Culture of ancient Greece. Ancient culture of ancient Greece

9.1. Features of the formation of ancient culture.

9.2. Features of the culture of Ancient Greece.

9.3. Culture of the Hellenistic era.

9.4. Culture Ancient Rome.

9.5. Ancient art.

Features of the formation of ancient culture

At the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, the leading role in social development passed from ancient eastern civilizations until new cultural center, originated in the Mediterranean and was called ancient civilization. Ancient civilization include the history and culture of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. This civilization is based on qualitatively different socio-economic and political principles than the civilization of the East and turned out to be significantly dynamic from them.

Antiquity is the cultural and historical foundation of modern Europe. Huge cultural heritage ancient Greece and Rome is quite rightly considered the cradle of European civilization. It was the ancient world that laid the foundations of European philosophical, legal, political, artistic and scientific systems that emerged much later.

Greco-Roman culture is traditionally called ancient; it developed during the period from III thousand BC to midday V century AD The era of antiquity begins with the formation of Greek city-states at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC and ends with the fall of the Roman Empire in the century AD.

In its development, ancient culture went through a number of stages and appeared in various historical modifications, represented by the culture of Ancient Greece, Hellenistic culture, and the culture of Ancient Rome. At the same time, the “prelude” of ancient culture was the even more ancient Cretan-Mycenaean culture, or Aegean civilization, which existed simultaneously with ancient eastern cultures. The centers of this Aegean civilization were Crete and the city of Mycenae in southern Greece.

Despite the significant differences between the culture of Ancient Greece, Hellenistic and Roman, they belong to the same historical and cultural complex, have a number of general typological features. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the ancient Greek and ancient Roman cultures were formed on the basis of basically similar forms of social organization: both the ancient Greek polis and the Roman “civitas” of the Republic era represent various options antique civil community.

The civil community united full-fledged free citizens, each of whom had the right to land ownership and to participate in solving state issues. This form of organization social life determined the scale of basic values ​​of ancient society:

Ideal the primary importance of the civil community as the basis of the good of an individual;

Idea the supreme power of the people;

Focus on earthly interests; in the ancient worldview there is no idea of ​​a creator god who stands outside the world and establishes a permanent, eternal world and social order (as was the case in the eastern peoples);

Unlike the cultures of the East with their theocentrism, ancient culture is addressed to man, who is the focus of philosophy and art.

The social consciousness of the ancient polis was mainly rational in nature. The world was perceived as real, although it was recognized supernatural, and this had a significant impact on various aspects of life. Therefore, when characterizing ancient culture, it is necessary to analyze the religious ideas of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Features of the culture of Ancient Greece

Culture Ancient Greece is the source of ancient culture. The ancient Greeks created a culture that was later called the "Greek miracle." Almost every conquest Greek culture reached such heights that it formed the basis of many aspects European culture in its various fields. For our time, Greek culture is a model of humanism and a complete view of the world. This was due to many circumstances.

Significant influence on the cultural characteristics of Greece is of little benefit geographical location, which contributed to the development of trade and other external relations. One of the special reasons that determined the development of Greek culture was colonization and the associated trade. Colonization gave the Greeks the opportunity to acquire a new view of the world, different from their primitive beliefs, and to compare their world and the world of other peoples.

The dynamism and greatness of ancient culture cannot be separated from the dynamism public life. By the VIII - VI centuries. BC refers to the formation of slaveholding states-policies. The Greeks considered the absence of poleis among other peoples a feature of barbarism, their moral underdevelopment (Aristotle). For the Greeks, living like a human being meant living in a polis, participating in polis life. Slaves who did not have the right to participate in the life of the polis were not considered people.

There were several hundred policies on the territory of Ancient Greece. On average, each of them occupied an area of ​​no more than 300 square kilometers and had approximately 10-15 thousand people. One of the largest policies in Athens.

