Unusual hobbies of people from different countries of the world. An unusual hobby for ordinary people

In our age of speed and high technology, when we are always rushing somewhere, snacking on the go, communicating with children or parents only by phone, and always in a hurry and in a hurry, every person needs some kind of outlet. A business that does not require fuss, an activity for the soul and heart. Therefore, almost every person has a passion or hobby that allows them to forget at least for a while about the daily hustle and bustle, about pressing problems and plunge into the world of their interests. And if it seems to you that life is boring and monotonous, we recommend that you urgently find yourself a hobby. But what hobby you choose is up to you. Hobbies can be completely different, the main thing is that they bring pleasure. Hunting, fishing, knitting, collecting stamps or coins - all this can be classified as common hobbies. And we present to you the “TOP 10 most unusual hobbies and interesting hobbies."

So, the top ten unusual hobbies opens with one of the kindest hobbies in the world - charity.

Charity has always been considered a noble activity. Here in modern world One not the richest man, once left without work, decided to give money to the needy. Reed Sandridge, walking the streets, gives ten dollars a day to the most needy person, in his opinion. Now this good deed has become a real hobby for Reed. But Sandridge records every good deed he performs in a special notebook, and at the same time maintains his own blog, where he talks about his hobby.

Ninth place among those who like to pretend to be a corpse or imitate death

Some may think that this is not a completely normal hobby. When a person travels around the world, but not to admire the beauties of nature and architectural monuments, but to be photographed in the form of... a corpse. But Chuck Lamb was driven to such a passion by the desire to act in a movie or at least get on television. But since his appearance is not “Hollywood,” he decided to attract the attention of producers in another way. For many years now, he has been posting photos and videos of his own “corpse.” To do this, he started his own website, which is visited by millions of curious visitors.

In eighth place is the King of Buttons

American Dalton Stevens became interested in this unusual hobby because of his insomnia. One night, when he couldn’t sleep again and the TV had already finished broadcasting, Dalton took out his old overalls and sewed several dozen buttons onto it. This was the beginning of the American’s unusual hobby. Buttons covered everything around Stevens. And a few years later, an inventive old man opened a museum of buttons, where everyone can see button masterpieces absolutely free of charge. And this is a whole bunch of clothes, a personal car, a couple of coffins, a hearse and other exhibits.

Seventh place among collectors of miniature things

This is one of the most stylish hobbies. To escape from the hustle and bustle " big world“Many passionate people are creating a miniature world. These can be doll and furniture compositions, miniature interiors and entire cities. And although this is a very painstaking task, it is very interesting and exciting. In addition to creating miniature compositions, there are collectors of the world's smallest objects. For example, József Tari from Hungary has been collecting a library for more than forty years, and the language of the books and the publication do not bother him at all, he is only interested in the size of the book. And the main thing is that it should not exceed 7cm 6mm, and the smallest book in his collection and in the world is 2.9x3.2 mm, it can be placed in a nutshell. These are the little things that can become a big hobby.

The sixth line is occupied by playing cards

You can play cards, you can play solitaire, show tricks, or you can build. Yes, yes, build houses, houses of cards, which everyone has heard about, that they can easily collapse. And you can build world-famous buildings, or rather copies of them, such as the Empire State Building, Burj Dubai, skyscrapers, casinos and other famous buildings. And which will not collapse, but will stand for a long time. Iowa resident Brian Berg has been interested in creating structures from playing cards, his hobby has long grown into high paying job, in art. And what could be better when your favorite hobby brings not only good money, but also worldwide fame?

In fifth place is the unusual coloring and haircut of dogs.

This hobby initially amazed the Chinese, but is already successfully sweeping the planet. Residents of the Middle Kingdom enthusiastically cut and color their dogs in original ways. Moreover, you don’t always immediately recognize the breed of dogs, and sometimes pets seem to be completely different animals. But this amuses the owners and pushes them to new fantasies.

