Tuning 7 string guitars how to tune. Tuning a seven-string guitar by yourself. How to tune a seven-string guitar in standard rock tuning

At the time, I ran into a huge problem. I did not know the tuning of the Russian seven-string guitar, and no one could tell me about it. I figured it out for several long months. Saved me from ignorance, our Russian bookstore.

Once I went to a bookstore, I found on the shelves a manual for playing the seven-string guitar for 40 rubles. First of all, I eagerly drank from the first pages of the tutorial and found out the structure of the seven-string guitar. But I didn't have 40 rubles with me. Therefore, I went home for money and finally bought the treasured book, which I not only do not regret, but on the contrary, I am grateful to God for such a priceless gift.

It will not be a big secret that the classical six-string guitar is built in fourths and has an E-H-G-D-A-E tuning (from the first string to the sixth), which gives it special flexibility in playing music and performing various musical works.

The invention of the Russian seven-string guitar and its special tuning is attributed to Andrey Osipovich Sikhra. They say he was a harpist, and six strings were not enough for him, so he came up with a seven-string version of the guitar. In addition, the Russian seven-string guitar is distinguished by its tertian tuning, which gives it a special musical and timbre flavor.

The tuning of the seven-string guitar is as follows:

1st string - D (Re) of the first octave

2nd - H (Si) small octave

3rd - G (Sol) of a small octave

4th - D (Re) small octave

5th - H (Si) of a large octave

6th - G (Sol) of a large octave

7th - D (Re) of a large octave

As you can see from the tuning, the open strings of the Russian seven-string guitar make up a G major (G) chord, so we can safely call such a tuning "open G". By the way, the famous Rosenbaum, who plays the twelve-string guitar, uses the “open G” tuning. Only it is expressed with one difference. It uses a seven-string guitar tuning with the fifth string omitted. Therefore, string pairs are built in D-H-G-D-G-D. This also explains the effect that many novice guitar players cannot determine from the video what chords he takes :)

However, do not forget that when recording music for MOST guitars, sounds are recorded an octave higher than their actual sound. Therefore, the system of a seven-string guitar in notes will look like this (the numbers in circles are, as always, the strings):

If all this is translated into a guitar neck (in notes, that is, an octave higher than its real sound), then this picture will turn out:

As we remember from previous articles for a six-string guitar, horizontally from top to bottom we have strings from the first to the seventh, and vertically (columns) these are the frets of the guitar from the zero nut to the 19th fret. Well, and, accordingly, the sounds of C major on these frets (the rest, altered sounds, you can easily find out yourself).


As you can see from the illustration above, given that the guitar sounds an octave below its musical notation, we can tune the guitar in the following way.

The seventh fret of the first string is built in unison with the tuning fork A of the first octave.

The second string, clamped at the 3rd fret, is built in unison with the open first string.

The third string, pressed at the 4th fret, is built in unison with the open second string.

The fourth string, clamped at the 5th fret, is built in unison with the open third string, or the open fourth string is an octave below the open first string.

The fifth string, clamped at the 3rd fret, is built in unison with the fourth open string, or an open fifth one octave below the second open string.

The sixth string, clamped at the 4th fret, is built in unison with the fifth open string, or an open sixth an octave below the third string.

The seventh string, clamped at the 5th fret, is built in unison with the sixth string, or an open seventh one octave below the fourth open string.

Thus, having tuned and checked the system, we get the G major chord on the open strings. What next…


Elliot Craig.

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Known to everyone, the seven-string guitar becomes the best guest at any holiday. This musical instrument is played with almost equal success by a beginner and a virtuoso. The Russian seven-string guitar has been known to the inhabitants of our country since at least the end of the 18th century. Since then, music to the seven strings, romances and folk songs delight the ears of our compatriots and music lovers around the world. Today, playing the seven-string guitar is considered folk.

