Russian boy names. How to name your son: choose the rarest, most beautiful and unusual name for a boy. What to name a boy in June

As soon as a child is born, new parents become interested in his height and weight. The second most popular question is: “What was the name?” Why is it so important for people to know a name? Because it defines a person who he is with psychological point vision.

Choosing a name by month of birth

To give the world's best name for a boy, some parents associate it with the month of birth. Some of the rare and famous male names are May and Augustine (as in the song by Valery Leontyev). Sonorous and original, they at the same time speak of softness and nobility. If you don’t want the name to directly indicate when your son was born, then there is a special directory of names by month and birthday.

It may happen that the name you like turns out to be very far from the date of birth of the heir. This should not be an obstacle to making a choice.

If you look back into the past, then in those days the best Russian names for boys were very melodic in sound and intricate in pronunciation. For example, Eremey, Leonty, Micah, Julian, Rostislav, Sevastian, Maximilian, Gury. Believing parents most often check the date of birth with the calendar, and also pay attention to which saint is the patron saint on this day. It is popularly believed that he can become an intercessor for a newborn boy throughout his life.

Consonance with surname and patronymic

An important fact that deserves special attention: how the first and middle names will sound, and even more important - with the last name together. Since great hopes are placed on the boy, he is seen as an heir, a future support - everything together should sound respectable and businesslike. After all, many parents see their growing son as a big boss and owner own life, successor.

For this reason, the best name for a boy in terms of meaning and sound should immediately speak to those around him, whose son he is. In our modern life you can find various variations and even summary tables from which you can choose suitable pair: first and patronymic. The main thing in this matter is that the combination is not funny and absurd, but harmonious. You should also definitely not look for a name that ends with the same letter as your middle name. It would be best if the first name and patronymic do not begin with the same consonant or vowel. An example would be: Alexander Mikhailovich, Pavel Anatolyevich, Roman Pavlovich.

Name by zodiac sign

Knowing the month of birth, parents can determine the choice of the best name for a boy according to the meaning of the zodiac sign. Based on characteristics and descriptions personal qualities, with the help of a horoscope, suitable options are selected. It is believed that the weaknesses of the zodiac patron can be balanced with the help of the meaning of the name, since a person gains more confidence in his strengths and significance when he hears it when contacted.

Astrologers can also advise paying attention to a combination with several suitable signs zodiac, if none of those considered suited a particular child. In any case, the determining factor will be personal sympathy for a particular name.

Choice by character

Every parent wants to see their child as the embodiment of strength of spirit and character. Therefore, for a boy, he is selected based on the characteristics that he would like to see in him. Some of the most popular requirements for the character of an heir are the presence of masculinity, fortitude, dexterity and luck. Modern mothers and fathers attach particular importance to the consonance of the name, the presence of strong consonants in it, which (by their definition) should also speak about the strength of the inner personality of the growing heir.

Another point that determines that the chosen name is the best for a boy is that it must be positive. So, according to some, we can say that the son will have developed not only strong point, but also soft, prone to sympathy, love and empathy. To determine how well the chosen name fits these parameters, it is enough to simply pronounce it in a diminutive form: Andrey-Andryushenka, Dmitry-Dimulya, Lev-Levushka.

The rarest name

IN lately parents try to distinguish their child from his peers, believing that the best name in the world for boys should be rare, unusual and sonorous. In pursuit of originality, many forget about how a child with a rare name will have to go through life in the future. Moreover, it is worth thinking about what middle name his child will receive in the future. In modern Russian multinational society, children with disabilities are usually treated rare names. It seems that nothing can surprise anyone anymore. For example, Gleb, Plato, Miron, Tikhon, Innocent, Veniamin, Zakhar, Luke.

Parents often borrow for their children foreign names, which are rare among us. It is rare to have a name for a child borrowed from representatives of another nationality.

Choosing a name based on your religion

In the multinational Russian country, people of different religions and faiths coexist peacefully. This also leaves its mark on the choice of name. It is considered rare in such families to name a child with a simple Russian name. If you need to choose the best name for a Muslim boy, then parents often pay attention to its meaning. For example, a very soft but strong meaning means “chosen,” Selim means “healthy,” Shakur means “grateful.” According to the saying of Muhammad, the name must be good, since after death the soul is determined by what the person was named at birth.

