Selection of contestants at the Artek medical center. Free trips to Artek, ocean, eaglet from RGO MDC Artek competitions

Oleg Mityaev Foundation


children's qualifying virtual competition of participants

program “World Songs in Artek”

From March 15 to June 30, 2019, a children's qualifying competition for an author's song is being held on the basis of the portal vsesnastoscheedetyam.rf. The winners will receive tickets to the International children's center“Artek” (Crimea) to participate in the thematic program of the Oleg Mityaev Foundation “World Songs in Artek” (9 - 11 shifts; August 7-8 - October 13-14).

The competition is held on the platform “Everything is real for children” (a project of the Oleg Mityaev Foundation) / vsenastoyascheedetyam.rf in the “World Songs” section. Participants are children aged from 11 to 17 years old. Not only children who study in art song clubs and write their own poems are invited, but also musical children who are interested in the song genre and are ready to present an interesting style of performing the works of bards. Such participating performers can be helped by a selection of songs in the collection “World Songs in Artek” in the competition section of the website. To participate in any of the three nominations (performer, author or singer-songwriter), you must send a video of the song performed by filling out a form for permission to process and use personal data. Detailed regulations about the competition are posted there.

Jumping Jury: Oleg Mityaev - author, performer, People's Artist of Russia, chairman of the jury; Rashit Babaev - artistic director of projects of the Oleg Mityaev Foundation; Tatyana Klevetova is the director of the children's and youth competition of the All-Russian Ilmen Festival.

The results of the competition will be published on the website until July 5, 2019 inclusive. The Foundation, being a thematic partner of the Artek International Children's Center, will additionally contact the winners to discuss the details of providing vouchers.

Thematic program “World songs in “Artek” will be implemented from 9 to 11 shifts (August 7-8 - October 13-14). The goal of the program is to introduce children to the original song as a phenomenon in Russian culture; stimulating children's interest in poetic creativity in Russian; introduction to active tourism. Content: m music workshops, acquaintance and learning of repertoire from the classics of the genre to the present day; educational concerts in the “children to children” format; concerts by special guests and music coaches; creative meetings with special guests in the “question-answer” format.

The bright end of the program for 3000 guests of Artek will be III Oleg Mityaev Festival “World Songs”: children's competition author's song in 2 rounds with the participation of a competent jury and a gala concert “Oleg Mityaev presents ...” (ceremonial awarding of the competition laureates, performance of the laureates, performance People's Artist Russia Oleg Mityaev and special guests of the festival).


Cooperation between the Oleg Mityaev Foundation and the Artek International Children's Center began in 2017 with the 1st World Songs festival: master classes and solo performances prominent representatives genre, 163 competitors from 38 cities of Russia, 10 laureates in various categories (Moscow, Ufa, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk, etc.). The II World Songs Festival was held in the fall of 2018: competition geography: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Saransk, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Krasnodar, Naberezhnye Chelny, Voronezh, Kaliningrad, Belgorod, Syktyvkar, Magadan, Sevastopol, Troitsk, Cherkessk, Ulyanovsk, Tver, Tyumen, Vladimir, Voronezh, etc.

International Children's Center "Artek" is a Federal state budgetary educational institution subordinate to the Ministry of Education Russian Federation. Founded in 1925 in one of most beautiful places planet - in Crimea, on the Black Sea coast, in the vicinity of the city of Yalta. It is the world's largest international children's center (218 hectares).

The Oleg Mityaev Foundation was founded in 2000 in Chelyabinsk, on small homeland artist. Social and cultural projects The Foundation is aimed at the education, upbringing and enlightenment of children and youth, at introducing broad layers of the population to culture, at nurturing love for the Motherland (Children's Studio of Oleg Mityaev, All-Russian Ilmensky Festival of Art Songs in the Southern Urals, People's Prize "Bright Past", festival "Summer" - it’s a small life” in Sochi, children's festival"World Songs" at the Artek International Children's Center»).

14.03.18 204 690 1

The state pays for children to have a good rest.

