Muzeon is an open-air art park. Sergei Sobyanin ordered the creation of archaeological open-air museums Park complex "Bogoslovka Estate"

Photo: Press service of the Mayor and Government of Moscow. Denis Grishkin

Unique historical finds discovered in the capital as part of the program will be preserved in archaeological museums under open air. He gave the corresponding instructions.

“In fact, this is a pearl, because here, at this place, the remains of the White City were opened and found - a unique wall with a half-thousand-year history. And for the first time in Moscow, an open archaeological park is being created, where both residents and tourists can admire the antiquity of Moscow, where cultural events can take place. Instead of entertainment center, which was previously planned to be built here, will be amazing open space“one of the most unique in the city,” said the Moscow Mayor.

In total, during the work under the “My Street” program, about 10 thousand artifacts were found, which replenished the reserves of the Museum of Moscow. “But besides this, we want about one and a half dozen places to become open archaeological monuments: either in this form - open, or in showcases in different places where the “My Street” program was held amazing places, where citizens can admire the antiquity and see what was on these streets centuries ago,” Sergei Sobyanin emphasized and thanked the archaeologists who took an active part in the program.

Deputy Head of the Department cultural heritage Moscow, the capital's chief archaeologist Leonid Kondrashev told Sergei Sobyanin about interesting finds: stone ax Bronze Age, glass bracelets of Yuri Dolgoruky’s contemporaries, a crucible for melting copper from the 15th century. “Under the “My Street” program, excavations are going on large territory. Colleagues are opening large linear objects, and we can see not in one place, but trace the trend. And this is why the “My Street” program is important,” he emphasized.

The mayor of Moscow noted that the mission of this program is to return the historical past, historical facades and boulevards to citizens.

On August 15, a large exhibition “Secrets of Moscow Dungeons” will open at the Museum of Moscow, which will show the most interesting artifacts from the 10 thousand found during the improvement. “In general, not a single city in the world probably works in such a real-time mode that, receiving materials from builders and archaeologists, they can immediately carry out museum processing and show it. But we are doing this specifically for the anniversary of Moscow,” said Alina Saprykina, director of the Museum of Moscow.

According to her, these finds allow us to take a different look at the city, learn a lot about history and everyday life citizens, and possibly expand its topography. “I think two-thirds of your exhibition complexes will be filled with finds from the My Street program,” added Sergei Sobyanin.

According to the Moscow Mayor, the Boulevard Ring is one of the most significant historical sites in the capital. “For many years we have been restoring this amazing property. In the first years, we restored the median, boulevard by boulevard. In fact, pedestrian areas were improved, trees were planted, and lighting was changed. At the next stage, we reconstructed the inside of the Boulevard Ring; work continued throughout last season. This year we started work on the outer contour, and I hope that in the coming weeks all the main work here will be completed,” he said.

Museum instead of a shopping center

The White City Wall was built in the 1580s according to the design of the architect Fyodor Kon. During the Time of Troubles in 1610-1612, the White City became a line of defense and an arena of military operations for the only time. By order of Empress Catherine II in the 1780s, the dilapidated wall was dismantled into bricks. Now in its place is the Boulevard Ring - a favorite place for relaxation and walks of Muscovites and guests of the capital.

The small Khokhlovskaya Square is 95 meters long and 45 meters wide. It got its name from a nearby lane and is actually the beginning of Pokrovsky Boulevard. The square is completely pedestrian, there is no traffic on it.

The construction of an underground parking lot on Khokhlovskaya Square was planned back in 1994. Later, this project also received a ground part - a leisure and entertainment center. For the construction of the facility, an investment contract was concluded with a private developer.

However, during construction work in 2007-2008, a unique monument to the history of Moscow of the late 16th century was discovered on Khokhlovskaya Square - a well-preserved fragment of the White City wall, 64 meters long, recognized as a cultural heritage site of federal significance.

