Who plays the role of the main Santa Claus. The identity of the country's main Santa Claus has been declassified! A fairy tale in a former pioneer camp

Much less is known about Sergei Ivanovich Preobrazhensky than about all his colleagues in the role of “chief Santa Claus.” But it was thanks to him that Santa Claus became what he is now.

Preobrazhensky was not just a playwright, but also a talented teacher. He knew how to work with children himself and taught this to others. It was Sergei Preobrazhensky, who took over the position of Father Frost at the Christmas tree in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, who formulated recommendations for artists performing in this role.

It's hard to believe, but at the end of the 1930s, when New Year trees first appeared in the USSR, the dominant role of Father Frost was not at all obvious. Moreover, this character did not even participate in the holidays everywhere.

Sergei Preobrazhensky formulated clearly: “Father Frost is the main manager, the first entertainer and the leader of all the fun.” He confirmed these words with many years of work on the Christmas tree in the Hall of Columns.
Some claim that he worked in this role until the early 1960s. But Sergei Ivanovich’s relatives say that in the mid-1950s he underwent a serious operation, after which he no longer performed.

Alexander Khvylya

In 1961, the Kremlin Palace of Congresses was opened in Moscow, where congresses of the ruling Communist Party were held in subsequent years. Soviet Union. In accordance with the slogan “All the best goes to children”, the main christmas tree countries began to hold in the newly built Palace.

Actor Alexander Khvylya as Morozko in the film of the same name, 1964. Photo: russianlook.com
The Kremlin Christmas tree received the status of an important state event, and the candidate for the role of the country’s “main Santa Claus” was selected extremely meticulously.

Father Frost. Snegovei, Zimnik and Treskun. What did our ancestors call Santa Claus?
Everything was decided by the movie. In 1964, the fairy tale film “Morozko” was released on the screens of the country, where the role of the winter wizard was played by actor Alexander Khvylya. By that time, his credits included the heroic roles of Budyonny, party committee secretaries, the image of the stern Captain Gul from “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” and many other works.

In the image of Morozko, Alexander Leopoldovich turned out to be so organic that the people at the top decided: “ Best Grandfather You won’t find frost for the Christmas tree in the Kremlin!”

Khvylya coped well with the role of Father Frost, but since he took up his post as a rather middle-aged man, sometimes incidents occurred. For example, he could not master working with a radio microphone. Once, having finished his part of the speech in the Kremlin, Father Frost Khvylya went backstage and began to complain out loud about a number of problems. The voice of Father Frost, dissatisfied with his life, hovered over the Kremlin Palace, and the technicians could not catch the artist in the tangled corridors. However, Grandfather Frost did not have time to say anything truly seditious.

Roman Filippov

If Alexander Khvylya was elevated to the throne of the “main Santa Claus” by cinema, then his successor won the “kingdom” for himself.

Roman Sergeevich Filippov is one of the best masters episode in Soviet cinema. Tall and with a loud voice, Filippov was not suitable for the roles of the main characters, but he was memorable even in the short time that the directors allotted to him. Well, who doesn’t remember Nikola Pitersky from “Gentlemen of Fortune”, who was almost deprived of his sight with the help of a “goat” by Evgeniy Leonov? And the visitor from the restaurant in the Diamond Arm, cordially inviting Nikulin and Mironov to Kolyma?

Having already been the Kremlin’s Santa Claus for many years, Roman Filippov connected himself even more closely with the New Year holiday by playing Kamneedov in “Sorcerers.”

New Year's celebration in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, 1973.
First, Filippov was invited to the Christmas tree in the Kremlin as an understudy for Alexander Khvylya. There were many understudies, but they all worked to Khvylya’s soundtrack (most of the performance was performed to a previously made recording). Filippov insisted that a soundtrack with his voice be recorded. Then the actor ensured that he and Khvylya worked in turns.

In general, when Khvylya retired, the question of who would become the most important among the Santa Clauses was no longer raised.