Victoria Ostroverkh

sends schoolchildren to Artek

Three weeks of rest in Artek, the famous pioneer camp of the USSR, is fully paid for by the state. Accommodation, food, excursions - everything is free, except tickets to Simferopol.

I am a class teacher, I do tourism and orienteering with children. My students go to competitions and win prizes. These achievements helped the students win a trip to the camp. Now I’ll tell you how they did it.

Briefly: how to get to Artek

  1. Collect and scan certificates for the last three years. Make sure that the year is indicated on them, there is a signature and a seal.
  2. Register on the Artek-Children website and submit an application for several shifts. If you have any questions about the operation of the site, write to technical support.
  3. Wait for the automatic distribution of vouchers - this will happen no later than 20 days before the start of the shift.
  4. Pass a medical examination. Certificates will be issued free of charge at the hospital to which the child is assigned.
  5. Buy tickets and sign documents. If you have any questions, ask them to your regional operator.
  6. Provide the child with money, a telephone, clothes and toiletries.
  7. Join the regional delegation, take them to Artek yourself, or send your child alone.

Why Artek

Since 2014, Russian schoolchildren began to be given vouchers to Artek for achievements in studies, creativity and sports. 95% of tours are free.

I don’t know exactly how tickets are won for winning specific competitions - I don’t have that kind of experience. The Artek website contains a list of partners and the rules for competitive selection. For example, the Russian Post is holding a letter competition “Post, I want to go to Artek,” the winners of which are awarded trips to the camp.

I will tell you how the vouchers that are distributed by region win.

We tell you how to save not only on children

Regional trips

Every year, the Ministry of Education and Science distributes free vouchers between Russian regions. For example, in Primorsky Krai, where I live, 176 vouchers were given in 2017. Moscow was allocated 900.

Schoolchildren who want to go to the camp submit applications and list their achievements - victories in various competitions. Each achievement is assessed in points - whoever gets the most points goes to the camp.

In 2015-2016, vouchers were distributed by employees of education departments in the regions. Since 2017, this has been done by the Artek automated system.


free trips to Artek were awarded to Moscow in 2017

Regions are given free trips to other camps, for example “Eaglet” and “Ocean”. But they are still distributed by education departments, and there are no clear criteria that are clear to schoolchildren and parents. At least in my region.

Whom do they take?

Artek accepts students secondary schools from 5th to 11th grade. There is also an age limit for summer shift participants: from 8 full years up to 17 years of age inclusive.

The child must have achievements in education, creativity, sports and social activities. For example, he wins the Olympics in school subjects, wins dance and sports competitions.

Most of my schoolchildren's achievements are sports. They engage in tourism, orienteering and win competitions at the regional and district level. With these achievements they win trips to Artek.

How to apply for the camp

The application is submitted by the parent or the child himself. He registers on the Artek Children website, uploads certificates to his personal account and submits an application.

80,000 R

costs a commercial trip to Artek

To create a personal account, indicate your full name, address, school and class, and upload your birth certificate. Indicate the parents' contacts: they will be called if the child receives a ticket.

The personal account interface is not particularly friendly, but Artek employees wrote down video on how to fill out your profile correctly. If you still have questions, contact technical support: I wrote to [email protected] and my problem was solved in half an hour. Technical support phone numbers are listed in personal account.

After registration, children upload scans of diplomas for the last three years to their personal account. There are two sections for this: “Awards” and “Other”. Diplomas from competitions where the child won prizes, individually or as part of a team, are attached to “Awards.” Less significant letters of gratitude and certificates for participation are attached to “Other.”

Check that the diploma indicates the year of the competition and the signature and seal of the organizing committee. Otherwise he will not be accepted.

After all the certificates have been uploaded, the child submits an application. To do this, he selects a shift and indicates the achievements on which the rating will be calculated.

Information about the submitted application will appear in your personal account. Moreover, the system will immediately process the information and automatically calculate the amount of points.

There is no single passing score to receive a ticket: the child competes with other children from their region who want to take the same shift. In Moscow, the average score will be higher than in the regions of the Far East.