Fourth place - navel fluff

Third place - an unusual hobby - creating a paint ball

This unusual hobby began out of boredom. One dyer, bored at work, decided to paint a baseball. And for almost forty years, every day, Mike Carmichael, which is the name of a man with such an original hobby, puts layer after layer on this ball. Mike's friends and guests are allowed to take part in painting the ball, but they must always come up with a new color. And now it is the largest paint ball in the world. And the most surprising thing is that this hobby has many fans.

Silver gets a very beautiful and difficult fascination with paintings from cassette tapes

It would seem that audio and video cassettes are a thing of the past. Indeed, in modern digital world Many people no longer remember such an invention of mankind as magnetic tape. And only really creative people found a non-standard use for it. It turns out that you can make unique paintings from cassette tape. After all, it is elastic and looks like voluminous ink.

In first place is a very unusual hobby.

While it does not have its own unique name, it is a hobby for many people. What's the point? They roll ordinary dirt into a ball by hand, remove moisture from it and begin to polish it by hand. And now the ball of dirt turns into a glossy sphere. The smoothness is perfect. Such balls are considered a real work of art; many connoisseurs purchase mud balls as interior items. It would seem that from ordinary dirt, but straight into... an expensive and stylish interior.

So, we have presented you with a rating of the most unusual hobbies. You can always argue who will come out on top and which hobby will be the most unusual. But whatever your hobby is, it’s very good that you have it. This means that you are a creative, enthusiastic person. And you don't spend all your free time just lying on the couch. We are all different, and how to spend your leisure time is up to you to decide. And if you have the most unusual hobby, tell us about it!

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In the melted puddles you can pass the swimming standards, at the thermometer outside the window you are stressed from temperature changes, and therefore you don’t want to go outside at all... However, you won’t be bored at home either. There are many new and well-forgotten old hobbies that can be enjoyed in the warmth and comfort.

website presents 33 sites with exciting activities for those who want to wait out the winter with its capricious weather.

Making soft dolls

This recognizable rag doll design was first created by Norwegian artist Toni Finnanger in 1999. Not only dolls, but also animals, and even interior items can be made in this style. Among mandatory conditions- use of natural materials, pastel colors and soft lines. The faces of the toys are designated very conventionally, so these cute dolls have a sweet and somewhat naive appearance.

Find out more:

    Mir Tilda - a lot of detailed patterns, as well as tips for beginning craftsmen. And for professionals there is a special calculator that allows you to calculate the cost of each toy.

    Tildamaster - here are collected patterns of various dolls, including in the form of master classes with step-by-step instructions.

    Tilda-mania - the site has a forum for fans of rag toys, as well as a selection of dolls made by visitors to the resource.

The art of beautiful fonts

The ability to make stylish inscriptions yourself is incredibly popular. Each letter is drawn separately, so the inscription takes on a unique look, different from a typographic font. Despite the fact that brush control and a steady hand are important for this type of skill, anyone can master the activity.

Find out more:

Growing plants using soilless methods

Seedlings on the windowsill in mayonnaise jars are becoming a thing of the past. In a city apartment, it is much more comfortable to grow plants using the soilless method. This system does not require soil at all; the sprouts receive the necessary substances from a special solution with frequent watering. Almost all plants are suitable for growing this way.

Find out more:

    Gidroponika.com - many detailed information about growing plants using the soilless method, including online broadcasts from greenhouses.

    Hydroponics - the site contains detailed theoretical information about growing certain types of plants, organizing lighting and placing greenhouses.

    Hydroponics in practice - on this resource, in addition to theoretical information, there is a forum, as well as a special calculator that allows you to calculate a nutrient solution for plants.

Amateur radio electronics

Despite the fact that the practical value of amateur radios is a thing of the past, the amateur radio community is as enthusiastic as ever. This is an opportunity not only to test your knowledge of radio in practice, but also to communicate with people around the world. First, you can try to assemble walkie-talkies to talk with a friend, and then take on a more complex project.

