Attitude to education of Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov’s upbringing and attitude towards education. Oblomov's primary education

We all, of course, remember the main character of Goncharov’s novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. This very name causes a yawn, and the word “Oblomovism” has become synonymous with a lazy lifestyle. Before talking about what Oblomov’s education was like, it is certainly worth remembering the conditions in which he was brought up.

Parental care

Ilyusha, of course, was the son of caring parents who tried to ensure that their precious child received everything with ease, without difficulty, without making any effort. The boy was not even allowed to pick up what he dropped; he did not dress himself. IN parental home labor was considered a real punishment. Food and

The boy was taught to give orders to the servants. Initially, of course, he wanted to do something himself, but he very quickly realized that it was much easier if others did everything for you.

This child was naturally active, but his parents did not allow him to run or frolic, because they were very afraid that the boy would catch a cold or fall. Cherished parental love, Ilyusha gradually lost the strength that nature had given him.

Oblomov's primary education

Although Ilya Ilyich’s parents were indifferent to science, they sent him to study at a small boarding school in the village of Verkhleve, located five miles from their native estate. His education began there, with Ivan Stolts. This is how he studied until he was fifteen years old.

It was a formality for the parents; they simply believed that having a diploma would facilitate the rapid promotion of their precious son. Having sent the boy to a boarding school, his mother and father tried in every possible way to avoid Ilyusha overexerting himself with his studies. For the most insignificant reasons, caring parents left him at home, so Ivan Stolts, an energetic teacher, was able to do very little for the development of Ilya Oblomov.

Moscow University

After much deliberation, the parents sent their son to study further. He entered the Faculty of Law at Moscow University. This is how Oblomov’s education continued.

Since the parents could not “take care” of their son in Moscow in the same way, he undoubtedly received much more knowledge there. His disputes with Stolz carry the ideas of humanism expressed by famous professor Nadezhdin.

It should be noted that Oblomov initially studied with enthusiasm, he was inspired by the ideas of Goethe and Byron, but then he lost interest in studying.

He stopped understanding why science was needed and often asked himself the question of when he would live. By life he understood rest and pleasure. Ultimately, he abandoned science. After that, real “life” began - the time of lying on the couch and doing nothing. This is, perhaps, all that is said in the novel about Oblomov’s education.

To summarize, it should be noted that the environment in which Ilya Ilyich spent his childhood did not encourage him to become interested in any serious activity in life. adult life. Any work was considered by him as something negative. Oblomov almost always studied for show, that is, to get a certificate. Being a naturally gifted person, he was unable to realize himself in life. So, we see that Oblomov’s education in the novel “Oblomov” was of a formal nature.

Introduction Oblomov's childhood Oblomov's education Conclusion


In the novel “Oblomov” Goncharov for the first time in Russian literature described such destructive social phenomenon, as “Oblomovism,” depicting it using the example of the life of the main character of the work, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. The author not only showed negative impact“Oblomovism” on the fate of Oblomov and the people around him, but also outlined the origins of the phenomenon, which lie in the outdated upbringing and education of Oblomov, based on feudal norms and values.



The author introduces us to Oblomov’s childhood and adolescence in the ninth chapter of the first part - “Oblomov’s Dream”. The hero was born into a classic old landowner family living in a remote picturesque corner - the village of Oblomovka. Little Ilya grew up in an atmosphere of love and excessive care, any of his whims was instantly fulfilled, any desire was tantamount to law. And if a child tried to explore the world on his own, or took up some business, then the parents immediately dissuaded him from any manifestations of labor, arguing that there were servants for the work.
The residents of Oblomovka also did not really like to walk - any activity was alien to them, except caring for food, the love of which was a special cult on the estate. In general, Oblomovka lived in an atmosphere of laziness, idleness, half-asleep boredom and silence; they were not used to working here, and they considered any work a punishment and tried in every possible way to avoid it. The measured life of the Oblomovites was interrupted only by changes in the seasons and rituals - weddings, funerals, birthdays.

