We need a physical education teacher. Profession: physical education teacher


Job description of a physical education teacher

I. General provisions

1. Physical education teacher school is appointed and dismissed by order of the school director from among persons with higher or secondary specialized education.

2. In your activities physical education teacher is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law Russian Federation“On Education”, standard regulations “On Educational Institutions”, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities of all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local legal acts of the school (including internal labor regulations, orders and instructions of the director, this job description), employment agreement (contract). The teacher complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

3. Physical education teacher should know:

· Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on educational issues; Convention on the Rights of the Child;

· fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines to the extent necessary to solve pedagogical, scientific, methodological and organizational and managerial problems, pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, school hygiene;

· methods of teaching the subject and educational work; programs and textbooks;

· requirements for equipment and equipment of classrooms and utility rooms;

· teaching aids and their didactic capabilities;

· main directions and prospects for the development of education and pedagogical science;

· fundamentals of law, scientific organization of labor, safety and fire protection.

II. Job responsibilities physical education teachers

1. Provides training and education to students, taking into account the specifics of the subject being taught, conducts lessons and other activities in accordance with the schedule in the specified premises.

2. Physical education teacher must have thematic plan work on the subject in each parallel of classes for the academic quarter and a work plan for each lesson.

3. Responsible for the implementation of orders “On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations” and “On ensuring fire safety”:

· safe conduct educational process;

· taking measures to provide first-aid to the victim, promptly notifying management about the accident;

· instructing students (pupils) on labor safety at training sessions, educational activities with mandatory registration in the class journal or the “Journal of instructing students on labor protection and safety”;

· organizing the study of labor safety rules by students, traffic, behavior in everyday life, etc.;

· monitoring compliance with labor protection rules (instructions).

4. Maintains educational documentation in the prescribed manner, carries out ongoing monitoring of students’ progress and attendance in lessons, submits current grades to the class journal and diaries, and promptly submits the necessary reporting data to the administration.

5. Works on the examination committee for the final certification of students.

6. In accordance with the Charter of the institution, allows the school administration to attend its lessons in order to monitor the work.

7. Replaces lessons for absent teachers by order of the administration.

8. Complies with the institution’s Charter, Collective Agreement, Internal Labor Regulations, the requirements of this instruction, as well as local acts of the institution, orders and instructions of the institution’s administration.

9. Respects the rights and freedoms of students contained in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

10. Communicates with parents of students (or their legal representatives).

11. Systematically increases your professional qualifications. Participates in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.

12. According to the annual work plan of the institution, he takes part in the work of pedagogical councils, production meetings, meetings with the director, parent meetings, as well as subject sections held by a higher organization.

13. In accordance with the school duty schedule, he is on duty during breaks between lessons. As a class teacher, he is periodically on duty with his class around the school. Comes to duty 20 minutes before classes start and leaves 20 minutes after they end.

14. Periodically undergoes free medical examinations.

15. Complies ethical standards behavior, is an example for students and pupils.

16. Participates in work with parents of students, attends meetings at the request of class teachers.

17. Immediately informs the school administrator about accidents and takes measures to provide assistance to the victims.

18. The teacher, teaching the last lesson in the class, escorts the children to the wardrobe and keeps order.

19. If the student’s meal schedule coincides with the end of the lesson, then he is obliged to take the class to the dining room and hand it over to the class teacher or exercise control himself.

20. When leaving school, looks at and brings to the attention of students changes in the schedule for the next day.

21. No later than the first day of the month, he must submit a deputy. Director schedule of control and laboratory work for a month.

22. Physical education teacher prohibited:

· change the class schedule at your discretion;

· cancel, lengthen or shorten the duration of lessons (classes) and breaks between them;

· remove a student from the lesson;

· Smoking on school premises.

23. When the teacher performs the duties of the head of the classroom, the teacher:

· carries out certification of his office, gym;

· constantly replenishes the cabinet methodological manuals necessary for completing the curriculum, instruments, technical training aids;

· organizes work with students on the production of visual aids;

· in accordance with the director’s order “On Conducting an Inventory”, writes off property that has become unusable in accordance with the established procedure;

· develops labor protection and safety instructions;

· takes part in inspection of classrooms.

24. In classes where there are children studying in a special (correctional) program of type 8, thematic lesson plans include tasks for children of this category.

III. Rights physical education teachers

1. A teaching employee has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Standard Regulations on a General Educational Institution”, the School Charter, the Collective Agreement, and the Internal Labor Regulations.

