Nietzsche quotes about man. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. A selection of quotes and sayings by Friedrich Nietzsche

His authority is indisputable. Friedrich Nietzsche, known in history as an outstanding philosopher, was never a professional in this field. He can be called a thinker or a poet. Often there was no logic in his words, but the passion with which they were imbued with inscribed Nietzsche’s name in the history of world culture. A lot can be said about this philosopher, but special attention should be paid to quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche.

Features of philosophical thinking

Friedrich Nietzsche defies the Creator and boldly declares that God is dead. He praises the superman and believes that the most important thing in life is self-development and creation. His theory of the superman does not imply the superiority of chosen people over others. He is sure that a superman is one who recognizes himself as a creator, and his desire to create something new is above animal instincts. Friedrich Nietzsche's quotes are entirely consistent with this idea. He completely denies aggression towards another person and is confident that the only enemy of each person is himself.

Nietzsche is the founder of a new philosophical movement - Nietzscheanism. His basic thoughts became the basis of many teachings, in particular pedagogical, psychological and literary studies.

Interpersonal relationships

Intelligence and philosophical views, passion for art - that’s what interested Nietzsche in communicating with people. If a person did not reach this standard, then he was uninteresting for a philosopher. It cannot be said that Friedrich was an unsociable loner, he just had his own views about marriage, love and friendship. This is illustrated more clearly by Friedrich Nietzsche’s quotes about love:

  • If a person wants to love, it means he is tired of himself. When he wants to be loved, he feels sad for himself. Therefore, we can say that the lover divides himself in half, and the one who is loved wants to receive himself as a gift.
  • A person hates what prevents him from loving.
  • I cannot love without faith that the loved one will create something immortal.
  • Marriage was created specifically for mediocrity, mediocre in friendship and love.
  • Everything done out of love is beyond the boundaries of good and evil.

Man and his life

Friedrich Nietzsche's quotes about life are no less meaningful. He called on a person to act, be decisive, strong and constantly improve:

  • If you don't have any ladders, learn to climb on your own head. There is no other way to grow taller.
  • Death is too close to stop being afraid of life.
  • What didn't kill a person made him stronger.
  • A person's happiness depends on his thoughts.
  • Anyone who decides to act must reject any doubts.
  • If a person knows why he lives, then he can withstand any “how?”

As Friedrich Nietzsche's quotes show, life is not an easy thing and a person must be strong to cope with it.

A little philosophy

The statements presented above are one way or another known to almost every person. However, there are aphorisms and quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche that are rarely found in the mass media. But at one time they made a lot of noise among ordinary people and the intelligentsia:

  • God has a personal hell - this is his love for people.
  • A person is somewhat like a tree: the more he reaches for the light, the deeper his roots dig into the darkness.
  • Immortality is too expensive: for it you die alive several times.
  • Christianity is nothing more than self-sacrifice, self-mutilation and self-reproach.
  • The last way to ennoble people is to make them stop being servants of God.
  • Humanity is looking for warmth in alcohol, having become heated, it is trying to find coolness in frozen minds. They are weak and dependent on public opinion.
  • The shell of the Earth is affected by a disease whose name is man.

This is just a small part of Friedrich Nietzsche's quotes. The philosopher was a genius and at the same time a madman. His teaching prompted world philosophy to move to new stage evolution. Everything that Nietzsche wrote evokes an ambivalent impression; his ideas and works can either be accepted or hated. There is no third option. For a long time, his philosophy was associated with fascism; it was believed that it was the ideas of the 19th century thinker that inspired Hitler to start the war. But, as Nietzsche predicted, his philosophy was understood only decades later.

Friedrich Nietzsche is a German philosopher, the author of non-academic teaching. His mental activity is based on clarifying the problems of reality, religion, and morality. His philosophical claims are aimed at destroying stereotypes; they contradict the established point of view. With his statements, the author moves away from rationalism and creates a new, irrational outlook on life. In our selection you will find statements by Friedrich Nietzsche about life, love, God, and women.

Beauty is the promise of happiness.

Culture is just a thin apple peel over the hot chaos.

The best must rule, and the best wants to rule! And where the teaching says otherwise, there are not enough better ones.

The best way to start the day well is to wake up and think if you can bring joy to at least one person today.

When the good moralize, they cause disgust; When the wicked moralize, they cause fear.