The stonework covers an area of ​​336 square meters. Its age is about 500 years. In the backfill of the masonry, carved white stone details were found, presumably the work of Italian masters, from dismantled Kremlin buildings of the first half of the 16th century.

In 2008, the cultural heritage site was conserved. For many years experts were deciding the fate of Khokhlovskaya Square. Considered different options: bury the pit and wall, returning the square to its previous appearance, or keep the wall of the White City open for viewing.

Over time, the pit on Khokhlovskaya Square gradually filled with water and became overgrown with bushes along the perimeter. To save the monument, specialists from the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage regularly cleared the masonry walls of snow, debris and plants, pumped out water, and repaired the protective canopy.

In 2014, the Moscow Government decided to museumify the monument. The existing investment contract was terminated. In 2016, the proposal to create an archaeological park on Khokhlovskaya Square was supported by two-thirds of the 169.4 thousand Muscovites who voted in the “Active Citizen” project.

Khokhlovskaya Square - a new landmark of the capital

The project for the improvement of Khokhlovskaya Square, implemented in 2017, provides for the museumification of a fragment of the White City wall in situ (“in situ”). For this purpose, methods are used to strengthen and restore the integrity of white stone masonry. Thus, the monument will become part of the urban environment, a new metropolitan landmark. It will be open for review and study.

In addition to the restoration and conservation of a fragment of the White City wall, the improvement project for Khokhlovskaya Square includes the creation of an open amphitheater.

The square will be divided into two tiers: the upper one, on the same level as Pokrovsky Boulevard, and the lower one, at the level of the White City wall.

On the upper tier there will be a wide walking area with summer verandas and a cafe, wooden benches for relaxation. Bicycle racks (15 spaces), an information board, street lights and lamps with energy-saving lamps.

On the lower tier near the monument there will be space for relaxation and various open-air events. Its area will be 693 square meters. In the evening, the wall of the White City will be illuminated by spotlights and LED lighting will be provided.

The height difference between the upper and lower tiers of the amphitheater will be almost three meters. You can go down along wide steps made of high-quality light concrete covered with wooden flooring.

To ensure the structure of the lower tier is strong, an additional supporting wall made of pigmented concrete, reminiscent of natural stone, will be built behind the White City wall. The surface of the supporting wall will be entwined with vines of virgin grapes.

In the heat, trees (34 pieces) will help provide shelter from the sun: pines, maples and lindens will be planted on the upper tier and on the steps of the amphitheater. They will not block the view of the wall, but at the same time they will create a comfortable shadow for vacationers.

Sidewalks, as well as the area near the archaeological site and around trees, will be covered with a special artificial material (terraway) made from safe natural and artificial components - sand, glass, stone chips and astringent epoxy resin. This porous coating has high strength and wear resistance. Water passes through it freely, without forming puddles, and then evaporates easily, as the material allows air to pass through. A special rainwater drainage system will be created on the square and water intake grates will be installed.

The improvement of the square is planned to be completed by City Day, with the exception of trees that will be planted later. The project is now 75 percent completed. The main construction and installation work has been completed.

Open air museums

Since 2015, during the improvement of city streets, over 10 thousand various archaeological finds have been discovered - from coins and household items to unique objects (birch bark letters and large fragments of ancient Moscow architecture).

On behalf of the Moscow Mayor, it is planned to museumize the most interesting fragments found and preserve them in place as elements of the urban environment.

Such objects include:

— archaeological finds made in Zaryadye Park;

— the wall of the White City (Khokhlovskaya Square);

— the underground part of the Naryshkin chambers (Petrovka Street);

— strengthening of the White City (Kremlin embankment);

— well of the Mytishchi water supply system (Sretenka Street);

— brick and white stone foundations of the Church of the Annunciation and buildings of the courtyard of the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery (Birzhevaya Square);

— sections of historical paving stones (Petrovka, Zemlyanoy Val, Varvarka, Sretenka, Tverskaya, Prechistenka, Volkhonka streets);

- fragments of the masonry of the Church of the Transfiguration in Pushkari - Sretenka Street (information stand with photographs and descriptions);

- white stone underground "rumors" - Old and New Square, Moskvoretskaya embankment (information stand with photographs and descriptions);

— white stone foundation of the Church of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple on Bolshaya Lubyanka (information stand with photographs and descriptions);

- brick and white stone foundation Sretensky Monastery— Bolshaya Lubyanka Street (information stand with photographs and descriptions);

— showcases with artifacts (Kitaygorodsky proezd).