2. To make decisions that are mandatory for students and take disciplinary measures in accordance with the Charter of the institution.

3. For advanced training. For these purposes, the administration creates the conditions necessary for the successful training of workers in institutions of the retraining and advanced training system.

4. To be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful completion of the certification.

5. For a shortened working week, for extended paid leave, for receiving a pension for long service, social guarantees and benefits in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. For a long (up to 1 year) vacation at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work. The procedure and conditions for granting leave are determined by the founder and (or) the Charter of the educational institution.

2. For the life and health of students during the educational process and extracurricular activities conducted by the teacher;

3. For violation of the rights and freedoms of students defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the institution.

4. In case of violation of the Charter of the institution, the terms of the collective agreement, the Internal Labor Regulations, this job description, orders from the director, the teacher is subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5. For the use of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, a teacher may be dismissed under Art. 336, clause 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Cinstructionsfamiliarized with it

All the professions in the world depend on a person who decided to devote his life to working with children and chose the profession of a teacher, because everyone - a simple worker, a doctor, a movie star, and a politician - began their education from school.

The most vivid memories are always associated with the first teacher, so teachers primary classes must have not only an appropriate education, but also high moral qualities and love for children.

In order to work as a primary school teacher, you must obtain a diploma confirming receipt of higher or secondary specialized pedagogical education in this specialty; you can also undergo training in a related or similar field. However, preference is still on the side of specialists with higher education, which is due to the specifics of this profession. After all, a primary school teacher is in one person a teacher and a psychologist, an educator and musical director, mathematician and philologist, and also a “school mom.”

You can get a pedagogical education on the basis of 9 or 11 grades, which will take 3 and 4 years of study, respectively. Higher education of the first level is a bachelor's degree (4 years), and the second is a master's degree (2 years). There is also a third level, whose graduates teach in higher education institutions.

How to become a teacher without pedagogical education

IN lately an increasing number of young people express a desire to master the teaching profession and, according to the classical method, boys and girls apply to pedagogical colleges, universities and pedagogical institutes, the latter allows teaching in various subjects in senior classes of secondary schools.

However, guided by changes in the system school education, which have been in effect since September 1, 2010, people without specialized education can be hired at school. Training can be carried out by a doctor, lawyer, economist, teaching a subject as close as possible to the specifics of their work. To obtain the proper qualifications, you must pass exams at one of the domestic pedagogical universities.

How to become a primary school teacher without pedagogical education

The same applies to primary school teachers. After all, a teacher is not so much a specialty as a way of life, a calling of the heart and soul. Often, even the highest education does not help if a person does not like children, does not have restraint and self-control, and cannot cope with his own emotions. Therefore, a naturally talented teacher can work without special education, having passed exams and confirmed his qualifications at the appropriate university.

How to become an English teacher at school

In order to teach English to children, it is imperative to acquire knowledge that not only teaches a foreign language, but also introduces them to the methods of teaching it at school. School methods mastered at the pedagogical university at the faculty foreign languages, as well as at the university, choosing a specialization as a teacher English language.

A school English teacher is especially in demand; we can say that this is one of the most important professions of our time. After all, knowledge of English today is not just a tribute to fashion, but a necessity. Moreover, for the teacher himself, especially a young one, working at a school is an excellent experience in improving pedagogical and professional skills.

How to become a history and geography teacher at school

The profession of a school geographer and historian is one of those specialties for which love begins even when future teachers themselves go to school. Usually these are people who are in love with their region, the whole wide world and are capable of childish sincere joy in all its amazing manifestations, passing on knowledge and emotions to their students.

Get a profession school teacher Geography or history is possible by enrolling in the geographical or historical-geographical department of a pedagogical institute or university. The training time is usually 4 years.

But you can also get a secondary pedagogical education, after which you can begin working as a primary school teacher, while simultaneously studying at the correspondence department of a higher educational institution.

How to become a physical education teacher

It is hardly worth reminding once again about the importance of physical education for students. Schools are in demand for professional teachers who are able to instill in children a love of sports and convey the extreme importance healthy image life, especially in conditions modern ecology.

You can get this profession at a technical school. physical culture only for full-time study. Graduates of the 9th grade usually study for 3 years and 10 months, and with a certificate of complete secondary education, the training period takes 2 years and 10 months.

Admission immediately after school to an institute or university in the department of physical education and sports will give you a diploma of higher education, which can be obtained after studying at a technical school by choosing both full-time and part-time forms of study at a university.

Who will be accepted as a physical teacher?

