The best reviews of the play “The Master and Margarita. The Master and Margarita performance The Master and Margarita performance poster

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Mikhail Bulgakov

Performance in two acts

Oleg Tabakov and the entire staff of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov decided to take a heroic step. The play “The Master and Margarita” is on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. It is no secret that attempts to stage the play “The Master and Margarita” in the theater often ended in complete failure, if not leading to even more fatal consequences. Should Woland, Koroviev and Azazello appear on theater poster, as the most strange and mysterious things immediately begin to happen in the theater. Almost every new production the famous novel raises a storm of emotions among the audience. And it doesn’t matter whether they staged the play “The Master and Margarita” in the theater or made a new film adaptation. Suffice it to recall the film by Yuri Kara, which lay on the shelf for 17 years.

The legendary classic by Mikhail Bulgakov is once again conquering theater spaces with its mystical and beloved plot. The play The Master and Margarita is a truly unpredictable and amazing work. It takes both readers and cinema and theater viewers into an extraordinary and slightly scary world. Hungarian director Janos Szasz decided to join the ranks of great admirers of this novel by putting on stage Moskovsky Art Theater his own vision, which is why tickets for “The Master and Margarita” are selling out instantly from the box office again.

Modern interpretation cannot do without special attention to the mysterious and mystical elements of the novel, which are perfectly emphasized by new technologies: video installations and wonderful special effects. Also doing a lot of work cast, who is destined to live through this fantastic story. The master is not happy with anything in this life, and Margarita ends up in that incredible world, where she flutters naked behind translucent curtains. The director cannot do without comic characters, played by Woland and his retinue, Styopa Likhodeev and other evil spirits of our capital. Levi Matthew and Yeshua look so believable on stage that the viewer may inadvertently be afraid of the reality of the production.

Master - Anatoly Bely
Margarita - Natasha Shvets
Yeshua Ha-Nozri - Igor Khripunov, Alexey Varushchenko
Pontius Pilate - Nikolay Chindyaykin
Levi Matvey - Sergei Medvedev, Artyom Bystrov
Afranius, chief of the secret guard - Pavel Vashilin
Mark Ratboy - Roman Kuznechenko, Armen Arushanyan
Judas - Anton Efremov
Nisa - Ksenia Teplova, Veronika Timofeeva, Maria Karpova, Sofia Ardova
Woland - Dmitry Nazarov
Koroviev - Mikhail Trukhin
Hippopotamus - Artyom Volobuev, Evgeniy Sytyy
Azazello - Eduard Chekmazov
Gella - Maria Zorina
Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, Chairman of MASSOLIT - Igor Zolotovitsky, Sergey Sosnovsky, Alexander Livanov
Ivan Bezdomny, poet - Victor Khorinyak
Annushka - Marusya Pestunova
Nurse - Maria Sokova
Orderlies - Artyom Panchik, Vladimir Panchik
Stepan Bogdanovich Likhodeev, director of the Variety Theater - Pavel Vashilin
Grigory Danilovich Rimsky, financial director of the Variety Theater - Andrey Davydov
Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy, chairman of the housing association - Valery Troshin
Poplavsky - Vladimir Timofeev
Georges Bengalsky - Igor Vernik, Andrey Burkovsky, Artyom Volobuev
Arkady Apollonovich Sempleyarov, Chairman of the acoustic commission of Moscow theaters - Vyacheslav Zholobov
Sempleyarov's wife - Rimma Korosteleva
Mistress of Sempleyarov and Tofan - Marusya Pestunova
Andrey Fokich Sokov, bartender - Rostislav Lavrentiev
Frida - Anastasia Skorik
Baron Meigel - Nikolay Salnikov
Spectators of the Variety Theater, guests at the ball - theater artists and students of the O. Tabakov Theater School

Director: Yuri Lyubimov

Composer: Edison Denisov

Bulgakov’s posthumous fate confirmed his aphorism-prediction “manuscripts don’t burn.” 26 years after he, exhausted by his creative takeoff, wrote to his wife “I am buried under this novel...” and “I have already made my judgment on this thing, but no one knows whether I will know the judgment of the readers,” the novel “The Master and Margarita,” although in a truncated form, was published in the country of victorious atheism. He made a revolution in many heads, shook souls and minds with the discovery of a different understanding of the nature of good and evil, freedom and unfreedom, truth and untruth, the life of the body and the life of the spirit. Not to mention those who only and precisely through Bulgakov discovered biblical history. Today, already in a country that “long ago and consciously” defeated atheism, Bulgakov’s experience, insights, and feelings are perhaps even more necessary.

