Basic twerk lessons. Why you should start dancing twerk: personal experience of actress Kristina Ponunaeva. Twerking school at Trix Family has a number of advantages

Although the twerk style has existed for about twenty years, it was only after Miley Cyrus blew up the hall with her dance moves during the award ceremony music award MTV in 2013, the craze for this style has become more popular than ever. This is a female dance style whose main movements involve shaking the buttocks, focusing on the hips and body. Some people think that twerking is funny or downright weird, but the style has become part of modern dance culture. Stay up to date with current trends and learn several types of twerking, starting with the first step of this description.


Sit down and perform twerk movements

Sit down. You shouldn't be very low to the ground, but low enough that you can stand confidently on your feet and maintain your balance. Your knees should not extend beyond your toes to avoid knee injury. Spread your legs wide and squat down, turning your toes to the sides. This will help you maintain balance while performing movements. This is the most popular way of twerking and the least sexually provocative.

  • Pick a fun, fast tune and start practicing! You can start practicing with slow movements to get used to the basics of twerking and then choose the pace that suits you best.
  • Move your buttocks back. Position yourself as if you were about to sit on a chair—think of the chair pose in yoga—the emphasis should be on your buttocks. Make sure your knees are bent and place your hands on your hips. Keep your upper body straight and look up. To effectively twerk, you don't have to look down.

    • As you push your butt back, you should lean forward 45 degrees, placing your body weight on the balls of your feet. This look is known as "Miley Twerking". If you want to be a little less scandalous, then you shouldn't lean forward that much, but instead just keep your upper body level.
  • Shake your buttocks back and forth. If you choose to keep your hands on your hips while twerking, then you need to press your thumbs into the bones of your lower back to help your hips move forward as you shake them forward; and help move the hips back during the opposite part of the movement, pressing the remaining fingers on the hip bones. If you are comfortable performing twerking movements without using your hands, then you can raise your arms and extend them in front of you, parallel to the ground, bringing your palms and fingers together and swinging them smoothly as you twerk.

    • To dance "Twerk Miley", you must shake your buttocks quickly from side to side; for regular twerking, move your hips up and down while bending and straightening your back to achieve best result. And don't worry if you don't have big buttocks. This movement is great for everyone!
    • The whole point is to isolate your lower body. Try to keep your upper body firm and stable.
    • You can also change the position of your arms, keeping them extended in front of you, or at your sides, or resting them on your hips.
    • Additionally, you can even squat even a little lower by placing your hands on your legs above your knees, so that your palms are resting on your legs and your thumbs are facing each other. This hand position will help you shake your buttocks as effectively as possible.
    • If you really want it, then add a facial expression like Miley's or a hand sign to the dance, like she did during the performance.

    Twerking against a wall

    1. Stand about two feet away from the wall. Don't face the wall, but find a position where you can see the wall in your peripheral vision. This is precisely the most provocative way to dance in the twerk style. Keep in mind that this is not the most best idea if you drink too much, as you may fall. If you want to try twerking against a wall, then your skills in this style of dance must be higher than just basic. This type of twerking is not for beginners.

      • You must have good coordination and a strong upper body to do this movement effectively.
    2. Place your hands on the floor. This time you want to make sure your hands are firmly on the floor as you will be walking on the wall using your hands and you don't want to fall in that position. You must rest fully on your palms to gain the necessary stability. Raise your hips as high as possible to make it easier to lift your legs. Your hands should be about a foot from your feet, with your shoulders wide apart. When you place both hands on the floor, shift your body weight from your feet to your hands.

      • Your torso and upper body should be fully in the hands-on position. Your fingers should be spread out and pointing forward.
    3. Walk your feet up the wall, bend your knees and start shaking your butt. First, place one foot on the wall, lift and support it until you reach balance, then repeat with the other foot. Your feet should be wide apart, about a foot apart. Place your feet against the wall, push your hips up, and practice the basic twerking move. Tighten your arms and upper body as you move your lower body (which will be above your torso!). This is a variation of twerking where your hands are on the floor, the only difference is that your feet are on the wall.

      • You should try to dance in this position for thirty seconds or a minute, or for a short tune, but remember that your arms and shoulders will quickly tire.
      • This is also a great opportunity to find a wall twerking partner to show off the move together!
      • Make sure you know how to come down gracefully when you're done. Lower your legs one at a time to the floor. You can continue twerking with your hands on the floor, or just take a short break until your inner Miley awakens again.
  • If even people who are as far removed from it as a turtle from striptease argue about some phenomenon - for example, twerking - it means that this phenomenon is truly popular. Twerking, having burst into dance floors, screens, and now fitness clubs with its characteristic expression, is expanding its army of fans every day - and, of course, not by chance.

    What is twerking?

