The image of a leader in school works. Leaders in a class team. Practical approaches to identifying and developing leadership in children's teams

Although in any case, leadership qualities are needed equally both in the business sphere and on the personal front. So today, dude, we will try to inspire you to find your inner charismatic person with the help of another selection of excellent . Ready? Let's go!

1. “Emotional leadership. The Art of Managing People Using Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Don't be fooled by the dull long title of this book: in fact, the thoughts and ideas expressed in it may well be considered worthy of your precious attention. Take it in your hands and learn the classic lessons of interpersonal communication based on empathy and understanding, because these are incredibly powerful tools that are completely undervalued in our modern society. The author of the book describes how, with the help of empathy, you can manipulate people and lead them, blinding the unfortunate with the aura of your charisma and charm. The main thing is to remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

2. Seasons of Life, Jim Rohn

A thought-provoking book that focuses on the fundamentals of human behavior and how it influences optimal performance, personal and professional. The author of the book tries to help the reader learn how to generate complex ideas and simplify them in such a way that they bring the fastest results. In a way, this is another textbook on how to learn to live well. But unlike a ton of other similar waste paper, this book really knows how to “hook” and reach the reader’s consciousness.

3. Leader Without a Title, Robin Sharma

All the books by this Canadian writer and leadership coach are easy and interesting to read. “Leader Without a Title” is a work that will be appreciated by both established business owners and those who have just embarked on the thorny path of entrepreneurship. The author writes: “To become a great leader, first become a great person,” and this idea runs like a red line throughout his work, which is popular both with psychologists and with ordinary mortals puzzled by personal growth and self-development.

4. “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” John Maxwell

The moral of this book is that if you follow the described “laws” of leadership, then leadership will follow you. Maxwell's work is a powerful set of principles that are very easy to understand, and the vivid descriptive examples that accompany each point will help even the most pathetic rag to find the beginnings of leadership qualities and apply these skills in their lives today.

5. “Emotional Intelligence 2.0”, Travis Bradbury

Turns out, successful people They owe their condition not so much to a high level of IQ, but to EQ - emotional intelligence. It is he who determines the effectiveness of a person’s interaction with the people around him and with the world in general. Self-awareness, self-control, empathy and relationship skills are integral components of the harmonious emotional development of a human being. You can find out how to establish the relationship between all these components and improve the quality of your life if you read Travis Bradbury’s book, or simply by drinking a cold beer in the warm company of your best friends.

6. Turn Your Ship Around, David Marquet

The book, written by the commander of the US Navy nuclear submarine Santa Fe, Captain David Marquet, is a convincing and clear guide for those who want to change the course of their lives, but do not yet know where to start their search. Tips, examples, tools and tactics - you will find all this on the pages of this intelligent work, where preference is given to practice rather than theory.

7. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

This is one of the most popular personal development books ever published. Stephen Covey has created a desktop guide for anyone who holds the reins of power in their hands or is just thinking about it. The global bestseller, written in clear language and not without practicality and humor, will fill your gaps in knowledge about leadership, both personal and professional, and set the right course for the changes that you will finally decide to make.

8. How to Become a Leader, Warren Bennis

The author identifies the lack of leaders as a new social disease and strives with his book to help the reader understand himself, thereby joining the ranks of healers of the above-mentioned disease. Leafing through these pages, we read that leaders are not born - they are definitely made. Managers at any level and in any field who consider investing in their education to be the most rewarding investment should definitely read the work of the recognized guru and leadership coach, Warren Bennis.

9. Good to Great by Jim Collins

Jim Collins will introduce you to the best leadership practices drawn from the experiences of the world's most famous organizations and businesses. Forbes magazine included Good to Great in its list of the best business books published over the past 20 years. This encyclopedia is recommended reading for company directors, business owners, development directors, management consultants and all those who want to raise their own bar and try to aim for something more than they currently have.

10. Life at Full Power, Jim Lauer and Tony Schwartz

The authors of this book argue that the real key to high productivity is not how well you manage your time, but how well you control your emotions and wasted energy. So, even if you have eaten a couple of dogs on planning and time management, you are powerless without good health and stable emotional state. Living at Full Power is the crash course you need on a very important topic: Well-Being.

