Male and me names starting with the letter M. Male names starting with the letter “M.” Male names starting with M

From an early age, the capital letter M influences the fate and preferences of a boy. He is endowed inner strength and kindness, strives to understand his purpose. In most cases, he quickly learns concepts such as morality, “good” and “evil,” and relationships between people. He knows how to become best friend for anyone, but also easily turns into a sworn enemy if his ardor is not stopped in time.

An incredibly diligent, but often suspicious boy with a name starting with the letter M, he is able to amaze anyone, but he can also easily disappoint those close to him who rely on him. You should not expect too much from such a person; he is a caring person, but he easily succumbs to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself,” and therefore may forget about the needs of those around him.

Male names starting with M

Boy names starting with M are widely popular all over the world. The top 3 most popular among the Slavs included Maxim (Max), Mark, Mikhail. But Arabs often give boys the names Mehmet, Mustafa and Murat (Murad, Marat). The name Mehmet is a variant of the name Muhammad and is considered one of the sacred names among Muslims.

Male names with the letter M Russian, Greek or Latin in origin are most popular among the Slavic population and in some regions of Europe and Asia. It is worth highlighting the following:

  • Matthias, a Greek name, translates to "gift of God";
  • Mark (Marcus), Latin or ancient Russian name, means “warlike”, “warrior”;
  • Maximilian (Maxim), an ancient Roman name, is interpreted as “great”;
  • Matvey, Russian name or Greek, translated as “God’s gift”;
  • Myron, Greek or Muslim name, means “peaceful”, “depleting the world”.

Almost all names starting with the letter M are bright; these are also called “flashy” because they have deep meaning and majestic meaning. No less interesting are the Western European names Mitchell, Marvel, Matthew, Myron, Murdy.

How to figure out which name is the most suitable for a boy? It is worth studying not only the influence of the letter of a name on a person’s life and character, but also being interested in the interpretation and meaning of the chosen name. Graphologists also advise parents to select consonant names with surname and patronymic, and astrologers recommend taking into account the date and year of birth of the baby.

MAVR. Black.

MAURITIUS. Mavrov (son, descendant).

MAVSIMA. Possibly a variant of the name Maxim.

MAGN. Big, great.


MACARIUS. MAKAR. Blessed, happy.

January 12 (December 30)- Saint Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'

February 1 (January 19)- Venerable Macarius the Great, Egyptian; Venerable Macarius, faster of Pechersk (in the Near Caves); Venerable Macarius, Deacon of Pechersk (in the Far Caves); Venerable Macarius of Rome, Novgorod and Venerable Macarius of Alexandria.

March 4 (February 19)- Venerable Macarius, confessor, presbyter of Antioch.

May 26 (May 13) - Venerable Martyr Macarius, Archimandrite of Kanevsky, Pereyaslavl and Venerable Macarius Hegumen of Glushitsky.

August 7 (July 25)- Rev. Macarius of Zheltovodsk, Unzhensky.

September 20 (September 7)- Venerable Martyr Macarius, Archimandrite Kanevsky, Pereyaslavl.

December 6 (November 23)- Saint Mitrofan, in the schema Macarius, Bishop of Voronezh.

MACEDONIUS. MACEDON. Macedonian, from Macedonia (region in the Balkans).

MACROVY. Long-lived, durable.

MAXIAN. Possibly a variant of the name Maximian.

MAXIM. Greatest.

February 3 (January 21)- Rev. Maxim, confessor and Rev. Maxim the Greek.

MAXIMIAN. Maksimov (son, descendant).

MAXIMILIAN. Possibly a combination of the names Maxim and Emilian.



MALCH. Supreme ruler.

MAMANT. MAMMOTH. Sucking the breast, allegorically - maternal.

MAMMY. MAMMY. Matushkin, mommy's (son).

MANUIL. MANUIL, MANUILO, MANUILA, MANOILO. Short for Emmanuel - God is with us.

MAR. MARES, MARESIUS, MARIUS. Master or Lord and Roman cognate name.

MARDARIUS. Mardian, from the Mards.

December 25 (December 13)- Martyr Mardari, and the Monk Mardari the recluse of Pechersk.

MARDONIUM. Variant of the name Mardari.


MARIAN. MARYAN. Mariev (son, descendant) and Roman cognate name.

MARIN. Nautical.

MARK. MARCO. Dry, withered and a Roman personal name.

January 27 (January 14)- Reverend Mark.

