Moscow ASC logistics workshop: registered letter. What is it? Moscow ASC-DTI - what it is and what organization it is. Registered letters, notices with the code Moscow ASC-DTI

A notice of a registered letter with an unclear return address - Moscow ASC (and residents not only of the capital region receive it) can raise a lot of questions. Who is behind sending such letters and what information do they contain?

Moscow ASC - what is it?

The addressee will receive a registered letter in person at the post office; until the envelope is opened, he will not know what information the message carries. What does this abbreviation mean and why is it included in the sender line?

Moscow ASC – automated sorting center"Russian Post", located in the village of Lvovsky, Podolsky district, Moscow region.

The center serves the capital and most surrounding regions. Sorting of letters in it is carried out automatically; employee intervention when processing correspondence is required in cases where the address and postcode do not match each other or are written illegibly.

The automated center processes up to 3 million pieces of mail per day; this ASC accounts for up to a quarter of the country’s total postal turnover. If the notification indicates the Moscow ASC logistics workshop, the registered letter was processed at an automated sorting center near Podolsk before sending.

The second large ASC in Russia is located in St. Petersburg; up to 2 million letters, parcels and parcels pass through it every day. The stamp “St. Petersburg ASC” will appear on the notification of a registered letter sent from St. Petersburg and three neighboring regions - Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov.

Where might the letter come from?

The postal notice contains minimal information about the letter: in addition to the type of item (registered, valuable, declared value, etc.), it only indicates the processing point and the weight of the envelope. It is impossible to guess the contents from the notice, which states “Moscow ASC, registered mail, 20 g.”

Another abbreviation, which often appears next to the ASC in a postal notice, will tell you more about the nature of the message - DTI (additional technological index). Letters with an additional index are of an official nature, and their senders are government agencies or large companies:

  • traffic police;
  • Federal Tax Service;
  • Pension Fund;
  • bailiffs;
  • other departments;
  • banks and companies.

Hence the conclusion - the sender of the correspondence can most likely be a government service if in the “from” line in the notification the abbreviation DTI is indicated along with the mark ASC logistics workshop (registered mail).

What might come in these letters?

Having found out the meaning of the abbreviations DTI and ASC - what it is on a postal notice (St. Petersburg or Moscow), the recipient may be interested in the purpose for which the addressee decided to contact him. Considering that the DTI index is assigned not only to government services, but also to companies, the envelope may contain an advertising brochure that is unnecessary for the addressee or a commercial offer that is irrelevant for him.

If the sender was a government agency, it is possible that the message contains a requirement that the recipient must fulfill:

  • notification to the traffic police of a fine for violating the rules traffic;
  • warning from the Federal Tax Service about the need to pay tax;
  • information from the court about the date and time of the meeting at which the
  • the addressee is present;
  • requirement to comply with a government decision.

The recipient of the correspondence should be aware that if the notice indicates “Moscow ASC-DTI registered letter”, that this may be a requirement of some government agency. The addressee has the right to express disagreement with it. He has 10 days to complete this procedure.

The corresponding application must be submitted to the sending organization.
The letter may contain other important information. Thus, the Pension Fund periodically sends out reports to clients on the state of their savings.

How to check the sender on the Russian Post website?

No matter how little information the label “Moscow ASC Logistics Workshop” carries, the notice still contains the necessary details to determine the sender on the official website of Russian Post. To do this, you need to enter the postal identifier, or track number, which is assigned to each registered shipment, into the search bar in the tracking service. In the notification it is located under the barcode.

After entering the 14 digits (without spaces) that make up the track number, the user will know:

  • name of the authority or company that sent the message;
  • the progress of the movement of the postal item, the date and time when it left one or another branch of Russian Post.

In this way, the recipient will find out who is the sender of the letter marked “Moscow ASC Logistics Workshop - Registered Letter”, what it is on the postal notice and what path the letter took to its destination.

The message must be received within the specified time frame. At the post office, registered mail (except for judicial mail) is stored for 30 days; after this time, the post office employees send it to the return address. The period for receiving notice from the court is 7 days.

The infrastructure of the capital includes many government organizations working in the provision of any budget services to its residents. Bodies function in Moscow social protection, Internal Affairs Directorate, Prosecutor's Office, Vodokanal and many other structures that together ensure the full life of the city. One of the most significant municipal formations can be called the Moscow Automated Sorting Center, located in the village. Lvovsky on Magistralnaya street.

This center is listed as the first to appear in Russia. The institution has a rich history. During its existence, it has significantly expanded its capacity, increased the speed of processing correspondence and its movement throughout the service area. Currently, the Moscow ASC sorts about a quarter of all correspondence in circulation. Regular, registered letters sent first class or having declared value, as well as parcels, parcels and other items are subject to processing.