Roman Filippov played the role of Father Frost at the country's main Christmas tree for almost two decades. He became so comfortable with her that he asked his colleagues to replace him at the theater in early January. Children and parents adored him. And the latter became a problem over time.

The fact is that dads who brought their children to the Christmas tree began to greet Filippov with champagne (and not only champagne), wanting to drink with Santa Claus. As a rule, Filippov did not refuse.

As a result, sometimes Santa Claus was late coming on stage, and his colleagues had to act out what was happening, which is not so easy, given that the performance is performed to a previously recorded soundtrack.

However, these pranks were forgiven to Roman Sergeevich for his ability to work with children and devotion to the New Year holiday.

As it happens, Roman Filippov held his last Christmas tree in January 1992, just a few days after the disappearance of the USSR. At his last performance, the presenter made a mistake: instead of the traditional phrase “Santa Claus does not say goodbye to you,” he said “says goodbye.” This turned out to be a bad prophecy: just a month later, Roman Sergeevich passed away.

Dmitry Nazarov

When in the 1990s appeared in Veliky Ustyug official residence Father Frost, the position of the country's main Father Frost, also became official. Couldn't take such a high position random person. In addition, a large actor was required, not only in terms of talent, but also in terms of physical dimensions, with a powerful male voice and charm.

Incognito from Veliky Ustyug

It is not known for certain who plays the role of the main Father Frost of Russia today. When journalists begin to pester the wizard with questions about who he really is, he logically answers: “Like who?” Santa Claus, of course!

Father Frost during a visit to St. Petersburg, December 22, 2013.
According to information from sources close to reliable, Dmitry Nazarov resigned as the main Father Frost. The star of the series “Voronin” and the disaster film “Metro” Stanislav Duzhnikov is named as his successor. According to external data, Duzhnikov is quite suitable for this role. However, the actor himself claims that he does not act as Santa Claus, since even his own daughter exposes him.

Whether this is true or not, only Santa Claus himself and his entourage know. That's probably right. After all, the incognito status of the acting New Year's wizard is part of his image. You can guess about something, but you can’t be sure. After all, this is part of the New Year's magic that neither children nor adults want to give up.

For residents of the residence of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug New Year- not a fabulous time, as for most people, but a real business. On the eve of 2015, SUPER found out who works as the country's main Santa Claus and how much he earns.

Few people know that the current owner of the residence in Veliky Ustyug is 37 years old. The real name of the favorite of all Russian children is Andrei Balin. The young man got a job as Santa Claus as soon as the commercial project “House of Santa Claus” appeared - at that time, 22-year-old Andrei had just graduated from the 44th Lyceum with a degree in livestock. A native resident of Veliky Ustyug, having no acting education, entered into an agreement with the city administration employment contract as a specialist in culture and tourism. In the magical tower, built in Serebryany Bor, Vologda region, Andrei Balin has been in charge for 15 years.

Over the years of work, Santa Claus managed to acquire not only many deputies and various assistants, but also a family. SUPER learned that the country's main magician is married - his beloved name is Tatyana. Six years ago, the girl gave her husband a daughter. To provide for his wife and child, 37-year-old Andrei Balin opened a own business- a souvenir shop where Tatyana works as a salesperson. Every morning, Father Frost and his wife come to the territory of the estate in their SUV, and in the evening they return home.

Having agreed to fulfill the modest wishes of children in the form of a 10-minute communication with Santa Claus, which, by the way, costs parents of children a tidy sum, Andrei made his own dreams come true. Immediately after he took over as chief Russian Grandfather Moroz, he was given a spacious three-room apartment in Veliky Ustyug.

It’s a sin for a fairy-tale character to complain about income. In addition to the profit from the souvenir shop, Grandfather Frost receives a good salary, considering the prices for entertainment at his residence. Amusement rides, slides, sleigh and horse riding, a trip along the Fairy Tale Trail and walks along magical forest, available at any time of the year, cost a lot of money. The most expensive months for tourists are December and January. At this time, just entry to the territory of Father Frost's estate will cost visitors 1,000 rubles. Further movements around the estate are paid separately.