In the ancient classical polis the state is the real and only content of the life and freedom of a citizen, it was almost the only place where he felt in danger, was under the protection of the gods who were in charge of the city (such as Pallas Athena - Athens) and could live a full life. Polis life with its spiritual and economic autarky, independence and freedom were the highest value for a citizen, since the polis was the main condition of his own freedom and could guarantee the protection of his civil rights and property interests. Public opinion and holiday laws protected public interests and the conquest of personal interests by the public was mandatory. One of the most important criteria for society’s evaluative attitude towards an individual was the degree of his participation in public life. Public opinion has developed a contemptuous attitude towards the indifference of the individual to the events of public life. This contempt became such an important factor in society’s attitude towards the individual that, relying on public opinion, the Athenian ruler Solon formulated a law rare in world history, according to which anyone who did not support either side during the uprising was declared dishonest and deprived of citizenship rights. The law required every citizen to participate in the struggle, and not wait for others to decide the fate of the state. And therefore, for the polis individual, the terrible punishment was expulsion from hometown, what the Romans called “deprivation of fire and water,” that is, deprivation of civil rights. In Greek cities, a special procedure of ostracism was developed for this purpose - sending into exile persons who did not violate the laws, but were dangerous due to their influence.

In many city-states and, above all, in Athens, the majestic achievements of the culture of the ancient Greeks arise - democracy. At the origins of democracy in Athens was Solon, whose reforms were aimed at creating a society of humanism and justice in Athens. The main governing body in the policy was the general meeting. At other times, the leadership was carried out by the council of 400, and then by the council of 500. Features public organization Greek society influenced customs, traditions, moral standards and even art.

Open discussion of laws at the people's assembly led to de-sacralization public institutions, thinking, shaped the “looseness” of the Greek spirit, the development of critical reflection, and rationalism. You need to familiarize yourself with detailed description the main features of polis life at work J.-P. Vernana" Spiritual world policy."

Competitive spirit polemical (agonistic) is another important feature of Greek culture. It manifested itself in all kinds of competitions - sports Olympiads, competitions of poets, musicians, artists, gladiator fights, public competitions of speakers and philosophical discussions of sages, in the turbulent political life of ancient society. For the Greek and Roman there was nothing honorable than to become the winner in any competition, to receive the approval and admiration of the citizens and to receive laurel wreath. Competitive nature in more detail ancient greek culture considered in the work of F.Kh. Cassidy "On the problem of the Greek miracle."

High rating associated with this creativity in the activities of the individual. The struggle of opinions and freedom of criticism became the ideological and spiritual atmosphere in which Greek science and philosophy were born.

According to some European theorists, for example, Lévi-Strauss, human behavior can be determined by its main motivation. It could be a “culture of shame” or a “culture of guilt.” The culture of guilt is characteristic mainly of Christianity, that is, it is addressed to the voice of conscience, to internal judgment over oneself. The culture of shame is focused on the assessment of human behavior by representatives of one or another social group. The “culture of shame” of the situation in Greece included two elements: the idea of piety Hellina and sense of competition. The main motives of behavior were imitation of the best and competition. The Greeks are not yet characterized by a sense of internal sinfulness, but a pronounced sense of shame in front of fellow citizens. The second side of this was the desire to become first, to become the best. The spirit of competition reigned in the field of science, rhetoric, sports, even general meeting. Any member of the policy could express his opinion when discussing public problems. Important Feature The mentality of the Athenian citizen is the desire for glory. For example, victory at the Olympic Games was considered a victory not of an individual, but of a polis. For the Greeks, this served as confirmation of their importance to society. All the features of the relationship between citizens of the Greek polis fostered a special sense of patriotism.

IN Greek mythology human and anthropoid gods. Therefore, among the various mythologies of the world, Greek has become the most attractive. Greek Olympic religion anthropomorphic. Gods often behave like mere mortals, so people felt quite comfortable in the world of the Olympic religion.

