A short prose narrative work of fiction. Short prose. Narrative genres in versification

Very short stories. Brevity is sister

I invite those who want to learn how to write prose in

Makar Evgrafovich went to the grocery store for vodka to remember his bosom friend Senya Krivosheyko, who died five years ago from hitting the back of his head on the pavement, but on the way he tripped over a curb and almost fell under a passing KAMAZ garbage collection truck, which made him so scared that...

Zhenya Prokopyev picked daisies, collected them in a bouquet and brought them to Natasha Gribkova to please her, and Natasha preferred peonies to daisies, but still sniffed the bouquet and put it in a glass of water. And at night she lay in bed, smelled daisies......

Oh my God, what blue eyes you have! This is crazy! And the hair, the hair is naturally a nymph, no, a divine naiad, nothing less! And the lips, and the smile... Yes I am for you... yes I am! I will part the clouds with my hands! Oh no, this is plagiarism. Then - “Valentina, you are my picture!” Eh, no, where did it take me......

Andrey Palych fell out of bed onto the floor. I fell quite noticeably, painfully, but without a shudder, and somehow even invigoratingly. He had a strange, depressing dream about pine cones that were lying on the ground, but in the dream he could not understand what and why. What does he need these bumps for? And he would have suffered in delirium if he had not fallen out of bed......

The poet Vasily Podlunny, after three mediocre collections of lyrical poems, finally decided to create a masterpiece so that all the spiteful critics would die, and the admirers would go crazy with delight. And not to waste time on trifles, but a straight poem. About love, of course. Tragic and hopeless. So that everyone reads and shudders in tears......

He was waiting for her on the corner - just on the way from the Paradise cafe to the bus stop. She couldn't pass by, she always walked like that. And today it had to happen, it definitely had to. Oh, how he waited for her, there was no one more desirable to him in the whole world! Well, where are you, where?.....

Small prose work, the plot of which is based on a specific (rarely several) episodes from the life of one (sometimes several) character. The small size of the story requires an unbranched, usually single-line, clear plot structure. The characters are shown more fully formed. There are few descriptions, they are short and concise. Plays an important role artistic detail(detail of everyday life, psychological detail, etc.). The story is very close to the novella. Sometimes a short story is considered a type of short story. A short story differs from a short story expressive composition, the presence of descriptions, reflections, digressions. The conflict in the story, if there is one, is not as acute as in the short story. The narration in the story is often told from the point of view of the narrator. Genesis story - in sagas, essays, works of ancient historiography, chronicles, legends. The story took shape as an independent genre in the 19th century. From that time to today, it has been a productive genre of fiction.

G. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko was destined to be the founder of Ukrainian educational prose, which determined the problems and style of all Ukrainian prose of the pre-Shevchenko period.

The decisive influence on the formation of Kvitka-Osnovyanenko’s aesthetic ideal was the idea folk literature. The tendency of contrasting the moral and ethical principles of the working people with the morality of the gentry, initiated by the new Ukrainian literature, acquires the character of an ideological and artistic pattern in the work of Kvitka-Osnovyanenko (with all his attempts to find an ideal among the nobility).

Like many educators, Kvitka’s attitude towards the people, their customs and culture was not unambiguous. However, the basis of the idea of ​​historical and modern life of the people with the whole complex of its cultural phenomena, overcoming the negative attitude towards the common people's lack of education, superstitiousness and rudeness, develops through a fascination with the natural spontaneity, naivety and poetic beauty of oral poetry as positive knowledge that contributed to the understanding of the life of that time masses in a humanistic-democratic spirit. Cognition folk life, the aesthetic development of folklore as one of the formants of new Ukrainian literature, on the one hand, contributed to the general “rehabilitation” of the masses, and on the other, accelerated the departure from classicism to the formation of features of educational realism, from the classicist conflict between personal interests and responsibility, man and fate - to the correlation between man and society, to the concept of a smart social structure, which is based on the natural state of man as the norm. This reorientation was not only based on the idea of ​​natural equality of people, but also put the ordinary “little” person in the center of attention, opened up the self-worth of the individual and the path to artistic creativity to create individual characters. In this regard, both the style and the nature of pathos in the works of Kvitka-Osnovyanenko change - from classic satire to burlesque, folk grotesque and sentimental affection and idealization of a positive hero as the personification of the properties of a “natural” person.