When distributing vouchers, the system takes into account the area in which the student lives: increasing coefficients apply for children from remote villages. There is currently no exact scheme for how the rating is calculated. Since January, they began to use new coefficients when calculating points, but which ones are unknown.

How applications are reviewed

Vouchers are distributed no later than 20 days before the start of the shift. The exact dates are set by regional operators - local administration specialists. You can also find out details about the application from them.

After submission, the application may have the following statuses:

  1. “New” - the application is registered in the system;
  2. “Application accepted” - the authenticity of the achievements was checked by the regional department, everything is in order;
  3. “Voucher received” - the system automatically distributed the vouchers and the child received it;
  4. “The trip is issued” - the parents have signed all the documents, the child is definitely going to the camp.

After the application status changes to “Voucher received,” a representative from the Department of Education will call the parent. He will find out if the parent agrees to let the child go and will send the documents that need to be filled out. All that remains is to pay for air tickets, undergo a medical examination and issue a voucher.

If the application has the status “System Failure,” it means that the child did not have enough points and did not receive a ticket. Don't be discouraged - apply for another shift. Last year, my student did not pass the “World of Art” shift, but with the same rating she was accepted into the “History of Our Victory” shift. She didn't regret going.

Summer shifts are the hardest to get into - they provide the least number of vouchers.

What are the restrictions?

To apply for a trip, you will need to collect a package of documents. Full list posted on the Artek website.

Almost half of the documents on the list are medical. Before the trip, the child undergoes a commission with doctors and draws up a medical card. This must be done no earlier than 10 days before departure. You will also need a certificate of sanitary and epidemiological environment - take it no earlier than 3 days before the trip. Documents will be issued free of charge at the clinic at the place of registration.

With some chronic diseases are not accepted into the camp: for example, those with diabetes, epilepsy, bronchial asthma in remission for less than a year. If a child gets sick on the eve of the trip, he will also have to cancel the trip.

The child should have no contraindications to active activities. At the camp they go on excursions, go hiking and go down to caves, practice at the climbing wall, and swim. Parents sign consent for their child to participate in these activities. Parents also give the right to treat the child if necessary - they sign consent to medical intervention.

Valentina Rudenko, sent her child to Artek

Valentina Rudenko

sent the child to Artek

Collecting documents for the camp was not difficult. All forms and applications were sent to us by email - we printed them out and filled them out. We went to the doctors twice: first we took tests and visited the doctors, and after a couple of days we took the completed medical book and a certificate from the pediatrician.

Two days before the trip, we were invited to the regional operator and told to take all the documents with us. There was general meeting There are only about 30 parents whose children fly to Artek. The escorts were introduced to us and all our questions were answered. Then we signed agreements on admission to Artek and issued vouchers.

How do they go to the camp?

My students flew to Artek by plane, as part of a regional delegation. Plane tickets Vladivostok - Moscow and Moscow - Simferopol were paid for by parents. It is convenient that tickets for children are booked in advance - for this purpose Artek has entered into an agreement with Aeroflot.

The schoolchildren had accompanying persons: three adults for 30 children. They took the group to Simferopol, to the Artek base hotel, where the children were received by counselors. After the medical examination, the children were taken by bus to Gurzuf, to the camp itself.

If you do not want to send your child with the delegation, you can take him to Simferopol yourself. Or the child can go to the camp alone - to do this, provide the child with written consent in advance to travel independently within the territory of Russia.

What to take to camp

Money. At Artek, children are taken on excursions - to the Livadia Palace, Suuk-su Palace, the Cosmos Museum, the Chekhov House-Museum and others. The tours are free, but your child will probably want to buy a souvenir. Other popular purchases include camp-themed clothing and candy sold in a vending machine.

Take small bills - there is nowhere to change money in the camp. My students spent about 10,000 R each on souvenirs and clothes with Artek symbols.