Thus, according to average estimates, the revenue that the estate brings to the treasury is more than 1 billion rubles a year. During the first three years of operation of the “House of Father Frost,” the number of tourists visiting Ustyug increased from 2 to 32 thousand per season, and trade turnover in the city increased 15 times.

— Our Grandfather Frost is endowed magical power, he lives in his residence all year round. He doesn’t need money, because he’s a magician,” Father Frost’s press secretary Lyubov Yakimova told SUPER.

Confirmed his affiliation with magical world without money and the fairy-tale hero himself, having been on the air of the program “ Evening Urgant»:

— I didn’t notice any sanctions in my fairy tale. Play for yourself with these pieces of paper that you call money. I don't play these games! - Father Frost told the presenter, answering the question about how the sanctions affected him.

The owner of the residence in Veliky Ustyug actually has no sanctions. Including a range of VIP services for wealthy guests of Santa Claus.

“Yes, we can indeed arrange an individual meeting with Santa Claus in a separate room, but 10 minutes will cost those who wish it no less than 50 thousand rubles,” residence administrator Yulia Khudozhilova shared with SUPER. — The main Santa Claus can even come to your home for the New Year, but the price will be much higher.

However, money is not the only thing that can convince the country’s main wizard to leave his native residence and arrive by special plane in Moscow at the height of the holidays to listen to the poems of the heirs of the capital’s oligarchs.

“I have a rich fleet of vehicles: deer, horses, a flying carpet, and running boots.” “Whichever is more convenient, that’s what I fly on,” Father Frost said about his methods of traveling around the country in the “Evening Urgant” program.

In fact, everything is much more prosaic. To a budgetary institution“The House of Father Frost” does not have enough funding, and therefore, in exchange for Father Frost’s arrival for a private holiday, his colleagues ask him to give the estate a new car or allocate funds to expand the grandfather’s residence so that he can host even more children.

He made a fairy tale come true or caught luck by the tail. The fabulous Santa Claus from Veliky Ustyug gives a fairy tale to millions and, one might assume, he himself would not mind staying in it. Correspondent Federal agency news(FAN) visited a fairy tale and found out how an electrician-driver became the main storyteller of the Russian Federation.

Attention: citizens who believe in Santa Claus are strictly not recommended to read this text.

A small town, a regional center, with a population of just over 30 thousand people, would hardly have become so famous if it were not for the main character here, Father Frost and OJSC "Father Frost". We can safely say that everything rests on it. He is allowed a lot. The votchina, and this is what everyone calls the farmstead of Father Frost, both locals and guests, is located 10 kilometers from Veliky Ustyug.

It is interesting that the date of birth of Father Frost, November 18, was also invented by OJSC “Father Frost”. It is believed that it is on November 18 that real winter comes into its own in Veliky Ustyug, and frosts strike.

42 hectares were given over by the city administration for the New Year's entertainment complex. All for the sake of one thing – for the guests to enjoy themselves. And, as you know, you have to pay for pleasure. Zoo, attractions, souvenirs - here literally every pine tree generates income.

But the main pleasure is a personal visit to Santa Claus. The visit is not free, and the tour groups move along like on an assembly line. Moscow. Petersburg. Yaroslavl. Chelyabinsk. Grandfather gives joy to children from all over the country.

Sometimes his assistants change, but he himself always sits on his throne. Well, who would think that Santa Claus is replaceable?! After all, his face is practically invisible. A thick and long beard and mustache are hidden. Who is he, our fairy-tale character?

For the last 15 years, the country's most important Santa Claus has been a native resident of Veliky Ustyug, who graduated from a local technical school with a degree in electrician-driver.

In a conversation with a FAN correspondent, the deputy director of the school Nikolai Kapitonovich Tolstikov recalls: “I remember our Andryushka well. However, he didn’t stand out for anything other than his height. He was quiet, modest, and an average student. Now he’s such a great person, we’re proud of him! I’m not even upset that he doesn’t work in his specialty, as an electrician.”

Pride in your fellow countryman is visible in almost every pensioner here. But the attitude younger generation not so clear cut.