In school practice, teachers, parents and psychologists often raise the issue of identifying leaders among students.

The correct answer is that at school, among children, there are no and cannot be leaders. Because leader- this is a person who leads other people towards a common goal for everyone. For schoolchildren no common goal. Everyone has their own goal: to obtain a certificate with the best grades. This goal does not directly depend on other students: everyone will receive your certificate with with your own assessments. Children are just study next to each other rather than moving towards a common goal.

I never did anything alone - maybe only took exams.

This statement by a born leader, Bill Gates, very well illustrates the fact that school is one of the rare places where there is no soil for leadership. There is a lot of work done alone, although there are a lot of people nearby.

Who then is in the school if there are no leaders? There are children who are confused with leaders.

First of all, this aggressive children. Because they are dangerous and cruel, other children are afraid of them and sometimes obey them out of fear. This has nothing to do with leadership, because the leader is obeyed voluntarily out of respect for his merits.

Secondly, leaders are often mistaken for nice children. Other guys want to be friends with them and spend time together. This, again, is not about leadership, but about sympathy.


There is a good method for identifying emotional preferences in a team, including children’s, - sociometry. Students are asked to answer the following questions:

  1. If you had to move to another school, which of your current classmates would you take to new class? Please name five people.
  2. Which of your current classmates would you not take into your new class? Give five names.

Analysis of the responses received allows us to identify popular (stars) and unpopular members of the group (neglected, rejected, isolated). Psychologists usually say that sociometric “stars” are leaders identified using a professional tool.

However, leaders are needed to solve group-wide, difficult problems, often associated with competition with other groups. There are no such tasks in the life of a school class. The transition from one school to another, used in sociometry, is a change from one neutral situation to another.

Since leaders solve difficult, risky tasks, they have such qualities as firmness, integrity, will, audacity, and the ability to make unpopular decisions. Therefore, in real situations, the leader will most likely become one of the unpopular, from the point of view of sociometry, members of the group.

Sergeant Volkov in Alexander Bek's story "Volokolamsk Highway" is described as "eternally gloomy", "taciturn", "angry in service and in battle." An unpleasant person, however, he enjoyed great respect from both his colleagues and the command: he was a leader among the soldiers. He was probably “angry”, “taciturn”, “gloomy” in childhood. Who would want to take someone like that with them to another school? Why do we need a gloomy silent man for next desk? We will choose someone more cheerful, sociable and positive.

War is a completely different matter. Combat is definitely a difficult task. To defeat a dangerous opponent, you need a leader. The soldiers called Sergeant Volkov "the right person." “Gloomy, “angry”, “taciturn” but “correct.” He was killed at a machine gun, covering the retreat of his comrades. If the soldiers were asked who they would take when moving to another regiment, then Sergeant Volkov would be one of the most popular. Why do we need a cheerful and sociable soldier in battle? To survive, we will choose someone brave, cold-blooded and correct, whose anger inspires confidence in victory.

Thus, sociometry is about the emotional structure of the group, likes and dislikes, but not about leadership and influence.

Situational leader

Stephen Covey. The Leader in Me: How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Helping Children Become Great.

Still, there are leaders in the school, but only in certain situations. For example, in a chemistry lesson, the teacher divided the class into groups and gave them tasks: the one who understands chemistry best will become the leader for his group, that is, he will lead his team to achieve a difficult goal common to all. But with the end of the lesson, the leader-chemist ceases to be a leader. The same thing can happen in gym class, when the most athletic guy can become the leader during a game of basketball.

Personal Leadership

ABOUT personal leadership They say when a person leads only himself to his goal. Many people are not leaders of themselves or others; They do not behave towards any goal, but simply, by occupying themselves, react to external stimuli.