    Initially, twerking (aka twerk, aka bootie dance, aka bootie shake and swag) is a dance trend that originated in the USA in the late 1999s under the influence of African folk dances based on movements of the buttocks. After 2003, it began to actively spread, and in the early 2010s it gained almost worldwide fame, after which it quickly moved from the category of dances requiring good physical training, into the category of a separate type of fitness training.

    What is the difference between twerking and other fitness activities?

    Twerking puts the focus of exercise on those parts of the body that otherwise receive a lot of attention. less attention, and above all the buttocks and lower back, while during training all the muscles of the body work intensively.

    Why is it so popular, or 5 advantages of twerking fitness

    The first advantage of twerking, in general, is not unique: like other areas of fitness, it allows you to improve your figure and lose unnecessary fat. But by tightening the hips, removing the belly, improving the lines of the legs, etc., twerking at the same time creates excellent bulging buttocks from the most modest starting materials.

    The second plus is associated with a general health effect. Once again, twerking is original and banal at the same time. Being essentially a variant of cardio exercise, it strengthens the muscle corset, has an excellent effect on the heart and blood vessels, increases joint flexibility and promotes oxygen saturation of the blood - like many other types of physical exercise. But only twerking is able to “massage” the internal organs associated with digestion (gastrointestinal tract) and childbirth. Getting rid of menstrual pain, constipation, stagnation of bile and many other things that spoil our lives is also twerking.

    The third plus is a significant increase in level psychological comfort. With twerking, life takes on new colors, because this trend in fitness provides excellent opportunities for self-expression. It’s not just about sizzling sexuality: twerking gives you the opportunity to try on a variety of images – from a relaxed and unflappable athlete in perfect control of her body, to a hot thing that can lead anyone astray from the righteous path. But no matter what images you try on, an increase in female self-esteem (and at the same time libido) is guaranteed.

    The fourth plus is, let’s say, undemanding to external conditions. Twerking does not require fancy equipment or special rooms, and indeed nothing is needed except suitable clothes, music and a large mirror.

    Worth paying attention:

    The best clothes for twerking are those that do not hide the buttocks: leggings and mini-shorts. Shoes – only sneakers (to avoid injuries).
    And the fifth plus: twerking is suitable for everyone. Well, almost everyone.

    Who can twerk?

    Contrary to popular and erroneous belief, twerking does not require a big butt or curvy figure: those with the thinnest physiques can achieve success at it. There are no age restrictions for it, and no gender restrictions either: twerking is quite suitable for the stronger sex. As for physical training, it is desirable, although not required.

    This is important to know:

    Persons who have problems with their spine and musculoskeletal system as a whole should twerk with great caution, and at the slightest hint of pain, immediately stop training.

    How do you twerk?

    The first stage is an inevitable and necessary warm-up, followed by basic training and stretching for 35-50 minutes. Basic training (“buti”) includes a set of exercises performed in the following positions: 1) standing; 2) hands on the floor; 3) on the wall.

    The first include squats (the most impressive option is a squat for up to 5 minutes), vibration of the buttocks, rotation of the hips and lower back, alternate movement of the buttocks, figure eight, etc. In the “hands on the floor” position, it is necessary, leaning on the floor, to quickly bend and straighten your knees, intensively moving your pelvis. To perform exercises on the wall, stand next to it and, resting your hands on the floor, place your legs bent at the knees on the wall for a moment. One way or another, you will have to move the back of your body a lot.

    At the stretching stage, muscles are relaxed using straight-legged bends, splits and other exercises.

    Training always takes place under rhythmic rhythm dance music. In 45-60 minutes of training, it takes from 400-500 (for beginners) to a thousand calories (for experienced twerkers). To move to the last category, it is recommended to exercise at least 2 times a week.

    This is important to know:

    All movements in twerking are done with legs spread apart.

    Learning to twerk: video tutorials

    Where is the best place to study?

    To the question “How to learn to twerk?” there are two answers: on your own or with an instructor gym.

    Twerking on your own for free at home has its advantages, and above all, absolute freedom in choosing the time for training. You can practice whenever you want by turning on a twerking video lesson and repeating each movement as many times as necessary to consolidate it. Nobody will watch with a critical eye, no one will pay attention to the smudged makeup or inept movements - but no one will tell you where your mistake is and why you are moving forward so slowly. Besides, not everyone has a mirror at home. full height and, most importantly, a sufficiently large space in front of it.

    Classes in the gym are good because they will quickly show and explain to you everything that would take a long and tedious time to figure out on your own. Despite the apparent simplicity of twerking movements, they have their own subtleties, which are best understood with the help of a trainer. And since the atmosphere plays a significant role in the enjoyment of twerking, no exercise alone can compare with the collective rhythmic ecstasy, not to mention the fact that nothing helps you evaluate your achievements like comparison with others.

    Let's try to sum it up with three questions and answers.