The desire to be the best teacher in the lives of your students is the desire of love and goodness in your heart. "There's nothing better school! - says a good teacher. This profession is filled with life, the laughter of children, and youth. A teacher will only grow old when he leaves school. But it is impossible to become a professional in one day. Step by step you will have to “take” the heights of mastery.


Love your subject. Children can only be “infected” with their passion. If you don't know moreover, as stated in the textbook - your prognosis is very bad!
Constantly improve your teaching culture, master new teaching technologies that will enliven your lessons and make them unforgettable for students.

Try to understand with what baggage life difficulties students come to your lesson. Or maybe the boy doesn’t care about your math at all, his mother drinks?
Help your child to know himself, not to lose his individuality, to gain eternal values. It’s not for nothing that twenty years later they remember “MaryIvanna,” who helped them become friends, but they have difficulty telling about the pistils and stamens that she talked about on. However, a professional will be remembered both as a good person and as a real person.

Try to avoid the common mistake among: “My lesson is my whole life.” No, school is a part of your students' lives. Just some eleven years out of everything life path. Moreover, one of your lessons.

Remember all the ridicule that children shower on teachers. Most often they are associated with external perception. A good teacher speaks without defects, dresses impeccably, knows how to present himself, and reacts with humor to children's pranks.

The pedagogical path is not easy. To a young man If you want to become a teacher, it wouldn’t hurt to weigh the pros and cons at the beginning of your professional journey. A teacher, like a judge and a doctor, cannot make mistakes!

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The work of a university or college teacher means constant communication with young people, personal growth, interesting circle dating and the opportunity to always be aware of events. This may be why interest in the teaching profession is still high, despite the rather modest salaries.


First of all, candidates for a teaching position must have a completed profile. If you have a successfully completed pedagogy course in your diploma, get a job teacher You can go to a university or college even immediately after graduating from university. Especially considering the shortage of teaching staff. In the same case, if a course of lectures on pedagogy was not included in the list of disciplines taught at the university, it is advisable to take advanced training courses.

Fresh teachers regularly appear in specialized university newspapers, and almost all universities provide a list of available vacancies in the employment services of a city or region. Current vacancies can also be found in the human resources department of the university or college. However, it is no secret that most often well-proven graduate students or graduates are invited to a teaching position. However, as a graduate student or university graduate, you shouldn’t expect to be a teacher right away - work specialists are usually appointed to the position of teaching assistant.

Get settled teacher in a prestigious one, of course, it’s more difficult than teaching in a college or college. However, if you have well-established professional connections and contacts, you can hope to promptly fill the vacant position. Indeed, despite the unified algorithm for selecting teaching staff for higher education educational institutions and institutions of secondary vocational education, heads of departments and faculties prefer to select employees in accordance with their requirements. Therefore, strong professional connections can be very useful when applying for a teaching position.

Please note

A history of mental illness and arrest records in the police file reduce the chances of getting a job as a teacher to zero.


  • Employment portal
  • how I worked as a teacher

Any teacher strives to become good teacher. Key Point in the modern concept of education, this is an appeal to the personality of the student and also the teacher, who must manage activities at a level of high professionalism.


Develop your verbal communication abilities. Try to get into inner world student, form an appropriate worldview in him. At some point, you will be able to understand the motives for his behavior and understand his mental state.

Reach out to your students often. Say a “motivation” request, call for joint educational activities. Confirm your presence in the educational process. For example, phrases such as “let’s dream up”, “now let’s imagine that”, “you probably remember”, etc. are suitable. Good control over your speech. Pay attention to the voice in which you speak, the extent and timing of pauses in your speech. Put the correct logical stresses in phrases. Record your speech on a voice recorder and then listen to it. Keep in mind that students are very sensitive to subtleties of intonation. Diversify your speech, make it emotional and figurative.

Develop professional knowledge of the subject. It is not enough just to have discipline and master various teaching methods. Continue to improve yourself. Do not forget that you must be a multifaceted, comprehensively developed personality. Expand your knowledge base and try to more creatively convey the richness of human culture to your students.

Develop pedagogical artistry. During the lesson, make extensive use of various kinetic means: facial expressions, gestures, pantomimes. These means are perceived by students visually and carry up to 40% of the information. Resort to kinetic techniques only when you feel the need for them, since excessive gestures will only reduce the quality of speech perception.

