Galygin's best performances in the comedy club. Vadim Galygin. Early years, childhood and family of Vadim Galygin

Vadim “Rambo” Galygin - this stage name was taken by the Belarusian artist and comedian who became famous to a wide circle viewers after appearing on the popular TV show " Comedy Club».

Vadim Galygin was born in May 1976 in the Belarusian city of Borisov into a military family. The future showman spent his childhood and youth here. Artistry manifested itself in the boy early. In kindergarten and school, Vadim enjoyed being the center of attention, performing at matinees and festive events. But at the same time, Vadim dreamed of becoming a doctor; the boy was always drawn to medicine.

After graduating from school, Galygin entered medical school, but did not pass the competition. Then Vadim decided to get serious male profession. In 1993, the young man successfully passed the exams at the Higher Military Command School in Minsk. After 4 years, with the rank of lieutenant, he began serving in the 120th division, but soon transferred to the Military Academy. A year later, Vadim Galygin left the service and retired to the reserve.

Probably, Galygin’s decision to quit military service arose when the young man was studying at a military school. Then Vadim first felt the real pleasure of playing KVN. The team, called “MinpolitSha”, took part in various KVN festivals. There the artist first felt the taste of success.

Humor and creativity

Vadim Galygin’s creative career began successfully as part of the MinpolitSha team. Then the team changed more than once, and the name also changed. The team was called “Treasure Island”, “It Happened and Worse”, and in the end simply “Minsk-Brest”. As part of Minsk-Brest, Galygin appeared in Sochi at the 2001 KVN festival. The team became the champion of the Euroleague, and captain Vadim Galygin was recognized as the most bright participant.

After the game with the Minsk-Brest team, Galygin was taken to the BSU team. This was a significant step up the career ladder.

But the real breakthrough is creative biography comedian happened in 2005, when Vadim Galygin became a permanent member of the Comedy Club. As a resident, the artist presented to the public many wonderful numbers, made together with and, which brought the artist incredible popularity. But unexpectedly for everyone, Galygin left the TV show, starting own business.

In 2006, a project by Vadim Galygin appeared, called “Very Russian TV”.

In 2008, viewers saw Galygin in the title role of the musical “The Phantom of the Soap Opera.” In the same year, Vadim became a member television show“Two Stars”, which was broadcast on Channel One.

2009 turned out to be no less eventful with pleasant events for Galygin. In the spring, the comedian appeared as a judge on the popular project “Thank God, you came!” A couple of months later he began hosting the entertaining TV show “People, Horses, Rabbits and Home Videos,” which was broadcast on the Ukrainian channel ICTV. And in 2010, Vadim’s new author’s show called “Galygin.RU” launched on the STS TV channel. The program contained elements of a sitcom, stand-up comedy and reality show.

To the great joy of Comedy Club fans, the actor returned to the project in 2011. The best performances of this period were performances with “ New Year's Eve on the RBC channel”, “Political talk show”, “The Secret of the Sphinx”, “Archaeologist”, “MosIgrushka”.

Viewers also remember Vadim Galygin as the brand speaker of the Eldorado retail chain, whose stores are open in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Participation in the advertising campaign brought Vadim Galygin the “Person of the Year” award.

In the late 2000s, Vadim Galygin began producing and created the EGO Production studio. The company's first project was the comedy "The Most best film" The film was created in collaboration with the TNT channel and the Comedy company Club Production. The main roles in the farcical comedy were played by Garik Kharlamov,. The film's distribution was successful: the comedy paid off sixfold.

At the same time, Vadim did not abandon previous projects and continued to act in feature films. In 2008, Galygin became the author of the script and performed the leading role of pathologist Jacek Grobowski in the comedy “A Very Russian Detective.” The film was created at the EGO Production studio. The farcical comedy is based on the plots of famous detective stories - the American thriller "Seven" and the novel "Ten Little Indians". The main characters of the parody were the brave detective Johnnie Walker () and the young partner Bret Pidd (). The image of a criminologist was embodied on the screen.

Vadim Galygin in the film "The Secret of the Princesses"

In 2010, the comedy project “Our Home Store” was released, where Vadim Galygin played the role of a guest star advertising products.

In 2014, viewers saw Vadim Galygin in the fantasy film “The Secret of the Princesses,” where the comedian appeared along with, and.

