Pumped up stars. The most muscular Hollywood actors

Few would argue with the statement that everyone actor-bodybuilder– it’s beautiful and brutal. Powerful, brutal guys with large-caliber guns have long become an integral attribute of Hollywood blockbusters. Each of these titans has their own difficult fate, but they all have one thing in common - they made a name for themselves by hard work overcoming fatigue, pain and injuries. In our article we tried to rank the most famous bodybuilding actors, who have achieved significant success both on the big screen and in the sports arena.

Chief Hercules Hollywood. Steve Reeves - the first bodybuilding actor

Our rating opens with a true legend of world cinema, a man who is rightfully called the first and chief Hercules Hollywood. We are, of course, talking about the great and mighty Steve Reeves. Veteran of World War II, holder of the titles " Mr America" And " Mister Universe", the thief of women's hearts and the immortal idol of millions. It is he who holds the laurels of the first bodybuilder who managed to popularize bodybuilding through cinema. The athlete gained worldwide fame for his role as the son of Zeus in the Italian film “ Labors of Hercules" and its continuation - " Hercules and the Queen of Lydia"(1958-1959).

Having played in more than 20 historical and adventure films, the athlete managed to raise interest in ancient culture and weightlifting to unprecedented heights. Thousands of guys signed up for gyms to be like their idol. It is also noteworthy that Reeves is one of the natural bodybuilders who managed to build an ideal body without the use of chemicals.

Nowadays, taking vitamin and mineral complexes, which are in demand, including among supporters of natural bodybuilding, helps to achieve such impressive results. For example, a dietary supplement based on natural ingredients such as Leuzea root is a proven remedy for healthy and natural gain of muscle mass.

« Iron Arnie" Arnold Schwarzenegger

Famous Austrian bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger, nicknamed " Iron Arnie", hardly needs any introduction. This name is familiar even to people who are infinitely far from the world of strength sports. Seven-time winner of the most prestigious title in bodybuilding “Mr. Olympia”, founder of the prestigious strongmanning tournament " Arnold Classic", the legendary Hollywood "terminator", who played more than fifty film roles, winner of the " Golden Globe", an influential media and political figure, ex-governor of the state of California - this list can be continued for a very long time.

As the successor to Steve Reeves, Schwarzenegger became a true icon of both the film industry and the film industry. Many bodybuilders, inspired by his successes and invaluable advice, managed to conquer the sports Olympus. And each new premiere with the participation of an already elderly, but still strong and powerful Hollywood persona causes constant audience excitement. For his outstanding contribution to world cinema, the most famous actor-bodybuilder was awarded a personal star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “Come with me if you want to live”, “I’ll be back!”, “What are you?!” "Blow off some steam, Bennett!" – these and dozens of other phrases uttered by him from the screen became popular.

At 69 years old, the actor is in excellent shape, and one can only envy his irrepressible energy. You can’t help but wonder if a high-strength titanium skeleton is hidden under this mountain of muscles?

Sylvester (Sly) Stallone

Another action hero of the 80-90s of the last century is Sylvester (Sly) Stallone. And even though he did not achieve such outstanding sporting achievements as his “iron” friend, images John Rambo And Rocky Balboa immortalized the name of this outstanding actor.

Sly became interested in strength training in his youth in order to build successful career to the cinema. He was trained by real bodybuilding legends - Frank Colombo And . Possessing impressive muscular dimensions and an athletic figure, Stallone could well have achieved success in the sports field, but he chose a different path.

Now the number of films in which he played actor-bodybuilder, has more than 60. His directorial debut was also successful. Painting " The Expendables", in which Sly managed to gather veterans of Hollywood action films, was a huge success all over the world, once again returning audience interest in the cult characters of American blockbusters. The actor is also the winner of the prestigious film award " Golden Globe».

