Equipment for growing flowers. The financial side of the issue. How to start a business growing flowers in a greenhouse

What is the most profitable thing to grow for sale? Maybe strawberries, tomatoes? Or flowers? Of course, with the right approach, any ornamental plant or vegetable crop will generate considerable income. But what will be more economically feasible? In this case, it all depends on your preferences. But many people are attracted to growing flowers in a greenhouse. As a business, this is a good option. After all, you can get up to three million rubles a year by investing only 100 thousand.

Where should you start?

Since business in this area is related to land, the first step is to select a suitable plot. This could be a house in the village, a garden or a vegetable garden. The main thing is that this plot of land can be purchased or rented. You may also need documentary evidence that you are considered the owner of the private household plot. This stands for personal gardening. Documents can be obtained from the local government: the administration of a rural village, a gardening partnership, and so on.

Of course, this type of activity is significantly different from others and does not have legal status, as an individual entrepreneur. However, private household plots have many other advantages.

Greenhouse thermos: ideal option

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business has some advantages. First of all, this type of activity requires virtually no paperwork. And most importantly, the main costs are only in the construction of the appropriate premises and the purchase of seeds.

Of course, to grow flowers all year round, you will need a winter greenhouse, which will be equipped with a special heating system. For many, the construction of such a structure causes many difficulties. Therefore, experts recommend installing thermos greenhouses on your site. Such structures allow saving about 70% of consumed electricity. After all, a thermos greenhouse makes the most of the heat from the sun's rays.

Laying the foundation

A greenhouse for flowers must be strong and reliable. Therefore, in any case, you will have to lay the foundation. If the greenhouse is placed on bare ground, the beds located along the walls will freeze. When building a greenhouse, it is better to make the foundation strip, not too deep and reinforced. At a depth of approximately 0.7 meters, a gravel-sand cushion should be poured, and then brought to a height of approximately 0.5 meters. After this, you can pour the foundation. In this case, the height of the base should be more than 0.3 meters.

Frame and cover for greenhouse

It is best to make a greenhouse from metal profiles of light alloys. After all, a frame made of wood or metal will be heavy. In addition, the darkening area will increase significantly.

But it is better to choose polycarbonate coating for the structure. After all, a winter greenhouse must have a pitched roof and withstand fairly heavy loads. Only polycarbonate can cope with such tasks. Growing roses in a greenhouse of this type will only bring pleasure. After all, the plants will not freeze and die. The main secret is that the structure must be covered with several layers of polycarbonate. The result is several thermal packages. There will be constant air exchange between such sections. Of course, for this it is worth making several holes. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the workload does not decrease.

Solar collectors are required

Conventional solar collectors are made in small sizes. Their area is only 0.5 square meters. meters. Such a device processes solar energy and converts it into heat, which enters the room through ventilation. How to equip a thermos greenhouse with such a product? Everything is quite simple. The entire northern part of the building is one continuous solar collector. It can be equal to 50 square meters. As a result, the device provides as much heat as is necessary for normal plant growth. In some cases, you will have to ventilate the room.

In order for, for example, tulips to grow well in a greenhouse, you need to follow certain rules for equipping rooms with solar collectors. In addition, the system itself, which supplies warm air, requires special attention. This design is made from plastic pipes, in which several holes are pre-made. The system snakes around all the beds with plants. At the same time, they are laid above the ground, and not under it. Each end of the pipe should be equipped with a fan: one draws in cold air, and the other supplies hot air into the system. That's it. Watering in the greenhouse should also be done automatically. This will make the work much easier. The winter greenhouse is ready. All that remains is to plant the plants.

Choosing the soil

You can save some money at this stage. Growing flower seedlings requires not only skill, but also preparation. First of all, you need to determine what type of soil is optimal for the selected flowers. Agree, the composition of the soil determines how successful the enterprise will be. Therefore, novice gardeners are faced with the question of where to get the right amount of soil for a greenhouse and how to determine its composition. So, let's take the most common flowers - roses. To plant them, you need to remove the soil from the greenhouse to a depth of 0.5 meters, and then fill the free space with a suitable composition.

At the same time, there is no point in buying special soil in bags. In this case, you will simply go broke. Bringing soil in by truck from nowhere is not the best option. After all, the composition of the soil is completely unknown to you. What to do? The answer is simple and lies under your feet. There are many abandoned meadows, fields and plots of land on the edge of the forest. For the greenhouse, only previously prepared turf soil should be used.

