Sciences 22 Temple of the Tikhvin Icon. Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God on Nauki Avenue. On weekdays

The appearance of the temple on Nauki Avenue is associated with an important event for the Orthodox Russian world - the return of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

History of construction

Construction began in 2005. Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Vladimir gave his blessing to the construction of a new church, which was located on Grazhdanka, one of the residential areas of the city. The chapel was originally built from wood. But it was already clear that there would not be room for everyone who wanted to attend the service.

Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg

In this regard, the city community came to the conclusion that it was necessary to expand the premises. After reconstruction, the temple could already accommodate 200 parishioners. Little by little, the church united enterprising people who managed to organize a Sunday school at the church and establish several other useful social events.

Over time, the church building again became too small to accommodate all the believers. In 2012, the government of St. Petersburg adopted a resolution according to which a plot of land was allocated for the construction of a new stone church. All the necessary documentation was quickly prepared by specialists, the construction site was fenced and a worship cross was installed on the site of the future temple.

Work began in October 2014.

Current state and activities of the parish

In addition to holding regular services, the parish helps the elderly and cares about the spiritual and moral education of children at risk. Under the leadership of the temple servants, trips of pilgrims to holy places are organized.

There is a Sunday school at the temple, which accepts children from 4.5 to 12 years old. The newspaper “Parish Bulletin of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God on Nauki Avenue” is published.

Interior of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

The temple operates a counseling service that helps people facing difficulties in life (drug addiction, alcoholism). Since 2005, this center has supported the creation of a base for institutions dealing with such cases.

Services at the temple

The parish brings together many people who volunteer, helping socially vulnerable residents of the city and surrounding area. Activities include visiting sick, elderly, and low-income citizens. Both material and spiritual assistance are provided.

Cultural leisure activities for parishioners are organized. Gospel conversations are held for young people, which helps to instill correct views on life and love for the Orthodox faith.

Note! It is also significant that parents of children living in remote areas bring their children to the Sunday school of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Virgin Mary.

There is a special atmosphere of grace and mutual assistance here.


The project for a new building involves the construction of a building in the style of Russian architecture, with one dome, a belfry, high vaulted windows and white walls. It will be much more spacious than the old wooden temple.

The Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God under construction on Nauki Avenue

As of January 2017, external construction work on the construction of a new stone temple had already been completed. All that remains is to complete the interior finishing.

Shrines and patronal feasts

The church contains particles of the holy relics of several Christian righteous people: Anthony of Vologda, Theodosius of Totem, Efrosyn of Sinezersky, Philip of Irap.

The date July 9 is revered with special respect - the day when the miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God was returned to Russia.

How to get there

The temple is located in the city of St. Petersburg, on Nauki Avenue, building 22, building 2. You can get there from the Akademicheskaya metro station to the street. Sofia Kovalevskaya. From there, walk deeper into the neighborhood. The building is bordered on one side by the above-mentioned streets, and on the other by st. Karpinsky and Northern Avenue.

Schedule of services

On weekdays, the Liturgy is served from 7:00. On holidays, a late Liturgical service is added at 10:00. Parishioners can attend Vespers at 5:00 p.m.

A more detailed schedule can be found on the official website of the temple.

Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God on Nauki Ave., St. Petersburg

The ringing of bells woke up the residents of the neighboring nine-story buildings: the curtains pulled back and faces appeared behind the glass that glared in the sun. What did they see in the yard? A lot of people gathered around a small wooden temple located between the school and the stadium. The church cannot accommodate so much, so in the summer, on holidays and Sundays, the rector, Archpriest Evgeniy Palyulin, gave his blessing to serve outside. A canopy is placed near the northern wall to mark the altar; benches are taken out of the temple for older people, and the sound is broadcast through speakers.

The entire temple faces outward: the wooden walls are decorated with drawings by Sunday school students; on holidays, a charity fair and concerts are held here in the courtyard. Every year there are fewer indifferent observers: people are drawn to where there is warmth and love. Opportunities are also attracted. In the densely populated Kalinin region, where there is a commercial struggle for every piece of land, the parish of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God has been building a stone church for a year now. And the very location of the wooden temple on the school grounds is a rare exception.