The Moscow ASC for Logistics began its work in 2009. The area of ​​the present center occupies about 29,000 sq.m. The well-known Italian company SELEX Elsag SpA, selected as a result of a competition, took an active part in the construction of the company, as well as in equipping it with sorting equipment. When creating the organization, best practices in the formation of postal infrastructure and highly efficient information Technology. The Moscow ACC workshop operates on the zonal-nodal principle of mail transportation, which significantly reduces the number of processing and sorting operations, optimizes the logistics system and ensures accelerated movement of items through populated areas.

ASC Moscow: areas of work

The ASC in Moscow processes written correspondence of various types. Sorting takes place in a special machine that reads the address and index, ensuring automatic output of the letter. Incorrectly completed envelopes (with an illegible address or without an index) are processed manually.

Parcels are also sorted at the Moscow ASC. Accepted parcels are weighed and scanned, during which their barcode is determined. The high-performance machine operating here is equipped with 5 lines for loading items and 1 line for large-sized parcels.

One of the center's tasks is to process unformatted written correspondence.

Address: Moscow region, Podolsk city district, Lvov microdistrict, Magistralnaya street, 7


Positive aspects

Since 10/14/17, the parcel has been sorted in Podolsk ASC 140983, I really hope that you will still sort and send parcel 14007016916137, I’m really looking forward to it. Recently the post office didn’t deliver a package, it’s my money and time that I spend waiting for it and not waiting for it, and writing reports about it being lost. I won’t tolerate it a second time, we’ll sort it out through the prosecutor’s office.

A regular mailbox is traditionally used to receive various correspondence. Unfortunately, it is often filled with various advertising offers that are unnecessary for a person, some of which can be formatted in the form of a regular letter. Therefore, it is not surprising that many mailbox owners are extremely wary of notifications from addresses they are unfamiliar with. For example, some people began to report that they had received a registered letter, the sender of which was some Moscow ASC logistics workshop.

Naturally, several questions immediately arise:

  • What kind of organization is this?
  • Is such a letter so important that you need to go to the required branch of the Russian Post to receive it?

These questions should be answered in detail.

What kind of institution is this and why does it send letters to a person?

In the very name of the organization, Moscow ASC Logistics Workshop, there is only one abbreviation - “ASC”. It stands for "Automatic Sorting Center". The purpose of this organization is to relieve the workload of regular employees. postal services countries, redirecting part of the correspondence through the new logistics workshop.

Sometimes you can find another abbreviation in the name - “DTI”, which means “additional technical index.

More recently, this particular service began to be used for sending various special correspondence. First of all, from various government bodies.

Before answering the second question, it is important to understand what exactly such registered letters may contain.

What exactly can such an organization send?

So, we figured out what this institution means. And why does it engage in such activities? It remains to understand what exactly such letters may contain.

As already written above, the overwhelming majority of correspondence sent through this service is sent to a person from one of the government agencies. That is, it may contain:

  1. Notification of the need to pay a fine for violating traffic rules.
  2. Any other court order.
  3. An activation code intended for access to your personal account on the pages of one of the state Internet portals.
  4. Reminder notifications about the need to pay one of the debts, primarily credit.
  5. Proposals for debt restructuring or a program for more comfortable repayment.

Various advertising or commercial offers can also be received through this service.

It is important to note that such activities do not require the recipient to make any payments for receiving what was sent to him. Especially if someone brought a notice to a person at his residence address and demands money for its delivery, just call the nearest branch of the Russian Post to resolve this issue.

In addition, the recipient has the opportunity to find out who exactly sent him the letter. To do this you need:

  • Go to the official resource of the Russian postal service;
  • Find search string;
  • Enter fourteen numbers into it, which can be seen under the barcode on the notification.

The result of these actions will be the information the citizen needs.

Is it necessary to receive such letters?

So, most of the incoming information is sent in this way by one of the government agencies Russian Federation. Of course, you can ignore it and not visit post office. What will this lead to? To the following results:

  • The letter will be stored for exactly one month;
  • Then it will be returned to the sender.

And here there is one very important point - it is assumed that the recipient of such correspondence has become familiar with its contents! That is, if there was any court decision in it, and a person decided not to receive it, this does not mean at all that he will not have to fulfill it!

Therefore, it is recommended, after all, to visit the Russian Post Office, spending very little of your personal time. Moreover, there is a rather impressive period for receipt - as much as thirty days from the moment the notice is in the box.

