KVN theme: healthy lifestyle for adults. KVN healthy lifestyle. Competition of pop miniatures “Health is Cool”

(school preparatory group)

Goal: to consolidate knowledge with children about how to take care of their health; form healthy lifestyle habits; develop the ability to make inferences; instill in children the desire to be healthy.


  • Team emblems
  • Distinctive insignia for captains
  • Jury flags
  • Dummies of products /useful and harmful to health/, large distribution, two baskets, two tables
  • Vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage, onions, garlic, apples
  • Masks and attributes for the performance “Microbes”
  • Chest /with fruit treats/
  • Crossword, marker


The intro for the KVN game plays.

Leading: Attention! Attention!

Children read poetry:

I got up early today, went to brush my teeth myself,

I washed myself from the tap and found the comb myself.

I’m standing in front of the mirror - look at me, is it really me?!

We brush our teeth twice a day, brush for a long time for three minutes,

We clean with a non-shaggy brush and a tasty, aromatic paste.

We brush up and down with a brush - well, beware of germs!

Open the tap, wash your nose. Wash both eyes at once.

Wash your ears, wash your neck, wash, wash, shower,

The dirt is washed away, the dirt is washed away!

Leading: What are these poems about? /about cleanliness/. And cleanliness is the key to health. We all want to be healthy, strong, beautiful. Today we will try to figure out what will help us become like this. We are starting KVN. Our game involves two teams. Let's welcome them. Team “Why Chicks” and team “Know-It-Alls”.

Let's welcome our jury.

Address to the jury : The jury don't judge us too harshly,

We know quite a lot for our age.

Jury : Each team will receive a flag for the correct answer.

At the end of the game we will count the flags and determine the winner.

1 competition “Team Greetings”

1. command:We are a team - “Why”

We have come to meet you

We brought both ingenuity and skill with us.

2. command:We are Know-It-Alls, friends to everyone,

There's no way we can lose.

We will fight with you, we will not give up so easily.

2nd competition “Warm-up” (riddles )

Leading: You all know the expression “Cleanliness is the key to health.” For that

In order for us to successfully fight germs, we need helpers. I will tell riddles about them.

Riddles for the team "Whychki"

1. It slips away like a living thing, but I won’t let it go.

Foams with white foam. Don't be lazy about washing your hands. /Soap/

2. He lay down in his pocket and watches for the “roarer”, the “crybaby” and the “dirty one”.

They will wipe away streams of tears, and let’s not forget about their nose. /Handkerchief/

3. She fits her hairy head into her mouth deftly

And he counts our teeth in the mornings and evenings. /Toothbrush/

Riddles for the Know-It-All team

1. I walk and wander not through forests, but through mustaches and hair.

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears. /Comb/

2. Here's a funny incident: a cloud settled in the bathroom.

Rain pours from the ceiling onto my back and sides.

How nice this is! The rain is warm and heated.

There are no visible puddles on the floor, all the guys love………/shower/

3. The track “two embroidered ends” says:

Wash yourself a little, wash the ink off your face.

Otherwise, you will dirty me in half a day! /towel/

3 Competition “Homework” / Ditties /

Children sing ditties:

We are funny guys and we won’t get lost anywhere.

We are very friendly with sports, we’ll sing about it now.

Although the ratings are not very good, Sasha is very famous.

Because, by the way, he moves his ears.

That's it, that's it, that's it! Don't be arrogant.

If you want to be healthy, play sports!

During the lesson, Vitya and Borya were talking about football,

We scored a goal together. We received a number together.

That's it, that's it, that's it! Don't be arrogant.

If you want to be healthy, play sports!

We went on a hike yesterday, drank water from a puddle there,

Our Lily has three frogs in her stomach.

That's it, that's it, that's it! Don't be arrogant.

If you want to be healthy, play sports!

Seryozha says to his friends: “I am brave, dexterous and strong,”

Suddenly a hedgehog came out to meet him, and the daredevil climbed the maple tree.

That's it, that's it, that's it! Don't be arrogant.

If you want to be healthy, play sports!

Our ditties are good, and their tune is simple,

We’ll stop singing for today and put semicolons.

That's it, that's it, that's it! Don't be arrogant.

If you want to be healthy, play sports!