Barmaid Rita, who works in the center of Veliky Ustyug, says that she visited the estate once, but is unlikely to go next time.

“The price tag for everything is as if we live in New York. In this fiefdom, you have to pay for everything. Of course, I understand that this is a business, but why are prices designed for tourists, including foreign ones, and we, local residents, must also live according to these conditions!”

What exactly you have to pay for is indicated in a small prospectus that hangs at the entrance to Grandfather’s house. For almost everything. For example, to drink tea with Santa Claus, everyone must pay 1000 rubles. For this money, the tea should be very tasty.

Taxi driver Sergei, who showed us the house where the Russian Santa Claus lives, has an unkind, one might even say envious, attitude towards his fellow countryman. The taxi driver also doesn’t understand why, as he says, “the Santa Claus business equalizes the wallets of locals and visitors.”

In ordinary, not fairy-tale life, Andrey Balin he lives with his family almost in the city center, on Kirov Street, in a new house. The administration donated a three-room apartment for Balin’s contribution to the popularization of Veliky Ustyug. Andrey drives an Opel Antara crossover, although, within the framework of the integrity of the image, he would, of course, need to drive a Lada.

Myself Andrey Balin at the beginning of the 2000s, without any acting education, but having noticed the then promising project “The House of Father Frost in Ustyug”, he entered into an agreement with the city administration as a specialist in culture and tourism. Fortunately, his external characteristics allowed him to become a national symbol: height 1 meter 95 centimeters, a well-trained voice, and other acting skills.

Over the years of work, Andrei Balin managed to acquire not only numerous assistants, but also a family. His wife’s name is Tatyana, she is also involved in the winter miracle - she is the owner of a small company selling New Year’s souvenirs, and her shops are, of course, right in the domain of Father Frost.

FAN was unable to speak personally with the Balin family; the family is carefully hidden from outsiders, but they managed to find it in social network family photo.

FAN's interlocutors believe that the Balins' business is going well, there are a lot of visitors, a new excursion every 15 minutes and Santa Claus' standard answers to the children's questions, who are then advised to buy something as a souvenir. Well, what parent would refuse?

Now it is impossible to imagine the image of Santa Claus without Andrey Balin. At the same time, local residents report that Santa Claus, excuse me, Andrei Balin, has a replacement. It turns out, citizens, Santa Claus, even in Veliky Ustyug, is not always real!

However, who will be able to notice the substitution, with such and such a beard and mustache? Believe me, Balin himself goes to the most important events personally.

For example, for a wedding or birthday of a wealthy person. Of course, there is no need to talk about an official visit in such cases, but the cost of the original visit fairy tale character It's called 50 thousand rubles. Is this a lot or a little for such a province as Veliky Ustyug?

Everyone there has their own answer. In the end, a fairy tale exists for the purpose of believing in it and sometimes paying for it.

“Considerably less is known about Sergei Ivanovich Preobrazhensky than about all his colleagues in the role of “main Father Frost.” But it was thanks to him that Father Frost became what he is now.

Preobrazhensky was not just a playwright, but also a talented teacher. He knew how to work with children himself and taught this to others. It was Sergei Preobrazhensky, who took over the position of Father Frost at the Christmas tree in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, who formulated recommendations for artists performing in this role.

It's hard to believe, but at the end of the 1930s, when New Year trees first appeared in the USSR, the dominant role of Father Frost was not at all obvious. Moreover, this character did not even participate in the holidays everywhere.

Sergei Preobrazhensky formulated clearly: “Father Frost is the main manager, the first entertainer and the leader of all the fun.” He confirmed these words with many years of work on the Christmas tree in the Hall of Columns.
Some claim that he worked in this role until the early 1960s. But Sergei Ivanovich’s relatives say that in the mid-1950s he underwent a serious operation, after which he no longer performed.

Alexander Khvylya

In 1961, the Kremlin Palace of Congresses was opened in Moscow, where congresses of the ruling Communist Party of the Soviet Union were held in subsequent years. In accordance with the slogan “All the best goes to children,” the country’s main New Year tree began to be held in the newly built Palace.

