“Night of the Arts in Libraries. Scenario of the excursion and game program "towards the museum night" Creative kaleidoscope in the Central Children's Library named after. V. S. Ryzhakova

Votes: 181

On November 3, 2015, the Alexin Library presented itself from a new perspective. Together with colleagues from other Russian cities, we joined the annual all-Russian cultural and educational event “Night of the Arts”. We have proven more than once that a library is not only a place where you can take books home, but also a cultural, information, and communication center.

On this day, one of the sites of the citywide cultural event “Night of the Arts” was open in the reading room of the Central City Library. Art is an important part of our lives, because art speaks about things that are common and important to all people in the world. globe- about love and hate, about happiness and sorrow, about duty and honor, about loyalty and betrayal, about friendship...

The rhythm of cities, a busy work schedule, an endless to-do list, a busy schedule do not leave the modern person time to realize creative potential. That is why “Night of Arts - 2015” is, first of all, an event of creativity, the motto of which is “Art unites.”

That evening, people who were passionate about art gathered in the hospitable hall. The participants of the evening had the opportunity to realize their dreams in acting, in the ability to read poetry, improvise, and, in general, become imbued with true art. As they say, “Only a chosen one can create art; every person can love art.”

Guests of the evening were presented with a correspondence video tour dedicated to Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov, the great Russian artist, which was conducted by our guides Olga Shkurina and Natalya Berkasova.

Those present learned about Polenov’s life and work. The story was accompanied by an electronic presentation “A Devoted Servant of Art.”

Made a great impression on those present virtual tour to the State Memorial Historical and Art Museum-Reserve, the founder of which was V.D. Polenov. Beautiful nature, acquaintance with the halls of the museum: portrait, landscape, workshop caused delight among the meeting participants.

The first “Night of Arts in the Library” in our city was held by members of the amateur literary association “ALLO”. Local poets read beautiful, heartfelt poems about nature.

“Night of Arts 2015” became the final event of the Year of Literature for library workers and passed the baton to the Year of Russian Cinema. In this regard, Irina Morozova prepared for the guests of the meeting a presentation of the book exhibition “Reading a book - watching a movie.” It presented the works of great Russian classics, modern Russian writers who received a second life on the screen, and many of them became classics of Russian cinema.

There is no professional theater in our city, but there are talented amateur actors from the “Visiting the Muses” club. In their amateur creativity, club members reveal themselves and liberate themselves, gaining experience of individual and joint creativity, a deeper understanding of themselves and others, delighting us, grateful viewers, with their creativity.

The mystery of the “Night of the Arts” was continued by Nina Tegina, Vera Khaikina, Zoya Vlasova, Tatyana Shelepina. They presented to the audience a mini-sketch based on the work of Konstantin Simonov “The Artilleryman’s Son”, especially since November 28, 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the writer.

An exhibition of decorative and applied arts"Talent call". The creative works of the students of the Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth were presented to those present.

At the end of the evening, all participants of the event were presented with small souvenirs in the form of a bookmark in memory of the meeting.

01.11.2017 / Poster

On November 4, the Central City Library of Megion invites you to attend the All-Russian event “Night of Arts - 2017”!

This best time Have a fun and useful holiday evening. This year the “Night of Arts” will be held under the motto “Art Unites” and will be dedicated to the Year of Ecology, the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Revolution and the Day of national unity.

The promotion is designed for Megion residents of all ages. Guests will enjoy an exciting and educational program of events from 17.00 to 21.00: a quest game, an intellectual tournament of experts, meetings with interesting and talented people, various master classes, musical, educational quizzes and much more.

We invite everyone to join the action; many positive emotions and memorable moments await you!


17.00-18.30 “Beauty with your own hands” - an exhibition of creative works by A.V. Nimchenko (dolls, embroidery) and I.V. Ganovicheva (floral compositions using decoupage technique, porcelain, paper-plastic).

18.00-20.00 “City of Masters” - a master class on making bird feeders from the teacher of the children's art school I.V. Chudakova.

17.00-21.00 Ecological lotto “Forest Secrets”. Everyone will be able to test their knowledge and learn a lot about the natural world.

