Matvey Sherling (Russia). Yuri Sherling: biography, personal life, wife, children, photo A young musician died

What happened to Sherling's son was mentioned in the press more than once. It is known that Matvey Sh., who is known as a saxophonist, was found dead in his own apartment. The real cause of death of Yuri Sherling's son Matvey was unknown for a long time, but unconfirmed versions of what happened repeatedly appeared in the media.

Circumstances of the tragedy

According to Matvey’s father, he began to worry when his son did not respond to calls for a long time. phone calls. Then Yuri Sherling decided to stop by his son and check on him, making sure that he was doing well. Upon arrival, no one opened the door for him, no sounds were heard in the apartment. To open the door, they had to break it.

Matvey was found dead on May 10, 2018. Based on latest news, the cause of death of Yuri Sherling’s son Matvey could have been poisoning, but there is a more current version of what happened. It is known that young man had heart disease, which may have caused early care from life famous musician.

An investigation is currently underway into what happened to Sherling's son. According to some experts, the reason for his death was not violence against the young man. At the time of death, the door had not been broken into, and there was no evidence at the place where the saxophonist was that would indicate an attempt on the part of the saxophonist. After a forensic examination, the cause of death can be determined.

Funeral of a famous musician

According to the musician’s sister, Mariamne Sherling, her brother was a cheerful person who dreamed of living her life brightly. According to the girl, she is having a hard time experiencing the tragedy and loss loved one. She and Matvey were close, according to her, no more than a person, who could communicate with her so sincerely.

The famous musician’s sister noted how gifted Matvey was. According to her, the young man had absolute pitch, he could compose works independently, he felt rhythm, and was a master of his craft. Matvey was able to use his abilities correctly, gaining fame and respect.

According to Mariamne, what happened in their family is wrong, because Matvey loved to live, he never wanted to die, but everything happened differently and it is impossible to return everything back. Death for the whole family loved one- a great tragedy.

The musician was buried at the Khimki cemetery in the Moscow region. Before the funeral there was a funeral service and farewell. This information was published on the page in social network Matvey's sisters.

Latest news

According to preliminary data that was published in the media mass media, the cause of death of Yuri Sherling's son Matvey was heart failure. According to existing information, no traces of murder were found in the young musician’s apartment.

According to press reports, the saxophonist's body was found in his bed. Initially, the young man’s father was worried because his son did not answer calls for a long time, after which he came. To get into the apartment, I had to break the door. According to some reports, near the place where the young man lay, pills were found that had no identification marks.

Currently, specialists are examining medications and conducting an examination. According to one of the versions, which is considered the most relevant, Matvey could have become ill due to heart disease. No traces of the attackers were found, and the version of violent death was not confirmed.

The cause of the musician's death is now considered to be heart disease. However, only experts can tell the exact data on this case. Despite the fact that M. Sherling passed away early, he was able to win the love of many music fans. He is one of the most famous saxophonists in Russia. Many times he was a laureate of competitions, including international music competitions.

Biography and achievements

The musician’s date of birth is October 13, 1999. WITH early childhood he was instilled with a love for musical creativity. His parents have creative professions, which are associated with music, perhaps that is why the boy also later became a musician.

At the age of seven, Matvey went to school. Afterwards he studied at the Gnessin College, studying piano. Later, he chose the saxophone as his main instrument, which came as a big surprise to the boy’s teachers and relatives. After a short period of time, he became the winner of the first prize at the competition in Moscow among saxophonists.

While studying in regular and music schools, the boy performs at concerts. One of the most significant achievements is the victory in the global competition for young talented musical performers"The Nutcracker" in 2010.

Despite short life, Matvey Sherling was able to captivate the audience with his performance on musical instrument, it has many positive feedback from the harshest critics.

What are the most current versions of the cause of death of Matvey Sherling?

Matvey Sherling was born on October 13, 1999 and from early childhood was brought up in the best traditions of classical and jazz music.

At the age of 7, Matvey becomes a student at the State Children's Art School N2 named after. Mamontov, in piano and flute class. Two years later, Matvey enters the Moscow Secondary Special Music School (College) named after. Gnesins, continuing to study the piano and, unexpectedly for everyone, Matvey choosing the saxophone as his main instrument. And less than a year later, he became the 1st Prize Laureate at the Moscow Open Saxophone Competition “Selmer for Children 2010” in two categories – “Classical Saxophone” and “Jazz Saxophone”.

