Male professions: list. Male and female professions. Male professions

Three decades ago, all boys dreamed of becoming astronauts, pilots, policemen. It was believed that these are exclusively male professions, while the educator or teacher is female.

At present, the situation has changed in some way, and representatives of the stronger sex are happy to work, it would seem, in spheres of activity that are unusual for them, such as, for example, cooking or sewing fashionable clothes. However, today great amount women do not consider it shameful to choose a male profession, in particular a trolleybus driver or a security guard at an enterprise.

Why is there a division of labor into "male" and "female"

It happened so historically. The man has traditionally been perceived as a protector, breadwinner and farmer. He was well developed physically, so he could do hard work. The representatives were positioned as the keepers of the hearth and educators of children. Time passed, the range of spheres of activity expanded, but no one dared to challenge the principle of division of labor.

In other words, the division into professions for men and women has not yet been canceled.

What types of activities do men do

The stronger sex is involved in ensuring the country's defense, maintaining public order, automotive, metallurgy, chemical and oil and gas industries. In other words, power engineers, miners, drivers, police officers, sailors, firefighters are the most "male" professions. At the same time, one should not forget that in the spheres of construction and railway transportation, mainly representatives of the stronger sex are involved. Most of the workers working in hazardous production are also men. What professions do they prefer today? Modern male professions are represented by a business area that brings stable profits. However, one should not think that all representatives of the stronger sex set themselves exclusively selfish goals. Today the male professions are surgeons, dentists and orthopedists.

Rating of the most demanded professions

"Well, what man does not dream of becoming a deputy, minister or even president?" - you ask.

Of course, a logical answer follows from this question: "Everyone dreams of this." What are the popular professions for men today? The list begins just with those related to public administration.


Today the people's choice is a “tasty” profession for a man. At the same time, modern representatives of the stronger sex prefer to work not only in demanded, but also in highly paid areas of activity.

Creative people

So what are these male professions? The list is as follows: singer, musician, writer, actor, screenwriter, director. Here, of course, talent is needed, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve success in the above field.

"Popular" activities

However, one should not forget about the traditional "profitable" specialties. The point is that, as before, young male students dream of the work of an economist, lawyer, banker, accountant, manager. Today is the age of computer technology, and many men prefer to work in the field software, telecommunications and the creation of innovative applications.

Of course, a programmer is a generalized field of activity, which implies a huge number of specializations: 1C programmer, web programmer, designer-programmer, and so on.

Culinary arts

Another profession that is in demand among the stronger sex is a chef. "Is it a man's business to mess around in the kitchen?" - you ask. Did you know that most of the culinary professionals are men? Keep in mind that a cook is a multifaceted profession: he is also an accountant, since he must carry out calculations, fix an estimate, and an artist, in view of the fact that you need to correctly decorate a dish, and a mechanic, since he needs to be able to handle kitchen equipment.

Here are some statistics. Today, the majority of chefs (82%) are men. However, it should be noted that for last years male leaders in the catering sector have been pushed aside by the fairer sex.

One way or another, but the stronger sex does an excellent job with the duties in the kitchen, and if they are already focused on cooking a savory dish, then you can be sure that they will perform their task perfectly.

Style creation sphere

There is an opinion that the best specialists in creating an image and style are obtained from men. We are talking about makeup artists, hairdressers, image makers. The stylist will always advise the person on what to wear for a particular occasion, taking into account your preferred style, color and size. The above profession is in demand mainly in large metropolitan areas, where life is in full swing, and business people have absolutely no time to take care of their appearance. Today famous actors, singers, politicians, businessmen are happy to use the services of experienced male stylists.

Traditionally male professions

This point, of course, deserves the first place, since in these areas of activity the representatives of the stronger sex perform their natural task: they save health, people's lives, and protect the territorial integrity of the state.

First of all, we are talking about such professions as a policeman, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a firefighter, a representative of special forces and riot police, a sailor. Of course, you need to have remarkable courage, responsibility, courage, physical data in order to choose the above professions.


It should be noted that in our country there is also a rare male profession - dergal. What is this person doing? He collects algae, and the duration of his work is only three months a year.

V European countries there is a vacancy for a scuba diver. It takes a certain amount of courage and skill to lay mines deep under water. There is a man working on the territory of Frankfurt airport, whose duties include washing planes. A horse nutritionist is involved in a very unusual business. Its task is to monitor the correct diet of savrasok. What is your profession - a consultant on rare names? He helps parents choose the extraordinary and unusual name for his children, his services are quite expensive. Abroad, even periodically, a vacancy is opened for the position of an observer of the work of strippers. One can only imagine how many men responded to it, especially since a very serious salary is offered for such a "dust-free" job - $ 10,000 a month.

The rarest

Did you know that there is the rarest male profession?

She is called the "caretaker of the island paradise". The vacancy appeared at a time when it was necessary to raise the popularity of holidays on exotic islands. One travel agency announced a competition for the position of "caretaker" who was supposed to live on one of the Australian islands for six months, playing golf, swimming in the pool, photographing the surrounding nature. He should report on the results of the work done in his blog. As a result, the company managed to find a suitable candidate for the position of "caretaker". In six months, the person earned $ 100,000. It is not surprising that the rarest male profession is a dream for many.