From this point of view, all children in the school can be leaders. Stephen Covey in his book "The Leader in Me" describes the implementation

“The leader not only shows the way to his followers, but has the desire to do so, and his followers, without coercion, follow him also along the way.” at will", writes O.A. Makarova. Leaders should include such psychological qualities as: self-confidence, sharp mind, ability to understand the peculiarities of human psychology, strong will, organizational skills. IN Russian literature Research by G.K. is devoted to this topic. Ashina, I.R. Koltunova, L.I. Kravchenko, L.R. Krichevsky, E.S. Kuzmina, B.D. Parygina, A.V. Petrovsky, L.I. Umansky and others.

In the course of studying the phenomenon of leadership, E.H. Shane identified the main functions of leadership, which can also be considered its types.

One of them is integrative function, which is that leadership unites certain people having common goals, common interests, similar hobbies in one organized group.

Disintegrative function assumes that people united by their goals in one group become a one-of-a-kind isolated group.

Leadership functions also include organizational function- creation of one common management system for all and such conditions in which team members would comfortably exist and communicate, planning all proposed actions, events, timely distribution of responsibilities and roles between team members, in addition, regulation of existing relations between members of this group.

Design function expressed in a specific program that provides for the common interests of team members. This program should be suitable for all group members, satisfy their interests, without infringing on other group members in any way.

Coordination function assumes that all decisions made in the team were consistent with public opinion, with all systems adopted in a given society.

Finding out the actual capabilities of a leader means finding out how other group members perceive the leader. The measure of the leader’s influence on the group is also not a constant value; under certain circumstances, leadership opportunities can increase, and under others, on the contrary, decrease (Krichevsky, Ryzhak, 1985). Sometimes the concept of a leader is identified with the concept of “authority,” which is not entirely correct: of course, the leader acts as an authority for the group, but not every authority necessarily means the leadership capabilities of its bearer. A leader must organize the solution of some problem; authority does not perform such a function; he can simply act as an example, as an ideal, but not at all take on the solution of the problem. Therefore, the phenomenon of leadership is a very specific phenomenon that cannot be described by any other concepts.

Any social group people need a leader who will set tasks for group members and find a way to solve them, ensure joint actions in the team and its cohesion, and also satisfy the expectations of all members of this team. B.D. Parygin gives the following characteristics of a leader:

1. Leadership arises spontaneously.

2. The phenomenon of leadership is less stable, the promotion of a leader in to a greater extent depends on the mood of the group.

3. The leader is mainly called upon to regulate interpersonal relationships.

4. Leadership can be stated in the microenvironment.

5. The leader makes direct decisions regarding group activities.

Meanwhile, in children's team You can often hear, “But Valera, he’s the smartest one in our class!” Based on scientific research, which shows that the knowledge and abilities of a leader are always rated by people significantly higher than the corresponding qualities of other group members, this can be easily explained.

Leadership qualities in human ontogenesis are laid down and developed, according to scientists, already at primary school age. Features of younger children school age is that this is the age of calm and uniform physical development When efficiency increases, teaching becomes the main leading activity. Usually, already at the age of six, those preschool children are identified who can invent and organize games, manage the distribution of roles, and suggest to other children the actions needed in the game. That is why in elementary school It is important to identify a leader and develop his abilities in the right direction.

When a team of junior schoolchildren is formed, lately A problem that often arises is that a large number of children become leaders. This is explained by what parents want for their child. successful life, and in our time, a successful person is a leader. Awareness of this problem has led many teachers primary classes to conducting educational conversations with parents of students about the fact that an excessively large number of leaders in the class team leads to maladjustment of first-graders to school.

In psychology, it is known that a leader is a member of a small group who is nominated as a result of the interaction of group members to organize the group in solving a specific problem. He demonstrates a higher level of activity, participation, and influence in solving a given problem than other group members. Thus, the leader comes forward in a specific situation, taking on certain functions. The rest of the group members accept leadership, i.e. They build relationships with the leader that assume that he will lead and they will be followers. Leadership must be considered as a group phenomenon: the leader is unthinkable alone, he is always given as an element of the group structure, and leadership is a system of relationships in this structure. Therefore, the phenomenon of leadership refers to the dynamic processes of a small group. This process can be quite contradictory: the extent of the leader’s aspirations and the extent of the readiness of other group members to accept his leading role may not coincide. After all, the psychology of leadership is such that numerous leaders actively influence other members of the first-grader team, and maladapted students simply cannot feel protected from their constant leadership.