According to legend, the instrument was invented by our compatriot Andrei Osipovich Sikhra. He is believed to have composed over 1,000 pieces of music for her himself. Russian romances have been played to the accompaniment of the seven-string for decades. In the 19th century, the ancient instrument was appreciated by the gypsies, who brought the accessory to South America, giving the second name - "gypsy". The obvious difference between a six-string and a seven-string guitar is the increase in the number of strings by one low bass. This reduces the options for performed works, but allows the reproduction of chamber folk works and complex compositions. It seems to be specially created for Russian folk songs.

The first time the strings of an instrument were plucked in public was in 1793. A small concert took place in the city of Vilna. A little later, Sichra moved to Moscow, where he brought his work.

Another point of view attributes the creation of the seven-string to a native of the Czech Republic, Ignaz von Geld. He worked in the same years as Sychra in St. Petersburg, Moscow. It was the Czech musician and teacher who wrote the textbook on the seven-string guitar, presenting his work to the Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna.

The tool has become very popular and famous. It could be played by both a simple artisan and a nobleman.

Today, this stringed instrument is rarely used on the professional stage. It is used by bards, performing ballads, song compositions. The seven-string guitar was chosen by Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Paul McCartney. She is a soloist in the performance of works by Russian composers. The sound row of notes is distinguished by romanticism and melody.

In our time, a seven-string electric guitar appeared. An additional bass string delivers a deep, vibrant sound, creating original updated chords. They are distinguished by a modified fingering, they serve as the basis for a unique and unusual sound for classical types. The device is popular among extremely heavy types of music: experimental metal, djent, various kora.


Over the decades of development, manufacturers have offered musicians various varieties of the "seven-string". There are three types of guitars in total.


Feature - the standard size, typical for classic models. The size of the sounding part of the string (scale) is 650 mm.

Tertz guitar

Has a slightly smaller size. The scale in this model is 585 mm, which provides a B-flat major sound. Refers to the list of transposing instruments, built lower by a minor third. The note row is displayed one tone lower than the standard one. The difference when recording the key C-major in the translation for the tertz guitar in A-major.

quart guitar

It has small dimensions. The scale length is only 550 mm.

Device and equipment

The Russian seven-string is distinguished by its structure. This musical instrument uses only metal strings.

Drum: material, components

The body or drum is preferably made of natural wood. A languid, deep sound forms a hollow body. Wooden decks are installed inside. They are placed in accordance with the Scherzer system, which involves parallel fastening, creating stiffeners.

The body is made of two wooden decks connected by side shells. In the center is a round hole called a rosette. Buttons and strings are installed directly below it. The top deck is completely flat. The bottom has a slightly convex surface.

Neck: material, components, fastening

A distinctive characteristic of the Russian 7-ki is the method of manufacturing and fastening the neck. Screw elements connect it to the drum. By twisting the screws to different levels, the string tension threshold is set at different heights, forming an original sound range. The higher the threshold is set, the more effort is required when iterating. Due to the height adjustment, it is convenient to adjust the seven-string guitar depending on the preferences of the performer. On the frets, circles of mother-of-pearl or bone are often installed, which can be in the range of 19-24.

How to choose strings

The national Russian instrument is equipped only with metal elements. Depending on the thickness, the following names are found:

  • the thinnest is a fifth;
  • second - medium thickness;
  • with a maximum thickness - a third.

On the subsequent silk winding is performed. A metal thread is wound over it. Each successive string has a lower pitch. The build and sound are checked by playing the string. The change in tone is carried out by twisting the pegs. A tuning fork can help with tuning.

The alternative used to be gut strings. Most often pulled on expensive handmade models. Recently, metal has sometimes been replaced by nylon. It doesn't affect the sound quality very much.

musical properties

An additional lower bass string forms the original tonality of the music. A chamber velvety sound is formed, emphasizing the melody of song compositions.


Due to the introduction of an additional string by either a Russian or a Czech musician, an original tuning is formed - an octave lower than the traditional sound of the six-string classics (from D of the first octave to D of a large octave for a large model). The quarter-tert system is formed in a key performed in a major sound, it belongs to the mixed type. The range of sound pitches ranges from part of a large octave, through a small, first and up to part of the second. It covers three full octaves in total.