Magnificent Lou Ferrigno

Another most famous actor-bodybuilder from 80s is Lou Ferrigno, nicknamed " Magnificent Lou». Winner of the title "Mr. America", silver medalist "Mr. Olympia" 1975- he was predicted to have a brilliant career in bodybuilding and overthrow Arnold Schwarzenegger from the bodybuilding throne, but fate decreed otherwise. Being at the peak of his form, Ferrigno leaves bodybuilding to fulfill his old dream of playing in a movie.

The promising athlete was invited to main role in the series " The Incredible Hulk"(1978-1982). It’s easy to imagine what colossal dimensions the leading actor of this green-skinned big man must have had, given that computer graphics in those years it was not yet used.

Subsequently, Ferrigno tried to return to big-time sports, but failed to achieve significant results. However, this did not stop him from building a brilliant coaching career. He coached Mickey Rourke, Chuck Norris and other Hollywood stars. Didn't break up" Magnificent Lou"and with acting work. It is in his voice that the Hulk speaks in all feature films, based on the Marvel universe.

Notorious Villain Hollywood. Bolo Yeung

Talking about bodybuilders in movies, one cannot help but mention the name of the famous Chinese actor Bolo Yenga. Winner of the title "Mr. Hong Kong", outstanding trainer, martial artist, actor-bodybuilder, friend of Bruce Lee and notorious villain Hollywood. Surely many will remember him for his role as the charismatic scoundrel Chong Lee in the action film " Blood sport"(1988) or the wise mentor Shingo from the dilogy " The strongest blow"(1992 and 1996).

The filmography of this wonderful man includes more than a hundred film roles. After finishing his acting career in 2013, the 70-year-old athlete focused on coaching. In the mid-60s, he founded the first bodybuilding school in Hong Kong, which he still runs to this day.

Gemini bodybuilders David and Peter Paul

Next in our ranking are twin bodybuildersDavid and Peter Paul. They gained worldwide fame after filming in famous comedy « Nannies"(1994). The brothers took up bodybuilding at the age of 15, achieving decent results in this sport. For example, David, weighing only 65 kilograms, pressed a 136-kilogram barbell. They later opened their own fitness center in hometown Hartfort (Connecticut).

Having moved to California, David and Peter immediately came to the attention of Hollywood producers. During their lives, the brothers played a little more than 10 roles in films, and in the memory of fans they will forever remain the rude but good-natured bruisers from “Nannies.” By the way, just recently the mighty twins celebrated their 60th anniversary.

Born Artist . Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson

Dwayne (The Rock) Johnsonborn artist And the brightest representative new wave bodybuilders in cinema. Some might argue that there is nothing for a wrestler to do on this list. Fair, but only partly. In essence, bodybuilding and wrestling are related sports, since each is based on the principle of beauty and entertainment. Looking at Johnson’s massive figure, as if carved from a block of stone, it’s unlikely that anyone would risk suggesting that he was slacking in training.

Even when he was a wrestler, The Rock showed remarkable acting talent, being remembered by the audience as the most emotional and artistic fighter. His career could have turned out differently, because in teenage years the future actor-bodybuilder was fond of American football and even signed a professional contract with a team from the major league. However, a back injury ruined all his plans, forcing him to continue the sports dynasty (Dwayne’s father and grandfather were also professional wrestlers).

Now Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson is one of the most sought-after and highly paid actors in Hollywood. He has already managed to act in 135 films, the most famous of which are “ Scorpion King», « Hercules», « Amazon Treasure», « San Andreas Fault" and franchise " Fast and Furious».

Vladimir (Dynamite) Turchinsky

List of outstanding bodybuilding actors would be incomplete without the name of our famous compatriot Vladimir (Dynamite) Turchinsky. Powerful athlete, experienced coach, talented actor and a showman... How much more he could achieve in life. But it tragically ended in 2009, when the famous bodybuilder was only 46 years old.