Counts good sign name your son after angels or prophets, for example, Ibrahim, Yasin, Ahmad and others. They are called upon to protect the child and patronize him in all endeavors and affairs. However, you should not blindly believe that a name can predetermine fate and influence a person. The meaning of even the best Muslim name for a boy may not coincide with his actions in the future. This is already influenced by upbringing, environment and the presence of certain lifestyle principles that come with time. Therefore, it will be possible to determine how good a name will be for its owner only after a while.

Name after someone

It happens that the best name for a boy is borrowed from his grandfather or father. Alexander Alexandrovich, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Mikhail Mikhailovich often meet. In this way, some perpetuated the memory of a deceased person. On the one hand, this is very touching, on the other hand, it is necessary to think about the fact that there is a theory about the transition of a departed soul to a newborn child through a name. And there is confirmation of this, noting the actions and words of the child as he grows up, parents can notice the habits of a relative who once passed away.

The main thing in this case is that this person leads a positive lifestyle, is distinguished by noble deeds and good deeds. However, no one can predict in advance how the name of a relative will affect the boy in his future life. Time will tell.

Most popular name (regardless of year)

Trying to choose the best name for a boy, parents are ready to study a lot of literature, ask for advice from all their friends and relatives, or, on the contrary, decide without consulting anyone. Anyway to this important event prepare thoroughly, for example, study the statistics of the most popular ones and choose one. From year to year, the most used are: Maxim, Alexander, Nikita, Daniil, Kirill, Artem, Egor, Andrey, Roman, Sergey, Alexey, Denis, Ilya, Ivan.

Among the rare names you can find a lot of good and very sonorous ones. At the same time, they will not hurt your ears or serve as a subject of ridicule from your peers. These include the following names: Leo, Georg, Damian, Evsey, Julian, Daniel, Oscar, Ruslan, Adam.

If there are two sons

When choosing the best name for boys (for example, if twins or twins were born), the mother can not be tormented between two different ones. This is undoubtedly a plus, but you should not do them too much. similar friend on each other or double in value. It is advisable to choose those that have similar endings, letters or complement each other. For example, these could be such combinations as Mikhail and Daniil, Nikolai and Alexey, Vyacheslav and Yaroslav, Roman and Ivan.

There is one option when parents ask their children who are still in the womb about their preferred choice in terms of the best name for boys. When communicating with them, you can try asking which name they like best. Some pregnant women note that their children communicated their preference to them through abdominal kicks. It is worth noting that many future parents use this method, and it finds a positive response in a certain environment.

Double name

Double names borrowed from foreigners began to be found in Russia. We are not talking about families of other nationalities. In this way, parents with Russian roots want to highlight their child. More and more it began to look like a tribute to fashion, especially among those who strive to be like show business stars. As for the child himself, in particular a growing boy, it can be noted that such children grow up to be somewhat self-centered. I'm with early years instill special significance (usually for merits that the child has yet to acquire).

Few people know why foreigners name their children this way. One of the versions is as follows: when the child grows up, he will choose the name he likes. IN Russian society Female pair names are more common. It is difficult to imagine a boy who will then give his name to a child in the form of a double patronymic. And the process of pronouncing such a name is quite complicated, so it is extremely rarely used in Russia.

Most Popular

To be on trend, parents can give their son one of the popular names of the year. You can even ask the employees of the local registry office for such a list. It is also proposed to use this method of analysis when searching for an answer to the question of what is the best name for a boy that can be chosen so that it does not appear too often. From year to year, one can trace a certain consistency in terms of the popularity of the following male names: Andrei, Artem, Denis, Evgeniy, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Nikolai, Kirill.

Borrowed from abroad

In large cities and cities with a population of over a million, you can meet a large number of not only visiting foreigners, but also local residents who give their newborn boys foreign names. Most often, this occurs in couples where one of the parents is of a different nationality, religion or language. These include any name that sounds unusual to Russian ears: Arnold, David, Mark, Rudolf, Caesar, Edmond, Michael, Damian and others. They are rare and speak about the foreign roots of the parents. The most extreme case that justifies parents who decide to give such a name is the desire to highlight the child and make him more noticeable.

By time of year

There is another way to choose a name while the parents have not decided and are searching - according to the season when he is due to be born. There are four of them in total, and they are usually distinguished by personality characteristics. Starting from the very first, winter, you can give brief description the future personality of the boy: he is strong-willed and purposeful, has good health and hard work. Therefore, the name must be appropriate: Valery, Egor, Yuri, Dmitry, Victor, Damir, Vadim, Sergey, Oleg, Platon.

Next comes spring. And this is a warmer character, sociable, reasonable. Boys born at this time of year should have a meaning in their name that defines them as cautious and non-conflicting. Suitable ones would be Nikita, Ivan, Philip, Alexey, Boris, German, Danil, Kuzma, Rostislav, Ilya.