When tuning, the sound of a string is evaluated in comparison with two adjacent ones. One of the neighbors remains open during setup. The second is clamped, set to a certain selected fret. The first becomes the base. This is where the adjustment starts.

Important! Each fret on the fretboard should be half a step lower than the next.

Tuning can also be done with the tuner.


Given the main task of the seven-string (performing Russian national music), the major key initially became the main key. The easiest in this series is the major G. The subdominant and dominant are major Do and D. Also used in the minor row from E to C. The remaining keys for the Russian seven-string guitar are difficult.

Differences between a seven-string guitar and a six-string

The Russian or gypsy guitar today is not very different from its prototype - a model with 6 strings. The key feature, as already mentioned, is the introduction of an additional bass in the bottom row, which is tuned in the C contra octave.

The devices have a fundamentally different version of the structure:

  1. The six-string stacks in the following order: mi, si, salt, re, la, mi. What is a quarter system.
  2. The seven-string uses a different way: re, si, salt, re, si, salt, re. This version of the system is called tertsovym. A tuning fork La is used for tuning. If there is no tuning fork, the D sound is used for adjustment. Bayan can be used.
Attention! Most of today's compositions are written for the six-string.

Significant differences are observed in electric guitars with 6 and 7 strings on the fretboard. The lower bass is especially appreciated by heavy metal performers. In this case, by connecting an amplifier, chords for a seven-string guitar become bright, deep, and saturated.

Playing the seven-string guitar

The first seven-string guitar lesson starts with getting the basic skills. An important role is played by the correct fit of the musician, how he places his hands, whether he knows how to properly tune the musical range.

Game technique

It is convenient to play only sitting. It is recommended that you choose the right chair, the height of which should correspond to the height of the musician. When laying on the leg, the upper canvas slightly rests on the chest, is located at shoulder level. The playing hand, usually the right one, rests against the wide part of the body.

The position of the body must be stable. To increase the level of this characteristic, a low bench is substituted under the leg on which the device is placed. For right-handers, it is installed under the left leg. It is convenient for left-handers to put under the right. The second leg is slightly set aside.

When performing, the thumb is placed on the bass strings. The remaining fingers, except for the little finger, which does not take part in the game, move towards the palm. The thumb, not falling on them, moves towards them. Most often, sound extraction occurs at the bottom of the outlet.


When performing exercises at the initial stage, the game is played on open strings. This method helps to master the extraction of sounds by hitting the strings with the thumb. The left hand at first remains lowered along the body. The training is aimed at developing the skills of an actively playing hand. Her thumb is set on the 7th string. The index is located on the third, the middle - on the second, and the nameless - on the first. To start playing, you need to lightly press the string. Meanwhile, the thumb slides down, moving down a string. At the same time, the remaining fingers extract sounds from "their" strings.

Exercises are repeated by moving the thumb up to 4 strings. It is recommended to practice skills until the fingers remember the order of movements.

Chords for seven-string guitar

Beginning musicians can use the following chords when learning:

  1. C, in which the thumb is placed on the second string of the first row. The triad that is produced when using the barre is located on the first fret.
  2. The G chord is played with the free left hand on empty strings.
  3. The thumb pinches the 6th bass string when the player strikes an E chord.

Am, Dm, F and H can be used. The location of the fingers during execution is indicated in the table, which can be found in any music textbooks.

It was one of the most popular instruments, both the upper and lower circles of society. Her sounds could be heard not only on the outskirts of the working rows, but also in the high-society salon. It's a pity, but it's less and less possible to hear its magical sounds, despite the fact that playing it gives no less pleasure than a six-string guitar gives.

Many who inherited this instrument from their fathers or grandfathers are not averse to mastering at least the initial chords, learning a couple of songs that can please relatives and friends. Not everyone knows how to tune a seven-string guitar on their own. Like any instrument, this one has its own characteristics that should be considered when it comes to starting to master the basics of music and playing. There are several ways to tune a seven-string guitar so that the sound is clear and pleasant.