Actor Alexander Khvylya as Morozko in the film of the same name, 1964. Photo: russianlook.com
The Kremlin Christmas tree received the status of an important state event, and the candidate for the role of the country’s “main Santa Claus” was selected extremely meticulously.

Father Frost. Snegovei, Zimnik and Treskun. What did our ancestors call Santa Claus?
Everything was decided by the movie. In 1964, the fairy tale film “Morozko” was released on the screens of the country, where the role of the winter wizard was played by actor Alexander Khvylya. By that time, his credits included the heroic roles of Budyonny, party committee secretaries, the image of the stern Captain Gul from “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” and many other works.

In the image of Morozko, Alexander Leopoldovich turned out to be so organic that those at the top decided: “You couldn’t find a better Santa Claus for the Christmas tree in the Kremlin!”

Khvylya coped well with the role of Father Frost, but since he took up his post as a rather middle-aged man, sometimes incidents occurred. For example, he could not master working with a radio microphone. Once, having finished his part of the speech in the Kremlin, Father Frost Khvylya went backstage and began to complain out loud about a number of problems. The voice of Father Frost, dissatisfied with his life, hovered over the Kremlin Palace, and the technicians could not catch the artist in the tangled corridors. However, Grandfather Frost did not have time to say anything truly seditious.

Roman Filippov

If Alexander Khvylya was elevated to the throne of the “main Santa Claus” by cinema, then his successor won the “kingdom” for himself.

Roman Sergeevich Filippov is one of the best masters of the episode in Soviet cinema. Tall and with a loud voice, Filippov was not suitable for the roles of the main characters, but he was memorable even in the short time that the directors allotted to him. Well, who doesn’t remember Nikola Pitersky from “Gentlemen of Fortune”, who was almost deprived of his sight with the help of a “goat” by Evgeniy Leonov? And the visitor from the restaurant in the Diamond Arm, cordially inviting Nikulin and Mironov to Kolyma?

Having already been the Kremlin’s Santa Claus for many years, Roman Filippov connected himself even more closely with the New Year holiday by playing Kamneedov in “Sorcerers.”

New Year's celebration in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, 1973.
First, Filippov was invited to the Christmas tree in the Kremlin as an understudy for Alexander Khvylya. There were many understudies, but they all worked to Khvylya’s soundtrack (most of the performance was performed to a previously made recording). Filippov insisted that a soundtrack with his voice be recorded. Then the actor ensured that he and Khvylya worked in turns.

In general, when Khvylya retired, the question of who would become the most important among the Santa Clauses was no longer raised.

Roman Filippov played the role of Father Frost at the country's main Christmas tree for almost two decades. He became so comfortable with her that he asked his colleagues to replace him at the theater in early January. Children and parents adored him. And the latter became a problem over time.

The fact is that dads who brought their children to the Christmas tree began to greet Filippov with champagne (and not only champagne), wanting to drink with Santa Claus. As a rule, Filippov did not refuse.

As a result, sometimes Santa Claus was late coming on stage, and his colleagues had to act out what was happening, which is not so easy, given that the performance is performed to a previously recorded soundtrack.

However, these pranks were forgiven to Roman Sergeevich for his ability to work with children and devotion to the New Year holiday.

As it happens, Roman Filippov held his last Christmas tree in January 1992, just a few days after the disappearance of the USSR. At his last performance, the presenter made a mistake: instead of the traditional phrase “Santa Claus does not say goodbye to you,” he said “says goodbye.” This turned out to be a bad prophecy: just a month later, Roman Sergeevich passed away.

Dmitry Nazarov

When the official residence of Father Frost appeared in Veliky Ustyug in the 1990s, the position of the country's main Father Frost also became official. A random person could not occupy such a high position. In addition, a large actor was required, not only in terms of talent, but also in terms of physical size, with a powerful male voice and charm.

Incognito from Veliky Ustyug

It is not known for certain who plays the role of the main Father Frost of Russia today. When journalists begin to pester the wizard with questions about who he really is, he logically answers: “Like who?” Santa Claus, of course!

