Description of the appearance of the hero. We are writing an essay on the painting Three Heroes: description and characteristics. Evaluation of student work by teacher

Contemporaries about the painting “Bogatyrs”.

Its knights and heroes, resurrecting the very atmosphere Ancient Rus', instilled in me a feeling of great power and wildness - physical and spiritual. Viktor Vasnetsov’s work was reminiscent of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” Unforgettable on their mighty horses are these stern, frowning knights, looking from under their mittens into the distance - not at crossroads...

V. M. Vasilenko. "Bogatyrs".

The grass stems are turning red. The hills are steep and bare.
Above them the clouds are silent. From above
The eagles are descending. Ivy entwined
Steep mountain slopes. And naked in the blue haze.

The ravines are deep. And strange verbs
Sometimes in the depths of their thickets one can hear:
The wind is spinning, the honey spirit of spring
Filled everything around - both sweet and heavy.

The shields glow like gold in the sun.
The heroes look into the distance of the steppe, into the desert:
Ilya is a peasant son, Alyosha and Dobrynya!

And their horses are silent. There are flowers at the horse's feet
Spread out, trembling. The herbs smell like wormwood.
The heroes stand at the Kyiv outpost.

F. I. Shalyapin. "Mask and Soul". 1932.

The painting by V. M. Vasnetsov depicts three heroes. Bogatyrs are powerful, brave people, defenders of the fatherland. They vigilantly look into the distance, as they guard the borders of Rus'. And these three mighty men are ready to enter into battle with the enemies of Rus' at any moment. They fulfill their heroic duty and are confident in the rightness of their cause. The expression on their faces is serious, cold-blooded, their gaze is menacing. These three heroes names are Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. All these daredevils are full of dignity, majestic and very collected, ready to fight at any moment not for life or death. They are very confident in themselves and are ready to die for Rus'.

Ilya Muromets - the hero of epics - is located in the very center of the picture. A peasant son from the village of Karacharovo from the city of Muromlya is the eldest and mightiest hero. He is not rich, but it is clear from him that he does not need wealth. He is dressed simply. Ilya Muromets is wearing simple chain mail, a rough gray mitten and the most ordinary boots that match his brown pants. He easily holds a club that weighs more than four hundred kilograms. Also, Ilya Muromets holds a large spear, which is placed in the center of the picture, this suggests that he can cope with such a large weapon. His peasant origins are evident from his face. It is wide with large cheekbones. He looks to the side vigilantly. His eyes are very serious and his eyebrows are furrowed. Ilya Muromets sits on a mighty black horse. His horse is as heavy as the earth and very beautiful. This horse matches his owner. The horse's harness is beautiful, and it seems that when he gallops, a bell is ringing. The horse looks with slight reproach in the same direction as the owner. I think that Ilya Muromets takes good care of his horse, as he is well-groomed, vigorous and large.

Dobrynya Nikitich - the son of the Ryazan prince - is to the left of Ilya Muromets. He's rich. He wears rich chain mail, his shield is decorated with pearls, a golden scabbard and the hilt of his sword. His eagle gaze is stern. His beard is well-groomed and long. He's a visionary. Dobrynya Nikitich is younger than Ilya Muromets. His horse is beautiful and white. His harness looks great on him, and besides, it is very rich. The horse's mane, like a woman's hair, is well-groomed and flutters in the wind. Some epics say that the horse's name is Beleyushka. This horse is as fast as the wind. It seems to tell the owner that the enemy is close.

Alyosha Popovich was born into the family of a priest. He is not dressed richly, but not poorly either. His chain mail and helmet shine. He is the youngest and without a beard. Alyosha is thin. His gaze squints slightly to the side. His gaze is sly, as it seems that he is planning some kind of trick. He holds his favorite weapon - a bow. His bow is explosive, the string is red-hot, and his arrow is fast. He carries a harp with him. Alyosha Popovich is sitting on a red horse with a white spot on his forehead. His mane is light, beautiful and well-groomed. The hero's horse is hot as fire.

I think that Vasnetsov managed to convey the anxiety of that historical time when heroic outposts existed in Rus' through heavy clouds and storm clouds over Russia. Also via strong wind, which is visible from the fluttering of the horses’ manes and tails and from the swaying grass.

