A moment of fame with the participation of Posner and Litvinova. The network announced a boycott of Renata Litvinova for the scandal during her “minute of fame.” the most scandalous quotes from Renata Litvinova

Actually famous show talents in Russia "Minute of Fame" new scandal: project jury member Renata Litvinova asked a dancer with an amputated leg to fasten his second limb so as not to focus attention on his disability. The statement of the 50-year-old actress caused a storm of indignation in social networks: Viewers are calling on the producers to exclude Litvinova from the judges.

The actress’s act did not leave the show’s participant, 30-year-old Evgeny Smirnov, indifferent. The young dancer lost his leg due to a car accident, but decided to continue his career despite his physical disability. The artist managed to successfully perform in the “Dancing” show, forcing the jury to give him a standing ovation during his first performance, and took part in Nargiz Zakirova’s video and several other projects. Now Evgeniy has organized an inclusive dance school, where he conducts master classes and helps people with disabilities throughout the country. IN exclusive interview To Laif, Evgeniy emphasized that he considered Renata Litvinova’s act outrageous, and told how other participants reacted to the actress’s words.

Firstly, I’m very offended,” Evgeny Smirnov shared with Life. - These words were heard by all of Russia. And in general, hearing these remarks in your direction, amputee, not amputee, what’s the difference! I came to show what I can do, but they told me something like “go fasten your leg, and only then dance.” In general, they made it clear to me that there was nothing to do here without a leg. I don’t think there should be people on the jury who allow themselves to say such things. This is humiliating even for Litvinova herself.

How did other project participants who were behind the scenes react to Renata Litvinova’s statement?

I talked with the contestants, with the regular staff, and everyone was simply shocked by what was happening on stage, by our dialogue, or rather, monologue, because I didn’t even have time to object. After this, many people doubted whether to go on stage at all, and fear settled in some of their souls. And even before me, what Litvinova said to other people was simply terrible. For example, she told the children: “You are so scary, you should only act in horror films.” I was shocked.

Have you seen Vika Starikova’s performance, how did you react to Renata Litvinova’s criticism of her?

We performed right after Vika. When they told her this, I thought, what will they tell me? Will my creativity be evaluated? Unfortunately, they chose the other side. Unfortunately, I was not able to talk to Vika; I followed behind, and she was in shock. It was impossible to hide her disappointment, she walked around, cried, other participants came up to her and tried to calm her down.

Have you participated in others Russian projects, many people remember you from the show “Dancing”. Have you ever been told something similar at other competitions?

In "Dancing" there was everything humanly, both among the jury and the participants. There I walked with the message that I want to promote: I don’t notice that I’m missing a leg, I dance and show art. They gave me this opportunity and didn’t seem to notice either. I communicated and danced with everyone on equal terms, we were given the same tasks, without singling me out in any way. I have never heard such an attitude towards myself and such words as at the “Minute of Fame”.

Do you see any point in continuing to be involved in the “Minute of Glory” project?

I see the point in continuing to fight only because of what Litvinova said. She said the word amputee and asked me to strap my leg, you know? Now I'm putting up a number, let's see what happens next. But I will no longer be silent, I will express my position, and it doesn’t matter whether I will be allowed to the next round or not. I don’t care if I go further, if I make it through. I just want to defend my opinion, the opinion of a person, not an amputee.

Why you shouldn’t rush to crucify a child, even if he sang with mistakes

This was a few days ago, I was hoping that he would let me go, but alas. I'll have to start the post with anger, as usual. The post is not on Facebook, but different.

So here it is. Most of you don’t watch TV (threw it away, gave it away, broke it, why this zombie box, now everything can be downloaded on the Internet, etc.).

And I'm watching.

There is such a show “Minute of Fame”, this is an adaptation of the British project Britain’s Got Talent. People of different ages and varying degrees of talent come out, do things, and they are evaluated: whether they pass further or not.