This experience was gained in courageously overcoming the trials that befell the writer, including his last, mortal suffering. “Finish it before you die,” he ordered himself on the manuscript. He went with his novel into eternity, dictating to his wife from last bit of strength, out of blindness, already out of the agony of his illness.

Tormented by surveillance, searches, hunted, you cannot live here - this is what Bulgakov felt and expressed in his novel - you can only die here. Like his Master: “Gods, my gods! How sad is the evening earth! How mysterious are the fogs over the swamps. Those who wandered in these mists, those who suffered a lot before death, those who flew over this earth carrying an unbearable load, know this. The tired one knows this. And without regret he leaves the mists of the earth, its swamps and rivers, he surrenders with a light heart into the hands of death...”

The production of “The Master and Margarita” by Yuri Lyubimov at the Taganka Theater became the world’s first stage reading of the great novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, and so far remains the only reference. It is no secret that this work is unsafe; working with it is certainly accompanied by mysticism. But here the forces were certainly favorable to the creators of the performance; the director’s hand seemed to be guided by a higher hand. On stage there is an absolutely organic synthesis of all layers of the novel, each of which cannot be understood separately.

There is a free spirit of writing, a plot outline, references to historical and evangelical texts, brilliant comedy, signs of everyday life, morals, and preferences. And the most serious and important thing in the novel, the strongest mystical component is a special key that convinces that Yeshua existed.

The performance begins with a prologue, all the characters and storylines. Appears in the epilogue main character- author of the novel. The main directions of the plot are the execution of Christ and tragic fate The master who recreated it in the novel. The performance itself unfolds in accordance with the plot, the mystical pages of farewell and transition to eternity are the point at which the fate of the heroes and all temporal, spatial, and game layers converge.

In “The Master and Margarita” there are always two worlds on stage - the spiritual and the everyday or upper world light and real - the world of Pilate Pontus. They are both separated and united by a playing curtain. Four times, fate and fate clearly and visibly appear on stage - the forces that separate the heroes and force them to experience this separation, and the audience to experience catharsis. These are the famous scenes: “Pilate - Yeshua”, cut through by the curtain, the scene of the execution and crying for Christ, the scene of the ghost ball and the final one, when portraits of Mikhail Bulgakov appear around the fire, like an altar. The scene with portraits of Bulgakov and the sacrificial fire are a low bow of generations to the author, who experienced spiritual insight and derived his great novel from it.

The performance was prepared unscheduled, without funds, there was no money for production, and its scenography was collected from the best that was then accumulated in the theater. The curtain was taken from “Hamlet”, but from “Hamlet” - wooden cross, the gilded frame of Pilate - from "Tartuffe", the cubes - from "Listen!", the tribune - from "Live", the block - from "Pugachev", the pendulum from "Rush Hour". The playing curtain is a brilliant solution by David Borovsky for the play “Hamlet”, a curtain that dissects the real and other worlds, and the pendulum - time - the basics of stage design.

Duration: 3 hours 10 minutes with one intermission

Main stage

“The Master and Margarita” is a performance staged on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky by Valery Belyakovich based on the cult novel of the same name by M. Bulgakov.

About the performance

A canvas of eternal biblical history along with a visit to modern city the devil and his minions vividly merge into a common multifaceted story about the eternal struggle between Good and Evil, the invincible power of Love and Self-sacrifice. All this takes place among discreet decorations in the form of steel sheets, along which highlights characters beat their fate. Such an ascetic wrapper is ideally combined with an explosive narrative that manages to make the viewer empathize with the characters throughout the entire 4 hours. Good, comfortable chairs make such a long session as comfortable as possible. The ominous, oppressive atmosphere that permeates all the characters in the devil’s retinue gives the goosebumps and loudly announces to the audience that something fatal and inevitable is approaching.