The summer season is associated with names that speak of generosity, friendliness, and openness. That's why the best options there may be people like Vasily, Kirill, Makar, Nikolai, Miron, Arseny, Roman, Anton, Julian. And ends the year autumn season, which indicates the presence of such traits as family, honesty, caring, logic, intelligence. Suitable names for boys: Evgeny, Peter, Artem, Ruslan, Matvey, Bogdan, Fedor, Rinat.

Choosing a name for a newborn child is an important and responsible matter. Depends on the parents' decision further fate baby. When choosing names for boys, you should keep in mind that the name should reflect natural human qualities, be euphonious, goes well with middle name. In the old days, children were given names according to the calendar. Nowadays, some believing parents adhere to this, others often name their children based on family traditions and personal preferences.

The name given to the baby determines the character and fate of the child. Since ancient times, the naming of a baby has been given special significance. There are many different beliefs and customs associated with the name. It is believed that you cannot give a baby the name of a deceased relative; you can repeat his fate. However, in many families there are traditions of naming a child after his father, grandfather. The main thing is that the ancestor was a worthy person, so that the child takes an example from him and grows up to be a good person.

You should take into account the meaning, sound, intuition, combination with patronymic, traditions, preference. How to choose a name so that the boy calls it with pride, so that it evokes a friendly reaction from other people. Ancient sages linked the boy's fate with his name. Given name became a kind of amulet, the true was hidden from everyone until a certain time. A fictitious middle name was given to the baby so that the child would not be jinxed and his best happy life would not be taken away from him.

The name may indicate affiliation little man to a certain nation. Depending on the character, it can highlight the talent and dignity of its owner. Some names form masculine traits, emphasize power, strength, while others express the love of parents for their children and connection with nature. There are different approaches for selection. Some people look at the calendar, others at popularity; each nation has its own traditions. When a person is happy with a name, it helps him achieve his life goals. When choosing, the following points are taken into account:

Many parents choose names following fashion. The most common and popular male names These days the names considered are:

  • Maxim.
  • Nikita.
  • Daniel.
  • Artem.
  • Andrey.
  • Egor.
  • Kirill.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Sergey.
  • Alexey.
  • Alexander.
  • Novel.
  • Egor.
  • Matvey.
  • Semyon.
  • Ruslan.

The child himself likes such names, and he says his name with joy. Many parents prefer to call their kids established, time-tested old names. Long names are being reduced. Preference is given traditional names. The religious factor also influences the popularity of the name. Easy-to-understand names are becoming common. The fashion for names for boys can change the established ratings. But such names as Alexander, Alexey, Vladimir do not go out of popularity.

Beautiful names for boys exist in every nation. Use your intuition and common sense when choosing a name for your child. So that it is euphonious, you should say it out loud, listen to how it will be combined with the patronymic and surname. You should think about the middle name that the future man will give to his children so that it does not sound extravagant to the ear.

An overly unusual name may result in ridicule at school. It should be remembered that when the child grows up and perhaps takes leadership position, to him will be contacted by full name . A favorable combination of first name and patronymic plays an important role. An adult man is addressed by his first name and patronymic. You need to choose a combination that is easy to pronounce.

If the middle name is of medium length, the name will do same in size. If you have a long middle name, it’s better to choose short name. For example, Lev Evgenievich goes well. Nationality must be taken into account. Some parents name their sons after a famous actor or famous hero history. It's better not to do this. Each person lives his own destiny.

You should not call a boy the same name as his father. This is not the best combination. Repetition strengthens the energy of the name and property, inherent in character spouse. This creates confusion when communicating when 2 people have the same name.

Since ancient times, people with certain names have been hardy, strong, reached the peaks in life. These qualities are valued at any time. Therefore, modern parents are looking for strong male names. These include:

Strong names include: Igor, Ruslan. Evgeny, Kirill, Dmitry. They are combined with the patronymic, are beautifully pronounced and have powerful energy.

Some parents choose too original and extravagant names for their children. In pursuit of popularity parents come up with unusual names, without thinking about their meaning and how a boy can live with him. Parents call the child so that even the registry office employees refuse to register him under that name. The Muscovites who were born received such unusual names as Mir, Justin, Cosmos, and Elka. Choosing names for boys, sometimes parents are guided by astrology and numerology and name the child after famous actors and literary heroes.