The fruitfulness of educational activities depends on the degree of motivation of students. Get students interested in your subject. If your demands are not met, show tolerance and restraint. A good teacher has the ability to overcome mental tension. The teacher must see everything that happens in the lesson, but not everything needs to be reacted to. Remember that requests made in a firm tone are much more readily followed than orders. Be tactful and treat students as respected people. If possible, avoid reproaches and threats, reduce the number of comments addressed to students. Your democratic attitude towards students will create a favorable atmosphere in the lesson, many will have a state of calm satisfaction in their work. An effective teacher will start the lesson with a bright, memorable

Special Item

The physical education teacher and his lessons are different from others school subjects. After all, physical education should contain both benefits and entertainment at the same time.

The teaching profession in Russia is not rare. It is chosen by both women and men. Despite this, in the labor market the demand for specialists in this field does not decrease; according to surveys, physical education teachers are quite in demand.

To work as a physical education teacher, a school graduate who has completed 9 or 11 grades should enroll in a pedagogical college or pedagogical university in the appropriate specialty, for example, “pedagogical education in the profile “Physical Education”, “pedagogical education in the profile “Life Safety and physical education”, etc. Although, if you graduate from a pedagogical college, you will receive a secondary vocational education and decide to connect your life with school, then only primary school students and, at most, middle school students will trust you. Therefore, most likely, you will still have to graduate from an additional university to receive higher education in the same specialty.

Who will be accepted as a physical teacher?

Physically healthy and strong boys or girls should choose the profession of a physical education teacher, since physical training The teacher should have it at the highest level. Often boys and girls who have been interested in and involved in sports since childhood become physical education teachers.

The responsibilities of a physical education teacher include conducting lessons, maintaining documentation (filling out a class register, paper and electronic), participating in the final certification, advanced training in relevant courses at least once every 5 years, replacing temporarily absent physical education teachers, etc.

This profession has opportunities for career growth. A physical education teacher can always conduct classes in paid clubs and sections. There is an opportunity to even go and work at a children’s and youth sports school.

A physical education teacher must have team-building skills, because his class must turn into a team or two. In addition, an increased sense of responsibility, because his subject has a high level of injuries, therefore compliance with safety regulations in physical education is a paramount task.

We'll tell you what skills you need to acquire to become a teacher, and how to do it without having a pedagogical education.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Remember: when you were in school, with what feeling did you wait for the start of the school year? If you were the favorite in the class, then September 1 was probably actually a holiday. And, of course, you had a favorite teacher, looking at whom you wanted to become a successful professional, and already at the age of 40 enjoy the same well-deserved respect. If all this sounds like you, welcome to the teaching profession!

To join the ranks of those who sow rational, good, eternal things, it is best to get a professional education. You can study at a pedagogical college or university, take advanced training courses and become a teacher highest category. What kind of leader you will be - a strict leader or a sensitive spiritual mentor - decide for yourself. And whether it is worth getting a pedagogical education is also up to you to decide.

Yes, yes, to teach others, it is not necessary to have a specialization as a teacher. For example, the winner of the “Russian Teacher of the Year 2017” competition, Ilya Demakov, studied at the Department of Source Studies of Russian History. The results of the 2018 competition will be announced in October, and perhaps the winner will again be a young teacher. We will tell you further how to turn “I want” into “I can” and become a good teacher.

Let's start small. More precisely, from the little ones. It is impossible to say for sure who is easier to raise: younger or older - each age has its own characteristics. Therefore, if you said to yourself “I want to teach kids,” pay attention to tips that will help you become a good primary school teacher.

What a primary school teacher needs:

  • love for children. No matter how trivial it may sound, you cannot become a good teacher without this property. Remember yourself and your classmates in elementary school. Surely everyone called the class teacher a second mother. Primary schoolchildren feel the teacher’s emotions very subtly, your warm attitude is important to them;
  • sense of proportion. Don't skimp on showing your feelings, but don't go too far. Students must remember that you are their leader. A mother or grandmother can give some relief by making eyes at them, but a teacher cannot, and the children would be better off learning this well;
  • stress resistance. Most HR professionals include this characteristic in their ideal candidate requirements. To work in primary school it will be very useful to you. It’s not just the abundance of questions like “Why is the grass green, the sky blue, Petrov is 5, I’m 4, birds are flying, the water is wet,” and so on. You have to be in a state of constant tension, making sure that no one breaks anything, doesn’t hurt yourself, doesn’t beat a neighbor... And all this with constant noise created by junior high school students who are not yet able to concentrate. So nerves of steel are your best assistant;
  • the ability to attract attention. The requirement follows from the previous paragraph. “A bird is flying outside the window, the sun is shining, and the grass is so green, and in general, you already want to have dinner or sleep... But you can’t, because the teacher tells such interesting things!” You will be very lucky if your students think so. Therefore, work on your attention-grabbing technique. Try to tell your children facts that will amaze them and prevent them from being distracted. But don't overload kids with information. So not only will they not give you attention, but they will also not remember anything.

