Mikhail Shakhnazarov: about the serious with humor and seriously about the comic. Announcements Mikhal Shahnazarov

Mikhail Shakhnazarov was born in Riga in 1967 (Armenian roots lead to Baku, where his grandmother lived). In the capital of Latvia, young Shakhnazarov studied at the Dynamo youth sports school. Did not become an athlete due to injury. And thank God, because the world would have lost in his face an untalented journalist and prose writer. Judging by some hints slipping in prose, he easily entered VGIK, at the screenwriting and directing department. But as a result, for some reason, he hit the business (read “Virtual Orgasm”). Further - more: he managed a branch of a large Latvian bank in Moscow, had his own insurance company, which, by his own admission, was “destroyed”.

Journalism, including radio journalism, turned out to be a more reliable and long-term haven. Shakhnazarov spoke everywhere and about everything, from sports reviews to Russian rock (meaning music, not rock that dominates Russia, although he did not ignore him in his political notes and reviews). Since April of this year, Shakhnazarov has been the host of the morning broadcast of the Russian News Service, he is also a columnist for the Izvestia newspaper.

Shakhnazarov is usually called the Latvian version of Dovlatov of the Estonian period. The comparison is understandable if we keep in mind the place of residence (the Baltic States, now called the Baltic countries) and the main occupation (journalism and writing). The only difference is that Dovlatov, back in Soviet times, understood that there was a forcible Soviet presence in the Baltic republics, and Shakhnazarov, although he was born in Riga, cannot understand this in any way. Not only can he not understand, he also considers his point of view the only correct and undeniable one. He cuts the truth-womb always and in plain text.

Being a perspicacious and observant person, he nevertheless does not always distinguish black from white, or rather, whites from reds, which, no matter what colors of the democratic rainbow dress up, as they were red, remained so red. Deprived of political correctness, homophobe Mikhail Shakhnazarov calls a spade a spade not only in journalism, but also in prose works. He is disgusted by modern values, which are now hammered into children from early childhood not only in the West, as if the world can only hold on to three young and wonderful whales - political correctness, tolerance and multiculturalism. He wrote it hot on the heels of French events, but in prose much earlier, in “History in the Style of Fine…”

“History…” is based on the correspondence of friends. Sasha-Alexander-Alex walked around Riga and informed everyone that he was going to America. One kind girl asked to go with him, but he excused himself by saying that he should go to the States absolutely free from obligations, including to women. Five years later, he met her in the same Riga cafe and barely recognized her, because her face shone with “Slavic joy”, and the outfit betrayed a prosperous existence. The girl really emigrated, only to Germany, and Sasha-Alex, with a Jewish mask of sadness on his face, still could not get out of Riga.

Finally, he still manages to get to America. He promises his friend Michael to write. At least a half truth. “Well-established emigrants don't write at all. Or once a quarter. They don't have time for this. They inject. Those who are unlucky send letters in sacks.” Like giving them a home. In fact, it turns out that the house is a worse shack than Uncle Tom's, because the word "gave" in America is applicable only to the church and the poor. Everything else is bought.

Michael, an Armenian, also aspires to America, like many of their other acquaintances from the city of Riga, those who are of non-indigenous nationality. Michael and his parents are given the status of emigrants, not refugees. Sasha enlightens him about how to get a job in the US with the status of an emigrant who does not shine with benefits. You can, for example, turn to the Armenians. “There are more Armenians here than in Moscow. True, they are mysterious and peculiar. They drive up to the office where they give out benefits in new Mercs. The car is parked around the corner. They take off their “Goldovich”, an expensive watch, let sadness into their eyes. They get six hundred bucks, they put on tsatski again, they pick up a Mercedes from around the corner and go to a restaurant to party.” Obviously not fiction, because it is too true. This is in order of remark, although it seems that the whole “History ...” is a real story.