In the USSR, at the dawn of communism, strange names were given. Tractor, Kim. Unusual names invented in those years are unlikely to be used. For example - Vladlen in honor of Vladimir Lenin, Pofistal - meant: The winner of fascism Joseph Stalin. There is a real boom in unusual names in the USA. What you should know when choosing rare names, what recommendations there are from psychologists, nuances, you need to think about this. Some rarely seen names resonant and reflect energy and meaning.

  • Lubomir (loving peace).
  • Yaroslav (bright glory).
  • Damir (giver of peace).
  • Bronislav (armor, protection).

Choosing the right name is important factor influencing further life path child.

According to Orthodox Church, from birth the child is protected by a Guardian Angel. In Rus' it was accepted naming a child after that saint, on whose memorial day the baby was born. Often parents choose bright names historical figures. Slavic princes were called by such names as Igor, Vyacheslav, Rostislav. Some beautiful Orthodox Russian names:

  • Ivan is the grace of God.
  • Nicholas is the winner of nations.
  • Georgy is a farmer.
  • Fedor is a gift from God.
  • Pavel is small.
  • Peter is a stone.
  • Alexey is a defender.

Russians are closer to Russian traditions. Boys are often called Yaroslav, Elisha, Svyatoslav. Nowadays, we are increasingly turning to the origins of Russian history, remembering the names of the ancient Slavs who became part of it. Russian names have good meaning and understandable to anyone.

The birth of a child is a significant event for all family members. Choosing a name is a crucial moment. Today in the arsenal huge amount names for boys from Orthodox to modern and unusual in sound. The information provided will help you find the right solution. And you chose names for boys: strong, cool. The most Russian name, or any others? Read more about names below.

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Russian modern male names

Modern Russian name book

The modern Russian name book includes Russian names that are currently used in Russia.

In addition to the original Russian names in Russian name book included Jewish, Greek, Roman (Latin), Scandinavian and Persian names, which were adapted on the territory of Russia and have long been perceived as Russian.

Most Russian names that are currently used in Russia are not originally Russian in origin. They are borrowed from Greek language together with the Christian religion and came to Russia from Byzantium.

By the 18th-19th centuries Old Russian names were almost completely forgotten, and the imported Christian names were changed taking into account the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation (Aquilina - Akulina, Juliania - Ulyana, Artemy - Artyom, Daniil - Danila, Jeremiah - Eremey).

Where did the Byzantine (Greek) names that became Russian come from?

The Greeks also collected in their name book best names all the peoples with whom they maintained trade and cultural relations.

In addition to names of ancient Greek origin, they used ancient Roman and Hebrew names, and also used ancient Persian, ancient Egyptian, Chaldean, Syrian and Babylonian names.

If we consider names by meaning, then almost all names Greek and Roman origin talk about positive (desirable) character traits and appearance.

Ancient Jewish names different from Greek and Roman. Most Hebrew names are associated with the name of God. For example, Gabriel is my strength god! Daniel is God's judgment.

Currently name books of any country includes not only the original names of its people, but also borrowed names. This is the result of cultural and trade exchange between peoples, the mixing of cultures, and also a consequence of the migration of peoples.

The name book includes the name, the origin of the name and the meaning of the name.

Russian modern male names

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Our book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Russian modern male names. Modern Russian name book


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Names for boys must be chosen as responsibly as possible. No matter how much the child wants, it cannot be changed. Only upon reaching adulthood will a guy be able to change his name. And before that he will have to go through a difficult school path with strange name, if his eccentric parents choose this.

We strongly recommend that before naming a boy any name, you think carefully about your choice. Say the combination of your first and last name out loud. If what you hear does not cause you awkwardness or discomfort, you can consider the chosen option of a male name for the child.

How to choose names for boys

If your last name is long, choose a short name for a boy. Be careful with non-standard names, exclude variants of beautiful names from another culture. Remember the old joke about a boy who wanted to be named Gleb, but his grandmother dissuaded him, citing the fact that the child would be teased with bread at school. As a result, the baby was named Anton.

There is no escape from this, but modern children are quite cruel in their nicknames. Peer bullying can cause psychological trauma. It is your responsibility, as parents, to choose the right male name for your child and raise him so that other children respect him even in childhood.

It is not typical for boys to have too soft names. Such a boy will never be taken seriously in any society. Male baby names should be simple. Usually, standing out by being too extravagant adds to the problem. Say the name out loud, think, would you like such a name for yourself? Ask friends or relatives to say the name out loud; you may not like the sound from the outside.