Training in the teaching profession will help you gain these and other professional skills. But what if you already have another education, but still want to be a teacher?

How to become a teacher without pedagogical education

In 2012, the Education Law was adopted. This document tells whether it is possible to become a teacher without having any special education. In law, pedagogical activity can be carried out not only by those who have a pedagogical education, but also by persons with higher or secondary specialized education in related fields. Simply put, if you majored in economics, you can become a math teacher. To do this, it is enough to take retraining courses in your profession. But if you studied to become a technical specialist, but want to teach literature, without additional education It will be difficult to get by.

Today, schools require teachers to develop basic competencies—the ability to solve certain problems. We won’t overwhelm you with terms, we’ll just tell you about complex things. What is required from the teacher:

  • have a certain worldview. This does not mean that there is a worldview template that you need to adapt to. This means that the teacher must have a clear position and argue his point of view;
  • have values. The teacher must instill in the child the correct moral principles. Do not impose your opinion, but rather put you on the right path, teach you how to navigate among spiritual values;
  • want to learn. A teacher should not stop on the path of learning new things. Information becomes outdated within 3 years. Therefore, a teacher must constantly acquire new knowledge and improve his professional qualities;
  • acquire skills in working with information. You need to be able to present knowledge in such a way that it is easy to perceive. In addition, in the modern information space there is a lot of inaccurate information. The teacher must not only recognize the correct information among the rest, but also be sure to teach this to the children;
  • be able to communicate. The problem of communication is very relevant. Teaching children to communicate is one of the main tasks of a teacher.

Here are specific tips for those who want to become a teacher:

Russian language and literature. Perhaps love for words is something that cannot be taken away. If you have loved to read, recite poetry, and generally speak fluently since childhood, then this profession is for you. To become a teacher of Russian language and literature, enroll in the Faculty of Philology.

Foreign language. Without knowledge of languages, it is unlikely that you will be able to become a good teacher. It is also necessary to study the labor market and find out which language teachers are needed in schools. The languages ​​most often taught in schools are English, German, French languages. But if you come to the middle secondary school With knowledge of Chinese, you are unlikely to find a place there. Therefore, when entering a university, choose wisely. Foreign language teachers are trained to Faculty of Philology or at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Mathematics and computer science. Twice two is four, twice two is four... If you early childhood remembered this simple truth from the song, and later fell in love with adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, this profession is for you. And computer science is inseparable from mathematics, because all computer science is built on numbers. Doors are open to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics or the Faculty of Higher Mathematics, or the Faculty of Mechanics and Computer Science. In general, all specialties that contain the word mathematics are for you.

Physicists. This subject is often difficult to study. To become a good teacher, you need to want to understand the world around you, understand physical processes, complex natural phenomena. If it is interesting to you, you can “infect” your students with this interest. Then doing physics will be easier and more interesting. Specialists are trained at the faculties of physics and mathematics, physics and astronomy, natural science and physics... As for mathematicians, keyword will always tell you where to go.

Stories And social studies. Humanity has come a long way in development. The ancestors had to endure huge amount wars, political changes, cultural changes, all of which require careful study. As a teacher, you can answer Bernard Shaw's famous question: “What will history say?” The faculties of history and law are waiting for you.

Physical education. Left! Left! Stay where you are! If your love for sports can only be envied, feel free to become a physical education teacher and instill it in the younger generation. Children already love to jump and run. All you have to do is direct their energy to the right thing, so that physical education is not only fun, but also useful. Physical education teachers are trained in sports universities. Let us remind you that in order to become a teacher, it is not necessary to receive a pedagogical education. So even if you become a sports medicine specialist, teaching physical education may become your main activity.

Biology. How many secrets are hidden in any organism! And how complex the world around us is... All this is very complex and very interesting. Having learned all the intricacies of this natural science, feel free to go to schoolchildren.

Chemistry. The most interesting thing in chemistry is the experiments. Learn to conduct them correctly, and chemistry will become a favorite subject for children. Faculty of Natural Sciences are waiting for you.