Learning to self-configure

One of the most famous ways is tuning the guitar to the voice. For this type, a subsequent study of the initial chords will suffice. However, most people prefer to tune the instrument with a tuning fork.

Despite the above methods, both among beginners and among amateurs, you can find a different type of tuning, which will be discussed later, namely, how to tune a seven-string guitar by ear.

The very history of this instrument dates back a lot of time, because the Russian, or, as it is also called, the gypsy guitar, has been known since the 18th century. There are many legends about who exactly began to promote the use of the tool. The most common name is A.O. Sikhra. It was he, as the story goes, who invented the guitar. She accompanies some types of classical music, author's songs, Russian romances, which, oddly enough, have been quite popular over the past few years.

Famous musicians who preferred this instrument were Yu.I. Vizbor, B.Sh. Okudzhava, V.S. Vysotsky and others. History has preserved many such names.

Many people study and learn how to tune a seven-string guitar by ear for a long time. This is not as difficult as it might seem, of course, if a person has natural data.

  • The thinnest first string is tuned according to the tuning fork - La. This means that by pressing the string at the 7th fret, the sound was identical to the reference "A". Using the peg, directing it in one direction or the other, loosening and tightening, you should achieve the perfect combination of sound.
  • The tuning of a seven-string guitar is carried out further as follows: the second string is pressed at the 3rd fret. Its sound, in turn, coincides exactly with the not clamped first. You will have to use a peg every time you select a certain sound for a string. Keep this in mind when setting up.
  • While the mood of the seven-string guitar "reached" the 3rd string, it is important to achieve its unison on the 4th fret with the 2nd not pressed.
  • By this principle, the tincture of the remaining strings occurs. The fourth at the 5th fret makes the same sound as the free 3rd.
  • The fifth, pressed at the 3rd fret, is identical to the free 4th.
  • The sixth string of the 3rd fret makes the same sound with the free fifth.
  • As for the seventh, the following rule also applies here: on the 3rd fret it is identical to the not clamped sixth.

This may seem like a complicated operation, but for those who have ever held a guitar in their hands and have an ear, this will be quite a simple tuning. And even if the future musician has no experience, you should not be upset. You can use either another method, such as tuning a seven-string guitar on the Internet through a microphone, or make another attempt.

We use the help of the Internet

Many do not know, but there are also seven-string guitars in rock music. Among them, the most notable performers are "Korn" and the former member of "Limp Bizkit". As for the tuning of this type of guitar, the first six strings of it sound like a Spanish six-string, and the final one at the 5th fret, like a free 6th.

Those who have the technical ability and can tune a seven-string guitar on the Internet through a microphone can be said to be happy people. After all, there is nothing easier than to go to a specialized site, of which there are quite a lot on the network, connect a microphone to a computer and start setting it up.

Using a tuner (a small device that helps to get the right beautiful sounds for musical instruments), it is quite easy to tune a seven-string guitar to perfection. In order not to make a mistake during tuning, both programs and Internet pages offer to listen to the correct sound, combine the resulting “melody” and bring the instrument to the desired sound. We must not forget that the guitar is a “live” instrument and from time to time it is advisable to check its mood, which can go astray.

HOW to quickly tune a guitar and not get confused? There are at least 4 different ways to tune a guitar - and I'll tell you about it.

The most common ways to tune a guitar are:

Tuning your guitar online

You can tune your guitar online right here and right now :)

Your guitar strings should sound like this ♪ :

  • 1 string
  • 2 string
  • 3 string
  • 4 string
  • 5 string
  • 6 string

To tune your guitar, you must tune each string so that it sounds like in the recording above (to do this, turn the tuning pegs on the fretboard). As soon as you have each string sounding like in the example, this will mean that you have tuned the guitar.

Tuning a guitar with a tuner

If you have a tuner, you can tune your guitar with the tuner. If you don't have it and you use difficulties when tuning the guitar, you can buy it, it looks like this:

In short, a tuner is a special device that is designed to tune a guitar.