4 Blitz tournament competition

Assignment to the team “Why”

1. Is it possible to chew icicles? Why not?

2. Why do you need to exercise?

3. What should you do if you are sweating? Why?

4. Is it possible to play ball on the roadway? Why not?

Assignment to the Know-It-All team

1. Is it possible to watch TV all day? Why not?

2. What should you do to avoid getting the flu?

3. Is it possible to tease dogs on the street? Why not?

4. Is it possible to eat outside? Why not?

5th competition “Do I know my body”

Leading:I'll tell you riddles, but you don't say the answers out loud, show me

the answer on your body. And the jury will watch which team

will show correctly and faster.

1. Here is a mountain, and the mountain has two deep holes.

In these holes the air moves, then comes in, then comes out /Nose/

2. Always in the mouth, not swallowed / Tongue /

3. Two mothers have five sons, all have the same name /Fingers/

And now I will name the parts of the body, and you touch them with your palms. The jury will see which team will show everything correctly and quickly. Ready! Let's start! Cheeks...knees...elbow...chin...ear...bridge of the nose...stomach...heels...back of the head...shoulders...hand.

6th competition Game-relay race “Healthy Products”

Leading: There are various foods on a large tray. You must choose

only those that are good for health.

7th competition for Captains “Guess the taste”

The captains are asked to taste the food with their eyes closed.

vegetables /carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, garlic, cabbage/.

Leading: Now it's time to sum up our game. While our jury is summing up the results, we bring to your attention the dramatization “Harmful Germs” (the roles are played by children in costumes).

Microbes come out and sing to the melody of the song “They say we are byaki-buki” (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin) from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”

1. We are microbes bee-bye,

We want to reproduce.

Everyone surrenders to us without a fight,

We will quickly infect everyone.

We will infect, we will infect, we will not spare anyone.

We will infect, we will infect, we will not spare!

2. Every year we come in winter,

Making everyone sneeze.

We will ruin your health

We'll get you into bed in no time.

Everyone goes to bed, everyone goes to bed, everyone gets sick and everyone sneezes.

Everyone to bed, everyone to bed, cough, sneeze!

HONEY. SISTER:To prevent everyone from getting sick, we need to wear masks!

(germs move back).

DOCTOR:To defeat germs and bring down the temperature,

You need to drink tea with raspberries and put the patient to bed!

HONEY. SISTER:Honey will help with milk - warm and pleasant,

And cover yourself warmly with a cotton blanket!

DOCTOR:Sleep for the flu is the best healer, as well as warm drinks.

You should go to the pharmacy - there are plenty of vitamins there!

HONEY. SISTER: Vitamins in vegetables, berries and fruits.

Fresh food will crush germs to dust!

To the melody of Russian folk song"Loaf" children-fruits, berries and vegetables dance in a circle, vitamins dance in the center.


Vitamins, vitamins, we’ll give you a birthday party.

VITAMINS:We have vitamins B, A and K, and C, and P.

We contain essential oils, acids, and water.

Drink juices and compote, and you won’t have any worries!

DOCTOR:Where are the microbes - have they retreated? We, brothers, defeated them!

CHILDREN: Everyone is healthy, you and I, Hurray for vitamins to everyone!

Let's play sports and, of course, toughen up!

Our advice is always ready: Be healthy!

ALL: Always healthy!

Out of competition "Magic chest"

Leading : Our game has come to an end. You guys are great, you're funny and

resourceful! And as expected, the participants of the game are entitled to a gift. It is in the chest. But what is thisis that? The chest is locked! And what will help open it is hidden incrossword word. Help me guys guess this word. Listenquestions carefully!

1. The organ through which a person recognizes the taste of food /tongue/

2. What protects your eyes from sweat and debris


3. The largest sense organ in our body


4. The organ with which we breathe and detect odors


5. A device that helps a person see better


6. An important part of shoes, without which flat feet can develop


The search word is BELL (the bell rings, the chest opens, children receive fruit treats)

Goal: To promote a healthy lifestyle

  1. to develop in children the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to be able to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life;
  2. promote the health of children during the educational process and in extracurricular activities;
  3. develop collaboration skills;
  4. promote unity children's group, forming moral qualities students: ability to make friends, communicate.

