The attitude of the Russian people to material values. Russian values ​​as the basis of Russian culture. “Values”, separated from Christian ethics, turn into abstract concepts

What are values? These are those spiritual and material phenomena of the world that are most important to people.

Spiritual values ​​are ideas approved or shared by most people about what goodness, justice, patriotism, love, friendship, etc. are.

There are values ​​that are important at all times and for all peoples. They can be called universal. Universal human values ​​represent a set of the most general requirements to the behavior of a person belonging to any culture. Such values ​​include:








    preserving human life,

    recognition of the rights and freedoms of a citizen,

    strong condemnation of all forms of misanthropy,

    environmental protection,

    affirmation of non-violence as the basis of life in human society.

    A person wants to be loved and feels an inner need to love others. Therefore, the awareness that there is compassion, kindness and love, a sense of duty, freedom and justice, ultimately guides his actions. Likewise with nations. If the people want their history, spiritual values, and moral dignity to be respected, they themselves must know and appreciate their history and take care of their spiritual values.

    Values ​​are created by people themselves in the course of history. Peoples defend and fight for them.

    What are spiritual values? Russian people?

    Every year on May 9, the Russian people celebrate Victory Day - a holiday that people deserve by paying for it with millions of lives of their fathers, mothers and grandfathers. They brought us freedom, gave us the opportunity to be proud of our Motherland and be considered a great nation.

    All or the vast majority of wars, armed conflicts, and revolutions in human history occurred in the name of spiritual values. Social revolutions - for the sake of justice and equality, liberation wars - for the sake of freedom, etc. Even interpersonal conflicts flare up because someone feels offended.

    But sometimes there is a conflict of values. Some values ​​may conflict with others, although both are equally recognized as inalienable norms of behavior. For example, religious and patriotic: a believer who sacredly observes the norm “thou shalt not kill” is offered to go to the front and kill enemies.

    The Russian Federation is a multinational country, home to representatives of more than 180 peoples, professing different religions and speaking more than 230 languages ​​and dialects. It is the diversity of languages ​​and cultures that is the spiritual wealth of Russia. Each of the peoples inhabiting Russia has unique customs, traditions and values ​​that go back centuries.

    Religious values ​​express the spiritual and moral values ​​of the people and lay the foundations of public morality. Religion teaches a virtuous lifestyle, humanity, brotherhood, spirituality, living in accordance with the requirements of conscience and moral laws. A special place in the spiritual and moral development of the country belongs to Orthodoxy as the most widespread religion in our country.

    It should be remembered that all religions are united in the main thing: from century to century they teach people honesty, decency, respect for others, mutual understanding and hard work.

    Family has the greatest influence on a person.

    Thus, the spiritual values ​​of the Russian people - family, honest work, mutual assistance, religious faith, national traditions, love for the Motherland, for their history, for their people, patriotism, readiness to fight evil, come to the aid of the weak and disadvantaged. This eternal values Russian society, which led to work and feat the best sons of Russia - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Sergius of Radonezh, Peter the Great, Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Suvorov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Georgy Zhukov, Yuri Gagarin and many, many others.

    In other words, every nation has spiritual values ​​- a moral basis public life, the key to its historical successes and economic achievements. The Russian people also have them. They include two categories of values ​​- universal, those accepted by the world community, and historically inherited, reflecting national character people.

There is no doubt that the desire for selfless help to others is main feature Russian character and the wealth of the Russian people. In a surprising way, it is selfless activity for the benefit of others that is one of the most effective methods spiritual development. What the Hindus call karma yoga, and the Japanese call bushido culture, is a natural aspiration of the Russian person. Without realizing it, a Russian person will make very rapid spiritual progress if he follows the dictates of his heart. It was the desire for selfless service to society that attracted Soviet citizens to the ideology of building communism, since it corresponded to natural aspirations human soul. The only drawback of the communist system was that in the place of God a party was put in place, which proclaimed that the goal of all bright aspirations was not spiritual self-improvement, but the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat throughout the world for the sake of happiness and peace throughout the world.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian people were hit by a massive attack from all media with the aim of imposing a false system of values. The press actively began to denigrate everything that happened before perestroika, instilling a sense of shame even for the noble impulses of the soul. The Russians have already been convinced that they were in vain to naively believe in the party and sincerely tried to build a bright future. The only thing that has not yet been possible to convince the Russians is that you need to live only for yourself and make the goal of your whole life to acquire as much as possible. more goods. After perestroika, Russia was “stuck between heaven and earth.” Having abandoned the ridiculed code of the builder of communism, the Russian people at the same time cannot completely adopt low values Western culture, feeling that they could lead to the complete destruction of humanity. Currently, leading universities in Israel and other countries are working to create a special ideological platform specifically for the Russian people, who do not know where to go.

