Report on an official event (filling sample). Report on the events held at school within the framework of the All-Russian open lesson on life safety

Report on the All-Russian open lesson in life safety

in MKOU "Secondary School" with. Shordakovo village

(2017-2018 academic year)

The main objectives of conducting an open lesson:

1. Promoting a culture of life safety among the younger generation.

2. Practical training of students’ safe behavior skills in various conditions.

3. Popularization of the professions of rescuer and firefighter.

4. Developing practical skills in students to carry out protection measures in emergencies.

As part of the celebration of Education Day civil defense, at our schoolOctober 4, 2017 year, an All-Russian open lesson on the basics of life safety was held with training to protect children and personnel from emergency situations.

During the lesson we used methodological recommendations, developed by the Ministry Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief.

The school held practical events with students aimed at developing skills to act in difficult and emergency situations. Information was also provided about the civil defense system of the Russian Federation, the history of its formation and its role in ensuring the security of our country.

The format of the lessons was varied.

Events for primary classes:

Quiz “Conditions for safe behavior of students”;

Training on the section “Safety and protection of people in emergency situations.”

Events for middle management:

Quiz on the section “Safety and protection of people in emergencies”;

ostentatious practical lesson on the actions of students in emergencies";

First aid competition.

Events for high school students:

Open and demonstration lessons on the sections “Safety and protection of people in emergencies” and “Basics of preparation for military service» life safety course;

First aid competitions;

Combined relay;

Competitions in physical culture.

The lesson has achieved its goal. The children took part in all activities with pleasure.

Class teachers from 1 to 11 and life safety teacher Khokonov R.A. We have prepared some very interesting events.

The events were maximally rich in practical activities with the obligatory provision of information about the need to develop students’ skills in recognizing and assessing dangerous and harmful factors in the human environment, finding ways to protect themselves from them, and safe behavior in extreme and emergency situations at home, on the street and in nature. Developing the skills to protect one’s life and health, provide self- and mutual assistance, as well as increasing the prestige of the professions of firefighter and rescuer.

During the lesson, presentations and videos on safety and rules of behavior during emergencies were used.

The school organized an exhibition of drawings and a demonstration of videos on fire safety prevention.

A training evacuation of students and employees from the school was also carried out: “Evacuation from the assignment of an educational institution.” Students and staff of the educational institution left the school buildings in 2.5 minutes. There were no special violations or mistakes during the evacuation.


In January 2019, the “Presidential Games” were held in the Bolshemurashkinsky district various types sports: swimming, checkers and table tennis. The Kishkin school team took all prizes in table tennis 21 people. - 1st place (gold medals) and 9 people. in checkers – 2nd place (silver medals).

The school staff and all students congratulate our winners on their victory and wish them further sporting achievements. Keep it up!

On December 20, 2018, a game was held at the Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic Institute open festival League “Red Cat. For the first time, the team of MBOU “Kishkinskaya” took part in the game high school"under the guidance of a history teacher - Andrey Lvovich Avdonin and a computer science teacher - Anastasia Pavlovna Razzorenova. Our guys “KSSH” turned out to be the youngest participants, but, despite this, they were able to win the sympathy of the jury and the audience and snatched the “silver” from the hands of their rivals, or rather the pink pig for second place. And the first was the team “Let’s figure it out for three” from the Institute of Food Technologies and Design.

For more than 10 years, KVN has been taking place within the walls of the university. This year 6 teams took part in the game. At the draw, we had the honor of performing first - the Kishkinsky Secondary School team, the second was the team "No Exit", the third - "Let's Think for Three" - the favorites of the game, then the team "Penal Battalion" performed, the fifth team was the "DVP" engineering team. Institute and the team of the cultural center closed the circle - “ Cultural heritage" All participants tore up the hall with funny, original jokes, and also prepared a performance in a free genre. Our team presented a New Year's story on stage with creative participants and bright decorations.

In April 2019, the final of the Red Cat league for the title of winner in 2018-2019 will take place in Knyagininsky. We will definitely participate there! And we hope that our pink pig will bring us good luck in the Year of the Pig!

Composition of the "KSSH" team

Leaders – Avdonin A.L., Razzorenova A.P.