In fact, several new archaeological museums will appear in Moscow.

Muzeon Art Park is a very interesting and, one might even say, unique place.

Its highlight is the open-air sculptures, including those from the Soviet period. The park is located almost in the center of Moscow, near the Central House of Artists on the Crimean Embankment. Getting there is not difficult at all.

The official founding date of Muzeon is January 24, 1992, but the first statues appeared in this place in 1991, when a large number of monuments to political figures were dismantled Soviet era. Many of them were placed on the Moskva River embankment behind the Central House of Artists - this is how an open-air art park appeared. Gradually the collection was replenished with the most different works. In total, the main fund contains more than 1000 sculptures.

The monument to Dzerzhinsky by Vuchetich was dismantled from the Lubyanka (then called Dzerzhinsky Square) after the 1991 putsch.

Next to Dzerzhinsky are Sverdlov, Kalinin, Gorky and Stalin.

The monument to Stalin was made during his lifetime in 1938 by the sculptor Merkurov. This is the only surviving monument, albeit with a damaged nose, left after the destruction of Stalin’s statues during the Khrushchev Thaw. Behind is an installation of stone heads “Victims of Political Repression.”

Of course, in the historical part there are many works dedicated to Lenin.

There is also Leonid Ilyich:

The rest of the exhibits are very diverse. Monument to Friendship of Nations:

Catherine the Second by Burganov.

Girls with thin waists.

And well-fed.

I liked the Stone Gatherer.

Many similar works:

Sometimes not entirely clear. Man and woman?

The sculptures are located on the territory a little chaotically. Some are lined up along the chestnut alley - like these busts:

But most are simply scattered across the clearings.

In the future, the management of the Muzeon plans to streamline the placement of exhibits, reconstruct the territory, and divide it into two parts - a permanent exhibition and a temporary exhibition area.

It is better to enter the park from the embankment with children. There are many small elements of landscape design: flower beds, ponds, fountains, alpine slides. And, of course, children's playgrounds.

The brave grandfather Mazai and the hares playing “Titanic” near the pond:

I liked the wooden swing benches.

And these cozy gazebo benches.

And, of course, greens. I was in the park in May - the lilacs and chestnuts were blooming.

When looking from the park towards the embankment, Tsereteli's Peter the Great is clearly visible - it is very close.

I cannot show all the interesting works and corners of the park, so come to Muzeon and look at them with your own eyes.

Muzeon has concert venues, a summer cinema, a cafe and a tour desk. Very close, across the street Krymsky Val, located

How to get to Muzeon Art Park

On public transport: metro station "Park Kultury" or "Oktyabrskaya", then 5-10 minutes on foot. You can enter the park from the Central House of Artists, from the Krymskaya Embankment and from Maronovsky Lane.

Address: Krymsky Val st., 10

Opening hours

Every day, around the clock.

Entrance to the territory is free.

There is a wonderful place in Moscow - the Muzeon art park. A park where sculptures live. It is located on the banks of the Moscow River along the Crimean embankment near the Central House of Artists. To get to the park, you need to drive to Oktyabrskaya metro station and walk a little towards the Moskva River.

Previously, the park area was fenced and access to part of the park was by tickets. Now the tickets have been canceled and the fence between the park and the Crimean embankment has been removed. And in general, the park was landscaped and made an even more pleasant place for a walk than it was before.

The founding date of the park is considered to be 1992, when the corresponding order of the Moscow government was issued.