17.00-19.00 Board quest game “Fairytale Russia”. Together with fairy-tale characters, you will travel across the map of Russia and learn a lot of interesting and educational things from the history and geography of our country.

19.00-21.00 The intellectual tournament of experts “Wheel of Fortune” is a great opportunity to show off your erudition.

17.00-21.00 "Magic Pencil" Each library visitor will be able to add his own touch to the creation of picturesque paintings using a pencil, wax crayons, felt-tip pens.

17.00-21.00 “Visitors Alley” – a forum on the wall. Each library guest will leave an outline of their palm.

17.00-21.00 “History and lessons of October” - a review of the book and illustration exhibition.

17.00-21.00 “Fireworks of Ideas” – a master class on making handmade cards for various holidays.

17.00-21.00 Open microphone “Back to the USSR”. Children and adults will have a unique opportunity to read poetry and prose that reflects Soviet era, perform your favorite melodies from Soviet times, play musical instruments.

17.00-21.00 Instant theater “Living doll”. Anyone can try on the role of a puppet theater actor.

17.00-18.00, 19.30-21.00 “And again in the yard the gramophone record is singing...” - a retro party in the favorite formats of hits of the 70s, 80s, 90s.

18.00-19.30 “Zoo of Melodies” – quiz. At this station, library guests will take a trip to the mysterious land of natural sounds.

18.00-20.00 Creative workshop “Living Blot”. A lesson on drawing techniques - blotography from the teacher of the children's art school G.V. Ulbaeva.

17.00-21.00 “Do you really remember the USSR well?”, “October Revolution” - online testing for knowledge of history and life during the period of Soviet power.

17.00-21.00 “All power to the Soviets!” - master class. Introduction to a mechanical device equipped with a set of keys, which was widely used in XIX-XX centuries- a typewriter. Anyone can print the first documents of Soviet power: “Decree on Peace”, “Decree on Land”, “Decree on Bread”.

18.00-21.00 Win-win lottery based on the results of the “Night of the Arts”.

Entry is free!

We invite everyone!

We are waiting for you at the address: st. Zarechnaya, 16 "A". Phone for inquiries: 3-12-20