In parallel with his studies in two schools, general education and music, Matvey begins to actively perform in concerts: with the Hermitage Ensemble of Soloists under the direction of the Golden Oboe Alexei Utkin; with Alexandra Sherling, his older sister, a jazz vocalist, and the instrumental trio of Valery Grokhovsky, in the jazz play “DREAM”, and also takes part in competitions and festivals. In June 2010, Matvey Sherling became the Laureate of the Sixth Open Youth Delphic games CIS member states (Armenia, Yerevan)

great triumph in musical career Matvey wins the XI International Television Competition for Young Musicians “Nutcracker-2010”: First Prize Winner and winner of the “Golden Nutcracker”. The jury members highly appreciated the performance of the young saxophonist. Arkady Shilkloper, world famous jazz musician, horn player, noted: “...Absolutely adult game a musician who not only plays notes and phrases correctly: you can hear that he knows jazz well, listens and loves

Nutcracker 2010 (TK Kultura), Matvey Sherling 2nd round

The biography of Yuri Sherling is known not only to residents former USSR, but also to citizens foreign countries, the personal life of the artist arouses genuine interest in the press. For a long and fruitful creative path The brilliant theater director and choreographer was married 4 times. Each marriage ended in divorce and only the last one ended in the birth of children.

Well-known critics in the field of culture and art have repeatedly spoken about Sherling’s works, applying to him the theses “powerful personality”, “diamond of Russia” and many others. Over time, Yuri Borisovich proved not only to the entire Soviet Union, but also to Europe and the USA that he is worthy of all the awards and titles received over the years of work for the benefit of culture.

The biography of Yuri Sherling began in Moscow, August 22, 1944. The talented mother Alexandra Arkadyevna could be proud of her ability to play the piano, but not how her personal life turned out. Graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, founded on the initiative of Anton Rubinstein, continued to work as an accompanist.

But she did not tie the knot with the father of a child born during the war years. Therefore, the young woman raised her son alone, giving him her last name.

The magical game of a boy masterfully plucking the piano keys became his business card in life:

  1. At the age of 4, the gifted Yura was admitted to the Music School at the Gnessin College, becoming a student of the founder Elena Fabianovna.
  2. The brilliant pianist successfully passed the entrance exams and was accepted into the Moscow state academy choreography, one of the oldest educational institutions countries.
  3. In 1963, a certified graduate received an invitation to work in the State Academic Ensemble folk dance them. Igor Aleksandrovich Moiseev.
  4. In 1965, Yuri Sherling was transferred to the Moscow Academic Musical Theater. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. Working under the guidance of outstanding teachers helps the aspiring artist to discover creativity to the fullest.
  5. Based on recommendations famous figures culture, Sherling enters the Higher Directing Courses, where he is assigned to the brilliant teacher and publicist Andrei Aleksandrovich Goncharov.
  6. In 1969 he received a diploma of “Musical Theater Director” and worked fruitfully in a new and old specialty.

Having become successful, the young man sets out to find his father. But radio engineer Boris Abramovich Tevelev did not want to establish friendly relations with his son and refused to take part in his life. At that time he already had his own family and children.

I also didn’t want to disrupt the usual pattern of family happiness. At this stage, their relationship ceased, but such a life lesson did not have a negative impact on the creative path of the artist.

Start of career, take off

In 1971, an unexpected turn occurred in the biography of Yuri Sherling. In love with Thomas Leius's wife, he arranges his personal life and then receives an incredible job offer. Theater director Alexander Goncharov invites a gifted man to work together on the musical “Man of La Mancha” for the USA. This work brought incredible success to Sherling. The musical creation was shown on stage all over the world for 14 years.

Inspired by success, Yuri Borisovich writes scripts for three films, winning new laurels of fame and gaining recognition among harsh critics:

  • "Only one movement";
  • "Winter Rainbow";
  • "In the old musician's shop."

Then, to the delight of the public, several musicals by the brilliant musical figure. A new attempt at writing for Sherling was the play “The Skinny Prize” (1974), based on the play by Cuban writer Hector Quintero.

For the first time, the work of Yuri Borisovich was presented on the stage of the State drama theater, but then began to show at the Moscow Theater. Mossovet.

While working on the musical, a tragedy occurred in the biography of Yuri Sherling, which greatly influenced his work and subsequent personal life. Artist in love with married woman, asked her to file for divorce and marry him. But Thomas strangled his wife out of jealousy, depriving Sherling of the love of his life.

Free swimming

In 1977, Yuri Borisovich became the founder of his own Chamber Jewish Musical Theater, whose branches were located in the capital and in the city on Far East Birobidzhan. Here he became not only a leader, but also a director who was not shy about going on stage, acting as an actor in leading and supporting roles.