The peaceful, quiet nature, whose sleep was not disturbed by the majesty of high mountains, or the violence of the roaring sea, or violent wind storms or downpours, contributed to little Ilya’s perception of just such a measured, calm, passive way of life, where someone always does everything for him another, without disturbing the peace of continuous laziness.

Fairy tales and legends that the nanny told little Ilya played a special place in Oblomov’s upbringing. Inspiring, fantastic stories about omnipotent heroes ignited the imagination of the boy, who began to imagine himself as one of those fabulous, always winning heroes. And already an adult Oblomov, realizing that the nanny’s stories were just fiction, sometimes unconsciously felt sad that “why is a fairy tale not life, and why is life not a fairy tale?” beautiful princesses and that distant world where you can lie on the stove while a good wizard does everything for you.

Oblomov's education

Living in Oblomovka, Ilya Ilyich adopted from his relatives the basic science of life - he does not need books and education, just as his father and grandfather did not. The repetitive, ritual-based life of the Oblomovites did not require special knowledge; everything that was needed was passed on from parents to children from the very cradle. It is in such an atmosphere of complete indifference to new knowledge, seeing it as an optional and unnecessary aspect human life, and Oblomov’s attitude towards education was formed.
On major holidays or in bad weather, the parents themselves left the boy at home, believing that school could always wait.

School lessons were a real torment for Ilya, and he just continued to sit there straight for show, carefully following the teacher’s speech - in fact, the hero did not understand why he needed all the knowledge given at school, or when he would need it in life . And the main question that Oblomov asked himself as a teenager was that if a person is obliged to first study for a long time and then work a lot, when is he destined to live? life to the fullest? It seemed unnatural to Ilya to read a lot of books and learn a lot of new things; for him it was difficult and incomprehensible.

However, collections of poetry became the only outlet for Oblomov. WITH early childhood sensitive to the beauty of nature, poetic, reflective, Ilya found in poetry ideas and worldview that were close to him - only poetic terms awakened in his heart the activity and activity inherent in his close friend Andrei Stolts. However, even the most interesting books did not completely captivate Ilya Ilyich, he was in no hurry to read them one by one, enriching his mind with new knowledge and discoveries, sometimes being lazy to finish reading even the first volume, interrupting his reading with the need to go to sleep or eat. Even the fact that Oblomov did finish school and then took a science course in Moscow speaks more about the obedience and weak-willedness of the hero, who listened to his parents in everything and did not want to independently control his own destiny. For Ilya Ilyich, it was easier when someone decided everything for him, and he only had to obey someone else’s will.


In the novel “Oblomov,” Goncharov depicted the tragic fate of a man whose life’s drama originates in an incorrect, outdated upbringing. Oblomov’s active, reflective nature is mired in the swamp of “Oblomov’s” traditions and norms, which literally kill the active principle of the hero’s personality.

The problem of raising Oblomov in the novel “Oblomov” does not end with the death of the main character, remaining a sharp stumbling block for the Russian philistinism of the 19th century, who do not want to change the usual, old norms of raising children. Moreover, the issue of “Oblomov’s” upbringing remains open in our time, revealing the destructive influence of overprotective parents on the lives of their children.

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The hero of the novel “Oblomov”, who firmly took his place in the Russian foundation classical literature, was known for his attitude towards farming and studying. He became famous for not treating them in any way. That is, for most of his life he remained absolutely indifferent and indifferent to any development in these areas.

The main character of the book “Oblomov” was called Ilya Ilyich. A landowner by birth, he usually did not need money. Never in his life did Oblomov go to bed without the help of a servant.

Living in St. Petersburg, Ilya Ilyich did not even bother

read documents about income and expenses that were made on his native estate, Oblomovka, and not even do anything concrete for the well-being of the estate. Even debts and the ruin of the economy did not force him to do this. His attitude towards the economy can be understood from this fact alone. It is purely consumer: Ilya waits every month for a certain amount to be sent to him for food.