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Number of impressions: 1

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On November 3, 2014, the all-Russian cultural event “Night of the Arts” was held in the club establishments of the district. All residents of the area had a great opportunity to spend an interesting evening, full of varied programs. Regardless of age, everyone was able to touch art by attending events in cultural institutions. Everyone was able to try their hand at a variety of art styles and learn something new. The district House of Culture began its work at 19.00 in the evening with karaoke. In the auditorium, on the big screen, all fans of singing had this opportunity. Favorite songs were performed different generations, but mostly young people showed a great desire to show themselves. At 20.00, the 80s disco with live vocals began its work for everyone who wants to remember the hot hits of past years. This event, unfortunately, became the least attended and yet true “fans” of the music of that time had a great time in a circle fiery dances. At 22.00 the youth games program at the disco opened its doors. The children took part in all competitions and games with pleasure, and teams competed in speed and agility competitions. The Popescu brothers became the most active. In between games, disco youth music was played for them. The bravest ones were awarded prizes and gifts. The action ended at midnight. Planned events for this campaign were also held in rural cultural centers and clubs. Rogozhensky SDK began its work at 20.00 with an educational quiz “In the world of art”. The guys answered questions and received sweet prizes in return. The evening continued with a disco program called “Night of the Arts”. “His Majesty's Romance” was the name of the fire that took place at the Boltinsky SDK. At this event, they discussed the emergence of Russian ancient romance, its history and “life” in modern society. Favorite works were performed, such as: “These eyes are opposite”, “And lastly I will say”, “The chrysanthemums have bloomed” and others. The soloists were Sidorov P., Stepanova L.A., Loginova V.G., Alekseeva N., Mitin A.. Obukhovsky Sports Club pleased its young viewers with the educational program “Slavic Culture”. With great curiosity the children got acquainted with ancient utensils, clothes, objects household items, asked questions and immediately received answers to them. A movie evening was held at the Vasilyevsky SDK. A “home” cinema was opened for the village residents and the film “Poddubny” was shown. Next, everyone was treated to a “Karaoke Evening” program and a disco, which is always a favorite event for teenagers and young people. The employees of the Murzitsky SDK also pleased their residents game program at the disco “Journey to the World of Art”. Participants in the event were invited to demonstrate their intelligence by answering quiz questions, solving riddles, and taking part in a competition for the best singer and dancer. “My poems warm my soul” - a creative evening by local poetess Elena Shishkina was held at the Verkhne-Talyzinsky SDK. Poems, songs, and romances were sung in a warm atmosphere. An exhibition of craftsmen was presented by the Ratov SDK under the title “We can do anything.” As it turned out, there are many more talented and skillful people in the village of Ratovo than expected. There is embroidery, knitting, macrame, and various crafts of unprecedented beauty. Just “Expensive to watch.” " Folk art Rossi” - under this name, an educational program for children, adolescents and young people was held in the Sarbaevsky Sports Complex. Those present learned about the origins of art and its stages of development. Answered quiz questions and riddles. On November 3, as part of the “Night of Arts”, in the Ilyinsky SDK, an exhibition of drawings by graduates and students of the Sechenov Art School was held: Anastasia Domashenkova, Dmitry and Alena Gorkovs, as well as his work from plasticine “Monster” was presented to the audience by 8-year-old Seryozha Popkov; The drawings of the pupils of the Ilyinsky kindergarten delighted the audience with their colors and interesting subjects. The director of the Sechenov Art School, Aliulova Marina Semyonovna, addressed the visitors of the exhibition with words of greeting, she also spoke about the school and the learning process, and introduced theses her students and invited young artists to school for vocational training. For the kids there was a quiz "Multi-colored palette" about paints. On November 3, the Murzitsa SDK hosted the entertainment program “Journey to the World of Art.” The program includes: the history of art, a fun quiz, the game “Gold Placers”, the game “Masters of Art”, a fun disco. The evening of arts “Art will save the world” was held at the Metropolitan Sports Complex. Specialist of the rural administration Karaseva S.P. talked with those present on the topic “Learning to see the beautiful”; hour " Interesting messages"conducted by Egorova Ksenia; correspondence "Tour of Tretyakov Gallery"conducted by G. V. Zemchenkova. Next in the program was a karaoke evening that ended with tea drinking. 22 people attended the event. The evening ended with a festive disco for young people with a games program. On November 3, the Bakharevsky SDK hosted an “Evening of Arts” for teenagers and youth, where poems by local poet G.S. Kuznetsov were read. Next on the program was a “Karaoke Evening” and a youth disco. A game program for teenagers and youth “Play with us” was held at the Buldakovsky Sports Complex. The program continued with a fun disco. At the Mamlei SDK there was a conversation with teenagers and youth “If we are united, then we are invincible!” Then there was a master class on making crafts from beads and cereals; master class on crafts using origami techniques and products made from corrugated paper. The celebration continued with a disco. A “Karaoke Evening” was held at the Lipovsky SDK, where those who wished sang songs pop singers, then there was a youth disco with the game program “Move More”. An educational program about the emergence of art was held for teenagers at the Sinyakovsky Sports Complex. The celebration continued with a karaoke evening for teenagers and young people, which smoothly turned into a youth disco. A “Karaoke Evening” was held at the Teplostansky SDK for all categories of the population. Then the celebration continued with a youth disco with a game program. A “Poetry Evening” was held in the Shuvalovsky Sports Complex, at which poems by Russian poets and poems by the local poet Belyanina A.E. were read. The celebration took place over a cup of tea. In the Bolkhovsky Sports Club for teenagers there was a quiz “Poets of Russia” based on the works of poets: Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov. All participants received sweet prizes. A dance and entertainment program for adults, “Night of Dance and Poetry,” was held at the Druzhba village sports complex. Participants in the program read poems by contemporary authors and took part in a competition program. The holiday ended with a disco. A themed evening “History of our Country” was held at the Alferevsky SDK. Then the program was continued by an educational program for high school students “Poetry of Russian Romance”. This event was held jointly with rural library workers. A musical evening “Song of a Soldier’s Greatcoat” was held at the Krasnoostrovsky SDK. The event was held jointly with rural library workers. Summing up, I would like to note that the evening on the eve of National Unity Day became the most cultural in the last few months. These events in the region were attended by about 450 people.