Ancient Greek culture is characterized by great achievements in the field science. Despite the seriousness of the scientific achievements of others early cultures, for example Egypt or China, no systematic science arose there. In the Greek world knowledge has ceased to be sacred, sacred, mysterious, which would belong only to a special caste of people - priests. It became available to everyone who decided to devote their life to it. Moreover, the “culture of shame” did not encourage ignorance, stupidity and vanity. It is in Greece that the transition from mythology and religious worldview was based on faith in science, which required formulation, formulation, logical consideration of problems, and the mind becomes the main means of knowledge. The depth and thoughtfulness of scientific theories, no matter how intelligible they may seem, formed the basis of many applied and theoretical sciences. Truth is not a matter of blind faith, but knowledge, based on logic, on reasonable (rational) understanding. Philosophy became such a new way of self-determination of a person in ancient society - a fundamentally different type of worldview, based on the positions of the mind and intellect. Philosophy offered man new type self-determination - not through habit and tradition, but through one’s own mind. Becoming one of the forms of overcoming the individual’s dependence on the clan, it for the first time calls on a person to believe in himself, in his own strength, and not in mythological gods. The myths existing among the people are subject to revision from the standpoint of reason, they are given a rational interpretation.

The period of the highest flowering of Greek culture (5th century BC) is associated with the highest flowering of polis life and all other cultural phenomena.

Ancient Greek culture has a special place in creating the foundation of European culture. The ancient Greeks laid the foundations modern science, philosophy, historiography, architecture, fine arts, literature and theater. Their important contribution to world culture was the creation for the first time in history of a new type of public organization - democratic civil society, within which social and spiritual preconditions have developed harmonious development free man. Within this culture there were laid spiritual foundations of European culture: humanistic worldview, affirmation of the value of earthly existence, rationalistic attitude to the world, ideas about beauty as one of the highest values, the ideal of a perfect harmoniously developed personality, democratic relations between society and the individual, the idea of ​​self-affirmation in the process of competition between equal people, etc.

At the end of the 4th century. BC Greece is subjugated by Macedonia, and the conquests of Alexander the Great mark the beginning new era in the evolution of ancient culture - Hellenistic.

It took a long period of formation before it was able to reach its full flowering, thanks to which its legacy is felt even today. Development began with the Aegean civilization, went through the turbulent stage of the classical period, after which the clear influence of Rome and neighboring countries began to be felt. Significant changes took place during Ottoman rule; the culture acquired its modern form during the Greek War of Independence in early XIX century.

Greek culture establishes the supremacy of man over nature, which is expressed in architecture, literature, poetry and other areas of life. It is impossible to consider Greek philosophy separately without the listed components - they have had and continue to influence the life of modern man.

Fundamental principles of ancient Greek culture

In general, Greek and Hellenistic culture is based on the observance of four basic principles. The first of them is the active participation and interest of the majority of citizens of the policy in the political structure and principles of governing the country. The emergence and active development of democracy laid the foundations for equality between people and the supremacy of morality.

The second principle is that all culture and art are intended solely to glorify the achievements of man and compare him with the gods.

The third principle is to constantly emphasize the importance of human aspirations through expression through the prism of literature, drama and comedy. The daily actions of people are placed on the same level as the work of the gods, and the gods, in turn, are depicted with the same characteristics and shortcomings as ordinary citizens of the country.

The fourth principle is the comparison of all phenomena with the picture of the surrounding world. Due to some naivety of their views, the ancient Greeks prescribed everything incomprehensible and unknown in nature to the actions of the gods, their disputes, civil strife and love relationships.

The combination of these factors led to the emergence unique culture, in the center of the philosophy of which was man with all his shortcomings and weaknesses. The harmonious development of the human body, soul and mind are the main components of real happiness from the point of view of ancient philosophers. This idea had a constant and strong influence on all spheres of life - literature, architecture, theater, sports, science. Even today one can clearly feel the hand of antiquity on the pulse of events.

Influence on European culture

Greece, as a country that became a leader in the scientific, intellectual and philosophical development of the continent, had a significant influence not only on its own metropolises, but also on rather distant states.