However, the first Sculpture Exhibitions were held at this site earlier, in 1983 and 1991.

In 1991 - after the August coup, the dismantled monuments Soviet leaders They took us here to the park. These monuments and sculpture exhibitions gave impetus to the creation of the sculpture park.

After the park was improved, many sculptures changed their location. Some new ones have appeared.

And some were collected into single groups. For example, this monk used to stand apart from everyone else, but now he is in a group of stylistically similar...

There he is, nestled on the left....

Now Soviet sculptures make up the historical part of the park, and sculptures by modern authors are located around them.

Almost opposite the entrance to the department contemporary art Tretyakov Gallery there is the strangest series of sculptures.

Made from huge metal pieces welded together, these works by sculptor Grigoriev look very unusual.

It seems to me that they would perfectly complement the landscapes of the planets from the film Kin-Dza-Dza...

Another oddity of this part of the park is a huge Mobius strip.

The sculpture depicting the Motherland is also quite original - with a machine gun and a hammer and sickle in his hands.

A sculptural group about the friendship of peoples, which previously stood as a separate work...

They combined it into the composition “We Demand Peace” and moved it closer to the Central House of Artists building.

In 2009 there was also a “sports” corner, but in 2015 it was no longer in its original place. Probably the sculptures were also moved.

And the goalkeeper most likely simply did not stand the test of time.

But still, it is the historical part that leaves the greatest impression.

It is here that the monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky, sculptor Vuchetich, stands.

Previously, this monument stood on Lubyanka.

The demolition of this monument became a symbol of the events of 1991.

On the pedestal there are traces of those events and later statements about this controversial figure.

The stern monument to Y.M. rises. Sverdlov by sculptor Ambartsumyan.

Kalinin in metal is not as severe as metal Sverdlov and is somewhat reminiscent of Chekhov.

Around the monument to Stalin, the work of sculptor S.D. Merkurov, a composition dedicated to the victims of repression was created.

Composition dedicated to Stalin's repressions donated to the park by sculptor E.I. Chubarov in 1998.

But the path of tiles in front of the monument has disappeared. Now there is a lawn in front of the leader.

Previously, there were still figures made of wood next to the composition.

But years of being on the street destroy wooden sculptures.

Now they are not in their original place.

Most of all in the historical part of the Lenin sculpture park.

Now a wooden droshky has been laid between them, but previously the monuments could only be approached along the lawn. True, no one forbade this.

Brezhnev also ended up in this meeting.

In front of the huge fir trees there is a monument to the “singer of the revolution”, Maxim Gorky, which previously stood at the Belorussky railway station.

Park. There are monuments to the leaders. Children play around, people walk around, sometimes beautiful music plays. Isn’t this what they dreamed of when they tried to build a new country? It really didn't work out that way...

It’s a funny combination of the Soviet part of the art park and the monument to Peter I by Tseretelli, standing on the river outside the Muzeon territory.

The rest of the park is occupied by works of contemporary art. Some are made in a classic style.

Some are very original.

There are also beautiful girls walking naked in the park.

And better dressed girls doing the arts

And symbols of girls.

There are also women who have already walked away.

Of course, there are sculptures dedicated to the memory of the Great Patriotic War.

The park also has its own Pushkin - what would it be like without him?

As I already wrote above, there were so many sculptures in the park that a special area was made, where some of the works of art were placed very compactly.

The happier sculptures got comfortable places in the shade of trees.

Children really like this grandfather Mazai with a scene from Titanic.

For local residents The park also serves as an outlet - where in the city center they can at least somehow communicate with nature.

In a corner of the park there is the territory of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The bell tower of the church seems very low compared to the nearby giant President Hotel.

You cannot ignore the monument to Peter I. Although it is not part of the art park, it stands quite close to it.

Previously, it was separated from the park by a river, a roadway and a fence. Now the fence has been removed and the embankment has been made pedestrian. So Peter became closer.

And therefore Tseretelevsky Peter looks like another exhibit of an open-air museum.

