Symbol for the name Said. Positive character traits of Saida. Short name of Said

What does the name Saida mean?: happy (name Saida Tatar origin).

Saida's name is of Arabic origin and translates as “happy.” The meaning and beauty of the name contributed in every possible way to its popularity throughout the world. But the name Sabrina is especially loved among Muslims.

Short meaning of the name Saida: Ida, Saya, Saidushka, Saidochka.

Saida Angel Day: Said's name does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Zodiac named after Said: Lion

Characteristics of the name Said

Character of the name Said: What does the name Said mean?

Positive traits: A girl named Saida is distinguished by her curiosity, creativity, and broad outlook.

Negative features: She has moderate amounts of ambition, but they are not so great as to push Saida to take serious actions. Although when Saida sets a goal for herself, she goes to it for a very long time and persistently, if she can force herself to do it.

Usually the meaning of the name Said is also determined by the time of birth of its owner. For example, Saida, born in autumn, is very slow and is not inclined to trust people unconditionally. It takes her a lot of time to make a decision. But “winter” Saida is very eccentric, emotional, and extremely jealous. She speaks quickly, makes sudden movements, and her overall appearance can look careless.

Saida and her personal life

Love and marriage: As for her personal life, Saida always has a lot of fans around her, because she loves to be the center of attention. When choosing a spouse named Saida, you should pay attention to the fact that her husband is patient and calm, since only he can endure her attacks of jealousy.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In general, we can say that Saida is a very freedom-loving and independent person. She is not used to submitting to fate and does not recognize any rules. Regarding the choice of profession, the name Said always thinks about the theatrical, musical sphere, since this precisely suggests creative activity. allows you to get rid of routine in life. Since Saida has non-standard thinking, a job in the field of innovation is perfect for her, since such a woman is able to generate ideas.

Business and career: The meaning of the name Said from the perspective of numerology is determined by the number 1, which usually characterizes people full of strength, energy, desire to constantly act and change their lives, making it better. The name Said works well in extreme situations when decisions need to be made quickly. However, it is precisely for this reason that she is not recommended to engage in business, politics, or commerce. The thing is that Saida is used to living one day at a time and is not inclined to long-term planning what is required when carrying out the above activities.

Also the name Said is not best example leader. She is more useful as a subordinate. Such people tend to imitate in a good way words - it is enough to explain to them what needs to be done, showing this with an example of how the name Said can easily cope with the task. Especially if he works together with a partner or companion.

The fate of Saida in history

  1. Saida Al-Hurra is one of the most famous women Islamic West of modern times. It was she who, together with the Turkish corsair Barbarossa of Algiers al-Hurra, exercised control over the Mediterranean Sea and became the last queen of Tetouan in 1515.
  2. Saida Rametova - actress of the Uzbek National Academic drama theater and cinema, who was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Uzbekistan.
  3. Saida Menebi – teacher English language, Moroccan poet, member of the revolutionary movement "Forward", activist of the women's movement.
  4. Saida Medvedeva – director, producer, screenwriter. She took part in the creation of more than 100 films for TV channels ORT, NTV, RTR. Her " Historical chronicles with Nikolai Svanidze”, for which Saida Medvedeva was awarded the “TEFI” prize.

A person’s name is a kind of unique code that foretells a certain fate for him. It is very important to understand the interpretation of your name, as it may contain clues that will help you survive misfortunes more easily and get more pleasure from joyful events. What does the name Said mean? It's worth looking into.

Meaning of the name Saida

Saida - “happy”, “happy”. The meaning of the name Saida has a short form - this is Saya, Saidushka, Ida. The zodiac sign that protects such a girl is Leo. The number that controls the name is one. This is a start, an easy start.

Such girls are easy-going, they are always ready for new discoveries and new achievements. Said’s name day does not answer, since in the Christian tradition there is no saint of the same name. Moreover, the name is widespread in Europe.