Remember that boys' names can influence the child's fate. From a very early age, children hear an owl's name, absorb its sound and completely associate it with themselves. Never choose masculine names for your baby based on current fashion. The fashion impulse will pass, but the name will remain. Also, you should not choose boys' names based on the names of your idols.

When determining what to name your son, consider the option of religious saints who can become your baby’s guardian angel. If you are looking for beautiful, modern and worthy male names for your baby, look at the table that contains all the male names for the child.

Male baby names

Name Meaning Origin

Names for boys starting with A

August great, sacred, majestic Latin
Avtandil heart of the motherland Georgian
Adam first man, red clay Hebrew
Adolf noble wolf Old Germanic
Akbar eldest, greatest Arabic
Akim (Ekim) God offers Hebrew
Aladin sublime faith Arabic
Alexander protector of people ancient Greek
Alexey defender ancient Greek
Ali exalted Arabic
Alonso courage, wisdom, resourcefulness Spanish
Albert noble shine Germanic
Alfred free, unencumbered Old Germanic
Anatoly Oriental Greek
Anwar radiant Persian
Andrey (Anzhey) courageous, brave Greek
Andronik winner ancient Greek
Anisim execution, fulfillment Greek
Anton (Antony) entering into battle, competing in strength Latin
Apollo (Appolinarius) belonging to Apollo - the sun god ancient Greek
Arkady blessed, resident of Arcadia Greek
Armen resident of Armenia Greek
Arnold soaring eagle Old Germanic
Arsen (Arseny) strong, courageous Greek
Artem (Artemy) healthy, unharmed Greek
Arthur bear Celtic
Arkhip (Arkhipp) chief of cavalry Greek
Askold golden voice, singer Old Norse
Aslan mighty lion Arabic
Afanas (Athanasius) immortality Greek
Ahmad illustrious man Turkic
Ashot fire Turkic

Names for boys starting with the letter B

Bogdan given by God Slavic
Boniface (Boniface) good fortune Latin
Boris fighter Slavic
Bronislav glorious defender Slavic
Bruno dark-skinned Germanic
Bulat strong, strong, with a core Turkic

Names for boys starting with the letter B

Vadim strong, strong, healthy, I can Latin
Valery strong, rich Latin
Walter manager of people, patron Old Germanic
Vasily (Vasilides) royalty Greek
Benjamin right hand son Hebrew
Victor (Victorin) winner who conquers all Latin
William knight Old Germanic
William desired Germanic
Vissarion gorge, valley, forest, forest dweller Greek
Vitaly vital, life Latin
Vladimir ruler of the world, ruler of the world Slavic
Vladislav owner of fame Slavic
Vlas lethargy, sluggishness ancient Greek
Voldemar famous ruler Old Germanic
Vsevolod owning everything and everyone Slavic
Vyacheslav (Vaclav, Wenceslav) great, glorious Slavic

Names for boys starting with the letter G

Gabriel firmness of faith in God Hebrew
Galaktion lactic Greek
Hamlet twin, double Old Germanic
Hector almighty, guardian Greek
Gennady noble Greek
Henry powerful, rich Old Germanic
Georgiy farmer Greek
Gerasim venerable, respected Greek
Hermann blood, dear Latin
Gleb favorite of the gods Old Norse
Gogi (Gochi) gallant, brave Georgian
Gordey name of the famous king of Phrygia Greek
Gorislav burning, burning glory Slavic
Gregory awake, vigilant Greek
Gustav military advisor Germanic

Names for boys starting with D

David beloved, long-awaited Hebrew
Daniel my judge Hebrew
Demyan subduing, humbling Latin
Denis belonging to the god Dionysus, inspired ancient Greek
Jamal (Jamil) handsome, pleasant Arabic
Dmitry dedicated to the fertility goddess Demeter Greek
Dobrynya daring, dexterous Slavic
Dorofey God's gift Greek

Names for boys starting with the letter E

Evgeniy noble, noble Greek
Evsey (Evseniy) pious, spiritual Greek
Egor farmer Greek
Elisha savior of the living Hebrew
Emelyan flattering Greek
Eremey crowned with God Hebrew
Erofey sacred Greek
Efim pious Greek
Ephraim (Ephraim) prolific Jewish

Names for boys starting with the letter Z

Zakhar God remembers Hebrew
Siegfried favorite of the gods Old Germanic
Zinovy life given by Zeus ancient Greek