Drawing. Talking about art is one thing, but teaching art is another. Almost everyone loves to draw, but to create academic drawing not everyone can do it. Of course, it is not necessary to force students to draw from life or create ideal compositions. The task of an art teacher is to awaken a love of art in students.

Whatever you want to become - a teacher of mathematics, physical education, life safety, music or labor, the main thing is to always achieve your goals and feel in your place.

Currently, yoga and dance classes are very popular. To train as a dance instructor, you can contact the choreography department of the university. But yoga instructors are not trained in institutes - you will need to contact special yoga schools.

How to become a teacher in the USA and other countries

What are the requirements for teachers in other countries? In the United States, a future teacher must spend a certain number of hours at the university on the subject he wants to teach. In Germany, you must confirm your diploma by passing a test in the subject. In China, teaching is one of the most respected professions, so Chinese teachers have many privileges, but the requirements for the level of training are also very high. In Canada, teachers work in small groups, so you need to be a specialist in one area.

It doesn’t matter whether you will be a teacher in Russia or abroad, the main thing is to love your profession and conduct lessons for the benefit of children.

Personality of the physical education teacher

The attitude of students to the subject largely depends on the personality of the teacher. Children will be happy to attend classes with a teacher who gives them all his strength and knowledge. Resourcefulness, a witty word spoken at the right time, the ability to find an approach to the children and have a heart-to-heart talk with them, all this raises the authority of the teacher. The teacher becomes a person close to the children, whose demands are met without internal or external contradiction. You cannot give free rein to your feelings and mood, you must always control yourself, no matter how tired the teacher is, he should not break down and show his irritation.

To win the respect of children, you need to respect them yourself, confirming this with your behavior, conversation and treatment in class. You cannot show bias or indifference towards children. For a teacher, everyone is equal and he resolves all issues fairly - this should be the firm conviction of every student! There are also teachers who tend to constantly single out the same students, both bad and good. Often praising some and blaming others is bad manners, even if the censure is justified. In such cases, the guys get used to the comments and do not react to them.

The teacher should not be familiar to the children in his pedagogical techniques. Every lesson for a student should be, albeit small, but a discovery. Students come to class expecting something new; they often ask before class - what will we have in class today? If the student feels the teacher’s trusting tone, hears smart joke, then the success of the lesson is guaranteed. Children love to laugh, so it is not at all necessary to conduct a lesson in “dead silence”, which many teachers unfortunately strive for: they yell, scream in irritation, which is unacceptable, as we talked about above: you need to control yourself….., “work noise” is quite Let's say you're teaching a physical education lesson! PHYSICAL TRAINING!!! True, if a teacher speaks, everyone should know that they should shut up. Children must be taught this rule from their first lessons.

The next important thing for raising the authority of a teacher is appearance teachers: a man should be shaved, have a neat short haircut, general sportswear should be of calm colors (darker or gray, etc.) and not tight, a white T-shirt tucked in. The teacher must remove words of non-pedagogical meaning from his speech, such as: come on; tear it up; grab him; Yes, tear off his legs and that’s it; and what; etc. Usually children ask a lot of questions to the teacher, you can’t get away with short, meaningless phrases: this is how it should be! It's better that way! That's the order! It is necessary to give students a reasoned, convincing explanation. In the learning process, it is necessary to use students' knowledge in other subjects.

You should not be monotonous in the manner of teaching. Changing the voice, an unusual command, and the teacher moving along the line make the lesson more dynamic, more interesting, and facilitate the correct perception of tasks. True, in elementary school you should not move along the line, because this distracts the students’ minds and the tone of voice should be calm and not loud, because this has an exciting effect on younger schoolchildren.

When explaining, you should not clutter the minds of students a large number details, a neat, expressive display of technical details will make the proposed task even clearer.

At the beginning of the lesson, until the students’ attention is tired, it is better to refrain from emotional tasks. It is reasonable to conduct them at the end of the main part of the lesson. The end of the lesson remains most firmly in children's memory. The lesson seems to have not been completed somewhat - this is the feeling with which students should leave the physical education lesson. This largely determines their attitude and mood towards the next lesson.

Pedagogical work in physical education lessons involves an unusually large expenditure of nervous and physical energy, so you must strictly calculate your strengths and capabilities in each lesson, especially if these lessons are consecutive.

Speeches by a physical education teacher with plans and reports at teacher councils or in front of parents are also an important element in his work. Only together with the teaching staff and parents, having won their authority, can pedagogical issues be fully resolved. And among the parents and teachers of the school you can find many assistants and enthusiasts of physical education.