Many die too late, and others die too early. The teaching: “Die on time!” will still seem strange.

Interesting facts:

Do many of Nietzsche's sayings seem strange? There is a justification for this. He suffered from epilepsy since childhood; the disease was inherited from his father. In combination with a number of other serious illnesses, epilepsy developed in a severe form, which could not but affect the psyche. The philosopher developed his own picture of the perception of the world. Nietzsche's treatises can partly be called the cry of the soul of a sick person.

In a peaceful environment, a warlike person attacks himself.

I came to help you, and you complain that I don’t want to cry with you.

I laugh at everyone who is unable to laugh at themselves.

Those who suffer greatly are envied by the devil and expelled to heaven.

To live is to burn yourself and still not burn out.

It is impossible to be free from what you are running away from.

No winner believes in chance!

God is dead: now we want the superman to live.

He who fights monsters must be careful not to become a monster himself. And if you look into the abyss for a long time, then the abyss also looks into you.

And if you no longer have a single ladder, you must learn to climb on your own head: how else would you want to climb higher?

Death is close enough that there is no need to fear life.

Talking a lot about yourself is also a way to hide yourself.

The greatest events are not our noisiest hours, but our quietest hours.

“Love your neighbor” means first of all: “Leave your neighbor alone!” “And it is precisely this detail of virtue that is associated with the greatest difficulties.

Even God has his own hell - this is his love for people.

Whoever wants to justify existence must also be able to be God’s advocate before the devil.

There is a degree of inveterate deceit that is called “clear conscience.”

What's good? Everything that increases the sense of power, the will to power, power in a person. What's wrong? Everything that comes from weakness.

What falls, you still need to push.

If you decide to act, close the door to doubt.

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots dig into the ground, downwards, into darkness and depth - towards evil.

Man is a rope stretched between an animal and a superman - a rope over an abyss.

What is valuable about a person is that he is a bridge, not a goal.

Being ashamed of your immorality is the first step of the ladder, at the top of which you will be ashamed of your morality.

Don't be afraid of losing someone. You will not lose the one you need in life. Those who were sent to you for experience are lost. Those who remain are those sent to you by fate.

Whoever wants to learn to fly must first learn to stand, and walk, and run, and climb, and dance: you cannot learn to fly right away!

Envious people often condemn what they cannot do and criticize those whose level they can never reach.

People who are distrustful of themselves want to be loved more than to love, so that one day, at least for a moment, they will be able to believe in themselves.

People are not equal. And they should not be equal! What would my love for the Superman be if I spoke differently?

People lie freely with their mouths, but their faces still tell the truth...

Just as there are no fish without bones, there are no people without flaws.

Dostoevsky is the only psychologist from whom I could learn something.

A sure way to make people angry and instill evil thoughts in them is to make them wait a long time.

Very lonely and noise becomes a comfort.

Whoever is attacked by his time is not yet sufficiently ahead of it - or behind him.

Beware of the little people! They feel insignificant in front of you, and their baseness smolders and flares up into invisible revenge.

They don’t plan friendship, they don’t shout about love, they don’t prove the truth.

Marriage is the most abused form of sexual life.

This is interesting:

Nietzsche's irrational theory has its roots, and the denial of the limits of human consciousness is completely justified. The philosopher spent the last 11 years in a mental hospital, where he wrote his works. In philosophical treatises, Nietzsche poured out his grievances and regrets, expressed life principles. He admitted that he had an intimate relationship with his sister; later the author’s revelations were published in the book “My Sister and Me.”

He who is incapable of either love or friendship is most likely to bet on marriage.

You are entering into a marriage: be careful that it does not become a conclusion for you! You are in too much of a hurry to get married, and this is the consequence - dissolution of the marriage bond!

Marriage: this is what I call the will of two to create one, greater than those who created it. Marriage is mutual respect and honoring of this will.

What is done for the sake of love occurs outside the realm of good and evil.

Love your neighbors as yourself - but first become those who love yourself - loves great love, loves with great contempt!

There are two ways to free you from suffering: quick death and lasting love.

The freer and stronger the individual, the more demanding his love becomes.

For too long a slave and a tyrant have been hidden in a woman. Therefore, she is incapable of friendship: she knows only love.

The freer and stronger the individual, the more demanding his love becomes.

It is not through mutual love that misfortune ends unrequited love, but through great love.

Wants two things a real man: dangers and games. And therefore he is looking for a woman as the most dangerous toy.