And then a girl comes out. She is eight years old. Came from Nizhny Tagil. And he sings “Live in your head” by Zemfira.

Sings unevenly.

Vika from Nizhny Tagil sang Zemfira's song
“Live in your head.” Photo: First channel true_kpru

There are different girls in the world: some go out, hoot, and work like a German machine, others shake, bite their nails, but forget about everything on stage, others have fun, joke around and perceive everything as a game, others are not confident in themselves, they are afraid. These are the majority. The girl Victoria - yes, the name is appropriate - is one of those.

The little girl makes a mistake, then speeds up and delivers a pretty good cover overall. Mine. Special. With blots, but honest and sometimes really talented.

And then they start to trample her.

Yursky gets up first. It should be explained that I almost completely know by heart the lines of all his film characters. I saw “Foma Opiskin” at the Mossovet Theater three times, and a couple more times at “Dinner with Comrade Stalin” at the School modern play. I read three of the actor’s five books and once even helped a writer make a book about Jurassic himself. Let him consider Crimea “a terrible manifestation of Russia’s national lack of culture.” And he goes to “dissent” marches. For God's sake.

But what is he carrying?

– Sergey Yuryevich, do you know whose song this is? – asks the master the host of the show Mikhail Boyarsky.

– No (here attention to Litvinova’s face!).

“I would dream that you would write this song,” Yursky turned to the eight-year-old girl, referring to the song written by Zemfira at about 35 years old. “It seems to me that she could.” I feel the originality in the execution. This is not imitation. But, bowing to you, I’m afraid that on the next tour they will ask you to sing a different song. Or write something yourself that you didn’t present today (!). There's no need to rush. So you happened on big stage. On the big screen. It's begun! And don't let it be running. Let it be normal growth.

And presses the red button - home.

The girl begins to cry.

Continues Renata Litvinova, who, of course, was given large amounts during Zemfira’s song. She was offended that the girl:

a) doesn’t know Zemfira’s songs

b) doesn’t understand what the song is about

c) parents persuaded him to do the “forbidden trick”

Why is it prohibited? The parents, remembering the unconventionally close relationship between Z. and R., decided to persuade the child to sing this in order to outwit Litvinova and make her feel sorry for her? Or the girl came up with it herself.

Miracles of deduction.

Finishing off is Vladimir Pozner, who believes that it is impermissible to release an untalented child to slaughter just to amuse parental vanity.

The only adequate person was Svetlakov, who tried to stop the madness and save the child.

I don't know why, but it kills.

I rewatched and rewatched.

And I couldn’t understand how you could be such callous, wooden and heartless idols. Why were they put there at all? Yursky was born in 1935, he does not know the songs of Zemfira, or Splin, or the rappers who come to the project. Why put grandpa in an awkward position.

By what professional criteria did they kill the little one? “Director” Litvinova or TV presenter Posner heard a marriage in the upper register or realized that the girl could not hold the tessitura? People who had previously happily allowed professional acrobats, professional tightrope walkers, a professional magician into the project, professional dancers, professional gymnasts. For what? Who is interested in looking at them? Are we at the Zapashny circus for a casting?

And how is this even possible in principle - a child stands, cries, and is monotonously and measuredly rolled into the asphalt with passion.

What are you, comrades? This is a show. Let everything not be perfect, so what. She tried, she hit almost everything, accompanied herself, watched her hands. Which makes the task twice as difficult.

I’ve been writing about children’s “Voice” for four years now, I know how and where these children come from. There is no cronyism there. Often, municipal deputies or foundations collect money for tickets for them, local companies dress them, just so as not to embarrass themselves in Ostankino. And there sits an inflated redneck and, with the air of canned food professors, cuts off the girl’s wings with a chainsaw.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Pozner and Sergei Yuryevich Yursky - 163 years old between them - they so love to remember censorship and artistic councils that ruined a host of talents in the USSR.

“When child prodigies go on stage, it’s already clear that they are great,” Posner explained.