Today we'll talk about the most popular male professions.

Over time, people's ideas about professions also change: there were times when only men were sellers, cooks, hairdressers, and even actors. Today, most of these professions belong to the weaker sex, and the male salesman looks a little exotic.

Male professions

Positions related to management politics are very popular among the male half of humanity. Men are also attracted by art - they, like the fairer sex, often become writers, artists, musicians, singers. Although the presence of talent plays a decisive role here: if you masterfully own a bow, pencil or voice, you will not have to think about the price for buying a diploma in this area.

Nowadays, the professions of a lawyer, a lawyer, an economist, a banker, a manager, a doctor, and an accountant are very popular among men. Mainly because of the high pay for such work. The profession of a programmer, as well as all other specialties related to computer technology, is especially respected by the stronger sex.

But if it is possible to divide the professions into male and female, then I would make the top 15 most popular male occupations.


It is believed that the best chefs- exclusively men. They even say that this is a scientifically proven fact. After all, men are experimenters in life. Therefore, they are also creative in the process of cooking, which makes their dishes tastier and more interesting. "Mediocre" cooking is not for men. Either he cooks a masterpiece, or the cooking goes down the toilet.


This truly hard labor is beyond the power of squishies! When these guys go to the bottom (not to be confused with a binge!) - they never have the confidence that they will come back. Not everyone is allowed to risk their lives for the sake of warmth in our homes. And this is the lot of only real men!


This is another job that is not for little white-handed women. Black gold miners - women are proud of such super-men! Is it possible to imagine women in the place of these heroes? I think no.


It is difficult to imagine a woman lying under a car, or for example a woman changing a wheel. It seems that even with sleepers the women worked out better. Moreover, ladies are always ready to drive a car, but to tinker in the garage - well, what are you! They don't understand anything “in all these tubes and wires”!


This is an incomprehensible mystery, but a generally accepted fact: men understand female physiology better than women themselves. And the best female doctors are certainly men. Maybe it's ... curiosity? Like: how does it work there? Although, the only thing that raises the question is: how, after such work, male gynecologists can have sex? However, history is silent about this.

IT specialist

The owner of this profession must know a computer, as a doctor knows human organs. Such people will be in demand in any self-respecting company. Aishniks - must constantly self-develop and the cooler he is, the higher his earnings, as well as the company in which he works.

Bank employee

A very profitable profession, in which you do not need to have physical data, it is enough to know financial transactions well. Constant communication with clients, mental work and constant dress code.


Another highly paid profession that does not require manual labor. It is also in demand because people quarrel, commit various illegal actions, etc.

SMM Specialist

Another interesting profession that is related only to the Internet, communication, advertising, social. networks, as well as the promotion of various companies and products.

Sales Representative

The owner of this profession must be able to come up with different ways to promote a product, communicate with people and convince them.


These are specialists who knock debts out of debtors.


These are specialists who check companies for tax payments.


These are people who understand website development. In various codes, functions, scripts, etc.


The division of professions into male and female has always existed. Already in primitive society men hunted, and women were engaged in healing, cooking, raising children. In the Middle Ages and modern times, women mainly worked in the service sector.

In the 20th century, the struggle for the equality of women has borne certain fruit: the weaker sex has mastered almost all professions that were traditionally considered male. The two world wars have greatly influenced the involvement of women in the labor force. Most of the men were called up to military service and women have replaced them in many areas professional activity... In particular, it is believed that the teaching profession is traditionally female, although this was not the case before World War II. Only since the middle of the 20th century have women taken leading positions in the field of education.

Now the boundaries between male and female professions are increasingly blurred, but there is still no talk of complete mixing. Moreover, in Russia, women are prohibited by law from performing certain jobs. In the list of heavy work and work with harmful and hazardous working conditions, in which the use of women's labor is limited, 39 areas of work are identified, a total of 456 types of work. Most of them are associated with underground work, heavy lifting, hazardous industries or explosives... Women cannot work as explosives, lead plumbers, mercury distillers, depot steam locomotive stokers, or open-hearth furnace steelworkers. There are no female representatives among the paratroopers, firefighters, divers, chimney sweeps, excavators, blacksmiths, lumberjacks, etc.

At the same time, there is a traditional public opinion about who can work in a certain specialty and who can not. IT, jobs related to hard physical labor, engineering specialties - all these are areas in which the representatives of the stronger sex occupy leadership positions. In the fields of finance, personnel management, medicine and education, women predominate. What changes are taking place in Lately in Russia in the field of division of labor between representatives of different sexes?

The recruiting portal conducted a small research based on the questionnaires posted on the site.

Activities related to hard physical labor still remain the prerogative of men, in particular, the profession of a mechanic-repairman remains 100% male. The vast majority of men are among turners and CNC machine operators. But still, there are women whose work is connected with hard physical labor. In particular, the fairer sex work as machinists (4%), crane operators (17%), and painters (34%).