I believe that the artist shows the power of the heroes and creates the monumentality of their images, since they occupy a huge area in the picture. Vasnetsov also raises the horizon line, and the horse figures go into the sky. Vasnetsov depicted the Christmas trees as small and the heroes as large, and this creates a contrast between the Christmas trees and large figures and emphasizes the power of the heroes.

Essay-description of Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs”
Contemporaries about the painting “Bogatyrs”.

His knights and heroes, resurrecting the very atmosphere of Ancient Rus', instilled in me a feeling of great power and savagery - physical and spiritual. Viktor Vasnetsov’s work was reminiscent of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” Unforgettable on their mighty horses are these stern, frowning knights, looking from under their mittens into the distance - not at crossroads...

V. M. Vasilenko. "Bogatyrs".

The grass stems are turning red. The hills are steep and bare.
Above them the clouds are silent. From above
The eagles are descending. Ivy entwined
Steep mountain slopes. And naked in the blue haze.

The ravines are deep. And strange verbs
Sometimes in the depths of their thickets one can hear:
The wind is spinning, the honey spirit of spring
Filled everything around - both sweet and heavy.

The shields glow like gold in the sun.
The heroes look into the distance of the steppe, into the desert:
Ilya is a peasant son, Alyosha and Dobrynya!

And their horses are silent. There are flowers at the horse's feet
Spread out, trembling. The herbs smell like wormwood.
The heroes stand at the Kyiv outpost.

F. I. Shalyapin. "Mask and Soul". 1932.
Vasnetsov painted the painting Three Bogatyrs in 1898; he worked on this truly original Russian painting masterpiece for about twenty years. Three heroes proudly stand on a hilly plain under the gloomy cloudy sky of their homeland; at any moment our heroes are ready to repel the enemy and defend their beloved homeland, Mother Rus'. If today this picture of three heroes consists of two words, then Vasnetsov’s title of the picture was quite long, as the master himself intended: Bogatyrs Alyosha Popovich Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich.
Ilya Muromets is our epic hero, he is the strongest and wisest on a black horse, peering into the distance from under his muscular arm, from which hangs a heavy damask club, in his other hand, a sharp spear at the ready. To the left of Ilya Muromets, on a white horse, Dobrynya Nikitich menacingly takes out his heavy heroic sword. Just the sight of these first two heroes may make the enemy flinch and turn back. To the right of Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich sits on a red-golden horse, holding in his hands a well-aimed bow, the arrow of which no enemy can dodge, his strength lies in his cunning and ingenuity. This Great Russian trio will never be bored with him; during rest hours he can even play the harp. The characters of the Three Heroes are conveyed by Vasnetsov truly indisputably; they reflect a majestic calm in which there is a spirit of a just cause, which no one is allowed to stop.
The painting of the three heroes is the most significant in Vasnetsov’s work; in Russian painting, no artist has gone so deep. like Vasnetsov, giving himself completely to epic stories. After finishing this work, the work with three heroes was bought by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov and today the masterpiece is in Tretyakov Gallery.
The painting by V. M. Vasnetsov depicts three heroes. Bogatyrs are powerful, brave people, defenders of the fatherland. They vigilantly look into the distance, as they guard the borders of Rus'. And these three mighty men are ready to enter into battle with the enemies of Rus' at any moment. They fulfill their heroic duty and are confident in the rightness of their cause. The expression on their faces is serious, cold-blooded, their gaze is menacing. These three heroes are called Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. All these daredevils are full of dignity, majestic and very collected, ready to fight at any moment not for life or death. They are very confident in themselves and are ready to die for Rus'.

Ilya Muromets - the hero of epics - is located in the very center of the picture. A peasant son from the village of Karacharovo from the city of Muromlya is the eldest and mightiest hero. He is not rich, but it is clear from him that he does not need wealth. He is dressed simply. Ilya Muromets is wearing simple chain mail, a rough gray mitten and the most ordinary boots that match his brown pants. He easily holds a club that weighs more than four hundred kilograms. Also, Ilya Muromets holds a large spear, which is placed in the center of the picture, this suggests that he can cope with such a large weapon. His peasant origins are evident from his face. It is wide with large cheekbones. He looks to the side vigilantly. His eyes are very serious and his eyebrows are furrowed. Ilya Muromets sits on a mighty black horse. His horse is as heavy as the earth and very beautiful. This horse matches his owner. The horse's harness is beautiful, and it seems that when he gallops, a bell is ringing. The horse looks with slight reproach in the same direction as the owner. I think that Ilya Muromets takes good care of his horse, as he is well-groomed, vigorous and large.