Is it okay that Arkhipova came to the conservatory at the age of 23? Montgomery started playing guitar at 20.

A student of the mathematical school of Nikolasha Rimsky-Korsakov, who was given the piano “for liberation,” was indifferent to music lessons at the age of 15, and by the age of 18 he took and wrote three movements of a symphony.

Aram Khachaturian studied physics and mathematics and until the age of 19 only heard about music.

Eight years old Victoria. Eight. At this age, nothing can be understood - it happened, it didn’t happen.

A small, eared miracle with a scythe. She sang unevenly, with mistakes, but she sang sincerely, quite cleanly on the choruses, originally, did not copy, and put all her little heart into it. Valery Obodzinsky had no music school, he worked as a fireman and tightened springs on mattresses, and then he began to sing - and sang all his life, contrary to the canons and methods. What's wrong with this?

As a result, the child was forced to throw a coin (this is the regulation!!!) to determine whether it remains further or not, because two judges are for it, two are against it. Medieval savagery and humiliation. It would be better if the revolver was immediately issued with one bullet - why waste time on trifles.

And, most importantly, not a single muscle moved on their faces when the child cried. Only Svetlakov, like a bear in a cage, pendulumed from Litvinova to Yursky.

Creative personalities, subtle natures, everything is clear. But I really want to wish Zemfira and Renata to have a child together. By any means - adoption or something else. And try for the first time at 40 to live not for yourself.

On the other hand, this is it.

“I sing this song about the fact that if you love a person, you don’t have to offend him,” a guilty Vika crucified in front of them on stage.

Is it possible to be more precise at all?

She's eight.

This is not about pity or even competition. The “Minute of Glory” show is not an exam for Gnesinka. This is just a TV project. Do you want to judge strictly? Fine. There is just one caveat. In the children's "Voice" kids are eliminated in batches, but this never happens in such a cynical, sophisticated and inhumane form. To kick the child and walk all over the parents in his presence. At least it's low.

P.S. Please watch until the end of Wiki's video. At the 12th minute the most important thing begins.

“An amputee” and a little girl brought to tears - we tell you what happened at the talent show and why the judging of Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner caused a wide resonance.

What happened?

In the new anniversary (as the ninth was jokingly called) season of the show “Minute of Fame,” the jury included journalist Vladimir Pozner, director Renata Litvinova, actor Sergei Yursky and former Comedy Club resident actor Sergei Svetlakov. Litvinova and Posner criticized the performance of the one-legged dancer without a prosthesis, Evgeniy Smirnov. Posner noted that the number he saw - real feat, however, asked not to use “prohibited techniques.” In his opinion, after such a dance it is impossible to say “no” to a participant in the show. However, the journalist himself voted against it. Litvinova, in turn, called Smirnov an “amputee” and suggested that he fasten his leg so as not to abuse his disability.

Have there been similar cases in the history of the show?

A week earlier, the judging of “Minute of Glory” brought 8-year-old Vika Starikova from Nizhny Tagil to tears. The girl sang Zemfira's song - Live in your head. Vladimir Pozner expressed doubt that the child understands what he is singing about: “Can a person feel this at eight years old?” When the host of the TV project, Mikhail Boyarsky, asked the crying Vika to retell the meaning of the song, the girl replied: “If you love a person, you don’t need to offend him.” The singer’s friend and video director Renata Litvinova pressed the refusal button with the words: “I protest against this.”

What is the public reaction?

The words of Litvinova and Posner caused controversy even during filming, mainly due to differences of opinion with the rest of the jury. After the show aired the scandalous episodes, two points of view emerged - supporting the straightforwardness of the “Minute of Fame” jury and condemning the cruel judging. However main question in the current situation, they addressed Channel One: the program is aired recorded, that is, employees had the opportunity to view the footage and cut out dramatic episodes.

Who opposed the jury's decision?