Origin and history of the name Said

What does the name Said mean? happy" It is of Tatar origin and that is why at first it did not take root very well in Europe. It was believed that babies named by this name could easily overcome all the vicissitudes of fate, therefore, if noble family girls were born - they were often called Saids.

The origin and history of the name Said have quite ancient roots, which suggests that it is of mixed origin. Some historians insist that the name has Turkic origin and literally means “ illuminated" Such children are often long-awaited and beloved.

The character and fate of Saida

Saida has a rather strong-willed character, which can manifest itself in different situations differently. On the one hand, having strong-willed character traits and the makings of a leader, it will not be difficult for a girl to overcome life trials and remain happy at the same time.

On the other hand, she can be overly impulsive and thereby alienate not only the opposite sex, but also the people who love her. She often gets angry at others for no particular reason, is often capricious and requires special attention even at an older age.

She is impulsive and therefore not entirely successful in business, where you need to plan ahead and calculate every step. She does not know how to lead because her character lacks flexibility, she constantly finds reasons to be sad and this affects her subordinates.

As a subordinate she will show all her strengths character and will significantly benefit from his colleagues, as he grasps everything on the fly. It is enough for her to explain once how to do this or that job and she simply grasps it on the fly. She strives to constantly learn and improve herself. That is why she is a valuable employee who will be treasured.

It's not easy being with her in a team. She constantly strives to dominate and subordinate to her will, which leads to unnecessary pressure on her subordinates. She does not know how to show flexibility and selectivity. Colleagues are strict with her because they do not trust and envy Saida. She seems to them a hypocritical impudent, but experienced and wise employees see her as an extremely valuable employee. She cooperates well with men, it is easy for her to find relationships with them common language and agree on the nuances of the case.

A partner can completely rely on Saida, since for the sake of the common good she is even ready to make a sacrifice. Money is in some way secondary for her, since she strives more for recognition and self-realization, but she will never refuse additional profit.

Positive character traits of Saida:



Wide range of interests;


Unfortunately, Saida does not always restrain her emotions and is not always able to make concessions and find a compromise. Sometimes her ambitions lead to inflated self-esteem and inflated demands on others. She often enjoys the trust of loved ones and at the same time pursues her own personal selfish goals.

It is believed that Saids born in winter have a more impulsive and eccentric character, while Girls born in summer are more rational and flexible, they are more accustomed to trusting their intuition and relying on their own experience. Summer Saids, more creative personalities, they love to give light and emotions to people.

Saida's Love

Saida's character and fate suggest that girl strives for freedom both physical and spiritual. She is not in a hurry to get married early and is not in a hurry to become a mother early. Saida is not inclined to submit to the vicissitudes of fate; she prefers to experiment and rebuild her life to suit herself.

Saida loves everything ingenious and new. She is impressed by professions related to creativity, therefore she is looking for a life partner with a rather non-standard worldview. A girl always has a lot of fans, but men with serious intentions do the opposite. She is increasingly inclined to believe that a calm, balanced man without any special ambitions will suit her.

Saida loves with his soul and seeks return from his life partner. She is a possessive woman, so she is jealous not only of her husband, but also of her son. At the same time, this jealousy does not become pathological and in no way prevents her from building a trusting relationship with her other half. Saida's man is always in the spotlight, he is not deprived of love and passion, on the contrary, his life is filled with joyful moments.

Saida not inclined to a second marriage, unless the first one becomes an early experiment. If the man around her is patient and loving, then she will be incredibly happy and filled with joy. She will be able to calmly move forward in life, supporting her life partner.

Saida - has exquisite beauty, she exudes calm and poise. This girl always finds a way out of a difficult situation and never gets discouraged over trifles. Having such a friend, you don’t have to worry about not being supported in difficult moment. Saida always knows what her loved ones need and tries to give it to them in advance. She tries to provide their lives with everything they need, since she herself is happy that everyone around her is happy.

Anchor points:

Happy - the meaning of the name Said

A girl named Saida is inquisitive, strives to expand her horizons, her thirst for knowledge leads Saida to good success at school. Saida takes his responsibilities very seriously. Her room is always in perfect order. She is neat and tidy.