    “Is twerking necessary?” - Yes, if you want to try new option cardio exercises, improve your health from the waist down and achieve an amazing butt.
    “Will it suit me?” - Yes, if there are no severe diseases of the spine and joints.
    “On your own or in the gym?” - If you want quick results, go to the gym.


    More interesting things

    We know actress Kristina Ponunaeva not only as the princess from “Fairy Tales U” and the charming, not very smart blonde from “Country U” on the TET channel.

    Actress Kristina Ponunaeva practices dancing and yoga, is great at humor, stars in the new TV series “Zirkonavti,” where she plays artificial intelligence, and shares all this on Instagram.

    Having reviewed her current stories with twerking for the tenth time, where she dances herself and trains the girls, a meeting to talk about dance was inevitable.

    - Christina, how long have you been dancing and how did you come to twerking? Why do you like it?

    I have been dancing since I was 4 years old. Why? As the classics sing: “Probably because all these are my chu-chu-feelings”... (laughs). As a child, I fell out of the stroller because my soul was eager to dance, and my eight-month-old body was not yet prepared for this.

    As for twerking, five years ago I didn’t pass the “Dancing” casting on TNT. A director I knew, so that I wouldn’t be upset, showed me several videos of African-American women dancing and offered to film something similar. Well, we filmed it and called it Hard metal “TWERK” (laughs). I was very inspired by my friend’s support and began to develop in this direction.

    - How did you learn to move like that? Did you go to classes or study in front of the mirror?

    After watching hundreds of videos on Instagram and YouTube, as well as studying the origins of the dance, I began practicing in front of the mirror.

    About the benefits of twerking

    Twerking relaxes the lower abdomen, pelvis, and activates the muscles of the abs, thighs and, naturally, buttocks. And the whole body in the dance tightens itself, where it is needed it pumps up, where it is not needed it relaxes. With the help of twerking you can not only get fit, but also lose weight. This is a powerful cardio workout that burns quite a few calories, depending on your fitness level and intensity. And, of course, it’s a HIGH!

    This shaking is beneficial for women. The whole dance is about relaxing and tensing the muscles of the buttocks, so when twerking it is important to keep your abs and not strain your lower back. You must have strong and strong quadriceps muscles to move like this.

    Self Confidence

    Dance is very liberating. For some reason, many girls are shy and believe that twerking is “vulgar” and “vulgar,” but those whose desire to learn prevails over embarrassment come out of training satisfied, wet, tired, but happy. They are proud of themselves, it is very noticeable. I often hear people say that I am a “tyrant,” but in this case it is a compliment. Plus, men like this dance, I know this from personal experience.

    How to start dancing twerk

    First, it is important to find “your” coach. Take individual and group classes with different teachers. A good dancer does not always equal a good coach. I recommend taking individual training first to understand your own needs: what exactly do you want to get from twerking? Lose weight, loosen up, pump up... etc. An experienced coach immediately sees the type and build of the figure, finds out whether there were or are any injuries, and then he will direct you in the right direction.

    How quickly can you learn to twerk?

    I've been dancing for about 20 years, roughly speaking. Graduated from the Kharkov Academy of Culture (Choreographer - Director), Master of Arts in ballroom dancing. She studied ballet, pole sports, taught strip plastic, fitness, step aerobics, and stretching. I am a certified TRX trainer and yoga practitioner.

    You cannot compare your level of training with the level of your coach. For some, a month is enough, for others it will take a year or two. It all depends on the regularity, patience, desire and professionalism of the trainer.

    Twerking exercises

    I start my workout with joint exercises, warm up my muscles with squats, planks, abdominal exercises and push-ups. Afterwards I give a little stretching and go ahead: “...shake, shake, shake er es, shake thet ess for mi, kammon girl...”

    Twerk clothes

    It is worth choosing the clothes in which the girl feels comfortable and sexy. This could be sweatpants, shorts, leggings, a bag, a swimsuit... I recommend shorts, a top, comfortable sneakers and knee pads.

    Should you start twerking?

    Yes! Because TWERK is sex. This is freedom, maximum immersion into yourself and your body. This type of dance gradually removes tension in the body, pumps up and tightens the butt, abdominal muscles, legs and arms. Stretches the groin muscles and deep gluteal muscles, which are often very tight. Relaxes the internal organs of the pelvis. Adds a feeling of self-confidence and sexuality. And of are crazy about twerking! If you know what I mean (smiles).

    It is important to learn to accept both “light” and “dark” in yourself. We ourselves give color to the world. So... "Dancing, sports and beauty - you are beautiful, ta ta ta"!)

    Photo in the text: press service of the TET television channel

    Twerking is a dance with explicit and slightly seductive movements. Twerk schools invite female students. But you can learn how to dance at home. This requires a desire to learn basic movements, and make time for training. Don’t worry if you don’t have voluminous buttocks - girls with any butt can dance twerk.