Multinational from the start - a very peculiar phenomenon. At all times, Russia was so open to both the East and the West that (many Russian thinkers spoke about this) it became a kind of bridge between East and West. Throughout its history, Russia has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to deeply understand both the West and the East, which gave Dostoevsky the basis to declare Russian “all-humanity.” In the new and modern history There were no writers who would so easily enter the soul of all the peoples of the world, as did Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Gogol, who are perceived equally as one of their own in both the West and the East. Significant ideological changes occurred in 1917, when foreign (more precisely, migrant) organizers of the October Revolution began to view Russia as “combustible material” for kindling the fire of the world revolution. Then the Russian word “all-humanity” was replaced by a word of Latin origin - “internationalism”. If the idea of ​​pan-humanity expressed, first of all, the desire to rise to spiritual heights, then the idea of ​​internationalism led, for example, to the invasion of Afghanistan, which was a kind of continuation of the “cause” of the world revolution, although it was called “the fulfillment of an international duty.”

Speaking about Russian pan-humanity, or the Russian national idea, it should be especially taken into account that for thousands of years Russia has been a spiritual multinational country, and the idea of ​​​​isolating itself only on Russian national existence has always been alien to it, since there are very many carriers of purely Russian, or East Slavic “blood” in Russia. few. Eastern Slavs so mixed with Finno-Ugric, numerous Turkic and other tribes that the Nazis were right when they said that there were few “Aryan elements” in Russia. In a broad sense, Russia is more of a continent rather than a specifically defined nation.

Its self-name also says a lot about the character of the Russian people. In the Russian language, nouns are used to designate all other peoples: German, Italian, French, etc., and only “Russian” is an adjective, which indicates the fact that Russians are a unifying principle for many peoples, from time immemorial living in Russia. It is known that during the war, having crossed the border and ending up in Europe, any representative of our army, when asked: “Who is he?” replied that he was Russian, and this was extremely natural. The word “Russians” is more of a definition than a subject. Therefore, those who insist on their pure Russianness not only do not elevate Russia, but, on the contrary, degrade it. We can say that Russian is the definition of a state of mind.

Russian national values ​​lie at the heart of Russian culture. To understand what Russian culture is, you must first understand the historical, traditional values of the Russian people, to understand the mental system of values ​​of the Russian person. After all, Russian culture is created by Russian people with their own worldview and spiritual way of life: Without being a bearer of Russian values ​​and without possessing the Russian mentality, it is impossible to create or reproduce it in your own, and any attempts along this path will be fake.

Russian national values ​​lie at the heart of Russian culture.

The most important role in the development of the Russian people, the Russian state and the Russian world was played by the agricultural peasant community, that is, the origins of the generation of Russian culture were embedded in the value system of the Russian community. The prerequisite for the existence of the Russian individual is this very community, or as they used to say, “the world.” It should be noted that a significant part of its history Russian society and the state were formed in conditions of military confrontation, which always forced the interests of individual people to be neglected for the sake of preserving the Russian people as a whole, as an independent ethnic group.

For Russians, the goals and interests of the team are always higher than personal interests and the goals of an individual person - everything individual is easily sacrificed to the general. In response, Russian people are accustomed to counting and hoping for the support of their world, their community. This feature leads to the fact that a Russian person easily puts aside his personal affairs and completely devotes himself to the common cause. That's why are the state people, that is, such a people who know how to form something common, large and extensive. Personal benefit always comes after public benefit.

Russians are a state people because they know how to create something common for everyone.

A truly Russian person is categorically confident that first it is necessary to organize common socially significant affairs, and only then this single whole will begin to work for all members of the community. Collectivism, the need to exist together with one’s society is one of the brightest features of the Russian people. .

Another basic Russian national value is justice, since without its clear understanding and implementation, life in a team is not possible. The essence of the Russian understanding of justice lies in the social equality of the people who make up the Russian community. The roots of this approach lie in the ancient Russian economic equality of men in relation to the land: initially, members of the Russian community were allocated equal agricultural shares from what the “world” owned. This is why, internally, Russians strive for such a realization concepts of justice.