The creative event Night of the Arts has started.

An EVENING OF LOCAL HISTORY was held at the Mamlei Rural Library entitled: “Where I was born and came in handy.”

The purpose of this event is to talk about your small Homeland, about people sat down. The guests of the evening were Spiridonov Yuri and Slugin Georgy (former members of the VIA “IVUSHKA” of the Mamlei Palace of Culture, organized in 1978); Irina Timofeeva is the author of the coat of arms, a local poetess.

A thematic exhibition of poems and photo albums based on local material was organized for everyone present in the library.

The poetic block is revealed with poems about their small homeland by Vladimir Chernov and Lyubov Stepanova (Svintsova). National color the peoples of Mamleika could also be traced in the author’s lines of A.S. Glybin (Sechenovo).

A presentation of the poetry collection took place "Labyrinths of Time" Irina Timofeeva, original songs about Mamleika S. Slugina were sung, and all those present also watched the documentary video with great interest "HISTORY OF THE VILLAGE OF MAMLEYKA"(author of the video T. Balyaeva 2011).

The past of the village is a special page in our history. Nostalgia for bygone, good times, when there were no computers or the Internet, but there was just an old club where in the evenings they played DANCE and watched two-part color Indian films... that's all the entertainment...

Almost 40 years later, participants in the past VIA “Ivushka”, which was organized in 1978 in the Mamleisky Palace of Culture, willingly shared their memories and performed musical compositions those times.

The evening ended well after midnight. All participants and spectators received a book and a good mood as a gift.

An evening of local history entitled: “Where I was born and came in handy” was held at the Mamlei rural library.
The purpose of this event is to tell about your small homeland, about the people of the village of Mamleiki. The guests of the evening were Spiridonov Yuri and Slugin Georgy (former members of the VIA “Ivushka” of the Mamleisky Palace of Culture, organized in 1978); Timofeeva Irina - author of the coat of arms, local poetess.
A thematic exhibition of poems and photo albums based on local material was organized for everyone present in the library.
The poetic block was opened with poems about their small homeland by Vladimir Chernov and Lyubov Stepanova (Svintsova). The national flavor of Mamleika could also be seen in the author’s lines of A.S. Glybin (Sechenovo). A presentation of the poetry collection “Labyrinths of Time” by Irina Timofeeva took place, original songs about Mamleika S. Slugina were played, and with great interest all those present watched the documentary video “The History of the Village of Mamleika” (the author of the video was T. Balyaeva, 2011).
The past of the village is a special page in our history. Nostalgia for bygone, good times, when there were no computers, no Internet, and there was just an old club where dancing was played in the evenings and two-part color Indian films were shown... That's all the entertainment...
Almost 40 years later, former participants of the VIA “Ivushka”, which was organized in 1978 in the Mamleisky Palace of Culture, willingly shared their memories and performed musical compositions of those times. The evening ended well after midnight. All participants and spectators received a book and a good mood as a gift.

Librarian Slugina S.V.

"Night of the Arts"

On November 3, 2016, the libraries of the Kstovsky district traditionally took part in the All-Russian cultural and educational event “Night of the Arts”. An extensive program was prepared for readers dedicated to the Year of Russian Cinema.

Art evening at the Central Library named after. A. S. Pushkina

In the Central Library. A. S. Pushkin hosted an art evening “Kstov region and Russian cinema”, dedicated to films born on our land. Musical compositions from films made in the Kstovsky district were played for the guests. During the event, a presentation of the thematic exhibition “Kstovsky District: Cinematic Heritage” took place, which presented information about the most popular films. Those gathered got acquainted with the filmography of our region, information about the directors, screenwriters and actors who starred in these films, with the books that underlie the scripts, and looked with interest at photographs with stills from the films. Vladimir Nikolaevich Pavlov, an honorary citizen of the Kstovsky district, one of the creators of the film “Kstovsky Hollywood”, spoke about the history of filming in our city and region, shared memories of meetings with famous artists, about the participation of Kstovo residents in the filming of “Russian Field”, “The Story of Asya Klyachina, who loved but did not marry”, “Ryaba the Hen”. The film screening of the film “Kstovsky Hollywood” returned everyone present to the world of goodness and a bright past, demonstrating episodes from Soviet films filmed in the Kstovsky district. Following the event, a quiz was held, the questions of which were successfully answered by movie and book lovers. The winners were awarded gift publications on local history.