    Learning to dance twerk - choosing a form for training

    Choose comfortable clothes for classes. A short tank top, T-shirt, shorts or leggings are best. You will see all your movements and be able to control them. It's uncomfortable to dance in swimsuits. When choosing a dance form, consider the following nuances:

    • shorts should not tighten the buttocks. Give preference to knitted shorts or soft leggings, preferably colored ones;
    • buy a pair of knee pads. You won't be able to train without them;
    • Wear sneakers or sneakers on your feet;
    • don't forget about your hair. Make a ponytail or braid at the back of your head. Loose hair interferes with active twerking movements.

    Learning to dance twerk - warm-up

    Start your workout with a warm-up that lasts 10 minutes. Without warming up, you risk injuring your joints or ligaments and will not get the necessary results. Warm-up exercises:

    • squat several times with your arms stretched forward;
    • lean in different sides, back and forth. While bending forward, move your buttocks back as far as possible. Keep your back straight;
    • perform pelvic rotations;
    • Do a couple of stretching exercises.

    Learning to dance twerk - basic movements

    Turn on catchy and fun music and start learning. Dance in front of a large mirror so you can see everything clearly. Learn the following dance moves:

    • Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Squat down, bending your knees at a right angle or slightly less;
    • move your pelvis back, rest your hands on the front of your thighs;
    • strain your abs and squeeze your buttocks;
    • on the count of “one”, move your pelvis forward;
    • on the count of “two” return to the starting position;
    • the original remains the same. Start moving your hips and pelvis to the left and right on a one-two count. Try to alternately shift the center of gravity from one hip to the other and do not squeeze the joints in this area. This will make training easier;
    • From the starting position, try to bend your lower back as far as possible and lift your tailbone up. First, the help of your hands will come in handy - rest your palms on your hips, then learn to lift your tailbone without hands.

    Please note that when performing any movements you need to move only your hips. Light shoulder movements are allowed. In twerking, the knees are always bent; they can be springy, rotated outward or inward. The basic movements of the dance include rotation of the hips in different directions and “figure eight”. Practice each movement separately and then combine. At the end of classes, practice a bunch of movements.

    If you have a diseased spine or another disease of the musculoskeletal system, twerking is contraindicated. During exercise, pay attention to body signals. The slightest pain in the back or joints - stop dancing immediately.

    Always place your feet shoulder-width apart, otherwise you won’t get the correct squat and the dance will look funny. Your hands will help you shake your butt more vigorously. Place your hands on your belt, rest your palms on the bones and help “throw” your pelvis. The stronger your legs, the more energetic the dance. Therefore, try to pump them up, because you are dancing on bent legs.

    First learn to dance from a video lesson, and then perform the practiced movements to the rousing music. Twerking lifts your mood and helps you lose weight. At regular classes you will learn sexy dance and get a toned figure.

    Booty Dance - Twerk appeared in our country a long time ago and with a rather scandalous reputation. It was first seen in Russia back in the last century in videos by foreign performers. Then Twerk was called “dirty dancing”, since all movements are performed with the butt. Actually, the meaning of the dance lies in the skillful control of your fifth point - various smooth rotations, shaking in any position. You can find out how to learn to twerk, video will help with this.

    Booty Dance - Twerk is usually performed by girls and women; age and body size are completely unimportant here. All representatives of the fair sex who are asking the question “How to learn to twerk” in the video can be sure that any representative of the fair sex can perform Twerk (or “twerk”), and the wider the performer’s buttocks, the more impressive the dance looks. Even in ancient times, women used such dances to attract the attention of men. It is completely incomprehensible why some people now consider this to be something indecent, because the ability to dance Booty Dance is a unique mastery of one’s body.

    Twerk dance movements, how to learn to twerk (video).

    Learning how to dance it is not at all difficult; if you want, you can learn how to twerk to music even at home. To do this, it is enough to understand the basic movements, and the rest is up to the performer’s imagination. The first movement is smooth rotation of the pelvis in different directions, the second basic movement is to learn to lift your butt up and down in various positions, in a half-squat, leaning on the wall, on the floor, leaning on your arms and legs. There can be many variations. The only thing you should pay attention to is physical condition health. Booty Dance - Twerk puts a lot of stress on the leg muscles and abs, so you should not forget about fitness and pump up the main muscle groups.

    Despite criticism from some of the population of our country, Booty Dance - Twerk is becoming more and more popular. Sexy, passionate dance does not leave any male indifferent, no matter how skeptical he is. The fiery dance of shakes and shakes can increasingly be seen on the dance floors of Russia. To find out how to learn to twerk, the video will help you master the basic movements in a short time. There are many dance schools, where they teach Booty Dance to everyone, without any initial training. Classes with a trainer are more comprehensive, everything you need is provided there: the necessary muscle stretching, pumping of the hips, buttocks and back muscles.