Equipment: posters, children's drawings, presentation

Progress of the event.

Presenter: Greetings to everyone who found the time

And he came to our KVN class!

Let the autumn rain knock on our window,

But our classroom is warm and light!

We are glad to welcome the participants of the game: the “Big Men” team and the “Neboleyki” team, the guys who support them and root for them. We welcome our distinguished guests and distinguished jury.

We are starting our KVN “For healthy image life"

Competition No. 1 “Greetings”

"Big Guys"

The little son came to his father,
And the little one asked:
"What is good
And what is bad?
If you are doing exercises,
If you eat salad
If you like chocolate -
Then you will find a treasure of health.


If you don't want to wash your ears,
And you don’t go to the pool,
You are friends with a cigarette -
So don't expect health.
Needed, needed in the mornings and evenings,
Wash, toughen up, and feel free to play sports.
Try to be healthy
Only we need this!

"Greetings from the Jury"

"Big Guys"

Black eyes, burning eyes
O jury, jury, O mighty ones!
Have pity on us in this difficult hour
We are performing only for the first time


We are waiting for fair decisions
Unity of views, thoughts, opinions,
Take a closer look at our faces
We are cuter, smarter and more beautiful than everyone else

"Greetings to the Rivals"

"Big Guys"

Hello, rival friends!
We have no less enthusiasm,
If the victory cannot be shared,
May the best man win!


Rivals, rivals,
We welcome you,
Do you want to be the first
But only after us

Competition No. 2 “Warm-up”

Explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

If you lose your health, you will lose everything. (Health is an invaluable gift that nature gives to people. Without it, it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. But how often do we waste this gift, forgetting that it is easy to lose health, but it is very difficult to regain it)

A tree is supported by its roots, and a person is supported by food.

To be healthy and strong, everyone needs to be friends with physical education.

What proverbs about health do our fans know?

1. Appetite runs away from the sick, but goes towards the healthy.
2. Disease is friends with dirt
3. You can’t live without sleep
4. Water cleanses everything
5. Anger dries out a person’s bones and destroys his heart.
6. Anyone who misses exercise for a day is a day older.
7. Life is given for good deeds

8. If you eat little by little, you will always have an appetite
9. Treat a minor illness before it becomes severe 10. Don’t scold - you’ll grow old
10. Mind and health are more valuable than anything else
11. Well chewed - half digested
12. Sweet food means trouble
13. When you combine sports with business, you are healthy in body and soul.

Competition No. 3 “Homework”

Drawings drawn at home on the topic: “If you want to be healthy... or... No bad habits"

Game with fans

Checking fans' attention. They listen to the questions and answer with the phrase: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Who is a cheerful band
Going to school every day?

Which of you, of the kids,
Is he dirty from ear to ear?

Who “takes care of” clothes?
Does he put it under the bed?

Who goes to bed early
With dirty shoes on the bed?

Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?
Loves sports and physical education?

I wake up early in the morning
Together with the rosy sun.

I make the bed myself
I quickly do... (exercise).

Competition No. 4 “Quiz”

Question for the “Big Men” team

Name the basic principle of hardening (gradually, constantly, consistently)

A sketch about hardening.

I told them in the winter:

They would toughen up with me.

In the morning, run and take an invigorating shower.

Like for adults, real!

Open the windows at night,

Breathe fresh air!

Wash your feet with cold water,

And then the microbe is hungry

It will never overcome you.

If they didn’t listen, they got sick!

We realized too late, brothers,

How useful it is to harden yourself!

Let's stop coughing and sneezing -

Let's take a shower

Ice water!

Wait! Oh-oh-oh!

You can't become strong instantly

Temper yourself gradually!

Question to the Neboleyki team

How many hours a day should a person sleep? (adult 8 hours, child 9 – 10 hours)

Question for the “Big Men” team

At what age can you smoke and drink alcohol? (It is advisable not to smoke or drink alcohol at all; particular harm to the body and rapid addiction to nicotine and alcohol occur in childhood and adolescence)

Question to the Neboleyki team

What is personal hygiene? (caring for your body, keeping it clean)

Riddles about personal hygiene items (for fans)

Question for the “Big Men” team

Why do people get vaccinated? (For the prevention of infectious diseases)

Question to the Neboleyki team

How should you eat properly? (4 times a day, you need to eat moderately and variedly with a good mood)

Dramatization of S.V. Mikhalkov’s poem “About a girl who ate poorly”:

Julia doesn't eat well

Doesn't listen to anyone.

