MK for making folk dolls, wedding lovebirds. A talisman that will protect your family life. Is it possible to tell fortunes by the amulet?

The birth of a new family has always been one of the most important events in the life of every person. Many beliefs accompany this oldest of sacraments, but a special place is occupied by amulets in the form of dolls, which reliably protect family values ​​for many years. The Lovebirds doll is a symbol of a strong family union and personifies the unity of the masculine and feminine into one whole, and also serves as a powerful amulet that accompanies a married couple throughout their lives.

The doll combines a male and female figure with one common hand. This is a symbol of the fact that from now on the two will always be together, equally sharing among themselves all the joys and sorrows that they are destined to encounter on the long journey of life.

Possible options

A doll given as a wedding gift to newlyweds. It is very good if the amulet is made by the hands of close relatives or made to order by a master who specializes in making wedding ritual dolls. When children appear in the family, it is on the common hand of the Lovebirds that bright knots, tassels made of woolen threads or bells are tied, as a symbol of common care for the growing children.

A doll created with her own hands by a girl who dreams of getting married.“Lovebirds” will certainly attract male energy into the home of a lonely dreamer. This amulet is also suitable for those couples who are just about to tie the knot.

Amulet “Lovebirds” in the form of embroidery. This look is suitable for almost everyone: girls and boys dreaming of long-awaited love, married couples who have been happily married for more than one year, as well as newlyweds who have just entered into a marriage union. Very often, such dolls are given as gifts for family anniversaries. Such gifts are appropriate even for elderly couples.

Anyone who decides to make the Lovebirds amulet must pay special attention to the color scheme of the material that will be used in the process of creating this magical item.

Color meaning

  • The color red symbolizes health, happiness, and also love;
  • Orange – wealth, profit, rich harvest;
  • Shades of blue are the personification of the water element, as well as a symbol of feminine harmony. This color attracts good fortune;
  • Green is a symbol of health, peace, prosperity. All its shades mean unity with nature;
  • White is the color of the divine principle, heavenly purity. Since ancient times, the Slavic peoples not only wore snow-white shirts, but also whitewashed their houses with white chalk so as not to lose touch with God;
  • Silver color is a symbol of prosperity. Used in amulets to attract money;
  • Black and brown colors are symbols of fertility, in which the Earth, so revered by our ancestors, is painted.

Manufacturing methods

Wedding doll

For production you will need:

  • A wooden stick, about 30-35 cm long, about 1 cm in diameter;
  • A piece of white fabric about 45 cm long, about 15 cm wide (for wrapping the common hand of lovebirds);
  • 2 pieces of white fabric for heads measuring 20x40 cm;
  • 2 scraps of red fabric for sewing shirts of figures about 35 cm long, about 20 cm wide;
  • Fabric for trousers for a figure of a guy up to 30 cm long, up to 20 cm wide;
  • Fabric for a scarf for a figurine of a girl measuring 20x20 cm;
  • Fabric for a guy’s hat 10×10 cm;
  • Beautiful decorative braid or hand-woven braids made of colored threads;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Threads of any red shade (wool or floss);
  • Apron for a girl (made by hand, then decorated with embroidery).

The stick is carefully wrapped in prepared fabric, and the ends are tied with red thread so that the knots are at the back. This will be the basis of the doll - the hand. Then you should form a girl’s head from the flap by folding the fabric vertically, and then connecting the edges in the middle. Having folded the fabric in the middle, place the cotton wool in the front half. Then they mark the neck with the same red thread. After this, the resulting blank is applied to the hand, and then I begin to design the lower part of the figures - a skirt with trousers, folding the fabric into a kind of tube in a vertical position.

Then the workpiece is bent in half, applied to the hand, after which the guy’s head is formed and the thread is tightly tied. You can put red shirts on the figures, and tie the threads in the form of protective crosses, which will only enhance the effect of the amulet. Usually, the figurine of a girl is decorated with an apron and a scarf is tied on her head.

The main feature of creating a talisman with your own hands is that no sharp objects are used throughout the entire process. The doll is knitted by hand, and therefore has long been called woven. Lovebirds do not have a face; instead, a cross is knitted with thread or braid, signifying unity with nature.