The architectural style, which was characteristic of Hellas, found its continuation in the Roman and Byzantine Empires. Under the impression of ancient masters, monuments and monuments of Renaissance architecture were created. The Renaissance and Baroque grew from the cradle of Ancient Greece, the architectural elements of which personified the majesty of man and made him equal before the gods. Throughout the Dark Middle Ages, the Catholic Church fiercely fought against the slightest manifestations of such freedom and dissent. One cannot help but admire the courage of the people who at that time allowed themselves to put man and God on the same level.

It is difficult to overestimate or not notice the imprint of antiquity in literary works European masters - poets, writers, playwrights.

Modern Europe cannot be imagined without another Greek invention - democracy. Although in its current manifestation it differs significantly from the political structure of antiquity, the basic principles remain the same - equality of people before power, the possibility of collective government and complete transparency of political decisions.

Politics is something to which the respected residents of the ancient Greek city-states devoted themselves completely. They not only lived it, but also introduced their own changes, which contributed to the rapid spread of reforms.

Ancient Greek economy: reflection in modern times

The ancient Hellenes were distinguished not only by their high moral values, but also financial efficiency. Their system of government administration, the distribution of income and expenses is difficult to comprehend, especially considering that the level of development of mathematics and economics was then at a low level. initial stage. The correct tax policy made it possible not only to keep a single policy in a prosperous state, but also to invest huge amounts of money in construction, cultural development, and the opening of libraries, theaters and other institutions to educate their own citizens. The army also played an important role, because the policies were in a state of permanent war with their neighbors, which often exhausted the resources of the state.

In the relations between the Greek city-states, a clear model of labor distribution was observed - this contributed to more effective use human resources, and brought trade relations to a qualitatively new level. Something similar, only on an enlarged scale, is now observed in European countries.

Antiquity was the period during which the formation of tribal unions took place, which soon became the basis for the creation of separate European nations. While the Latin language, in a modified form, spread throughout Western Europe, turning into English, French, Italian and other well-known writing systems, Greek formed the basis of the alphabets of the Slavic group.

Greek culture, philosophy, politics, and economics did not dissolve into oblivion over time, as often happened with the heritage of earlier cultures. The influence of Hellas is still felt even after more than two millennia, once again proving that the ancient Greeks were significantly ahead of their time.

    Lakes in Greece

    It’s not just the sea that’s beautiful in Greece. Dozens of beautiful lakes of different shapes and sizes have decorated the landscape of Hellas since time immemorial. In this article I want to tell you about the most visited and charming bodies of water in Greece.

    Salamis Island: the story of the great battle

    The Persians, defeated in a fierce battle near Marathon by an enemy whose forces were much smaller, were forced to return to Asia, and for ten years they could not come to terms with their defeat. A decade later, they began a new military campaign that lasted for for many years. Athens at that time itself was the site of political battles between the democratic group and the aristocrats, supported by large and medium-sized landowners.

    A peninsula in northeastern Greece, the eastern protrusion of the Halkidiki peninsula extending far into the emerald waters Aegean Sea approximately 80 km long and about 12 km wide is called Holy Mount Athos. This is a mountainous area covered with forest and numerous rocky ravines. The southeastern part of the Holy Mountain is occupied by Mount Athos, which has raised its peak to 2033 m above sea level.

    Penteli Cave or Gate of the End

    On the southeastern slope of the mountain, at a level of 720 meters, there is an entrance to the Penteli cave. Translated into Russian, this word sounds like “Gate of the End.” In the depths of the cave, a complex network of various corridors and underground adits begins, which stretches for many kilometers underground. Numerous anomalies and paranormal phenomena that this place is rich in haunt scientists to this day.

    Athens in Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greek Athens is a majestic and revered city. It had huge amount residents. The area was distinguished by beautiful architecture. Athens is also the center of the arts and culture of the Greeks. The main city of Attica is located not on the seashore, as was customary since ancient times, but several kilometers from the body of water. The settlement was founded around a large hill, on the top of which in a picturesque area stood a fortress of unprecedented beauty - the Acropolis.