Gosha Kutsenko and Vadim Galygin in the film "Zaletchiki"

In the same year, Kirill Kuzin’s comedy “The Zaletchiki” was released, where the Belarusian artist got the role of director. The main characters - losers Lech and Nikolai ( and ) - receive an invitation from filmmakers to play in the film. But on film set friends destroy the helicopter of the project sponsor, after which they are forced to go on the run.

Personal life

Interest in those girls who found themselves next to the famous showman began to appear along with the growth of popularity in the Comedy Club.

Vadim Galygin’s personal life consists of two official marriages. Both chosen ones are Vadim’s fellow countrymen. The first wife is Belarusian model Daria Ovechkina. Dasha left her modeling career and went with her lover to Moscow. In this union, Vadim’s daughter, Taisiya, was born. But then the relationship began to fall apart at the seams. Rumors about the showman's infidelities spread in the tabloids. Photos of Galygin appeared along with various beauties.

Perhaps it was gossip, of which there is a great many around famous people. But Daria did not want to endure such a life and put an end to the relationship after 7 years of marriage. The girl met a businessman from Odessa and started new life.

Soon a new lover appeared in Vadim Galygin’s life - Belarusian singer and model Olga Voinilovich, who became his second wife. The marriage produced a son, Vadim.

In 2014, Vadim Galygin was awarded certificate of honor President of the Russian Federation. The award was given to the showman for his participation in the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi. Artist - fan various types sports, which can be found out from the news feed of Galygin’s official website. Vadim posts personal photos on his own page in “ Instagram ».

Vadim Galygin now

Now creative life Vadim Galygina remains busy. In 2017, the filming of two comedies with the participation of the comedian was completed. In the film "Zomboyashchik" the artist entered the main cast along with other stars of the Comedy Club. The comedy film premiered on January 25, 2018.

Two weeks later, the premiere of the melodramatic comedy “Women against Men: Crimean Vacations” followed, about divorced couples who meet in the same hotel on vacation, after which real battles unfold on the sea coast.

In addition to his acting career, the comedian still appears on the air of the Comedy Club. The number “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” gained particular popularity, where Vadim Galygin performed together with. And the artist fought on air humorous program“Studio Soyuz”, which is also broadcast on TNT.


  • 2001-2003 – KVN (“Channel One”)
  • 2005-2018 - “Comedy Club” (TNT)
  • 2006 – “Very Russian TV”
  • 2007 – “STS lights up a superstar”
  • 2009 - “Thank God you came!”
  • 2009 – “Two Stars”
  • 2010 – “People, horses, rabbits and home videos” (ICTV)
  • 2010 – “Galygin. RU"
  • 2015 – “Time G” (NTV)

On the eve of May 9, 1976, a baby was born in a maternity hospital in the town of Borisov. The parents named their son Vadim. Galygin's family was average. The boy grew up like hundreds of his peers. First Vadim visited preschool. Then, at the age of seven, he went to school. But both in the garden and at school the boy showed acting skills. He really enjoyed performing on stage, reciting poems, singing songs. In a word, be the center of attention.

Childhood and adolescence

At school the boy studied enthusiastically. Science came easily to him. Vadim was a regular at the school drama club. Probably, this childhood hobby determined the choice of Vadim’s future profession. Here we go school years flew by unnoticed. Final exams have been passed. The matriculation certificate has been received.

And Vadim is faced with the difficult problem of choosing what to do next. life path. I want to become an actor. But an inner voice says that a man’s profession should be serious. Vadim firmly decides that he will become a military man. It successfully passes the tests at the military university of the capital of Belarus.

The young man diligently masters the basics of the military profession. 4 years pass and he is a division lieutenant. After serving for a year, Vadim leaves military service, realizing that this is “not his” occupation. Perhaps the impetus for this action was the fact that, as a cadet, Galygin actively plays in the KVN team. Vadim understands that he had to go to theater school. But you can't turn back time.

Personal life

Galygin is popular with the opposite sex. This fact is confirmed by numerous photographs in social networks. But in Vadim’s life there were two great loves. Galygin's first passion was Dasha Ovechkina. The romance with her was beautiful and fleeting. Vadim quickly took his chosen one to the registry office. The young people lived well.

But after the family moved to the Russian capital, there was a lot of talk about Vadim’s infidelity towards his wife. As a result, after seven years of marriage, Dasha filed for divorce. From this union there is a daughter, Taisiya. Vadim communicates with her and, if possible, tries to keep abreast of her whole life.