Eat an egg, Yulechka!

I don't want to, mommy!

Eat a sausage sandwich!

Julia closes her mouth.


Yulechka's lunch is getting cold.

What's wrong with you, Yulechka?

Nothing, mommy!

I'm just not in the mood.

Why did Yulia eat poorly? (I wasn't in the mood)

For good mood fans will perform funny ditties

We are funny guys

In the second “B” we study.

We'll sing ditties for you -

Maybe it will work out.

Cleanliness is the key to health

Cleanliness is needed everywhere:

At home, at school, at work,

Both on land and in water.

Hands must be washed with soap,

To be healthy.

So as not to give life to microbes,

There is no need to put your hands in your mouth.

Do physical exercise

To maintain health,

And try out of laziness

Run away quickly.

Every time we eat,

We think about health:

I don't need greasy cream

I'd rather eat carrots.

Do your exercises

If you want to be healthy.

Douse yourself with cold water -

You will forget the doctors.

We are so funny

Morning, evening and afternoon,

Because we are ditties

We sing cheerfully.

Competition No. 5 “Characteristics”

Choose words to describe a healthy person:

handsome dexterous stately strong

stooped pale fat clumsy

strong, ruddy, slender, fit

Summing up the results of KVN

The jury's word. Congratulations to the teams. Rewarding.

Performance of the song “It’s Great to Live”

KVN “Healthy Lifestyle”

Team "Healthy Shift"

1. Business card “It’s great to be healthy”

Music " Sports march» 0.38

Come on, the sun is brighter than the spray,

Burn with golden rays!

Hey comrade, more life!

Hurry up, don’t delay, move on!


So that the body and soul are young,

Were young,were young

Don't be afraid of heat or cold,

Temper yourself like steel!

Team! Stop, one, two! Right! After all, “facing the viewer”! (captain)

Welcome to the team (all) “Healthy Shift”

To everyone present!

All sympathizers!

Humor to those who understand!

Let me tell you... (captain)

Your shining...

Flying in the air...


Perky, like laughter...

Victorious, like a sport...

Healthy as spirit...

(Everyone) Fizkult-hello!

Well, you have to! Today I had a dream. I go into school, and instead of the sign “School Director” there is a sign “HEAD COACH”. Physics room - “SKI CENTER”, chemistry room - “SKATE RENTAL”. Well, I think I’m lucky, now there will be six physical education lessons every day.

Dash, do you have a dream? Certainly! I would like to study in the kindest school, a health school, where even math lessons would be “healthy”! Call

Teacher: Hello, sit down! Sorry, habit. So, today we are strengthening the skills of drawing up a health formula. From the condition of health it is given to us.

Throughout a person's life, teachers teach him to learn.

Parents teach you how to live.

Grandma bakes pies, and grandpa does boxing.

TV - everything else that our parents, teachers and grandparents would not teach us.


So, the solution. Let's bring everything to a common denominator.

Teachers, when teaching, believe in our success.

Our parents give us hope.

Grandparents give us all the love they didn’t give to our parents.


There was no time!

TV, as always, is equal to an empty set.


So we have obtained a simple but fundamental formula for the good health body and soul.



(all)Health of mind and body.


(Everyone) Less words - more action!


(all) Healthy composition ideas!


(all) Main energies fusion!


- Oh, Svetlana Sergeevna, my head hurts so much!

- Here, Gordeev, is your watch.

For what?

Time heals!

Sonya, what's your hurry? Almost knocked me off my feet!

Don't you know? There is a “vitamin” disco in the assembly hall.

Song "Orange Paradise"(Nastya) Dance with hoops.

Listen, does the word “struggle” have some other meaning?

No, exactly. Why did the question arise?

You see, I constantly hear: the fight against corruption, the fight against piracy.

But in the gym I see something different, so I thought, maybe I just don’t know Russian very well.

Let's go to the gym and watch the boys.

Music "Fighters" 1.18

Greco-Roman wrestling. (mats)

If you are in a bad mood...

