Maria Kozhevnikova and Victoria Bonya kiss. Politically incorrect. We need to properly populate the Duma with freaks. Where is Baretsky? Why is there no one from Dom2 and Comedy? They say she has an influential lover in the State Duma

In a recent interview, Medvedev said: “We must live within our means, including by cutting budget spending and reducing spending on the state apparatus.”

I very much agree with Dmitry Anatolyevich. And among you there is hardly anyone who will shout: “I am categorically against cutting the salaries of officials.”

We have a deputy - Masha “Allochka from Univer” Kozhevnikova.


Before becoming a servant of the people, Masha was never bored.

For example, future deputy Kozhevnikova kisses Vika Bonya, who, according to rumors, worked as an escort and then conquered the front seat of “House 2.”


Do you think this woman is not the actress who played the stupid Allochka, but the one who had sex with Bonya - she is able to pass competent laws that work for the benefit of those whose taxes go to her maintenance, that is, to you and me good?

For reference: In 2016, State Duma deputy, including Masha Kozhevnikova, will receive 4.607 million rubles, and the monthly salary will be 383.927 thousand rubles.

Plus benefits, which, as you understand, are a little more than crazy.

I saw with my own eyes the car from which Deputy Kozhevnikova came out: a BMW “7” with a flashing light and a driver. It was on RTR, where we both had to take part in the same program.

You have to live within your means, as the Prime Minister quite rightly noted. Considering the current situation in the country, can we afford to support Deputy Masha?


How do you feel when the dollar is growing, the government urges you to “live within your means,” and in the Duma they are rubbing tight skirts and taking selfies of Masha and others like her?

Photo:, rianovosti

Victoria Bonya is going to leave for the south of France to prepare for the upcoming birth of her first child. And while she is in Russia, she decided to tell some of her friends’ secrets in one of her interviews. Her story was about Maria Kozhevnikova, who, with the help of her influential friend, suddenly turned from “Allochka the Kick-Ass” into a State Duma deputy. Victoria immediately noticed that he had no intention of “wetting” Maria at all, otherwise she would have been able to tell such terrible facts about her that a huge scandal would inevitably have broken out.

And the ex-TV presenter of “Dom-2” began to tell the most “children’s story about “Allochka”: “She and I went on vacation to the Emirates. There were also young people with us. And in the hotel where we lived, Masha for some reason announced that her money was missing - 10 thousand dollars. But I know, she didn’t even take that kind of money with her!.. Masha didn’t know that in that Dubai hotel everything was recorded on security cameras: every step, entry and exit from the room. This is a country where hands are cut off for stealing! Masha, of course, behaved ugly.”

In the end, the guys understood everything when they looked at the CCTV footage, however, they gave the Money to Maria to hush up the scandal, and she carefreely immediately ran to the shops with other people’s money. Kozhevnikova just wanted to scam everyone out of money. Bonya adds: “She cleverly uses people, she just thinks that everyone is stupider than her and they don’t see anything, they don’t understand anything. I know a lot of compromising information about her, but I have no right to talk about it publicly. The fact is that the things that Kozhevnikova does are directly at odds with her image... Masha is a very unscrupulous person in relationships.”

Victoria said that in a similar way, Maria allows such ugly behavior even with her family members and close friends: “If the wife of one of her friends knew what Masha was doing behind her back, she would have shot her, probably realizing what kind of snake she had warmed up on your own breast!.. Although even Kozhevnikova has no right to judge, because this is everyone’s personal business. Although I really don’t like fake people who will walk over corpses for their own purpose.”

Victoria Bonya also talked about how Marie was dating some married man who was a friend of her family. He pushed her to become a deputy, but Vika did not give her name. Although many suspect that this is a famous athlete-businessman: “You know, Kozhevnikova was just lucky that she has reliable friends, they don’t say anything about her. Although her adventures alone during the filming of “Univer” are already legendary. How she earned her privileges there and a higher salary than others. If this comes up, then goodbye to the image of a white sheep,” writes Express Gazeta.

The star of “House 2” revealed the intimate secrets of her sworn friends

The beautiful TV presenter is about to leave for the south of France, where she will give birth to her first child. And just before leaving the Mother See, BONYA decided to give birth to revelations about her friends in show business: actress and State Duma deputy Maria KOZHEVNIKOVA and former participant in “House-2” and TV presenter Alena VODONAEVA .