Here, under the rays of the July sun, which makes you smile and squint, you really feel the presence of the Mother of God - merciful, giving warmth, close. “Today the roof of the temple is the open sky, along which the wind drives the clouds, and the walls of the temple are the entire surrounding world. I looked at the people who looked out of the windows, and those who passed by, and I’ll tell you - they looked at us with envy. Each of us has experienced the great power of the intercession of the Queen of Heaven. It depends on us whether these people will come to us, into the church fence,” Father Nikolai said in his sermon. The dean congratulated the clergy and parishioners and presented the temple with a particle of the relics of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica.

On the patronal feast day, not only the boundaries of the temple are expanded here: it seems that something in the heart is freed when you see manifestations of the Living Spirit everywhere. And the sprinkling of birch branches, scattering emerald leaves along with the drops, and the field kitchen with bottomless cans of porridge, and the classical music concert at the walls of the temple, and charity tents for raising funds for the social ministry of the parish - testify to His presence. Of course, there are difficulties and problems that require constant effort and work. But a holiday is a reward when invisible grace is manifested in caring for each other and in sharing joy.

“Do you know how we started? We worked with street children - they came from all these houses. Even though they were with their parents, they were unnecessary. We worked with them in the rehabilitation center of the Kalininsky district. We prayed in the director’s office, and then the center was closed. But the temple they allowed us to build. The director was good, he is now a parishioner here, and we are friends and come often,” said Elena from the Lakhta Sisterhood of St. Elizabeth.

Address – 195256, St. Petersburg, Nauki Ave., 22, cor. 2.

Phone – 8-905-228-71-22

Historical background

In 2005, in memory of the return to Russia of the great shrine - the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, a parish was formed in St. Petersburg on Nauki Ave. From the very moment the parish was formed, it was clear that the small chapel that was built would not be able to accommodate everyone. The parish council decided to enlarge the building. By the fall of 2006, a small wooden temple was built, in which regular services began to be held.

The parish managed to unite around itself proactive and caring people who wanted to serve the Church and the Fatherland. A Sunday school was organized, social and youth ministries were established. As part of the educational activities of the Church, a weekly lecture was organized for adults. On Sundays, a tea party is held in the church courtyard for parishioners and guests of the parish. The parish began to live the full life of the Church. Soon the parish grew so large that the existing wooden church was no longer able to accommodate everyone who wanted to participate in the service.

In the summer of 2012, the Government of St. Petersburg adopted a Resolution on the allocation of land for the construction of a stone church. In August 2014, the construction site on the site of the future temple was fenced off and a worship cross was installed, and construction work began in October of the same year. At present (January 2017), the capital work has been largely completed: the walls have been brought under the roof, crosses have been installed on the domes. It is still necessary to install and connect communications, improve the territory, and carry out internal work.


  • Birthday: November 8, 1950
  • Name day - December 3.
  • Diaconal ordination - April 4, 1994
  • Priestly ordination - April 7, 1999

  • Birthday: January 19, 1988
  • Name day – October 7
  • Diaconal ordination – June 9, 2011
  • Priestly ordination – May 9, 2012

  • Birthday: December 1, 1990
  • Name day - January 21
  • Diaconal ordination – March 5, 2014
  • Priestly ordination – October 19, 2014

  • Birthday: December 15, 1979
  • Name day – December 19
  • Diaconal ordination – January 8, 2016

  • Birthday: September 17, 1981
  • Name day – March 30
  • Diaconal ordination – March 13, 2016

Schedule of services

On weekdays:

Divine Liturgy – starts at 7.00 (confession at 6.30)

On Saturday:

Divine Liturgy – starts at 9.00 (confession at 8.00)

Evening service – starts at 17.00

On Sunday and holidays:

Early Divine Liturgy - starts at 7.00 (confession at 6.30)

Late Divine Liturgy – beginning at 10.00 (confession at 9.00)

Evening service – starts at 16.00


Monday – Akathist to Righteous John of Kronstadt

Tuesday – akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the “Vsetsaritsa” icon

Wednesday – Akathist before the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

Thursday – Akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Friday – Akathist to Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg

Saturday – Akathist to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky (at 8.00)

On Sundays, an akathist to the Sweetest Jesus alternates with a prayer service with an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos for the granting of Christian marriage and happiness.