Dobrynya Nikitich - the son of the Ryazan prince - is to the left of Ilya Muromets. He's rich. He wears rich chain mail, his shield is decorated with pearls, a golden scabbard and the hilt of his sword. His eagle gaze is stern. His beard is well-groomed and long. He's a visionary. Dobrynya Nikitich is younger than Ilya Muromets. His horse is beautiful and white. His harness looks great on him, and besides, it is very rich. The horse's mane, like a woman's hair, is well-groomed and flutters in the wind. Some epics say that the horse's name is Beleyushka. This horse is as fast as the wind. It seems to tell the owner that the enemy is close.

Alyosha Popovich was born into the family of a priest. He is not dressed richly, but not poorly either. His chain mail and helmet shine. He is the youngest and without a beard. Alyosha is thin. His gaze squints slightly to the side. His gaze is sly, as it seems that he is planning some kind of trick. He holds his favorite weapon - a bow. His bow is explosive, the string is red-hot, and his arrow is fast. He carries a harp with him. Alyosha Popovich is sitting on a red horse with a white spot on his forehead. His mane is light, beautiful and well-groomed. The hero's horse is hot as fire.

I think that Vasnetsov managed to convey the anxiety of that historical time when heroic outposts existed in Rus' through heavy clouds and thunderclouds over Russia. Also through a strong wind, which is visible in the fluttering of the horses’ manes and tails and in the swaying grass.

I believe that the artist shows the power of the heroes and creates the monumentality of their images, since they occupy a huge area in the picture. Vasnetsov also raises the horizon line, and the horse figures go into the sky. Vasnetsov depicted the Christmas trees as small and the heroes as large, and this creates a contrast between the Christmas trees and large figures and emphasizes the power of the heroes.

Viktor Vasnetsov is one of the most famous artists pre-revolutionary Russia. His fabulous, fantastic stories are known to almost every schoolchild. Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” is the largest in size, and in importance, in the artist’s career. It embodied the power, pride, strength, and growth of the Russian people. Remain indifferent while looking at this work, almost impossible.

But before analyzing the main images, it should be noted that very often the picture is called incorrectly. The real name is “Bogatyrs”, and not “Three Bogatyrs”, as many believe. Although now art critics do not particularly insist on this.

The idea of ​​the painting

The idea for the painting came to the artist much earlier than it was painted. For thirty years, the first sketch, a completely crude drawing, was created during Vasnetsov’s stay in Paris. As the painter himself said, although the work dragged on for a very long time, his hands were still literally reaching out to it. It was his creative duty to write “Bogatyrs”, a duty to every Russian person.

Already in Russia, within the walls of his favorite workshop, Vasnetsov calmly and painstakingly completed the masterpiece. Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” was released at the very end of the nineteenth century. Immediately after Viktor Mikhailovich finished writing it, it was acquired by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov for the collection of the world-famous gallery. Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” is very interesting and also well remembered by the viewer, the photo is located above.

Critical Notes

Reading critical articles those to whom Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” appeared for the first time, you can notice that reviews about it are only positive character. Color, design, perspective and realism - everything in this work causes only admiration. Critic V. Stasov wrote that no other painting is so imbued with patriotism and the spirit of Rus'.

Painting “Three Heroes”, Vasnetsov. Description

This is a real ode to heroism and love for one’s Fatherland. The main characters of the picture have an unusual appearance. Ancient knights appear before the audience, those same epic heroes about whose exploits legends were once written: Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich. So, the film “Three Heroes” was preparing for release for a very long time. Vasnetsov did not leave his own, theoretical description. But there are quite a lot of art historical analyzes of this masterpiece.

Ilya Muromets

In the central part of the picture, the Murom hero Ilya himself sits on a black horse. This image exudes confidence, power and strength. He is strikingly different from the other two heroes in his sophistication and calmness. He’s like a mighty oak tree that can’t even handle a storm.

With one hand he shields himself from the sun, looking out for the enemy, a heavy club hangs on his forearm, and with the other he holds a spear. And although Ilya Muromets is depicted in chain mail, with military weapons, there is still nothing dangerous or frightening in this image.