Almost the entire population of the country adheres to the Greek Orthodox religion, which is autocephalous. Religion and Greek Orthodox Church plays a significant role in life modern society, on which, in fact, it is based Greek culture. And, of course, this is the many-sided solar culture a lot from the huge layer of the mythological past of this region.

Religion of Greece

This country often hosts religious and cultural festivals - panigiri, in honor of saints. Carnivals, which are celebrated according to dates, are also popular here. Orthodox calendar, but at the same time carry a pagan connotation. Greece is considered one of the centers of monastic life, because the main religion of Greece - Orthodoxy. Such places of worship as Athos and Meteora are known far beyond the country's borders, and the monasteries themselves represent not only part of the religion, but also the architectural heritage.

Economy of Greece

After World War II, Greece experienced a real economic boom. In 2001, Greece received the status of the most developed state, but after the global crisis in 2013 it lost it. Economy of Greece consists of several industries: the service sector, in particular tourism, the textile and chemical industries, mechanical engineering and instrument making. Greece uses the single European currency, the euro. Tourists are advised to carry a supply of coins or small bills. (At least to pay for a taxi or other transport in Greece) When making purchases in Tax-free stores, you can get your VAT paid back.

Science of Greece

After Greece gained independence, technical and natural sciences developed in the country. Science of Greece is developing systematically Numerous studies in mathematics, physics, and electronics are carried out in well-known institutes and universities of the country, which has a beneficial effect on the level of development of science. Much attention is paid to archeology in the country.

Greek art

Culture in Greece was formed before our era, but continues to develop today. Greek art, like a sponge, absorbs everything new, while the country preserves its main traditions, the main one of which is ancient. The Greeks prefer folk forms art, actively used by the ancients musical instruments, such as bouzouki, luthras, lyres and mandolins. A national costume a mandatory attribute of many holidays.

Greek cuisine

National Greek cuisine is a combination of Mediterranean and Balkan cuisine. The main differences between Greek cuisine are the large number of spices and olive oil. Greece produces various cheeses, more than 50 types, the most popular of which is feta. The most popular meat dishes are moussaka and pastitsio.

Customs and traditions of Greece

Greeks are characterized by an attachment to their roots, their family and their region. Often all generations of a family are involved in each other's lives. Great family affection and associated hospitality define customs and traditions Greece.

Sports of Greece

As you know, this region is historically the birthplace of the Olympic Games, so sportGreece– it simply cannot be unpopular. New sports facilities were built for the 2004 Olympic Games in Greece. The most popular sports are swimming, basketball and, of course, football.

Buildings and sculptures, poems and thoughts of great philosophers - all these are components of the “Greek miracle”, as scientists call it today.

If you are interested in culture, you can briefly familiarize yourself with it in this article. So, what has fascinated even the most inexperienced person in art for four thousand years? Let's take a closer look.

General information

The ancient period, which is characterized by the rise and prosperity of Hellas (as the ancient Greeks called their country), is the most interesting for most art historians. And for good reason! Indeed, at this time the origin and formation of the principles and forms of almost all genres of modern creativity took place.

In total, scientists divide the history of the development of this country into five periods. Let's take a look at the typology and talk about the formation of some types of art.

Aegean era

This period is most clearly represented by two monuments - the Mycenaean and Knossos palaces. The latter is better known today as the Labyrinth from the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. After archaeological excavations, scientists confirmed the veracity of this legend. Only the first floor has survived, but there are more than three hundred rooms in it!

In addition to palaces, the Cretan-Mycenaean period is known for the masks of Achaean leaders and small Cretan sculptures. The figurines found in the palace's hiding places amaze with their filigree. Women with snakes look very realistic and graceful.

Thus, the culture of Ancient Greece, a brief summary of which is presented in the article, arose from the symbiosis of the ancient island civilization of Crete and the arriving Achaean and Dorian tribes who settled on the Balkan Peninsula.