Participants - Alena Bugrova, Victoria Malyanova, Svetlana Ratmanova, Kirill Ivanov (11th grade);

Mikhailycheva Diana, Maslyakov Roman (10th grade);

Lapshin Maxim, Svetlolobova Sofya, Zaitsev Artem, Raguzov Vladimir (9th grade);

Solodova Lyubov, Frolova Ekaterina (8th grade)

As part of the municipal stage All-Russian sports games for schoolchildren “Presidential sports games“In the 2018-2019 academic year, regional table tennis competitions were held. Among boys and girls born in 2002-2003. Kishkin school teams took 1st place.

In order to promote a healthy lifestyle, the Kishkin Secondary School held a “Decade of Sports and Health” from January 9 to 19. During the ten-day period the following events were held:




Time and place

Volleyball tournament

Kishkinskaya Secondary School

“Fun Starts” in grades 1-4

Kishkinskaya Secondary School

Cross-country skiing competition

Kishkinskaya Secondary School

Competitions in checkers and chess.

January 12-14, 2019

Kishkinskaya Secondary School

Tennis competition.

Regional tennis competitions.

Bolshemurashkinskaya Secondary School

Parents took part in many activities (hiking, winter walks, etc.)

The children received a lot of interesting activities and positive emotions.

On December 12, 2018, the country celebrates the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the Basic Law of the state, which determines its

social and governmental structure. As part of the celebration of Constitution Day, the school held classes on the topics “We are citizens great Russia", "My Motherland -

Russia”, “Constitution of the Russian Federation” among students in grades 1-11.

The purpose of the events was to contribute to the personal development of the schoolchild - a patriot;

Stimulate interest in learning about your rights and responsibilities; cultivate respectful

attitude towards the laws of their country and the symbols of the state, to form the concepts of “law, order, right.”

Discussions were held about our Motherland with presentation demonstrations; about the Constitution; about laws and the rights of citizens. The children spoke in detail about the symbols of the state.

The history teacher spoke about the history of the formation of the constitutional system and the adoption of the last Constitution - December 12, 1993.

The Constitution - the main law of the country affirms freedom and justice, human dignity and well-being, protection of the family and the Fatherland, the unity of the multinational people of Russia not only as generally recognized values, but also as legal concepts. Human rights and freedoms are declared the highest value.





Date and place

Number of event participants

Kishkinskaya secondary school

Exhibition of human rights literature and literature dedicated to the Constitution of the Russian Federation,


Kishkinskaya secondary school

Cool watch

Kishkinskaya secondary school

11th grade students spent extracurricular activity"Russia is my Motherland" for primary school.

Kishkinskaya secondary school

10th grade students held an extracurricular event “The Constitution of the Russian Federation” for grades 8-11

In November, events were held at the Kishkinsky secondary school with participants and organizers of assessment procedures for the 2018-2019 academic year. Namely, meetings were held with graduates of grades 9 and 11 and their parents to familiarize themselves with information materials on preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, about the procedure for conducting the State Examination, as well as about the rights of State Examination participants. At methodological associations of teachers, questions about difficulties encountered by graduates in certain subjects were considered. Questions about preparation for the All-Russian testing work were also discussed.

“What you need to know about your rights to the Unified State Exam and how to act”

- “FIPI: Not all graduates understand the meaning of the concepts of “humanism”, “patriotism”, “citizenship””

- “FIPI: School graduates have little knowledge of historical figures and poor knowledge of cultural history”

- “FIPI: Spelling –Н– and –НН– caused the most difficulties among graduates at the Unified State Exam 2018”

- “FIPI: To successfully pass the Unified State Exam in biology, practice is necessary”

- “FIPI has published methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting final essay in the 2018-2019 academic year"(link:;

- “FIPI: starting from 2020, the OGE will conduct experiments and work with instruments”

- “FIPI told us what the tasks will be for 9th grade graduates in 2020”

- “Don’t worry!: how schools, students and their parents can prepare for CDF”

On November 11, an educational event “ Geographical dictation 2018". Students completed assignments online. A total of 8 students took part: 4 from 11th grade, 2 from 10th grade, 2 from 9th grade.

As part of information and public activities in the field of protecting the rights of personal data subjects at the Kishkin Secondary School and in order to increase personal information security and the level of legal literacy of minors, in November 2018 in grades 7-11, computer science teacher Razzorenova A.P. Lessons were held on protecting the personal data of children and adolescents.

Objective: to help students understand the potential risks associated with the dissemination of personal data on the Internet (spam, phishing, reputational risks, cyberbullying, etc.), to teach them to predict the possible consequences of posting personal information on the Internet.