Vladimir began playing sports early, developing impressive muscles. In the dashing 90s he worked as a bodyguard for the stars Russian show business, and became famous himself by performing on the popular show “ Gladiator fights", under the stage name Dynamite. In 1998 he was recognized as the strongest man in Russia. He was the president of the Russian Extreme Power Federation and a professional trainer. He released a series of programs dedicated to his own method of training novice bodybuilders.

During his life, the actor played 20 roles in films, and in addition was the author and presenter of many programs on Russian television. Turchinsky’s most famous acting works are roles in the films “ Special Forces», « Special forces in Russian», « The sky is on fire».

« Mister dumplings" Alexander Nevsky

Closes the rating famous celebrities actor-bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky (Kuritsyn), awarded for his dubious acting and sports achievements the ironic nickname “ Mister dumplings" Without in any way trying to denigrate the name of this wonderful and purposeful person, we will present a few facts from his biography. Well, let everyone draw their own conclusions for themselves.

Possessing very good physical abilities, Alexander became interested in strength training from his youth. By his own admission, Nevsky was inspired to take up bodybuilding by “ Iron Arnie", and now the athlete positions himself as neither more nor less - " Russian Schwarzenegger».

However, this statement is too loud, since Alexander’s anthropometric data leave much to be desired. In defense of the athlete, we can say that he is a supporter of natural bodybuilding and actively promotes doping-free sports. Agree – it’s a good deed and worthy of respect.

A big fly in the ointment in the list of Alexander Nevsky’s merits is the scandal with his participation in the Mr. Universe competition, which, by the way, was once won by Schwarzenegger himself. The fact is that the tournament that was won, according to the athlete, was of a completely different plan and had nothing in common, except for the consonance in the names, with the original competitions. In 2010, the owner of the true title "Mr. Universe" Alexey Netesanov caught Nevsky in a lie. Alexander’s managers tried to justify their client, claiming that they did not know about the status of the tournament, but the athlete’s reputation was greatly tarnished. In 2011 and 2012, Nevsky again became the winner of the Universe tournament.

Acting debut for " Russian Schwarzenegger" took place in 2002, when he played a couple of cameo roles in American films « Non-negotiable" And " Red snake».

Having left to conquer Hollywood, Nevsky founded his own distribution company “ TsarPictures" He acted as a producer in 7 films, and in 2014 he made his debut as a director with the film “ Black rose" In 2016, the blockbuster “ Showdown in Manila", where Alexander Nevsky managed to gather the stars of Hollywood action films of the 90s - Mark Dacascos, Casper Van Dien, Olivier Gruner and many others. Designed to become the new “Expendables,” the film failed at the box office and was met with hostility by both viewers and film critics.

In addition to sports competitions and filming in films, Alexander is also involved in literary activity. He is the author of a number of books on fitness and bodybuilding.

Since September 5, the comedy action movie “Two Smoking Barrels” has been showing in Russian theaters, starring Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington. One of the highlights of the film, in addition to the well-choreographed action scenes, is close-ups Mark Wahlberg. While preparing for two roles in parallel - in “Two Smoking Barrels” and “Blood and Sweat”, the actor, who is already 42, puffed in the gym for several months, pumping up his sculpted biceps. Wahlberg's efforts were not in vain - in all the scenes where he aims a pistol, you can see muscles worthy of the Greek god Apollo. Female half the audience is delighted, but the male representatives are jealous and are thinking about buying a subscription to the “rocking chair”...
Building muscle for a role is not an easy task; some actors even turn down “tasty” roles without being ready to devote several months to intense training. Those who finally decided on them are worthy of respect, and the result, as they say, is obvious. We invite you to look at the most muscular actors in Hollywood in the images for which they brought their bodies to perfection

Jason Statham - for his role in The Transporter and its sequels

In general, to be honest, all of Statham’s roles require the presence of muscles - his role is that of a “bouncer” hero. However, it is in the third “Transporter” that Jason demonstrates all the beauty of his athletic body, appearing topless in several scenes, and in one in only boxers

Mickey Rourke - for his role in “The Wrestler” and “ Iron Man-2"

