing sunflower oil interesting for business. Let's try to figure out how to organize such production and how profitable it can be.

Sunflower oil production technology

As you know, sunflower oil comes in two types: refined and unrefined. Their fundamental difference is the degree of purification. Unrefined sunflower oil is dark in color because it contains more impurities. It has a pleasant, distinct aroma. This oil is considered more useful. However, it also has disadvantages: a bitter taste and a short shelf life.

Refined oil is distinguished by the fact that it contains practically no foreign impurities in its composition. Therefore, it is almost transparent in appearance, has a neutral taste and smell. But the main advantage of refined sunflower oil is its long shelf life: from 4 to 12 months versus 2 months, during which unrefined oil can be suitable. The production technology for these two types of sunflower oil is different.

Small producers usually use a cold pressing system. This technology does not produce high volumes: in 1 hour, 38 liters of oil can be obtained from 100 kg of sunflower seeds high quality. The seeds are crushed and the oil is squeezed out of them using a screw press. The oil is then passed through special cloth filters several times. This method is perfect for producing sunflower oil at home. The oil obtained as a result of cold pressing is highly valued by consumers, since it retains all the trace elements that make up the original product.

In the process of making oil, larger producers use special fryers that heat the seeds to a high temperature, as well as powerful high-speed presses, as a result of which the oil darkens, losing its aroma and beneficial properties.

Process in a typical oil extraction plant consists of the following steps:

  • seed processing using a vibrating sieve (or a special separator), during which the raw materials are cleaned of large debris and various impurities;
  • peeling seeds from the peel in crusher-fan machines (crushing the seeds followed by blowing out the husks with a stream of air);
  • processing the resulting mass using a press with a screw (impacting crushed seeds with a force of 2,500 tons at a temperature of more than 100 degrees);
  • refining using various filters (usually bleaching clay or diatomaceous earth - algae powder);
  • pouring the finished oil into containers.

Good equipment allows you to get 20,000 bottles of sunflower oil with a volume of 1 liter each from 50 tons of seeds in 1 hour. That is, from 2.5 kg of sunflower seeds you can produce 1 liter of oil.

An advantageous feature of maintaining an oil extraction plant is that such production is practically waste-free. The meal left over from seed processing is purchased by farms and fish farms, and the husks are purchased by brick factories.

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How to organize a sunflower oil production business

So, the first thing to do is to choose an activity format that to a greater extent is right for you. It is necessary to start primarily from the budget and existing experience.

Options for organizing your own production

An oil extraction plant is an expensive project with capital investments at the start of at least 12 million rubles. and a payback period of about three years. This is not the most best option for a budding entrepreneur. It is more suitable for those who have “decent” experience in business and understand all the intricacies of the production process.

Opening a small workshop with a capacity of 5 to 10 tons of oil per day does not require too high input costs. You can meet the amount of about 3 million rubles, and over time, having gained a foothold in the market, expand production, purchase additional equipment and increase volumes.

Home production of sunflower oil is a budget project that will not bring much profit, but will nevertheless allow you to earn a stable income and meet the needs of the whole family (see,). Household oil extraction machines are characterized by low productivity (about 5 l/hour); their cost, accordingly, is significantly lower than the price of professional equipment. Thus, a small screw oil press for cold pressing can be purchased for only 150,000 rubles.

And about how to get oil using a wooden oil press at home and what varieties of sunflowers are best to use, read in next video:

Another option that can be considered as an additional activity is growing sunflowers as a business. The average yield of this crop is 12-15 centners per hectare. According to approximate data, if you use an area of ​​100 hectares, then the costs for each hectare grown will be about 3,500 rubles, and the possible income will be from 6,000 rubles. Growing sunflower for further processing allows you to obtain a full production cycle and increase its efficiency several times.

Legal basis

Activities for the production of vegetable oil from sunflower seeds must be registered with the Federal tax service(Federal Tax Service). You can independently choose the most convenient form of business: obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP) or register a legal entity.