April 11 (March 29)- Hieromartyr Mark, Bishop of Arethusia and Venerable Mark of Pskov-Pechersk.

October 11 (September 28)- Martyr Mark, shepherd and Reverend Mark, grave digger of Pechersk.

MARKELL. MARKEL. Warlike, literally dedicated to Mars, the Roman deity of war; Roman cognate name.

MARKELLIN. Possessive of Markell.

MARCIAN. Markov (son, descendant).

MARKY. Variant of the name Mark.

MARON. MAROY. Perhaps our Lord.

MARSALY. Warlike. see Marcellus.

MARTIN. MARTYN. Warlike, see Marcellus.

MARTINIAN. MARTIAN. Martinov (son, descendant).


September 10 (August 28)- Venerable Martyry, deacon, Pechersk and Venerable Martyry, recluse of Pechersk.

November 7 (October 25)- Martyr Martyry, Venerable Martyry, deacon, Pechersk and Venerable Martyry, recluse of Pechersk.

MARTIROKLES. Celebrated for martyrdom.

MARUF. MARUFA. Noble, dominant.




November 29 (November 16)- Apostle and evangelist Matthew and righteous Fulvian, prince of Ethiopia, Matthew in holy baptism.


MEDIMN. The name of the measure of bulk solids.




MELEUSIPUS. MELASIP. Caring for horses.


March 13 (February 28)- Saint Meletius, Archbishop of Kharkov and Akhtyrsky.


MELITO. Filled with honey.

MELCHION. Possibly a variant of the name Melchior (king of light).

MELCHIZEDEK. King of truth.

MEMNON. MEMNON. Remembering; Greek name, myth. hero, participant in the Trojan War.

MENA. Possibly a variant of the name Menea.

MENANDR. Strong, strong, courageous.

MEN. MENE. Sturdy, strong.

MENIGN. Perhaps holding a spear firmly, allegorically fearless.

MERCURY. MERCULE. The name of the messenger of the Roman and Greek Gods (see Herm).

December 7 (November 24)- Great Martyr Mercury, Martyr Mercury of Smolensk and Venerable Mercury of Pechersk (in the Far Caves).

DEAD. Perhaps deserved, worthy.




MEFODIUS. NEFED. Walking in order, allegorically - purposeful, methodical.

April 19 (April 6)- Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius, Archbishop of Moravia, teacher of Slovenia.

May 24 (May 11) - Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius, Archbishop of Moravia, Slovenian teacher (and Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril).

June 17 (June 4) -

June 27 (June 14) - Venerable Methodius, abbot of Peshnoshsky.

MIAN. Maternal.

MYGDONIUS. From the Migds.

MILIY. MIL. Apple, apple or from Milia (region of Asia Minor).

MINA. MENEI, MENEI, MIN. Lunar, monthly, Wed. Mena, Greek goddess of the moon (variant - Selene; see Selinius).

MINEON. Variant of the name Mina.

MINSIFEY. Remembering God.

MIRAX. Youth, teenager.

MIRON. MYRON, MIRONIY. Exuding myrrh (fragrant oil).

MISAIL. Variant of the name Mikhail.

METRODOR. Mother's gift.

MITROFAN. MITROFANIUS. Revealed by the Mother.

August 20 (August 7)- (finding relics).

December 6 (November 23)- Saint Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh, in the schema Macarius

MICHAEL. Who, like God, i.e. like God.