It's no secret that domestic show business is a serpentarium infested with poisonous creatures. Neither to you true love, no real friendship - any kiss can be saturated with mercury and come out sideways. Here is the 32-year-old TV presenter, a former participant in “House 2”, and now the fiancée of a European billionaire Alexa Smerfita Victoria Bonya admitted to Express Gazeta that friendship in show business is a complete fiction.

Sleight of hand

Vika, what kind of showdown are you having with yours? ex-girlfriends- Alena Vodonaeva and Masha Kozhevnikova? You've been speaking extremely unflatteringly about each other lately...

Firstly, Alena was never my friend,” Bonya explained. - If someone speaks impartially, then it is more likely that she is talking about me, and not vice versa. And if we somehow communicated with Masha at one time, then we were never friends with Vodonaeva.

You recently “killed” Kozhevnikova, talking about your joint vacation in Dubai, where she allegedly deceived someone.

If I had “damaged” Masha Kozhevnikova, I would probably have told her facts that would have been very unpleasant for her. There would be a big scandal! In the meantime, I told you something that doesn’t concern famous people... She and I went on vacation to the Emirates. There were also young people with us. And in the hotel where we lived, Masha for some reason announced that her money was missing - 10 thousand dollars. But I know she didn’t even take that kind of money with her! I am still friends with those boys, they were also shocked by this act. Why did you have to do this?! To cheat on shopping? Wouldn't it be easier to just ask them to buy something? Another thing is that Masha did not know that in that Dubai hotel everything was recorded on security cameras: every step, entry and exit from the room. This is a country where hands are cut off for stealing! Masha, of course, behaved ugly.

- How did she get out of this situation?

No way! The guys who were with us, after watching the video from the security cameras, understood everything. But to smooth out the situation, they gave her money. She immediately ran to the shops and bought herself everything. In principle, all this was invented by her in order to scam them out of money.

- What kind of boys were with you?

Our mutual friends, their names won't tell you anything. And this is just one of these stories with Masha! She cleverly uses people, she just thinks that everyone is stupider than her and they don’t see anything, they don’t understand anything. I know a lot of compromising information about her, but I have no right to talk about it publicly. The fact is that the things Kozhevnikova does are directly at odds with her image. She did a great stupidity by telling me the details of her personal, intimate life. Masha is a very unscrupulous person in relationships. You know, she has people who are practically members of her family, who have known her since childhood, for whom she is like a daughter, they support her, help with her work. And to treat them the way she did is shocking! If the wife of one of her friends knew what Masha was doing behind her back, she would have shot her, probably realizing what kind of snake she had warmed on her chest! I can’t name names... Of course, if you think cynically, she’s great, that’s what you need to do, then your career and your whole life will be in good shape. Another thing is me, my soul is wide open. People often regard my openness and gullibility as frivolity, but for me the most important taboo in life is not to shit where they feed me. I am not capable of betraying. Although even Kozhevnikova has no right to judge, because this is a matter for everyone personally. Although I really don’t like fake people who will walk over corpses for their own purpose.

Cool patron

- Why did you even quarrel with Kozhevnikova?

It all started from a beauty contest where we participated together. And when the struggle began, shit poured out of Masha. At some point I was in first place, and she was in third. And she began to attack, write SMS with insults and threats. I reminded her how much I know about her. And if anyone ever saw this correspondence, Masha’s head would fly off her shoulders, believe me. Unlike Masha, I don’t hide anything. Yes, I had an affair with a married man, which I talked about in an interview, then I was 23 years old, he divorced for my sake. But who hasn't made mistakes? But Masha will never tell such things about herself.

- They say she has an influential lover in the State Duma...

Yes, I heard it, almost myself Shoigu(laughs). No, she's dating another dude, I know that for sure. Has been dating for several years. He is married, she seems to love him. Another thing is that he is a friend of their family. He is the one who promotes it. I can't say more. (For the same reasons as Bonya, the editors cannot name the name of this athlete-official, although we understand who we are talking about. - A.M.)

- Ksyusha Sobchak, it seems, is also aware of this story...

Ksyukha is not a stupid girl, she won’t say too much. And other people around her. You know, Kozhevnikova was just lucky that she has reliable friends who don’t say anything about her. Although her adventures alone during the filming of “Univer” are already legendary. How she earned her privileges there and a higher salary than others. If this comes up, then goodbye to the image of a white sheep.

- What if Kozhevnikova sues you? She probably dislikes such stories.

- She will lose the trial because I have witnesses.

My husband ate too many pears

- What didn’t you share with Vodonaeva?