From 1977 to 1985, on the KEMT stage, performances were performed not only in Russian, but also in Yiddish (the Jewish language of the German group). The idea of ​​creating a theater arose against the background of anti-Semitism, actively supported by the USSR in previous years and the desire to return to Jews the opportunity to develop in the field of culture. The most memorable for critics and viewers were the following masterpieces of Sherling:

  • the musical “A Black Bridle for a White Mare” (1978), the lyrics to which were written by the legendary songwriter Ilya Reznik, translated into Hebrew by the famous literary critic Chaim Bader;
  • musical performance“Lomir ale ininem”, familiar to connoisseurs of culture under the name “Let’s all do it together”;
  • opera-ballet “The Last Role”;
  • the legendary play “I Come from Childhood”;
  • folk opera "Golden Wedding";
  • the musical “Tevye of Anatevka”, based on the story by Jewish playwright Sholom Aleichem;
  • Broadway musical "Fiddler on the Roof".

Since 1985, Sherling stopped developing his theater, going on tour abroad. He lives for a long time in Norway, composing new musical works and speaking on local TV. Also performs on stage as genius pianist V different countries world:

  • in the Land of the Rising Sun;
  • Germany;
  • United States of America;
  • UK;
  • Austria and Hungary;
  • Switzerland.

Inspired creative successes foreign work colleagues, Yuri Borisovich returned to his homeland in 1989 and opened the Shkola theater musical art" Tours of Sherling's new brainchild take place throughout all European countries and are a great success.

Personal life of a virtuoso director

Having experienced a tragedy with his mistress, the people's artist marries a work colleague. But the marriage with the ballerina Eleonora Vlasova did not last long. Fascinated by film actress Tamara Vasilyevna Akulova, he files for divorce and throws himself at the feet of a strong and ambitious beauty. But even here Sherling does not find male happiness and even his daughter Anna, born in marriage, cannot keep it.

The choreographer met his third wife in Norway. Television journalist Maritte Christensen becomes interesting to Yuri Borisovich only for a few years. Their relationship ends due to his return to Russia.

Sherling's fourth and last wife was jazz performer Olesya. In a happy creative marriage, three children were born: daughters Alexandra and Marianna, and son Matvey.

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Biography, life story of Sherling Yuri Borisovich

Sherling Yuri Borisovich is a Russian theater director, choreographer, and choreographer.

Early years

Yuri Sherling was born in Moscow on August 23, 1944. The boy’s mother, Alexandra Arkadyevna (Sarra Aronovna) Sherling, raised him alone. It was she who instilled in her son a love for high art, since she herself was a pianist and accompanist; at one time she graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory. As for the father of our hero, radio engineer Boris Abramovich Tevelev, Yura met him only at the age of eighteen. Before this, father and son had never seen each other in their lives.

At the age of four, Yura Sherling was already a student at the Moscow Secondary Specialized music school them. Gnesins. Later, Yuri graduated from the Moscow Choreographic School. In 1963, Sherling became a member of the State academic ensemble folk dance by Igor Moiseev. In 1965, a talented young man was invited to the Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater, in ballet troupe. That same year, Yuri became a student at the Higher Directing Courses at GITIS. He ended up in the workshop of Andrei Goncharov, people's artist USSR. In 1969, Sherling successfully completed his studies and received a diploma as a musical theater director.


In 1971, Yuri Goncharov’s mentor invited him to work together on the American musical “Man of La Mancha” at the Theater named after. Sherling agreed. This was his debut work as a director. Debut – and incredibly successful! The musical was shown for 14 years. And every time the hall was filled to capacity with grateful spectators.

In the early 1970s, Yuri Borisovich staged two television ballets (“Winter Rainbow” and “In the Old Musician’s Shop”) and a film (“Only One Movement”). Then he worked on the musical "The Skinny Prize" by the Cuban author Quintero. The musical was staged on the stage of the State Drama Theater of the ESSR, where Sherling was invited after his successful production of “Man of La Mancha”. At the premiere of “The Skinny Prize” was Yuri Zavadsky, the directors of the Moscow Mossovet Theater. He was delighted with the performance and “lured” him to his stage.


In 1977, Yuri Sherling founded the Jewish Chamber Musical Theatre. KEMT became the first for many years professional Jewish theater in the country. Yuri Borisovich himself said that the idea to create such a theater was born to him as a response to the state anti-Semitism of the Soviet Union. Sherling wanted to do something that could raise Yiddish culture in the eyes of the public.

In the Chamber Jewish musical theater Yuri Sherling was and artistic director, both a composer and an actor. The most famous productions his theater - the musical “Black Bridle for a White Mare”, the musical play “Let's All Together”, the opera-ballet “The Last Role”, the folk opera “Golden Wedding” and others.

In 1985, Yuri Borisovich left his native theater. He began staging plays in Norway and working there on television as an author. music shows. Sherling also gave concerts as a pianist in different countries of the world - in Switzerland, Great Britain, Japan, Hungary, Austria, the USA and Germany. IN Soviet Union Sherling returned only in 1989. He immediately got to work and opened new theater called "School of Musical Art". Within the walls of this theater he staged the folk opera “When the Sand Rises,” the mystery opera “Have Mercy,” the art show “” and other spectacular performances. Many of the School of Musical Arts' productions have toured cities throughout the United States.