Homeric period

This era is significantly different in material terms from the previous one. From the 11th to the 9th centuries BC, many important events took place.

First of all, the previous civilization died. Scientists suggest that due to a volcanic eruption. Then there was a return from statehood to a communal structure. In fact, society was being formed anew.

The important point is that against the backdrop of material decline, spiritual culture was fully preserved and continued to develop. We can see this in the works of Homer, which reflect precisely this turning point.

Refers to the end of the Minoan period, and the writer himself lived at the beginning of the archaic era. That is, the Iliad and the Odyssey are the only evidence about this period, because apart from them and archaeological finds, nothing is known about it today.

Archaic culture

Into this time goes by rapid growth and formation of state-policies. Coins begin to be minted, the alphabet is formed and writing is formed.

In the archaic era they appear Olympic Games, a cult of a healthy and athletic body is formed.

Classical period

Everything that the culture of Ancient Greece fascinates us with today (a summary is in the article) happened precisely in this era.

Philosophy and science, painting and sculpture, and poetry - all these genres are experiencing a rise and unique development. The apogee of creative self-expression was the Athens architectural ensemble, which still amazes viewers with its harmony and elegance of forms.


The last period of development of Greek culture is interesting precisely because of its ambiguity.

On the one hand, there is a unification of Greek and Eastern traditions due to the conquests of Alexander the Great. On the other hand, Rome captures Greece, but the latter conquers it with its culture.


The Parthenon is probably one of the most famous monuments ancient world. And Doric or Ionian elements, such as columns, are found in some later architectural styles.

We can mainly trace the development of this type of art through temples. After all, it was in this type of construction that the most effort, money and skills were invested. Even palaces were valued less than places for sacrifices to the gods.

The beauty of ancient Greek temples lies in the fact that they were not formidable temples of mysterious and cruel celestials. In terms of their internal structure, they resembled ordinary houses, only they were more elegantly equipped and richly furnished. How could it be different if the gods themselves were portrayed as similar to people, with the same problems, quarrels and joys?

Subsequently, three orders of columns formed the basis of most styles of European architecture. It was with their help that the culture of Ancient Greece briefly, but very succinctly and lastingly entered the life of modern man.

Vase painting

Works of this type of art are the most numerous and studied to date. At school, children study information about what the culture of Ancient Greece was like (briefly). 5th grade, for example, is a period of acquaintance only with myths and legends.

And the first monuments of this civilization that students see are black-glazed ceramics - very beautiful, copies of which served as souvenirs, decorations and collectibles in all subsequent eras.

Vessel painting went through several stages of development. At first these were simple geometric patterns, known since the times of the Minoan culture. Then spirals, meanders and other details are added to them.

In the process of formation, vase painting acquires the features of painting. Scenes from mythology and everyday life ancient Greeks, human figures, images of animals and everyday scenes.

It is noteworthy that the artists managed not only to convey movement in their paintings, but also to give personal features to the characters. Thanks to their attributes, individual gods and heroes are easily recognized.


The peoples of the ancient world perceived the surrounding reality a little differently than we are used to understanding it. Deities were the main force that was responsible for what happened in a person’s life.

At school they are often asked to do something on the topic “Culture of Ancient Greece” short message, briefly, interestingly and in detail describe the legacy of this amazing civilization. In this case, it is better to start the story with mythology.

The ancient Greek pantheon included many gods, demigods and heroes, but the main ones were the twelve Olympians. The names of some of them were already known during the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization. They are mentioned on clay tablets with Linear writing. The remarkable thing is that at this stage they had female and male counterparts of the same character. For example, there was Zeus-on and Zeus-on.

Today we know about the gods of Ancient Greece thanks to monuments of fine art and literature that have remained for centuries. Sculptures, frescoes, figurines, plays and stories - all of this reflected the Hellenic worldview.

Such views have outlived their time. Artistic culture Ancient Greece, in short, had a primary influence on the formation of many European schools various types arts Renaissance artists resurrected and developed ideas of style, harmony and form that had been known since classical Greece.