As a former boxer, Mickey knows all the secrets to quickly getting your body into "fight-ready" shape. However, before filming The Wrestler, Rourke for a long time there was no need to appear on screen with a naked torso, so the actor naturally let himself go (considering the lifestyle he led then, it was not difficult). But it’s worth paying tribute to Mickey’s determination - in less than a year he made his figure athletic (and he was already over 50 at that time). Excellent form helped Rourke after “The Wrestler” get another “delicious” role - Ivan Vanko in “Iron Man”, for which the actor almost did not have to prepare - everything was already in place

Ryan Reynolds in Blade 3: Trinity

Now Ryan Reynolds has more “clothed” roles, but in 2004, when he was just gaining popularity, he had to earn it with his body - in the literal sense of the word. Don’t think anything bad, just an episode of the movie “Blade 3”, in which Ryan’s slightly shabby, but still incredibly sexy hero appears shirtless, is a great pleasure to watch

Edward Norton in American History X

Norton is also not one of those actors who flashes on the screen shirtless in every film, but in the image that brought him fame - the neo-Nazi in American History X, he spends a decent amount of screen time with a bare torso or in a T-shirt that beautifully outlines the relief the top of his figure

Tsar Leonidas(Gerard Butler in 300)

It is impossible not to remember this character here. King Leonidas from 300, with his epic cry of “This is Spartaaa!” and a wardrobe consisting of a raincoat and leather briefs - a very powerful image, superbly embodied on screen by Gerard Butler. Despite the fact that the film contains a fair amount of computer retouching, no special effects have yet been able to give the actor a beautiful body - so Leonid’s muscles are entirely the result of Butler’s lengthy training

Tom Hardy in The Dark Knight Rises

Throughout the entire film, Tom Bain's character wears an ugly design on his face, which does not allow one to properly appreciate his appearance, but everything is compensated by his muscles. Tom Hardy and Batman actor Christian Bale even went to the gym together to prepare for filming. True, Christian had to sweat a little less - after all, his hero in the film has his own, special uniform, but Hardy gave it his all

Hugh Jackman in "Wolverine"

In the first part of the X-Men spin-off franchise about a man with an adamantium skeleton, Hugh appears on screen shirtless for only a short time, but in the second part, Wolverine: Immortal, which was released this year, 44-year-old Hugh allows you to admire your athletic physique from all angles. Muscularity is a professional necessity for Jackman: in most of his recent film images he is in excellent physical shape

Why do many famous men suddenly become pumped up and brutal? Beware, now ordinary guys are also involved in “tuning”.

In the 2011 film This Stupid Love, in the scene when Ryan Gosling takes off his shirt, Emma Stone looks at his ridiculously toned torso and says, “Is this a prank? And it looks like photoshop.”

Why should I be so surprised? Nowadays, it’s not just characters from cool action movies whose names sound like brands of fuel that are getting stronger. Almost every actor has biceps and deltoids growing by leaps and bounds. For example, the singing and dancing Hugh Jackman looks more prominent than the victims in the claws of his character Wolverine.

Or Jamie Bell's carved naked torso as he plays a slave in The Eagle of the Ninth Legion.

Or Liam Hemsworth in The Hunger Games, who looks like he's about to hit the runway so he goes to the gym and drinks protein shakes.

Yes, this is already a mandatory attribute of the profession: if according to the script you have to take off your shirt, even just to wipe off the witch’s ointment, then it is better to have a narrow waist and a pile of muscles, like some thug from a Disney cartoon (Gaston or someone more abruptly).

Instead of resisting this trend, our leading actors rushed in droves to gyms and training centers for recruits, where they enviously devour each other with their glances, appreciating the pumped up muscle mass: “Did you see what quadriceps Leonardo has? It was for them that he got the role of Gatsby!” Early in the filming of Captain America: The First Avenger, the directors were forced to resort to computer-generated special effects to shrink Chris Evans' size instead of casting a smaller actor to play his former character. And I know why: they just couldn't find it.