Telephone. Communication in the camp is good, Wi-Fi is available. The children themselves keep their phones, and they can call their parents at any time, except during school. They don’t have too much time to make calls, so counselors regularly post photos of children


to participate in the thematic educational program of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “IDC “Artek”

« International festival Slavic music in Artek"

1. General provisions

1. These Regulations regulate the procedures and results of the competitive selection of gifted children and adolescents for participation in the thematic educational program of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution
"IBC "Artek" "International Festival of Slavic Music in Artek" in accordance with the Rules for the referral and admission of children to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "IBC "Artek" (hereinafter referred to as IDC "Artek").

2. The purpose of the competition is to identify the most worthy participants of the competition to be rewarded with a ticket to the 2018 thematic session at the Artek International Children's Center, within the framework of which a thematic educational program“International Festival of Slavic Music in Artek” (hereinafter referred to as the Festival), organized by the State Budgetary Institution additional education Moscow "Children's Art School named after M.A. Balakirev” together with the Artek MDC.

3. Competitive selection for participation in the Festival (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is organized by the Artek International Children's Center together with the State Budgetary Institution of Additional Education of the City of Moscow "Children's Art School named after M.A. Balakirev" (hereinafter referred to as the Organizers).

4. The conditions and procedures for the Competition are posted on the websites of the Artek International Children's Center And .

5. In accordance with the Rules for the admission of children to the Artek MDC ( ) participants are selected who are 11 years old and up to 17 years old inclusive at the time of the trip to the Artek MDC in the period from June to August, and for the period of the school year - children studying from grades 5 to 11. Graduation students of the 11th grade who received an average at the start of the thematic shift general education, but those who meet the age limit are not accepted to participate. A child can be sent to the Artek Medical Center no more than once a year.

6. Participation in the Competition is free.

2. Procedure for participation in the competitive selection

1. Russian and foreign children’s and youth creative groups and individual performers/authors are invited to participate in the Competition creative works, awarded with diplomas from the Laureates of the competitive programs of the Moscow International Festival of Slavic Music (2017-2018),

2. Age of Competition participants: 11-17 years.

3. The competition is held in the following areas and nominations:

§ Instrumental music(folk, wind, string instruments; piano, synthesizer);

§ instrumental ensemble, orchestral performance (chamber ensembles, ensembles string instruments, ensembles folk instruments, wind instrument ensembles);

§ choreographic art (nominations: “ folk dance", "classical dance", " modern dance»);

§ solo academic singing and vocal ensembles(academic and folk singing);

Pop song (works by Russian or Soviet authors, works by composers of Slavic countries, military-patriotic songs, songs about Moscow, about Russia);

  • folk ensembles and soloists;
  • young composers (instrumental, vocal works various compositions, compositions of various song genres based on freely chosen texts);
  • To participate in the Competition, group leaders or soloists prepare the following application documents:
  • Electronic application of the established form; completed Appendix No. 1 must be attached to the application.
  • scanned copy of the laureate's or diploma holder's diploma competitive programs specified in clause 2.1., held in 2017-2018;
  • 2-3 photographs of the band or soloist in concert costumes in digital format
    with a resolution of at least 300 dpi;
  • video recording of 2 concert numbers (no more than 12 minutes) in stage costumes, made no earlier than 2016. All videos are sent
    in the form of a link to file hosting services (Yandex or Google), in .mp4 format;
  • petition-recommendation educational institution additional education
    (with a description of the results of the participant’s achievements and copies of certificates and diplomas for the period 2016 – 2018).

1. The application for participation of the laureate/diploma troupe shall indicate: information about the troupe/soloist and leader, name of the nomination, main achievements, repertoire presented on video (indicating genre and/or direction), roster of the troupe (indicating full name, date of birth).

2. Application documents must be sent between October 20, 2017 and March 11, 2018 by email:[email protected].

3. When submitting an application to participate in the Competition, the participant independently registers
in the automated information system “Putevka” ( AIS "Putevka") on the website www.artek.deti . In the personal account after registration, the child fills out his profile, adds achievements over the last 2 years (certificates, diplomas, etc.) and submits an application for a trip.

4. In the AIS “Putevka” system, other things being equal, preference is given to candidates who have diplomas and certificates of the XIV Moscow International Festival of Slavic Music.

5. In case of violation of the rules of the Competition by a participant, the Organizer may refuse him further participation in the Competition.