Now the Crimean embankment, boring and concrete, has become green and conducive to walking.

Yes, now it’s more convenient to come closer to Peter’s pedestal and see the fountains gushing down there. And it's just a stone's throw away.

The truth is even closer; you still can’t get to the very foot of the monument.

Near the monument to Peter the historical building of the Yacht Club and then the embankment leads towards the Patriarchal Bridge along which you can walk to the Kropotkinskaya metro station.

You can also get from Muzeon to Oktyabrskaya or Park Kultury metro stations. The Park Kultury station can be reached via the Crimean Bridge.

From the Crimean Motorway you can look at the chaos of Moscow buildings (you can see the buildings of the most different eras) and admire the expanses of the Moscow River.

Muzeon, translated from ancient Greek as “temple of the arts”. This temple is located at the Oktyabrskaya or Park Kultury metro station directly opposite.

The pedestrian crossing between Gorky Park and Muzeon was turned into an art gallery.


The park is divided into a free part and a paid part, the entrance fee to which is 20 or 30 rubles. For some reason, I didn’t even notice the cash register until the vigilant old cashier called out to me.

The history of the emergence of Muzeon begins in the twenties of the last century, when on the territory between the Crimean embankment and the Second Babyegorodsky Lane, according to the design of the brilliant A.V. Shchusev, a park was to be laid out, serving as a continuation of the Gorky Park of Culture and Leisure. But this proposal, which was part of the New Moscow project, did not materialize.

In 1931, it was planned to locate part of the complex of the famous Palace of the Soviets by architect I.V. Zholtovsky, for whose sake it was blown up. The project never came to fruition. The territory remained undeveloped.

Then, under the leadership of the same Shchusev, the construction of a new complex of buildings for the Academy of Sciences began. Construction was stopped by the war. After the war they never returned to this project.

In the early 60s there was an attempt to build residential buildings here. Thank God, this “project” was stopped and, finally, the idea of ​​an Arts Park was voiced. On the allocated territory, already in 1970, construction began on the artists’ house and the new building of the Tretyakov Gallery. Private chaotic buildings were demolished. Although the Tretyakov Gallery complex was commissioned already in 1979, the entire territory up to the Crimean embankment was a huge wasteland, a dump of construction waste, eternal problem city ​​authorities.

Finally, in the decade preceding the collapse of the USSR, the park was laid out by the artists themselves and, with the participation of the Moscow authorities, the trees of the future park were planted. After the 1991 coup and the subsequent war on monuments Soviet history, many statues of figures were dismantled national history. On the one hand, these were monuments to Lenin, Stalin, Dzerzhinsky, and on the other, the works of remarkable sculptors E.V. Vuchetich, S.D. Merkurov, V.I. Mukhina, Yu.G. Orekhov, Z.I. Vilensky. They were all taken to the park and laid on the ground.

"Making sounds."

When passions subsided, it turned out that more than 700 sculptures of lasting artistic value had been collected in the park. Since 1992, when the Muzeon art park first became official name new organization, many events happened. Its composition, subordination, and the size of the territory changed. But the intention remained to create a completely unusual place in Moscow, and throughout Russia - an art park with an open-air sculpture museum.

All the sculptures were installed in the alleys of the park and made up its initial exposition. The resulting defects, chips, and even inscriptions are preserved on the monuments. The park administration believes that all this is as much a monument to the era as the sculpture itself. They are framed by a magnificent frame of greenery, a landscape designed and laid out by the best designers in the country. This is territory for artists, and that's why they love it so much. Every weekend there is an open-air vernissage and exhibitions of contemporary sculptors.

But the art park of the Moscow association Muzeon is not only historical heritage. It hosts annual seminars for sculptors from the country and the world. Masters demonstrate their secrets at master classes, young sculptors show their works to those interested. The uniqueness of such an organization is that viewers can be present at the sacrament of birth of a work of art, usually hidden from prying eyes. The entire park is divided into thematic zones, giving an idea of ​​entire eras in the history of Russian sculpture of the twentieth century. The creations sculpted during the seminars remain here and decorate the Muzeon Art Museum with new and new masterpieces.