Such activities do not require obtaining a license. But you will still need some additional documents in order to work calmly and compete with other manufacturers on the market.

First of all, you need to select a suitable production facility and prepare it in accordance with SanPiN 1197-74. "Sanitary rules for enterprises producing vegetable oils." This regulatory document contains all the information about what requirements apply to the design, lighting, ventilation, heating of production, storage and service premises of such enterprises.

The local representative office of the Rospotrebnadzor service will be able to confirm that your workshop meets all established requirements, as well as help with the development of a production control program, which is also a mandatory document. In addition to this authority, you will need to contact the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and obtain a conclusion on compliance with the standards in the premises fire safety.

The next important document is the declaration of conformity of your product Technical regulations Customs Union(TR CU) 021/2011 “On food safety”. Such a declaration can be completed at any accredited certification center. It is issued for a period of 1 to 5 years. The average cost of declaration services is 7,000 rubles.

This concludes the list of basic documents required to start an oil production activity. And we move on to the issue of material and technical equipment.

Workshop premises and production equipment

To accommodate even small production you will need a fairly spacious room. The ceiling height in the workshop must be at least 3.5 m. The room must be divided into several zones:

  • for cleaning, crushing and squeezing seeds;
  • for refining;
  • for bottling and packaging of products;
  • for storing raw materials;
  • for storing the finished product;
  • for storage and processing of waste;
  • for administrative and household purposes.

The total area of ​​the workshop must be at least 300 square meters. m, while most of it will be in the raw material warehouse.

Important! The electrical supply system in the workshop must be three-phase with a voltage of 380 V. This is necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation production equipment.

Oil making equipment and personnel

Scroll necessary equipment for the production of sunflower oil with approximate prices:

  • separator for primary cleaning of seeds – 50,000 rubles;
  • automatic peeling machine for peeling – 70,000 rubles;
  • roller machine for grinding seeds – 500,000 rubles;
  • roaster – 350,000 rubles;
  • squeezing press – 600,000 rubles;
  • equipment for refining – 700,000 rubles;
  • bottling line – RUB 300,000.

The total cost of equipment will be about 2,570,000 rubles.

To maintain such a production line, you will need about 10-12 people, including a technologist. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of candidates for the position of production technologist. Such a specialist must be well versed in GOSTs and other regulatory documents, understand the strategy and development prospects of the enterprise, and know methods for assessing production efficiency. His responsibilities will include control of incoming raw materials, participation in the development of a product quality system, and technological support for the entire production cycle.

The requirements for other employees are minimal: they must be careful and responsible. All employees of the enterprise must have personal medical records with up-to-date medical examination notes.

Current expenses of the enterprise and expected profit

Monthly costs for maintaining the workshop consist of rent, wages, utilities and transport services, taxes, costs of purchasing raw materials and consumables (containers).

The wholesale price of oil sunflower is about 15,000 rubles. for 1 ton. The capabilities of the equipment in our case allow us to process about 5 tons of raw materials per shift, that is, 150 tons per month. The cost of purchasing sunflower will be approximately 2,250,000 rubles. The purchase of consumables will cost 200,000 rubles.

For wages and insurance premiums About 250,000 rubles should be budgeted for employees. On transport costs, utilities and advertising - about another 100,000 rubles. The rent will be about 100,000 rubles. Total monthly expenses will be at the level of 2,900,000 rubles.

Now let's try to calculate the possible income. The average wholesale price of refined sunflower oil is 50 rubles. for 1 l. From 150 tons of sunflower seeds you can get 60,000 liters of oil. The proceeds from the sale of oil alone will be 3,000,000 rubles, and if you sell your products also through your own retail outlets, then income will increase.

Production topic food products in business can be considered one of the most relevant and profitable. It will probably be more difficult to find a type of product on which a company can “burn out” than one on which it is impossible to make a good profit. But still, in terms of profitability, the food industry also has its differences. What product do you think is consumed more every day throughout the country - raw smoked horse sausage, or ordinary sunflower oil? The answer is obvious.