The lessons discussed rules for preventing threats that occur when working on the Internet. Students were shown a video and presentation “Take care of your personal data”, the main goal of which is to develop a responsible attitude towards personal data by subjects of personal data, including minors, to show the consequences of posting personal data on the Internet, as well as the threat of becoming a victim of fraudsters. Then the students were tested on the rules of conduct on the Internet, and a student survey was conducted in the form of an anonymous survey, allowing them to analyze the situation in the educational environment.

Analysis of questionnaires showed that 90% of students use the Internet to communicate and search for the necessary information, 75% of students do not disclose personal information about themselves, their family, try to follow the rules of etiquette on the Internet, but there are also those guys who think social media non-hazardous.

Students received information that Roskomnadzor has opened an information and entertainment website for children and adolescents http://personal data.children/, aimed at studying issues related to the protection of the rights of personal data subjects, which contains information materials for children who may be used both within school lessons on the topic of personal data, and simply in the form of interesting and informative information.

A special section “Information Security” has also been created on the school website, where reminders about threats on the Internet and how to avoid them are posted.

The colorful celebration of the last bell took place at the Kishkinsky secondary school at 10:00 on May 24, 2018. On school yard it smelled of lilacs, balloons flew into the sky, songs and music sounded, tears flowed down the cheeks. Lush bows and short skirts, white aprons for graduates, pressed suits and ties - on last call According to tradition, everyone comes dressed up.

The director of the school, Alexander Ivanovich Belov, addressed the children with kind parting words, wished the children success in achieving the main goal in life, successful passing of exams, and wished the ninth grade to meet at school in the 10th grade. Deputy Director for VR Galkin I.E. presented certificates to distinguished students of our school for academic success, for participation in regional and regional competitions, for sports and creative achievements, for active life position“Student of the Year - 2018” to Nikita Galkin (2nd grade), Alina Dodyvenko (1st grade), Alena Bugrova (10th grade). Raguzov Vladimir (8th grade).

Invited guests Bobrovskikh S.I., Falina Z.V., Kalin A.A. they said parting words to the school graduates and wished them good luck in passing their exams.

The school students organized a real celebration for everyone present. Primary school students read poems and sang songs to graduates. The children were congratulated by their parents, first teachers, and class teachers. The students gave flowers to their teachers as a sign of gratitude. 10th grade students presented unusual gifts with wishes.

The surprise moment was the arrival of a fortune teller who predicted successful passing of exams for all school graduates.

But the main word, of course, belonged to the graduating students of grades 9 and 11. The smart kids, saying goodbye to their childhood, thanked their favorite teachers. At the end of their performance, the 11th grade girls released into the sky colorful balls.
All school students will have a fun holiday, and graduates will have to take final exams. “No fluff, no feather!” you guys.

As part of the regional event "Obelisk" from April 15 to May 25, dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War From 1941 to 1945, various events were held at the Kishkin Secondary School.

May 8, on the eve of the holiday Great Victory, the event “Children of War” was held in the Kishkinsky rural library, in which students and teachers of the Kishkinsky school, as well as village residents who were born during the harsh WWII of 1941-45, took part.

For them, elementary school students (Alina Dovydenko, Ivan Sedov and Anna Kvartalova) recited poems about the war and about the children of the war. Bugrova Alena and Ivanov Kirill performed songs of the war years. Volunteers of Kishkinskaya Secondary School " Scarlet Sail“We made and presented small gifts to “children of war” and widows in the form of a soldier’s letter - a triangle.

From April 26-28, the “Help a Veteran” campaign was held, during which volunteers improved the areas near the houses of veteran teachers and participants in the 1941-45 war.

On May 9 at 11 o'clock all students from the school took part in a gala concert dedicated to Victory Day in the village. Kishkino and s. Ivanovskoe.

May 9 at 11 o'clock in KFOR village. Kishkino and s. Ivanovskoye hosted a concert dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Guests of honor were invited to the concert: children of war and home front workers. Children read poems and sang songs of the war years, and said words of gratitude to those who fought for their Motherland and won. High school girls performed a patriotic dance with red ribbons.

Students and teachers of the school participated in the “Immortal Regiment” event. After the end of the action, a rally was held at the monuments to the fallen soldiers, on which wreaths were laid by school students.

From April 21 to May 21, 2018, the Kishkin Secondary School took an active part in the environmental cleanup event “Green Spring” under the leadership of Irina Eduardovna Galkina, deputy director for VR and Irina Olegovna Dukhova, life safety teacher and M.A. Grosheva, senior counselor . Under their leadership, a number of events were held at our school.