The style orientation of the stories is emotional impact, the reader’s empathy not only required a new figurative word, but also led to a deepening into the personal lives of the characters, strengthening psychological analysis, attempts to show the personality from the middle (in its most secret aspirations, thoughts, feelings, moods), and ultimately to delineating an individual image-character. Productively using the genre possibilities of the large epic form, the writer here makes a noticeable step in comparison with his predecessors in the new Ukrainian literature.

Literary Enlightenment in Ukraine is not limited to the first half of the XIX century. Having gone through a stage of a kind of symbiosis with sentimentalism and romanticism, educational realism coexists with critical realism almost until the very end of the 19th century. It feeds primarily on the populist trend of literature, when it is subordinated to the educational task, the education of the people or the intelligentsia, which inevitably in artistic structure work leads to a logical idea.

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The quiet rustle of fresh grass underfoot, the sweet whisper of the wind and the ruby ​​sunset on the horizon - an idyll. “How nice it is to relax at the dacha!” - flashed through my head. On your favorite silver watch, the hand has passed nine in the evening, the chirping of cicadas can be heard in the distance, and there is a smell of freshness in the air. “Oh yes, I completely forgot to introduce myself! My name is Semyon Mikhailovich Dolin, and today I turn seventy years old. I have been living on this earth for seven decades! How quickly time flies,” I thought, slowly walking around the dacha. Walking along the narrow path, I turned right, walked around a massive red brick house and smelled the magnificent scent of phlox and aster flowers. After some time, I found myself in my favorite place in our garden. After my wife died in a car accident, I often walk here and take care of the flowers. Almost in the center of the garden grows a cherry tree - a source of beauty. This is not just a cherry tree, but an incredibly beautiful Japanese sakura - a symbol of life. By some miracle, it took root here and, blooming every spring, awakens in me memories of my happy life.

...A dimly lit room, a tiny and soft crib, through the half-open curtains they penetrate sunbeams. I can hear the sound of a boiling kettle, the voices of my parents in the kitchen... I stretch sleepily, yawning and rubbing my eyes with my fists. This is how the day began when I was five years old. Getting out of bed, I put on my T-shirt and follow the smell of freshly baked pancakes and raspberry jam. In the bright and spacious kitchen, the people dearest to me are sitting at the oilcloth table: my always rushing and fussy mother, my strict and bearded dad, and also my kind and cheerful grandmother. I tell them all: " Good morning" This is not just a greeting, because I really believe that every morning with sunshine and pancakes is a good one. It seemed to me that dad was afraid of me, because when I appeared, for some reason he looked at his watch, jumped up and ran away until the evening. He was probably hiding. Mom seemed not to see me at all, immersed in household chores. “How does she do everything in these pieces of glass that are attached somewhere behind the ears and on the nose? She doesn't even see me! - I think, looking at my mother, wiping the lenses of her glasses. And only my grandmother, seeing me, says: “Good morning, Syomka!” Then I was happier than ever!

...A merciless downpour, bright store signs, gigantic gloomy buildings, and, it seems, billions of cars, as well as thoughts in a bursting head: “What to do now? What's next? Is this what I wanted? Was it worth it? I'm scared. Very scary." Thus ended the day when I turned fifteen. I was scared, young, in love and sincerely believed in a miracle. Of course! It’s hard not to believe when this miracle, smelling of roses and cinnamon, walks arm in arm with you through the city at night. She was about sixteen years old, had blue eyes and long hair, braided into two luxurious braids. There was a mole on her velvet cheek, and her graceful nose wrinkled cutely when a car passed nearby and blew a stream of smoke into the April air. And so, we slowly walked deeper into the city, away from parents, problems, stupid jokes on TV, studies, from everyone... She was my muse, for which I created, was my meaning, for which I lived. “Yes, we ran away, we acted like children, but I will be with her to the end and will never forget her!” - I thought. And standing like that in the middle of a busy street, the nymph said to me in a whisper: “I love you very much. I’m ready to go even to the ends of the world with you.” Listening to these wonderful words, I was happier than ever!