The production of sunflower oil occupies one of the leading positions in the country's food industry. Annual oil market volumes range from 7 million to 10 million tons. If we convert all this into monetary equivalent, we get a figure of approximately 90 billion rubles. Moreover, about half of all production, and therefore profits, is divided between medium and small (farm) industries.

Organizing the production of sunflower oil will not be more troublesome for a novice entrepreneur, but much more expensive than, say, opening a line for processing car tires. In addition, this does not require any special knowledge that could not be acquired during the process of starting the project. As in almost all business ideas, the success of the enterprise here is determined by your degree of desire and perseverance. And the lack of start-up capital has long been no longer a problem for enterprising people. You can find out where to find money to start a business by following this link, or.

About profitability and wastelessness

Sunflower oil is one of the essential products, the demand for which will always be regardless of any price changes. What do you think is the monthly consumption of oil by the country's population? Experts have come up with a figure of one liter every month per person, but there are also various cafes, restaurants, and other catering establishments where tens of liters of sunflower oil are wasted every day.

And besides this, the oil is successfully exported to European countries(fortunately, “they” have not yet banned the import of Russian products!) and the countries of the Middle East (Turkey, etc.). Sunflower oil is also used in other areas of production:

  • For the production of paint and varnish products. Ever wondered why a type of paint is called oil paint? Because the basis for its production is sunflower oil. The same applies to drying oil and various oil varnishes.
  • For the production of margarine and cooking fats.
  • For the production of cosmetics. Basically, these are skin care products and various creams.
  • In medicines and drugs. Sunflower oil is used in the manufacture of ointments, etc. Moreover, in the 90s of the last century, a method of treating cancer with sunflower oil was patented in our country. The effectiveness of this method has not yet been proven by scientists, but it really helped some people!
  • In the production of canned foods.

I think that with such a wide range of applications there is no need to worry about not finding a market. It is not for nothing that he considers the production of sunflower oil to be an almost win-win business option.

Now we need to say a few words about the waste-free nature of this business. The inevitable residues from oil production also have their uses. Sunflower seed husks, called pulp, or meal, are used in the manufacture of animal feed and are considered a very valuable protein-containing material. Before sale, the waste is pressed into briquettes and is readily purchased by those who breed sheep, pigs, or other domestic animals. In addition, fuel briquettes and pellets are made from sunflower husks, which are no less in demand than those made from sawdust.

Now some numbers: from 30 tons of raw material, peeled seeds, you will get about 20-22 tons, from which you can get from 8 to 9 tons of oil, the rest will be meal and husks.

We are looking for premises

This is one of those very issues that require special attention when preparing to launch a business project. According to empirically derived figures, for every ton of raw materials processed in one shift (day), 40 m² of production space is needed. It's easy to calculate further. But the question arises: what should be the minimum power of the line in order to recoup costs as quickly as possible and start making a profit?

This cannot be answered unequivocally. Firstly, if you purchase a mini-dairy plant, you must first estimate the production capacity that you will be able to handle in financial and sales terms. This is done when drawing up a business plan. Secondly, we can say that the production of sunflower oil is exactly the kind of business that pays off in a maximum of one and a half to two years. So, you will need three storage facilities:

  • For storing raw materials. This is the largest room in area. The smaller the layer of poured raw materials is stored, the less it will deteriorate.
  • For storage finished products.
  • For storing waste until it is processed.

For production itself, three more premises are needed:

  • Oil extraction and filtration workshop.
  • Refining shop.
  • Finished product packaging workshop.

Production premises must have hard (concrete) floors, walls and ceilings must be whitewashed. In total, with a production capacity of the creamery of 25 tons of processed raw materials per day, a total area of ​​at least 3,000 sq.m. will be required.

We purchase equipment

Equipment for the production of sunflower oil consists of three lines:

  • Oil extraction and filtration line.
  • Oil refining line.
  • Oil bottling line.