Public conversations before Epiphany are held weekly, on Fridays, at 18:30. No pre-registration required.

Parish ministry

Sunday school

The Sunday school of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg is one of the largest in our city. It educates more than 150 children aged 4 - 15 years. The spiritual atmosphere and quality of education at the school is evidenced by the fact that some of the students’ parents, who for some reason moved to another area, continue to take their children to school.

Social service

  • Organizing volunteer work, attracting new volunteers from among the parishioners and youth of the church.
  • Providing social assistance to frail and elderly people, cancer patients, and disabled people.
  • Providing social and domestic assistance
  • Medical and social assistance
  • Social and psychological assistance
  • Support is provided to parishioners who are in difficult life situations.
  • Visiting lonely parishioners in a private social shelter.
  • Visiting patients in the postoperative period and visiting patients undergoing treatment in a hospital.
  • Activities aimed at strengthening the physical health of older people.
  • Organization and distribution of shoes and hygiene products to low-income people and people without a fixed place of residence
  • Car assistance.
  • Conducting creative handicraft workshops under the guidance of a volunteer artist-teacher.
  • Organization of Orthodox fairs to support social projects.
  • Congratulations to the patronized parishioners on Angel's Day, Merry Christmas and Easter.
  • Social trips organized for elderly parishioners of the temple, together with the Municipal District of Grazhdanka.
  • Organization of cultural and leisure events for parishioners.
  • Organization of pilgrimage trips throughout the year.

Directions of activity of the youth group at the temple.

  • Activities of the parish youth theater
  • Fairs and exhibitions
  • Pilgrimage and cultural trips
  • Lecture Hall and Gospel Talks for Youth
  • Missionary actions
  • Sports events
  • Congratulations to veterans
  • Collection of humanitarian aid
  • Participation in citywide events

Care institutions

State Autonomous Healthcare Institution "Leningrad Regional Cardiology Dispensary"

St. Petersburg, Polyustrovsky pr., 12A

tel. 540-31-04, 541-12-45

Every week, on Thursdays, a prayer service is performed for the sick. If necessary, the sacraments of confession and communion are performed.

Temple details

PMRO Parish of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God on Science Avenue

TIN 7804181744

Gearbox 780401001

OGRN 1057806320164

Bank: OJSC Bank “Alexandrovsky”, St. Petersburg

BIC 044030755

Payment account 407 038 102 000 000 001 38

Cash account 301 018 100 000 000 007 55

Contacts: rector of the temple, Rev. Evgeniy Palyulin
social service coordinator Yulia Palyulina +79602725406


Social service was formed from the very beginning of the life of the parish. Currently it is carried out in the following directions:

1. Organization of holidays and exhibitions in the parish with the participation of children and adults. This direction involves the participation of creative people, masters and craftswomen. (Drawing, embroidery, knitting, various kinds of crafts and souvenirs) Arranging charity exhibitions and sales in the parish at Easter and Christmas, on patronal feast days and great holidays.
2. Medicine. This direction brings together doctors of different specializations. Regular lectures on medical topics are held. Therapeutic gymnastics classes are organized. Psychological support for parishioners who find themselves in difficult life situations.
3. Mercy. We provide all possible assistance to the elderly parishioners of our church, mainly lonely people. A visit to the hospital, assistance in purchasing medicines and food, escort to a temple or clinic, and, if necessary, household assistance with the participation of the youth of the temple.
4. Autogroup. Transport assistance for elderly parishioners for delivery to church and home, assistance with relocation.
5. Legal assistance to parishioners. Lawyers, judges, investigators, prosecutors, and notaries provide parishioners with all possible consulting and legal assistance.
6. Master. Help with everyday life for lonely, poor and helpless parishioners.
7. Culture. Introducing parishioners to the news of the church and cultural life of our city. Purchasing free invitation tickets to attend Orthodox concerts, exhibition halls and museums for the poor and pensioners, organizing excursions and pilgrimage trips.