As practice shows, the psychological climate in the classroom is determined primarily by business relations of leadership on the part of the teacher and subordination on the part of the students, relations of responsible dependence. Therefore, depending on the leadership style educational activities The effectiveness of the activities of a team of first-graders, their adaptation to school, the level of awareness of common goals and objectives by each member, and the degree of personal participation in their implementation largely depend.

The division of leaders and managers in terms of style and methods of work into authoritarian and democratic originates in experiments on leadership conducted at one time under the leadership of K. Lewin. These experiments revealed three types of leadership that have different effects on the effectiveness of group activities (authoritarian, democratic, permissive), including the classroom team.

Authoritarian(administrative, directive, volitional) style is different in that the group (class) is managed by one person - the leader, in our case - the teacher. He develops, coordinates and controls its activities. This style increases frustration and thereby contributes to the emergence of informal groups.

Democratic The style of management (leadership) is also called collegial, comradely. Its characteristic feature is active communication between the teacher and his students who make up the class team. This style promotes the dissemination of information and facilitates decision making, however, with an authoritarian style, decisions are made faster. Democratic management style is more difficult to implement. It presupposes that the teacher has such qualities as a sense of personal responsibility, the ability to understand others, tolerance, etc.

Conniving leadership style (liberal, non-interfering, anarchic) ​​is characterized by the fact that the management function is completely transferred to the students of the class, which becomes a “group without a leader.” In reality, the leader exists, but his position is invisible. Such a group lives very dynamically, but spends a lot of energy on its organization.

Each of the listed classroom management styles has both its advantages and disadvantages, which are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teacher Management Stylesclass team in elementary school

Formal side

Business, short instructions

Things to do in the group are planned in advance (in their entirety)

Prohibitions without leniency, with threat

Only immediate targets are determined, distant ones are unknown

Clear language, unfriendly tone

Praise and blame are subjective

Emotions are not taken into account

Showing techniques is not a system

Leader position - outside the group

Democratic style

Instructions in the form of sentences

Not a dry speech, but a comradely tone

Everyone is responsible for implementing proposals

Praise and Blame - with Tips

All sections of the work are not only offered, but also discussed

Orders and prohibitions - with discussions

Leader position - within the group

Permissive style

Tone - conventional

Things go smoothly in the group

Lack of praise, blame

The leader does not give instructions

No cooperation

Sections of work are composed of individual interests or come from a new leader

Leader position - discreetly away from the group

In order to determine the place of students in the class team, a diagnosis was carried out, in which junior schoolchildren of the 1st “D” class, studying at MBOU Secondary School No. 20 in Krasnodar, in the amount of 29 people, took part. Using the sociometric method, the most and least popular students in the class were determined - on the one hand, a kind of “leaders”, on the other hand, children whom the class does not like, does not accept, ignores. Using this diagnostic method, class status groups were identified: “stars”, “preferred”, “accepted”, “not accepted”. Using sociometry, “class stars” were identified, that is, students towards whom the rest of the students were most positively disposed, and the students’ sympathies were diagnosed. After processing the diagnostic results in the 1st “D” class, the following groups of students were identified: 5 people - “stars” of the class, 13 students - the most preferred, 10 students - “accepted” and 1 person - less preferred.

To determine the level of adaptation of first-graders to school, N. Luskanova’s diagnosis was chosen. The results of this work showed that in grade 1 “D” there are 8 maladjusted students. The reasons for this may be various factors, but one of them, in our opinion, as diagnostics showed, is that there are many leaders in the class, and therefore it was concluded that the extent of the claims of these leaders to the readiness of other students to accept their leading role do not coincide . These 8 first-graders, who have difficulties in adapting, constantly feel pressure from the “stars” and the most preferred students in the class, which leads to their maladjustment. Drawing conclusions from these diagnostics, it is determined that leadership can lead to maladjustment due to the fact that in any group there must be a leader who leads and guides the group members, but a large number of leaders leads to discord among other students. After all, people are accustomed to choosing a leader who is an authority for everyone, and this process is very dynamic.