1. Procedure for holding the competition

1. Stages of the Competition:

The first stage is competitive auditions for participants in the XIV Moscow International Festival of Slavic Music, November 2017 – March 2018. Selection of applicants for vouchers among the laureates.

The second stage is the work of the competition commission February - March 2018.

The third stage - technical examination of application documents for participation in the Festival program - is carried out in February - March 2018. At this stage, the competition commission rejects the applications of those participants in the competitive selection who do not meet the formal requirements of these regulations.

After the end of the third stage, a list of participants is formed.

1. Competition jury

4.1. To conduct the Competition, a competition commission is formed, consisting of expert curators competitive nominations Moscow International Festival of Slavic Music. The composition of the competition commission is approved by the director of the State budgetary institution additional education of the city of Moscow “Children’s Art School named after M.A. Balakirev."

1. Results of competitive selection

1. The results of the Competition are summed up according to the sum of points in the rating system. The point-rating scale is the same for all areas and nominations:

1. 12 points – holders of GRAND PRIX diplomas of the XIV Moscow International Festival of Slavic Music.

2. 10 points – First prize winners.

3. 8 points – Second prize winners.

4. 6 points – Third prize winners.

5. From 8 points to 20 points – evaluation of the video recording by the commission members.

6. From 1 to 6 points – assessment of the participant’s achievements by the commission members based on the submitted application.

2. The decisions of the competition commission are formalized in the form of a written protocol, which is signed by all members of the competition commission.

3. In case of violation of the rules of the Competition by a participant, the Organizer may refuse him further participation in the Competition.

4. The organizer has the right to conduct an additional interview online
with the participant to confirm the authenticity of the created musical material.

5. The results of the competitive selection are published on the website of the Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution “Children’s School of Arts named after M.A. Balakirev": http://balakirev.arts.mos no later than March 15, 2018

6. Based on the results of the work of the competition commission, official letters of invitation are sent to teams (heads of organizations) no later than March 20, 2018.

7. In the event of any personal circumstances that prevent the team or individual participant selected as a result of the competitive selection from taking part in the Festival program, the participant’s representative must notify the Organizer about this no later than 10 days after posting the results of the Competition on the website.

8. In case of refusal to receive a voucher from one of the participants who have passed the competitive selection, the right to receive a free voucher is transferred to the next participant
in the ranked list.

2. Contacts for communication

Children's Art School named after M.A. Balakireva

Postal address: 109444, Moscow, st. Fergana, 23, Children's Art School named after. M.A. Balakireva


Email address:[email protected].

Project manager: Smirnova Olga Alekseevna

The Animated Film Association together with the Artek International Children's Center announces a competition for children's animated films "MULTILITERATURE". 30 participants, whose films are recognized as the best by members of the expert jury, will go to the Artek International Children's Center for a whole shift in August 2019.

It is at this time that the third International Festival of Children's Animated Films "Animatics" will be held in the legendary camp. The project is carried out using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for development civil society, provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Pay attention! Only those candidates whose names were stated in the application form are selected to participate in the festival. Be extremely careful when filling out. The work must be uploaded to the YouTube channel and file hosting service in at least HD quality (for downloading); a link to the work is added to the appropriate field of the application form. Works will be accepted until April 30, 2019.

Based on the results of the qualifying stage, the authors best works will be awarded vouchers to the Artek International Children's Center for the 9th shift, 2019 (arrival on August 7-8, end of the shift and departure on August 27-28), within the framework of which the Animatics festival will be held. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted at: [email protected]. To do this, you must carefully fill out and send it to the specified email address.

The International Children's Animation Film Festival "Animatika", organized by the Animated Film Association together with the Artek International Children's Center, has been held since 2017. Every year 30 young animators from different regions From Russia and abroad, the winners of the cartoon competition receive vouchers for an entire shift at the Artek children's center. As part of the shift, an animation festival is held, where children create their own cartoons, attend master classes by famous directors, producers, animators, watch and discuss the best modern and classic animated films.

You can see how the Animatics festivals took place in previous years in