Equipment for each workshop will cost approximately 2 million rubles. Although, many businessmen significantly reduce costs for these items by purchasing equipment in parts and installing the line on site. In finished product warehouses, you need to have several stainless steel containers for storing oil.

We are hiring staff

The number of staff depends on the capacity of the line that will be purchased for the business. To service a pressing workshop with a capacity of 25 tons per day, 3-4 people will be enough, in the refining workshop - 2-3 people, on the packaging line - 2-3 people. You will also need two foremen working in shifts who will deal with general production issues, a storekeeper, two technologists, and a manager who will deal with administrative tasks. Total from 13 to 16 people. With an increase in capacity, the staff of the enterprise will correspondingly increase.

We sell products

First, you will need to come up with your own brand, slogan, and develop a marketing strategy plan. Ideally, all this is written down in a business plan (you can see how to create a business plan in this source - or you can order its creation by professionals), but in practice, quite often entrepreneurs deviate from the “truths”, preferring to solve current problems questions as they arise. Moreover, it warms the soul to realize that production has already started.

In this article:

Since the time when Peter 1 brought an unknown overseas flower to the territory of Russia, sunflower oil has occupied a leading position among essential goods. The volume of the Russian sunflower oil market is growing rapidly every year, the annual increase is about 3%, and in value terms - 82 billion rubles. Finished products are manufactured not only by large corporations and companies, but also by farms.

The demand for sunflower oil is stable and not subject to seasonality, therefore, with competent marketing and pricing policies, the production of sunflower oil in Russia is profitable business, the organization of which requires investment. A special advantage of this type of business is the opportunity to obtain an additional source of funds when selling production waste.

Features of sunflower oil production

Before you start organizing a private enterprise for the production of sunflower oil, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its production.

Based on technological characteristics, the entire process of sunflower oil production can be divided into the following main stages:

1. Storing and cleaning oil seeds– includes the processing of seed mass from organic, mineral and oilseed impurities.

Seed cleaning is carried out using special equipment: separators, destoners, aspirators.

Seed mass can be processed using the following methods:

  • by sifting through a sieve with holes of various shapes and sizes;
  • by blowing the seeds with air;
  • due to the separation of seeds according to ferromagnetic properties.

2. Preparation and processing of oil seeds for oil extraction– includes separating seeds by size, conditioning the seeds, dehulling the seeds, separating the kernel from the shell and crushing the kernels.

Peeling of the oil seed shell can be carried out in the following ways:

  • due to shell splitting by impact;
  • compression of the shell;
  • cutting the seed shell;
  • as a result of peeling the shell on a rough surface. Therefore, equipment for the production of sunflower oil at enterprises can be varied, depending on the method of hulling the shells of oil seeds.

3. Direct oil extraction– can be carried out by pressing or extraction. But based on these two methods, the following production process schemes can be developed at sunflower oil production enterprises:

  • single pressing;
  • double pressing followed by squeezing;
  • cold pressing;
  • extraction;
  • direct extraction.

4. Sunflower oil refining a – the process of purifying oil from accompanying impurities. The following refining methods exist:

  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • physico-chemical.

5. Bottling– carried out in transport containers. In modern enterprises, sunflower oil bottling is carried out on automatic lines, which include a molding, filling, sealing, and labeling machine.

6. Packaging and labeling of finished products– oil in polymer bottles is hermetically sealed and labeled.

The technological flow diagram for the production of sunflower oil is shown in the diagram below.

Regulatory documents regulating the activities of enterprises producing sunflower oil

In order to open a sunflower oil production plant, you must familiarize yourself with the following regulatory documents governing activities:

  • SanPiN 1197-74 – sanitary rules for enterprises producing vegetable oils;
  • GOST 22391-77 – standards regulating the quality of sunflower seeds supplied to the plant;
  • GOST 1129-73* - document regulating the quality of sunflower oil;
  • GOST 22391-89 – storage standards for oilseed raw materials (“Sunflower. Requirements for procurement and supply”).