Environmental lessons were conducted among students in grades 5-7 of the Kishkin Secondary School on the topic “Take care of our Earth.” In these lessons, students became acquainted with the most important environmental problems modernity, listened to messages from classmates about the influence of man on nature.

In May, the “Clean School” campaign was organized. Armed with the necessary equipment, the children, together with their teachers, went out together to fight the disorder. Everyone was happy to tidy up the school grounds - removing fallen leaves and sweeping their areas. The amount of work was large, everyone got a feasible task. Nobody was bored with nothing to do. The cleaning of the area took place in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

The monuments to the fallen fellow villagers during the Great Patriotic War in the village were not left without attention. Kishkino and s. Ivanovskoe: the area around the obelisk was cleared of debris and fallen leaves. Through joint efforts, the village was transformed in a few hours: everywhere is clean and fabulously beautiful.

Our school also organized a waste paper collection.

Having improved the school grounds, the students, together with their class teachers, began planting flowers in their flower beds.

Volunteers from the Kishkin school “Scarlet Sail” provided assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the population. They helped improve the area near the homes of veteran teachers and war participants.

In accordance with the school’s work plan, in order to develop the cognitive and creative activity of students, instill patriotism in the younger generation, and respect for the achievements of our Motherland, a Gagarin's lesson.

In grades 1-4, the Lesson was accompanied by a presentation about the first human flight into space, and a demonstration of video clips about the launch of a rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The event was attended by 27 people from grades 8 to 12, the participants were keenly interested in the history of manned astronautics, solved a crossword puzzle, and answered quiz questions. The students designed a wall newspaper dedicated to the first manned space flight.

The event was adapted to this age group and included a reflective-evaluative moment. Students became familiar with the role of domestic cosmonautics in the world and the prospects for its development. They had great pleasure working with a moving map of the starry sky and solving a crossword puzzle.

The game “Who Wants to Be an Astronaut?” in grades 5-7 aroused great interest.

The results of the competition of presentations and booklets were also summed up, the winners were students of 3rd grade and 2nd grade - Nikita Galkin. Thus, the celebration of Cosmonautics Day became good tradition and is held annually at the school.

From April 3 to April 20, the All-Russian event “100 points for Victory” was held at the Kishkinskaya Secondary School.

An exhibition of drawings and posters by students in grades 5-8 was organized in support of graduates of grades 10 and 11 “One Hundred Points for Victory!” 11th grade students participated in a mini-essay competition on the topic “One Hundred Points for Victory!”

A graduate of our school, Maria Grosheva, who now works for us as a senior counselor, spoke about how she prepared for passing the Unified State Exam, spoke about how important it is to get high scores for admission to educational institutions, about how she deservedly graduated from school with a gold medal and entered college.

Class teachers held class parent meetings on this topic.

School teachers Avdonin A.L. , Galkina I.E. and Grosheva M.A. participated in the regional conference as part of the All-Russian campaign “100 points for Victory”.

MBUK SR "SDK Sandatovsky. n."

SDK s. Sandata

Text report

about cultural and leisure events held

for May 2017

02.05. Exhibition of drawings and posters “Victory Parade!” to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory. (Patriotic education).

The exhibition was staged in the foyer of the Palace of Culture and lasted several days. Young artists depicted soldiers, the Victory Parade in the drawings, military equipment at the parade, etc.

The exhibition was visited by 547 people.

03.05. Conversation, dedicated to the Day Victory “Let us bow to those great deeds.” (Patriotic education).

At the beginning of the conversation, the presenter found out whether the children knew what “war” was and what they knew about the Second World War. She talked about when the Second World War began and ended, who they fought with, how many fellow villagers and soldiers died during the war, about the Victory Parade of 1945. Also during the conversation we talked about the war, about how many of them remained in the village and about the monument to the fallen soldiers. About the annual Victory Parade in Moscow and fireworks in honor of this wonderful holiday. The guys recited poems about the war.

52 people attended the event.

05.05. Military quiz “Echoes of the past war.” (Patriotic education).

During the event, students were divided into teams of 5 people. Competitions were held with them: “Oh war”, “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, “Little heroes great war", "Military Aviation", "Rise", etc. aimed at consolidating knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, instilling in children a sense of gratitude and pride in their great-grandfathers who died in the Great Patriotic War.