Alyosha Popovich

To the right is the youngest hero - Alyosha Popovich. His courage seems a little feigned. He doesn't have as much strength as his comrades. But how beautiful and magnificent this warrior is. He is also not afraid of the battle, and if he has to meet an enemy, he will definitely not let you down. Under his saddle there is a red horse, a harp is tied to the saddle, probably Alyosha Popovich is entertaining the heroes during a difficult and long campaign. His weapons are light - a bow and a quiver of arrows.

Dobrynya Nikitich

Well, the third, already on a white horse, appears before the viewer Dobrynya Nikitich. It differs from the other two images, embodying the knowledge and culture of the Russian people. He is as strong as Ilya Muromets, but this strength is hidden in him. He exudes prudence and thoughtfulness in his actions.

That’s why Vasnetsov’s “Three Bogatyrs” is so good, because you see the heroes all together at once. Their images merge into a single spirit - the spirit of the Russian people. The angle from which the artist started is obvious: the viewer seems to be looking at the heroes a little from below, from the ground, which is why the picture looks so pompous and solemn.


The detailing of the picture is also interesting. The fact is that absolutely everything that appears before your eyes when you look at this masterpiece is symbolic. It is no coincidence that a Russian field and forest were chosen as the background; this inspired landscape seems to have absorbed the mood of the canvas. Dark clouds swirl over the field, the wind develops the horses' manes and yellowed grass. A scary bird flies further towards the forest from the scene of events. All nature seemed to freeze in anticipation of the enemy. The same can be felt in the images of the main characters. The gray tombstones that are located on this field push us even more to the idea of ​​the upcoming slaughter - battles once took place here.

But this gloomy place doesn’t make you scared, because there are three brave heroes, three heroes, defending the Russian borders.

It is interesting that usually in Rus' the word “hero” was given not only the well-known meaning - protector, but also a pious, godly person. Vasnetsov’s heroes can be called just such.

Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” is still in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery, next to it you can always see excursion groups that linger for a long time to get a better look at the world famous masterpiece. The canvas by V. Vasnetsov is truly one of the most remarkable creations of Russian artists.

"Bogatyrs". The heroic outpost vigilantly guards the Russian land. There are three heroes on patrol. The number "three" in folk art has the meaning of plurality. The people used this conventional concept in heroic epic constantly. In the person of three heroes, the people stand guard over the borders of their homeland.

Vasnetsov's heroes are endowed distinctive features national-Russian character.

Ilya Muromets sits in the center on a burly black horse, glorious hero sung in folk epics. Powerful strength, wisdom and endurance are felt throughout his appearance. Muromets has a noble Russian face, clear, sharp eyes, a straight nose, a strong-willed mouth with tightly compressed lips, a thick beard streaked with gray. Ilya sits in a Circassian saddle. On the harness and bridle there are “buckles of red gold, they get wet, but do not rust.” The reins and girths are silk, they “stretch without breaking.” There is no force that could not only knock a hero out of the saddle, but even move him. The horse stands and slightly shakes its bells under its bangs, angrily squinting its eyes towards the enemy. “If he moves, it seems that the ground will resound with his step.” A damask club hangs from the right hand of Ilya Muromets, behind it a quiver of arrows is visible, in his left hand there is a shield and a huge “Murzavets” spear. He is dressed in iron chain mail and has a helmet on his head. From under a patterned mitten, Ilya peers vigilantly into the steppe distance, towards his nomadic enemies. He is ready for battle, but is in no hurry: he even freed his leg from the stirrup. Ilya Muromets is fair, fearless, straightforward, incapable of cunning and tricks. He will not shed human blood in vain.

By right hand from Ilya Muromets - twinned with Dobrynya Nikitich, a no less famous and beloved hero by the people. Dobrynya is skilled in battles and sports, and has always excelled in archery. He knows how to play the harp and sing songs. Moreover, “Dobrynyushka is polite and polite. Dobrynyushka knows how to speak, how to take care of himself.” Dobrynya’s facial features resemble the artist Viktor Vasnetsov himself; the type of hero’s face is characteristic of Russian people. He is dressed richly and elegantly. On top of the chain mail is precious princely armor, a shield made of expensive red metal inlaid with gold, a patterned high helmet, elegant turquoise-colored boots. Dobrynya is not as calm and reasonable as Ilya Muromets. He impatiently clutches the hilt of his sword, half out of its scabbard; legs in stirrups, eyes keenly peering into the distance, he is ready to rush into battle at any moment. Ilya is the eldest at the outpost, without his order the outpost will not move. If Ilya removes the spear, it means that Dobrynya can rush at the enemy.