Homeless and Berlioz, two metropolitan writers, privately communicate on philosophical and religious topics. A foreigner passing by unobtrusively wedges himself into the conversation and just as unobtrusively says that he saw the death of Christ with his own eyes and that Berlioz’s head will be cut off very soon, because a certain mysterious Annushka has already spilled the oil. The writers have no idea that in front of them is the devil Woland himself, who came to Moscow to organize his great Sabbath of evil spirits. Preparations for the ball take several days, during which Woland and his company will make a lot of noise in the capital. Meanwhile, grief-stricken Margarita, whose Master has disappeared, in a fit of despair offers her soul to the devil in exchange for a meeting with her beloved. In parallel, the story of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua, the heroes of the novel by the Master and real people, according to Woland himself.

The play premiered on April 21, 2009 and caused an unprecedented stir among Moscow theatergoers. “The Master and Margarita” continues to be actively and successfully staged in 2020 to the delight of residents and guests of the capital.

Creative group

This large-scale production features 39 actors. Pontius Pilate, who closely interrogates Yeshua and then tries to save him, is confidently played by Valentin Klementyev. The fatal image of Woland was embodied by Mikhail Kabanov, whose speeches sometimes make your blood run cold. Irina Fadina, Honored Artist of Russia, brilliantly portrayed Margarita, torn by contradictions, and Alexander Titorenko tried on the image of the Master.

Valery Belyakovich, People's Artist Russia and the director of the play, for his creative career put more than 100 theatrical works. On the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, he directed Gorky's "The Lower Depths", Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "The Taming of the Shrew". Belyakovich, according to tradition, did not distort the time-tested classic with innovative directorial decisions, leaving the original dialogues and interpretation.

How to buy tickets to the show

Tickets for “The Master and Margarita” at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky is difficult to get, because this performance is real business card theater With our agency you can always purchase tickets to the best seats at reasonable prices.

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The result was a spectacular and large-scale performance in which the play of actors, light and music merges in an amazing dance of struggle between eternal themes and questions. This year the production celebrates its 10th anniversary, and this is another reason to go to an amazing performance!

Finally, I attended a production of M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.” The performance was very atmospheric. Interesting game Sveta. You experience all the emotions and feelings together with the characters. Great acting. I would especially like to note Woland’s performance; after the performance, I completely reconsidered my view of this character; to be honest, he sank into my heart. I’m writing this review three days later, but I’m still impressed. Thanks to the performance, I’m going to re-read the book to refresh all the wonderful moments with my favorite characters in my memory. 4 hours flew by. Thank you very much for this production. Bravo!

Galina, 41 years old, March 4, 2019

Harmonious and fully (in my opinion) conveying the ideas and emotions of the work, the production of “The Master and Margarita” kept me in suspense and attention, and made me empathize with the heroes of the novel. I would like to say a huge thank you to the Masters of their craft - everyone who created this performance, everyone who implements it. The concept, implementation - from the scenery, music and lighting to the acting of the cast (all without exception) - was talented, extraordinary and highly professional. Thank you!

Alexandra, February 3, 2019

Amazing!!! I really doubted it, I thought it would be a chore, after reading the reviews I was in the mood for a long performance and went with good mood and I was surprised, the hall was full, mostly young couples, the actors were gorgeous, I really love the scenery, but there was none and there was absolutely no need for it, because the actors outshone everything. The production is wonderful, go and don’t hesitate, you will be 100% pleasantly impressed.

Natalia, 39 years old, January 4, 2019

And again, the whole family came to the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky, but now for the play “The Master and Margarita”. The scenery is minimal, but everything is complemented by light, sound and acting. Amazing! Bravo to every actor! We return home impressed. We thank the entire cast for making it a pleasure.

Olga, 30 years old, December 29, 2018

I attended the play “The Master and Margarita” today (12/28/18). You guys are great! cool game. To be honest, I had never seen the film or read the book before, so I was worried that it would be unclear... I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to understand the plot in 3.5 hours, but I was delighted. It was not boring, tedious and monotonous, on the contrary, the actions were diluted with dances (balls), I really wanted to join you, the costume style of that time was maintained, and I was delighted with how everyone’s diction, voice, etc. were perfected. Thank you all again, very cool, very sincere, truly interesting.