Names for boys starting with the letter I

Jacob (Jacob) second born of two twins Hebrew
Ivan (Jean) gracious, God Yahweh has mercy Hebrew
Ignatius (Ignat) fiery, heated to fire Latin
Igor militant, strong Old Norse
Israel God rules here Hebrew
Izyaslav achieved fame Slavic
Jesus God help everyone Hebrew
Hilarion cheerful, joyful, carefree Greek
Ilya fortress, inaccessibility, Yahweh is my God Hebrew
Innocent innocent, virgin Latin
Joseph (Osip) God will multiply, add Hebrew

Names for boys starting with the letter K

Kazimir peaceful, serene Polish
Kamal perfection Arabic
Karen generosity, magnanimity Arabic
Karim merciful, magnanimous Arabic
Charles brave Old Germanic
Qasim distributing, separating, delimiting Turkic
Castor beaver Greek
Kirill lord, lord, master Greek
Klim vine Greek
Konon witty, quick-witted Latin
Konstantin persistent, permanent Latin
Roots dogwood horn or berry Latin
Christian one who belongs to Christ Latin
Kuzma tamer Greek

Names for boys starting with the letter L

Laurel laurel tree, wreath, victory, celebration Latin
Lion lion, king of beasts Greek
Leonid lion-like Latin
Leopold brave like a lion Old Germanic
Luke light Latin

Names for boys starting with the letter M

Makar blissful, happy Greek
Maxim greatest, greatest Latin
Mark hammer Latin
Martin warlike, strong Latin
Matvey God's man, God's gift Hebrew
Mahmoud nice, kind Arabic
Miron fragrant Greek
Mitrofan found by mother Greek
Michael God-like Hebrew
Micah equal to God Hebrew
Mstislav takes glorious revenge Hebrew
Murad (Murat) desired, achievable goal Arabic
Muslim conqueror Arabic
Mukhtar chosen one Arabic

Names for boys starting with the letter N

Nathan God gave Hebrew
Nahum comforter, calmer Hebrew
Nestor home-returned Greek
Nikita winner Greek
Nikifor victorious, hero Greek
Nikolai conqueror of nations Greek

Names for boys starting with the letter O

Oleg holy, sacred Old Norse
Lobster remembering everything Arabic
Orestes mountain Greek
Oscar divine chariot Old Norse
Otto possessor of something Germanic

Names for boys starting with the letter P

Paul small, small Latin
Groin broad-shouldered, healthy Greek
Peresvet brightest, luminous, very bright Slavic
Peter rock, rock, stronghold Greek
Plato broad-shouldered ancient Greek
Prokhor leading in a dance, dancing Greek

Names for boys starting with the letter R

Ramadan from the name of the Muslim fast: Ramadan Arabic
Ramon skillfully defending Spanish
Rashid (Rashit) going the right way Arabic
Rezo favor, mercy Arabic
Renat reborn, resurrected
abbreviation for "revolution, science, technology"
Richard striking, conquering without a miss Old Germanic
Robert unfading, eternal glory Old Germanic
Rodion rosehip, rose, thorn Greek
Novel Roman, Roman, resident of Rome Latin
Rostislav growing fame Slavic
Ruben pointing to son
Rudolf red wolf Old Germanic
Ruslan (Arslan) lion, leonine Turkic
Rustam (Rustem) mighty Turkic

Names for boys starting with the letter C

Savva old man Aramaic
Savely begged from God Hebrew
Svyatoslav holy glory Slavic
Sevastyan revered, sacred, wise Greek
Semyon (Simeon, Simon) heard, listening, audible Hebrew
Seraphim burning, fiery angel, fiery Hebrew
Sergey clear, highly respected, noble Latin
Solomon peaceful, without hostility Hebrew
Stanislav the most glorious Slavic
Stepan wreath Greek
Sultan power Arabic

Boy names starting with T

Taras troublemaker, rebel Greek
Theodore gift of God Greek
Timofey God-honoring, God-fearing Greek
Timur iron Turkic
Tikhon successful, bringing happiness Greek
Trofim breadwinner Greek

Names for boys starting with F

Fazil worthy, excellent, best Arabic
Farhat (Farhad, Farhid) understanding, clear Persian
Fedor gifted by God Greek
Felix happy, sunny Latin
Fidel devotee, student Latin
Philip horse lover Greek
Thomas twin Hebrew

Names for boys starting with the letter X

Hakim wise Arabic
Khariton generous, showering favors Greek
Christopher bearer of the faith of Christ Greek