Find out more:

    Soldering Iron website - here you will find a large number of radio-electronic circuits, articles for beginners, programs, online calculators, reviews and addresses of radio parts stores, you can communicate on the forum, and much more.

    Go Radio - this site is perfect for beginners who want to open the world of radio electronics.

    Radioelectronics and Electrical Engineering - the site contains a lot of theoretical information explaining the course of physical processes, and also has a forum for communicating with like-minded people.

Julia Pyatnitsa

The most unusual hobbies. Choosing a new hobby

Unfortunately, not every person can call their job their favorite. In this case, a hobby comes to the rescue - an activity during which you can unwind and relax after a hard day at work.

Most people prefer standard hobbies like reading books, knitting or cycling. What do you know about unusual hobbies?

Active leisure

The need for new activities arose when people began to realize that they could not choose a hobby from those they already knew. Some active and unusual hobbies appeared due to a mixture of different activities, some - out of pure curiosity.

One thing is clear: rappelers are addicted to conquering high-rise buildings with the help of their arms and legs without any kind of insurance. The hobby may also appeal to fans of parkour - extreme overcoming of urban obstacles (fences, high steps and fences, distances between buildings, sheer walls).


If you are a fan of surfing or windsurfing, be sure to try a new type of water sport - kiting. This hobby rightfully fits into unusual hobbies as a mixed style of activity.

Kiting is the ability to control a light board on the water with the help of a huge kite. The difficulty is to lift the kite into the air and stay on your feet under the gusts strong wind while balancing on the waves. Kiting is difficult to learn. But those who master it forever forget about other unusual hobbies.

Types of creativity

Unusual hobbies include quiet hobbies such as creating sculptures and paintings. But what materials are used?


Microminiature is a type of volumetric fine arts, which is based on the creation of sculptures and compositions of tiny sizes. The direction was formed at the end of the twentieth century, as denoting miniature works in any branch of art. The process uses magnifying glasses, microscopes and magnifying glasses.

For example, craftsmen carve unusual paintings on rice and poppy grains, prepare horseshoes for fleas and dress flies.

Despite the difficulty of execution, anyone can learn how to make small figures. Start with larger pieces - for example, try creating clothes and household items for dried grasshoppers and chafers. Be patient - the work will be long and painstaking, but the result is worth it.

An interesting type of miniature work is pencil lead carving. Craftsmen cut intertwining patterns and unusual chains in mini format from the body and core of a pencil, striking in their precision and accuracy.

Alternatively, miniature figures are cut out on the top of the pencil.

To learn this skill, start by simply carving the body of the pencil, gradually going deeper and moving to the shaft.

Paintings made from nails

From the name it is clear that nails are the main material for working in this hobby. The base can be boards of different sizes and shapes, furniture walls and even apartments.

Just draw a sketch with a washable pencil and start hammering nails around the perimeter. Where the thickness of the lines is wider, drive several nails side by side, creating light and shadow effects.

One of the varieties of this hobby is threading nails.

Just drive them in around the perimeter of the image at a short distance from each other, thus preparing the base. Now cover their legs with threads, moving from one nail to another or in a chaotic manner, depending on your creative idea.

Paper creativity

An easy way to keep yourself busy in your free time. First, a sketch of the work is created on a sheet of paper. Using scissors, cutters, needles, knives and tweezers, details of a complex image are cut out and attached to each other on a hanging base sheet, creating a three-dimensional figure.

The height of art is considered to be unusual figures that have been cut out and designed, but not separated from the base sheet.

A three-dimensional painting acquires a unique charm if you place lighting next to it at the right angle. Try creating paper sculptures only white- they will seem light and airy.

Scotch tape paintings

This unusual hobby is complemented by such an art form as creating paintings from adhesive tape. This hobby is very economical - all you need is white translucent rectangular glass and colored adhesive tape.

Work on the drawing proceeds according to the following algorithm:

  • measure the adhesive tape to the required length;
  • glue it onto the picture at the right angle and in the right place;
  • Trim or tear off any excess tape.