  • Makar - Greek name, means “blessed”, “happy”. A cheerful, talented, quick-witted man, respected and respected for his abilities. He can work with technology, he can work with his hands, but most valuable of all is his ability to find the most unexpected and effective solutions. 14
  • Macarius - The name Makar came from the name, as a result of a contraction. The meanings and characteristics of these names are the same. -97
  • Maxim - From the Roman family nickname - “greatest”. An energetic extrovert who can convince anyone of anything. The youthful maximalism in him is almost indestructible, there is both pride and conviction in his own exclusivity. 21
  • Maximilian - A rare name, translated from Latin meaning “the greatest.” Typically this successful person, very persistent, with good abilities, a sense of humor, and thoughts that are far from today and the current situation. -82
  • Mark - From the Latin word “marcus” - hammer. A cautious, educated man, rather envious and secretive, wanting to be at the center of adoration, veneration and worship. Intolerant of criticism, and does not change much with age, only in in rare cases becoming more kind and understanding. 146
  • Markel - From Latin, the name can be literally translated as “dedicated to Mars” (God of War). So in Ancient Rome They called weak boys, believing that they would grow up to be strong warriors. This man has strong character, he is confident in himself and does not succumb to the influence of others. In a dispute he is harsh, in life he is curious and meticulous, and has good abilities. -95
  • Marseilles - From the Roman generic nickname “Marcellus” - warlike. A person who is more inclined to work for himself is more likely to be self-taught than an office worker. In life he is not too scrupulous, he can act in a way that is beneficial to him, without regard for those around him. Loves to be the center of attention, he has good acting skills, he knows how to convince. You need to keep your ears open with him. 1
  • Martin - (Martyn) From the Roman generic nickname “Martinus” - “belonging to Mars.” A person with this name is not particularly decisive, and will prefer a home environment to many entertainments. He is obligatory in business, tries to bring everything to the end. His character is usually complex, he likes to argue and is not ready to change his point of view. -48
  • Matvey - From Hebrew the name can be translated as “gift of God.” The name has many common Western variations - Matteo, Mateus, Matthew, Matthias. The owner of the name looks indecisive and constrained, but in fact he is quite persistent and is capable of achieving a lot. The main thing in his life is to find a job to his liking and ability, then internal contradictions will not bother him. 12
  • Mecheslav - Slavic name from the words “sword and glory,” which can be translated as “glorious warrior.” Usually he is a distrustful person, keeping quite a guard, but a good family man, reliable and thorough. There can be two extremes in character - either he is an active, risk-taking person, self-confident and stubborn - or, on the contrary, weak-willed and insecure. -99
  • Mikula - This is a Slavic version of the name Nikolai. In life, this is usually a contradictory, complex person, sometimes striving for unconditional leadership, sometimes lost and doubtful. -92
  • Milan - Slavic name meaning “darling.” An extraordinary, charming man, sociable and cheerful, “the life of the party,” a favorite of women, enthusiastic and rather frivolous. -103
  • Miron - “Myrrh” is the resin of the myrtle tree, so in Greek the name can be translated as “fragrant.” Miron has a strong character, will, he is persistent and assertive in everything, at the same time he is very “homey” and is strongly attached to his family. 122
  • Miroslav - Slavic name from the words “Peace” and “Glory”. A calm and confident person with many virtues, a born diplomat, a good family man - hospitable and loving of children. It is better not to get into his soul, only if he himself has decided to share something frank with you. 68
  • Mitrofan - Greek name, translated meaning “revealed by the mother.” Since the 20th century, the name has hardly been used. -93
  • Michael - From Hebrew the name is translated as “ equal to God" The name is widespread in the West - Michael, Michelle are all its derivatives. In life, Mikhail is very sociable, “the life of the party,” and likes to imagine a little. In business he is very meticulous, thorough, and reliable. Living in harmony with himself and with others is his main goal in life. 4
  • Modest - From Latin it is rare name can be translated as “modest.” This man cannot be imagined as fussy and impatient. Thoroughness is his credo. He is a professional in his field, very efficient, persistent, and can be a leader and manager. He chooses his environment mainly based on his own benefit, which he will not miss. -92
  • Mstislav - Slavic name, from the words “revenge” - to protect and “glory”, which can be translated as “mighty, glorious defender.” An ambitious person, striving higher and higher, developing, striving, persistent and capable. Monotony is killing him, he needs constant movement and development. -100

Accepted abbreviations: az. – Azerbaijani, English – English, Arabic. - Arabic, Aramaic. - Aramaic, Bulgarian – Bulgarian, Wall. – Welsh, Hung. – Hungarian, Gaelic. – Gaelic, Greek. – Greek, Danish. – Danish, Old English – Old English, Old German. – Old Germanic, Old Hebrew. – Hebrew, Old Indian. – Old Indian, Old Irish. – Old Irish, Old Norse. – Old Icelandic, Old Persian – ancient Persian, ancient Roman. – ancient Roman, other Russian. – Old Russian, other Scand. - Old Scandinavian, Egyptian. – Egyptian, female – female, zap. – western, ind. – Indian, Spanish – Spanish, it. – Italian, Kazakh. – Kazakh, Celtic. – Celtic, lat. - Latin, lit. – Lithuanian, husband. - masculine, Dutch - Dutch, Norwegian – Norwegian, Persian – Persian, Polish. – Polish, colloquial - colloquial, rum. – Romanian, Russian. – Russian, Sami. – Sami, Skt. – Sanskrit, Serbian. – Serbian, Syrian. – Syriac, Scand. – Scandinavian, slav. – Slavic, see – look, Sov. – Soviet, St. French – Old French, Taj. – Tajik, Tat. – Tatar, Turkic. – Turkic, Uzbek. – Uzbek, Ukrainian – Ukrainian, outdated. - outdated, Finnish. - Finnish, French - French, frieze. – Frisian, Swedish. – Swedish, Czech. – Czech, Scotl. – Scottish, South Slavic - South Slavic.