A man's happiness is called: I want. A woman's happiness is called: he wants it.

A woman knows little about honor. Let it be her honor to always love more than they love her, and never be second in love.

A woman understands children better than men, but there is more childishness in a man than in a woman.

Who does a woman hate the most? The iron said to the magnet: “What I hate most of all is that you attract without having enough strength to drag with you.”

A man should beware of a woman when she loves: for then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.

A man is a danger and a game. That's why he needs a woman, because she is a dangerous toy.

Motherhood is worthy of respect. Father is always just an accident.

Do you know?

During his lifetime, the thinker received virtually no support, but after his death his works became widespread. Few people know what exactly philosophical thoughts Nietzsche inspired Hitler to fight for the German Reich.

A man should beware of a woman when she hates: for in the depths of his soul he is only angry, but she is filthy.
If you go to a woman, take a whip.

In vengeance and love, a woman is more barbaric than a man.

A real man wants two things: danger and play. That is why he needs a woman - as the most dangerous toy.

Science hurts the modesty of all real women. At the same time, they feel as if they were looking under their skin or, even worse, under their dress and attire.

For women themselves, in the depths of their personal vanity there always lies impersonal contempt - contempt “for women.”

A woman learns to hate to the extent that she forgets how to charm.

Seduce your neighbor into a good opinion of her and then wholeheartedly believe this opinion of your neighbor - who can compare with women in this trick!

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - born October 15, 1844 in Röcken (near Leipzig), Prussia. German philosopher, representative of irrationalism. He sharply criticized the religion, culture and morality of his time and developed his own ethical theory. Nietzsche's philosophy had a great influence on the formation of existentialism and postmodernism, and also became very popular in literary and artistic circles. The interpretation of his works is quite difficult and still causes a lot of controversy. Author of works - “The Birth of Tragedy, or Hellenism and Pessimism”, “Human, All Too Human. A book for free minds”, “Beyond good and evil. Prelude to the philosophy of the future”, “Twilight of the Idols, or how one philosophizes with a hammer”, “Reflections in a dressing gown”, etc. Died on August 25, 1900 in a psychiatric hospital in Weimar, Germany.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases by Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm

  • A fact is always stupid.
  • Be who you are!
  • Pure spirit is pure lie.
  • Woman is God's second mistake.
  • When you go to a woman, take a whip.
  • The martyrs only harmed the truth.
  • We need new ears for new music.
  • Without music, life would be a mistake.
  • Faith saves, therefore it lies.
  • A philologist is a teacher of slow reading.
  • No winner believes in chance.
  • Whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.
  • There is no beautiful surface without terrible depth.
  • Facts do not exist - there are only interpretations.
  • You have to worship proudly if you can't be an idol.
  • In every religion there is an exception to the religious person.
  • In a real man there is hidden a child who wants to play.
  • The best writer will be the one who is ashamed to become a writer.
  • To laugh means to be malicious, but with a clear conscience.
  • When skepticism and longing combine, mysticism arises.
  • Long and great suffering brings up a tyrant in a person.
  • The dogma of the “immaculate conception”?.. But it discredits the conception.
  • Death is close enough that there is no need to fear life.
  • Very smart people they begin to mistrust if they see their embarrassment.
  • Moral people feel complacency when they have remorse.
  • Majestic natures suffer from doubts about their own greatness.
  • There is a degree of inveterate deceit that is called “clear conscience.”
  • A stupid forehead rightfully requires, as an argument, a clenched fist.
  • We lose interest in what we have learned as soon as we share it with others.
  • Anyone who feels lack of free will is mentally ill; whoever denies it is stupid.
  • When the gratitude of many to one casts aside all shame, glory arises.
  • Buddhism does not promise, but keeps its word; Christianity promises everything, but does not keep its word.
  • A bad conscience is a tax that the invention of a clear conscience has imposed on people.
  • Spiritualizes the heart; the spirit sits and inspires courage in danger. Oh, this language!
  • Belief in cause and effect is rooted in the strongest of instincts: the instinct of revenge.
  • The danger of the wise is that he is most susceptible to the temptation of falling in love with the foolish.
  • The desire for greatness is clear: whoever has greatness strives for kindness.
  • Mystical explanations are considered profound. The truth is that they are not even superficial.
  • Only man resists the direction of gravity: he constantly wants to fall - up.
  • On the other side of the North, on the other side of the ice, on the other side today is our life, our happiness.
  • Whoever wants to justify existence must also be able to be God’s advocate before the devil.
  • Every church is a stone on the grave of the God-Man: it certainly wants Him not to rise again.
  • The supreme thesis: “God forgives the repentant” - the same translation: forgives the one who submits to the priest.
  • The word "Christianity" is based on a misunderstanding; in essence, there was one Christian, and he died on the cross.
  • There is already not enough love and goodness in the world to be lavished on imaginary beings.
  • Perhaps love your neighbor as yourself. But above all, be someone who loves yourself.
  • A person forgets his guilt when he confesses it to another, but the latter usually does not forget it.
  • Blood is the worst witness to truth; blood poisons the purest teaching to the point of madness and hatred of hearts.
  • Whoever wants to become a leader of people must, for a good period of time, be known among them as their most dangerous enemy.
  • A man who has never thought about money, about honor, about acquiring influential connections - how can he know people?
  • Whose thought has at least once crossed the bridge leading to mysticism does not return from there without thoughts not marked by stigmata.
  • I distinguish among those who philosophize two types of people: some always think about their defense, others about attacking their enemies.
  • And truth demands, like all women, that her lover become a liar for her sake, but it is not her vanity that demands this, but her cruelty.
  • Man is a rope stretched between an animal and a superman - a rope over an abyss. What is valuable about a person is that he is a bridge, not a goal.
  • Philosophy opens to man a refuge where no tyranny can penetrate, a valley inner world, the labyrinth of the heart, and it irritates tyrants.
  • We praise what suits our taste: this means that when we praise, we praise our own taste - doesn’t this sin against all good taste?
  • Perfect knowledge of necessity would eliminate all “shoulds,” but would also comprehend the necessity of “oughts” as a consequence of ignorance.
  • In the heat of struggle, one can sacrifice one’s life: but the one who wins is consumed by the temptation to throw away his life. Every victory has contempt for life.
  • You lovers of knowledge! What have you done so far out of love for knowledge? Have you already committed a theft or murder to find out what is in the soul of a thief and murderer?
  • Love of life is almost the opposite of love of longevity. All love thinks of the moment and eternity, but never of duration.
  • Those with fever see only the ghosts of things, and those who have a normal temperature see only the shadows of things; Moreover, both need the same words.
  • God himself cannot exist without wise people“- said Luther, and with every right; but “God can even less exist without stupid people” - Luther did not say this!
  • Heroism is the mood of a person striving for a goal beyond which he no longer counts. Heroism is the good will to absolute self-destruction.
  • Without the tenets of faith, no one could live even a moment! But thus these dogmas are by no means proven. Life is not an argument at all; among the conditions of life there could be delusion.
  • An evil god is needed no less than a good one - after all, you do not owe your own existence to tolerance and philanthropy. What is the use of a god who does not know anger, envy, cunning, ridicule, vindictiveness and violence?
  • The teaching and the apostle, who does not see the weakness of his teaching, his religion, etc., blinded by the authority of the teacher and reverence for him, usually have greater power than the teacher. Never before had a man's influence and his deeds grown without blind disciples.
  • Marriage is invented for mediocre people who are untalented great love, and in great friendship - therefore, for the majority: but also for those quite rare people who are capable of both love and friendship.
  • Anyone who is able to strongly feel the gaze of a thinker cannot escape the terrible impression made by animals whose eyes slowly, as if on a rod, stare out of their heads and look around.
  • To someone who has an aversion to the sublime, not only “yes”, but also “no” seems too pathetic - he does not belong to the denying minds, and, if he happens to find himself on their paths, he suddenly stops and runs away - into the thicket of skepticism.
  • There is nothing in my head except personal morality, and creating for myself the right to it is the meaning of all my historical questions about morality. It is terribly difficult to create such a right for yourself.
  • Strange! As soon as I keep silent about some thought and stay away from it, this very thought certainly appears to me embodied in the form of a person, and now I have to be kind to this “angel of God”!
  • Hurting someone we love is pure hell. In relation to ourselves, this is the state of heroic people: extreme violence. The desire to go to the opposite extreme also applies here.
  • Virtue only gives happiness and some kind of bliss to those who firmly believe in their virtue - not at all to refined souls, whose virtue consists in a deep distrust of themselves and of all virtue. In the end, here too “faith makes you blessed”! - and not, notice this carefully, virtue!
  • The founder of Christianity believed that people suffered more from nothing than from their sins: this was his delusion, the delusion of one who felt himself without sin, who lacked experience here.
  • If God wanted to become an object of love, then he should first renounce the position of a judge dispensing justice: a judge, and even a merciful judge, is not an object of love.