If everything is falling out of your hands...

If you want to be healthy...

Cheerful, athletic, beautiful...

Come visit us...

(Together) To the school of healthy disciplines.

Together, courageously, with optimism for a healthy lifestyle!

Music "Orange Paradise"

2.Pop miniature competition “Health is Cool”

Music "Health" screensaver

(honey cap)

Do you have any complaints about your nose and ears?

Eat. Ears and nose get in the way

Wear a sweater with a fleece.

Is everything okay in your head?

The radiologist took a picture

Didn't find anything there.

Are there any hearing difficulties?

If only you knew how bad my hearing is

I give clues with my left ear!

Do you want to be cured right away?

Copy less from your neighbors

And you won't be cross-eyed.

Are there any hearing difficulties? -

Eat. One ear flies into

Flies out of another.

How do you sleep at night, boy?

Without shoes and in pajamas.

Any complaints?

Don't count!

Both mom and dad

And there’s one for grandfather too!


Hello, Dimka! I recently heard this!!! If you find out, you will fall!!!

Firework! It's all nonsense! My news is a hundred times more interesting.

Today I decided:

Get up early

Do 30 push-ups

Take a cold shower

And come to school early.

Now, like a fool, I’m sitting alone in class, sleep-deprived, my hands hurt and I’ve caught a cold along the way...

Oh, look, who else is coming to us? Where did you get this from? From school. From where, from where?

From school...

Do you go to physical education?

No. I have a certificate.


Reference. I also have two words: I forgot my suit.

Do you do exercises in the morning? No.

Do you even walk to school?

No. I travel by car.

Here you go! What are you doing?

I'm studying. Tomorrow I have an essay, a test in biology, and I owe 5 more poems. There is not enough time.


A group of girls appears. Don't you have physical education?

Girls: No, we are released until 2030!

Oh, I wish I could see you in 2030.

Girls: You won’t recognize us...

Alas, but now you can imagine what you will be like.

Decrepit Fluffy Plump

And you will only walk in felt boots.

Girls: Why is that?

Haha, yes, because you have to bend over to fasten your boots!

You better sign up for a rhythmic gymnastics club, and ask these... little ones for the schedule!


How to entertain guests “Computer”

Health is cool

health is drive,

Choose a healthy lifestyle quickly!

song "It's Great to Live"

3. Homework “And who walks through life healthy...”

The director doesn't allow us to be sick. (2 girls with umbrellas)

motive "Good girls"

Healthy boys, healthy girls,

It's so good when there is love and laughter in the world.

We want to live without pain, without all bad habits

So that success and health accompany us.

Do you even run in the morning?

Yes! Mostly around the house, screaming damn it, I overslept...

They say that 10 minutes of laughter extends a person's life by several years.

Therefore, the Ministry of Health warns that living without humor and jokes is harmful to health.

Laughter for no reason...

A sign of a fool.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of a good mood.”

Laughter more useful to a person,

What a good drug.

He who laughs goes to the pharmacy

He walks less often, they say.

At the pharmacy - “Weight loss drugs”

GIRL: Tell me, do you have “Antirastolstin”?

Pharmacist: looks at her in bewilderment

GIRL: And “There are many after sixes”?


GIRL: (reads from a piece of paper) “Celulite disappeared”?

PHARMACIST: no either

GIRL: “Samsoboyvespropadin”?

PHARMACIST: No! For, that is, “Nadomenkushadindin”, “Popombolshevelin” and “The refrigerator is not suitable”! Will you take it?

If you are not healthy,

You can't buy it at the pharmacy,

But you can have it in the gym,

You can have it, you can have it,

You can strengthen it!

We choose sports as an alternative to bad habits.

Humorous pictures. (presentation)

1. It doesn’t matter what sport you do, the main thing is that you do it!

2 Wonderful game....And I ate...And I got drunk...And I washed.....Lovely!

The good thing about a football game is that it always brings surprises.

This is a miracle in our favor!..

4.- Is it possible to make women’s curling more popular and profitable than football?

You can if you play with your pets.

5.- Tell me, how do Russian swimmers perform at the championship?

And you know, not bad. There are no medals yet, but no one drowned!