Approximately it looks like this:

  1. you turn on the tuner, put it next to the guitar, pluck the string;
  2. the tuner will show how the string sounds - and how it needs to be pulled (higher or lower);
  3. turn until the tuner indicates that the string is in tune.

Tuning a guitar with a tuner is a good and practical option for tuning your guitar.

Tuning a six-string guitar without a tuner

How to tune a guitar for a beginner who does not have a tuner? Tuning the guitar completely by yourself, without using third-party programs, is also possible!

Often you can also come across the question: What fret should you tune your guitar in?- it is quite reasonable and now I will explain why. The fact is that all the strings with a tuned guitar are interconnected by such a relationship:

The 2nd string, pressed at the 5th fret, should sound like an open 1st;
The 3rd string, pressed at the 4th fret, should sound like an open 2nd;
The 4th string, pressed at the 5th fret, should sound like an open 3rd;
The 5th string, pressed at the 5th fret, should sound like an open 4th;
The 6th string, pressed at the 5th fret, should sound like an open 5th.

So how do you tune your six-string guitar this way?

We act like this:

  1. we clamp the 2nd string at the 5th fret and adjust it so that it sounds like the 1st open;
  2. after that we clamp the 3rd string at the 4th fret and adjust it so that it sounds like the 2nd open;
  3. and so on according to the diagram above.
This way you can tune your guitar on the fifth fret, that is, using a dependency.

This method is bad because we do not know how to initially tune the first string. In fact, all strings depend on the 1st string, because we start tuning from the 2nd string (and it is tuned along the first string), then we tune the 3rd string along the 2nd string, and so on ... But I acted very wisely - and wrote down everything.

Guitar tuning app

You can also tune the guitar using the application on your phone. I think the best tuning program is GuitarTuna. Look for this program in the Play Market or the App Store.

How to tune your guitar with GuitarTuna?

  • download the application, open it;
  • pull any string - the program will start drawing a graph;
  • you want the graph to go as close to the center of the screen as possible;
  • if the graph goes in the center, then you have tuned the string;
  • tune each string in this way.

I find guitar tuning through the application the easiest, most rational and convenient.

Watch the guitar tuning video!

Greetings readers of our site!
Today I would like to discuss with you the topic seven-string electric guitars. Often novice guitarists ask questions about what these guitars are for, how they sound, what their tuning is, and much more.
First of all, it should be noted that six-string and seven-string guitars practically do not differ structurally. One string is added and the neck expands because of this. Everything else is identical. Most often, active and passive humbuckers are used as pickups on such instruments. Some examples use a fixed bridge, while others use Floyd Rose type cars.

ESP 7-string electric guitar

To the classical six-string guitar Mi[E]-Si[H]-Sol[G]-Re[D]-La[A]-Mi[E] one more bass string Si[H] is added. But the system for a seven-string guitar can be used differently depending on the musical tasks, and there will be a separate article about this on our website.

Seven string guitars are used especially actively in heavy styles of music such as death metal, nu-metal, metacore, etc. Manufacturers try to make their sound dense, heavy, monolithic. Many epithets can be chosen, but it is better to listen to this sound yourself, and a demo video will be presented below.

I would like to note the fact that on a seven-string guitar you can play not the most brutal music, but, for example, hard rock and you will not feel any inconvenience or restrictions. On the contrary, the possibilities of the guitar are expanded with the addition of the seventh string.

But if you are thinking about buying such a guitar, decide clearly whether you need such an instrument.

Go to a music store in your city, try playing the seven-strings, listen to their sound and draw your own conclusions.

A lot of well-known guitar manufacturers present seven-string specimens in their model lines. Among such firms, the following can be distinguished: Ibanez, B.C. Rich, Schecter, Carvin, Jackson, ESP and many others.

Members of many heavy metal bands use seven string guitars. One of the most famous is the group Korn. The musicians of this group use Ibanez guitars.

Guitarist for Korn

And now let's move on to the most important thing - let's listen to how the seven-string electric guitar sounds. The video shows examples of sound on a clean sound, as well as using