Who wrote Doctor Zhivago author first name last name. "Doctor Zhivago" main characters. Nobel Prize in Literature

Yuri Zhivago is the main character of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago”; a successful medic who served during the war; husband of Antonina Gromeko and half-brother of Major General Efgraf Zhivago. Yuri was orphaned early, losing first his mother, who died as a result of a long illness, and then his father, who, while intoxicated, jumped from a moving vehicle. full speed ahead trains. His life was not easy. As the author himself said, he came up with the hero’s surname from an expression taken from a prayer: “God Zhivago.” The phrase implied an association with Jesus Christ, “who heals all living things.” This is how Pasternak wanted to see his character.

It is believed that the prototype of the hero was the author himself, or rather his spiritual biography. He himself said that Doctor Zhivago should be associated not only with him, but rather with Blok, with Mayakovsky, perhaps even with Yesenin, that is, with those authors who passed away early, leaving behind a valuable volume of poetry. The novel covers the entire first half of the twentieth century, and the doctor passes away in the turning point year of 1929. It turns out that in some sense it is an autobiographical novel, but in another sense it is not. Yuri Andreevich witnessed the October Revolution and the First world war. At the front he was a practicing doctor, and at home he was a caring husband and father.

However, events developed in such a way that all life went contrary to the established order in society. At first he was left without parents, then he was raised in a family of distant relatives. He subsequently married the daughter of his benefactors, Tanya Gromeko, although he was more attracted to the mysterious Lara Guichard, whose tragedy he could not know then. Over time, life brought these two together, but they did not stay together for long. The homewrecker was the same ill-fated lawyer Komarovsky, after a conversation with whom Yuri’s father jumped out of the train.

In addition to healing, Zhivago was interested in literature and writing poetry. After his death, friends and family discovered notebooks in which he wrote down his poems. One of them began with the words: “The candle was burning on the table, the candle was burning...” It was born in his head that evening when he and Tonya were heading to the Christmas tree with friends and witnessed how Lara shot her mother’s lover. This incident remained forever in his memory. That same evening she explained herself to Pasha Antipov, who became her legal husband. Events developed in such a way that Lara and Pasha broke up, and Yura, after being wounded, ended up in the hospital where she worked as a nurse. There an explanation took place, during which Yura admitted that he loved her.

The doctor's wife and two children were expelled from the country and emigrated to France. Tonya knew about his relationship with Lara, but continued to love him. The turning point for him it was parting with Larisa, who was taken away by Komarovsky in a fraudulent way. After this, Zhivago completely neglected himself, did not want to practice medicine and was not interested in anything. The only thing that fascinated him was poetry. At first he had a good attitude towards the revolution, but after being in captivity, where he had to shoot living people, he changed his enthusiasm to compassion for innocent people. He deliberately refused to participate in history.

Essentially, this character lived the life he wanted to live. Outwardly he looked weak-willed, but in fact he had a strong mind and good intuition. Zhivago died of a heart attack that happened to him on a crowded tram. Larisa Antipova (Guichard) was also at his funeral. As it turned out, she had a daughter from Yuri, whom she was forced to give up to a strange woman to raise. After his death, his half-brother Evgraf Zhivago took care of his niece and his brother’s work.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago has become one of the most controversial works of our time. The West was engrossed in them and categorically did not recognize them Soviet Union. It was published in all European languages, while the official publication in the original language came out only three decades after it was written. Abroad, it brought the author fame and the Nobel Prize, but at home - persecution, bullying, exclusion from the Union Soviet writers.

Years passed, the system collapsed, the whole country fell. The Motherland is finally talking about its unrecognized genius and his work. Textbooks were rewritten, old newspapers were thrown into the furnace, Pasternak's good name was restored and even Nobel Prize returned (as an exception!) to the son of the laureate. "Doctor Zhivago" sold millions of copies to all corners of the new country.

Yura Zhivago, Lara, the scoundrel Komarovsky, Yuryatin, the house in Varykino, “It’s shallow, it’s shallow all over the earth...” - any of these verbal nominations is for modern man an easily recognizable allusion to Pasternak's novel. The work boldly stepped beyond the tradition that existed in the twentieth century, turning into literary myth about a bygone era, its inhabitants and the forces that controlled them.

History of creation: recognized by the world, rejected by the homeland

The novel Doctor Zhivago was created over ten years, from 1945 to 1955. The idea of ​​writing great prose about the destinies of his generation appeared in Boris Pasternak back in 1918. However, for various reasons, it was not possible to bring it to life.

In the 1930s, “Zhivult’s Notes” appeared - a sort of test of the pen before the birth of a future masterpiece. In the surviving excerpts of the Notes, a thematic, ideological and figurative similarity with the novel Doctor Zhivago can be traced. Thus, Patrik Zhivult became the prototype of Yuri Zhivago, Evgeniy Istomin (Lyuvers) - Larisa Fedorovna (Lara).