Musician and composer Maxim Fadeev wrote a post about Vika Starikova’s performance, calling the judges’ attitude towards the child cruel and insensitive: “Of course, there should be criticism, but it should be careful and not evil. In relation to such a little girl - in the form of a game, or soft and fatherly.” Regarding Evgeny Smirnov’s speech, Fadeev noted that “Minute of Fame” is not broadcast live, which means that everything that is broadcast is the position of Channel One: “This is the worst thing, because they make a show out of pain.”

TV presenter Lena Letuchaya spoke out on her Instagram, “calling the judging of the show poverty of souls”: “And then we wonder why in our country people with disabilities are not considered people?! Yes, because on the First they are called amputees, humiliated, and this is the norm, and it is proudly shown to the whole country! No, I urge you not to feel sorry, but to treat them as equals!”

Sergei Svetlakov, being a member of the “Minute of Fame” jury, even during the filming process did not agree with the assessment of Victoria Starikova’s performance: “This song shows all the talent of this child. At eight years old, she may be more talented than all of us.”

Who supported the position of the “Minute of Fame” jury?

Mikhail Boyarsky expressed gratitude to the jury members for their “sincerity” - according to the presenter, if he were a talent judge, he would not have been able to demonstrate this quality.

During the debate among users on social networks and the media, many supported the position of Litvinova and Posner. “Posner chose his expressions and did not offend anyone! Both in relation to Zhenya and in relation to Victoria”, “Since when did the word disabled become a dirty word in our country? No one insulted anyone, and some saw in the words of the jury double meaning, for which they themselves are to blame. One gets the impression that those who criticize Posner and Litvinova’s crystal purity are not without sin themselves, but suddenly joined the ranks of those condemning”, “Renata meant that if Evgeniy Smirnov had been with a leg, then they, not knowing about his features, could I would like to evaluate him on an equal basis with everyone else. And here you are creating some kind of madhouse, without delving into the essence.”

At the same time, musician Yuri Loza decided to stand up for the director and actress

The next episode of the entertainment show “Minute of Fame” caused a storm of indignation among users of social networks and representatives Russian show business. The reason for fierce debate was the refereeing of Renata Litvinova, who called the dancer Evgeny Smirnov, who is missing one leg, an “amputee” and advised him to wear a prosthesis.

The "Minute of Fame" show continues to be rocked by scandals. Thus, in one of the episodes of the program, eight-year-old Victoria Starikova, who performed Zemfira’s composition “Live in Your Head,” was subjected to real execution. The jury members attacked the child with far from childish criticism, which brought little Vika to tears.

Another incident occurred on March 4 during the performance of the dance duet Alena Shcheneva and Evgeny Smirnov. The artists performed a poignant number to the song “Together” by Maxim Fadeev and Nargiz. According to Evgeniy, after a car accident his leg was amputated, but he did not give up dancing and now inspires people with disabilities.

However, not all members of the jury reacted to his action with understanding. Thus, TV presenter Vladimir Pozner called Evgeniy’s dance a “great feat,” but at the same time made a reservation that the young man used a “forbidden technique.” “When a person comes out, like you, without a leg, it is impossible to say no,” Posner explained and voted “against,” which caused a disapproving roar in the hall.

Then Renata Litvinova took the floor and decided to “sympathize” with Evgeniy, calling him an “amputee.” She then suggested that the contestant wear a second leg strap so that his disability would not be so obvious. Sergei Svetlakov stood up for the participant, as in the case of Vika Starikova. According to him, Evgeniy “did what many of us with two legs cannot do.” After this, the presenter of the program, Mikhail Boyarsky, pathetically thanked the jury members for their sincerity and honesty.

Unexpectedly volunteered to defend Renata Litvinova from the “accusers” Russian musician and blogger Yuri Loza. As the performer wrote on his page on Facebook, "an amputee is official name people with an amputated limb or limbs, and not an offensive nickname."

Loza noted that he had already seen this number in the video of Maxim Fadeev and Nargiz - “it is really impressive and touching.” However, to “get involved” with this number in the competition program is on par with healthy people the musician considers it “wrong and immoral in its own way.”