In recent years, there has been a tendency towards an increase in the number of women working in blue-collar occupations. If five years ago only 2% of women were among the applicants for the position of a printing equipment operator, now there are already 17% of them. This may be due to the fact that the level of wages of such specialists is rather low.

Mainly men (99%) still apply for the position of personal driver. Protection also remains the sphere of application of the forces of the stronger sex (96%). Interestingly, women who want to get a job in security structures apply for the position not only of the security guard of the facility, but also for the position of personal bodyguard.

Engineering positions are also mostly held by men, but the number of women in this profession is also constantly growing (10% in 2008 and 14% in 2013). But in the field of design and labor protection, women are already gaining ground from the stronger sex (60% and 58% of men work there, respectively).

Information technology - one of the most promising sectors of the economy - is also mainly the prerogative of men. But in recent years, there has been a tendency to an increase in the number of women among such specialties of the IT sphere as programmers, information security specialists, 1C developers, software testers, consultants for the implementation of ERP systems.

While it is mainly women who cook at home, it is mainly men who do it professionally. Among the chefs there are 82%, and among ordinary chefs - 60%.

In the legal sphere, the following disproportion is observed: men are more often in charge of legal departments (57%), and women are more often their subordinates (62%). A similar situation is observed in journalism: editor-in-chief are men in 52% of cases, while women are mainly engaged in editing and journalism - 71-74%.

The profession of a driver is considered traditionally male. It is unlikely that you will see a woman driving, minibus or the boss's personal car. Women are also rare. However, if we consider trolleybuses as well, then, on the contrary, the overwhelming majority of drivers are female. Young ladies also appear among taxi drivers. In some cities there is a special female taxi service, which consists exclusively of beautiful ladies.

Beauty Industry - Women's Territory

It's hard to imagine a man doing a manicure or plucking his eyebrows. Men are not picky about outward appearance and often they sincerely do not understand why they spend so much time in beauty salons. In addition, the nail extension master is often a good friend at the same time, with whom it is so pleasant to chat for an hour or two.

However, with the light hand of Sergei Zverev, Russian men entered, and many masters create real masterpieces female images.

Famous Russian male hairdressers - Alexander Todchuk, Alexander Utkin, Andrey Drykin.

Hard work is not for women

Traditionally, the fair sex is not engaged in work in which it is necessary to apply significant physical strength... Surely, you have never met a woman plumber, loader, turner or. These professions are difficult enough for a fragile female body. However, the specialists of the Employment Centers claim that in such truly masculine professions one can find representatives of the fair sex, but very few - about 1% of all workers.

Educator - work for lovely ladies

Kesha Chetvergov was and will probably remain one of a kind "mustachioed nanny" main character film of the same name. The mission and nannies are almost always performed by women. This is quite understandable, because the child's first impressions of life are connected with the woman-mother. In addition, the fair sex is more patient and generally gets along better with children.
Interestingly, according to the law in Japan, the number of male educators must be at least 25%.

Programmer - only men get along with technology

Despite the proliferation information technologies, traditionally only men work as system administrators. The Internet has already formed an anecdotal image of a typical man with a beard, an eternal mug of coffee in his hand and in a knitted sweater with deer. However, women are already getting close to this specialty.

When choosing a future profession, a man should focus not only on his own interests and internal inclinations, but also take into account the level of wages, because often it is the man who is the main earner in the family. In addition, by nature, men for the most part are endowed with such qualities as a technical mindset, firmness of character, organization, courage, decisiveness, the ability to quickly make serious decisions. Men successfully realize themselves both in professions related to mental work and in specialties that involve heavy physical activity.

The most male professions

Traditionally, the most masculine professions are those that require great courage and courage, fortitude and good physical shape. Unfortunately, this kind of activity is not always highly paid, however, in some cases, the level of wages is quite high. These professions include the following:

  • serviceman
  • rescuer
  • fireman
  • policeman
  • sailor
  • diver
  • commando
  • polar explorer.

Among the medical specialties, men are considered:

  • surgeon
  • orthopedist
  • dentist.

In-demand male professions

In the field of mental work, the following are considered the most demanded male professions today:

  • IT specialist / programmer
  • lawyer
  • Bank employee
  • engineer
  • marketer

Men are highly regarded for public service and generally on leadership positions in various fields of activity.

In the field of physical labor among men, such specialties are in demand as

  • plumber
  • an electrician
  • metallurgist
  • miner
  • driver / trucker.

The most in-demand professions are in high demand among employers, which implies great opportunities for choice and high wages(depending on the specific place of work).

Creative male professions

Representatives of the stronger sex, prone to creative activity, find themselves in various fields: music, architecture, theater and fine arts etc. Men are often realized in those types of creativity that are associated with technology. So, it is men who become the most talented DJs, outstanding directors, cameramen, screenwriters, web designers. Also, men are often good chefs and stylists, although these specialties are not typical for the stronger sex.