In 1956, Pasternak sent the manuscript of Doctor Zhivago to leading literary publications – « New world", "Banner", " Fiction" They all refused to publish the novel, while behind the Iron Curtain the book was released in November 1957. It saw the light of day thanks to the interest of an Italian radio employee in Moscow, Sergio D’Angelo, and his compatriot, publisher Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.

In 1958, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize “For significant achievements in modern lyric poetry, as well as the continuation of the traditions of the great Russian epic novel." Pasternak became the second Russian writer, after Ivan Bunin, to receive this honorary prize. European recognition had the effect of a bomb exploding in the domestic literary environment. From then on, large-scale persecution of the writer began, which did not subside until the end of his days.

Parsnips have been called “Judas,” “an anti-conscience bait on a rusty hook,” “a literary weed,” and a “black sheep” that has found its way into a good herd. He was forced to refuse the prize, expelled from the Union of Soviet Writers, showered with caustic epigrams, and Pasternak’s “minutes of hatred” were organized at plants, factories and other government institutions. It is paradoxical that there was no talk of publishing the novel in the USSR, so most of the detractors did not see the work in person. Subsequently, the persecution of Pasternak included literary history entitled “I haven’t read it, but I condemn it!”

Ideological meat grinder

Only in the late 60s, after the death of Boris Leonidovich, the persecution began to subside. In 1987, Pasternak was reinstated in the Union of Soviet Writers, and in 1988, the novel “Doctor Zhivago” was published on the pages of the magazine “New World”, which thirty years ago not only did not agree to publish Pasternak, but also published an accusatory letter addressed to him with a demand deprive Boris Leonidovich Soviet citizenship.

Today, Doctor Zhivago remains one of the most readable novels in the world. It spawned a number of others works of art- dramatizations and films. The novel has been filmed four times. The most famous version was filmed by a creative trio - USA, UK, Germany. The project was directed by Giacomo Campiotti, starring Hans Matheson (Yuri Zhivago), Keira Knightley (Lara), Sam Neill (Komarovsky). There is also a domestic version of Doctor Zhivago. It appeared on TV screens in 2005. The role of Zhivago was played by Oleg Menshikov, Lara by Chulpan Khamatova, Komarovsky was played by Oleg Yankovsky. The film project was led by director Alexander Proshkin.

The novel begins with a funeral. They say goodbye to Natalya Nikolaevna Vedepyanina, the mother of little Yura Zhivago. Now Yura is left an orphan. Their father left them with their mother long ago, happily squandering the family's million-dollar fortune somewhere in the vastness of Siberia. During one of these trips, having gotten drunk on the train, he jumped out of the train at full speed and fell to his death.

Little Yura was sheltered by relatives - the Gromeko professorial family. Alexander Alexandrovich and Anna Ivanovna accepted young Zhivago as their own. He grew up with their daughter Tonya, his main friend since childhood.

At the time when Yura Zhivago lost his old one and found new family, the widow Amalia Karlovna Guichard came to Moscow with her children Rodion and Larisa. A friend of her late husband, respected Moscow lawyer Viktor Ippolitovich Komarovsky, helped organize the move for Madame (the widow was a Russified Frenchwoman). The benefactor helped the family settle in big city, got Rodka into the cadet corps and continued to visit Amalia Karlovna, a narrow-minded and amorous woman, from time to time.

However, interest in her mother quickly faded when Lara grew up. The girl developed quickly. At 16 she already looked like a young woman beautiful woman. A graying womanizer bewitched an inexperienced girl - before she knew it, the young victim found herself in his net. Komarovsky lay at the feet of his young lover, swore his love and blasphemed himself, begged him to open up to his mother and have a wedding, as if Lara was arguing and did not agree. And he continued and continued to shamefully take her under a long veil to special rooms in expensive restaurants. “Is it possible that when people love, they humiliate?” – Lara wondered and could not find an answer, hating her tormentor with all her soul.

Several years after the vicious affair, Lara shoots Komarovsky. This happened during a Christmas celebration at the venerable Moscow Sventitsky family. Lara didn’t hit Komarovsky, and, by and large, she didn’t want to. But without suspecting it, she landed right in the heart of a young man named Zhivago, who was also among those invited.

Thanks to Komarovsky’s connections, the shooting incident was hushed up. Lara hastily married her childhood friend Patulya (Pasha) Antipov, very modest and selflessly in love with her young man. After the wedding, the newlyweds leave for the Urals, to the small town of Yuryatin. There their daughter Katenka is born. Lara, now Larisa Fedorovna Antipova, teaches at the gymnasium, and Patulya, Pavel Pavlovich, reads history and Latin.