Michael, armed with advice, begins to look for sponsors among his compatriots. They do not help, but they scold them for not knowing Armenian. At the same time, for some reason, letters are written in English. Here I have a question: in what language to write, if Michael does not speak Armenian, not in Russian? Michael has a different argument: “Well, don’t explain to them that there are more blood in me than in my nation of harm. I only knew the Armenian mat. And he answered them briefly in Armenian in English transcription.” Again, I can’t resist and notice that instead of swearing, I could learn a couple of decent expressions. Michael-Shakhnazarov's language is well suspended, but he has a clear problem with languages. And not only with Armenian, but, it seems, with Latvian as well. That is why he has a mutual dislike both with the Armenians and with the Latvians. Well, he doesn’t know Armenian (a lot of blood is mixed), but, having been born and having lived his entire conscious life in Latvia, he could have learned the language of the country that accepted and warmed his family.

While friends are engaged in correspondence, Michael finds himself a quite profitable business, albeit illegal. Trades in alcohol. Buys in Latvia, sells in Russia. Then, with his Latvian partner, he switches to the wholesale trade in clothes, that is, he farts on a large scale. All this is described against the backdrop of aggravated interethnic relations, which even in Soviet times left much to be desired, but here they simply burst out. Simultaneously with the business, Michael develops a love-like relationship with a girl named Santa, who has an exorbitant passion for cats and Armani.

But if life in the once measured, one might say, half-asleep Riga is in full swing, then, judging by the letters of Sasha-Alex, everything is calm in the USA, just like in a cemetery, which he regularly visits in search of rest from worldly life, until he is gone from there. exposes a cemetery guard, suspecting a necrophilic attachment to the deceased in the bose in the visitor.

The correspondence of friends suddenly ends. Michael thinks that his friend got rich and therefore disappeared from the horizon, but everything turns out to be much simpler: he was simply killed during the next showdown.

Shakhnazarov's prose is interesting primarily because it is about life, and his characters are alive, even when fiction is based on the purest water, as in the sensational story “Hammer on the left, sickle on the right”. You can judge the plot for yourself. A certain waiter Guido Schnapste, who is interested in the issue of increasing the size of male genitalia, comes to the editorial office of the youth team. The editorial staff obtained a unique drug from the Fisheries Institute of Latvia, from which female salmon actively spawn. The drug is injected into the waiter. Combining the incongruous, Shakhnazarov seems to show life itself, which he knows inside and out, resorts to irony and sadness, to elements of a picaresque novel, but ... does not catch. Genital humor and swearing disgust me personally. I don’t know, maybe I’m out of date, maybe without the first and second it’s impossible to break into the new Russian literature. But here I read in Shakhnazarov's blog, somehow under his window, or under the balcony, teenage girls are swearing. Not fictional, real. It jars him, he asks to stop, The girls send him to the appropriate address. I believe that in this situation Shakhnazarov is real. But why, then, in his prose is he likened to these girls? Maybe such prose pays better?

In general, the phenomenon of Mikhail Shakhnazarov cannot be unambiguously assessed either in prose or in journalism. Untidy and out of control, pissed off and observant, he seems to write to unsubscribe. But if in one-day journalism this can still be swallowed, the prose of negligence does not forgive and clearly demonstrates the lack of breath at long distances. And on short ones - a deadly inability to slow down in time. Oh, if he had a good editor ...

Roza Yeghiazaryan

Reference: Mikhail Shakhnazarov

Was born in 1967 in Riga. He studied at the hockey sports school "Dinamo" (Riga). He retired due to an injury. Entering VGIK at the screenwriting and directing department, but preferred business to study. Managed a branch of a large Latvian bank in Moscow. Owned an insurance company. Then he moved into journalism. For 7 years he headed the sports department in the largest Russian newspaper in the Baltic countries - Vesti Segodnya. He worked at the radio station "SWH +", where he conducted sports reviews and a program dedicated to Russian rock - "Empire of Rock". Published in Latvian glossy magazines, as well as in the literary magazines "Volga" and "Siberian Lights".

Lives in Riga.