6.I decided to go in for sports. I chose running. I ran to the computer. Sitting. I run my eyes over the monitor. I just feel: “Sport is mine!”

7.-What have you done? You threw the puck into your own goal!

I couldn’t resist, it was such a convenient position to strike.

8. Yesterday at the competition, the judges removed from the competition a javelin thrower who, after the judge’s remark, began throwing his projectile not for distance, but for accuracy.

9. Alcohol is entertainment for the poor, Drugs are for the weak, Sports are for the strong!

10. If you want to be three times stronger, come row in a canoe!

11.- What should I wear to the beach to amaze everyone?

Put on your skis!

- Jump ropes, skis, holahub
And your trip to the sports club
They'll cure you of your stupidity,
Strengthening your health.

The song “What is autumn?”

Currently, much attention is paid to public health problems.

As part of the popularization of a healthy lifestyle among the families of pupils preschool institutions We offer an event in the form of KVN with the participation of children together with their parents.

In this form of work with parents, the cooperation of the speech therapist teacher and the speech therapy group teacher is closely represented. The teacher is entrusted with organizational issues To prepare the event, the teacher-speech therapist prepares the child readers and conducts breathing exercises training aimed at developing a long exhalation necessary for the sound production process. Together they prepare and host the event.

KVN “Parents and children for a healthy lifestyle”

(Senior speech therapy group)

Presenter (teacher). IN modern society and the conditions created in it, the health of the nation is under threat. Great value in solving this problem, a healthy lifestyle is given. What is a healthy lifestyle?

healthy lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle.

Doctors say that human health depends 20% on heredity, 10% on the work of doctors, 20% on environment and 50% in the hands of the person himself. This means that health depends on our lifestyle.

And today we have gathered to talk about a healthy lifestyle. We propose to hold our meeting in the form of KVN.

The game “The Dragon Bites Its Tail” will help us get into a competitive mood. Adults and children stand one after another, holding their shoulders. The first player places a dragon mask on his head. The first player must catch the last one. The game takes place to cheerful music.

Presenter. Now let's split into 2 teams. Come up with names for your teams according to our theme “Parents and children for a healthy lifestyle.”

Today the bird Prophet came to visit us, she will voice wise sayings, which will become epigraphs and conclusions for our competitions.

Presentation by the competition jury.

Bird Prophet (teacher-speech therapist):

“Health is more valuable than gold.” Shakespeare W.

“Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on our health.” Schopenhauer A.

Competition 1. How do you understand healthy lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle?

(submit in abstract form. Time: 3 minutes)

Bird Prophet. Conclusion: A healthy lifestyle is movement, air, nutrition.

Competition 2. Blitz survey.

Teams take turns answering the questions:

1. What kind of grass does a blind man see? (Nettle)

1. Is it possible to collect medicinal plants in the rain? (No)

2. What medicinal plants can be used against cough? (coltsfoot, chamomile)

2. What medicinal plants are prohibited from collecting? (Listed in the Red Book)

3. Does the heart beat faster in children or adults? (In children)

3. How many beats per minute does the heart make in children? (90)

4. How many liters of blood does an adult have? (5)

4. How many liters of blood do children have? (3)

5. What are the first children of children called? (dairy)

5. At what age do children change their teeth? (By age 7)

6. First aid for sprains. (Cold, tight bandage)

6. What medicinal plants can be used for cuts? (plantain, nettle)

7. Which work by K. Chukovsky is dedicated to the cleanliness and hygiene of the body? (Moidodyr)

7. In which work by K. Chukovsky does the saving of the lives of animals of an entire continent take place? (Doctor Aibolit)

Competition 3. Children's poems about health.

Children from each team take turns reading prepared poems.

In the morning you harden yourself,
Douse yourself with cold water.
You will always be healthy.
No further words needed here!

So that not a single microbe
I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,
Wash your hands before eating
Need soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's some healthy food
Full of vitamins!

Go for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!

My advice to the guys is this:
Brush your teeth, my hands!
Then you will forget about doctors,
You will be healthy.

Presenter. The next competition will be held under the motto...

Bird Prophet:

“Our nutrients must be medicines, and our medicines must be foods.” Hippocrates

“You rarely need to eat tasty food.” Heinrich Bell

Competition 4. Healthy food.