But it wasn't always like this. Silent film star Rudolph Valentino had the texture of a philosophy graduate recovering from a lingering flu. Tarzan performer Johnny Weissmuller was superior in size to the previous one, but when he lifted Maureen O’Sullivan in his arms, it seemed that his thin legs were ready to beg for mercy with the words: “You are hard for my Tarzan.”

In the 1960s, when Steve McQueen, Gregory Peck or Kirk Douglas bared their torsos, we saw men whose physical training was limited to a few leg-to-toe jumps around the Beverly Hills Hotel pool, followed by a short walk in the souvenir shop for cigarettes. The average viewer could take a fairly realistic look at their muscular bodies and think: “I, in principle, am like Spartak myself... or I can become one in three weeks.”

Even our comedians have fallen victim to this biceps trend. Dave Chappelle, Dane Cook, Sacha Baron Cohen and even Kevin James in Fatman in the Ring display muscles that look like a brick wall at The Improv.

They seem to have forgotten that a fat boy causes laughter not by the fact that in response to the teasing of a “bully-jock” he becomes such a bruiser-jock, but by the fact that he tries to take revenge for this nickname. The fashion for piles of muscles has permeated our lives so much that Will Ferrell causes wild laughter just by showing off his ordinary, unpumped body. We have reached the point where the mere sight of a slightly doughy person on the screen causes hilarity, because fat man looks as ridiculous as a donkey in a tuxedo.

Apparently, this muscle mania is about to reach Broadway, and then we will see Willy Loman (an elderly and weak character from the play by Arthur Miller) screaming at his son Biff, waving his arms with fake biceps. Or Tevye the milkman, leaving his shtetl on a cart, pedaling an elliptical drive.

We are already seeing how this fashion is taking root in politics. The real shocker in the Anthony Wiener scandal wasn't that he tweeted photos of his namesake, but that he didn't tweet more photos of his pecs, which were downright obscene. Last year's presidential race featured two of the fittest candidates ever. And when Mitt Romney chose a running partner, the main criterion for him was how quickly the potential vice president could jump around the gym with side jumps - that’s how Paul Ryan smoked Condoleezza Rice.

But in society ordinary people this desire to “be like them” can be even more dangerous. Us regular guys have to look up to these crazy incredible bodies, from the vampires who lost weight thanks to all those True Blood diets in the series of the same name, to Schmidt's toned, flawless abs in the sitcom New Girl. And this is not fair.

We spend hours in our offices, watching YouTube videos and trying to guess the score of a football match. Meanwhile, Hollywood actors burn calories all day long in battles with the Klingons (a fictional alien civilization of humanoid warriors), debauchery in the brothels of King's Landing in "Game of Thrones" and are forced to fight Nicolas Cage.

How humiliating it all is! Now our wives and girlfriends began to say things like: “Don’t worry, honey, Brad Pitt, of course, is handsome, but I’m sure as a person he’s a terrible bore.” But we are familiar with these tricks - we ourselves once reassured them in the same way, saying something similar about Uma Thurman or Heather Graham, although we thought completely differently.

And in such a gloomy environment, two types of men are formed: those who, in anticipation of a threat, fight, training their aging muscles and bringing them to a more or less acceptable state, and those who, in the face of an impossible task, give up the fight and fold their wings. We have become the nation personified by Laurel and Hardy (American film actors-comedians, the classic comedy couple “thin and fat”) - provided that Laurel looked like Taylor Lautner and Hardy weighed another 50 kilograms more.

There is an old legend about the ancient Greek wrestler Milo, who trained by lifting a calf every morning. He began training when the calf was still very small, and continued when the calf grew into a full-grown bull. Now men are faced with an incredibly difficult choice every day: should they raise a calf, imitating their Hollywood idols, or just eat it?