A doll for an unmarried girl or a future married couple

The amulet is made from a single piece of white fabric, always of natural origin. You will need:

  • A piece of white fabric, measuring 30x30 cm;
  • Red wool threads;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Multi-colored shreds (if you want to dress up lovebirds beautifully).

Everything is done very simply. First, the fabric is folded in half and then tied in the middle with a thread, wrapped around it several times. It turns out something like a bow. Then the lovebird heads are formed. To do this, you need to pull the fabric over your index finger, then tie it with thread, but not tightly, so that after the finger is removed, you can freely fill the void with pre-prepared cotton wool. Now you can tighten the thread tighter, making sure to wrap it around several times.

Once the heads of the figures are ready, you can begin to form the legs and arms of the figures. Let's not forget that this couple has one hand in common. All this is also done by repeatedly wrapping it with thread.

The dolls' chests are tied crosswise with a thread; this is also a solar sign and means protection from evil eyes. If you want the amulet to be bright, you can dress up a couple to your liking; multi-colored fabric scraps are suitable for this purpose.


Absolutely any method can be chosen for making the Lovebirds amulet. The main thing is to put only a positive charge into it with the best wishes. Advice and love!

The Lovebirds doll is a symbol and amulet of a strong family union, so it is made as if on one hand, so that the husband and wife walk through life hand in hand, and are together in joy and trouble.
Currently, the tradition has been preserved. Now, like hundreds of years ago, despite technological progress, you can make dolls with your own hands and give them to a new family from the bottom of your heart with the wish to never be separated.
In Russian tradition, at the head of the wedding train, carrying the young couple to the groom's house after the wedding in the church, a pair of dolls - wedding lovebirds - were suspended under the arc of the harness. The feminine and masculine principles were combined into a single inextricable whole. After the wedding celebration, this doll couple was kept in the house as a talisman of family relationships and fidelity.

To make a doll we will need:
stick with a diameter of 1 cm, length 28-30 cm,
white cloth for wrapping a stick, 12-14 cm wide, 40 cm long,
a piece of white (or better slightly matte fabric) for the girl’s head 20x40 cm, for the guy’s head 20x20 cm,
a piece of red or colored fabric for a girl’s shirt 30 cm long, for a guy 20 cm (both width 14-15 cm),
flap for trousers (preferably striped, but not necessary) width approximately 20 cm depending on the density of the fabric, length 28-29 cm,
scarves made from half a square 20x20 cm,
a flap suitable for a guy’s headdress, square 10x10 cm,
braid of a suitable color and texture or belts/ribbons woven from threads,
a little padding polyester,
an apron for a girl (it’s better when there are several of them, you’ll ask for one yourself),
red threads,
boots (it’s convenient to use old leather gloves, or sew them from any material),
two flexible plates or wires for shaping the bend of the foot inside the boots.

1 Wrap the stick in white cloth, tie the ends with red thread, and make knots at the back.

2 We fold the flap for the girl’s head vertically, connecting the edges in the middle, then again, then fold it into one strip, bend it in half, put a padding polyester in the front half, tuck it in and mark the neck with a long red thread.

3 We apply the blank to the ARM and decorate the trousers, rolling the material vertically into a tube, bend it in half and also apply it to the hand, tie up the trousers and put on the blank of the guy’s shaped head on top (similarly from a 20x20 square), tie protective crosses in front.

4 We fold a piece of red fabric for a guy’s shirt vertically in half, make a small slot for the head and enlarge it at the back to the size of the head, form the sleeves.

5 We form the girl’s shirt in the same way, but we only cut the sleeves without cutting them off, we tie the back of the shirt around the body.

6 Choose an apron. Having chosen, we tie it with braid, and at the same time we tie the skirt. You can tie a belt at the front. As you can see, such a detail as an apron creates a certain character for the girl, this can be taken into account. We also decide to leave the girl’s long sleeves or design the shirt like a sundress (then we cut off the sleeves when shaping the shirt)

7 We put the guy in boots, insert a flexible plate inside the boot (these are often used to secure bags of bread). The boots can be tied with red thread for elegance.

8 We apply the flap for the hat to the head and fit the head end-to-end at the back, fold it and tie it with the prepared braid.