Among the Russian people, justice will always win a dispute in the categories of truth-truth and truth-justice. It is not as important for Russians as it once was and as it is in at the moment, much more important is what and how it should be in the future. The actions and thoughts of individual people have always been assessed through the prism of eternal truths that support the postulate of justice. The inner desire for them is much more important than benefit specific result.

The actions and thoughts of individuals have always been assessed through the prism of justice.

Individualism among Russians is very difficult to implement. This is due to the fact that from time immemorial, in agricultural communities, people were allocated equal plots, land redistributions were periodically made, that is, a person was not the owner of the land, did not have the right to sell his piece of land or change the culture of cultivation on it. In such a situation it was it is impossible to demonstrate individual skill, which in Rus' was not valued too highly.

The almost complete lack of personal freedom has formed among Russians the habit of rush jobs, as effective way collective activity during the agricultural harvest. During such periods work and holiday were combined in a phenomenal way, which made it possible to a certain extent to compensate for great physical and emotional stress, as well as to give up excellent freedom in economic activity.

A society based on the ideas of equality and justice was unable to establish wealth as a value: to an unlimited increase in wealth. At the same time live prosperously to a certain extent was quite revered - in the Russian village, especially in the northern regions, ordinary people respected traders who artificially slowed down their trade turnover.

Just by becoming rich you cannot earn the respect of the Russian community.

For Russians, a feat is not personal heroism - it should always be aimed “outside of a person”: death for one’s Fatherland and Motherland, feat for one’s friends, for the world and death is good. Immortal glory was gained by people who sacrificed themselves for the sake of others and in front of their community. The basis of the Russian feat of arms, the dedication of the Russian soldier, has always been contempt for death and only then - hatred of the enemy. This contempt for the possibility of dying for the sake of something very important is rooted in the willingness to endure and suffer.

At the heart of the Russian feat of arms, the dedication of the Russian soldier, lies contempt for death.

The well-known Russian habit of getting hurt is not masochism. Through personal suffering, a Russian person self-actualizes and wins personal inner freedom. In the Russian sense- the world exists steadily and continuously moves forward only through sacrifice, patience and self-restraint. This is the reason for Russian long-suffering: if the real one knows why this is necessary...

  • List of Russian valuables
  • statehood
  • conciliarity
  • justice
  • patience
  • non-aggressiveness
  • willingness to suffer
  • pliability
  • non-covetousness
  • dedication
  • unpretentiousness
  • What are spiritual values?
  • Are there universal spiritual values?
  • What are the spiritual values ​​of the Russian people?

Spiritual values: duty, dignity, honor, justice, loyalty to the Fatherland, oath, victories of the people. Without these and many other examples of spiritual values ​​not listed here, the society of the 21st century cannot exist normally. That is why every nation cherishes its spiritual values ​​like the apple of its eye.

Universal values

What are values? These are those spiritual and material phenomena of the world that are most important to people.

In 5th grade you were already introduced to family values. There are values ​​that are important at all times and for all peoples. They can be called universal. Universal human values ​​are a set of the most general requirements for the behavior of a person belonging to any culture. Such values ​​include:

  • true,
  • freedom,
  • justice,
  • beauty,
  • good,
  • Love,
  • benefit,
  • preserving human life,
  • recognition of the rights and freedoms of a citizen,
  • strong condemnation of all forms of misanthropy,
  • environmental protection,
  • affirmation of non-violence as the basis of life in human society.

A person wants to be loved and feels an inner need to love others. Therefore, the awareness that there is compassion, kindness and love, a sense of duty, freedom and justice, ultimately guides his actions. Likewise with nations. If the people want their history, spiritual values, and moral dignity to be respected, they themselves must know and appreciate their history and take care of their spiritual values.

Values ​​are created by people themselves in the course of history. Peoples defend and fight for them.

Spiritual values ​​of the Russian people

Every year on May 9, the Russian people celebrate Victory Day - a holiday that people deserve by paying for it with millions of lives of their fathers, mothers and grandfathers. They brought us freedom, gave us the opportunity to be proud of our Motherland and be considered a great nation.

How does your family celebrate Victory Day?

All or the vast majority of wars, armed conflicts, and revolutions in human history took place in the name of spiritual values. Social revolutions - for the sake of justice and equality, liberation wars - for the sake of freedom, etc. Even interpersonal conflicts flare up because someone feels insulted.