Based on materials from The Wall Street Journal, USA

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone at one time became trendsetters in bodybuilding fashion in Hollywood. Iron Arnie and Sly are still the most respected musclemen of the Dream Factory.

the site invites you to remember the most muscular movie stars of the new generation who took the baton from Hollywood bodybuilders.

Still from the film

Before Vin Diesel became an actor, he worked as a bouncer in a nightclub. He went to the gym “out of duty.” As is known, regular classes sports are addictive, so he didn’t give up the weights even after he started acting in films. According to the actor himself, he does not use steroids or anabolic steroids. He adopted an old Hollywood trick - Vin Diesel pays much more attention to training the muscles of his upper body than his legs. Thus, on the screen he looks like a professional bodybuilder, although he would not be accepted into bodybuilding competitions due to his disproportionately developed body.

Still from the film

Johnson became famous throughout the world thanks to wrestling and television, not cinema. Appearance wrestler is his business card and the key to success. Johnson performed in the ring under the nickname "The Rock", which he received due to his powerful physique. In addition, in his youth, Dwayne was seriously involved in sports - wrestling, athletics and American football. Now the hero of popular action films begins his every day with a run and a set of stretching exercises. Then he goes to one of the most popular private gyms in Florida, where many of his colleagues who live in this southern state train. Johnson eats five or six times a day (depending on the intensity of the exercise), periodically arranging fasting days for himself, reducing the number of daily calories consumed several times.

Still from the film

This Australian actor gained worldwide fame after the release of the film Thor in 2011, in which he played the main role. Chris' athletic physique played an important role during the casting. He was in excellent physical shape, having been involved in surfing, boxing and rugby since school. Especially for the role of Thor, he started going to the gym and gained 10 kilograms of muscle mass. He was so carried away by “pumping iron” that he decided not to give up this business after filming was completed. In his interviews, Chris Hemsworth has repeatedly said that he simply loves basic exercises - pull-ups, dips, deadlifts, bench presses, sitting and incline. Hemsworth's body is designed in such a way that the actor instantly begins to lose weight without training or dieting. From time to time he allows himself to take a break from the weights for a couple of weeks, but then rushes back to the gym, since physical activity, by his own admission, improves his mood and performance.

Still from the film

The famous Captain America always loved to work out, but the creators of the films about the First Avenger asked Chris to double his efforts in the gym before filming so that his body would look truly superhero-like on screen. For three months he trained five times a week. The actor’s nutritional plan was developed taking into account all the characteristics of his body. Before filming began, Evans could not look at the chicken and protein shake without disgust. This regime turned the actor away from sports for some time, but his love for sports subsequently took its toll. Now best vacation for Chris, these are his favorite exercises with dumbbells and barbells, horizontal bar and parallel bars.

Jason Statham

Still from the film

Statham does not have any outstanding dramatic talent. Most movie lovers are familiar with him for his roles in the action-packed films Adrenaline, The Transporter and The Mechanic. Almost all of Statham's characters are brutal, cold-blooded, taciturn and pumped-up thugs. To maintain his body, he trains special program, which is significantly different from most sets of physical exercises popular on the Internet. He works with a personal trainer, a former Marine. Statham not only needs to look good - he must be truly strong and dexterous, since he prefers to perform most of the difficult and dangerous stunts on his own. In addition to performing standard basic exercises, Jason climbs ropes, does a lot of weight training, runs up and down stairs, and also takes a sledgehammer to a huge truck tire. Statham has not drunk alcohol for many years and monitors his diet daily.
Actors such as Tom Hardy, Hugh Jackman, Mark Wahlberg and some other Hollywood stars also cannot imagine their life without weights.

Chris Evans gained muscle mass before filming, the actor is muscular

Many have learned from their own example that gaining 15 kg of muscle mass is possible only in adolescence. If someone gained 15 kg of weight at the age of 30-40, it means flabby fat. But not in Hollywood! The best trainers, advanced pharmacology, nutritionists. And it seems that Hollywood actors can do everything. It turns out that there are not so few jock actors.