The third hero, Alyosha Popovich, the son of the Rostov priest Leonty, is also brave and courageous, although not as strong as Ilya Muromets or Dobrynya Nikitich. But Alyosha “is not strong in strength, but he is bold with pretence.” Where he cannot take by force, he takes with dexterity, acumen, and resourcefulness. The red horse on which Alyosha Popovich sits lowered his head low, intending to nibble the steppe grass, but his ears perked up - he was waiting for a command. Tricky Alyosha! He does not look in the direction of the enemy, he squints his eyes, and keeps his tight bow with a “hot arrow” at the ready. He is younger than the other two heroes. The beardless face is youthfully pretty. The slender figure is girded with a wide gold belt. The helmet with earphones and plate chain mail are rich and beautiful; To the side you can see the harp - the merry fellow and joker Alyosha Popovich.

The heroes are depicted against the backdrop of a harsh steppe landscape, their heads and shoulders rise above the horizon, making the heroes seem even more powerful and significant. The symmetrical arrangement of the figures, the stability of the composition, the deliberate constraint in their movements (for the time being) convey the unity of the heroes, united by a common desire - not to let the enemy into the borders of Rus'.

The steppe is covered with thick feather grass. Over the distant hilly chain of hills with copses hung a low sky covered with cold leaden clouds. Behind the hills to the north is Rus', that wide, expansive Rus' that raised and equipped mighty heroes to protect their borders from numerous hordes of nomads.

The painting “Bogatyrs” by V.M. Vasnetsov is a monument to the military glory of the Russian people. The artist managed to convey in his work the popular understanding of the images of heroes; This is the strength and persuasiveness of the picture.

Victor Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs” is the artist’s most popular work. It is also, perhaps, considered the most famous canvas in Russian painting. Her reproductions are found in frames on the walls, in illustrated publications, in textbooks...

True, this picture, familiar and understandable to each of us from childhood, took 27 years to paint. It began with a pencil sketch created in 1871, and then the artist made a sketch in Paris in 1876. He completed the painting only in 1898.

A few words about Vasnetsov

The artist's father was a priest. Victor was born in the Vyatka region, then in this place they sacredly revered:
  • Folk tales

  • Ancient customs

  • Ancient rites

  • The child’s imagination was filled with the poetics of epics, songs and fairy tales. When Vasnetsov studied at the Academy of Arts, he studied with great interest heroic epics and the history of the Russian people. His first work was the work “The Knight”. On it he depicted a calm hero who guarded the border.

    In addition, Vasnetsov liked to work on illustrations for such fairy tales as “The Firebird” and “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” This passion made him a painting star. The artist's paintings reproduce a strong national spirit and convey the meaning of Russian history.

    The ingenious painting “Bogatyrs” was written in the village of Abramtsevo, which is located in the Moscow region. Nowadays many people call this picture “Three Heroes”.

    Who is depicted on it?

    In the picture you can see mighty and strong horsemen defending Rus' - Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich. The master painted it from models who were dressed in chain mail.

    In the role of Dobrynya Nikitich, he combined portrait images V.D. Polenov and father, and also added his own features. A simple peasant from Vladimir posed in the image of Muromets. But Alyosha Popovich was a young peasant.

    Their images are perfectly chosen and perfectly convey the characters of the riders. In the picture you can also see the behavior of the horses. For example, Ilya’s heroic horse looks ahead with a bloodshot eye. The white horse of the cunning and polite Dobrynya looks into the distance, and the red horse of the brave Alyosha nibbles the green grass, looking in different directions.

    The secret meaning of the picture

    Vasnetsov in this brilliant work was able to resurrect the powerful images of the defenders of Rus'. The heroes depicted on it understand exactly why they came to the border, whose lives and peace they protect. Their figures on horseback rise similarly to mountains. The artist wanted everyone to see the past of the Russian people and the great future, for which they still have to fight.