In 1999, Yuri Borisovich became vice president of public relations at Sobinbank.

In 2007, Sherling staged the musical “Black Bridle for a White Mare,” which was almost forgotten by the audience, on the stage of the Satire Theater. The revival turned out to be not the most successful and very soon the performance was stopped.

In 2009, Yuri Borisovich became acting rector Russian Academy theatrical arts. In the same year, on the basis of the School of Musical Art, Sherling created the production center Sherling Art, which began producing and organizing performances by classical and jazz musicians.

In 2010, the jazz performance Dream by Yuri's daughter took place at the Moscow International House of Music. Yuri Borisovich himself acted in the play as the director and author of the idea.

Beloved women and children

Yuri's first wife was famous ballerina Eleonora Vlasova. The choreographer's second wife was a film actress. In this union, Sherling had his first child, daughter Anna; Moreover, the lovers legalized their relationship after the girl was born. Anna graduated from GITIS, then got married, went with her beloved to Israel and devoted her life to caring for the house and children.

Yuri Borisovich's third wife was Maritte Christensen, a correspondent for Norwegian television. The fourth chosen one of the choreographer was Olesya, a pianist and singer (genres: timeless classics and jazz). Olesya gave Yuri three children - daughters

Olesya gave birth to three absolutely brilliant children. Although for our eldest daughter Shura (left) this genius turned into a great tragedy. In the photo - Yuri Sherling with his wife and children - Shura, Mariamna and Matvey Photo: from the personal archive of Yu. Sherling

We went to the USA with this performance. But after the resounding success, a blow in the back awaited me: 99% of the artists remained in America. Having lost the troupe, I had a heart attack. But in return, fate gave a gift: I met Olesya...

Little Barbie came to audition for my “School of Musical Art” as an accompanist - she had huge eyes and small hands. Her name was Olesya. “You play well,” I told her. “Maybe you also know jazz?” And the child began to play absolutely fantastically. I abandoned the competition, put her in the car - and we drove to the conservatory where she studied. There were two pianos there, I sat down at one, she sat at the other, and an incredible musical romance began. We played for several hours straight. She is an amazingly gifted person. And as it turned out later - completely unearthly.

I've been living with her for almost thirty years. In fact, I was married once, to Olesya, and everything else is the water cycle in nature. In one of her interviews, Olesya mentioned that I am a guru for her. She learned the world of metaphysics and music at the conservatory, and she became acquainted with the world of reality, spirits and Lagerfeld thanks to me. All my life I gave her gifts, much more often than expected. It's like I'm Pygmalion in performance.

Olesya always supports me in the most difficult situations. Take, for example, the story of my appointment as acting. Rector of GITIS. You have no idea what happened then! How is it possible that Sherling will head such a university?! I found myself in wolf pack: if you take up space, you automatically snatch a piece of bread from someone’s mouth. And they begin to literally tear you apart. If you are not protected by some corrupt group, then you have practically no chance...

And not so long ago, my family lost all their savings due to the bankruptcy of one large bank - I had been saving all my life, as they say, “for old age.” I come home and tell my wife: “Olesya, we are beggars.” She just asked: “What should I do?” I answered - pack your things, we will move to country house, this housing is no longer affordable for us (we then rented a large apartment on Ostozhenka). There was not a single reproach, nor tears, nor lamentations on her part! She began to calmly get ready and continued, as if nothing had happened, to work with the children every day and prepare for concerts. I am happy that God sent me Olesya. She managed to keep me afloat at that moment. And now he holds it.

We managed to maintain our relationship with Tamara. From the age of thirteen, my daughter Anya (left) lived with me. Now she is married to a wonderful guy, an Arab with Israeli citizenship. I already have two grandchildren, we are waiting for the third. In the photo: Yuri Sherling with Tamara Akulova and their daughter Anna with her husband Photo: from the archive of Yu. Sherling

- Yuri Borisovich, how is this woman different from everyone else in your life? How is she holding you back?

Firstly, the woman’s absolutely extraordinary talent. Olesya is calm, very God-fearing, always able to find the bright side in any person. Judge not, lest ye be judged - that is its principle. Her priority is motherhood, she gave birth to me and raised three absolutely brilliant children. Although for our eldest daughter Shura this genius turned into a great tragedy...

Shura is an outstanding singer, laureate international competitions and bonuses. Already at the age of five she acted in films, playing the role of Lyudmila Gurchenko in Carnival Night 2. She sang in such a way that no prima donna could dream of it.