To work on this problem, the following was used action program. At the beginning of the school year, a conversation was held with first-graders about how important it is to have a leader in a team and that there should be few of them, or better yet one. A pride of lions became a striking example for them. The conversation in the form of a round table contributed to the communication of students, where each first grader expressed his opinion, and awareness of themselves as part of the class team.

During the lessons of Kuban studies and the surrounding world, the topic of leaders was again touched upon. In the process of studying educational material At them, students of grade 1 “D” were given vivid examples of successful organizations and companies. In them, the parents of students held high positions and students were accustomed to hearing about this. These examples of effective leadership clearly showed them that the leader should always be alone, but he can also have assistants.

In extracurricular activities For this purpose, a number of games were held that clearly demonstrated work in one team under the guidance of a teacher. For example, the game "Karabas". To conduct it, first-graders are seated in a circle, and the teacher sits with them, suggesting the conditions for the game: “Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all dolls. I will say the word: “Ka-ra-bass” and point to outstretched arms some number of fingers. You will have to, without agreeing, get up from your chairs, and as many people as I show my fingers.” This game develops students' attention and reaction speed, but this game test requires the participation of two leaders. The task of one is to conduct the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the guys. Most often, the more sociable guys who strive for leadership stand up. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, are less determined, but in class. There are also those who first get up and then sit down.

The “Big Family Photo” game was also carried out during the period of first-graders’ adaptation to school to identify the leaders of the 1st “D” class team, as well as in the middle of the school year to track the dynamics of their place among students in the class. Younger schoolchildren were asked to imagine that they were all a big family and that they all needed to take a photo together for a family album. To do this, you need to choose a “photographer”; he must arrange the whole family for a successful photograph. The first to be chosen from the “family” is the “grandfather”; he can also participate in arranging the “family” members for photography. No more instructions are given for children. They must decide for themselves who should be who and where to stand. During the game, the teacher, one of the parents or several parents observed the behavior of the first-graders. The roles of “photographer” and “grandfathers” are usually taken on by students aspiring to leadership. However, elements of management and other “family members” cannot be excluded. It will be very interesting for everyone watching to follow the distribution of roles, activity or passivity in choosing a location in a future photograph. After assigning roles and arranging “family members,” the “photographer” counts to three. On the count of three! everyone shouts “cheese” in unison and very loudly and clap their hands at the same time.

The purpose of the games given above in 1 “D” class is to use a practical example to demonstrate to first-graders that leaders and other students can work harmoniously and amicably, and it is not necessary to “divide” the class team into parts, but to be one and complete tasks together.

Upon completion of work on this program, at the end of the first grade, games were again offered to determine the leaders in 1 “A” class. The results surprised everyone, both the teachers and the parents of the first-graders. Based on the results of the games, it was determined that although there was still more than one leader in the class, there were already not five, but three of them, and they did not conflict with each other, but tried to come to an agreement. Of course, the teacher still prompted the first-graders in communication and helped them find a compromise, but great progress in uniting the class team and students’ adaptation was noticeable.

As a result of working on the program, students of grade 1 “D” together with the teacher drew up the rules of conduct for a “good leader”:

1. The leader helps, but does not do it because he himself likes it.

2. The leader is kind, smart, fair.

3. The leader clearly explains the rules and requirements.

4. The leader does not shout, but explains.

So, leadership in the classroom can lead to maladjustment of first-graders to school. Primary school teachers, students and their parents must be aware of the level of responsibility of real leaders. A systematic and structured approach to solving this issue helps to reduce the number of leaders in the classroom and makes students aware of the importance of teamwork.

Children's group is the beginning life path every person as a part of society, and if they are not taught to work harmoniously, then even an experienced leader will not immediately be able to unite it. Therefore, primary school teachers, together with students’ parents, must educate them not only as leaders, but also friendly team class.

The number of leaders in a permanent team does not change, only the number of members of their contact microgroups changes, depending on the “psychological valence” of the leader. There are no bad leaders. A leader always reflects the needs of his group.