Saida often displays creative abilities - she can draw, sing, dance, perhaps write poetry, and has acting talent. Saida cheerful, cheerful and optimistic, so it’s difficult to upset her, but if this suddenly happens, it’s difficult to calm Saida down, she gets disappointed and takes quarrels to heart.

Saida loves noisy games and big companies. She has many friends, Saida is friendly and open to communication. Saida especially values ​​relationships with her brothers and sisters.

Path to success

Of course, Saida’s behavior depends not only on the meaning of the name. She can be hot-tempered and restrained, calm and explosive, but Saida always surrounds herself with true friends. She herself will come to the rescue at any time. Gets along with people easily.

Is not embarrassed in unfamiliar companies, behaves natural and relaxed. Saida chooses a path based on her capabilities and abilities. She often changes her goal, but this is explained by the fact that Saida chooses, tries on herself, tries on her future. She can attract attention appearance, her style is originality and practicality.

Not afraid to seem funny. In relationships with men, she tries to immediately determine whether he is suitable for her or not. Conducts long conversations, looks for common topics and interests. She cheerful and carefree, however, this is only a superficial characteristic. Saida is wise, she would not like to make a mistake in a person, she has been afraid of disappointments since childhood.

Saida's happiness

She knows how to work, her potential is great, sometimes she doesn’t even fully reveal it. Any task that Saida takes on, she does. carefully and scrupulously. If her work brings pleasure, then Saida doesn’t even feel tired.

She always finds a common language with her colleagues, but does not tolerate lazy people and self-interested people next to him. He tells them directly about his attitude. In the work process, Saida uses her existing experience, but she is also capable of bringing something new. She easily copes with the position of a leader, often encourages employees, and is fair.

Saida is jealous, it will not be easy for her husband, he must have patience and remarkable endurance. Saida is good at finding an approach to children, she wonderful mother . As a housewife, she is clean, knows how to cook and receive guests, especially close relatives and friends.

The name Saida has Arabic, Muslim roots and means happy or marked with a star of happiness. This is a derivative of the name Said. Said's angel day is not celebrated, since it is not listed in the Orthodox and Catholic calendar of saints.

  • Signs of the zodiac, suitable name– Aries, Leo;
  • The planet that patronizes Saida is Jupiter;
  • The color that attracts luck and prosperity is red, purple;
  • A flower that nourishes health is the tulip;
  • A tree that imparts strength and energy – sycamore;
  • Amulet stone – chalcedony.

Saida's childhood and adolescence - the main features and behavioral characteristics

Little Saidushka is an obedient and inquisitive child. Since childhood, she has been distinguished by her love of creativity: painting landscapes, writing poems, selecting music, modeling clothes for dolls - these are the young craftswoman’s favorite activities.

This temperamental and proud child can grow up to be very selfish if there are no brothers and sisters around. She's not used to sharing with anyone parental love, borrow toys or treat them with sweets. A little later, the girl will show herself as an unconditional owner in relationships with men.

IN school years Saidochka manifests herself as an erudite child, with a good memory and a broad outlook. She can easily perceive information and transform it into the knowledge base on which she will create own opinion about the surrounding reality.

A girl named Saida has been well brought up since childhood, she has high moral values accepted in society. But she is not without ambition, her own views on life and some independence.

During her studies, she is passionate about the sciences that are closest to her. The remaining subjects will be studied superficially by Saida. But thanks to her ability to speak beautifully, use visual memory and imagination, she is successful in school.

The matured Saida is already a freedom-loving girl who has her own independent point of view, she does not care about the opinions of others. She is in no hurry to choose a profession, does not want to follow in her parents’ footsteps or choose a practical specialty for which she will certainly be in demand.

During this period, a rebellious spirit awakens in her and Saida hurries to choose a difficult, untrodden path where she can realize her originality and artistry. This person is not used to being submissive to fate or to the influential people of this world.