This technique makes it easier to create paintings that depict objects close up or portraits of people. Despite the fact that many works are made with tape of the same color, each time the result is an original, unique mood of the characters.

Tire sculptures

This hobby can rightfully be included in unusual hobbies. Using tires as a working material, experienced craftsmen create realistic figures of animals, plants and fairy-tale characters.

The Korean sculptor Yong Ho Ji was very successful in this art. He prepares the wire frame of the future figure, after which he covers it with solid or cut tires. The complexity of his work lies in the fact that the master must create the most realistic sculpture: lay out the facial features, indicate the hairs of the fur, the bends of the paws.

This activity is a bit like working with the carving technique: a tire can be cut in such a way as to make a flower, a star, or a snowflake out of it. Or you can cut several strips, triangles or squares from it, and then connect them in the desired order.

First, try creating simple figures from old tires. They can decorate a flowerbed in the yard or a summer cottage. Gradually, you will hone your skills to such an extent that you can form complex, realistic sculptures.


An interesting art that appeared relatively recently - with the introduction of professional cameras. Literal translation words - painting with light.

Take a camera with a shutter speed function and a light marker - it can be any luminous object. Place your camera on a tripod and set it up to shoot in the dark for a while. Stand a short distance in front of the lens and start drawing an image in the air with a marker. The camera will capture it as a finished, bright drawing on a dark, slightly blurred background.

This type of creativity is very useful - preparation for the work process helps a person learn how to photograph, since to shoot in the dark you need to be able to choose the right mode.

A list of unusual hobbies will help you decide on your favorite activity. It is quite possible that in the future such a hobby may develop into your main occupation.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Each of us likes to relax after have a hard day and just relax. Many people prefer to do this in front of the TV while watching their favorite movies or at the computer playing games, while others even relax lying in silence on a soft sofa. But there are people for whom such leisure is unacceptable and they try to be creative in planning their free time.

It is known that there are a huge number of competitions, the main ones actors in which there are dogs. They are assessed according to different criteria, namely:
- appearance;
- physical form;
- level of training, etc.
It is also known that there are quite unusual competitions in which owners try to surprise the jury with an original haircut for their pet.

Often representatives modern society are observant. They carry a notebook with them, try to notice unusual and useful details, or simply to plan their daily routine. But there are also those who make observation an unusual hobby. They keep strange statistics in a notebook; they can write down the numbers of regular buses, their route and approximate time of arrival.

This is probably a bit of a strange topic to talk about, but still, most people find lumps of fur from clothes in their navel after wearing them for a long time. And 99.9% of people do not pay attention to this. But not just one man who decided to collect hairballs in special containers. By the way, he started this hobby back in 1984.

Pavel Luka has not been able to live a day without milk since childhood. The man collected huge amount bottles and carefully stores them in a special building. To date, the number of containers has exceeded 10,000.

There are also people who are fond of handicrafts, but the material used is not wood, metal or plastic, but soap, and they make very attractive figurines and souvenirs from it.

Some people enjoy stranger things. For example, there are people who like to climb a rock with an ironing board, and then iron their clothes to perfection at a great height.

In the UK, a group of young people decided to hold a mooing competition every year. On a certain day, many competitors gather and demonstrate that they can moo no worse than cows.

But there are also more creative people who use the cassette tape for other purposes and make a masterpiece out of it beautiful paintings. Among the main properties of cassette tape is elasticity, and thanks to this, real masterpieces are obtained.

Surely many of you have not heard of a guy named Chuck Lamb. He was nicknamed "the dead guy" because his hobby is very strange and probably the most shocking of all. He imitates own death while being in places with large crowds of people. Initially, the guy dreamed of becoming an actor, but he was bad at memorizing the text. The man was not at a loss and decided to make his dream come true in an unusual way.

Imagine that you live in an African country and have never held snow in your hands, but you really want to build a snowman. Some people find a way out and fashion it out of mud, but this is not the most unusual thing. Once the mudball is ready, the all-important process of polishing to perfect smoothness begins. Abroad, many people consider such balls to be a work of art and purchase them as room decoration for decent money.