Sunflower oil production technology

On the Russian market, the greatest demand is for refined sunflower oil, which is odorless, tasteless and colorless. Therefore, many sunflower oil production enterprises produce this type[ product. The process of manufacturing refined sunflower oil includes the following steps:

1. Oil extraction– carried out in presses under high pressure. The raw materials are pre-heated in special fryers at a temperature of about 110° C. If the oil is produced at the enterprise as a result of cold pressing, then the raw materials are not previously subjected to heat treatment. The cake obtained during the oil extraction process is used in animal husbandry. Therefore, by selling the cake, enterprises receive an additional source of income.

2. Oil refining– occurs during the following stages:

  • elimination of mechanical impurities as a result of settling, centrifugation or filtration. At this stage of refining, unrefined sunflower oil is obtained;
  • vegetable oil processing hot water allows you to eliminate phosphatides;
  • the removal of fatty acids makes it possible to obtain refined, non-deodorized sunflower oil;
  • deodorization allows you to remove pigments, volatile compounds, odor and makes the vegetable oil light in color;
  • freezing - during this process waxes are removed.

3. Packaging and labeling of finished goods.

Equipment for the production of sunflower oil

The purchase of a set of equipment or lines for the production of sunflower oil depends on the capacity of the plant, so it is advisable to make the following conclusions:

  • If the plant must produce about 30 tons of finished products per day, then it is necessary to purchase an oil extraction and refining line. A sunflower oil production line costs an average of 1.5 million euros, excluding installation costs.
  • If the enterprise’s productivity is 5-10 tons of sunflower oil per day, then it is advisable to purchase each type of equipment separately. On average, the total cost of equipment will be about 7,000,000 rubles.

Business plan for sunflower oil production

This business plan includes the organization of a workshop with a productivity of 5-10 tons daily.

Equipment costs assume:

  • Purchase of an oil production line – 2,000,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a refining line – 2,100,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of a packaging line – 2,200,000 rubles.

Total total costs for a set of equipment are: 6,300,000 rubles.

The cost of installation and delivery of equipment to the workshop will be: 2,150,000 rubles.

Working capital, including the purchase of raw materials, monthly expenses and other costs amount to: 3,600,000 rubles.

The total capital costs for organizing a workshop for the production of sunflower oil are: 12,050,000 rubles. Next, it is necessary to establish the area of ​​​​the premises for the placement of production equipment, storage of raw materials and a warehouse for finished products.

To install a sunflower oil extraction line, you need a room with an area of ​​at least 55 square meters. m.

To install a refining line, a workshop with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters is required. m.

Installation of a line for packaging finished products requires a room of 60 square meters. m.

In total, to organize an enterprise for the production of sunflower oil, the following is required:

  • More than 220 sq. m for industrial premises;
  • More than 200 sq. m for storage space.

To ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise, only 25 workers are needed, the general fund wages which will amount to 417,000 rubles monthly.

Number of shifts per month for workers: 30.

Total monthly expenses for the enterprise are: 760,000 rubles.

Monthly revenue– 5,900,000 rubles.

Cost – 4,700,000 rubles.

The profitability of the enterprise is 8%.

Payback period – 2 years and 1 month.

The high profitability of the enterprise indicates that the production of sunflower oil is a profitable business, the payback period of which is only 2 years.

Organization of a mini-churn for the production of sunflower oil

Setting up a mini-churn to produce sunflower oil requires minimal capital investment.

After all, the cost of an oil churner with a capacity of 10 - 17 l/hour can vary in the price range: $200-400, an oil purification filter costs about $100-200, the cost of purchasing additional tools and products will be only $100. Therefore, many agricultural producers organize the activities of private mini-churns.

The main equipment for a mini-enterprise is a butter churn

A modern butter churn is a press extruder that looks like a meat grinder. The design of the extruder press includes three parts:

  • Seed supply hopper;
  • Screw part, grinding oil seeds;
  • Nozzle for squeezing oil.