Often such individuals live interesting life by selecting original way self-realization. Saida is energetic, competent and practical. Already in her student years she can take up her career. She finds it difficult to sit idle in one place and wants to constantly change her life for the better.

A girl named Saya has one peculiarity: she does not know how to be far-sighted and plan her actions for the future. She wants to live one day at a time, enjoying moments of happiness here and now. This fact may be decisive in the fact that Saida is not inclined to become a high-ranking leader, a famous politician, or organize her own successful business alone.

But this talented girl can successfully realize herself in the field of theater, culture, music, and art. She is capable of being a high-quality imitator of something good and necessary, able to notice all the subtleties and nuances of the assigned task. This gives her a chance to become a rare specialist in a narrow profile. A famous jeweler, designer, choreographer, planner - her qualities will be in demand in many areas.

Options for the fate of adult Saida: profession, personal life and health

Over time, Said becomes an accomplished person, recognized in certain circles. Whatever specialty she chooses, it can often be related to the musical or theatrical field and require a creative, non-standard approach to business. Just what causes a storm of emotions in her and relieves her of the everyday routine of an ordinary person.

In adulthood, a great reformer and generator of ideas awakens in this girl. The period when she can be offered a promising job in the field of innovation. Despite her being somewhat daydreaming and immersed in her ideas, Saida is a person determined to achieve a specific result, and can show herself well in a new area.

Love or professional fulfillment

The beauty's personal life does not remain on the sidelines. There are always many fans around Sai. If she rushes to get married, then it is advisable that this person is older, more experienced and wiser than her. He needs to suppress the temperamental and obstinate Saida with his calmness, self-control and stable nervous system. In addition, this man must be loyal or indifferent to the often unfounded jealousy of his wife.

Despite her age, Said is still full of youthful maximalism. When she is offered to officially get married, she is able to quickly make a decision and not torment the groom with various trials. But it will be very difficult for the husband if he is not ready to accept her possessive nature.

With a kind, flexible and non-scandalous husband, Saida can live a happy and long life. Her family will not be considered particularly indicative, but it will be pleasant and comfortable for relatives and friends to stay in her house.

Saida's family life is full of pleasant joys and surprises. After all, she is such an entertainer and there is never a dull moment with her. She is ready to come up with an original holiday together, to master new look sports It is pleasant for those around you to look at any activities and antics of this friendly family.

Besides Saya good mother and the mistress, she has deep family traditions, she knows ancient recipes for various delicacies, and will be able to quickly cure children of illnesses using alternative medicine.

Talents and health

Saida is an elegant person who sometimes requires going out into the world. She loves to attend premieres of plays and attend social events. She quickly manages to create a relaxed, positive image, maintaining a light but interesting conversation. She has refined manners And progressive view for life. This creates a very positive impression and attracts those around you.

Little Saida’s health is no different from that of her peers. She also gets colds and catches seasonal viruses, but these go away quickly and without complications.

In adult life Saida tries not to notice the problems of her own body or fight the disease on her own. But sometimes such an attitude towards oneself can provoke the appearance chronic disease associated with the bronchi or respiratory system.

Talented women named Saida

  • Saida Rametova – theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan;
  • Saida Medvedeva is a producer, screenwriter and director of more than a hundred scientific and educational films for popular Russian channels, the head of her own production company, more than eighty of her works are recognized as highly professional and awarded national awards in the field of cinema;
  • Saida Al-Hurra - the royal person of Tetouan, after the death of her husband the king, ruled for a long time in an Islamic state, controlling the entire Mediterranean coast, later became the wife of the famous king of Morocco, was a very capricious, vain and freedom-loving lady;
  • Saida Menebi, a famous poetess from Morocco, an English teacher by profession, had progressive revolutionary views, was distinguished by her courage and particular audacity in her statements.
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The Arabic origin of the name Said is interpreted as “happy, lucky.” Another version of the name means “madam,” but it is less popular. To the church orthodox calendar Said's name is not included, therefore, when a girl with this name is baptized, she will be given a church equivalent, which will differ from the secular name.