How to get

This question is quite simple. You can go on your own. To receive it, you will need to provide an identification document and the notice itself. As an option, you can send a relative if he has the same last name. If the recipient does not have the opportunity to visit the post office for some reason, and he does not have “same-name” relatives, then the way out of the situation will be to issue a power of attorney for such a person.

Many citizens receive notifications about registered mail from the Moscow ASC DTI logistics workshop. Most also do not know what the Moscow ASC Logistics Workshop is and what to do with it, because this may be the first time people have received such a letter. Let's look into this further in the article.

More often, the name ASC logistics workshop has an additional abbreviation DTI, which complements the concept.

  • ASC is a special automatic sorting center;
  • DTI – additional technical index.

You need to understand that such letters from other citizens cannot come to you; they are sent by certain government services with different intentions. You may receive letters with such an addressee from judicial authorities, state automobile inspection and other government organizations.

Next to these abbreviations there are additional digital codes that have their own meaning and serve to determine information about the sender. If you received a letter with such a return address, it means that it has been sorted in this area. ASC and DTI are special automatic services whose purpose is to relieve the workload of official Russian post offices. Such centers are auxiliary and automatically distribute correspondence through the necessary channels. More recently, post offices were busy with this work, but today one such distribution center helps the entire area of ​​post offices send correspondence through the necessary channels. I think you understand what the Moscow ASC logistics workshop is, and I will tell you what kind of registered letter this is later.

What can you expect in a letter from the Moscow ASC

As we have already said, such sorting centers “Moscow ASC Logistics Workshop” work only with government correspondence. In turn, such a sender does not send one letter only to you; the mailing occurs automatically. A batch of such mailings can have different sizes depending on what kind of organization it is and what the nature of the correspondence is. This is how you can receive in a registered letter:

  • Notification of traffic violations and payment of the appropriate amount in the form of a fine.
  • Commercial offers, advertising letters, etc.
  • Reminder to repay an overdue loan/offer to receive a loan on favorable terms based on your official position. Offers to issue a credit/deposit card.
  • Special code for activations from personal account on government portals.

There are known cases when, when delivering an alert from the Moscow ASC of the logistics workshop, citizens fell for scammers who demanded to pay various kinds of receipts in order to receive the letter. You should not do this, check all the information yourself, contact the post office or the Russian Post hotline number - 8-800-2005-888.

How to receive a registered letter with the addressee Moscow ASC logistics workshop

After you have received notification of the letter, you need to contact working hours mail (working hours of the Russian Post are usually from 8:00 to 20:00) with personal documents and notification of the letter in hand. After presenting the notification and identification documents, you will receive a letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics workshop. If you do not want to receive the letter personally, you can ask your relative who has the same last name as you. In some cases, it may be necessary to issue a power of attorney for a relative. This is necessary if you do not have a common surname.

By calling the hotline, you can also find out prematurely who the sender of the letter is. To do this, you may be required to provide some personal identification information.

How to find out the addressee of a registered letter from the Moscow ASC of the Logistics workshop

If you have received a notification about a registered letter and the sender line says Moscow ASC Logistics Workshop, then you can use Internet services to determine who exactly sent you the correspondence:

  1. – here you can enter a special 14-digit code and get complete information about which government agency sent the letter and on what issue.
  2. - this one service will do for correspondence such as UPS, EMS, DHL.

In order to check the addressee by number, go to the official portal of Russian Post. Next, enter into the search column the special track that each registered letter carries. It is located below the barcode. You need to enter all 14 digits to determine the government agency that sent you the parcel or letter.

Typically, the first 6 digits from the number under the barcode are the code of the post office from which the letter was sent. The remaining numbers are parcel identifiers; thanks to these digital codes, you can track the entire path that a parcel or letter has taken, using the necessary services for this. You can find out the addressee of a letter or parcel that you have received, but what is inside it - you can only find out in person by printing the envelope.

The Moscow automatic sorting center supplies most of the surrounding areas and regions. Sometimes post office employees still have to interfere with the automatic service process. This occurs when there are glitches and mismatches in addresses and indexes or they are illegible, although such cases are quite rare.

In this center, the daily rate of processed correspondence exceeds three million copies; the Moscow ASC receives up to a quarter of letters and parcels sent throughout the Russian Federation. If you receive a registered letter and this center is listed in the addressee line, then this letter was processed in the Podolsk area.

ASC workflow

According to the same scale of letter processing, the center in St. Petersburg is listed, accounting for up to 2 million correspondence per day. All letters that should reach the Novgorod, Leningrad, and Pskov regions are sorted here.