The maximum of Ilya Oblomov’s desires is contained in the phrase he said to his friend Stolz: “If only they could heal! They would drink tea in the grove, on Ilyinsky Friday they would go to the gunpowder factories, and a cart with a samovar and supplies would follow us. There, on the grass, on the carpet, we would lie down!”

Study and science for Oblomov came down to attempts. He picks up a useful book to read, starts learning English, even gets interested in mathematics, then does translations - and eventually gives up everything. He is trying to write a plan for organizing village life: and also forgets the paper in a dusty corner. “Ah, life! It’s touching, there’s no peace!” - Ilya responds to his friends’ persuasion to do something other than lie on the couch.

Ilya Oblomov was not a stupid person. He greatly respected the economic talents of his wife, Agafya Matveevna, appreciated Stolz’s organizational skills, and admired Olga’s music studies. But he himself had the attitude of a gourmet-consumer or simply an outside observer to his studies, science and farming. The main thing for Oblomov is the enjoyment of satiety and regularity of life.

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Oblomov’s education, attitude to economic issues, attitude to study, science

2 slide

Slide description:

Ilyusha was brought up in a noble family in the ancestral village of Oblomovka, where life took place according to its own special laws. The cult of food, sleep, and complete impeccable calm reigned in Oblomovka.

3 slide

Slide description:

Oblomov’s parents did not educate him for the sake of knowledge. This was done for show. Parents wanted Ilyusha to somehow receive a certificate, but not serious knowledge: they would like to achieve all this somehow cheaper, that is, for example, to study lightly, not to the point of exhaustion of soul and body, but so as to only comply with the prescribed form and somehow get a certificate that would say that Ilyusha has passed all the sciences and arts.

4 slide

Slide description:

Studying at a boarding school Oblomov entered the boarding school to study. The director of the boarding house was Stolz's father, the German Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz. In this boarding school, Ilyusha Oblomov studied until he was 15 years old: “... as a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old. He already studied in the village of Verkhlevo, about five versts from Oblomovka, with the local manager, the German Stolz, who started a small boarding school for the children of the surrounding nobles.. "...he studied like others, like everyone else, that is, until he was fifteen years old in a boarding school..."

5 slide

Slide description:

Oblomov's attitude towards studies was indifferent and even negative. Ilyusha did not want to study. His parents, with difficulty and tears, forced him to study at a boarding school: ... There is nothing to do, father and mother put the spoiled man Ilyusha in front of a book. It was worth the tears, the screams, the whims. At the boarding school, Oblomov studied somehow. His friend, Andrei Stolts, helped Oblomov with his lessons: ...The fact is that Stolts’ son spoiled Oblomov, either telling him lessons or doing translations for him...”

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Slide description:

Oblomov’s parents found excuses not to let Ilyusha go to study with Stolz. Therefore, Oblomov’s education at the boarding school was superficial and frivolous: “...tender parents continued to look for excuses to keep their son at home. In winter it seemed cold to them, in the summer it’s also not good to go in the heat, and sometimes it will rain, in the fall the slush gets in the way...”

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Slide description:

Studying at the university After boarding school, Oblomov went to study in Moscow. Oblomov studied at the university. The text of the novel does not say exactly whether it was a university or a college. But, judging by the subjects studied, Oblomov graduated from Moscow University. At the university, Oblomov also did not like to study. Oblomov taught only what was required. He never taught more than was required of him. Oblomov did not show curiosity or special interest in science.

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Slide description:

Oblomov's education and knowledge. Oblomov's education gave him a lot of knowledge. But all his knowledge is theoretical. In practice, Oblomov knows nothing. He cannot apply knowledge in life: “...The teaching had a strange effect on Ilya Ilyich: between science and life there lay a whole abyss, which he did not try to cross. His life was on its own, and science on its own.. "In appearance, it seems that Oblomov studied a lot and received a decent education. But at the same time he speaks French poorly and English: "...Oblomov is not entirely fluent in French..."