In response to Makarevich's song "My Country Has Gone Crazy", Mikhail Shakhnazarov wrote a parody and posted it on Facebook. Shakhnazarov himself explained the motive for this act as follows:

“Andrey Makarevich wrote the song “My Country Has Gone Crazy”, which insulted me.”

Andrey Makarevich

My country has gone crazy

Being born does not choose a country
And we will never break this thread
My country has gone to war
And I couldn't stop her

To whom power and sweetness, to whom prison and scrip
And I can't take this pain
My country has gone crazy
And there's nothing I can do to help her

And what to do here, and how to be here
If everything is now upside down
No need to grow halos and wings
Just don't be a jerk

And I'm only sure of one thing
It's time to choose
But if you decide not to be shit
And live easy and die

Mikhail Shakhnazarov

fecal sonnet

There was a time I was friends with Pegasus
The Muses gave me wine
But the mind was crushed by a land mine
And my country has become shit

Irreversibly damaged mind
Under the bloody KGB wing
By the way, I dreamed of Pennsylvania
You can't be born shit in it

And I also had a dream that I was a genius
What am I riding on a white horse
And in Russia everything is unchanged
So the native is drowning in shit

I'm talented smart and beautiful
Friends, I understood this a long time ago
It's a pity that the doctor disagrees with me
He said that I'm just shit

Recall that the leader of the group “Time Machine” Andrei Makarevich previously presented his song called “My Country Has Gone Crazy”. The new song conveys the singer's attitude to the events taking place between Ukraine and Russia. Previously, Makarevich had already been sharply criticized by his fans when he went to Ukraine to hold a concert in the territory of Donbass controlled by the National Guard.

After his concert, the singer faced open hostility from many Russians who support the Novorossiya militia in the civil war in Ukraine. Some deputies and public figures proposed to deprive the musician of state awards. Because of this, Makarevich even turned to Vladimir Putin for help. In a letter to the president, the musician asked for “protection from attacks,” and explained that he went to Ukraine only to support refugees. However, singer Andrey Makarevich was not noticed in the noticeable support of the latter.

Mikhail Shakhnazarov. Photo from personal archive

With the introduction of a ban on the import of certain types and varieties of overseas provisions, representatives of the liberal-minded intelligentsia lined up to mourn for prosciutto, parmesan and shrimp. And how they wailed! They moaned despite the fact that most of those who wept for gastronomic delights could not distinguish a mussel from an oyster yesterday. On the other hand, progressive individuals are ready to prove with foam at the mouth that, for example, grandparents taught them to eat with chopsticks from childhood, and caring parents simply did not let them go to school without sandwiches with jamon and salmon. Yes, completeness to you.

This, of course, is bad when, thanks to the conquests of the ideas of communism, a person in childhood saw nothing but liver sausage and Druzhba cheese curds, and an ugly toy car rolled around the empty shelves of shops. But we should not forget about spirituality either. After all, not only salmon, kreakly!

Moreover, adherents of the white ribbon brotherhood love to think about spirituality, their boundless love for the Motherland and the fact that the Motherland must be saved at all costs. And there are different ways to save. Some organize protests on the stormy Internet, others continue to argue that rock is peace.

So, a veteran of Soviet and Russian rock Andrei Makarevich visited a refugee camp in the Donbass, for which he sang his old songs. True, refugees cannot be divided into strangers and their own. Refugees are unfortunate people who need long-term support.

The question arises. And why didn't Andrey Makarevich go with concerts to the camps of those people who live under tent tents in Russia? Is the voyage to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian security forces and the performance of Andrei Vadimovich, accompanied by the waving of Ukrainian flags, an invisible pass to the concert venues in Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk or Lvov? Undoubtedly.

However, first of all, his desire to grow old with pomp is noticeable. Only one rocker in this situation did not take into account. His songs grow old along with him. But rather not. His songs will never be young, eternal.

Let us turn to the involution of the bard.

When "Machine" was the first number in Russian rock, people exclaimed: "Makarevich! This is class! What kind of poetry does he write? The times of commerce brought adjustments: “Makarevich? Is this the one who cooks meatballs on the TV set? Further more.