What happens if you don’t receive a registered letter from the Moscow ASC logistics workshop

Registered letters are stored at the post office for up to one week (court decisions, notices of debts, etc.), others of an informational nature - up to a month. If you do not receive a letter from the Moscow ASC of the logistics workshop, then after the expiration of the storage period it will be sent back to the addressee. And at the same time it will be considered that you are familiar with its contents. Therefore, in any case, you need to pick up the letter from the post office. After all, only you risk being left uninformed about a future court hearing or its decision, about the collection of funds from you in the form of a fine.

If for some reason you cannot pick up a registered letter, if you are away on a business trip, then you can contact the post office with a request to extend the storage period for a registered letter from the Moscow ASC logistics workshop. In this case, you can contact using the Russian Post website or by calling the hotline. You can independently contact the government agency from which such a letter was received and discuss all issues, having previously identified the government agency by the identifier under the barcode. Your close relatives can receive it for you by providing their documents or a special power of attorney.

You can make a statement that you are unable to receive a registered letter on time, providing convincing arguments for this.

Look at the video to see what ASC is:

Hello friends! Recently, while returning home, I looked in my mailbox and found a notification that a registered letter had arrived in my name. Having studied the form, I saw that it was marked: “Moscow ASC, logistics workshop.” There was also the inscription “DTI”, but then it didn’t tell me anything. I went up to the apartment and began to figure out who this letter came from and what it meant. Let me share with you what I have learned: who is the sender, what is contained in the envelope and whether it is necessary to receive it at all.

What is Moscow ASC

The abbreviation ASC DTI means the following:

  1. Automated sorting center (ASC)- this is the place where they are processed postal items. The process is fast because scanning is done using optical equipment. Employees receive envelopes on which it is difficult to read the address or zip code, and then the information is entered manually. Similar centers with logistics workshops exist in different regions RF; As for the Moscow ASC, it processes 2-3 million items per day.
  2. Mark "DTI" stands for "Supplementary Technology Index". If you see it on the message, then the envelope was sent by an official government service. In the physical sense, the “DTI” index does not exist, i.e. there is no real address with it.
  3. Logistics– management of commodity, financial and information flows

If you received such a notification through the logistics department, there is no reason to be scared and panic. Some users on the forums think that “DTI” stands for “road transport inspection” and are afraid that they have been sent a fine. But the envelope may also contain notifications from other services, so it is advisable to receive it.

And for complete clarity, watch the video about what kind of organization this is and what the Moscow ASC logistics workshop does

Which organizations send registered mail through the Moscow ASC

If the notice is marked “Moscow ASTS DTI (logistics workshop)”, the registered letter most likely came from one of the following institutions:

  • tax service of the Russian Federation;
  • traffic police;
  • banking organization;
  • bailiffs;
  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Letters from these organizations should not be ignored, so take your passport and go to the post office.

If a parcel or parcel arrived: with or without payment

In some cases, people receive notifications that a parcel or parcel delivered through the logistics workshop is waiting for them. You didn’t order anything, but found a notice of such delivery through ASC? Please note whether payment is required. The following review will help you understand the situation:

I received a notification about a parcel that was sent through the logistics workshop of the Moscow Automated Sorting Center (ASC). I know that notifications from public services, but parcels? I decided to get it and went to the post office. I was very worried, I thought maybe the parcel was from scammers. It turned out that the auto center where I bought the car sent a book and a postcard with kind words. Nice! And later a friend said that Quelle catalogs are also delivered through the logistics workshop to the ASC.

However, the situation changes if you are waiting paid parcel, and you did not place any orders:

04/21/2018, Natalya

In the box I found a notice marked “Moscow, ASC, DTI (logistics workshop)”: a parcel arrived weighing 894 g. I knew that government services can send out their documents, but the weight is almost a kilogram? In addition, it turned out that the parcel was sent by cash on delivery: 1395 rubles. We didn’t order anything, but we came to the post office and asked if it was possible to open the receipt in the presence of an employee. He stated that payment was required, and we refused the parcel.

Later, the neighbor said that she also received a similar notification. In her case, curiosity got the better of her and she paid for it. Result? She became the owner of dill seeds for fabulous money. Of course, the senders turned out to be scammers.

What comes from the Moscow ASC (logistics workshop)

If you received a message from a government organization, it may contain the following:

  1. Notification that you have been issued fine as a result of traffic violations, car owners receive. Often, envelopes from ASC also contain photos taken with hidden video recorders.
  2. Do you use the services of a banking organization and have proven yourself to be an exemplary payer? They can send you credit card as an incentive or send printed materials with product information. Willful defaulters are sent reminders about the loan taken out.
  3. The work of the judiciary also involves sending correspondence: if you must attend a meeting, you will be notified in writing, indicating the date and time.
  4. If you registered on the Gosuslugi website and ordered account confirmation, you will receive a registered letter with a unique code.
  5. Pension funds notify about your savings.
  6. Tax service often sends reminders: if you receive such receipt, pay it without delay. Otherwise, you will be charged a penalty.