Here are examples of the best body transformations of Hollywood actors. These male actors tripled their caloric intake, trained with the Navy SEALs, experienced ultra-cold temperatures to increase blood circulation, and ultimately toned up their muscles to star in top blockbusters.

Captain America, Chris Evans

Captain America, Chris Evans, body transformation

Captain America had well-developed pectoral muscles, and you would think that the actor consumed some kind of special soldier nutrition in the form of whey, instead, the performer of this role used more conservative methods to build muscle: he was lost in gym and absorbed lean protein. And although he worked out 2 hours a day, 4-5 times a week, the actor managed to gain 9 kilograms of muscle in 4 weeks when he played his role in the film “The Avengers”. In general, it will be difficult for us to judge his training methods; we can only see the results in the form of photographs of how actor Chris Evans becomes a muscleman in just 4 weeks.

Thor, Chris Hemsfort

Chris Hemsfort, TOP, body transformation, before and after

The only thing bigger than Thor's own ego is his beefy right hand(and maybe the left one too). For his role in The Avengers, the Australian actor began training again under the guidance of trainer Mike Knight, who helped him create Thor's Nordic body. The actor gained weight through training with weights and consumed up to 6,000 calories a day, after which he dried for a whole month so that his muscles acquired a beautiful relief. Some sites even list his training program. We will not present it here, because... it's unlikely to suit you. It is unlikely that the newly minted actor was transformed so quickly by natural training. In general, in the photo you see the results of stellar bodybuilding.

Christian Bale, Batman, The Machinist

Actor Christian Bale is constantly gaining muscle mass.

Wearing the Mystery Avenger costume in last time, the actor who plays Batman also had to transform his body for the role. He gained 27 kilograms of pure muscle in 6 months to play the role of “The Dark Knight”, and after that he lost weight again, only to 59 kilograms for his role in the film “The Machinist”, which could clearly be dangerous for the actor’s health. Look at the photo, you will be amazed how he gained and lost almost 30 kg weight repeatedly. And each time he gained not fat, but muscle of quite decent quality. The ability of actors to gain muscle mass is amazing. Many of our bodybuilders from the outback will sincerely envy such transformations.

Magic Mike, Channing Tatum

This former dancer, who was also a model, proved that his intentions in acting were far from superficial and created an incredible body for the film Magic Mike. Playing the role of a stripper, he had to seriously take up training. In an interview with MTV News, he said: "I think the preparation for the film was very intense because there were scenes where I had to do it with my butt bare, and toned glutes require a certain training and nutrition regimen, but thank God this episode was short"

Bane, Tom Hardy

Bane is Batman's nemesis in The Dark Knight Rises, who is supposed to be a bundle of brutal power, and the actor had to bulk up a lot to fit this image. He had 3 months to gain 13.5 kilograms of muscle on his 178 cm tall body. And since his goal was muscle mass, the actor occasionally resorted to cardio training.

Tony Stark

This actor has always been quite thin, and although in the film “The Avengers” Tony Stark did not have impressive muscle size, this member of the “Brat Pak” acting group had to train like a real superhero. What helped him with this was a 5,000-calorie diet and gym sessions with an emphasis on lifting heavy weights instead of cardio training. For the role, the actor gained 11 kilograms of muscle mass. In ordinary life, only teenagers gain 11 kg of mass; those over 25 usually gain 11 kg of flabby fat, but not Hollywood stars.

Marine Logan, Zac Efron, Lucky

Zac Efron gained muscle mass, actor

Quiet, who studied music at school and participated in theatrical productions, played Marine Logan in the film Lucky Man and put on 4 kilograms of muscle on his 5-foot-10 frame to fit the role. He trained 5 days a week with former Marine Logan Hood and ate 3,500 calories a day in the form of protein shakes and omelettes. In general, we all know what high-calorie diets lead to. Many people have a dream to turn into a sumo wrestler, but for Zac Efron everything is different.