At this time, changes also occur in the life of Yuri Andreevich. His named mother Anna Ivanovna dies. Soon Yura marries Tonya Gromeko, whose tender friendship has long turned into adult love.

The calm life of these two families was shaken up by the outbreak of war. Yuri Andreevich is mobilized to the front as a military doctor. He has to leave Tonya with his newborn son. In turn, Pavel Antipov leaves his family of his own free will. He's been burdened for a long time family life. Realizing that Lara is too good for him, that she does not love him, Patulya considers any options, including suicide. The war came in very handy - perfect way to prove himself as a hero, or to find a quick death.

Book two: the greatest love on earth

Having sipped on the sorrows of war, Yuri Andreevich returns to Moscow and finds his beloved city in terrible ruin. The reunited Zhivago family decides to leave the capital and go to the Urals, to Varykino, where the factories of Kruger, Antonina Alexandrovna’s grandfather, used to be located. Here, by coincidence, Zhivago meets Larisa Fedorovna. She works as a nurse in a hospital where Yuri Andreevich gets a job as a doctor.

Soon a connection begins between Yura and Lara. Tormented by remorse, Zhivago returns to Lara’s house again and again, unable to resist the feeling that this beautiful woman. He admires Lara every minute: “She doesn’t want to be liked, to be beautiful, to be captivating. She despises this side of the feminine essence and, as it were, punishes herself for being so good... How good everything she does is. She reads it as if this is not the highest human activity, but something simpler, accessible to animals. It’s like she’s carrying water or peeling potatoes.”

The love dilemma is again solved by war. One day, on the road from Yuryatin to Varykino, Yuri Andreevich will be captured by the Red partisans. Only after a year and a half of wandering through the Siberian forests will Doctor Zhivago be able to escape. Yuryatin was captured by the Reds. Tonya, father-in-law, son and daughter, who was born after the doctor’s forced absence, left for Moscow. They manage to obtain the opportunity to emigrate abroad. Antonina Pavlovna writes to her husband about this in farewell letter. This letter is a cry into the void, when the writer does not know whether his message will reach the addressee. Tonya says that she knows about Lara, but does not condemn the still beloved Yura. “Let me cross you,” the letters scream hysterically, “For all the endless separation, trials, uncertainty, for all your long, long dark path.”

Having lost forever the hope of reuniting with his family, Yuri Andreevich again begins to live with Lara and Katenka. In order not to appear once again in a city that has raised red banners, Lara and Yura retire to the forest house of the deserted Varykino. Here they spend the happiest days of their quiet family happiness.

Oh, how good they were together. They loved to talk in low voices for a long time, with a candle burning comfortably on the table. They were united by a community of souls and a gulf between them and the rest of the world. “I am jealous of you for the items of your toilet,” Yura confessed to Lara, “for the drops of sweat on your skin, for the infectious diseases in the air... I love you madly, without memory, endlessly.” “They definitely taught us how to kiss in heaven,” Lara whispered, “And then they sent us as children to live at the same time, so that we could test this ability on each other.”

Komarovsky bursts into the Varykin happiness of Lara and Yura. He reports that all of them are in danger of reprisals and implores them to save themselves. Yuri Andreevich is a deserter, and the former revolutionary commissar Strelnikov (aka the supposedly deceased Pavel Antipov) has fallen out of favor. His loved ones will face inevitable death. Fortunately, one of these days a train will pass by. Komarovsky can arrange a safe departure. This is the last chance.

Zhivago flatly refuses to go, but in order to save Lara and Katenka he resorts to deception. At the instigation of Komarovsky, he says that he will follow them. He himself remains at the forest house, without really saying goodbye to his beloved.

Poems by Yuri Zhivago

Loneliness drives Yuri Andreevich crazy. He loses track of the days, and drowns out his frenzied, bestial longing for Lara with memories of her. During the days of Varykin's seclusion, Yura creates a cycle of twenty-five poems. They are appended at the end of the novel as “Poems by Yuri Zhivago”:

“Hamlet” (“The noise died down. I stepped onto the stage”);
“On Strastnaya”;
« White night»;
"Spring minx";
"Summer in the City";
“Autumn” (“I let my family leave…”);
« winter night"("The candle was burning on the table...");
"Garden of Gethsemane" and others.

One day a stranger appears on the doorstep of the house. This is Pavel Pavlovich Antipov, aka Revolutionary Committee Strelnikov. The men talk all night. About life, about revolution, about disappointment, and about a woman who was loved and continues to be loved. In the morning, when Zhivago fell asleep, Antipov put a bullet in his forehead.