Names for boys starting with the letter C

Caesar dissecting Latin

Names for boys starting with E

Edwin brought victory with the sword Old Germanic
Edgar city ​​guard Old Germanic
Edward (Edward) cares about wealth, craves wealth Old Germanic
Eldar divine gift Arabic
Emil diligent, precise Latin
Emmanuel God is with us Hebrew
Eric nobility, leadership Old Norse
Ernest serious, strict, thorough Old Germanic

Names for boys starting with the letter Y

Julian person from the Yuli family, July Latin
Julius curly, soft, fluffy Latin
Yuri tiller Latin

Names for boys starting with the letter I

Ian God given Slavic
Yaroslav strong, glorious Slavic

In this collection you can find names for boys that are rare and beautiful, popular and outdated. Choose a name that matches the boy’s last and patronymic names. Sometimes in families a boy is named after his father. Some combinations sound interesting, and some are just ridiculous. Do not overstep the bounds of reason when choosing a name for a boy.

Names for boys through the eyes of psychologists

When choosing a name for a boy, psychologists do not recommend naming children after their parents. In most cases, this combination will sound heavy. Such names tend to be abbreviated. And if in the case of San Sanych everything is fine, then Nikolai Nikolaevich can be reduced to the strange Kolya-Kolya. This doesn't sound particularly pleasant. In addition, children who bear the names of their fathers often grow up capricious, nervous and irritable.

On the other hand, if you want to give your son his father’s name, psychologists do not dissuade parents. In some families, this is a ritual that is repeated from generation to generation. In many ways, the character of the child will depend on the upbringing and education of the parents themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to decide what to name the boy after a careful analysis of the surname and the chosen name.

Another pitfall when choosing a male name lies in the so-called names of both sexes. We are talking about such names as Sasha (Alexander and Alexandra), Zhenya (Evgeniy and Evgeniya), Valya (Valentin and Valentina). When choosing such a name for a boy, it is especially necessary to take into account the combination of the surname. For example, Sasha Malinsky makes it clear that behind the name there is a boy, but if the child’s name is Zhenya Karpevich, then it is not clear whether it is a boy or a girl.

Much has already been said about children's ridicule. Psychologists always try to draw the attention of parents to such moments. Choose a male name that is not only beautiful and modern, but one that cannot be understood ambiguously or with ugly overtones.

Before you name your son with the name you have chosen, familiarize yourself with the history of this name. Perhaps its meaning or origin will not suit you or suit you. Surely you don’t know that the names Maria, Ivan and Anna are not originally Russian. These are Jewish names in origin. There are many mysteries in male names that you should find out before the name becomes your child’s companion.

Another advice from psychologists regarding what to call a boy concerns a rude (brutal) and affectionate (diminutive) name. If in childhood a boy shows signs of rudeness and severity, he should be called by an affectionate name in everyday life (Maksik, Maksimka, Lyosha, Lyoshenka). This can soften the character of a restive baby. Also, on the contrary, if a child is too timid and shy, you can give him courage with the courageous form of his name (Max, Lyokha).

To develop in a boy strong character, psychologists recommend choosing solid-sounding names. This could be Dmitry, Grigory, Gleb, Igor, Bogdan, Artem. In such names, the majority are voiced paired consonants and are often combined with the letter R. Remember that these strong and firm names can easily be turned into gentle and affectionate ones.

The names Mikhail, Alexey, Ilya are distinguished by a calmer and more flexible character. These names are not prone to conflict in most cases. But don't forget that key role The boy’s upbringing and his environment play a role here. In such names, vowels and sonorant sounds predominate (l, m, n, th). Names that cannot be clearly classified as either hard or soft are considered neutral. This is Roman, Pavel, Arkady, Andrey.

It is important to take into account the phonetic structure of a name, but even more important when choosing a male name is to take into account the direct and indirect associations that it evokes. A simple test confirms this. If you ask a stranger to write psychological portrait person, his conclusions will be connected only with the associations that the name evokes.

Most often, the name Alexander evokes an association of power strong man. This name is identified with famous and great people. All Alexandras receive a lot of positive qualities in absentia. The name Vladimir evokes associations of firmness, cunning, strength and intelligence. A person who “owns the world” cannot have other characteristics.

But Mikhail almost always evokes the image of a bear in his mind. Therefore, a person with this name is credited with strength, clumsiness, simplicity and hard work. Thus, male names evoke a number of associations that largely determine a person’s fate. Further development of personality also depends on the name and the attitude of others towards it.

When choosing a name, pay special attention to associations. The name you choose will evoke many mental images in your mind. If you like them, all without exception, then don’t doubt what to name the boy. The perfect name for your child has been found.