How to prepare the soil

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business requires a special approach not only to the selection of planting material, but also to the preparation of the soil. To do this, in early spring, at the moment when the ground thaws by about 15 centimeters, it is necessary to cut it off. Of course, not completely. 8 centimeters will be enough. The resulting soil must be transported to the place where it will ripen. In other words, closer to the greenhouse. Only after this the removed turf should be formed into piles. Their width should be at least one meter, and their height should be from 0.7 to 0.8 meters. The finished pile should be covered with a material, preferably opaque.

When the days become warmer, the folded soil must be watered and covered with a transparent film. Only in this case will biological irreversible processes—combustion—begin in the soil piled up. In the deep layers, the soil temperature will reach approximately 70 ⁰C above zero.

As a result of this, all seeds, harmful viruses, as well as larvae of all kinds of insects will simply die. Such soil in its composition will be as close as possible to light sandy loam, highly enriched with various fertilizers. This is exactly what is necessary for the successful cultivation of any crop.

must be of high quality

So, you have decided to plant flowers. Growing plants for sale requires careful selection of planting material. Otherwise, you will work at a loss. When the soil is prepared and the greenhouse is equipped with various heating and watering systems, all that remains is to purchase seeds and start earning money. Of course, there is no specific type of flower that is the best. Each species, for example roses, is unique and has its own merits. In addition, demand in the flower market is constantly changing. Where can I get planting material?

It is best to purchase seeds or seedlings from agricultural nurseries that specialize in growing varietal plants. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the quality of planting material. After all, such enterprises sell both seeds and seedlings in large quantities. This indicates that the plants here are grown in accordance with all requirements. In addition, in such places, mainly selected varieties of flowers are selected. Planting material must be of high quality. Especially if you grow flowers from seeds.

Business model

It is better to build your business according to a certain model. So, there must be a thermos greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters, as well as a certain variety of plants. In general, this is one production unit, which is worth relying on at the very beginning. Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business cannot be rushed. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth mastering exactly one model. You should not expand if you have not learned how to grow the chosen variety of flowers. Otherwise you may lose cash. At the same time, you need to study not only the technique of growing flowers of a certain type, but also the ways of their implementation.

Of course, you shouldn’t focus on just one model. Once you have some experience, you can start expanding. How to do this?

Wholesale supplies

Alas, there is no flower exchange in our country. Therefore, you will have to search for clients yourself. And it's not that simple. Let's say you know how to grow flowers in a greenhouse, but this is not enough to make a profit. You need to know the products. What is the best way to focus?

First of all, you should pay attention to large flower salons, markets, shops, and pavilions. However, it is worth remembering that such retail outlets already have a certain system of wholesale supplies. You will have to somehow wedge yourself into it. The surest way to sell a product is to reduce its price.

Your own flower pavilion

So, how to sell flowers? Growing plants for sale can become an unprofitable enterprise if you do not find a way to sell the products. Opening your own pavilion will significantly increase your income: approximately twice. However, there are some nuances here too. By selling just one variety of flowers, you should not expect a high income. This requires a big Solve this problem possible in several ways. The first is to build another greenhouse and grow a variety of plants in it. And the second is purchasing missing lots in bulk from other suppliers. The result depends on your entrepreneurial abilities and the specific case.

Sale of planting material

The sale of seedlings and seeds can become an additional source of income. It is worth noting that growing plants does not require another greenhouse. This can be done in the warm season in open ground. In addition, cut plants are perishable goods. While planting material can be stored for up to 12 months. To do this, you only need special packaging in the form of containers.

Floristry and related products

If previously buyers were satisfied with a simple bouquet of flowers, today they need it to be decorated accordingly. To increase sales in your flower pavilion, you should invite a professional florist who can create very beautiful flower arrangements. It is worth noting that this method allows you to increase profits by almost 20%.

Also in your flower pavilion you can sell pots in bags, chemicals and all kinds of fertilizers.

Initial investment

In this expense item everything is very clear. The main costs are planting material, as well as the construction of a greenhouse. How much should you spend at the first stage? So let's do the math. According to the latest data, square meter a greenhouse covered with polycarbonate and with a fully automated irrigation system will cost approximately 2,290 rubles. To this amount it is worth adding the cost of the foundation, heating, and installation of the entire structure. The result is a coefficient of 2. If you multiply it by the cost of a square meter of a greenhouse, you get 4,580 rubles. How much does the entire structure cost? A greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters will cost 458 thousand rubles.

If you decide to grow roses, it is better to buy planting material in bulk. IN retail trade one bush costs about 300 rubles. When purchasing in bulk, one rose will cost a third less. You can plant 4 bushes per square meter of greenhouse. In the end you need 400 roses. However, it is worth remembering that not all roses can take root. As a result, you will need to purchase about 100 more plants. That is, you will have to pay about 125 thousand rubles for rose seedlings.