48 people attended the event.

06.05. Dress rehearsal of the literary and musical composition “They are destined to be heroes” and the concert program for Victory Day. (Patriotic education).

The rehearsal was attended by children with their parents, adult participants. amateur performances. We rehearsed songs and dances for three hours. The presenters practiced their performance. Utorova showed videos and photo slides. Lighting and sound equipment were installed.

388 people attended.

08.05. Literary and musical composition “They are destined to be heroes” for Victory Day. (Patriotic education).

Vetlichnaya and M. Mkrtchyan spoke about the great commander. About the feat of Z. Kosmodemyanskaya, A. Matrosov, prisoners of the Mauthausen concentration camp. About soldiers' mothers and the tomb of the unknown soldier. The songs “Smuglyanka”, “Oh my fogs, are foggy”, “Ogonyok” and many others were performed. etc. performed by soloists of the pop vocal group “Kaleidoscope”, duet “LubaVika” and folk choir. Dance compositions “Ballad of Mother”, “Echo of War” and others performed dances. groups of recreation centers and children's music schools. Utorova showed videos and photo slides.

494 people attended.

08.05. Festive concert for Victory Day. (Patriotic education).

IN concert program songs were sung in memory of the war, the Motherland, Victory, love and other earthly joys. The audience was delighted with their performance by the soloists of the pop vocal group “Kaleidoscope”, the duet “LubaVika”, and the folk choir. Vocalists from the village of Ivanovka and the village of Vinogradnoye performed. The dances performed the dance. ensembles of the recreation center, children's music school and kindergarten "Teremok". The concert was hosted by Z. Svetlichnaya, director of SDK, and M. Mkrtchyan, student of school No. 42.

499 people attended.

09.05. Review of formations and songs. (Patriotic education).

Grades 5-11 from school No. 42 took part in the review, which took place on the square near the recreation center. They walked in a circle in formation, chanting and singing.

930 people attended.

09.05. A rally at the monument dedicated to Victory Day. (Patriotic education).

The requiem meeting took place at the memorial complex in honor of fellow villagers who died in the war. Speakers at the rally were: the head of Sandatovsky. p., director of the agricultural production complex "Niva", specialist - 1" V. Denisenko, director of school No. 42 and veteran V. O.vShmatko read poetry. All those present observed a minute of silence for those who died in the war.

900 people attended.

12.05. Game program for children "Kaleidoscope of fun".

The event began with the presenter telling about a cute magical toy from her childhood - a kaleidoscope. Then, with the help of the game “Red, Yellow, Green”, we learned what three primary colors are the basis of the kaleidoscope, with the help of the game “Artists”, we found out what patterns are made up of

main color scheme. Games and relay races were held with the children: “Malvina Relay”, “Gossip”, “Perestroika”, “Knead, Knead the Dough”,

“At Aunt Moti’s”, aimed at forming a cohesive team and revealing the creative individuality of each child.

57 people attended the event.

12.05. Conversation “Evgeny Martynov – the swan of the Soviet stage.”

The head of the “People's” choir, Nikolai Bozhinsky, introduced listeners to the biography of the singer and composer, who was born in May 1948 in Kamyshin. He talked about his years of study, creative path in the field of the composer, about his awards and titles, about famous songs, paying special attention to the song “ Swan fidelity" About the tragic death in September 1990. The fact that in the city of Artyomovsk there is E. Martynov Street, and in 2001 on the Square of Stars near the State Central Concert Hall"Russia" in a solemn atmosphere the Star was opened in memory of Evgeny Martynov.

The conversation participants remembered and named the songs written by the composer and all together sang the song “Father’s House.”

34 people attended the event.

12.05. Sports competitions. (Prevention of a healthy lifestyle).

298 people attended the event.

17.05. Conversation "Family - main value in my life." (Family education).

During the conversation with the presenter, the teenagers explained the concept of “family” and talked about its functions. We talked about the role of mother and father, about mutual assistance and kindness, about the feeling of love and pride in our family, about the responsible attitude towards creating our own family in the future. The children talked about family traditions that exist in their families.

The conversation showed an idea of ​​the family’s ideal of life and contributed to the development of a sense of attachment to family members and pride in its achievements.

31 people attended the event.

19.05. Participation in the reporting concert of the Children's Music School.

The concert was attended by Zoya Svetlichnaya, director of SDK, as a presenter, and Nikolai Bozhinsky, artistic director of SDK, as a sound engineer.