Many centuries separate our society from the society of ancient Hellas, and besides, in fact, only crumbs of what was written have reached us. The Iliad and the Odyssey are probably the most popular works for which the culture of Ancient Greece is known. Summary(about Odysseus and his adventures) can be read in any anthology, and the exploits of this wise man still impresses society today.

Without his advice there would have been no victory for the Achaeans in Trojan War. In principle, both poems form the image of the ruler in an ideal light. Critics perceive him as collective character, which contains many positive features.

Homer's work dates back to the eighth century BC. Later authors, such as Euripides, introduced a completely new spirit into their works. If before them the main thing was the relationship between heroes and gods, as well as the tricks of the celestials and their interference in life ordinary people, then now everything changes. The tragedies of the new generation reflect the inner world of man.

Culture, in short, in the classical period tries to penetrate deeper and answer the majority eternal questions. This “research” involved such areas as literature, philosophy, fine arts. Speakers and poets, thinkers and artists - everyone tried to understand the diversity of the world and pass on the received wisdom to their descendants.


The classification of art is based on the elements of vase painting. The Greek (Achaean-Minoan) period is preceded by the Cretan-Mycenaean period, when an advanced civilization existed on the islands, and not on the Balkan Peninsula.

The actual culture of Ancient Greece, brief description which we present in the article, formed at the end of the second millennium BC. The most ancient monuments were temples (for example, the temple of Apollo on the island of Thera) and vessel paintings. The latter are characterized by an ornament in the form of the simplest geometric shapes. The main tools of this era were the ruler and compass.

IN archaic period, beginning around the seventh century BC, the art becomes more developed and bold. Corinthian black-glazed ceramics appeared, and the poses of people depicted on vessels and bas-reliefs were borrowed from Egypt. A so-called archaic smile appears in sculptures that become more and more natural.

In the classical era there was a “lightening” of architecture. The Doric style gives way to Ionic and Corinthian. Marble is being used instead of limestone, and buildings and sculptures are becoming more airy. This civilizational phenomenon ends with Hellenism, the heyday of the empire of Alexander the Great.

Today, many institutions study the culture of Ancient Greece - briefly for children, more fully for teenagers and in depth for researchers. But even with all our desire, we do not fully cover the material left to us by the representatives of this solar people.


Even the origin of this term is Greek. The Hellenes were distinguished by a strong love of wisdom. Not in vain in everything ancient world They were considered the most highly educated people.

Today we do not remember any of the scientists of Mesopotamia or Egypt, we know a few Roman researchers, but the names of Greek thinkers are well known to everyone. Democritus and Protagoras, and Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, Epicurus and Heraclitus - they all made a huge contribution to world culture, enriched civilization with the results of their experiments so much that we still benefit from their achievements.

The Pythagoreans, for example, absolutized the role of numbers in our world. They believed that with their help they could not only describe everything, but even predict the future. The sophists mainly focused on inner world person. They defined good as something that is pleasant, and evil as a thing or event that causes suffering.

Democritus and Epicurus developed the doctrine of atomism, that is, that the world consists of tiny elementary particles, the existence of which was proven only after the invention of the microscope.

Socrates turned the attention of thinkers from cosmology to the study of man, and Plato idealized the world of ideas, considering it the only real one.

Thus, we see that the cultural features of Ancient Greece, in short, were reflected through the prism of a philosophical worldview on modern life person.


Those who have visited Greece will remember for a long time the amazing feeling that a person experiences while in the amphitheater. Its magical acoustics, which even today seem like a miracle, have been captivating hearts for thousands of years. This is a structure with more than a dozen rows, the stage is located under open air, and the viewer sitting in the farthest place can hear a coin falling on the stage. Isn't this a miracle of engineering?

Thus, we see that the culture of Ancient Greece, briefly described above, formed the foundations contemporary art, philosophy, science and social institutions. If it were not for the ancient Hellenes, it is unknown what the modern way of life would be like.