Additional costs

As you can see, the initial investment is quite a decent amount. But that's not all. To the total investment amount, equal to 583 thousand rubles, it is worth adding the main costs of maintaining the greenhouse and caring for the plants: chemicals, heating and watering. For all this you will need to pay 47.25 thousand rubles.

As for chemicals, they will be required in any case. After all, every plant is susceptible to attacks by all kinds of pests. About 36 thousand rubles are spent on such funds per year. Will all costs cover the income? Additional expenses will cost 83,250 rubles per year.

What income?

The business plan for growing flowers is quite simple. But many doubt whether this type of activity is profitable? With conventional growing technology, one rose seedling can produce about 250 flowers per year. What's the end result? From one square meter of greenhouse you can collect 1000 specimens per year. And from 100 square meters - 100 thousand roses. Even if you sell goods at the minimum price, which is 40 rubles per piece, you can get 4 million rubles in a year.

If you subtract all expenses from profit, then net income will be a fairly decent amount. So, from 4 million you need to subtract 83,000 rubles. The result is 3.9 million rubles.

Is it profitable to grow flowers for sale?

According to the latest data, the profitability of this type of activity is 70%. You can launch a project within a month, but it will pay for itself in 8. The first profit will appear only after six months. It is worth remembering that the business model, which includes caring for and growing flowers, is quite flexible. It has no defined boundaries. The owner of such a business can change the model and supplement it at his own discretion. With the right approach, profits will only grow.

Henry Ford said that best job is a highly paid hobby. If you love nature, and ornamental plants are not just decoration for your garden and interior, then growing flowers in a greenhouse will be a profitable business that will bring joy and aesthetics to the world around you.

Is everything so simple for summer residents and businessmen who decide to start growing flowers for sale? Experience and expert information on how to open your own blooming and fragrant business is in our article today.

Growing flowers in a greenhouse is a million-dollar idea

The idea has the right to life and is becoming especially popular due to rising prices for foreign bulbs. Farmers and flower growers, analyzing the sales market, are gradually coming to the conclusion that producing a domestic product for sale in Russia is much more profitable than importing it.

Before drawing up a plan, an entrepreneur must understand all the features of this industry.

Among the nuances of the flower business, we highlight the following points:

  1. Seasonality. In the warm months of the year, demand for products falls, and in the cold season, sales increase and business goes up.
  2. Competition and the need for price regulation. During periods of decline in demand, it is advisable to make discounts and create marketing offers that can increase wholesale sales.
  3. Floriculture experience and knowledge. Basic standards of plant care and subtleties of greenhouse improvement will be needed to eliminate the risk of seedling death and loss of investment.

You will understand and study other subtleties and nuances on your own in the process of work.

What flowers are profitable to grow?

The most popular species were and remain roses, tulips, lilies and crocuses. A wide variety of varieties and a constantly updated selection range will allow you to quickly respond to floral fashion trends and offer current products.

To clearly see the popularity of these four types, let’s present the data in a comparative table:

Characteristic Tulips Crocuses Lilies Roses
Purchase price, 1 bulb, seedling 10-25 rubles 10-30 rubles 120-250 rubles 150-300 rubles
Growth period 2-6 months 3-4 months 10-15 weeks 25-40 days
Market value, 1 piece 25-60 rubles 250-300 rubles 100-400 rubles 50-200 rubles

Based on these figures, we calculate the profit from each type of plant. A nice bonus in flower business The fact remains that prices increase on holidays by up to 3000%, which, in principle, compensates for the seasonal decline and promotional offers.

When choosing varieties and combination options for several subspecies at once, take into account the design features of the greenhouse and the requirements for soil composition.

Let's share a few more secrets when planning a landing:

  1. Climatic conditions of the region. In the southern regions it is easier to grow any of the 4 types of flowers, which cannot be said about the cold northern regions.
  2. Greenhouse dimensions. The height of the structure must be at least 4 meters.
  3. Availability of irrigation and humidity control system inside the greenhouse all year round.

If you decide to create a business on a grand scale, you should not stop only at popular types of flowers. New selections and varieties that belong to the garden group regularly appear on the market.

Among them are peonies, petunia, violets and dahlias.

How to grow flowers for sale in a greenhouse - a detailed business plan

Rare businesses are able to show a profitability of 300%, but growing flowers for sale falls into this category. You will have to work a lot, especially if resources for starting are limited, and it is not possible to afford to hire employees.