Taylor Kitsch, John Carter

Taylor Kitsch, John Carter, also gained muscle mass before filming, actor

Despite starring in Friday Night Lights, the actor spent 11 months bulking up for John Carter, where he played a veteran civil war who travels through space. As a committed vegetarian, he ate a diet consisting of oatmeal, egg whites, protein shakes, chicken breast, sweet potatoes and dark rice. What a vegetarian! Every day, the actor got up at five in the morning and began training, consisting of high-intensity cardio, boxing, sword training and resistance training. And we have a lot of guys like that! Only almost all of them continue to lose weight.

Tobey Maguire, Spiderman (Spiderman)

Tobey Maguire Spiderman (Spiderman) sculpted muscles, actor

Daily seven-hour training helped the actor transform his body into the appearance of the superhero Peter Parker from the movie “Spider-Man.” For 4 months, the actor trained his body 2 hours a day and 3-4 hours a day learned to perform tricks (somersaults) in the air using ropes. He also did gymnastics, parkour and learned how to handle a safety rope, all of which he did every day. On top of that, the actor did yoga and gymnastics to improve his flexibility to perform stunts with ropes.

Shia LaBeouf, Jack Bondurant, main character movie "The Drunkest County in the World"

Shia LaBeouf gained 18 kg of muscle mass

The surname of this young gangster translated from French means “beef, carcass, bull,” but the actor playing him is not at all meaty and after he agreed to play that same gangster in the film “The Drunkest County in the World,” he had to gain 18 kilograms on his lean body in order to more convincing to look like Tom Hardy, playing the role of his brother. As you can see, the newly minted actor could do with adding another five kilograms of muscle mass, although now he doesn’t look so sad.

Villain from the movie "I, Alex Cross"

Matthew Fox, a great example of sports drying. Villain from the movie I, Alex Cross

In order to play the role of a bloodthirsty fighter in ultimate fights in the film “I, Alex Cross,” former doctor Jack Shepard (TV series “Lost”) had to lose 16 kilograms of fat and pump up muscles. He consulted a nutritionist and enlisted the help of a personal trainer to transform his body into that of a “killing machine.” As you can see, he didn’t gain muscle mass, but he obviously didn’t lose it either. The muscle definition is excellent.

Tyler Perry, Alex Cross

The actor who played the role of Alex Cross is perhaps best known for creating female image Mabel (Madea) Simmons. The writer, actor and producer all in one replace Morgan Freeman as the title character in I, Alex Cross. The film actor said in an interview with Men's Health magazine that in order to lose 13.5 kilograms, he ran for an hour every morning, pumped up his muscles by exercising with his own body weight, worked out on exercise machines, and practiced during the day. martial art Krav Maga (similar to military hand-to-hand combat).

Daniel Craig, James Bond

Actor Daniel Craig, James Bond, before and after, sculpted muscles

After losing weight for his role in Cowboys & Aliens, this blond Brit did a lot of work on himself before starring in 007. Coordinates: “Skyfall” as James Bond. During the filming of the film, the British press reported that Agent 007 used cryotherapy (cold treatment) - he sat in a cell with a temperature of minus 100 degrees Celsius for 3 minutes. The procedure is said to improve blood circulation and increase the production of endorphins (the feel-good hormone), resulting in the person being able to work longer and do more strenuous work.

Taylor Lautner, Werewolf Saga, Jacob Black

Taylor Lautner, before and after, 6-pack abs, bodybuilding, defined muscles

Before us is another newly-made jock actor. The Werewolf was a skinny 17-year-old when he first auditioned for the role of Jacob Blake. Three years later, when the heartthrob had already starred in 4 films, he had gained 13.5 kilograms of pure muscle mass. To maximize the load when working with a barbell, the actor ties rubber straps to the bar, the other end of which is tied to the stand (frame), thus creating more tension in the muscles during the approach.