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Friedrich Nietzsche was not a professional philosopher - rather, a thinker, poet, philologist. There was practically no logic in his approach - there was only the passion of real creativity.

Nietzsche never called for pushing the weak; moreover, the theory of the superman did not imply the triumph of some over others, but victory creativity over the destructive, the animal. In fact, Nietzsche completely denied aggression. In his mind, a person could only overcome himself.

website shares the thinker's views on life and publishes 25 quotes that are still relevant today.

  1. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
  2. God is dead: now we want the superman to live.
  3. He who fights monsters must be careful not to become a monster himself. And if you look into the abyss for a long time, then the abyss also looks into you.
  4. If you decide to act, close the door to doubt.
  5. And if you no longer have a single ladder, you must learn to climb on your own head: how else would you want to climb higher?
  6. Death is close enough that there is no need to fear life.
  7. Talking a lot about yourself is also a way to hide yourself.
  8. The greatest events are not our noisiest hours, but our quietest hours.
  9. What is done for the sake of love occurs outside the realm of good and evil.
  10. There are two ways to free you from suffering: quick death and lasting love.
  11. The freer and stronger the individual, the more demanding his love becomes.
  12. It is not through mutual love that the misfortune of unrequited love ends, but through greater love.
  13. A real man wants two things: danger and games. And therefore he is looking for a woman as the most dangerous toy.
  14. A man's happiness is called: I want. A woman's happiness is called: he wants it.
  15. “Love your neighbor” means first of all: “Leave your neighbor alone!” “And it is precisely this detail of virtue that is associated with the greatest difficulties.
  16. Even God has his own hell - this is his love for people.
  17. Whoever wants to justify existence must also be able to be God’s advocate before the devil.
  18. There is a degree of inveterate deceit that is called “clear conscience.”
  19. What's good? Everything that increases the sense of power, the will to power, power in a person. What's wrong? Everything that comes from weakness.
  20. What falls, you still need to push.
  21. The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots dig into the ground, downwards, into darkness and depth - towards evil.
  22. Man is a rope stretched between an animal and a superman - a rope over an abyss. What is valuable about a person is that he is a bridge, not a goal.
  23. Being ashamed of your immorality is the first step of the ladder, at the top of which you will be ashamed of your morality.

The criminal's lawyers are rarely such artists as to turn all the charm of the horror of the act in favor of the culprit.

The madness of individuals is the exception, but the madness of entire groups, parties, peoples, times is the rule.

It is inhumane to bless where you are cursed.

People treat their God most dishonestly: he does not dare to sin.

Seduce your neighbor into a good opinion of her and then wholeheartedly believe this opinion of your neighbor - who can compare with women in this trick!

A perfect woman engages in literature in the same way as she commits a small sin: for experience, in passing, looking around to see if anyone notices it, and so that someone will notice it...

Advice in the form of a riddle: “If the bonds do not break on their own, try to bite them through with your teeth.”

Compassion in a man of knowledge is almost as funny as the tender hands of a Cyclops.

“Compassion for all” would be harshness and tyranny towards you, my neighbor!

Comparing a man and a woman in general, we can say the following: a woman would not be so brilliant in the art of dressing up if she did not instinctively feel
that her destiny is second roles.

To place yourself exclusively in such positions when it is impossible to have apparent virtues, when, on the contrary, like a tightrope dancer on his rope, you either fall, or stand, or get off safely...

Becoming a mature husband means regaining the seriousness that you had as a child during games.

To be ashamed of one's immorality is one of the steps of the ladder, at the top of which one is also ashamed of one's morality.

So cold, so icy that your fingers burn on it! Every hand trembles when it touches it! That is why it is considered red-hot.

Where love or hate does not play along, a woman plays mediocrely.

What is considered evil at a given time is usually an untimely echo of what was once considered good - an atavism of the oldest ideal.

It is only from the realm of feelings that all certainty, all clear conscience, all evidence of truth flows.
The most difficult time to wound our vanity is precisely when our pride is wounded.