Father Frost during a visit to St. Petersburg, December 22, 2013.
According to information from sources close to reliable, Dmitry Nazarov resigned as the main Father Frost. The star of the series “Voronin” and the disaster film “Metro” Stanislav Duzhnikov is named as his successor. According to external data, Duzhnikov is quite suitable for this role. However, the actor himself claims that he does not act as Santa Claus, since even his own daughter exposes him.

Whether this is true or not, only Santa Claus himself and his entourage know. That's probably right. After all, the incognito status of the acting New Year's wizard is part of his image. You can guess about something, but you can’t be sure. After all, this is part of the New Year's magic that neither children nor adults want to give up."

We have become so accustomed to such signs New Year's holidays, like a Christmas tree, garlands, Olivier salad, etc., that we almost don’t think about how they became traditional. But we often answer our children’s questions about where Santa Claus came from. We'll talk about this today. So…

The story of Santa Claus

The image of Father Frost - a stately, good-natured old man with a long lush beard, with a staff in his hand and a bag of gifts - is now familiar to every child and adult. He comes to congratulate, wishes happiness and gives gifts to everyone. It is not surprising that his appearance is especially anticipated at children's matinees.

The history of the appearance of Santa Claus begins from time immemorial, with the mythology of the ancient Slavs. But anyone who thinks that he was originally a good wizard who brings joy is mistaken. Quite the opposite. The Slavic predecessor of Father Frost - Snow Father, Karachun, Studenets, Treskun, Zimnik, Morozko - was stern, trying to freeze those who met on the way. And the attitude towards the children was peculiar - to carry them away in a bag... It was not he who gave out gifts, but it was necessary to cajole him in order to avoid troubles. This is where the fun comes from - making snowmen. In fact, for our ancestors these were idols depicting the god of winter. With the advent of Christianity, this peculiar spirit of Winter was preserved in folk tales.

Only in the 19th century did Morozko, Moroz Ivanovich and other fairy tale characters begin to appear as strict, but fair creatures. Kindness and hard work were rewarded, while laziness and malice were punished. Odoevsky's fairy tale about Ivanovich Moroz - that's where Santa Claus came from!

Christmas Santa Claus

In the 80s of the 19th century, with the holiday of Christmas, following the example European countries, began to bind a person called Christmas Grandfather (or Christmas Grandfather). Now he was already bringing gifts to reward the children for good behavior during the year. But, unlike Santa Claus, he was not a saint and had nothing to do with religion at all. But in the rural areas they did not notice his appearance at all and continued to celebrate Holy Evenings, as before - with fortune telling and carols.

But Father Frost has been familiar to the general public since 1910. And Christmas cards helped with this. At first he was painted in a blue or white fur coat down to his toes, matching the color of winter itself. A hat of the same color was depicted on his head, and Grandfather also wore warm felt boots and mittens. A magic staff and a bag of gifts became indispensable attributes.

Then they began to fight against “religious rubbish.” In 1929, the celebration of Christmas as a religious holiday was banned. It is clear that Santa Claus and the Christmas tree also fell out of favor. Even fairy tales were recognized as deception designed to cloud the heads of the masses.

And only in 1935, at the instigation of Stalin, the Komsomol issued a decree on celebrating the New Year. It was ordered to organize New Year trees for children instead of the pre-revolutionary Christmas ones. It was noted that this is great fun for the children of workers and peasants, who previously could only look with envy at the entertainment of the offspring of the rich.

The symbolism of the Christmas tree has also changed. It was a secular, not a religious holiday. Instead of a red one at the top of the forest beauty, Santa Claus remained the same kind grandfather, bringing gifts. He rode around in a Russian troika, accompanied by his beloved granddaughter Snegurochka.

How Santa Claus became a grandfather

So, we figured out where Santa Claus came from. The Snow Maiden appeared next to him much later. In ancient Slavic folklore there is no indication of our Grandfather’s companion.