They will forget about poems and meatballs, but how they supported the punishers - they will remember until the end of days and songs. The first reaction to the Donbass tour of Makarevich is already there. The musician was advised not to visit the Crimea. Apparently, tickets for concerts in Moscow will soon be distributed exclusively among liberals and those who sympathize with the creator. In Russia, they always knew how to regret. Even those who don't deserve it.

And here's another one about a wonderful savior. American actors frequented Russia. In Crimea, Steven Seagal plays blues for the glory of Donbass, Mickey Rourke visited Moscow. The latter accidentally bought a T-shirt with the image of the President of Russia in GUM. He did a good deed, because the project with T-shirts is a charity, and the proceeds will go to the treatment of children.

But everything is not so simple, considered the well-known disc jockey Misha Kozyrev in the past, telling in the barrel organ mode of one of the TV channels how devastatingly bad it is for a person to live in Russia. After all, “Rourke with Putin in the United States is like Sobchak in a Navalny T-shirt here,” Mikhail says in all seriousness. Do you see how deeply paranoia has penetrated the ranks of liberal creative people?

Now going out into the street in a T-shirt with a portrait of Navalny is about the same as putting on a T-shirt with the profile of Stas Mikhailov or the full face of Elena Malysheva. Laughing will be equally loud and long. And one of the main fashionistas of the country is not up to protests. Ksenia Anatolyevna is busy with work and tours with population pranks in the supermarkets of central and other regions of Russia.

But back to Kozyrev. Further, one of the standard-bearers of the protest categorically claims that the president of Russia is associated all over the world with aggression, and calls Steven Seagal, Mickey Rourke, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger scumbags. Even among many devoted subscribers of Kozyrev, this virtual riot of the creaclic helminth caused a very harsh reaction.

Readers reminded Mikhail of Mickey Rourke's filmography and pointed to the complete creative failure of Mikhail himself. Regarding the dislike of the president, it was quite reasonable to advise you to go into the arms of Obama. But it's here. And in Ukraine, Misha Kozyrev is held in high esteem.

Because Misha is not a quilted jacket and not a Muscovite. He is a true patriot of America, the European Union and Ukraine, beautiful in its civility.

You read or listen to representatives of the liberal stratum and you begin to think about what keeps them here. After all, Russia, in which these people now live, they terribly hate. Here are quilted jackets, colorados and there is no salvation from them. And they adore another Russia, from their own fantasies. With homosexuals fearlessly kissing on Red Square, with women of easy virtue singing in temples and children with both parents of the same sex. And of course with shelves full of delicacies. After all, the main thing is freedom on the verge of lawlessness and the opportunity to eat well. That is, the promotion of the values ​​declared by the owners. And the owners can thank you.

It is clear that the conclusion is trivial. All these tribunes of liberal values ​​do not leave for one simple reason. Money tends to be eaten up quickly, and hatred of Russia, proclaimed from the radio studios in London or Hamburg, is no longer worth it.

So the fifth column has to, without resting the remnants of conscience, "work" in the home walls. Using, by the way, a truly liberal attitude of the authorities, which is so not appreciated for patience and condescension

When this imposing man takes the floor in political talk shows such as "Meeting Place" on NTV, then both viewers and people present in the studios expect a sparkling speech from him. And, as a rule, their expectations are justified. Original, witty, eloquent, quick-witted, impulsive - all this is about Mikhail Shakhnazarov - a journalist and an interesting person in all respects.

Brief biographical information

Misha's homeland is Soviet Riga. It happened in 1967, at that time the Shakhnazarov family lived in the Baltic States. Interestingly, Mikhail has Armenian roots, and his grandmother lived in Azerbaijani Baku. As a child, Mikhail studied at the Dinamo Children's and Youth Sports School in Riga. However, numerous injuries prevented the talented guy from becoming a professional hockey player.

