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The background to the founding of the Moscow Museum folk graphics was the creation of the Workshop of Folk Graphics “Soviet Lubok”. The initiator of its creation in 1982, in Moscow, and its leader was the graphic artist, monumentalist, graduate of the Moscow Printing Institute, student of A. D. Goncharov, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, and then the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation since 1967, Viktor Petrovich Penzin. It was the Workshop that became the main base platform, on the “foundation” of which was transferred by V.P. Penzin. personal collection of graphic works, as well as works of artists - members of the Workshop, in 1989 in Moscow, the first and only Museum of Folk Graphics in Russia was founded. V.P. Penzin was appointed its director. The long-awaited grand opening of the museum took place only three years later, on May 22, 1992, on St. Nicholas Day, in the building of house number 10 on Maly Golovin Lane, near Sretenka. The museum is located in a historical place in Moscow, and the location of the museum is no coincidence. The museum is the custodian of the history of city street names associated with the production and sale of this type folk art. This is Pechatnikov Lane - Pechatnaya Sloboda, where not only printers lived, but also carvers of popular prints. The existence of this craft gave the name to one of the central streets of Moscow - Lubyanka, as well as the square adjacent to it. The Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary in Pechatniki, built with funds from the sale of popular prints, retained the name of the production, as did the Church of St. Life-Giving Trinity in Leaves,” on the fence of which, back in the 18th – 19th centuries, popular popular prints were hung for sale. This is Sukharevskaya Square, where the famous market was located, where cartloads of popular prints were brought to sell. The museum is unique: it specializes in collecting folk graphic works, and also makes attempts to preserve and update intangible cultural heritage; is the custodian of more than four centuries of history of the genre of folk art - Russian lubok and the continuer of the traditions, life, and crafts of the Russian people; contributes to the revival of folk crafts - and therefore occupies a special place in the museum world of Moscow. Lubok - Russian folk picture- an artistic, printing and printing art form that appeared in the middle of the 16th century simultaneously with the book of the first printer Ivan Fedorov “The Apostle”, 1564. Having become a traditional form of folk engravings, lubok arose as a picture-alphabet, a picture-story. A story in pictures with explanatory text is typical for many countries of the East and West. But it was in the Slavic countries that it won popular sympathy, developed and established itself as a traditional art form, and as such entered the international arena. For centuries, popular prints have advised, explained, and ridiculed human vices. The pictures served the people as a kind of encyclopedia, a newspaper, a satirical sheet, a book, and entertainment, invariably causing healthy and good-natured laughter in the audience. MMNG conducts active collecting, cultural, educational, exposition, and exhibition activities, both in the halls of the museum and in the regions of the country. Over the years of its existence, the Museum has held about 600 exhibitions, including 33 in foreign countries: (Australia, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Tunisia, England, Italy, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Spain, France, etc.) Lubok is a unifying art form of the Slavic peoples, who are related by a common history, way of life, rituals, folklore, customs, linguistic proximity. The museum takes an active part in the Slavic movement, promoting the unity of the fraternal peoples of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine (International Exhibition, Belgorod, 2002). There is a children's room at the Museum of Folk Graphics art school"Bright colors of popular print - 21st century." An interactive master class “Sudarushka” is held regularly for preschool and school age, where children draw, print and color prints, play and sing. The museum, at the invitation of other cities and countries, travels with its exhibits. In particular, he organized an exhibition at the International Exhibition “Art in Action” in Oxford (England, 1997); at the international arts festival in Montpellier (France, 2001); exhibition of religious popular prints in the cities: Velletri, Sacile, Ferrara (Italy, 1993-1995); on the 10th International festival folklore in Spain, in 1989, (12 cities of Galicia) and many others. etc. Days of Moscow Culture in Yugoslavia (Belgrade, 1997) and Kabardino-Balkaria (Nalchik, 1996). The Museum of Folk Graphics is included in the two-volume edition “Museums of the World”, which is published in Leipzig (Germany), where among 33 thousand museums in the world from 195 countries, it is listed under number 16000797. On April 16, 2003, the Museum, by order of the Moscow Government, received Moscow status state museum folk graphics. Russian lubok In 1627, lubok made its debut in Kyiv as a religious one. Since 1678, the Belarusian master Vasily Koren, having settled in the Meshchanskaya Sloboda in Moscow, created 36 sheets of the story about the creation of the world, called “The Bible for the Poor” (1692-1696). Those who could not read and write were called "poor". The theme of popular prints expanded and became not only religious, but also secular. Lubok masters turned to the heroes of the Russian epic, to chivalric novels, history, everyday life. In accessible language, lively and witty, the popular print depicted scenes of city and village life, holidays, gave examples of folklore, parables, and reported curiosities. The future prototype of modern media, he also turned to politics and resorted to satirical allegories. At the same time, some crowned heads were ridiculed, including Peter I himself, who introduced Western customs to Rus' (“Like mice buried a cat”). Lubok is a unifying art form of the Slavic peoples, who are related by their common history, way of life, rituals, folklore, customs, and linguistic affinity. Brief description museum collections The Museum of Folk Graphics collects, stores, studies and popularizes very important evidence of human memory, which has all the properties of a museum object to a superlative degree. The collection of the Museum of Folk Graphics includes 1,144 museum objects. The museum's stock collection began with objects of museum significance donated to the museum by its founder V.P. Penzin and artists, members of the Workshop of Folk Graphics, all the developments of which under the leadership of V.P. Penzina and formed the basis for the creation of the Museum of Folk Graphics. The museum's collections have been developing since the 80s. XX century as a result of purposeful collecting and creative activity V.P. Penzin, as well as the creative efforts of many artists, members of the Folk Graphics Workshop, numbering more than 120 names contemporary artists from all over former USSR. Canonical printed forms were restored for 120 different popular prints: 36 sheets of “The Bible for the Poor” by Vasily Koren, spiritual popular prints, satirical popular prints, historical popular prints, everyday popular prints, song popular prints, etc., printed in accordance with the traditions of the 18th century masters. Recreated album “The Bible for the Poor” by Vasily Koren, early engravings of the 17th-18th centuries, lithographic popular prints of the 19th century, reconstructed popular prints of the 17th-18th centuries. various subjects and modern engravings by authors - members of the Folk Graphics Workshop are included in the museum's graphic collection. The Museum is dedicated to folk graphics, which is the basis of its collection, but the Museum’s collection contains not only popular prints, but also original graphics (drawings) and print graphics. The museum has a collection of modern popular prints on an anti-alcohol theme. At one time, in 1989, the creative team of the “Folk Graphics Workshop” created the exhibition “The Whole World Against Drunkenness,” which was a response to the said resolution of the CPSU Central Committee. A small part of the works is stored in storage rooms and exhibited; this is a collection of works dedicated to the family of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II - the Romanov dynasty. The genealogy of the Rurikovichs is the subject of a calendar published by the Museum based on a rarity popular print - “Great Dukes and Tsars of Russia”, ed. 1870


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