1) Create a rational lunch menu.

2) Name healthy products for teeth.

3) Name useful products for the eyes.

Bird Prophet. Conclusion:

I do not live in order to eat, but in order to live, I eat.

Competition 5. “Morning exercises.”

Bird Prophet.

“Whoever expects to ensure his health by being lazy acts as stupidly as a person who thinks to improve his voice by silence.” Plutarch

“If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick.” Horace

“Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body.” Swift D.

Presenter. Teams must develop and demonstrate a complex of morning exercises within 5 minutes.

Bird Prophet. Conclusion:

IN healthy body- healthy spirit!

Competition 6. Our breath.

Bird Prophet. How long can a person live without food? 40 days. Without water? 3 days. And without air? 3 minutes.

Proper breathing is very important. In order for children to learn to breathe correctly, parents themselves must practice. Breathing exercises are taught by a speech therapist.

Task 1. “Butterflies”

Two people per team are called (an adult and a child). Two butterflies are tied to a gym stick. You need to blow so that the butterfly flies. The winner is the one whose butterfly flew faster and further without puffing up his cheeks.

Task 2. “Bulks”

Children complete the task with glasses of water and cocktail straws. The one with the loudest sound wins.

Task 3. “Ships”

Two people per team are called. Two boats are lowered into a basin of water, two people blow opposite each other. The winner is the one whose boat arrives first.

Task 4. “Football”

One person per team is called and sits opposite each other. Who will score a goal faster with cotton wool? 3 attempts.

Bird Prophet. Conclusion:

Competition 7. “Catchphrases about health.”

Presenter. Each team names catchphrase about health one by one, the team that says the last phrase wins.

Summing up: the jury sums up the results and announces the winning team. Presents prizes.


Presenter. Analyzing your answers and completed tasks as part of today's KVN, we completely agree with the wise statements.

Bird Prophet:

“Gymnastics, physical exercise, walking should become firmly established everyday life everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, a full and joyful life.” Hippocrates

“A healthy mind in a healthy body - that’s a short but full description happy state in this world." John Locke

Dolzhenko Olga Vladimirovna
teacher-speech therapist MADOU TsRR d/s No. 134,

State budgetary educational institution secondary secondary school No. 414 Krasnoselsky district

Sports KVN scenario


(from work experience)

Script developer

Teacher physical culture

Korneeva Lyudmila Tikhonovna

St. Petersburg

p. Volodarsky,

Rossiysky Boulevard 4/2 Lit.A



Competition 1


First participant. So, dear friends, you are about to find out why we have gathered here.

Second participant. We play "winding up". Oh, sorry, guessing game

Third participant. This is, as mom told dad, an infection!

Fourth participant. In order for this to happen, they are preparing for it.

Fifth participant. Yes, there are boys and girls all together.

Sixth participant. They have a lot of fun together. Mom says that if you get sick with it, it will last for a long time.

Seventh participant. And in order for it to be fun, everyone is screaming! Oh, they sing and dance.

Eighth participant. And those who look at this think: “Fools, or not fools?”

Ninth participant. And they are also judged for this, but not strictly and not for long.

Tenth participant. The biggest is five.

First participant. Of course, dad says that there is a time limit for such jokes.

Second participant. So, dear friends, what kind of game is this, where they laugh at what normal people cry at?

All. K-V-N!!!

Third participant. And today he is special! Team…


Third participant. Enters the fight against bad habits

All. With a sense of healthy humor!!!


The participant playing the role of the patient has their nails glued on.

Sick. Doctor, I have pain everywhere. Wherever I poke, it hurts. And then it hurts. And then it hurts.

Doctor. Come on, come on, show your fingers. Ooo! Have you tried cutting your nails?


Doctor (addressing the patient). Please note deep breathing destroys microbes.

Sick. Yes, doctor, but how do you get them to breathe deeply?


A girl comes to the doctor.

Eat only fruits, and with the peel on.

A week later the girl comes again

As for apples and pears, there were no problems. But I had to suffer with coconuts.

All participants sing a song to the tune of “Closing the Circle”

They say laughter for no reason -

This is a sign of foolishness

And not a year, not two, but many years!