As one girl said: “You took a close-up of the wrong part of the body!”

The sculpture is called "Young Russia".

Wooden sculptures.

This one looks exactly like Shooter from the game Stalker.

"Collector of stones"

Such open-air sculpture parks exist in other countries of the world. The Moscow Muzeon Park surpasses them in the breadth of its exhibition, the living connection of times, and the extraordinary aura of creativity that surrounds it.

Muzeon Park is a beautiful, even romantic place. There are several gardens where roses and other flowers grow. You can come here with a girl.

Photos from Muzeon:

"Bard". Looks like Vysotsky.

It is not clear how this weapon got here.

Some people come here to sunbathe.


"Replacement player."

This part of the park is made in Japanese or Chinese style, oriental in general.

Russia has always had many monuments. But only a few became the most famous, the most iconic works of art. So, our top 10 famous monuments in Russia:

1. Monument to Peter I - Moscow

The official name is the Monument “In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Fleet.” The author of the monument was Zurab Tsereteli. The grandiose sculptural composition was installed on an artificial island on the spit, at the confluence of the Moscow River and the Obvodny Canal, not far from the famous Red October confectionery factory. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The total height of the monument is 98 meters, it is the tallest monument in Russia, and one of the tallest in the whole world.


2. Monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” - Moscow

“Worker and Collective Farm Woman” is an outstanding monument of monumental art, “the ideal and symbol of the Soviet era,” representing a dynamic sculptural group of two figures with a hammer and sickle raised above their heads. Author - Vera Mukhina; concept and compositional plan of the architect Boris Iofan. The monument is made of stainless chromium-nickel steel. The height is about 25 m. It is located on Prospekt Mira, near the Northern entrance of VDNKh.

Initially, the monument to a worker and a collective farmer was developed for an exhibition in Paris, but the resulting result stunned everyone. After all, not only fundamentally new materials were used for the monument (stainless steel had not been used before), but also new principles of construction. After all, before this, it was also not necessary to enlarge from life 15 times; it was a grandiose experiment.

Remarkable facts of the monument to the worker and the collective farmer:

· The monument to a worker and a collective farmer was delivered to Paris in 28 railway cars, but even this separation was not enough, because some parts did not fit into the tunnels and had to be cut further.

· Before the opening of the monument in Paris, sabotage was noticed in time, someone sawed off the cables of the crane that was assembling the monument at the exhibition, after which round-the-clock security was posted from volunteers and employees who came to assemble the monument.

· Initially, the monument to a worker and a collective farmer was assembled within 1 month; people worked in three shifts, sleeping only for three hours in a nearby barn, where a large fire was always burning in the center.

· In Paris, the monument was assembled in 11 days, although 25 days were planned.

· It is a symbol of the Mosfilm film studio.

· Dismantling, storage and restoration of the legendary sculptural composition cost the budget 2.9 billion rubles

3. Monument Motherland Calls - Volgograd

The sculpture “The Motherland Calls” in Volgograd is the compositional center of the monument-ensemble “To the Heroes Battle of Stalingrad", located on . This statue is one of the tallest in the world, occupying 11th place in the Guinness Book of Records. At night, the monument is illuminated by spotlights. The total height of the monument is 85-87 meters.

Its military name is “Height 102”. During the Battle of Stalingrad, the most fierce battles took place here. And here they later buried the dead defenders of the city. Their feat is immortalized in the unique monument-ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad”, erected in 1967 according to the design of the famous Soviet sculptor Evgeniy Vuchetich.