Elena, 36 years old

Thank you very much to all the artists of the play "The Master and Margarita"!!! On November 2, 2018, thanks to the excellent production of the play and the impeccable life on stage of each actor, new deep themes of the brilliant Bulgakov were revealed. There are no words to express my gratitude for this evening. Thank you to each and everyone who put their hearts into ensuring that we live today all the still incomprehensible and unfolding depth of the underlying truth and wisdom in this work! Low bow to all of you, flowers and boundless gratitude! Theater is magic and magic, it has great power! In every artist, in the director! And thank you for putting on stage exactly like this eternal themes, trusting the genius of the writer and creating with him, bringing in your own colors, but not mixing them into one indistinguishable spot... Your talent allows you to flawlessly convey them to the very nature, where there are no more words or thoughts. But only silence, contemplation and living the present moment in the viewer’s heart.

Igor, 26 years old

Every time I travel I try to visit the theater. This time I discovered the Moscow Art Theater with the production of “The Master and Margarita”! It was unforgettable. All the scenes that remained in my memory from reading the novel were masterfully staged on stage. The transition between modernity and Pontic times is wonderfully done! Everything is accessible and understandable, in some moments it gave me goosebumps! Great acting! Thank you very much for the pleasure!

Irina, September 22, 2018

To say that I love theater is an understatement! The first time I was so far from the characters, in the literal sense, I love to feel the lively stomping of the artists on stage, I love the smell of the theater, it is special, but it is felt only when you enter the stage and live your whole life full of emotions. If we talk about the play “The Master and Margarita,” then this difficult production, which lasted 4 hours, was able to touch me to the quick again. And yes, I am a follower of this phrase: “Never ask for anything! They will offer it themselves and give everything!” I am in love with every character, for me this is more than a performance, I even accept the series! Russian! I don’t watch any Russian TV series, so it’s clear how much I respect this masterpiece, no matter how cheesy it may sound. Koroviev, the cat Behemoth, Woland, Margot, the Master and everyone else who is involved, the same Likhodeev. I'm delighted.

Maria, September 22, 2018

Today I was at my favorite Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky, play “The Master and Margarita”, for lately- this is the only performance that really surprised me, or rather its actors - this is my favorite piece Bulgakov, so I treat it with special trepidation. Woland's team's performance was most memorable; they played superbly!

Elena, October 5, 2018

Opened today theater season. I spent a long time choosing a performance and settled on “The Master and Margarita.” This work is now included in school curriculum, and this was one of the reasons for my choice. My daughter has to take a literature test at the end of this school year. To say that I liked the performance is to say nothing! We are delighted! The production is strictly based on the novel, not spoiled by any gags. We sat in the first row, and it was scary in places. The performance lasts 4 hours and is a breeze to watch. Very much! Bravo!

Anna, September 22, 2018

Yesterday I attended the play “The Master and Margarita”, held at the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky. This amazing performance will definitely be on my personal hit parade. It is very easy to read Valery Belyakovich's handwriting. As soon as I saw the scenery, I felt that my favorite director had a hand in this performance; they seemed very familiar to me. The scenery is minimal - a few huge metal plates, which, when illuminated, turn into the pages of books, the walls of a palace, an apartment, a ballroom. Here light plays a separate role. He shows us Woland and his retinue in red; all dark affairs are highlighted in the same color. When Margarita trashes the apartment of the critic Latunsky, instead of plates we see the windows of his apartment, each wave of the witch’s hand is accompanied by lightning. Very often, several circles of light appear on the stage, among which our heroes move, finding themselves in the field of light only when they should be in the center of events. An incredible amount of attention was paid to the costumes: every detail, every little detail was thought out. The Procurator's costume looks very impressive, an incredible robe with a large number folds - the real clothes of a Roman ruler. I really liked the scene in which the poet Bezdomny ended up wearing only his underpants, all dirty in “Griboyedov”. Before his arrival, there was dancing there, restless fun reigned, and then chaos settled in. You seem to know what is going to happen (after all, almost everyone has read the book), but the poet’s appearance still turns out to be unexpected. Homeless man's conversation with doctors in psychiatric hospital It turned out to be very funny and comical. A crowd of interns blindly following their leader, a crazy nurse, a rather strange doctor who at some moments seems much crazier than our hero.

Nellie A.

We visited one of the oldest and significant theaters Moscow - Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky. We attended a wonderful production of “So It Will Be.” Amazing performance, good scenery, acting at the highest level!

Anastasia K.

I would like to talk about my most any performance at the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky "The Master and Margarita". The text of the novel itself, the skill of the director and actors throughout the performance keep the viewer in a state of bated breath. All-pervasive music, brilliant acting, and the depth of meaning of the work allow you to immerse yourself in thoughts about what it’s like modern society, from where humanity came and where it came, about the essence of man. I’ve been to the show twice already and would go again with great pleasure, each time something new opens up. The performance does not deviate from the author’s own text, so there will be a complete immersion into Bulgakov’s world.