I'm surprised when now Alena He accuses me of being immoral, and she posts photos of herself in an indecent manner on Twitter. She already has a child, and she is not ashamed to hang up a photo of her naked, with her private part at the ready. She gargles my name and can’t calm down.

VODONAEVA, according to Vika, is a single mother with a bad reputation

- Will you answer somehow?

For what? I don't want to dig in the dirt. Another thing is that I know that no matter how hard Vodonaeva tries to portray herself as a decent mother of the family, this is not so. Her husband left her back in September, apparently after that she felt really bad. Do you know about this?

- No. It seemed that they were a happy couple, there was a child...

The mother is now mostly looking after her child. And Alena herself has not had any family for a long time.

- Why did her husband leave her?

And who will stand it? As he told me Ruslan Kolganov(TV presenter and also former member"Houses 2" - A.M.), her husband is fed up with her ass...s. He had been seen with other women for a long time. At the same time, Alena still screams and shouts: “I am a mother! I’m a wife!”, and for a long time now she’s been hanging out with one person or another... You know, despite this, I’m not gloating: anything can happen in life. I was told that when Alena found out that I was going to marry a billionaire, she said very angrily: “So what? My husband is also a billionaire!” This is funny! Everyone knows that she ex-husband- an ordinary guy. And when she found out that I was pregnant, she completely lost her mind. For some reason she considers herself some kind of queen. But the truth is that inside her there is only hatred, anger and envy.

It's no secret that domestic show business is a serpentarium infested with poisonous creatures. Neither true love nor true friendship for you - any kiss can be saturated with mercury and come out sideways. So 32-year-old TV presenter, former participant in “House 2”, and now the fiancée of European billionaire Alex Smerfit, Victoria Bonya, admitted to Express Gazeta that friendship in show business is a complete fiction.

Sleight of hand

Vika, what kind of showdown are you having with your former friends - Alena Vodonaeva and Masha Kozhevnikova? You've been speaking extremely unflatteringly about each other lately...

Firstly, Alena was never my friend,” Bonya explained. - If someone speaks impartially, then it is more likely that she is talking about me, and not vice versa. And if we somehow communicated with Masha at one time, then we were never friends with Vodonaeva.

You recently “killed” Kozhevnikova, talking about your joint vacation in Dubai, where she allegedly deceived someone.

If I had “damaged” Masha Kozhevnikova, I would probably have told her facts that would have been very unpleasant for her. There would be a big scandal! In the meantime, I told you something that does not concern famous people... She and I went on vacation to the Emirates. There were also young people with us. And in the hotel where we lived, Masha for some reason announced that her money was missing - 10 thousand dollars. But I know she didn’t even take that kind of money with her! I am still friends with those boys, they were also shocked by this act. Why did you have to do this?! To cheat on shopping? Wouldn't it be easier to just ask them to buy something? Another thing is that Masha did not know that in that Dubai hotel everything was recorded on security cameras: every step, entry and exit from the room. This is a country where hands are cut off for stealing! Masha, of course, behaved ugly.

How did she get out of this situation?

No way! The guys who were with us, after watching the video from the security cameras, understood everything. But to smooth out the situation, they gave her money. She immediately ran to the shops and bought herself everything. In principle, all this was invented by her in order to scam them out of money.

What kind of boys were with you?

Our mutual friends, their names won't tell you anything. And this is just one of these stories with Masha! She cleverly uses people, she just thinks that everyone is stupider than her and they don’t see anything, they don’t understand anything. I know a lot of compromising information about her, but I have no right to talk about it publicly. The fact is that the things Kozhevnikova does are directly at odds with her image. She did a great stupidity by telling me the details of her personal, intimate life. Masha is a very unscrupulous person in relationships. You know, she has people who are practically members of her family, who have known her since childhood, for whom she is like a daughter, they support her, help with her work. And to treat them the way she did is shocking! If the wife of one of her friends knew what Masha was doing behind her back, she would have shot her, probably realizing what kind of snake she had warmed on her chest! I can’t name names... Of course, if you think cynically, she’s great, that’s what you need to do, then your career and your whole life will be in good shape. Another thing is me, my soul is wide open. People often regard my openness and gullibility as frivolity, but for me the most important taboo in life is not to shit where they feed me. I am not capable of betraying. Although even Kozhevnikova has no right to judge, because this is a matter for everyone personally. Although I really don’t like fake people who will walk over corpses for their own purpose.