And when you are very sad,


Laughter can distract you from various troubles.

Everyone has their problems

But health is a must

Should become more important to you than anyone else.

No! Tell those habits

What prevents you from living well,

And let it be so!

Chorus: May your soul

Will smile wider than his mouth

Opening the door wider,

Put on a smile!

Mouth full of problems

Let KVN help

To survive all the hardships

Let's make everyone laugh!



COMPETITION 3 musical: “Rhythms of Health”

A cow walked on the moon

I need sport like air

The sprat cried in the tomato

“I’d rather be in a salad.”

Ax soup made

It's time for everyone to go for a walk.

They tore off the dog's tail

A bully doesn't need sports.

To listen to all kinds of nonsense here,

Listen to the advice.

Song based on the song "Sultan"

If I were a Sultan, I would then decide

Every day in the morning, run as much as you can

I’ll show all my friends – the sultans – the record

To preserve my health, help me through sports.

Chorus: Not very bad - we are friends with sports,

I ate a vegetable salad - really, I’m not lazy,

A mountain of vitamins lies in front of me,

Every vegetable and fruit prolongs my life,

Chorus: Not too bad salads are needed

Much worse on the other side.

If I were a Sultan, I would every day

Fresh air I inhaled - I’m really not lazy,

Oxygen and ozone are my friends.

I always wish you to be healthy.

Chorus: Not very bad - they are friendly with ozone,

Much worse on the other side.

What should we, the sultans, do? We need clarity here.

How many lives do we have - three or one?

To live healthy, you need be smart,

Learn rules about your health.

Chorus: Not very bad - we need knowledge,

Much worse on the other side


Homework"Let's be healthy."

Speaker. Dear TV viewers! We bring to your attention the program “In the Animal World” from the “Interesting-Useful-Pictures” studio, in which we will show an exclusive report from one of the lost islands of the planet Earth, where, as scientists have discovered, higher, but not entirely intelligent, creatures live. Scientists launched extensive research work there.

We, residents of the 22nd century, only know from books that so-called “smokers” existed before, but no one had ever seen them. And now we had a happy opportunity to meet them.

You will see a recording of an excursion to this island, which was organized by the founders of the international symposium “In Defense of Animals”.

Guide. Come closer dear comrades! Look to the right. Before you are the indigenous inhabitants of this lost island.

First tourist ( reads the sign) “An animal smoking.” How is this possible? They promised to show us a smoking animal, but these are people?!

Guide. Even the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, when asked where he would place man in his system, answered? “The animal is bipedal, has no feathers, and smokes.” And we, having analyzed and carefully studied the habits of this specimen, did not argue with it. After all, everyone you see was literally born with a cigarette in their mouth, and does not take it out under any circumstances.

Second tourist. Tell me, have you tried to treat them, educate them?

Guide. Oh, of course! We apply to them the same methods with which centuries ago our Earth completely got rid of this chronic disease.

The boy sits and tries to light a match.

Guide ( in a half whisper) How many times have they said - don’t play with matches!

Boy. And I don’t play, I light a cigarette ( Takes out a cigarette)

Guide. You see what a difficult case it is.

Third tourist. What happened to this grandmother?

Guide. What do you? What kind of grandmother is this? This is this boy's little sister. After all, it has been proven that a woman who smokes ages much faster. And what you see is the result of careless handling of fire. She fell asleep with a cigarette in her mouth. However, she never wants to agree with this. She says the bed was already burnt when she went to bed.

The fourth tourist. (Addresses a man). Tell me, there are so many cigarette butts in front of you, why do you smoke so much? Don't you know that smoking is a slow death?

Man. Well, firstly, we are not in a hurry, and secondly, this is just nonsense. I read in this smart book ( shows "ABC book"), that the Latins did not smoke at all, and they all died out.

Guide. We have an idea to place the inhabitants of the island in the best clinics in the world, but we are afraid that this contagious disease will spread again on Earth. Therefore, we decided to treat them here.

Speaker. Our transmission time has expired. As you understand, solving this smoking problem is only a matter of several years. We hope that there will be no islands left on Earth where smoking, drug addiction, and alcoholism flourish. All the best! See you again on our blue screens.

FansHomework “Let's be healthy”

Team greetings

Awarding the winners