A competent business plan will solve problems with preparation and help you get off to an active start. With just five stages of planning, your products will be destined for success.

Stage 1. Selecting the type of taxation and registering an enterprise

If the land for the greenhouse is state-owned or registered under a lease agreement, it is wiser to submit documents to open an individual entrepreneur.

The stages of opening a private enterprise are as follows:

  • filing an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to government bodies;
  • selection of OKVED code. In our case, this is 01.12.2 – gardening and flower growing;
  • choice of taxation system - for agricultural producers this figure will be 6% of profit.

You may need to clarify exactly what types of flowers you will grow.

Stage 2. Purchase of seeds and fertilizers

Seedlings and seeds are purchased from January to May. Experienced flower growers germinate seedlings on their own, experimenting with new varieties and developing their own selections.

Wholesale suppliers are ready to offer favorable conditions, but retail purchases for testing are also possible. Hybrid varieties that are able to tolerate low temperatures and are resistant to pests are popular. Store the seeds in a cool place for no more than a year, otherwise the crop may not germinate. Look for seed material on the Internet or at agricultural industry shows.

Stage 3. Installation of the greenhouse

After purchasing seedlings and seeds, we proceed to the construction and arrangement of the greenhouse. Depending on the plot of land and the scale of the greenhouse, we create a project for the future structure. Standard sizes will be 20 m long and 5 m wide. The height in the southern and northern parts will be different - 1.8 m and 2.5 m, respectively.

The installation process looks like this:

  1. Laying strip foundation.
  2. Installation of a metal frame.
  3. Sheathing with polycarbonate sheets.
  4. Installation of a pitched roof.

The structure is placed along the coordinate from east to west, and the northern part is mounted from opaque durable raw materials. Designate ventilation points to prevent mold growth in excessively humid environments. Experienced gardeners recommend sheathing the frame with polycarbonate from the inside to create an air gap that will enhance the thermal insulation effect.

Stage 4. Preparing the soil and growing plants

To save money at the initial stage, soil is taken from meadows or forest edges. In early spring, the layer of soil with vegetation is cut off and rolled up. Afterwards, the soil is stored in an expanded form on the site under a polyethylene cover.

In several stages, the ground is irrigated, then covered again with film to heat and destroy weed spores and pest larvae. Only after such preparation is the soil transferred to the greenhouse.

Another option is hydroponics. In this case, the soil is replaced by nutrient liquid. The greenhouse itself will resemble indoor flowerpots in production quantities.

Stage 5. Preparation of advertising and sales of finished products

There are several lines in the marketing implementation program:

  • advertising and sales via the Internet on social networks and on your own website;
  • work through intermediaries or sales to large flower shops;
  • opening your own store.

Make yourself known at exhibitions, in printed publications, on the Internet, tell friends and strangers about your business. Without advertising, only the mint makes money.

Possible risks

As much as the flower segment is profitable, it is also risky. Let us repeat that growing and propagating flowers requires absolute hard work and knowledge in the field of gardening.

Due to a lack of resources and experience, there is a risk of losing part or all of the harvest, not selling flowers on time, incorrectly calculating the final cost of the goods and going into the red.

To minimize the risks and complete failure of the flower venture, we recommend growing one type of plant. First, test the greenhouse and soil to see the fertility of the crop and the minimum demand for the finished product.

After the first successful season, introduce several more species or varieties to expand your business, and reduce the planting of unprofitable varieties to nothing.

So, in order not to be left with nothing, let’s summarize what has been said:

  1. Increase your level of competence and hire experienced staff.
  2. Do not skimp on planting material and fertilize the soil.
  3. Don't skimp on your advertising and marketing program in every possible means of disseminating information.
  4. Do not overprice and focus on average market prices.
  5. Keep records, analyze yields and learn from your own mistakes.

How much can you earn

Let's look at the example of growing roses. One healthy bush can produce up to 200 cuts per season. On one square meter we will get up to 800 units during the flowering period. With a minimum of 80 m² of total area, the harvest will be 64-65 thousand roses, which, even in wholesale at 25-40 rubles per unit, will bring from 1.5 to 2.5 million rubles in profit.

There are ways to save - you don't need to pay taxes if you own your own piece of land and can document ownership. But there is a nuance. The finished product will have to be sold only through intermediaries. They will have to report to the tax authorities about the harvest and the amount of profit, not you.

How profitable is it - reviews from flower businessmen


The student life was busy - in classes during the day, and in the evening and at night I worked at a flower shop near the university.