What happened next to the doctor is not clear; we only know that he returned to Moscow on foot in the spring of 1922. Yuri Andreevich settles with Markel (the former janitor of the Zhivago family) and becomes friends with his daughter Marina. Yuri and Marina have two daughters. But Yuri Andreevich no longer lives, he seems to be living out his life. Throws literary activity, is in poverty, accepts the submissive love of the faithful Marina.

One day Zhivago disappears. He sends his common-law wife a short letter in which he says that he wants to be alone for a while, to think about future fate and life. However, he never returned to his family. Death overtook Yuri Andreevich unexpectedly - in a Moscow tram car. He died of a heart attack.

In addition to people from the immediate environment recent years, an unknown man and woman came to Zhivago’s funeral. This is Evgraf (Yuri's half-brother and his patron) and Lara. “Here we are together again, Yurochka. How God brought us to see each other again... - Lara quietly whispers at the coffin, - Goodbye, my great and dear one, goodbye my pride, goodbye my fast little river, how I loved your all-day splash, how I loved to rush into your cold waves... Your departure, mine end".

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the biography of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, poet, writer, translator, publicist - one of the most prominent representatives Russian literature of the twentieth century. The novel “Doctor Zhivago” brought the writer the greatest fame.

Washerwoman Tanya

Years later, during the Second World War, Gordon and Dudorov meet the washerwoman Tanya, a narrow-minded, simple woman. She shamelessly tells the story of her life and her recent meeting with Major General Zhivago himself, who for some reason found her and invited her on a date. Gordon and Dudorov soon realize that Tanya is the illegitimate daughter of Yuri Andreevich and Larisa Fedorovna, born after leaving Varykino. Lara was forced to leave the girl at a railway crossing. So Tanya lived in the care of the caretaker Aunt Marfusha, not knowing affection, care, not hearing the book word.

There is nothing left of her parents in her - Lara’s majestic beauty, her natural intelligence, Yura’s sharp mind, his poetry. It’s bittersweet to look at a fruit mercilessly beaten by life. great love. “This has happened several times in history. What was conceived ideally, sublimely, became crude and materialized.” So Greece became Rome, Russian enlightenment- by the Russian revolution, Tatiana Zhivago turned into the laundress Tanya.

Year: 1955 Genre: novel

First briefly, then chapter by chapter

Young Yura Zhivago’s mother died. The father, a once wealthy man, had long since left them, having spent all his fortune. At first he was raised by his uncle, a former priest, and then began to live with the Gromeko family. An intelligent family left an imprint on the boy's soul. He became friends with Gromeko's daughter Antonina.

Soon Yura saw 17-year-old Larisa. Lara gave in to the persistent advances of lawyer Komarovsky and was burdened by her relationship with her adult patron. Some time later, Yuri met Larisa again at a Christmas reception at the Sventitskys. Their meeting took place under strange circumstances. The hero was already with Tonya, their relationship was blessed by Anna Ivanovna, Antonina’s mother, before her death. At night, Lara shot Komarovsky, but accidentally killed another man. The lawyer helped the girl avoid punishment and rented a room for her. Lara decided to marry Pavel Antipin, who had long and passionately loved him, and the newlyweds left for Yuryatino. Soon their daughter Katenka was born.

Meanwhile, Zhivago also married Antonina. The couple had 2 daughters. The plans of the young family were interrupted by the outbreak of war. The doctor left to fight. Paul was captured. Larisa became a military nurse and went to look for her husband at the front.

The Zhivagos moved to an estate near Yuryatino. This is where his secret affair with Larisa began. The hero was tormented by his conscience for being unfaithful to his wife. Later, he was forcibly taken into a partisan detachment under the command of Mikulitsyn, where he had to stay away from home for 2 years. Antonina and her children left for Moscow. Having finally escaped from the detachment, the doctor returned to Yuryatino, to the house where Larisa and her daughter lived. The lovers talked with each other for a long time, but unexpectedly Komarovsky came to them. It turned out that Pavel’s father was exiled to hard labor, the future fate of the revolutionary himself was unknown, and the woman was threatened with execution. The lawyer invited them to leave with him by train. Zhivago, realizing that this is the only chance to save his beloved and her daughter, sends them with a lawyer, while he himself remains in their house. After some time, Pavel returns. The men talk to each other for a long time, and the revolutionary explains why he left his family for a long time. The next morning Pavel committed suicide in the courtyard of the house.

Yuri lived alone for a long time, missing his beloved, and dedicated poems to her. Later he decided to walk to Moscow. Here he remarried the daughter of his former janitor and had children. Zhivago wrote letters to Antonina. ex-wife knew about his new family, but did not hold a grudge against him and was not offended.

Almost 10 years later, Zhivago died of a heart attack. Marina, Antonina and even Larisa came to the funeral. Lara admitted to Yuri's brother Evgraf that she gave birth to a daughter from the doctor. A few years later, Evgraf, who had become a general, found Tanya, Larisa’s daughter from Zhivago, and took her under his wing.