Often, parents give their babies unusual and extravagant names, which do not always fit well into that social environment. For example, sending a boy named Zeus to kindergarten, where he will be among the usual Nastya, Mish and Olegs. Just imagine, Zeus Pavlovich. Yes, it stands out quite well, but is it really necessary and what will it be like for the child?

When choosing a name, you can and should resort to something original, the main thing is without fanaticism. The collection of Russian names is so extensive that it has quite a number of powerful meanings. Well, a sonorous name that contains a strong property gives a stunning, in a good way, effect.

For example, Arseny is courageous, a boy with this name will be a support for the family and a faithful comrade for close people, on whom you can always rely and trust. Giving an accurate answer to this question is quite difficult, because there are many aspects to consider, including your own attitude. But we can say with confidence - a person with strong spirit, a wonderful, great future awaits. Of course, there will be obstacles, but thanks to character traits they will not become global problems and will be completed successfully.

Pros and cons

Absolutely any living creature and inanimate object has pros and cons, this does not bypass Russian names. Naming the future man strong name Be prepared that the child will definitely have his own point of view on this or that situation, but in case of an incorrect outcome, he will calmly accept defeat and apologize if necessary.

Positive fundamental traits for strong names are steadfastness of opinion, perseverance, mental balance and determination, as well a sober assessment of one’s abilities becomes a pleasant property, but this does not come immediately.

From negative qualities There is a share of selfishness, so do not consider that you have complete influence over the child. In adolescence, the guy will be highly susceptible to typical maximalism. Characteristic advocacy and disagreement with others will lead to numerous disputes and conflict situations.


  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • responsibility;
  • quick adaptation to changing conditions;
  • perseverance.


  • selfishness;
  • reassessment of one's own abilities;
  • often capable of becoming arrogant.

Do not limit your child's independence. If he makes a mistake, he will remember it for a long time, which will serve as a lesson for the future. But don't forget to control some processes. Follow the rules and avoid overprotection.

The coolest and most courageous - list

Remember that each name is full of its own energy, on which a person’s behavior and character depend. For example, Vadim sows confusion and discord, so we can conclude that the boy is not against misbehaving. And another name, Michael - equal to God, on the contrary, will be distinguished by a calm character and non-conflict. In order to simplify your search, we have compiled a detailed list of Russian names with favorable meanings that contribute to success in the life of a boy.


  • Alexander - human protection;
  • Alexey – protection;
  • Andrey - brave;
  • Anton - entering into battle;
  • Arseny - masculinity;
  • Artem/Artemy – healthy, unharmed.
  • Boris – fighting, not giving up;
  • Bogdan – given by God;
  • Bulat is strong.
  • Valentin – strong, healthy;
  • Valery – strong;
  • Victor is the winner;
  • Vitaly – vital;
  • Vladimir - owner of the world;
  • Vladislav - owns fame.
  • Georgy is a farmer;
  • German - native;
  • Gerasim - venerable, respected;
  • Gleb is big and tall.
  • Daniel/Danil/Danila – God’s judgment;
  • Demyan – conquering;
  • Denis - a surge of strength;
  • Dimitriy/Dmitriy – fertile;
  • Dobrynya is a good fellow;
  • Dorotheus is a gift from the Lord.


  • Eugene - nobility;
  • Elizar - God helps him;
  • Elisha - saved by the Lord, protected;
  • Efim - good honor;
  • Ephraim is prolific.

Zhdan – waiting.

Zakhar is the memory of God.

  • Elijah/Elijah – the fortress of God;
  • Innocent - innocent, not defaming;
  • Joseph is the reward of the Lord;
  • Heraclius is glorified as a hero.
  • Kirill - ruler;
  • Clementius - gracious gentleman;
  • Konstantin - permanence.
  • Lavrenty - showered with laurels;
  • Lazarus - God's help;
  • Leo - lion's power;
  • Leonidas - son of a lion;
  • Luke is happiness.


  • May – warm heart;
  • Maxim – great;
  • Mark – hammer;
  • Matvey is a man of God;
  • Miron - kindness;
  • Michael is equal to the Lord.
  • Nazar – connected with God;
  • Nikita - he wins;
  • Nikolai is a people's victory.
  • Oleg is a saint;
  • Oscar is a spear to God;
  • Ostap is persistent.
  • Pankrat - omnipotent;
  • Peter is a stone, a rock.
  • Radomir - rejoices at the world;
  • Ratmir - world protector;
  • Ruslan - lion power;
  • Rodion - a song to the ruler.