The resulting sunflower oil from the churn must be filtered. If production volumes are small, then canvas bags can be used for filtration. After the oil has been filtered, it is necessary to settle it and after some time drain it into a container. The remaining sediment can be filtered again. If the churn is of higher productivity, then it is necessary to purchase special filters for purifying sunflower oil.

It is advisable to open a mini-enterprise when its owner grows sunflowers on his own. Thanks to this, there will be no costs for the purchase of raw materials and their transportation.

  • Capital investments 11,685,104 rubles
  • Average monthly revenue 5,879,556 rubles
  • Net profit 455,225 rubles
  • Payback 26 months.

1. Production technology

Production process The production of refined sunflower oil consists of the following steps:

  • Spin;
  • Refining process;
  • Packaging and labeling of finished products.

1.1. Oil extraction

Before pressing, the raw materials are heated in roasting pans at a temperature of 100-110 °C, while simultaneously stirring and moistening. Next, the raw materials are squeezed out in presses. The completeness of vegetable oil extraction depends on pressure, viscosity and density.

After squeezing the sunflower, cake and husks remain, which can be further processed or used in livestock farming. Thus, from one ton of sunflower with an oil content in the seeds of 44.7%, the following products can be obtained:

1.2. Refining process

First stage:

Getting rid of mechanical impurities (settling, filtration and centrifugation), after which the vegetable oil goes on sale as unrefined commercial oil,

Second stage:

Treating oil with hot water (65-70 °C). This is done to remove phosphatides or hydration. After processing, the vegetable oil becomes transparent

Third stage:

Removal of free fatty acids. If the content of such acids is excessive, vegetable oil develops an unpleasant taste. Vegetable oil that has gone through these three stages is called refined, non-deodorized.

Fourth stage:

Deodorization (Whitening). After this process, there are no pigments left in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw-colored. removes volatile compounds, deprives vegetable oil of odor and turns it into refined deodorized.

Fifth stage:

Freezing, with its help, waxes are removed, after which a colorless, viscous vegetable oil is obtained

2. Required equipment

Having analyzed offers on the Internet for sales of equipment/lines for the production of refined sunflower oil, we came to the following conclusions:

  • If you plan to produce more than 30 tons of products per day, then it is optimal to purchase an oil plant, in addition to the extraction line, it will include a refining line; the disadvantage of such plants is their high cost (prices start from 1.5 million euros without installation),
  • If you plan to produce 5-10 tons of products per day, then it is optimal to buy equipment separately (extraction, refining, packaging)

Our business plan considers the organization of sunflower oil production with a capacity of 5-10 tons of products per day, so all equipment will be purchased separately.

2.1. Spin line

When analyzing the proposals, the equipment from Penzmash OJSC seemed to us to be the most attractive in terms of price/performance/quality ratio. This company manufactures custom-made lines for the production of vegetable oil LM-1.


  1. Productivity for sunflower seeds, t/day: 10 - 12
  2. Oil yield, %, at oil content
  • sunflower seeds 48-50%: 40-42
  • flax seeds 42-45%: 3-38
  • rapeseed 40-42%: 33-35
  • Installed power, kW: 60
  • Rated parameters of the supply network: voltage, V: 380, Current frequency, Hz: 50, Number of phases: 3
  • Occupied area, no more, m2: 55
  • Weight, kg: 6200
  • To service the installation, 5 people per shift are required.

    The cost is 1,931,040 rubles including VAT.

    For oil productivity up to 5-10 tons per day, the LSX-5000 purification and refining line is optimal (China), productivity up to 5 tons per day.

    The LSX-5000 line implements the principle of batch refining, which is fully consistent with the classical technology of this process for industrial versions of such equipment

    The equipment is delivered with a high degree of installation readiness, equipped with a heat and electrical control panel; for commissioning it is only necessary to provide a supply of tap water, electricity, and fuel (coal or firewood, or gas or diesel fuel), caustic soda, phosphoric acid and bleaching agent (clay or activated carbon).