Don’t forget about the possibility of mistakes: a registered letter with a fine from the traffic police is delivered to a person who does not have a car, or the Federal Tax Service demands to pay for the land, and you don’t even have a summer house with a garden. In this case, the received notification must be appealed by sending a statement to the sending authority.

User review, 05/12/2018

I received a notification by mail that I had received a registered letter from the Moscow ASC of Logistics, and decided to pick it up. It turned out that they had sent a fine, and the envelope also contained photographs from the recorders. The car in the photo is someone else's, but the license plates are mine! Rare case, but probable: problems arise due to failures in the database during issuance.

Registered letter

Since 10 days are allotted for appeal from the date of receipt of the notification, I did not hesitate. I went to the website and left a request, where I described the situation in any form; I have attached a scan of the registration certificate. A similar case has already arisen: in 2015 I sold a car, and later it “lit up” in the region new owner with speeding. I had to write statements on the website and take photographs of the purchase and sale agreement. The fines were successfully removed in both cases.

Howcheck sender Automated logistics sorting center

Although you will only be able to definitively know the contents after receipt, you can find out who sent the registered letter. To do this, use the code that is usually used to track correspondence: the tracking number is indicated in the notice (most often at the top).

To find out the sender, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the corresponding website page.
  2. Enter a combination of characters.

When you confirm the action, you will see the available information.

How to receive a registered letter: issuing items marked “Moscow ASC”

The person to whom the shipment is addressed must receive it within a month: to do this, you need to come to the post office with a passport and a notice. In some cases, correspondence is given to relatives, but a power of attorney will be required. It must be certified by a notary or the organization where you work or study.

It is also acceptable to get certification from the head of the post office, but for this you will need to go to him personally with a passport and a power of attorney.

Is it possible not to pick up a registered letter marked “Moscow ASC (logistics workshop)”

It happens that the recipient decides not to come to the post office: suddenly they sent him a fine or a receipt from the tax office! But practice shows that refusal to receive orders does not save you from the intervention of bailiffs. You only deprive yourself of the chance to appeal in a timely manner, which makes the situation worse.

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Experience of a real person: why it is better to pick up the parcel

On 05/05/2018 they sent me a notification in my mailbox, saying that the Automatic Sorting Logistics Center had sent something. I was alarmed and checked the track number: it turned out that a registered letter was sent by the Data Center. I immediately thought that they had sent me fines and started checking the information in all existing services. I looked through the traffic police websites, went to the government services portal, looked into the Sberbank Online account - there is nothing on me.

A notification has arrived

I thought about ignoring the registered letter, but I didn’t want to meet with bailiffs or get stuck at the airport while trying to fly on vacation. My nerves gave way and I went to the post office. It turned out that I received a “letter of happiness” from the bailiffs, and for actually paid fines. Since they were still from the 16th year, all the deadlines had already expired. It’s good that I picked up the registered mail, otherwise I would have worried in vain.

Moscow ASC (logistics center): official website, address and telephone

The following questions are also asked on the forums: “I am waiting for correspondence and tracking its movements on the Russian Post website.” The shipment almost reached Moscow, and then a problem arose. I check the number and see: “Index 140980. Automated sorting center: registered shipment has left the sorting center.” And then - no hearing, no spirit. What should I do to ensure that the correspondence is finally delivered to the recipient’s address?”

The automated sorting center does not list the phone number on the network. After all, the sorting employees will not quit their jobs and look for your correspondence or parcel among millions of others; There is also no website for communicating with clients. If there are problems, Call the Russian Post hotline: 8-800-2005-888.

If your shipment is lost by the Moscow ASC (logistics workshop), the organization’s address will not help you. To solve the problem, write a complaint to Roskomnadzor.

In most cases, additional measures are not necessary: ​​be patient, and the parcel or letter will arrive at your address. After all, although the official website of Russian Post generously lavishes praise on the Moscow ACC and its logistics center, it is known among clients for long delays. If all the deadlines have passed, it is useless to write applications to search for the parcel: go to the Roskomnadzor website and leave a complaint about postal services.


If you received a notice with the inscription “Moscow ASC (logistics workshop)”, you should not ignore it. Make exceptions when they send you a parcel cash on delivery, but you did not order anything. In other cases, you will receive an envelope: it could have been sent by government agencies.