Alexandra R.

Yesterday we visited the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky on “The Master” and, although I endured a day of silence, I cannot help but talk about it. First of all, I definitely recommend going. Well, and secondly, actually, a review... A very rich and at the same time very beautiful and laconic performance, accurately recorded and captured, so that you believe in the atmosphere, and in the invisible glass, and in the flying dressed Margot, and, certainly in Woland. Before this performance, for me the best film adaptation of “The Master and Margarita” was, funny as it may seem, not the film adaptation, but Gradsky’s rock opera, but now this primacy has been significantly shaken. This is a performance that conducts a dialogue with the audience, but does it so delicately and obviously that you want to give a standing ovation (for the “trick with banknotes” there is a special bow and admiration)... P.S. The Yershalaim chapters naturally took my heart.

It was mystical and magical. Theater is a living delight!!! It was especially great that money actually fell from the ceiling. And that Woland addressed us as his viewers who came to his show. I thank those who helped with tickets. Of course, thanks to those who played so well! Hats off! One pleasure!


Today I spontaneously attended a production of my favorite work – “The Master and Margarita”! Anyone who reads this book either loves it immensely or doesn't understand it at all. I am, of course, in the first category! I've read it 4 times since school and I don't think this is the end. Sitting in the hall, you not only know almost every phrase, but you live inside this picture. I really liked the performance! The energy is demonic, crazy and intense, it will definitely not leave anyone indifferent, and Woland’s acting and monologues... there are no words! “What would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?” I advise everyone to read it, and to watch it.

Julia K.

Let’s leave aside “the book is better.” Is it worth mentioning my love for Bulgakov and his various forms in prose? I don't think so. I have a special relationship with The Master and Margarita, the book will forever remain my favorite, and impressions awaken from the depths every time I come across just the title. Production of the Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky took on a slightly more modern look, which did not spoil it at all. I again plunged headlong into the lines of my favorite work. Finally they made a good Woland, intriguing and cunning. And of course, my number one love is Bassoon. My God, how wonderful he is in the production! I was most worried about the fate of this role. But no, however, he is very good. Thank you, I’m glad that the production was carried out in exactly this vein, without losing a drop of Bulgakov himself.


Reviews about this performance may be contradictory. Everyone perceives it differently. But from my feelings and perceptions I can say that this is one of the best productions of such a complex work. The performance sank into my soul so much that yesterday I watched it for the third time. The performance gives me goosebumps. The acting, music and emotional presentation of the work are admirable. It looks like a breeze, I recommend it to everyone!


Yesterday my daughter and I watched the play “The Master and Margarita” at the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky. Of course, I’m not a theatergoer and I have nothing to compare it with, but the acting is amazing and mesmerizing, almost 4 hours, as if in one breath. If you don’t know how to spend the evening, go to the theater to see “The Master and Margarita”, you won’t regret it. I'm still impressed and would love to watch it again. P.S. I also liked the attitude of the theater staff towards the audience; we had tickets for the balcony in our hands, but we were allowed to go to the stalls for the empty seats. And yes, “manuscripts don’t burn”!

Vlada N.

It was hard to imagine how this complex work can be staged. But what I was able to see... was delight! Goosebumps, bravo! The Patriarchs, Annushka, the cat Behemoth, Satan's ball. Mysticism, love, good and evil, compassion. Beautiful costumes and incredible atmosphere. I really liked the staging of the scene about Woland’s performance in the Variety Show: at the moment when Woland talks about Muscovites, the lights in the hall turn on, and chervonets begin to fly from the ceiling towards the audience. Remember this moment in the novel? You feel like you are part of the performance. +1 dream come true.


A bright, brain-stimulating, performance overflowing with mysticism. In a word, crazy... The actors performed so well that after the performance I wanted to pray. What a blessing to have Jesus. Unfortunately, even in our time there are a considerable number of Judas characters... Bravo, bravo, bravo to the actors! I will be “Margarita”, the role of the Master is still open...

Margarita K.