The second time Mendelssohn's march sounded for Vadim and his new chosen one Olga, this marriage still exists, in this union the heir Vadim was born.

Professional activities

As a professional KVN player, Galygin appeared on stage in 2001 as part of the Minsk-Brest team. He was the captain. The team reached the Euroleague championship. The game in KVN continued until 2005 until Vadim was invited to work on a permanent basis at the Comedy Club on TNT. This program made Vadim popular and recognizable.

Interesting notes:

In 2006, Galygin decided to try his hand at business. He even created “Very Russian TV”. Galygin also began to appear frequently in commercials in that year.

Two years later Vadim starred in the musical “The Phantom of the Soap Opera”. In the same year, the young man participated in the “Two Stars” project. In 2011, Vadim returns to Comedy. In parallel with his work in the project, he begins to act in films.

Vadim Galygin is a bright comedian who is always very, very pleasant to watch. His bright artistry, wonderful sense of humor, as well as many inimitable stage images make the work of this talented Belarusian comedian truly unique. He is who he is! And this is precisely why the audience loves him.

Currently, Vadim "Rambo" Galygin is probably one of the most popular comedians on the Russian stage. But what predetermined such success? What events preceded stage success? And how dear our today's hero came into the world Russian show business? Our biographical article will help you find out all this.

Early years, childhood and family of Vadim Galygin

The future famous comedian was born in small town Borisov (Minsk region, Belarus), where, in fact, he spent his childhood. This is where he graduated high school No. 7; Here he began to appear on stage for the first time as part of school performances and matinees.

Vadim liked art, however, despite this, after graduating from school, our today’s hero chose a completely different path for himself and entered the Minsk Higher Military Command School, which was later transformed into the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus. In 1997, Galygin received his diploma and joined the army with the rank of lieutenant. The future comedian served as a battery officer in an artillery battalion for several years. After this there was a business trip to Minsk and a quick transfer to the reserve.

Going back a little, we note that while still studying at a military school, Vadim Galygin began playing in KVN. At that time, the team was called “MipolitSha” and mainly took part in KVN festivals taking place outside the official seasons of a particular league. As part of "MinpolitShi" Galygin's first success came.

He won many team and individual awards. However, despite this, very soon the young KVN team began to change rapidly. For one season the team was called “Treasure Island”, “It Happened and Worse”, and then simply “Minsk-Brest”. As part of the last of the named teams, Galygin appeared at the Sochi KVN festival in 2001, and then became the champion of the Minsk Euroleague.

For for many years performances on stage, our today's hero managed to acquire many important connections in the KVN environment. Thanks to them, one fine day Vadim ended up on the BSU team, with which, in fact, all his most significant successes on the stage of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club are associated.

In 2001, Galygin became the champion of the KVN Major League and was recognized as one of its brightest participants. After that there were new games and new trophies, which made Vadim a popular and recognizable artist in the CIS countries. Concluding the story about the KVN stage of the comedian’s career, we note that after leaving the Club of the Merry and Resourceful, Galygin returned to his native stage more than once. Several times he took part in special projects of the Alexander Maslyakov club and became a member of the symbolic national team of the USSR and the national team of the 21st century.

Star Trek by Vadim Galygin: “Comedy Club” and other projects

In 2005, our today's hero became one of the regular participants famous project"Comedy Club" (Moskow). As a resident of Comedy, Galygin created many bright numbers that made his popularity truly international. He worked together with Timur Batrutdinov, Dmitry Lyusk Sorokin and other residents.

His career was rapidly growing, but literally a year later, unexpectedly for everyone, Vadim left the project and started his own business. In 2006, the comedian created the “Very Russian TV” project, within which he subsequently appeared.

Vadim Galygin - on increasing the retirement age

After that there were new bright works and new interesting performances. In the period from 2006 to 2009, our today's hero often worked in the advertising business, and also worked in the film industry. Thus, one of Galygin’s most notable works was the comedy “Very Russian Cinema,” on the creation of which Vadim worked not only as an actor, but also as a producer and screenwriter.

In parallel with this, the comedian worked as a voice-over artist on a series of Western films and cartoons, and was also preparing to star in new projects. In 2008, Galygin performed main role in the musical “The Phantom of the Soap Opera” and took part in the First Channel (Russia) project “Two Stars”.

In May 2009, the Belarusian artist appeared on television as a judge of the project “Thank God, you came!”, and just a few months later he began hosting the entertainment show “People, Horses, Rabbits and Home Videos” on ICTV (Ukraine) .