Creative kaleidoscope in the Central Children's Library named after. V. S. Ryzhakova

“Art opens up the world” - under this name a creative kaleidoscope took place at the Central Children's Library named after. V. S. Ryzhakova. Pupils of the regional orphanage "Scarlet Sail", long-time friends of the library, took part in an exciting journey through the country of Cartoonland. On an improvised train from Romashkovo, the children set off across the land of animation and learned a lot about creating cartoons: modern animation is a synthesis of the arts: drawing, sculpting, computer graphics, music. The demonstration of the popular animated film “Bobik visiting Barbos” was a pleasant gift for those gathered.

Festive meeting at the Rabotkinsky library

Employees of the Rabotkino Rural Library dedicated a festive meeting with readers to cinema music. The theatrical performance, prepared by librarians and activists, organically alternated with the demonstration of musical episodes. Recordings of song compositions - “Call me, call”, “White Dance”, “If I were a Sultan”, “We live somehow without passion” - reminded those present of famous film masterpieces. The soloists of the rural House of Culture continued musical theme. During the “Guess the Melody” competition, viewers recognized their favorite melodies based on several notes. Participants in the “Comic Movie Show” game successfully demonstrated their knowledge of Russian cinema. Those gathered listened with interest to the informative story of the library staff about the brilliant galaxy of actors - the anniversaries of 2016. Among them is Leonid Kuravlev, who recently celebrated his 80th birthday. Musical scenes from Georgy Danelia’s favorite comedy “Afonya” brought kind smiles to those present.

“Song about a Bee” from the movie “ Winter evening in Gagra” reminded library guests of the name of the famous fellow countryman - Evgeniy Evstigneev, who would have turned 90 this October. From the presenters' story, those gathered learned interesting facts from the life of a master. At the book and illustration exhibition “Attention: Cinema”, publications on cinematography from the library’s collection were presented.

Aesthetic evening at the Rabotkino Children's Library

Little readers from the village of Rabotki took part in the aesthetic evening “Both with words, and with a brush, and with sound.” Together with fairy-tale hero The Piggy children watched the entertaining film “History of Art” and got acquainted with the classification of arts, types applied creativity. During the creative lesson, aspiring artists, showing imagination and following the laws of the genre, embodied their creative preferences in paints: Elizaveta Kalacheva chose a picturesque landscape, Stepan Nekrasov - a still life, and Kostya Smirnov depicted scenes from a theatrical performance. The book exhibition “Creators of Beauty” introduced schoolchildren to representatives of cinema, painting, and theater.

Night of the Arts in the village of Prokoshevo

The Night of Arts in the village of Prokoshevo was bright and educational. The library hosted events for readers of different ages. The children became interested in the fairy-tale kaleidoscope “Cinema as Magic”, watched cartoons and got acquainted with the books on which scripts for animated films were written. Showing their creativity, little visitors created drawings and crafts based on their favorite fairy tales.

The musical hour “Cinema and Music” continued the evening. Older readers took part in the “Favorite Songs from Favorite Movies” quiz and used the given fragment of the song to name the movie in which it was first performed. In free microphone mode, guests of the holiday shared their preferences in the world of cinema and music, and performed their favorite tunes. Librarians reviewed the “Book on Screen” exhibition.

Creative kaleidoscope in the Zaprudnovskaya library

The creative kaleidoscope “The most important of the arts is cinema” brought together fans of the genre in the village of Zaprudnoye. Library readers learned about the stages of the formation of cinema - from the era of the Lumiere brothers to the achievements of our contemporaries. Silent film scenes and episodes from the film masterpieces of E. Ryazanov and L. Gaidai replaced each other on the screen. The warm, friendly atmosphere of the evening was conducive to communication. Guests of the event successfully answered the quiz questions and recalled “ catchphrases"from popular films.

According to readers, the “Night of the Arts” is rightfully considered a significant event not only for libraries, but for everything cultural community district.