My favorite day was March 8th, when everything was on sale - from potted varieties to annual flowers grown practically in the basement. The love for flowers decided my fate when I received a bachelor’s degree in the specialty of psychologist, which had become out of demand after 5 years of study.

The business of growing flowers brings no less income than the business of cultivating strawberries or cucumbers. If everything is done correctly, the project will be profitable. With an investment of just 100 thousand rubles, you can earn about 3 million rubles a year.

Selecting and equipping a greenhouse

The choice of greenhouse directly depends on what resources you have at your disposal. If you want to open small business, a few standard greenhouses and a small plot of land will be enough.

The maximum width of the greenhouse structure is 5 meters. You can choose any length, but it is recommended to give preference to a length of up to 20 meters. It is better to make a pitched roof, since in this case the building will warm up evenly. The structure is located from west to east.

A greenhouse for running a business is rarely done independently. It is better to develop a business plan in such a way that a ready-made polycarbonate structure will be used, already equipped with a ventilation and drip irrigation system. The following can also be supplied with the greenhouse:

  • additional lighting;
  • fogging installation;
  • curtain system;
  • control system for the required humidity and temperature conditions;
  • equipment for feeding flowers and supplying solution.

Greenhouse flower home business (video)

Choosing the type of flowers for greenhouse cultivation

For a business that involves growing flowers, it is important to choose the right plants. First, you should ask yourself questions: are you ready to carefully work out a business plan, what is the demand for in the market, will you have competitors?

The most popular garden flowers are:
  • gillyflowers;
  • petunias (seedlings);
  • pansies;
  • asters;
  • dahlias.

The following are even more popular for flower growing businesses:

  • chrysanthemum bushes;
  • daffodils;
  • roses;
  • tulips.

In this case, it is desirable that the plants put up for sale are already flowering.

Hybrid petunias are often grown in greenhouses. Flowers are unpretentious and look beautiful; among other things, they have a low cost and a high retail price. Sowing of seeds can be done from the beginning of February, and cultivation is simple. Cultivation of chrysanthemums is no less popular. These flowers also have a lot of advantages.

Growing roses

The plan for growing a rose is to carefully care for the plant. When choosing a variety, you should definitely take into account the climate of the area and the characteristics of the greenhouse structure - it should be tall, since roses do not do well in tight spaces. Among other things, they will need additional lighting and the possibility of shading, and the soil will have to be heated additionally. Another requirement is good air ventilation.

Plant cuttings are harvested in June. First, they are placed in containers with water, and then, after roots have formed, they are transferred to the ground. After planting and watering, the roses are covered with a glass jar or film. After the plant has developed, the jar is removed.

You can read more in detail.

Growing Crocuses

The crocus growing plan involves propagation by corms. They are dug up at the end of summer and left for some time at a temperature environment, equal to 22 degrees. From September, the corms are transplanted into pots.

Rooting of plants should be carried out in the absence bright light. It is important that the soil always remains slightly moist during this time.

After a couple of months, 3-centimeter shoots will appear that can be placed in the greenhouse. Flowering of crocuses begins 14 days after planting.

Growing tulips

The plan for growing tulips involves using the healthiest and largest bulbs for planting. They make very strong and beautiful flowers. Before planting in a greenhouse, you should properly prepare the soil: dig it up and add wood ash. The bulbs are dug up in August, dried and left until December, when planting takes place.

Growing chrysanthemum

Growing chrysanthemums often involves the use of biostimulants. You can use products such as “Bud”, “Zircon” or “Epin”.

Also, to preserve the beautiful appearance of chrysanthemums during their growth period, old leaves should be torn off. They are the ones most susceptible to infections. After completing the procedure, watering the plants will also become much easier.

It is worth remembering that chrysanthemum stems break easily. In view of this, tall varieties need to be tied up. After cutting chrysanthemums, stumps are left, whose height is about 12 centimeters.

Chrysanthemums and other flowers should be cut only after the inflorescences have bloomed or begun to bloom. Work is carried out in cloudy weather early in the morning or late in the evening. It is at this time that chrysanthemums have a high level of moisture and nutrients accumulated throughout the day.

For better preservation and transportation, the bases of the plant stems are split and placed in water half their length for half a day. All lower leaves should be removed.

Chrysanthemum cuttings should be placed freely in the water. The storage room should have a temperature of 7 degrees, have good ventilation and be dry. Plants keep well for 2 weeks.

Implementation options

But if it is not possible to maintain it, you can sell the products:
  • in flower pavilions;
  • in markets;
  • in the squares.

Another good option is to create bouquets of chrysanthemums and other flowers right at home. In this case, customers themselves will take the products from you. But you will have to spend a lot of time and money on advertising.