Are you running ahead? -Are you doing this like a shepherd? Or as an exception? The third case would be a fugitive... The first question of conscience.

Heavy, gloomy people become lighter precisely from what burdens others, from love and hatred, and for a while they rise to their surface.

Do you want to win him over? So pretend that you are lost in front of him.

"Evil people have no songs." - Why do Russians have songs?

For women themselves, in the depths of their personal vanity there always lies impersonal contempt - contempt “for women.”

For stern people, sincerity is a matter of shame - and there is something valuable.

The devil has the broadest perspectives on God; That’s why he stays away from it - the devil is the bosom friend of knowledge.

It's a terrible thing to die at sea from thirst. Do you really want to salt your truth so much that it will never quench your thirst again?

Horrible experiences in life make it possible to figure out whether the person experiencing them is something terrible.

The familiarity of the strongest man irritates, because it cannot be repaid in the same coin.

Pharisaism is not degeneration kind person: on the contrary, a fair amount of it is rather a condition for any prosperity.

Formula of my happiness: Yes, No, straight line, goal...

Do you want to accompany? Or precede? Or go on your own? You need to know what you want and whether you want it. The fourth question of conscience.

Often sensuality overtakes the sprout of love, so that the root remains weak and is easily pulled out.

The more abstract the truth you want to teach, the more you must seduce the senses with it.

Who has not had to sacrifice himself at least once for his good reputation?

He who achieves his ideal thereby outgrows it.

He who rejoices even at the stake triumphs not over pain, but over the fact that he does not feel pain where he expected it. Parable.

He who does not know how to put his will into things, at least still puts meaning into them: i.e. he believes that they already have a will. (Principle of "faith")

He who does not know how to find the road to his ideal lives more frivolously and shamelessly than a person without an ideal.

He who fights monsters must be careful not to become a monster himself. And if you look into the abyss for a long time, then the abyss also looks into you.

He who is a teacher to the core takes all things seriously, only taking into account his students - even himself.

Anyone who feels destined for contemplation and not for faith, for whom all believers are too noisy and intrusive, he defends himself from them.

Love for one is barbarism: for it is carried out to the detriment of all others. Also the love of God.

Love reveals the lofty and hidden qualities of the lover - what he has that is rare, exceptional: to that extent it easily deceives about what serves as his rule.

People are punished most for their virtues.

People rarely commit one indiscretion. The first indiscretion is always to do too much. That is why they usually do a second one - and this time they do too little...

People lie freely with their mouths, but the faces they make at the same time still tell the truth.

Talking a lot about yourself can also serve as a means of hiding yourself.

Can a donkey be tragic? - Why are you perishing under a weight that you can neither bear nor throw off?..

Sage in the role of an astronomer: - While you still feel the stars as something “above you,” you do not yet have the gaze of a knower.

Man created woman - but from what? From the rib of her god - her “ideal”...

Music is a means for self-gratification of passions.

We don't believe in the stupidity of smart people - what a violation of human rights!

We do not hate a person yet, since we consider him inferior to us; we hate only when we consider him equal to or superior to ourselves.

We lose interest in what we have learned as soon as we share it with others.

We look at life poorly if we do not notice in it the hand that, while sparing, kills.

We act in reality the same way as in a dream: we first invent and create for ourselves the person with whom we enter into communication - and now we forget about it.

The thought of suicide is a strong comforting remedy: with it, other gloomy nights are safely experienced.

Alone with ourselves, we imagine everyone more simple-minded than ourselves: in this way we give ourselves a break from our neighbors.

Are we immoralists harming virtue? - As little as anarchists to kings. Only since they began to be shot down have they once again sat firmly on their throne. Moral: you need to shoot morality.

The people are a roundabout way of nature to come to six or seven great people. Yes, and then to get around them.

As for what “reliability” is, perhaps no one has yet been sufficiently sure.

Are you real or just an actor? Substitute or substituted itself? - In the end, maybe you’re just a fake actor... The second question of conscience.

Science hurts the modesty of all real women. At the same time, they feel as if they were looking under their skin or, even worse, under their dress and attire.

“Our neighbor is not our neighbor, but our neighbor’s neighbor,” every nation thinks so.

Our strongest instinct, the tyrant in us, is subject not only to our reason, but also to our conscience.

Our vanity wants what we do best to be considered the most difficult for us. On the origin of many types of morality.