For practical activities on the formation and management of a children's team, the teacher must go through the following stages of working with the children's team:

    Identify needs and interests children and organize them socially useful activities based on these interests.

    At the first stage, clearly and unambiguously formulate requirements to the group of children being formed and the order of strict control for their implementation, using an authoritarian management style.

    During the team's activities, find out the possibilities and abilities of children to become leaders, paying attention to specific characteristic features leader: sociability, goodwill, intellectual and physical development, mental stability, the ability to inspire respect, the ability to lead from one to 16 children in a microgroup, organizational skills.

    From the first day, appoint children with these characteristics as your assistants.

    Reveal microgroups, formed around leaders.

    Find contact with the leaders of these microgroups and create conditions for raising their authority ( social status) in the emerging team.

    After finding positive contact with the leaders, include them in organizational activities to achieve the goals of the children's team, creating Council of leaders headed by the most influential, a positively directed leader who agrees with the requirements presented by the teacher.

    Help the leader and his entourage in planning and managing the children's team according to previously established requirements, gradually moving to a democratic style of team management.

    Create conditions for competition among leaders and their groups to better achieve the goals set for the team, rewarding the winning microgroups with gifts that are meaningful for children, and organizing assistance to each other in ways to achieve their goals. Bring leaders together , increasing team cohesion.

    Transfer the formed children's team to self-government,“on autopilot”, moving to a “liberal” management style, managing the team “by deviation”.

A leader in the classroom is the support of the class teacher and the head teacher of educational work. Leaders are the guys who organize their peers in the most natural way and contribute to the affirmation of socially significant values ​​and orientation. That is why it is very useful for both the class teacher and subject teachers to know the informal leader in the class, at school, and to be able to identify them according to various criteria.

Main feature leader - justice, the ability to stand up for others, to unite the team. He not only makes decisions, but makes them based on what is needed, first of all, by the team and the business.

Distinctive feature the position of the leader in the group - closedness, protection from any unforeseen influences. Place as far away as possible, opposite the teacher or at the end of a long table (in a confrontational position). If he sits next to you, know that a “joke” or a kind of invitation to cooperation is being prepared (you should accept it only when the leadership has definitely passed to you).

You can conduct a well-known test - image of a person made of 10 geometric shapes. Square is the most stable among them. Leadership qualities are revealed by the one who has the largest number of squares placed on the image of a person.

The leader is usually the most active refuses official leadership, since informal leadership suits him to the greatest extent. Do not impose leadership on him, because the true leader of the group can be the one whom the class or detachment chooses for this with our support.

Leader- this is the one whose words are in cheerful company certainly cause approving laughter, even if the thought is not distinguished by depth and wit; one who, without trying to attract attention to himself, fills pauses in the conversation, deftly inserting a word that can direct its further course.

The leader’s confidence and often uncompromising nature is reinforced by his characteristic glance.

But the most full description The leading personality will still be given by her speech portrait.

Only those who have already is recognized as “one’s own”, whoever intuitively feels everyone in the group will respond faster and more accurately than others to questions and requests that have not yet been asked.

At the words of the leader, the most temperamental polemicists fall silent, they listen to him, never interrupting. Realizing this , the leader speaks without much concern for the expressiveness of his speech, without doubting that he is right. A person who doubts himself cannot be a leader. There is one more feature of the leader’s “verbal portrait”: he never retells other people’s opinions as support for his own; he generally avoids delegating his powers as an arbiter to anyone. He is full of jokes, sketches, funny stories for all occasions. But at the same time, he never repeats them in the same group, creating for himself a reputation as a person of phenomenal memory.

The leader is the one whose idea is the most attractive, whose image most fully embodies the general ideas about the ideal. But this idea and this image also have a corresponding speech mask that allows you to always be ahead. If there is no inspiring idea- the leader did not take place.