452 people attended the event.

23.05. Interactive game program “Children have the right.” (Legal education).

At the beginning of the event, with the help of green and red apples, the presenter divided the children into 2 teams. Then she suggested solving a crossword puzzle and thereby finding out the theme of the program. She spoke about the UN Convention, about the rights

child, about its core idea and four general principles: non-discrimination, the views of the child, the best interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development. Then she held a competition “Slogans”, where they had to come up with slogans on the topics “right”, “Permitted - prohibited”, “What rights are violated”, “Rights in pictures”. Work was also carried out in groups in the competition “Rights enshrined in the main Law of our country - the Constitution of the Russian Federation.”

56 people attended the event.

24.05. Conversation "Eduard Khil - trololo of the Soviet stage."

The conversation was organized for members of the “People’s” choir, library workers and children’s music school.

The head of the “People's” choir, Nikolai Bozhinsky, introduced the listeners to the biography of E. Khil, spoke about his first vocal victories, about creative activity, about personal life. About what

in 2010, Eduard Khil became an Internet star when one of the music lovers in America posted his vocalization online. The phrases “tro-lo-lo” and “ah-ha-ha-ha” have captivated users of the World Wide Web. In a matter of days, the video was watched by several million people. After this, the title of “Mr. Trololo” was firmly assigned to Eduard Gil.

The participants named the most famous songs from the performer’s repertoire and performed the song “Winter” to the accordion.

05/26/2017 Game program “Read sayings and proverbs - gain intelligence.”

During the event, the presenter introduced the children to the concept of “proverb” and talked about their appearance in Russia. We spent time with the guys didactic games“Make a proverb”, “Riddles made by proverbs”, “Living letters”, “The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom”, “Proverbs are the wisdom of nations”, “Decoration of thoughts and speech”. Based on the fairy tale story we read from the book “Proverbs and Sayings in Fairy Tales,” we had to name those proverbs and sayings whose meaning is explained in this fairy tale. An excerpt from the cartoon “The Wolf and the Fox” was shown.

44 people attended the event.

26.05. Sports competitions. (Prevention of a healthy lifestyle).

258 people attended the event.

30.05. Educational conversation about the dangers of smoking “Tobacco fog of deception.” (Prevention of a healthy lifestyle).

At the beginning of the conversation, the presenter talked about the dangers of smoking. After which the video “Live like us” was shown, about the fact that smoking is not fashionable.

The guys also learned that they need to stay away from people who smoke and why. The guys listened with pleasure, watched, and then answered questions and drew conclusions. The conversation ended with watching the cartoon “The Pipe and the Bear” and summing up the results.

32 people attended the event.

Director of MBUK SR "SDK Sandatovsky. n."

Larisa Shvydkaya

28.10.2016 in the municipal preschool educational budgetary institution combined type kindergarten No. 1 municipal formation of Korenovsky district, passed event called: "Golden Autumn". Event was carried out with the aim of forming in children an idea of ​​​​autumn and its signs. Enrich your understanding of seasonal changes. Learn to generalize and systematize ideas about the seasons.

In this event children were involved in play activities and verbal interaction with peers. Together with the hero Absent-Minded, the children actively participated in all the games.

From events The children learned a lot of new things that were useful for themselves. Throughout events children took part in dances, sang songs, each child read poems about autumn, the children were left in an excellent and cheerful mood, this indicates that the goal events fully achieved.

Publications on the topic:

We live brightly! We bring joy! Day by day we discover the world! Our kindergarten "Carousel" has just opened, the first school year is behind us. Team.

In kindergarten No. 40, in the senior combined group, a sports event “Dad, Mom and I - a sports family” was organized. Sports.

Our kindergarten hosts a lot of interesting events throughout the year for children of different ages. For older and preparatory children.

Conducted a school-wide event of KVN "Young Firemen". KVN "Young Firefighters" is intended for middle-aged children, it updates and systematizes.

In September, our school traditionally held an extracurricular educational event “I am a Pedestrian.” The children, traveling through the stations, reinforced.

On June 07, an event called “Family Day” was held in our kindergarten. The event was held with the aim of developing preschool education in children.

In the preparatory group “Zvezdochki”, as part of the project activities, a competition was held for the best craft made from apples, the purpose of which was to attract.

REPORT on the event “Day of Friendship, Kindness and Politeness.” 17.10.2016 in the municipal preschool educational budget.