    Technical characteristics of the LSX-5000 spin line

    • Batch (discontinuous) type lines.
    • Simple, well thought out design and layout.
    • Includes heating unit and control panel.
    • The equipment is not intended for refining highly rancid oil with a peroxide value exceeding 10 meq/kg.
    • Simplicity of installation work, no special requirements for the premises and foundation, the equipment can be installed both indoors and outdoors.

    * It is also possible to use gas or diesel fuel as a coolant

    2.3. Packaging line

    For bottling finished products into bottles, equipment manufactured by Prodvizhenie LLC is optimally suited. This company produces an automatic line for bottling oil into PET bottles with a capacity of 0.25-2.0 liters, with a capacity of 2700 bottles/hour (1.0 l). Cost 2,132,000 rubles.

    Number of personnel: 2 people per shift.

    3. Feasibility study of the project

    3.1. Equipment costs

    3.2. Costs for delivery and installation of equipment

    3.3. Working capital (raw materials, monthly expenses, etc.)

    Name of costs

    Working capital (purchase of raw materials, monthly payroll, others)


    Total capital investments amount to 11,685,104 rubles.

    3.4. Necessary premises

    • To install a spinning line, a production facility with an area of ​​55 sq.m. is required. (ceiling height 3.5 meters)
    • To accommodate the refining line, a room of 100 sq.m. is required.
    • To accommodate a product packaging line, 60 sq.m. is required.
    • Warehouse space for storing raw materials and finished products is also required: 200 sq.m. and administrative premises for staff 25 sq. m.

    Total required

    not less than 215 sq.m. for organizing production
    not less than 200 sq.m. for warehouses
    at least 25 sq.m. of administrative and amenity premises.

    The workshop premises must be equipped with 380 watts, a water supply system must be installed, and there must be convenient access to the workshop for freight transport for the delivery of raw materials and shipment of finished products.

    3.5. Staff

    25 workers will be required to service the production

    Job title



    Art. Technologist



    Direct pressing workshop

    Refining shop

    Packaging workshop


    • The direct pressing shop and the refining shop operate around the clock (8 hour shift)
    • A shift consists of 1 master, 3 workers in the pressing shop and 2 workers in the refining shop.
    • Technologists, storekeepers, as well as workers in the packaging department work in one shift.
    • The director is responsible for purchasing raw materials and selling finished products.
    • 3.6. Taxation

    Since most potential buyers work with VAT, the most acceptable form for an oil production workshop is 3 personal income tax, form of activity: Individual entrepreneur.

    3.7. Pricing

    According to Internet data, product prices are as follows:

    3.8. Revenue calculation

    As a result of processing sunflower seeds, the following products are produced:

    Refined sunflower oil - used in the food industry.

    Cake and husks are used in livestock farming

    3.9. Cost price:

    To produce 5 tons of products, it is necessary to process 11.8 tons of sunflower seeds. The cost of production also includes the costs of electricity, coal, water, soda, bleaching agent and packaging costs.

    Coal, water, soda bleaching agent are the raw materials for the oil purification and refining line.

    4. Feasibility study

    Input data

    Productivity: 5 tons per day.
    Capital investments: rubles: 11,685,104 rubles
    Room area: 440 sq.m. (rent 100,000 rubles per month)
    Number of shifts per month: 30
    Number of personnel: 25 people.

    4.1. Total expenses, per month

    4.2. Profitability calculation

    4.3. Payback calculation

    To calculate the breakeven point for a sunflower oil production workshop, you can use our online break-even point service.


    If you need a detailed business plan with detailed calculations and market analysis of a specific region, you can order its development for your specific project, taking into account it individual characteristics. to receive detailed information from a partner of the site Moneymaker Factory, consulting agency "MegaResearch". You can also purchase.