Cool patron

Why did you even have a fight with Kozhevnikova?

It all started from a beauty contest where we participated together. And when the struggle began, shit poured out of Masha. At some point I was in first place, and she was in third. And she began to attack, write SMS with insults and threats. I reminded her how much I know about her. And if anyone ever saw this correspondence, Masha’s head would fly off her shoulders, believe me. Unlike Masha, I don’t hide anything. Yes, I had an affair with a married man, which I talked about in an interview, then I was 23 years old, he divorced for my sake. But who hasn't made mistakes? But Masha will never tell such things about herself.

They say she has an influential lover in the State Duma...

Yes, I heard almost Shoigu himself (laughs). No, she's dating another dude, I know that for sure. Has been dating for several years. He is married, she seems to love him. Another thing is that he is a friend of their family. He is the one who promotes it. I can't say more. (For the same reasons as Bonya, the editors cannot name this athlete-official, although we understand who we are talking about. - A.M.)

Ksyusha Sobchak, it seems, is also aware of this story...

Ksyukha is not a stupid girl, she won’t say too much. And other people around her. You know, Kozhevnikova is just lucky that she has reliable friends who don’t say anything about her. Although her adventures alone during the filming of “Univer” are already legendary. How she earned her privileges there and a higher salary than others. If this comes up, then goodbye to the image of a white sheep.

Ex-participant of “House-2” Victoria Bonya, three years after a quarrel with Maria Kozhevnikova, asked her for forgiveness for everything offensive to her.

Since 2011, in the press and on television, Victoria has often let her ex go close friend Maria's taunts. This was the reason for Kozhevnikova to stop all communication with her. It should be noted that the actress herself preferred to remain silent and not comment on all of Boni’s attacks. The quarrel occurred just at the moment when Maria was running for deputy of the State Duma.

Victoria, how did you make peace with Masha Kozhevnikova? Who apologized first?

Yes, I recently wrote a message to Masha saying that I am very sorry about everything that happened between us. I admitted that it was ugly and completely inconsistent with how I felt about her. This realization made me feel very bad, I was very worried, even when I left to give birth. The quarrel was due to the fact that Masha and I had a very unpleasant encounter at the same publishing house. They lied a lot in order to create a stir.

I called and asked for forgiveness, wrote to her: “Masha, I treat you very well.” I am incredibly glad that she is doing such good things. I look at her, observe, and my heart is right out of place, because we were friends with her, spent a lot of time together. She helped me a lot, supported me when I was going through a difficult period in my life.

Masha replied to my message: “Vic, don’t even worry, I’m very glad that you wrote.” A stone just fell from my soul. I asked for forgiveness, we understood and accepted each other.

Do you want to publicly apologize? Then you publicly spoke impartially about Masha.

We have already resolved this issue with her. I did it sincerely from the bottom of my heart. And now there is simply no point in doing anything publicly.

Do you think it will be possible to resume friendships like you had before?

No, the fact is that we now have different areas of activity, she lives here and flies a lot, I live there. If I see her somewhere, I can always come up and we can sit and talk normally. Yes, and especially since now we very rarely meet each other, even sometimes attending the same events, we may not see each other. But now I will not miss a single opportunity to talk with Masha face to face.

Vika, if you were in Maria’s place, how would you react?

I’m generally that kind of person, not vindictive. And I know that Masha is absolutely normal and sincere. She, on the contrary, said that I was great for doing so. And it became easier and more pleasant for her. What was between us did not mean our real relationship to each other. We treat each other much better! Especially when hormones go to your head during pregnancy, you can sometimes not control yourself, I clearly understood this.

Why did you wait so long and didn’t apologize sooner?

I won't try to explain this somehow. I was rude to her and I'm glad I took the time to apologize. The experience in my soul became so strong that it did not leave me until the very end, even when I left Moscow to give birth. I then had a feeling that I wanted to scream, I felt very bad, I could not sleep for some time. I also told Alex about this that I admit all my mistakes.

As for Maria Kozhevnikova, she also confirmed the fact of reconciliation with Bonya, stated that she does not hold a grudge against her, but is only glad that she became a mother and found female happiness.

I am very glad that this unpleasant story was resolved. All this time I refrained from commenting, realizing that this would become even more surrounded by gossip, rumors and the nasty stuff that our media loves so much. They say correctly that time puts everything in its place. Vika wrote me a message where she sincerely apologized. The ability to admit your mistakes is destiny strong people, - Maria Kozhevnikova told