There is no need to show cowardice in relation to your actions! There is no need to run away from them! - Remorse is indecent.

It is not the strength, but the duration of higher sensations that creates higher people.

It is not love for mankind, but the impotence of their love for mankind that prevents today's Christians from committing us to burning.

It’s not that you lied to me that shocked me, but that I no longer believe you.

There are no moral phenomena at all, there is only a moral interpretation of phenomena...

One must part with life, like Odysseus and Nausicaä - more a blessing than a lover.

Both sexes are deceived in each other - from this it happens that, in essence, they honor and love only themselves
(or, if you prefer, your own ideal). Thus, a man wants a woman to be peaceful, but a woman is essentially quarrelsome, like a cat, no matter how well she has learned to look peaceful.

Huge expectations from sexual love and the shame of these expectations spoil all prospects for women in advance.

One is looking for an obstetrician for his thoughts, the other is looking for a person whom he can help resolve them: this is how a good conversation arises.

The same affects in a man and a woman are still different in tempo - that is why a man and a woman never cease to misunderstand each other.

The danger of happiness. - “Everything serves for my good; Now every fate is dear to me - who wants to be my fate?

The aversion to dirt can be so great that it will prevent us from purifying ourselves - “justifying ourselves.”

The discovery of reciprocity should actually sober up the lover regarding the being he loves. "How? Even loving you is quite modest? Or quite stupid? Either - or."

People start to distrust very smart people if they see them embarrassed.

Looking for the beginning, you become cancer. The historian looks back; in the end, he also believes in reverse.

In relation to any party. The shepherd always needs a leading ram, so that he himself does not become a ram on occasion.

Help yourself: then everyone will help you. The principle of love for one's neighbor.

Understanding of the tragic weakens and strengthens along with sensuality.

Poets are shameless about their experiences: they exploit them.

Idleness is the mother of all psychology. How? Is psychology a vice?

He who despises himself still honors himself as the person who despises.

The attractiveness of knowledge would be insignificant if one did not have to overcome so much shame on the way to it.

Once decision made closing your ears even in the face of the most thoroughly opposing argument is a sign strong character. Therefore, a random will to stupidity.

Disappointed, he says: “I looked for great people, but I always found only monkeys of their ideal.”

Disappointed says: “I listened to the echo and heard only praise.”

The thing clarified ceases to interest us. - What did the god mean when he gave the advice: “Know yourself!” Maybe it meant: “Stop being interested in yourself, become objective!” And Socrates? What about the “man of science”?

“Self-sufficient knowledge” is the last snare set by morality: with their help you can once again become completely entangled in it.

By our principles we want either to tyrannize our habits, or to justify them, or to pay tribute to them, or to express censure, or to hide them; It is very likely that two people with the same principles desire something completely different at the core.

The heart is bound, the mind is free. If you chain your heart tightly and keep it captive, you can give a lot of freedom to your mind - I said this once before. But they don’t believe me in this, assuming that they themselves don’t already know this.

The consequences of our actions grab us by the hair, completely disregarding the fact that we have “corrected” in the meantime.

A worm that has been stepped on begins to squirm. It's prudent. This reduces the likelihood that he will be stepped on again. In the language of morality: humility.

What? are you looking for? would you like to increase yourself tenfold, increase yourself a hundredfold? Are you looking for followers? Look for zeros!

That God learned Greek when he wanted to become a writer is a matter of great subtlety - as is the fact that he did not learn it better.

What's wrong is that I remain right! I'm too right. And whoever laughs best today will also laugh last.

What a person is begins to be revealed when his talent weakens - when he stops showing what he can. Talent is also an outfit: attire is also a way to hide.

To live alone, you must be an animal or a god, says Aristotle. The third case is missing: you have to be both - a philosopher.

We dislike someone else's vanity only when it offends our vanity.

These were steps for me, I rose above them - for this I had to walk along them. They thought that I wanted to sit on them to rest...

"I don't like this." - Why? - “I haven’t grown up to that.” - Has at least one person ever answered this way?

I do not trust all taxonomists and avoid them. The will to the system is a lack of honesty.

I want to not know much once and for all. Wisdom also sets boundaries for knowledge.

“I did it,” says my memory. “I couldn’t do it,” says my pride and remains adamant. Eventually memory gives way.

The belly is the reason that it is not so easy for a person to imagine himself as God.