The novel became one of iconic works, who fully managed to reveal the fate of people in the difficult 20th century for Russia. The themes of love, family, and spiritual integrity of the individual are closely intertwined with the revolutionary and military events of that destructive era.

Summary of Doctor Zhivago in parts (chapters) Pasternak

Book 1


Maria Zhivago was buried. Her husband went broke long ago and left her with her young son Yura. Little Yura was first raised by his uncle Nikolai Nikolaevich. Nikolai is a former clergyman who became a defrocked man at will. His nephew loved him because he saw the features of his mother in him. Uncle did not have any prejudices or biases, he was not afraid of anything new, did not stand still and had his own point of view on history and art.

Next, the author shows us the next character - Misha Gordon, an 11-year-old Jewish boy. He could never understand what caused inequality in society and what it meant to be Jewish. The boy even began to despise all the adults who were unable to explain all this to him.

Misha and his father are traveling on the train. Suddenly the train stops: a man who often visited the Gordons in the compartment committed suicide. He told them a lot about his son from his first, already deceased, wife, and about his second family, from which he, however, also left. During a conversation, he often froze abruptly and turned white as if from fear. My father said that he was once a rich man, but he had lost his fortune, and he was clearly not himself and was sick. The strange interlocutor felt a strange, and quite possibly not at all intended, sympathy and tenderness for Misha. It becomes clear that this is Andrei Zhivago, Yura’s father. Lawyer Viktor Ippolitovich Komarovsky was traveling with him on the train.

The reader is introduced to another child: Innokenty, the son of Dementy Dudorov, a convict convicted of terrorism, and a young beautiful girl, fascinated by all sorts of rebels, extreme ideas, artists and losers. Innocent tried to imitate his mother's paradoxical and defiant behavior, which often surprised others. Nika even thought about quitting his studies and going to his father in Siberia to raise an uprising together.


Nadya Kologrivova has a new classmate - Lara Grishar, whose mother, German Amalia Karlovna, experienced such a strong fear of men that she rushed into their arms out of fear. Amalia Karlovna followed the advice of her patron Komarovsky and bought the garment factory. The lawyer had long since laid his eyes on Lara, calling her the purest person on earth. The young girl was clearly flattered by his attention, but she understood that his intentions were not serious. Her friend Dudorov, like herself, was not too talkative and proud.

Tiverzin takes in Patulya, the son of Pavel Antipov, who went to the army. The young man is crazy about Lara Grishard.

The seamstresses from the factory rebel, refusing to work and explaining that this is only for the benefit of Amalia Karlovna.

Six months after the beginning of the relationship between Lara and Komarovsky, the girl decides to become the teacher of Lipa, Nadya’s sister. She secretly sends the money she earns to the Antipovs, hoping to marry their son Patulya after finishing her studies at the university. She secretly transfers money to Patuli’s parents and dreams of getting married to a young man who “loves her madly” after graduating from university. Soon Lara asked Komarovsky for money, because she no longer wanted to live in the Kologrivov family, and began to live alone.

Nikolai Nikolaevich sends Yura to be raised by the Gromeko brothers. Here he became friends with Antonina, the daughter of Alexander Gromeko, and Misha Gordon.


Tonya studied to become a lawyer, Misha studied to become a philologist, and Yura studied to become a doctor. After a long illness, Antonina's mother died, and before her death she bequeathed them to get married. Yura began to experience warm feelings for Tonya. At the Sventitsky Christmas tree, Lara met Yura for the first time. At night, she shot at Komarovsky, but accidentally hit another person.


The lawyer rented a room for Lara and helped drop all murder charges against her. Lara married Pavel, and the newlyweds left the city. Soon their daughter Katya was born. The young wife got a job as a teacher at a local gymnasium. Lara surrounded her husband with care, and he never reproached her for her premarital affair with Komarovsky.

The war began, and Pavel went to war, from where he often wrote to her, but later the letters abruptly stopped. Lara became a military nurse and went to the front to look for her husband. It turned out that he was captured.

Meanwhile, a girl was also born into Zhivago’s young family, but soon Yuri was called up as a military doctor. At the front, he and Larisa met again.


Lara and Yuri fell in love with each other. An uprising began near Yuryatino, where Lara lived. Lara left Yuryatino, and later Zhivago also left there. On the way, he met Pogorevshikh, a supporter of anarchism.


The doctor returned home. Antonina gave some of the rooms to the hospital. Yuri felt lonely. Soon Nikolai Nikolaevich arrived. Zhivago believed that socialism would eventually prevail. Suddenly, Yuri’s half-brother, Evgraf, appeared. He invited the whole family to move away from hunger and destruction. In the spring, the Zhivagos moved to the Urals, to an estate near Yuryatino.