4. Monument-obelisk “To the Conquerors of Space” - Moscow

The monument to the Conquerors of Space was erected in Moscow in 1964 to commemorate the achievements of Soviet people in space exploration. This is a 107 m high obelisk lined with titanium panels, depicting the trail left behind by a rocket located at the top of the obelisk. The poetic lines of Nikolai Gribachev are laid out in metal letters on the façade:

And our efforts are rewarded,
What, having overcome lawlessness and darkness,
We forged fiery wings
To your country and your age!

Initially, the option of placing the monument on the Lenin Hills (today Vorobyov Hills) between the building of Moscow State University was considered. M.V. Lomonosov and an observation deck overlooking Luzhniki. It was supposed to be made of smoky translucent glass with night lighting from the inside. The height of the monument was supposed to be 50 m. At the personal suggestion of S.P. Korolev, it was decided to cover the monument with a coating of “cosmic” metal - titanium. The height of the grandiose monument doubled and amounted to 100 m, and the total weight of the entire structure was 250 tons. The final site for the construction of the monument was a vacant lot near the entrance to VDNKh and the metro station of the same name.

The monument became a symbol of the qualitative technological leap of its time: October 4, 1957 Soviet Union The first artificial Earth satellite was launched, on April 12, 1961, space began to speak the language of man - and this language was Russian.

Together with the obelisk he was born and new type building structure - leaning tower. History preserves in its tablets only one such structure - the famous “Leaning Tower”.

5. Monument “Millennium of Russia” - Veliky Novgorod

The Monument “Millennium of Russia” is a monument erected in Veliky Novgorod in 1862 in honor of the thousandth anniversary of the founding of the Russian state. The monument resembles a bell. Its upper part is a ball symbolizing power - the emblem of royal power. The total height of the monument is 15 meters. This is one of the most iconic monuments in Russia, more details about it.

6. Monument to Sunken Ships - Sevastopol

The Monument to the Sunken Ships is the most famous military monument of Sevastopol, was depicted on the Soviet coat of arms of the city and is considered one of the main city symbols. The monument is located in Sevastopol Bay, near the embankment of Primorsky Boulevard. The majestic and proud monument to sunken ships is one of the most beloved by residents and guests of the city. He is a symbol and business card Sevastopol. Height - 16.7 meters.

There is another monument that is significant for Sevastopol - the brig "Mercury" and Captain Kazarsky. This was the first monument in the then young city. About this.

7. Monument to St. George the Victorious - Moscow

The statue of St. George the Victorious is located on the territory of Moscow’s Victory Park and is part of the memorial complex at Poklonnaya Hill. Located at the foot of the obelisk dedicated to the 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War. Saint George the Victorious strikes a snake, which is a symbol of evil, with a spear. The statue of St. George the Victorious is one of the central compositions of the memorial complex.

8. Monument " Bronze Horseman" - Saint Petersburg

The Bronze Horseman is a monument to Peter I on Senate Square in St. Petersburg. The opening of the monument took place in August 1782. It is the very first monument in St. Petersburg. Later it got its name thanks to the famous poem of the same name by A. S. Pushkin, although in fact it was made of bronze.

9. Monument to mammoths in Khanty-Mansiysk

Sculptural composition“Mammoths” appeared in Khanty-Mansiysk in 2007. The creation of this monument was timed to coincide with the 425th anniversary of the capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The sculpture is located on the territory of the famous Archeopark. The sculptural composition consists of 11 bronze monuments. Total weight of these monuments exceeds the 70-ton mark. All monuments are set in life size. The height of the tallest mammoth exceeds 8 meters, and the smallest mammoth is only 3 meters in height.

10. Monument “Alyosha”

Memorial “To the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War” (“Alyosha”) is a memorial complex in the Leninsky district of the city of Murmansk. The main figure in the memorial is the figure of a soldier in a raincoat, with a machine gun over his shoulder. The height of the monument's pedestal is 7 meters. The height of the monument itself is 35.5 meters, the weight of the hollow sculpture inside is more than 5 thousand tons. “In its height” “Alyosha” is second only to the Volgograd statue “Motherland”. However, he is among the highest monuments in Russia.