The artist said that it was not the jury members who should be “gouged out,” but the organizers. “Don’t pit children against people with disabilities and don’t force your media comrades to choose who gets ahead and who doesn’t! There shouldn’t be any winners here! I got my moment of fame and go home!” – Loza concluded.

Producer Maxim Fadeev holds the opposite point of view. According to him, until recently he considered Vladimir Pozner one of the best interviewers in Russia, but now he saw in him a person “with an absolutely cold heart.”

“Do I understand correctly that Mr. Posner is against the participation of people with any form of disability in any TV competitions? Their access there should be denied like lepers? And as if they don’t exist?” asks Fadeev in his column on Life.ru entitled "Amputation of conscience in prime time."

He was especially outraged by the behavior of Litvinova, who called Evgeniy an “amputee.” The producer noted that if Renata had uttered such a line on the air of any American TV show, she would have had to pay a fine for public insult and humiliation of a person, and in the future she would have been threatened with “real social isolation - from the inability to get a job to the loss of a circle friends."

“To summarize my text, I want to say that it is better to be physically disabled than spiritually disabled. I hope you understand me,” concluded Fadeev.

Every new release The anniversary season of the talent search show “Minute of Fame” on Channel One turns into a scandal. Viewers are outraged by the behavior of the jury in this project. “Nothing changes from issue to issue. The same cynically inadequate jury with the strange judgment of the participants,” “Boyarsky, Litvinova, Pozner, Yursky... The jury was recruited by Galkin, or what? The only ray is Svetlakov, who was taken, probably because of the ratings, because without it it’s a rabble of old farts,” “If people don’t understand what criteria to judge by, I should have explained to them in advance, I respect the people judging this competition as professionals in their field, but as a jury they are terrible. Litvinov is especially amazed. The lady is full of her own fears, phobias, complexes. Why should the whole country know about them?" - TV viewers are angry in the comments to the recordings of the episodes


Most of all they are outraged by the actress, director and screenwriter Renata Litvinova. She always played a kind of unearthly lady of the era of decadence with all the signs inherent in the movement - aestheticism, individualism. Aspiration, signature intonations by which Renata can be recognized even in the dark, turns of the head, wringing of hands - for this, obviously, Litvinova was called to judge the participants in the “Minute of Fame”. The star acts here in the role of a clown, and she herself is not aware of this. After all, the audience often roars with laughter, listening to her ridiculous comments.

“If I were going crazy, it would look exactly the same. I thought you were some kind of head nurse from “Cuckoo’s Nest”. When did you start shaking the counting machine with these things... I’m just afraid of you. This is what “That’s absurd. I probably even overexerted myself,” she says to the ensemble playing unusual instruments. “Do you want to change your last name? You just came and didn’t say it. I thought you were embarrassed by it,” she said to a participant named Pisyach. "I know that in our country it is difficult to be an amputee... Maybe you should fasten the other leg? It may not be so obviously missing so as not to exploit this topic!" - she advised the disabled person.

Her last statement turned into a scandal. After a flurry of indignation on social networks, as previously, an employee of the Red Square company, who was responsible for preparing “Minute of Fame” for airing, was fired from Channel One. He watched the episode, in which dancer Evgeny Smirnov, who lost his leg, participated, and missed Litvinova’s boorish words.

TV viewers note that Renata is not only rude, but generally has a poor command of the Russian language, liberally peppering her speech with expressions and words that she herself immediately invents: “Girl, every hair counts for me, and you can advertise hair shampoo,” “Horror.” ! Your pants are terribly tight! It should be noted that Litvinova graduated from the screenwriting department of VGIK. When writing a thesis script entitled “The principled and compassionate look of Ali K.” Litvinova had problems with a reviewer who negatively assessed the almost finished work, accusing Renata of not being able to speak Russian. As a result, it had to be rewritten three times.