On the way, Zhivago learned that the troops near Yuryatino were commanded by Galliulin.

Book 2


The city refused to accept the train due to the explosion. From a fellow traveler, the doctor learned about Pavel Antipin, who worked for them, and his wife, a local teacher.


Zhivago reflected on the changes in a woman’s appearance during pregnancy: her face becomes dull, otherwise her eyes sparkle, the future no longer belongs to her alone. Next, the hero thinks about art and history.

In the Varykino library he saw Lara. The next day, abandoning all matters, he hastily went in search of her. Larisa introduced the doctor to her daughter Katenka. They talked about Pavel Antipov, who changed his last name to Strelnikov. Lara believed that the Bolsheviks would abandon him as soon as he ceased to be useful to them, but for now they only tolerated him. Pavel fought in Siberia with Galliulin.

The doctor’s conscience tormented him; he could no longer deceive his wife and decided not to visit Lara anymore. She took his decision hard, although she tried to hold on. On the way, Zhivago was captured by partisans in need of a doctor.


Party meeting. It seemed that the revolution had left nothing alive in people. The leader of the partisans was Liveriy Mikulitsyn.


Almost 2 years have passed since Zhivago was captured by partisans. In one of the battles, the doctor had to shoot, and he wounded a man. The wounded man, who had lost his memory, did not hide the fact that he wanted to return to Kolchak’s army, but despite this, he was released. Before the doctor's eyes, frightening changes occur in the souls of those around him.


The Red partisan, fearing for his family, himself brought his wife and children to the camp. At first, he selflessly took care of his wife, played with the children, and later killed them all with his own hands, believing that a quick death at his hands was better than torture at the hands of the whites. After this, Palykh fled. Zhivago, saying that he wanted to collect rowan trees, ran away.


The doctor's hair was already turning grey. Wearing someone else's worn clothes, cold, he headed to the house where Lara lived. Then he found a message from her in which she asked him to stay in the house. Yuri, as before, was tormented by his conscience because of his infidelity. He fell asleep, and when he woke up, he saw Larisa smiling in front of him. The lovers were overcome with passion.

Antipov Sr. was sent to hard labor. Antonina, in her letter to her ex-husband, admitted that she knew about his relationship with Larisa, but was not angry. That


Yuri and Lara lived in Varykino. The doctor devoted his free time to poetry. Soon Komarovsky arrived and brought news of Pavel’s imminent execution. Lara could no longer remain in place, they could come for her at any moment, and the lawyer invited the lovers to go with him on the Far East. The doctor refused the offer, but the lawyer, left alone with him, convinced him to pretend to Larisa that he would go pick them up a little later. Zhivago realized that the main thing now was to save his beloved. Thus, Komarovsky left with Larisa, and Zhivago was left alone. He heard her voice everywhere, saw her face everywhere and dedicated poems to his beloved.

Soon Pavel returned. They talked for a long time about Larisa, the doctor repeated that she loved her husband very much. Pavel explained his departure to war for 6 long years by saying that he wanted to win more freedom. In the morning he committed suicide.

Part 15. END

The doctor knew about his heart disease, although he did not yet understand how serious it was. He decided to walk to Moscow. On the way, he was joined by the peasant Vasily Brykin. The doctor was pitiful, emaciated and overgrown; he entered the city in dirty, torn cast-offs, exchanging his fur coat and jacket for bread along the way. In Moscow, he first lived with Vasya, who worked in a printing house and began to draw. Brykin often reproached Yuri for not going abroad to join his family. Soon the doctor moved into one of the rooms that his former janitor had allocated to him. Here he met the janitor’s daughter, Marina. The girl’s voice captivated the doctor, and one day she simply moved into his room, becoming his third illegal wife. Marina gave birth to 2 daughters. During this time, Yuri restored contact with Antonina and his former father-in-law. The ex-wife, apparently, knew about his new family, but did not hold a grudge. The doctor, on the contrary, felt some kind of warming on the other side.

One day Zhivago disappeared, and a letter from him came to Marina’s name. large sum money. Yuri met his brother Evgraf, who rented an apartment for him and was trying to reunite the doctor with his family. Yuri got a job as a doctor. One morning Zhivago was riding on a crowded tram, it was stuffy, and somehow getting out of the transport, he fell to the ground dead.

Marina, Larisa, who had escaped from Komarovsky, and Antonina came to the funeral. Lara admitted to Evgraf that she had given birth to a daughter from Zhivago, and disappeared without a trace.


Evgraf became a general, and in 1943 he managed to find Tanya, Lara’s daughter from Zhivago. Larisa, running away from the Reds, was forced to leave the girl to be raised by a watchwoman, who later ended up in a madhouse. The girl led a homeless life for some time, wandered and later became a linen worker. Evgraf collected all his brother’s works, took his niece under his wing and promised to get her into university.