A leader is someone who is approached in the hope of being listened to when someone is unsure of their right to make final judgments. The ability to lead is the ability to know the opinions of everyone, synthesize them, and then make the necessary decisions. If a leader finds himself drawn into a dispute, which is extremely rare, he will not passionately prove anything, will not threaten, make excuses, or convince. On the contrary, he will give his opponent the right to speak out, will wait for his judgments, arguments, will ask more than answer, because a question is the most advantageous position in a dispute. The leader remembers: in a dispute you cannot rush, make excuses, threaten, or suggest anything.

The leader always withdraws from the conflict and does not support either side if the conflict is irreconcilable. He knows how to please both in order to subtly subordinate them to his goals, i.e. goals of the team. He knows how to baffle the most irreconcilable of polemicists with a sensational fact, an interesting and practically unanswerable question, new information or demonstrative silence. He never interrupts anyone, does not use prohibitions, threats, much less excuses.

The leader demonstratively allows other group members to show weaknesses, talk about mistakes and make mistakes in speech, but he himself speaks flawlessly in the language accepted by the group. If this is the literary language of the so-called majors, he speaks it perfectly. If it's the slang of rockers or nostalgists, he should know the slang better than anyone else. A leader knows how to advantageously transform his speech style. If the asocial orientation of the group is obvious, he has an excellent command of its language and its entire communication style. Finding himself in another society with at least one member of his group, he adopts the language of this community, thus presenting to others both his competence and ability to master the situation.

The leader subtly senses the mood of the group and always focuses on the current situation and emerging requests. He talks to the group about their problems; appears as a person capable of solving them and attracting others to solve them. He is a man of few words - he agrees if necessary; ignores if what is said does not deserve attention, does not need someone’s protection or support, rejects it. An interesting detail: the leader avoids quoting, since this is an appeal to someone else's authority, and the authority is himself.

Guys often turn to the leader as an evaluative authority, conducting an indirect dialogue with each other. If there is a need to punish someone, the leader does this only when he is sure that he will be supported, argues and denies something only on behalf of the group. In this case, he says not “I”, but “we”. If “we” was heard in the mouth of someone else, this is a direct threat of a “palace coup.” “We”, “with us”, “from us” - the words of a true leader. He will not say “you” to the group, thereby separating himself from it; on the contrary: he always emphasizes his unity with others through so-called inclusive forms.

Often the leader speaks on behalf of the entire group in order to impose his decision on the teacher or educator. “We don’t want quiet time, we are quite adults.” The teacher will do the wrong thing if he starts reading instructions to everyone, something else is needed here - to immediately “decapitate” the group, contrast it with the words of the leader: “And we all want no one to speak on our behalf, we can do it ourselves. Really, guys? The pronouns “we”, “us”, and a direct question to the audience create a new communication situation. The guys will not answer “no”, but by answering in the affirmative, they will debunk the leader, helping the adult in this.

One of the important features of a leader’s speech is ellipticality, incompleteness of speech structures, the ability to interrupt his thoughts at the most interesting or obvious, thereby, as it were, passing the baton of speech to the guys who will enthusiastically pick it up.

To create a situation where a thought or speech will be immediately continued by others is the art of a true organizer, a conductor of a children's group.

B good organized group subordination to the leader is automated; a person inertly fulfills the requirements without subjecting them to analytical comprehension.

The leader is allowed a lot, but he does not have the right to do anything that goes against the established orientations of the group, including external ones - by opposing himself to the others, he is deprived of the only mechanism of power - the ability to manage some with the help of others.

You can observe another quality of a leader: the form of address. In “The Bronze Bird” there are a variety of characters: Kit, Byashka, Genka, Slavka, and then there is simply Misha. He is a counselor - a leader, and leaders are always called by name, they do not have nicknames or suffixes that distort the name. If the counselor was called “Mikha”, keep in mind that the functions of the informal leader passed to the one who called him that first. “Seryoga,” the new counselor is recommended. Despite the democratic nature of such a presentation, the pedagogical miscalculation is obvious: if they call him Seryoga, there will always be “Masha” or “Andrey”, whose name no one will ever distort.

The ability to remain cheerful, optimistic and even carefree is a quality that defines a leader. He leads. And the one who does not know the road or is afraid of difficulties cannot lead anyone.