A good plan - implementation through social groups on the Internet or through an online store. These are the least expensive ways to create a retail outlet.

When running a business related to growing flowers, you can simply find a reseller. These people buy large quantities of products at wholesale prices. But then you will have to grow flowers in a greenhouse in large quantities.

  • To create a business, special attention should be paid to the greenhouse. It is optimal if the building has a heating system. A good option is also the creation of a greenhouse right in the attic of the house.
  • The business plan must include the installation of a lighting system. And when placing a greenhouse complex, you should place it correctly: the windows should face east or south. But don’t forget that a number of plants need shade, which means you should install blinds.
  • It is recommended to install in a greenhouse. In this case, the flowers will be fed with a special solution containing nutrients. As practice shows, this method very effective from an economic point of view, since the solution lasts for a long time.

Flowers in greenhouses (video)

There are many advantages to running a flower growing business. But in order for the business to bring really good profits, you have to develop a business plan and wisely choose a greenhouse with all the necessary equipment.

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Not a single holiday is complete without flowers. We see them throughout our lives, they give us joy. With their help we can express our feelings. They are a sign of love, respect, attention. That is why we can say that flowers are an integral part of our lives.

Today we will talk about how to properly organize their cultivation in a greenhouse and turn this hobby into a business that will become truly profitable. Costs will primarily be associated with the construction of the greenhouse. Costs will also affect the purchase of seeds and fertilizers. The remaining expenses will be related to your approach to growing plants.


Before starting a business, you need to consider all the important aspects. A special feature of this field of activity is its seasonality. In the summer, prices for flowers fall, which is due to high competition in the market. With the arrival of cold weather, the demand is small, but, nevertheless, the price for them increases.

Based on this, in order to grow flowers all year round and have a constant income, it is necessary to grow them in greenhouses.


  • One of the main advantages is that during holidays can be obtained maximum quantity profit. You can easily provide for yourself for several months ahead.
  • The business pays off within the first weeks after opening.


  • To grow plants properly, you need to have experience in the field of floriculture. Flowers are very sensitive and fragile plants, so they need proper care.
  • Before growing them, you should carefully study all the required information regarding their breeding. If you do not have the experience and necessary knowledge, then in this case the business will bring colossal losses. For this reason, it is best not to engage in such activities at all or spend money on a specialist.

What flowers can be planted

The most attractive options are roses, crocuses, lilies and tulips. These flowers are in fairly high demand, which allows them to be sold profitably.


A popular and widespread species grown for cutting. Today there are dozens of different varieties of these flowers. Varieties differ in color, shape and aroma. Roses are capricious flowers and require the most careful handling.

How to choose a variety

You need to choose varieties based on the climatic conditions in the region where you are going to grow these flowers. Take into account other factors: the features of the greenhouse where the rose will be grown, which of them are in greatest demand.

The greenhouse needs to be large, its height should be four meters. Roses must be planted at a distance of at least 30 centimeters from each other, as they need sufficient air.

A sufficient amount of lighting and moisture is also a prerequisite. Roses tolerate greenhouse growing conditions well and are considered an excellent option for such breeding.

Reproduction methods

To propagate roses, it is necessary to prepare cuttings, which are harvested in the first summer months. They must be kept in water for one day.

After this, the cuttings are planted in the soil and watered abundantly. Then they should be covered with film to create a greenhouse.

After they have sprouted, the film must be removed.


To grow good flowers, you need to be very careful in choosing the bulbs you plant. First of all, they must be large in size and free from signs of rot. If the bulb is large, then the size of the flowers will be the same. To plant, you need to dig up the soil well and fertilize it with mineral fertilizers.

At the end of August, you need to dig up the bulbs, clean them from the soil, dry them, and put them in a dark place. Next year they can be planted again.


Lily is a perennial. Many greenhouse owners grow mainly two types of these flowers: brindle and royal.

It is best to propagate them using bulbs; seeds do not give the desired result. Lilies need soil saturated with mineral fertilizers, abundantly moistened and with good drainage. It is recommended to add to the soil sawdust, and fertilizing is best done when the buds begin to appear.


They are corms. Crocus flowers have different colors. They need to be dug up in mid-August. After they are dug, they should be kept for a while at a temperature of 20 degrees and a relative humidity of at least 70 percent.

At the beginning of September, you need to plant the plants in flower pots or in specially equipped boxes with soil. Crocuses must be planted in groups. One group can contain up to 20 flowers. Then it is necessary to accelerate growth; to do this, they should be moved to a dark room with a relatively low temperature.