...A frighteningly snow-white corridor of the intensive care unit, a flashing lamp, a crimson dawn outside a cracked window, falling leaves swirling in a frantic flamenco with the wind. An exhausted wife sniffles on his shoulder. I rub my eyes in the hope that this is just a dream, that all this is not real, but the nightmare treacherously refuses to end. It was as if mercury had been poured into my head, my blue hands ached madly, and the events of that terrible night flashed before my eyes again: a daughter who had stopped breathing, a screaming and crying wife, fingers numb from animal horror that refused to dial life-saving numbers on a mobile phone. Later, the roar of the ambulance, frightened neighbors and a single prayer in my head, which I repeated out loud over and over again... The sound of the door opening made both of them shudder. A gray-haired, hunchbacked doctor with shaking, dry hands and huge glasses appeared before us like a guardian angel. The Savior took off his mask. There is a tired smile on his face. He said only three words: “She will live.” My wife fainted, and I, Semyon Mikhailovich Dolin, forty years old, a bearded man who had seen a lot in life, fell to my knees and began to sob. Cry because of the fear and pain experienced. Crying because I almost lost my sunshine. Three words! Just think about it: just three words that I heard then made me happier than ever!

...Pink sakura petals, performing chic pirouettes, gently lie on the ground, and you can hear the chirping of birds around. The scarlet sunset is mesmerizing. This tree has witnessed many happy moments in my life, kind words people dear to me. I made mistakes and was mistaken many times, I saw a lot and went through a lot in this life, however, I understood absolutely only one thing: with a word you can really support, cure and save, make a person happy. The word is the source of happiness.

1. A small narrative prose literary work containing a detailed and complete narrative about any individual event, incident, everyday episode.

2. A small prose work of a mainly narrative nature, compositionally grouped around a separate episode or character.

3. A work of small volume containing a small amount characters, and also, most often, having one storyline.

Fairy tale

1. A narrative literary work about fictional persons and events with a fantasy setting.

2. Narrative, folk-poetic or author's work of art about fictitious persons and events, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces.

3. Narrative genre with a magical-fantastic plot, with real and (or) fictional characters, with real and (or) fairy-tale reality, in which, at the will of the author, aesthetic, moral, social problems of all times and peoples are raised.


1. Epistolary genre of literature, an appeal by the author to a specific person with the posing of some important question.

2. The genre of journalism, which involves the author’s appeal to to a wide circle readers in order to attract attention to any fact or phenomenon of reality.

Correspondence excursion

1. A type of descriptive text, the object of which is a landmark.

2. A type of essay dedicated to any historical and cultural monument, in which elements of description, narration and reasoning are present in equal parts.


1. A short literary work that gives a brief, expressive description of something.

2. B fiction one of the varieties of the story, which is more descriptive, deals primarily with social problems. A journalistic, including documentary essay presents and analyzes real facts and phenomena public life, as a rule, accompanied by their direct interpretation by the author.

3. Literary genre, hallmark which is artistic description predominantly isolated phenomena of reality, interpreted by the author in their typicality. The essay is usually based on the author’s direct study of his subject. The main feature of an essay is writing from life.


1. The genre of oratorical prose and journalism.

2. Literary work in the form of an oratorical speech, sermon or message; narration, story in general.

3. B ancient Russian literature– the name of works of an instructive nature, “educational prose” of a rhetorical and journalistic nature. Most often, the “word of praise” required oral pronunciation, but, having been created in advance (in written form), it remained in national culture a written work.


1. A genre of criticism, literary criticism, characterized by a free interpretation of any problem.

2. A type of essay in which main role What plays is not the reproduction of a fact, but the depiction of impressions, thoughts and associations.

3. A prose sketch presenting general or preliminary considerations about any subject or for any reason.

4. In modern literary criticism - an essay or article, rich in theoretical and philosophical reflections.

IV.4. Topic of the competition work The participant of the Competition formulates independently depending on the given thematic areas and genres of competition works. In this case, the content of the work will be internally motivated, which, in turn, can ensure originality and independence of the work and stimulate creativity. In addition, an independently formulated topic will be another indicator of the development of textual competence, therefore, a corresponding criterion has been included in the criteria for evaluating competitive works.