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    Tolstoy’s childhood was spent by the fact that his mother often changed her mind about whose last name she should keep her son, since she divorced her rich husband and left A. Bostrom.

  • The twentieth century, with its tragic events, became a time of severe trials for many people. It was especially difficult for representatives of the intelligentsia, who saw the horror of the situation, but could not change anything. It is no coincidence that the twentieth century was called the “wolfhound century.”

    One of the brightest works that reveals a person’s relationship with the era was the novel by Boris Leonidovich Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago". Written in 1955, it was published in its homeland only in 1988, 33 years later. Why did the work provoke such a reaction from the authorities? Outwardly, the plot is quite traditional for the beginning of the twentieth century: we are talking about the fate of man in the era of revolutionary transformations. The events of the novel are shown through the prism of the perception of the main character, so the plot is primarily connected with the fate of the young doctor Yuri Zhivago.

    The fate of a person, according to Pasternak, is not directly related to historical era in which he has to live. Main character The novel did not struggle with circumstances, but did not adapt to them, remaining an individual under any conditions. Zhivago is a broad specialist, a therapist, and more of a diagnostician than an attending physician. He is able to predict and make an accurate diagnosis, but does not seek to correct or treat, that is, to interfere with natural course things. At the same time, such a peculiar fatalism of Zhivago does not prevent him from doing the necessary moral choice, in which true human freedom is manifested.

    From the very beginning of the novel, there are boys - Yura Zhivago, Misha Gordon, Nika Dudorov and girls - Nadya, Tonya. Only Lara Guichard - "a girl from another circle". The author wanted to call the novel "Boys and Girls". And although the events of the novel unfold around the matured heroes, the teenage perception remains in Yuri himself, and in Lara, and even in Antipov, who has become a different person. After all, everything that happens over the years Civil War, will become a game for him.

    But life is not a game, it is a reality that interfered with the fate of the main characters. The novel begins with the suicide of Yuri's father, a bankrupt "rich, good-natured and naughty" Zhivago, and he was pushed to take this terrible step by none other than lawyer Komarovsky, who later played a tragic role in Lara’s fate.

    At the age of 11, becoming an orphan, Zhivago ended up in the family of Professor Gromeko, who had a daughter, Tonya, the same age as Yuri. “They have such a triumviate there: Yura, his friend and classmate, high school student Gordon, and the owners’ daughter, Tonya Gromeko. This triple union has read “The Meaning of Love” and “The Kreutzer Sonata” and is obsessed with preaching chastity.”.

    In the spring of 1912, all young people completed their higher education: Yura became a doctor, Tonya became a lawyer, and Misha became a philologist. But on the eve of this year, Tonina’s dying mother begged them to get married. Having grown up together and loving each other like brother and sister, the young people fulfilled the will of the deceased Anna Ivanovna - they got married after receiving their diploma. But just before the death of Tonina’s mother, at the Sventitsky Christmas tree, Yuri saw Lara Guichard shooting at her mother’s lover, lawyer Komarovsky, who had seduced her. The young man was shocked by the beauty and proud posture of this girl, not imagining that their destinies would unite in the future.

    Indeed, a “tangle of fate” will happen more than once in their lives. For example, having become a doctor, Yuri will go to the First World War, and Lara, having married Pavel Antipov and going with him on assignment to the Ural city of Yuryatin, will then look for him, who went missing, at the front, and will meet Zhivago there.

    In general, the hero greets all the events of history with enthusiasm. For example, as a doctor he admires "great surgery" October Revolution, which can “to cut out all the stinking ulcers of society at once”. However, the hero soon realizes that instead of emancipation, the Soviet government put a person in a rigid framework, imposing at the same time its understanding of freedom and happiness. Such interference in human life frightens Yuri Zhivago, and he decides to go with his family away from the epicenter historical events- to the former estate of Gromeko Varykino in the vicinity of Yuryatin.

    It is there, in Yuryatino, that Yura and Lara will meet again and fall in love with each other. Yuri rushes between his two beloved women, but history, in the person of Comrade Lesnykh, frees him from his dual position: the partisans need a doctor, and they forcibly take Doctor Zhivago into their squad. But even there, in conditions of captivity, Zhivago reserves the right to choose: he is given a rifle to shoot at enemies, and he shoots at a tree, he must treat the partisans, and he nurses the wounded Kolchak soldier Seryozha Rantsevich.

    There is another hero in the novel who also made his choice. This is Lara's husband, Pasha Antipov, who changed his last name to Strelnikov, who decided to start life from scratch. He tries to make history in his own way, sacrificing not only his family (wife Lara and daughter Katenka), but also his destiny. As a result, finding himself a victim of both history and his feelings, he makes a last attempt to resist a fate that is unacceptable to him - he shoots himself in the forehead.