How to become a leader in a school class?

Firstly, you need to study well, have high scores in subjects, so that you are held up as an example. It’s just not advisable to become a “crammer” and a bore. Be active, enjoy games, jokes, and spending time with friends.

We must become “our own” both for teachers and for comrades. No complexes or tightness when communicating. You must be liked opposite sex, be able to stand up for yourself, and arouse interest among others.

Guys who are leaders are often actively involved in sports, carry out responsible tasks for adults, and participate in social events. Girls great value give their appearance, behavior, they also take part , but often become the subject of conversation and cause envy among classmates.

If a person lived to be 30 years old and never tried himselfas a leader, he may not be able to cope with this whenthe hour is striking. He may be the perfect organizer untilSo far, so good. But suddenly, regardless of his wishes, it is possibleThere will never be a situation where he simply has to take matters into his own hands. So what then? It will be too late to start studying.

will ensure his success among others. This is the ability to brightlyspeak for yourself and the ability to listen when others speak.

The art of communication at all times it has been recognized the obligationpersonal trait of a leader. Among all peoples, and among the ancients first of all, it was considered this way: a person striving to somehow advanceto become a leader, must have oratory skillsno less than military valor. He's the only oneused in peacetime, and the other in wartime. The leaders would-Are you sure that the power of speech has the same meaning as physicalical power in war.

The speakers stood out with their demeanor and style of speech. Moreover, intonation, artistry, placement of the correct ac-cents often had a greater impact on listeners thanmeaning of words. The most revered were those who could speak long and figurativelyspeak before expressing your opinion. Good ora-Thor had a sense of tact, skillfully took into account the character of his Sednikov, knew the history of peoples and their relationships. “Big people” spoke at the end of the meeting, when pointsviews were clarified and it was necessary to express the opinion of the patient majority.

Art public speaking and communication skillsstill highly regarded by others today. Many people's deputiesyou stand out precisely because of your eloquence.

The ability to communicate with people is a skill that everyonecan gradually master. To make a good impression, you must write clearly and speak correctly.

When preparing a report or abstract on anysubject, remember that this is not an essay on literature, simplicity and clarity are needed here

One more rule. Don't try to impress the teacher with your cleverness.using words and expressions taken from the textbook. Teach-The body will still understand that they are not yours. If you are requiredjust collect information and present it in such a way thatwhoever reads this could get an idea of ​​the pre-However, it is better to act according to a pre-drawn plan.

Communication is not a one-way process in which weWe are simply providing information. By communicating, we also receive information, and this process requires us to listen.

Listening means more than just hearing.

We often We “hear” only what we want to hear. When we listen, we pass through the words, intonation and gestures of the interlocutor.Nick. To this we must add our own reactions,which make it clear to the interlocutor that we are attentive to himLet's listen. These reactions include: facial expression, smile, nod and various remarks.

When receiving information, it is necessary to fullypay attention to the speaker without making guesses about what youare going to report. If possible, write down the mostmore valuable information. This is especially important when receivinginformation by phone when what is happening in that place,where they are calling from is unfamiliar to you and can easily confuse you.

When you listen That:

Do this with full attention;

Don't make hasty guesses about what's in store for you.say interlocutor;

Don't waste time trying to formulate an answer while listening another;

By looking into the eyes, show that you are really paying attention.listen to him carefully;

When listening to your interlocutor on the phone, do not let things happen.someone in the room to distract you;

When talking on the phone, let the caller understandthat you listen to him carefully, pronounce from time to timeXia: “So...”, “Yes...”, “Okay...”, etc.;

Make notes if necessary.

Listening is a skill that can be learnedwork. It lies in the correct answers to the questionsquestions, in the ability to respond to currentfor the interlocutor of the topic. The latter should get the impression that you are keenly interested in him, and that you are attentiveare polite and want to continue the conversation.

The response to questions should be calm and brief, i.e.such that it does not interfere with the speaker's train of thought orspeaker. The reaction can be manipulative, wrongvilified and ineffective if it is not entirely sincere. Re-action on the meaning of what is said is best expressed in the form of ment pause.