You need to ensure that the soil is not dry, so it is important to moisten it on time.

After the flowers are cured, they will grow upward by 4 centimeters. Then they need to be taken to the greenhouse. In the first few days after the crocuses are planted in the greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 10-15 degrees and then increase it to 20-22 degrees.

Greenhouse design

If you are planning to build a greenhouse, it is best to opt for a thermos greenhouse:

  • This design has a number of advantages: electricity savings of more than 60 percent, solar heat efficiency is much higher.
  • A thermos greenhouse is built on a foundation, which helps prevent plants from freezing in cold weather. It is more expedient to make a strip foundation using reinforced mesh.
  • To build the frame, it is best to use a metal profile. You can use polyethylene film to cover the greenhouse, but it is best to use polycarbonate.
  • The size of the greenhouse should be: height 5 meters, length 15 and width 5.

Greenhouse equipment

Equipment for a flower greenhouse will differ significantly from equipment used for a vegetable greenhouse. Flowers require special care, so you should be careful when choosing the right tools.

One of the important elements is heating. The infrared option is considered the best option. It evenly heats the seedlings, which contributes to their efficient development. It is also worth considering temperature control so that the seedlings do not die and develop normally.

For additional lighting, you can use special phytolamps, which use radiation to promote photosynthesis in plants.

Soil preparation

Growing flowers in greenhouse conditions requires specially prepared soil:

  1. To do this, you need to cut the soil about 8 centimeters deep in early spring. The cut soil should be transported to a special place for ripening.
  2. Once the soil matures, it will turn into turf. It is necessary to create piles of turf up to one meter wide and up to 80 centimeters high.
  3. After you have formed the piles, they need to be covered with a special dark material. When the climate begins to change towards warming, they need to be watered abundantly.
  4. After this, the piles should be covered with transparent material, due to which the combustion processes will begin. The temperature of the soil inside the pile will begin to reach about 70 degrees, which will ensure the destruction of weeds, larvae and other pests.

Purchase of seeds

Purchases can be made in special gardening stores. It is best to choose seeds that are recommended by experts. It must be remembered that fake seeds may be found in stores, so when purchasing, it is advisable to ask for quality certificates for the products.

Growing flowers from seeds is a rather labor-intensive process, but as a result you will get excellent quality plants that are resistant to many diseases.

Care and planting

  • It is necessary to plant up to 30 roses per 1 square meter of greenhouse. In the second year of planting, the number of roses is reduced to 10 pieces.
  • Roses need a lot of light, so you need to make sure that the soil is hidden behind the density of leaves.
  • The humidity in the greenhouse should be at least 70 percent.
  • For good and active growth of flowers, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse once a day, opening the ends.
  • Do not forget that you need to weed the soil in a timely manner, ridding it of weeds.
  • It is necessary to inspect flowers for diseases. If there are any, the affected flower should be removed.

Sales channels

You can sell products in several ways:

  • Wholesale supplies. Deliveries can be made to special flower shops, salons and others. similar establishments. But it is worth remembering that most of these salons already have their own supply channels, so you need to interest the holders of retail outlets in something.
  • Your own flower shop. You can sell products through your store. Opening a point will help you increase your income, since there is no need to negotiate with competitors for the supply of flowers at a low price.
  • Sale of seedlings. You can sell not only flowers, but also seedlings. You can sell seedlings throughout the summer. The main advantage is that they can be stored throughout the year.

How can you expand a business like this?

To expand your business, you can open your own flower shop. If you decide to open your own establishment, it is recommended hire a florist. It will give your flowers a unique look and attract new customers.

The most important thing is that in this case you can make money not only from flowers, but also from the sale of many related products (pots, fertilizers, etc.).

Total costs and approximate profit of the project

Total costs:

  • Construction of a thermos greenhouse - 450 thousand rubles.
  • Seedlings of several types of flowers - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment – ​​250 thousand rubles.

Project profit:

Let's make calculations using the example of growing roses. About 250 flowers can be cut from one bush. Thus, we get 250 roses from one bush, 1000 roses from 4 bushes. Minimum price for one rose at at the moment is around 80-90 rubles. Total revenue will be about 4 million rubles per year.

Video material about greenhouse cultivation

The video shows an example of the process of planting and caring for flowers in a greenhouse:

Flowers are a popular option for starting your own personal business. They are always in demand and popular at any time of the year. Also, start similar business even an inexperienced businessman can do it, because this does not require specific knowledge in the field of flower breeding. Let's look at sample business plans, as well as recommendations on how to start a flower breeding business.