The image of the Snow Maiden was invented by the writer A. N. Ostrovsky. In his fairy tale, she was the daughter of Santa Claus, who came to people, attracted by music. After the appearance of the opera by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, the Snow Maiden became very popular. Sometimes she appeared on Christmas trees, but on her own, without Santa Claus.

In 1937, at the Christmas tree in the Moscow House of Unions, the Snow Maiden performed for the first time together with her Grandfather. Her transformation from a daughter to a granddaughter occurred because a cheerful girl or a very young girl was closer to the children for whom the holiday was organized.

Since then, Snegurochka accompanies Father Frost at any New Year's holiday, most often she is the host. True, after Gagarin’s flight, sometimes... an astronaut appeared on Yolki instead of the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus's assistants

The history of the appearance of Santa Claus in lately updated with new pages. In addition to the Snow Maiden, new ones also take part in the good New Year's magic fairy-tale heroes. For example, the Snowman, who appeared in the fairy tales of the wonderful children's writer and animator Suteev. He either goes into the forest to pick up a Christmas tree for the holiday, or drives a car with gifts. Most forest animals help Grandfather, and some sometimes try to prevent the onset of the New Year holidays. Often, Old Foresters and Monthly Brothers appear in scripts...

Where Santa Claus came from, he moved on foot or on the wings of a blizzard. Subsequently, he began to be represented in the dashing Russian troika. And now in Veliky Ustyug there are also reindeer - a real winter form of transport. The kindest wizard in the country, whose domain extends to the North Pole, cannot keep up with Santa Claus!

When was Santa Claus born?

Curious children want to find out how old Santa Claus is. Despite his ancient Slavic roots, Grandfather is still quite young. The appearance of the fairy tale (1840) can be considered the moment of his birth. It is in it that a kind old man first appears, who gives gifts to the diligent girl and punishes the lazy one. According to this version, Grandfather is 174 years old.

But in the mentioned fairy tale, Frost does not come to anyone and does not give out gifts in connection with the holiday. All this will happen much later, towards the end of the 19th century. If we count from this moment, Santa Claus is not yet 150 years old.

When is Santa Claus's birthday?

This is another question that puzzles us children. After all, they, who received gifts for the New Year, often want to thank the kind old man. This question can be answered absolutely precisely - November 18th. After all, the children themselves decided so, choosing Santa Claus as the onset of winter in their homeland. This happened in 2005.

And now every year on this day a big celebration is held, to which his colleagues arrive. This is Santa Claus from real Lapland, Pakkaine from Karelia, Mikulas from the Czech Republic and even Chiskhan from Yakutia... Every year the scope of the celebration expands, more and more new guests arrive. But most importantly, the Snow Maiden hurries from her homeland, from Kostroma, to congratulate Grandfather.

Guests from other cities are also invited to the celebration. These are the deputies of Santa Claus, who will come to children for the New Year, and fairy-tale characters-helpers. Fun activities await them all. And in the evening, Santa Claus lights the lights on the very first tree and announces the beginning of preparations for the New Year. After this, he and his assistants set off on a journey around the country in order to have time to congratulate all its inhabitants.

In March, Father Frost gives up his duty to Vesna-Krasna and returns to his home. He will appear in public again before his next birthday - in the summer, on City Day. Both holidays include folk festivals, an extensive program of events telling about the Russian North, including excursions around the estate of Father Frost.

And let us not say exactly how old Santa Claus is, but congratulate him, write a letter with good wishes quite possible.

Where should I write?

Where might Santa Claus live? At the North Pole? Or in Lapland, next to Santa Claus? Or maybe in a well, like in the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”?

The address of Santa Claus is known very well to many. His residence is located in the Vologda region. A magnificent mansion was built there for him, his post office works. Santa Claus even received a passport from the hands of the governor of the Vologda region. And to the children’s question “where did Santa Claus come from,” you can safely answer: from Veliky Ustyug.

If your child wants to write a letter, congratulate the good old man on his birthday, or make a wish for the New Year, do not be scared or confused, because it is easy to do. Write down the address of Santa Claus: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug. Santa Claus mail.