9 We select a scarf and tie it in the traditional way (cross it in front and tie it at the back of the neck).

The doll is ready. Advice and love to you for a long happy life!

Wedding dolls were of great importance in Rus'. Some of them were placed on the newlywed's lap in order to evoke maternal power. Secretly from the newlyweds, before the wedding, another special doll was sewn by the mother of the bride. During the wedding ceremony, the mother tore two small dolls from the hem of the large doll and handed them over to the new family with wishes for prosperity and childbearing. The large doll remained in her house.

The symbol of the spirit of ancestors addressed to their descendants was an ash doll. As a sign of the clan, it carried the idea of ​​its preservation and multiplication of offspring.

Ritual wedding folk doll

In the Russian tradition, at the head of the wedding train, carrying a young couple to the groom’s house after the wedding, a pair of dolls were hung under the bow of the harness: a Bride doll and a Groom doll, so that they would avert unkind glances at themselves. These dolls were very symbolic - the feminine and masculine principles were combined into an inextricable whole.

The dolls were made by the bridesmaids from scraps of white, red and other multi-colored fabric, using scraps of multi-colored threads. The basis was a splinter or a thin flat sliver 25-30 cm long, up to 1.5 cm wide from any tree except alder and aspen (these trees were associated with evil spirits).

The dolls have one common hand, so that husband and wife go through life hand in hand, We were together in joy and in trouble. The dolls can be moved freely along the “hand”.

Scheme for making a doll

One of the dolls is called “Mother’s Blessing.” At first glance, the figurine of a woman is ordinary, but two small figures are sewn on the apron: a man’s and a woman’s. We made such a doll for a wedding. During the festive feast, the bride's mother separated these figures from the large doll and gave them to the young people. This ritual helped the woman survive her daughter’s departure to another home.

Awakened... Reborn again... and what is surprising and not surprising at the same time... that she turned out to be outwardly “very simple”... very earthly... and very Woman...)) the way I now feel myself... and I was very pleased with such a “harmonious” combination of external images with internal content... (such congruence)... and a feeling of fullness, calmness and confidence in a bright future, and some responsibility, realizing your Feminine purpose as a Goddess on Earth... and most importantly


Thank you so much, Anya, for recording. This topic interested me even during a meeting with Sal Rachel. Thanks to your explanation, I finally realized what the nonlinearity of time means.))) Theoretically, I see it as a view from above, but I wanted to feel the difference... And the concept of integration was revealed more fully... And after the technique, I had a very clear feeling that I would succeed... Thank you, dear. Good luck!

Maryana - Healing Time Lines

Wonderful technique! As always, at the right time and at the right moment, you really are a sorceress, Anya!)) I presented all the pictures, there was a flight in time and space on my spaceship, on which I fly to the Moon)) There were 3 bright moments where I showed determination, courage...

Alina - Healing Time Lines

How to describe the feeling of self-love? is this possible? This is exactly what this practice gave me. I allow myself more pleasures, I judge myself less, I forgive myself more often, I feel calmer, kinder, softer, sweeter, more cheerful, lighter, more feminine. I just love myself more and my whole life is painted in different colors.


I would like to express my endless gratitude to Anna for her magical training, Awakening of the Goddess! This is my first training. The impressions from him exceeded all expectations!

Invaluable material, beautifully, clearly, harmoniously presented, conveyed with great love and great attention to each participant.

Changes begin to occur already during the training, you suddenly realize that you feel happier, lighter,...


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The goddess was born in me after all, my life has now begun to change for the better, my dreams, some immediately, and some gradually began to come true. What a pity that I didn’t undergo such training 20 years ago, how much fuller and happier my life would have been, but even now I am very grateful to Anna for the opportunities she gave me, and now I know that everything is possible, and it’s all in my hands!


Anya! Thanks for the magical training! I was surprised by the presentation of the material and the very content of this training. It was unique! This is not my first women's training, and, unlike traditional schemes and standards, this came as a big surprise to me! The most interesting, unique...