KVN. Galygin - Man-orchestra

During this period, various commercials featuring popular artist. However, this was not enough for Vadim. Trying to fully demonstrate his talent, our today’s hero in 2010 also started the project “Galygin. RU", which successfully exists to this day.

Vadim Galygin now

In 2011, Vadim Galygin began performing again in the Comedy Club program, but did not leave his previous projects. Today, the popular comedian successfully works as a voice-over artist, producer, actor and TV presenter. IN lately, reportedly some funds mass media, Galygin is working on a television project under the working title “Stand up play”, which should premiere in the coming months.

In addition, in 2013, the film “This is Love!” is expected to be released, on the creation of which the Belarusian artist is working as a screenwriter, producer and actor.

Personal life of Vadim Galygin

Vadim Galygin was married twice in his life. The actor's first wife was the Belarusian model Dasha Ovechkina. For the sake of her beloved, the girl left successful career in Minsk and followed her husband to Russia. However life together Things didn’t work out for Vadim and Dasha. The press constantly discussed rumors about the comedian’s infidelities, and therefore the young beauty filed for divorce two years later.

Galygin met his second wife, Belarusian singer Olga Voinilovich, while still married to his first wife. Events developed rapidly. A fleeting acquaintance grew into a whirlwind romance, and it, in turn, grew into marriage. In 2010, the couple got married in one of the elite clubs near Minsk. According to some reports, the ceremony lasted for three whole days.

Participant name: Vadim Pavlovich Galygin

Age (birthday): 8.05.1976

City: Borisov, Belarus

Education: VA RB (formerly MVVIU, MVVKU)

Family: married, 2 children

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Vadim Galygin, one of the members of the Comedy Club, immediately attracted attention with his characteristic presentation of the material and, of course, with the nickname “Rambo”, although his build was always far from the physique of the character of the same name from famous action films.

Vadim was born in Belarus, where he spent his childhood- With youth the young man was distinguished by his artistry and complete lack of embarrassment, so he was always included in matinees, theatrical performances and other events.

Vadim himself was a fairly popular boy in the class; almost all his classmates were friends with him. There were some conflicts, but they always ended on a positive note.

Having received the certificate, Galygin decided that he needed to find a real masculine profession, and only then turn to theater and creativity.

For this reason he entered military school , studied there for 4 years, and then went to serve.

A few months later he applied to the Military Academy, but a year later he realized that the stage and KVN attracted him much more.

But back in school, he first tried his hand at playing, and he performed not just with success, but with triumph.

Before getting on television KVN, Vadim changed several teams, and only as part of “Minsk-Brest” managed to make it to the Sochi festival. It was there that the guys were noticed, and their captain, Vadim, was called the brightest and most unusual participant.

Playing in the KVN team, Minsk.

He gained the greatest popularity when he appeared on the TNT channel in the Comedy Club.

But, as has already happened in his life, at the very peak of success he again makes a sharp turn and gives up humor, giving preference to business.

Vadim decided that he needed to do his own projects Moreover, he had plenty of ideas. First, “Very Russian TV” appeared, then there was the musical “The Phantom of the Soap Opera,” then several projects where he was invited to participate.

But something else is more interesting - no matter what goal the Belarusian comedian set for himself, he always achieved it. He even succeeded in his role in the movie “The Secret of the Princesses” - without proper education, he played brilliantly with the masters of acting Sergei Zhigunov and Yuri Galtsev.

In Vadim’s personal life, everything is also bright, unfortunately, quickly, but at the same time successfully.

He has two official marriages behind him - he met his first wife, model Daria Ovechkina, at the very beginning of his humorous career.

For Vadim's sake, the girl left her profession and gave birth to his daughter Taisiya.

But when the couple moved to Moscow, and Vadim’s success became brighter, he began to be credited with affairs with all the capital’s beauties.

Dasha simply could not withstand the moral pressure and the constant absence of her husband, since he was always busy at work. It is not known whether there were betrayals, but the couple decided to leave.

The second wife was the singer from Belarus Olga Voinilovich
- this girl did not quit her job, although she also gave birth to Vadim’s child.

The second marriage turned out to be different, and so far, despite the crazy busyness, both spouses carefully preserve their feelings.

By the way, the host at the guys’ wedding was.

Photo by Vadim

Vadim Galygin has an Instagram where you can often see photos with his son and wife.