Moor (Greek) – male, “black”.

Mavra – female to Moor (see)

Mauritius (Greek) – male, “Moors” (see Moor).

Maggi, Maggie – female, English. short to Magdalena (see).

Magda – female, western short to Magdalena/Magdalene (see)

Magdalena, Magdalena- female, after the name of the village of Magdala in Palestine.

Magnus (lat.) – male, “great”.

Maginur (Arabic-Persian) – female. to Mahinur (see).

Magnus - male, lat. equivalent to the name Magn (q.v.).

Muddy – female, English short to Magdalena (see).

Madeline, Madelon– female, English variant of the name Magdelina (see).

Madiyar (Arabic-Persian) – male, “guided by Allah”, “gifted” + “friendship, help” or “possessor”.

Madeleine – female, German. and French short to Magdalena (see).

May (Russian) – male, neologism of owls. period, based on the name of the month.

Mike - male, 1) English. (Mike) English short form to Michael (see); 2) frieze. (Meik) short form for names in Mein- (Old German “strength, power”).

Michael - male, English (Michael) equivalent to the name Michael (q.v.).

Maya – female 1) neologism owl. period, by month name; 2) zap. derivative of the name Maria (see); 3) Greek, the name of the goddess - the mother of Hermes; 4) Old Indian, name of Buddha's mother.

Makar (Greek) – male, “blessed, happy.” In the calendar - Macarius.

Macarius - male, church to Makar (see).

Max – male, short for Maxim (see), Maximilian (see).

Maxim (lat.) – male, “greatest.”

Maxima – female to Maxim (see)

Maximilian (lat.) – male, Maxim (see) + Emilian (see Emelyan).

Malanya - female, colloquial to Melania (see).

Malcom, Malcolm(Gaelic) – male, typical for the Scots (Malcolm), “servant of St. Columbus.”

Malvin (Old German) – male, “court” + “friend”.

Malvina – female to Malvin (see).

Mamant - male, church to Mammoth (see).

Mamelfa – female, possibly a variant of the name Manefa (q.v.). In the calendar - Mamelkhva, Mamelkhfa.

Mammoth (Greek) – male, “to suck the breast.”

Mando – male, Spanish short to Hermann (see).

Manefa - female to Manetho - the name of Egypt. priest

Manuel - male, variant of the name Emmanuel (see).

Manuela – female to Manuel (see).

Manuel – male, western equivalent to the name Manuel (see).

Manfred, Manfried(Old German) – male, “man, husband” + “world”.

Manhard, Mangard(Old German) – male, “man, husband” + “strong, strong.”

Mar (lat.) – male, “man, courageous.”

Marat (Russian) – male, neologism of owls. period, derived from the surname of Jean-Paul Marat (1743–1793) - a leader of the Great French. revolution. It became widespread among Turkic Muslims. It is rarely used among Christian peoples. Perhaps the rooting of the name in the Muslim name book is explained by its consonance with the name Murad/Murat, traditional for the Muslim East (see).

Marvin (Old English) – male, “famous, glorious” + “friend, protector.”

Margaret - female, English equivalent to the name Margarita (see).

Margareta, Margarete– female, German , Swedish equivalent to the name Margarita (see).

Margarita (Greek) – female, “pearl”.

Marek – male, Polish, Czech. equivalent to the name Mark (see).

Marian (lat.) – male, derived from Mari (see).

Mariana – female, derivative of the name Maria (see).

Marianna – female, western addition of the names Maria (see) + Anna (see).

Marietta, Marietta– female, it. diminutive of Maria (see).

Mari (lat.) – male, “husband, man.”

Marika – female, in Hungarian short to Maria (see).

Marin (lat.) – male, “sea”.

Marina (lat.) – female, “sea” or female. to Marin (see).