Examples of topic formulations in different genres according to thematic areas “The story of my acquaintance with... (by a writer or a work).” Genre: story. "What books talk about at night." Genre: fairy tale. “Hello, future reader... (writer or work)." Genre: writing. “Where are you, where are you, father’s house?” In the homeland of S.A. Yesenin." Genre: correspondence excursion. “The candle of memory does not go out.” “Sevastopol stories by L.N. Tolstoy." Genre: essay. "The Tale of Griboyedov." Genre is a word. “Man has always been and will be the most curious phenomenon for man” (Belinsky), (reflections on the novel, for example, “The Brothers Karamazov” by F.M. Dostoevsky” or “The Golovlevs” by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin”). Genre: essay. “...What is beauty and why do people deify it?” (reflections inspired by N.A. Zabolotsky’s poem “The Ugly Girl”). Genre: essay. “In our city there is a monument...” (about the monument dedicated to the Great Patriotic War). Genre: essay, correspondence tour. “The history of a country is the history of people” (about a specific person or family during the Second World War). Genre: short story, essay. " Theater Museum– A.A.’s life’s work Bakhrushin." Genre: correspondence tour, story, essay, word. These examples are indicative only.

Prose is all around us. She is in life and in books. Prose is our everyday language.

Literary prose is a non-rhyming narrative that has no meter (a special form of organization of spoken speech).

A prose work is one written without rhyme, which is its main difference from poetry. Prose works can be both fiction and non-fiction, sometimes they are intertwined, as, for example, in biographies or memoirs.

How did prose, or epic, work arise?

Prose came to the world of literature from Ancient Greece. It was there that poetry first appeared, and then prose as a term. The first prose works were myths, traditions, legends, and fairy tales. These genres were defined by the Greeks as non-artistic, mundane. These were religious, everyday or historical narratives, which were defined as “prosaic”.

In the first place was highly artistic poetry, prose was in second place, as a kind of opposition. The situation began to change only in the second half. Prose genres began to develop and expand. Novels, stories and short stories appeared.

In the 19th century, the prose writer pushed the poet into the background. The novel and short story became the main ones artistic forms in literature. Finally, the prose work took its rightful place.

Prose is classified by size: small and large. Let's look at the main artistic genres.

Large prose work: types

A novel is a prose work that differs in the length of the narrative and complex plot, fully developed in the work, and the novel can also have side storylines in addition to the main one.

Novelists included Honoré de Balzac, Daniel Defoe, Emily and Charlotte Brontë, Erich Maria Remarque and many others.

Examples of prose works by Russian novelists could form a separate book-list. These are works that have become classics. For example, such as “Crime and Punishment” and “The Idiot” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, “The Gift” and “Lolita” by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, “Doctor Zhivago” by Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, “Fathers and Sons” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, “Hero of Our Time” Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov and so on.

An epic is larger in volume than a novel, and describes major historical events or responds to national issues, more often than not, both.

The most significant and famous epics in Russian literature are “War and Peace” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, “ Quiet Don"Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov and "Peter the First" by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Small prose work: types

Novella - short work, comparable to a story, but more eventful. The story of the novella originates in oral folklore, in parables and legends.

The novelists were Edgar Allan Poe, H.G. Wells; Guy de Maupassant and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also wrote short stories.

A story is a short prose work characterized by a small number of characters, one plot line and detailed description details.

Rich in stories by Bunin and Paustovsky.

An essay is a prose work that can easily be confused with a story. But there are still significant differences: the description is only real events, lack of fiction, a combination of fiction and non-fiction, usually addressing social issues and being more descriptive than in a story.

Essays can be portrait and historical, problematic and travel. They can also mix with each other. For example, a historical essay may also contain a portrait or a problem essay.

An essay is some impressions or reasoning of the author in connection with a specific topic. It has a free composition. This type of prose combines the functions of a literary essay and a journalistic article. May also have something in common with a philosophical treatise.

Average prose genre - story

The story is on the border between a short story and a novel. In terms of volume, it cannot be classified as either a small or a large prose work.

In Western literature, the story is called a “short novel.” Unlike a novel, in a story there is always one storyline, but it also develops fully and fully, so it cannot be classified as a short story.

There are many examples of stories in Russian literature. Here are just a few: " Poor Lisa" Karamzin, "The Steppe" by Chekhov, "Netochka Nezvanova" by Dostoevsky, "District" by Zamyatin, "The Life of Arsenyev" by Bunin, " Stationmaster» Pushkin.

IN foreign literature One can name, for example, “René” by Chateaubriand, “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Conan Doyle, “The Tale of Monsieur Sommer” by Suskind.