After receiving a secondary education, our diverse hero decided to enter VGIK and entered. However, the directing didn't work either. The collapse of the USSR, economic devastation have made their own adjustments to the fate of the former Soviet people. Mikhail was not up to art, and he decided to open his own business. With business, he turned out more or less successfully. At one time he headed one of the branches of a Latvian bank in Moscow, then he organized his own insurance company, which, according to Shakhnazarov, was destroyed by enemies.

Well, then Mikhail became interested in sports journalism and literature - he tried himself both in prose and in poetry. In reviews of creative works, literary critics note the originality of the author and the liveliness of the characters of the characters in his works.

In addition to working in the editorial office of the Riga edition of Vesti Segodnya, he worked at one of the Latvian commercial radio stations, where he hosted a sports program and a program about Russian rock.

Since 2013 he has been living in Moscow. He worked in such Russian publications as Izvestia and Russian News Service.

Registered on Instagram, YouTube, VK. There is a page on Facebook, from where we draw the following information:

  • Religious views - Orthodoxy.
  • Political views - Vata.
  • Nickname - Yyhu Ibenpalu.
  • Marital status - married to Yulia Shakhnazarova since 2014.
  • There is a daughter Catherine from a previous marriage.

Shakhnazar's thoughts out loud and in print

  • You come across the statements of some homegrown liberals and think: what keeps them in Russia? After all, they are in a country where they are terribly hated. And they, in turn, do not like "quilted jackets", "colorados" and other patriots. It's very simple: liberals adore another Russia, from their fantasies. With homosexuals kissing on Red Square, with girls of easy virtue dancing and yelling in churches. And, of course, with shelves full of delicacies. After all, the main thing is unlimited freedom and the opportunity to eat well ...
  • Wars are different - cold and hot, with the use of weapons. Now we are experiencing a new round of such a war, which can be freely called ice.
  • For some reason, it is allowed to joke about straight people, but not at all about homosexuals! They are so annoying...
  • In Ukraine, they loudly declare the victory of democracy and freedom of speech in the country, but at the same time, nothing prevents them from arresting a journalist for dissent.
  • The fourth place of Ksenia Sobchak in the elections makes not only laugh, but wonder and think. She would have gained even more votes if she had even a little more acting talent.
  • We live in a time when, unfortunately, there are already more writers than readers.
  • In the dashing nineties, it was difficult to survive without a sense of humor.

Shakhnazarov about different people in prose

ABOUT commentator Andronov: everything is terrible in Russia according to Andronov! There are only feces eaters around, aggressors and invaders, and even some kind of patriarch is not like that. In general, not a state, but one continuous misunderstanding ...

About ex-governor of the Odessa region Saakashvili: Mikheil Saakashvili's mood depends on whether cocaine was brought in or not. If the powder is available in sufficient quantities, and its quality is at its best, then Mikhail becomes overly sociable. Having fired a volley in three nostrils, he either rallies, or translates another patriot of Ukraine into a horizontal position.

Shakhnazarov about different people in verse

ABOUT musician Makarevich on behalf of Makarevich:

I am talented, smart and beautiful -

Friends, I understood this a long time ago.

It's a pity that the doctor disagrees with me,

He said I'm just shit...

About actor Serebryakov:

I look at such eccentrics,

And why are you so vain itching.

The people will remember: Serebryakov lived an eccentric,

And that he was an actor will be erased from memory ...

ABOUT former double agent Skripal:

Skripal climbed onto the stove in thought,

I took vodka, a bowler hat with an accordion,

And he began to hamster buckwheat

Nice wooden spoon.

He chuckled loudly, choked,

Then lay down on the side,

And from the stove on the floor welled up

With a drawling wheeze: "Newbie!".

- Mikhail Shakhnazarov

Mikhail Shakhnazarov

11/23/2018, Crimea, Sevastopol
11/22/2018, Crimea, Simferopol, 18-00, library named after. AND I. Franko (st. Naberezhnaya, 29a). 11/23/2018, Crimea, Sevastopol, 18-00, Central Library. Tolstoy.