The “Awakening of the Goddess” training, authored by Anna Galtseva, is truly a magical gift!!! All activities were imbued with love, and I looked forward to them. For me, "Awakening of the Goddess" is a fascinating journey into yourself, your feelings, emotions and a short path to a dream (and at the same time find out if this is really my dream?) Nowadays a lot is said about what you need to love (love...


I express my deep gratitude and deep gratitude to Anna for the training. Over the course of a month, she, sparing no time, passed on invaluable knowledge to us with patience and kindness. The Goddess lives inside every woman, but sometimes she just dozes and does not give up her power. And we were able to awaken it in ourselves! And this is true! In just a month of classes using Anna’s original methodology I am from an eternally tired emotionally and physically woman

Slavic protective dolls were made not only to solve private problems, but also in honor of major holidays or significant events in a person’s life. Thus, dolls were made for weddings, which were designed to bond a couple of newlyweds for life. Like all magical Slavic figurines, the Lovebirds doll had no facial expression, and no facial features either. This is a double doll that represented a guy and a girl united with one hand. Such dolls need to be made only from special materials and objects.

The Lovebirds doll is a wedding doll that is given to newlyweds and symbolizes their long, strong relationship. The Slavs believed that such a doll brought happiness to a young couple. The amulet consists of a pair of dolls, which are made so that they have one hand in common. A couple is a guy and a girl, serving as a symbol of the feminine and masculine principles. The common hand for a pair of Lovebirds served as a symbol of the fact that two halves of one whole, two principles are inextricably united. It was believed that a young newlywed couple would walk hand in hand all their lives if they had such a talisman.

Rules for making a Lovebirds doll with your own hands

Custom dictated that the doll should be made by the bridesmaid. No sharp, piercing or cutting objects should be used when working on the doll. Everything is done only by the hands of a master or craftswoman. Fabrics are torn from the whole cloth rather than cut. The thread for winding parts of the product should not be interrupted; you need to use a solid red thread.

When making the Lovebirds doll, the following materials are used:

  1. Pieces of fabric in white, red and black - square, 20x20 cm in size and others, for the groom's boots, the bride's scarf and other elements.
  2. Multi-colored yarn - wool, linen, silk or any other threads made from natural fibers.
  3. A sliver of durable wood or a splinter.
  4. Filling – cotton wool, linen (sintepon is allowed).

A stick for the doll's handles can be taken with a width of no more than 1.5 cm, and a length of no more than 25 or 30 cm. You can take any wood except aspen and alder. The ancient ancestors of the Slavs were sure that these types of trees were directly connected with evil spirits and quickly absorbed negativity. In order not to interact with such materials, it is better not to use them at all to create a favorable amulet.

Proper Use of Lovebirds

After the wedding, the newlyweds place the doll in the “red corner,” that is, in the holy place of the house where the young family will live. If there is no such angle, then you can hang the amulet in a visible place. When a baby is born, parents attach one of the following options to the Lovebirds:

  • small figures;
  • bells;
  • yarn tassels;
  • thread pompoms.

The birth of children must be celebrated on the amulet. Marks about babies should be placed between “father” and “mother” on the amulet. It is not advisable to wash the doll either in a machine or by hand - it may unwind. It's best to dust it off from time to time.

Is it possible to tell fortunes using the amulet?

Everything unusual that happened to the doll was perceived as signs. Incidents could be associated with both good and bad signs and warnings. Someone could have done something bad, sent damage to the family, or the doll itself had already served its purpose. If, for example, a common thread connecting the dolls into one whole, or tied to a common handle, breaks accidentally during storage and use, then the married couple should think hard about their relationship. Something needs to be adjusted, changed and efforts made to protect the family from disintegration.

Is it necessary to part with such a talisman?

Lovebirds have no expiration date or expiration date. She served the couple all her life. Only after one of the spouses passed on to another world could one say goodbye to the doll. But this was at the request of the widow (or widower). It happened that the doll was dismantled by the adult children of the deceased spouses.

But if the doll breaks, unwinds, or the thread breaks, then you need to say goodbye to it. It is extremely difficult to reassemble a broken doll; it has many common pieces. In these cases, the doll is dismantled and burned with gratitude. And for married couples, new Lovebirds are made, which can be presented as a gift for the anniversary of their married life. Under no circumstances should you use a broken amulet.