Education plays an important role in the characterization of the main character of the novel "Oblomov", the lazy gentleman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

This article presents material about Oblomov’s education in the novel “Oblomov”: the hero’s attitude to education, study and science, features of upbringing and education, etc.

See: All materials on the novel "Oblomov"

Oblomov’s education in the novel “Oblomov”, the hero’s attitude to education, study and science

Oblomov's parents considered education a meaningless activity and a waste of time. This approach, of course, could not but influence Oblomov’s own attitude to education, study and science.

The old Oblomovs sought to give their son an education not for the sake of knowledge, but “for show,” for the sake of a certificate:

"...they would like to achieve all this somehow cheaper [...] that is, for example, to study lightly, not to the point of exhaustion of soul and body [...] but so that only to comply with the prescribed form and somehow get a certificate that would say that Ilyusha passed all the sciences and arts..."

Primary education: studying at a boarding school

At the age of 13-14, Oblomov went to study at a boarding school, the director of which was Andrei Stoltz’s father, the German Ivan Bogdanovich Stoltz. Oblomov studied in this boarding school until he was 15 years old:

“... a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old. He already studied in the village of Verkhlevo, about five versts from Oblomovka, with the local manager, the German Stolz, who started a small boarding school for the children of the surrounding nobles...”

"...he studied like others, like everyone else, that is, until he was fifteen years old in a boarding school..."

Thus, the beginning of studies at the Stolz boarding school was accompanied by tears, screams and whims:

"... There is nothing to be done, father and mother imprisoned the spoiled one Ilyusha for a book. It was worth the tears, screams, whims. Finally they took him away..."

Little Oblomov lived in Stolz's boarding house for a whole week and could only come home on weekends. He didn't like this life at all:

"...And poor Ilyusha goes and goes to study with Stolz. As soon as he wakes up on Monday, he is already attacked by melancholy [...] He sadly comes to his mother. She knows why and begins to gild the pill, secretly sighing about the separation with him for a whole week..."

At the boarding school, Oblomov studied somehow. Oblomov’s friend, Andrei Stolts, helped him in every possible way with his lessons:

“...The fact is that Stolz’s son spoiled Oblomov, either giving him lessons or doing translations for him...”

Oblomov’s education at the boarding school was superficial, as his parents found any excuse not to let their son go to school. As a result, Oblomov missed entire weeks of school:

"...tender parents continued to look for excuses to keep their son at home [...] In winter it seemed cold to them, in the summer it was also not good to travel in the heat, and sometimes it would rain, in the fall the slush interfered..."

Studying at the University

After Stolz's boarding school, young Oblomov went to study in Moscow. Apparently, he studied at the university, although this is indicated in the text of the novel. Judging by the subjects studied, Oblomov graduated from Moscow University:

"...then the old Oblomovs, after a long struggle, decided to send Ilyusha to Moscow, where, willy-nilly, he followed the course of science to the end..."

Unfortunately, at the university, Oblomov’s attitude towards education, study and science did not change: he still did not like studying. Student Oblomov considered study and work to be punishment:

"... He, of necessity, sat upright in class, listened to what the teachers said, because there was nothing else he could do, and with difficulty, with sweat, with sighs, he learned the lessons given to him. He generally considered all this to be a punishment sent from heaven for our sins..."

Oblomov taught only what was required, but never studied more than was required of him. Oblomov did not show curiosity or special interest in science:

“...Beyond the line under which the teacher, when assigning a lesson, drew a line with his fingernail, he did not look, did not make any questions to him and did not demand explanations. He was content with what was written in the notebook, and did not reveal any annoying curiosity, even when and did not understand everything that I listened to and taught..."

"...If he somehow managed to get through a book called statistics, history, political economy, he was completely satisfied..."

“... only occasionally, at Stolz’s direction, perhaps I read this or that book, but not suddenly, slowly, without greed, but lazily ran my eyes along the lines...”

In his youth, Ilya Oblomov passionately fell in love with poetry, but soon cooled down to this too.