On November 22, Russian journalist Mikhail Shakhnazarov will arrive in Simferopol at the invitation of the Format A3 International Media Club.

In the Crimean capital, he will take part in a public meeting on the topic: "Russian media: degree of freedom."

Knowing how to talk about the serious with humor and seriously about the funny, Mikhail Shakhnazarov raises acute questions of both world politics and the moral and moral level of modern Russia, which is reflected in contemporary art: literature, cinema, music. “Even in the nineties, when almost everything was allowed, when it was hard for people of creative professions to survive, directors and actors did not think about making films that could trample on the sacred for the sake of popularity and money. Now they do not think, but do. Probably because everything is possible now,” Shakhnazarov believes.

Shakhnazarov's political statements are no less sharp. When this imposing man takes the floor on a talk show on federal channels, both viewers and people present in the studios expect sparkling words from him. The witty, eloquent and quick-witted speaker vividly and accurately expresses theses that many do not dare to pronounce from the big screens.

“You come across the statements of some homegrown liberals and think: what keeps them in Russia? - Michael asks a fair question. - After all, they are in a country where they are terribly hated. And they, in turn, do not like "quilted jackets", "colorados" and other patriots. It's very simple: liberals adore another Russia, from their fantasies. With homosexuals kissing on Red Square, with girls of easy virtue dancing and yelling in churches. And, of course, with shelves full of delicacies. After all, the main thing is unlimited freedom and the opportunity to eat well ... "

A native of Riga, Shakhnazarov comments on life in modern Latvia, which, according to the journalist, “resembles a booth with elements of pocket balancing act. Politicians here are interesting. They like to talk about the threat from Russia.”

Shakhnazarov calls the current political situation not even a cold one, but an “ice war”. “Wars are different - cold and hot, with the use of weapons. Now we are experiencing a new round of such a war, which can be freely called an ice war,” the journalist believes.

You can talk with Mikhail Shakhnazarov about the state of affairs in modern journalism, about "understandable" and "incomprehensible" trends in art, and discuss the impact of political events on the moral and ethical image of Russians on November 22 at 18-00 in Simferopol in the hall of the library named after. AND I. Franko (St. Embankment, 29a) and November 23 in Sevastopol at 18-00, in the Central Library. Tolstoy.

Admission is free with mandatory pre-registration by phone +7978 771 09 37, +7978 7315446 or by e-mail: [email protected]


Mikhail Shakhnazarov was born in 1967 in Riga. There he studied at the Dynamo hockey sports school. After an injury, he completed professional hockey lessons.

Then he entered VGIK at the directing department, then went into business. He became the head of a branch of a large Latvian bank in Moscow. Before leaving for journalism, he owned an insurance company. After these events, for 7 years he headed the sports department in the newspaper "Vesti Today", widely known in the Baltic countries. In 2013, he moved from Riga to Moscow, where he currently conducts his professional journalistic and literary activities.

“A hammer on the left, a sickle on the right” is a work for those who were born and raised in the USSR, as well as for those who have not seen those times, but really want to know how it really was in the country. Time and place of action: mid-eighties, one of the Union republics. Water "Borjomi", currency store "Beryozka", scarce imported boots accidentally "thrown" into the general store, and restaurants that can be entered without a queue only by acquaintance, trips to the collective farm by the entire labor collective ... In general, everything that in the country they would be glad to forget, but they remember with such pleasure, having gathered "for a glass of tea."

There is more laughter than sadness in the book Double Bass and a Jar of Truffles. “It contains a piece of my life, the life of my friends and the city, which remained only in memories,” says Mikhail Shakhnazarov. - When you walk along the streets familiar from childhood, you involuntarily begin to resurrect certain moments connected with your past in your memory. And you find yourself in an invisible cloud of nostalgia - a feeling that many consider sad. Nothing like this! Nostalgia gives us the very contrasts that make memories bright, sad, and dear to the heart. Here and about journalists, and about aces of smuggling, and about love, without which not a single book is able to live. And most importantly, all these stories are real.