Features of growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business

Growing flowers in a greenhouse is the most profitable business option, because in this case weather conditions and climate almost completely lose their importance. You can focus on your starting capital when choosing the most suitable type of greenhouse. It has many advantages, including:

  1. You can make greenhouses yourself or purchase a ready-made version, which reduces the amount of initial costs. In the first case, it is necessary to have special skills, otherwise the constructed greenhouse may ultimately cause the failure of the business;
  2. The owner also chooses the type of heating and lighting independently, based on own desires, as well as the type of flowers, climate, etc.;
  3. You can adjust the initial size of the greenhouse depending on the intended variety of flowers, the selected plot of land or your capital.

Finally, the entrepreneur has a wide range of choices to choose from in a wide variety of colors, including exotic species. Greenhouse conditions allow you to work with all varieties.

Stages of starting a flower growing business

Let's consider step by step all the difficulties and features of the process of opening this type of business:

  1. Individual entrepreneur registration . If you intend to open enough wide production and subsequently organize the sale of large quantities of your goods, then you will definitely need to register as individual entrepreneur to legitimize their activities.
  2. Purchase or lease of private plots . This option represents an alternative to the first. Private household plot is a personal plot of land, in this case, a plot of land where a greenhouse for flowers will be installed. The advantages of private household plots are that the owner will not have to pay taxes or be liable to tax service. The disadvantage of private household plots is that the owner remains limited in the ways of marketing his products and can only cooperate with resellers. They tend to buy goods in bulk, but at a very low price. This will be unprofitable, especially if you intend to grow flowers that require particularly careful care.
  3. Selection of greenhouse and site . On average, greenhouses have a width of 5 meters, and the length is at the request of the customer. Restrictions in width are due to the fact that this can negatively affect the greenhouse effect (weaken), but the length will not affect this in any way. Along with the greenhouse, the equipment necessary for running the business is also purchased. Depending on the desired size of the greenhouse, the area is selected, that is, it can be relatively small. This allows a novice businessman to purchase land rather than rent it.
  4. Choosing flowers for breeding . The most important stage, since the initial investment, as well as profit, will depend on the product produced. Explore the flower market in your area. Which flowers are most popular and attract attention? Of course, you can offer a wide variety of options at different price points, and also expand your range over time.
  5. Working with flowers . If you don't know much about flowers, consider hiring a professional florist (or florists, depending on the size of your business) who can care for your plants and is knowledgeable about the job. In the case of official hiring of workers, it is necessary to think about obtaining the documents necessary for them, for example, a health certificate. We will also have to calculate wages for each employee. If you will grow flowers yourself, but are not a professional, then it is best to start with simple flowers, which can be worked with by a beginner. But in this case, you don’t have to hope for a high income.

Initial capital for growing flowers

Now let’s calculate what expenses are needed to open a flower breeding business, based on the stages of its opening.


This will include registration of individual entrepreneurship, as well as choosing a code, obtaining permits for doing business and choosing the type of taxation.

To obtain permits, you must first decide on the range of flowers that you will grow. Keep in mind that this stage requires a significant amount of time. In order to save money, you can use the services of specialists who will help you collect the necessary papers as quickly as possible without your participation. Of course, you will have to pay extra for this, but you will be able to start your business faster.

Approximate costs for paperwork can range from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Costs for building and equipping a greenhouse

Let's consider the option in which specialists will handle the construction and installation of your greenhouse. As a rule, they choose themselves necessary materials, and also calculate necessary costs for additional purchases. Thus, the average cost of 1 sq. m. taking into account all costs will be 5,000 rubles.

The approximate area of ​​the greenhouse will be 25 square meters. m., which is equal to 250,000 rubles.

Additional equipment

This includes heating and lighting. Costs will concern not only the equipment with which you will equip the finished greenhouse, but also the cost of utilities (electricity). The approximate monthly payment for electricity will be 8,000 rubles (during those periods when flowers need additional heating).


Let's assume that you will grow roses. Average cost per rose bush is about 300 rubles. For 50 sq. m. you need 100 bushes, which will require you to invest 30,000 rubles.


Hiring one employee will greatly simplify the work in the greenhouse. Depending on the variety, special skills will be required to grow them. Therefore, it is worth hiring only qualified employees. The salary of such an employee can be about 25,000 rubles.

You can confidently add at least 100,000 rubles to the final amount for additional expenses. This may be unprofitability of sales on initial stages trade, the need to purchase additional fertilizers to stimulate growth, etc.

Ultimately, the average amount of initial capital will be 500,000 rubles.