“Girl, do you want to go to the theater in half an hour? I won’t be able to get there today, take my ticket,” he said stranger on the street. That’s how I ended up watching “The Master and Margarita”... It’s unlikely that I would have gone to this particular production myself, because the plot is known, we’ve read and watched it so many times. It would seem that there is nothing new, but nevertheless I again discovered it for myself behind all this mysticism, I completely forgot how funny the scenes were there. Lights+music+emotions=goosebumps. Going to the theater alone is quite fun. A stranger made my day, thank him!

Julia E.

Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky, “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov - this production is relevant at all times, amazing acting, 4 hours flew by like an instant. Mysticism in everything!!! Amazing. Bravo to the actors and directors!

Ekaterina N.

The brilliant book “The Master and Margarita” is one of my favorites, even collector's edition This novel, with notes from the author, is in my collection, but it has always been difficult for me to imagine how this work could be brought to life within the theater. Having studied the reviews of critics, my choice fell on this production at the Moscow Art Theater named after M. Gorky. I can say one thing: the brilliant text of the novel, thanks to the skill of the actors and the director, was embodied in the performance - a triumph of the stage, full of sparkling imagination, depth of comprehension of Bulgakov’s text, pervasive music and bright theatricality. The minimalism of the scenery does not distract from the excellent performance of the actors, leaves room for your own imagination, and thanks to special effects creates a mystical atmosphere not only on stage, but throughout the entire hall... I highly recommend this production to those who have not read the novel, since the work is quoted word for word according to the book, without missing a single scene...


I am delighted with the performance... Everything was chosen superbly, the actors, the music, and the costumes. It’s very difficult to stage such a masterpiece, it’s very difficult not to repeat yourself, to be original and stick to the classics at the same time. The director and the entire creative team succeeded. Thanks a lot!


The brightest masterpiece! Full of irony and endless wisdom. Be careful with your wishes - they tend to come true.


Instructions on how to take a very specific and atmospheric novel by Bulgakov and translate it into drama. The mood, the sounds, the fourth wall that doesn’t exist. Strikingly different from what I had seen before. Crazy careful attitude to the text - and notes of modernity, which only add charm. And yet, in first place is the great and brilliant novel “The Master and Margarita”. Third person monologues. Translation of the narrative into monologues and dialogues. Well, honestly, it's cool. Costumes. And I’m completely silent about the small but extremely memorable Praskovya, Karpova and the lady from the theater... Many thanks for this performance of the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky - for the artists, for the script, for the stage design. Bravo!

Ekaterina K.

Today I finally got out to my favorite Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to get to the theater due to busyness, fatigue, business trips. But when you come, you are charged with energy 100%. Watching “The Master” today, I found something new for myself, I heard something that I had not heard before. This is amazing! I was glad to see B. Bachurin!!! And, of course, I. Fadin is a positive person!


M.A. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita". My expectations were met. For a very long time I dreamed of watching a play based on Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita,” but somehow it never seemed possible. It was as if some unprecedented force was holding me back. But one beautiful summer Friday evening we finally did it. 4 hours in one breath. I can say that initially it was difficult for me to imagine how such a complex work could be staged on stage, but the artists of the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky everything worked out!!! The actors played their roles simply brilliantly. After watching the performance, you will be left with an unforgettable impression. In general, wild wild delight and stormy applause.

Nadezhda Z.

“Never ask for anything, especially from those who are stronger than you... They themselves will offer everything” - the most legendary quote from M.A. Bulgakov, like “manuscripts don’t burn” and “Muscovites were ruined by the housing problem”... What work are we talking about? While the experts are thinking, I will say how delighted I am with the performance. I like the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky, because here they always put on classics classic version. This is not the option when a “hero of our time” comes out to Tsoi’s songs. 4 hours of tension, and even though you know the ending in advance from the book, you still have the feeling that suddenly the director will decide the fate of the characters a little differently?

Margarita V.

The whole world is a theater... A wonderful production of “The Master and Margarita” that does not leave you indifferent, a classic. I highly recommend it to all theatergoers! You become completely immersed in the action taking place and don’t notice how time flies! The next date is already September.


I personally was completely and completely immersed for all 4 hours in everything that was happening on stage, the surroundings, the effects and musical accompaniment. I liked the performance of Woland and Bassoon, but they ruined my idea of ​​Azazello... In general, I can’t give any ratings, I will only say that I wanted to re-read Bulgakov’s novel and go to this performance again in a different production.