It happens quite often that a criminal cannot handle his act - he belittles him and slanders him.

There is arrogance of kindness that has the appearance of malice.

There is innocence in lies, and it serves as a sign of strong faith in some thing.

There are times when we become like horses, we psychologists, and we fall into anxiety: we see our own wavering shadow in front of us. The psychologist must ignore himself in order to see at all.

Perhaps, in the tendency to allow oneself to be humiliated, to rob, to deceive, to exploit, the modesty of a certain God among people is manifested.

In the end, we love our own lust, not the object of it.

In a peaceful environment, a warlike person attacks himself.

In vengeance and love, a woman is more barbaric than a man.

In our time, the knower can easily feel like an animal transformation of a deity.

In your wild nature you have the best rest from your unnaturalness, from your spirituality...

There is not a trace of misanthropy in condescension, but that is precisely why there is too much contempt for people.

There is more importunity in praise than in blame.

The great eras of our lives come when we have the courage to rename our evil to our best.

An objection, a stupid prank, cheerful distrust, mockery are signs of health: everything unconditional belongs to the realm of pathology.

Around a hero everything becomes a tragedy, around a demigod everything becomes a drama of satyrs, and around God everything becomes - how? perhaps "peace"?

The will to conquer one affect, however, is ultimately only the will of another or many other affects.

Here is an artist, the kind I love, modest in his needs: he actually wants only two things, his bread and his art - panem et circen...

Moving among scientists and artists, it is very easy to make a mistake in the opposite direction: often in a remarkable scientist we find a mediocre person, and in a mediocre artist we very often find an extremely remarkable person.

Everything that is done out of love is always done on the other side of good and evil.

“Where the tree of knowledge is, there is always paradise,” - this is what both the oldest and newest snakes say.

A person of genius is unbearable if he does not possess at least two more qualities: a sense of gratitude and cleanliness.

Even the concubinage is corrupted - by marriage.

Contentment even protects against colds. Has a woman who knows how to dress well ever caught a cold? - I assume it was a case that she was barely dressed.

We must repay for good and for evil, but why exactly to the person who did good or evil to us?

A soul that feels that it is loved, but does not love itself, reveals its scum: the lowest in it floats to the top.

If you train your conscience, then even when it bites you it will kiss us.

If a woman has masculine virtues, then you need to run away from her; if she does not have masculine virtues, then she runs away on her own.

If a woman displays scientific inclinations, then usually there is something wrong in her reproductive system. Already infertility predisposes one to a certain masculinity of taste; a man, if I may say so, is just a “sterile animal.”

If you have character, then you also have your typical survivals, which are constantly repeated.

If we have to retrain ourselves in relation to some person, then we sternly take out on him the inconvenience that he caused us.

There is an innocence of admiration: it is possessed by someone who has not yet thought that he too might someday be admired.

There is a hatred of lies and pretense, arising from sensitivity in matters of honor; there is the same hatred arising from cowardice, since lying is prohibited by the divine commandment. Too cowardly to lie...

A woman learns to hate to the extent that she forgets how to charm.

A woman is considered deep - why? because you can never reach the bottom of it. The woman is not even small.

And the most courageous of us only rarely has the courage to do what he actually knows...

From the military school of life: what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

Are you one of those who watch as a spectator? Or who is involved? - Or who does not pay attention, walks away? The third question of conscience.

Out of love for humanity, we sometimes hug the first person we meet (because we cannot hug everyone): but this is exactly what we should not reveal to the first person we meet...

Having talent is not enough: you must also have your permission to do so, isn’t it, my friends?

Some peacocks hide their peacock tail from everyone - and call it their pride.

Some people who rejoice in praise reveal only the courtesy of the heart - and precisely the opposite of the vanity of the mind.

Instinct. - When the house is on fire, they even forget about lunch. Yes - but they are making up for it in the ashes.

How little is needed for happiness! The sound of bagpipes. - Without music, life would be a delusion. The German even imagines God singing songs.

“How many times I had to bite my conscience! What good teeth she had! - And today? What's missing? - question from the dentist.

How? Great man? - I still see only the actor of my own ideal.

How? Have you chosen virtue and sublime feelings, and at the same time look askance at the profits of unceremonious people? - But, having chosen virtue, they refuse to make “profits”... (At the front door to the anti-Semite)

How? Is man only a failure of God? Or is God just a human mistake?