    Zhivago commits a truly strong-willed act - he escapes from the partisan camp and, exhausted, half-dead, returns to Yuryatin to Lara. And his wife, along with his father and children, emigrated to Europe during this time, and contact with them was severed. But the trials for Yuri did not end there. Realizing that Lara will be persecuted, he persuades her to leave with Komarovsky, who can ensure her safety.

    Left alone, Zhivago returns to Moscow, where he ceases to take care of himself, outwardly completely declines, spiritually degenerates and dies in the prime of life, essentially alone. But such external metamorphoses indicate a change inner world. He creates, and the result of creativity is final chapter novel "Poems of Yuri Zhivago".

    Thus, the novel "Doctor Zhivago" becomes spiritual biography its author, because the fate of Yuri Zhivago is woven into the fabric of the life and spiritual path of his creator.

    is a novel by Pasternak, which was based on a description of the main character’s perception of turbulent times. A work where the writer shows a generalized life of the intelligentsia during the years of the revolution and the Civil War. The entire work is permeated with philosophy, where the author, through the system of images of the novel Doctor Zhivago, raises themes of life and death, love, and reveals secrets human soul. All the characters in the work are not minor participants, and each of them plays an important role. Here we will encounter the images of Lara and Tony, Antipov, Strelnikov, and the image of Komarovsky. The writer will also show the image of the revolution in the work Doctor Zhivago. However, the author brings to the fore the image of Doctor Zhivago, who is the main character of the work.

    The image of Doctor Zhivago

    The fate of Doctor Zhivago was not in the best possible way. Yuri was orphaned early and lived with distant relatives, where he made friends. Yura married the daughter of his benefactors, with whom they spent their entire childhood side by side. It was Tonya, with whom they had children, however true love our hero experienced when he saw Lara Guichard. Constant love torment now haunts Yuri Zhivago, and only after getting into partisan detachment, he gets rid of torment. The wife and children leave for France, but despite her husband’s adventures, she continues to love him. Fate will bring Yura and Lara together more than once. They confess their feelings, but they will never be together. Komarovsky will separate them fraudulently - bad guy novel, and Zhivago will leave for Moscow, where he will die of a heart attack in a tram car.

    In the image of Yura Zhivago, the writer showed the hero of his time. It's smart creative person, educated and intelligent. He had to live in turbulent times, and caught in the whirlpool of events, he cannot join either side. He simply does not interfere in the course of events. Goes with the flow. He cannot determine what is more important to him. At the same time, it cannot be determined not only in political views, but also in love. After reading the novel, we notice that despite the events, despite the reality and the horrors that surrounded the hero, he remained pure in soul. Evidence of this are Zhivago’s poems, which are permeated with peace and happiness and complement his image.

    In Pasternak's work we also encounter female images. Lara, Tonya, Marina are the women who met at life path main character.

    Tonya is Yuri's first wife. In her person, the writer created the image of a simple, reliable, kind and sincere woman. She was a support for Zhivago and Yuri loved her in his own way. It was, let’s even say, grateful love for the woman who shared part of his life with Yura. But another woman appears in his life - Lara. The image of Lara in the novel is completely different. For the hero, she was light, the element of love, creativity and all life. Lara was the embodiment of nature, femininity, she was the ideal for Zhivago. She was not only a beautiful woman, but also good mother, who, sensing the approach of trouble, took care of her daughter. The ending of this woman's life is not the best. One day she left the house and never returned.

    Zhivago's third wife is Marina. In her image, I found some kind of compromise solution for Zhivago. With Marina Zhivago, although he did not acquire true love, he received a comfortable existence, which is sometimes most needed in a person’s life. The woman herself was submissive and supported Zhivago in everything, forgiving all his oddities.

    Three women and three female images. These were different heroines in character, but each of them gave Zhivago love, gave support, becoming a companion at a certain period of his life.

    Christian images in the novel

    For the writer, the revolution was important event, because he believed that after that there would definitely come a spiritual awakening of the people. It was his novel Doctor Zhivago that became a kind of step towards this awakening, where the writer resorted to Christian images and motifs. The writer’s work has become his revelation, where he evaluates human life, where he is concerned with the topic of God and faith, the topic of Christianity and its motives. With the help of his novel, Pasternak tries to convey to the reader a vision of faith and religion, where the author talks about eternity, that there is no death. As the writer says, resurrection is already in our birth. At the same time, the author does not impose anything, he only shares a new vision of life and death, a new perception of Christ, and the reader himself draws his own conclusions and conclusions.

    The system of images in the novel “Doctor Zhivago”

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