As a site of unusual, curious and strange news, the site, of course, could not ignore the topic of unusual and strange hobbies. Initially, we wanted to select for you the ten strangest hobbies and hobbies . But, due to the fact that there are much more than 10 of them, for now we present the most unusual hobbies in our opinion, but most likely due to the very, very a large number unusual and strange hobbies and interests, our section the strangest hobbies in the world will be constant. Perhaps after reading this post you will also stop collecting banal coins, stamps and postcards, and become interested in something unusual.

So check yourself to see if you can get carried away with one of the strangest and most unusual hobbies in the world.

Let's read about the strangest hobbies in the world and see what kind of strange things people like to collect. Although it is now considered that there is nothing unusual to have a hobby, but if you start collecting belly button fluff in large jars (yes, believe me, there are such hobbies)... some may call this activity very, very strange indeed, but this is what can make you famous!

Or what if someone really likes collecting animal skeletons? So let's all take a look at some of the weirdest hobbies in the world. Enjoy!

1. The world's largest paintball.

Some call it weird hobby, others look at the results achieved with admiration, but one thing is for sure, Mike Carmichael became famous precisely because of his passion! The life of a decorator (or, in simple terms, a dyer) seemed boring to him, and adding a little imagination, he decided that you can always find something good, even if you do it all the time. Even if from day to day you just paint and paint. Back in January 1977, Mike decided to paint a baseball...

The world's largest paint ball.

With 22,894 layers of paint applied to the ball, it now weighs 1,587 kg (3,500 lbs). People from all over the world now come to add a coat of paint to the ball, not to the ball, although English it means the same thing.

Back in January 1977, Mike decided to paint a baseball...

The ball is so large that it requires reinforced metal rods to hang it. The first coat of paint was added by son Mike Carmichael, and has been maintained ever since golden rule for those who add paint to the ball - each new color should be different from the previous ones. So if you want to add your own layer of paint to the largest ball of paint, you will need to choose your color correctly.

At first Mike just decided to paint the baseball...

The most interesting thing is that this hobby has many fans, as evidenced by photographs of other paint balls.

2. The kindest hobby.

For many rich and very wealthy people, charity has already become something of a hobby. In addition, there really are a very large number of volunteers in the world who help people. But there is one person who has truly taken charity to a passion.

A certain Reed Sandridge, immediately after he was unexpectedly fired from his job, decided to give away money free of charge to those in need in order to somehow help people. For this purpose, he specially allocates 10 dollars a day and gives it to the person in need, in his opinion. He meticulously writes down all the good deeds he has done during the day in a special notebook, so that the memory of those whom he helped will always be with him.

This is not only an unusual hobby, but sometimes also fun. But to be honest, while it may look fun, or some even look really cute, seriously...poor dogs! Some people in China have a very peculiar hobby... they "tune" dogs. Although it may seem strange, just take a look at the photos below... these dogs really are extremely glamorous, like a work of art... but with fur!

4. Houses of cards.

The site has already written about this hobby.

Enthusiasm card games Usually it doesn’t lead to any good, but as it turned out, not always.

All boys dream of anything in childhood, some want to become an astronaut, some want to become a President, some just rich, some an architect, and some just famous. It would seem how to combine this in one dream? Bert McLane from Los Angeles succeeded. He became both a rich and famous architect. And all because he knows how to build card “houses” better than anyone else.

5. Belly button fluff.

No matter how strange and even “disgusting” it may sound to some, another unusual hobby that is increasingly more people begins to get carried away, this is collecting fluff from the navel. Yes, yes, exactly fluff. The pioneer of this hobby was Graham Barker, who introduced the fashion for collecting navel fluff. What he has been successfully doing for more than 20 years, in connection with this he even got into the famous Guinness Book of Records. And after that he and his hobby became quite popular. When asked why he does this, he always answers the same: “Why not?”