The meaning of the name Saida for a girl is characterized by responsibility and accuracy. At the same time, she is active and mobile, loves to play with her peers. Minor adversities do not bother Saida at all, but cruel grievances are deposited deep in her heart. AND in childhood and adolescence for our heroine There are no problems with the number of friends, only a select few of them become close.

At school there is a girl named after Saida studies quite successfully, but still does not receive deep knowledge. She devotes more time to only a couple of selected subjects than to others. Basically, the girl gets good grades because of her attentiveness, observation and curiosity. If the teacher presents the subject clearly, this is enough for Saida to grasp main idea and gain a superficial understanding of the material.

A girl named Saida is sociable, willingly takes on any proposed task, and always tries to bring it to the end. For some children, our heroine is “mean”, as she always tries to insist on her own. Saida’s mother is the authority, she loves her and obeys her unquestioningly.

Full description of the name

The name Saida is quite beautiful, so it is popular among Muslims. First of all, its bearer is an inquisitive person, which leads her to constantly broadening her horizons and learning new things. Saida also has developed creative abilities, she will be able to use them in the future professional activity.

The presence of scrupulousness, ambition and organization in the characteristics allows you to reach significant heights and achieve a lot in life.

The characteristics of women named Said vary slightly depending on their time period of birth. Thus, the autumn Saida is leisurely, doubts the sincerity of people, while the winter representative of the name is jealous and expressive, this is often visible in her behavior, sharpness of movements, rapid speech.

A girl named Saida is a freedom-loving person; you cannot lock her up, you cannot force her to do anything that is unacceptable to her.

And they choose a path for themselves not trodden by someone else, but go ahead, conquering virgin soil. Saida does not recognize the rules established by anyone, other people’s opinions are alien to her, the girl always does what she wants.

In adulthood, Saida begins to communicate with people more coldly, treats them with skepticism until they actually prove what they are talking about. Finding her place in creativity forces our heroine to often change her mind and surroundings, but this in no way concerns her friends, who are chosen once and for all. Being in a creative search, the bearer of the name Saida does not forget about her hobbies, needlework, checkers, chess, various board games, this is her path.

Work, professional affiliation

What is the meaning of the name Said from the point of view of professional activity? Here the girl is definitely happy, because He is looking for creative work for himself, one in which he can fully open up and dissolve in it.. Unusual actions and thinking, along with responsibility, make Saida an indispensable worker. It is these qualities that lead her to fame.

Saida Mukhametzyanova (participant music show"Voice. Children", season 2. Singer)

  • Our heroine treats her work colleagues correctly and courteously, but only to those who really work tirelessly, like herself. But she does not tolerate parasites and talkers.
  • A girl named Saida, who has found her niche in her professional activity, takes her work with ease. Giving herself completely to her, she never looks tired or broken.
  • When choosing a profession, creativity falls on the scales and nothing more; she chooses the appropriate option only from the areas of art. It could be singing, music, theater, design, makeup, fashion.
  • Having extraordinary thinking, our heroine can prove herself in the development of innovations, acting as a creative manager.

In most cases, Saida quickly steps on career ladder or makes a breakthrough to success by introducing new projects.

Love and family ties

In personal relationships, the bearer of the name Saida does not like to stretch things out. If she likes a fan, she will immediately give the go-ahead to start a relationship. The girl knows about her beauty and attractiveness, so she often takes advantage of it.

A quiet and calm husband would be suitable for Saida, who would balance the woman’s ardor.

But what makes our heroine stand out is her excessive jealousy. And if a man really wants to be with such a woman, he will have to get used to such a negative quality of his soulmate. IN family life Saida manifests herself as loving and faithful wife, caring mother.

Her house is clean and comfortable, it is always tidy, her children and husband are fed and well-groomed.

But at the same time, she will never quit her job to become a housewife; work for her is an outlet and an outlet for accumulated emotions and plans. Saida hospitable, loves when family and friends appear in the house.