Marion - female, in French. derivative of the name Maria (see).

Marita – female, in Spanish. diminutive of the name Maria (see).

Marius – male, z. equivalent to the name Mari (see).

Maria (ancient Hebrew) – female, perhaps “beloved, desired.”

Mark (lat.) – male, 1) “born in March”; 2) “hammer”.

Markel (lat.) – male, derived from Marcus (see Mark). In the calendar - Marcellus.

Marcian (Latin) – male, “born in March.”

Marco – male, 1) Bulgarian, Italian, Spanish. equivalent to the name Mark (see); 2) German short for names in Mark- (Old German “border”).

Marcos – male, Spanish. equivalent to the name Mark (see).

Marcus – male, lat., german. equivalent to the name Mark (see).

Marlene (Russian) – male, neologism of owls. period, abbreviation for the surnames Mar(ks) + Le(nin).

Marna - female, Swedish. short to Marina (see).

Marcel – male, French. equivalent to the name Markel (see).

Marta – female, western equivalent to the name Martha (see).

Martin – male, church and western. to Martyn (see).

Martyn (lat.) – male, derived from the name of the Roman god Mars.

Martyan (lat.) – male, “born in March.” In the calendar - Marcian, Martinian.

Martha (Syrian) – female, “mistress, mistress.”

Marhold, Margold(Old German) – masculine, “war horse” + “to dominate, rule, manage.”

Marya – female, colloquial to Maria (see).

Maryana - female, variant of the name Maria (see).

Matvey (ancient Hebrew) – male, “gift of the god Yahweh.” In the calendar - Matthew, Matthias.

Matilda (Old German) – feminine, “strength, power” + “battle.”

Matryona (lat.) – female, “noble woman.” In the calendar - Matrona.

Matthäus, Matthias– male, zap. (eg, German) equivalent to the name Matvey (see).

Matti – male, Finnish. short to Matthias (see).

Matthias – male, western (eg, German) equivalent to the name Matvey (see).

Matthew, Matthew - male, church to Matthew (see).

Matz - male, short to Matthias (see).

Matthew, Matthew - male, English. equivalent to the name Matvey (see).

Mahinur (Arabic-Persian) – male, “moon” + “light”.

Maya – female, variant of the name Maya (see).

Meirzhan (pers.) – male, “courtesy, favor, mercy” + “soul”.

Meinhard, Meinhard(Old German) – masculine, “strength, power” + “strong, brave.”

Melania (Greek) – female, “black, dark, mysterious.”

Melenty - male, colloquial to Meletius (see).

Meletius (Greek) – male, “caring.”

Melitina (Greek) – female, 1) “honey”; 2) by the name of a city in Cappadocia.

Melchior (ancient Hebrew) – male, “king of light”, the name of one of the three wise men. In the calendar - Melchior.

Menno (Frisian) – male, short for names in Mein- (Old German “strength, power”).

Murdoch (Old Irish) – male, “sea leader”, typical for Scotland.

Merita – female, Swedish short to Margareta (q.v.).

Merkul - male, colloquial to Mercury.

Mercury (lat.) – male, on behalf of the Roman god of eloquence, trade and cunning Mercury.

Mercedes (Spanish) – female, “mercy; rewarding."

Meta - female, in it. short to Margareta (q.v.).

Methodius (Greek) – male, “method, theory, research.”

Mehriban, Mehrban, Mihriban(pers.) – male, “loving, kind.”

Mehriban, Mehriban, Mehrban(pers.) – female, from male. Mehriban (q.v.) + Banu “lady”.

Mechislav (slav.) – male, “throw” + “glory”.

Miguel – male, Spanish equivalent to the name Mikhail (see).

Mikaela - female, in Spanish. etc. feminine to Michele (see), Miguel (see).

Michele - male, it. equivalent to the name Mikhail (see).

Miklos – male, Hungarian. equivalent to the name Nikolai (see).

Mikola – male, colloquial to Nikolai (see), Mikolay (see).

Mikolay – male, colloquial option, as well as Polish. and Ukrainian equivalent to the name Nikolai (see).

Mikolash – male, Czech. equivalent to the name Nikolai (see).

Mikula – male, Russian. decomposition to Nikolay (see), Czech. derivative to Mikulas (see).

Mikulas – male, Czech. equivalent to the name Nikolai (see).

Milad (slav.) – husband. "Cute".

Milada 1. Female K. Milad (see). 2. Women to Milat (see).

Milan (slav.) – male, short form to Miloslav (see).

Milana (famous) – female to Milan (see).

Mildred – female, English equivalent to the name Miltraud (q.v.).

Milen (slav.) – male, “darling.”

Milena (slav.) – female to Milen (see).

Milius - male, or Greek. “apple tree”, or from South Slav. Milia "darling".

Militsa (Southern Slavic) – female, “dear, dear.”

Milovan (Slav.) – male, from have mercy"to love, to caress." Commonly used by Serbs, Czechs, Bulgarians.

Miloslav (slav.) – male, “darling” + “glory”.

Milosz (Slav.) – male, Polish. (Miłosz) and Czech. (Miloš) diminutive of Miloslav (see).

Miltraud, Miltrud(Old German) – feminine, “meek, merciful, kind” + “beloved.”

Mina (Greek) – male, “moon, month.” One of the baptismal Orthodox names.

Minai - male, colloquial to Mina (see).

Minaeus (Greek) – male, 1) “belonging to the Minya tribe”; 2) “moon”.

Minodora (Greek) – female, “moon” + “gift”.

Mir (Russian) – male, neologism of owls. period, from a common noun world.

Mira - female, 1) slav., short for names on Mir-, -mira; 2) zap. short to Mirabella (see).

Mirabella (lat.) – female, “wonderful”.

Miranda (lat.) – female, “amazing, delightful.”

Mirek – male, Polish. short to Miroslav.

Mirka – female to Mirko (see).

Mirko – male, South Slavic. short to Miroslav (see).

Myron – male, 1) Greek. “fragrant oil of myrrh”; 2) slav., short to Mironeg (see).

Mironeg (slav.) – male, “peace” + “bliss”.

Myropia (Greek) – female, “preparing incense.”

Miroslav (slav.) – male, “peace” + “glory”.

Miroslava (slav.) – female. to Miroslav (see).

Misail (ancient Hebrew) – male, “asked from God.”

Mitko – male, short to Dimitar – Bulgarian. equivalent to the name Dmitry (see).

Mitrodora (Greek) – female, “mother” + “gift”.

Mitrofan (Greek) – male, “mother” + “show, represent.”

Mitchell – male, a variant of the name Michael (q.v.) typical for the USA.

Michalina – female to Mikhail (see).

Michel - male, German. adv. variant of the name Michael (see).

Michael (ancient Hebrew) – male, “who is like God.”

Mihai – male, Romanian equivalent to the name Mikhail (see).

Michal - male, Polish, Czech. equivalent to the name Mikhail (see).

Michael – male, German. equivalent to the name Mikhail (see).

Micah (ancient Hebrew) – male, “who is like God.”

Michel - male, French. (Michel) equivalent to the name Mikhail (q.v.).

Michelle - in French. (Michele, Michelle) female to Michelle (see).

Mlada (slav.) – female, “young”.

Mladen (South Slavic) – male, young"young".

Mladena (slav.) – female. to Mladen (see).

Mod - female, in English. (Maud) short for Matilda (q.v.), Magdalena (q.v.).

Modest (lat.) – male, “modest”.

Modesta (slav.) – female. to Modest (see).

Moses – male, German. equivalent to the name Moses (see).

Moses (Egyptian) – male, “child, son.”

Mokey (Greek) – male, “mocker.”

Mokiy - male, church to Mokey (see).

Monika – female, 1) possible, Greek “one, only”; 2) possibly, lat. "recall".

Morgan (Welsh) – male, “great” + “light, bright.”

Moritz - male, German. equivalent to the name Mauritius (see).

Morris - male, English equivalent to the name Mauritius (see).

Moses - male, English equivalent to the name Moses (see).

Mstislav (slav.) – male, “to take revenge” + “glory”.

Mstislava (slav.) – female. to Mstislav (see).

Muse (Greek) – female, “muse (goddess of sciences and arts), inspirer.”

Munarjat (Arabic-Persian) – husband. possibly, “illuminating, luminous” + “gladness”, “joyful”.

Munir (Arabic) – male, “illuminating, radiant.”

Munira – female to Munir (see).

Murad, Murat (Arabic) – male, “desired”.

Murod - male, Uzbek. and Taj. form to Murad (see).

Mary – female, English equivalent to the name Maria (see).

Muriel, Muriel(Celtic) – feminine, “sea” + “bright, brilliant.”