But sometimes there is a conflict of values. Some values ​​may conflict with others, although both are equally recognized as inalienable norms of behavior. For example, religious and patriotic: a believer who sacredly observes the norm “thou shalt not kill” is offered to go to the front and kill enemies.

    Further Reading
    Human life is the highest value.
    In our country, the issue of death penalty.
    Is it possible to deprive a person of main value- life, if he took the life of another person? The question is deeply moral and spiritual. So it turned out that more than 80% of Russians, according to sociological research, were in favor of maintaining the death penalty. Orthodox Church spoke out against its use, believing that if God gave life to a person, then only he has the right to take it away. The opinions of politicians were divided: some spoke out against the use of capital punishment in our country, while others supported it as a means of maintaining order in society and fighting crime.
    Currently, capital punishment has not been officially abolished in Russia (this type of punishment is in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), but death sentences are not enforced. The death penalty is replaced by long-term, up to life, imprisonment.

Whose opinion on the issue of the death penalty do you share? Give reasons for your answer.

The Russian Federation is a multinational country, home to representatives of more than 180 peoples, professing different religions and speaking more than 230 languages ​​and dialects. It is the diversity of languages ​​and cultures that is the spiritual wealth of Russia. Each of the peoples inhabiting Russia has unique customs, traditions and values ​​that go back centuries.

Religious values ​​express the spiritual and moral values ​​of the people and lay the foundations of public morality.

Religion teaches a virtuous lifestyle, humanity, brotherhood, spirituality, living in accordance with the requirements of conscience and moral laws. A special place in the spiritual and moral development of the country belongs to Orthodoxy as the most widespread religion in our country.

It should be remembered that all religions are united in the main thing: from century to century they teach people honesty, decency, respect for others, mutual understanding and hard work.

Family has the greatest influence on a person.

    Clever idea
    “Love for parents is the basis of all virtues.” Cicero, ancient Roman orator

The spiritual values ​​of the Russian people are family, honest work, mutual assistance, religious faith, national traditions, love for the Motherland, for its history, for its people, patriotism, readiness to fight evil, coming to the aid of the weak and disadvantaged. These are the eternal values ​​of Russian society, which led to the work and feat of the best sons of Russia - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Sergius of Radonezh, Peter the Great, Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Suvorov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Georgy Zhukov, Yuri Gagarin and many, many others.

    Let's sum it up
    Every nation has spiritual values ​​- the moral basis of social life, the key to its historical successes and economic achievements. The Russian people also have them. They include two categories of values ​​- universal, those accepted by the world community, and historically inherited, reflecting the national character of the people.

    Basic terms and concepts
    Spiritual values.

Test your knowledge

  1. Explain the meaning of the concept “spiritual values”.
  2. What are “universal spiritual values”? Give examples.
  3. List the spiritual values ​​of the Russian people.
  4. What role does religion play in the formation of the spiritual values ​​of the people?
  5. Can you call yourself a supporter of the spiritual values ​​of the Russian people? Justify your answer.
  6. Do you agree with the opinion that family is one of the main values ​​of society? Justify your answer.
  7. How are two social phenomena related to each other - Victory Day and historical memory people?


  1. Observe the life around you. In what actions of people are the spiritual values ​​of the Russian people manifested?
  2. What spiritual values ​​do the following folk proverbs talk about?
    “To honor your father and mother means not to know grief”, “A tree is held together by its roots, but a person is a family”, “If you don’t have a friend, so look for him, but if you find him, take care of him”, “Perish yourself, but help your comrade”, “Learn good, so bad” it won’t come to mind.” Continue the list of proverbs about spiritual values.

There is no doubt that the desire for selfless help to others is the main feature of the Russian character and the wealth of the Russian people. Surprisingly, it is selfless activity for the benefit of others that is one of the most effective methods of spiritual development. What the Hindus call karma yoga, and the Japanese call bushido culture, is a natural aspiration of the Russian person. Without realizing it, a Russian person will make very rapid spiritual progress if he follows the dictates of his heart. It was the desire for selfless service to society that attracted Soviet citizens to the ideology of building communism, since it corresponded to the natural aspirations of the human soul. The only drawback of the communist system was that in the place of God a party was put in place, which proclaimed that the goal of all bright aspirations was not spiritual self-improvement, but the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat throughout the world for the sake of happiness and peace throughout the world.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian people were hit by a massive attack from all media with the aim of imposing a false system of values. The press actively began to denigrate everything that happened before perestroika, instilling a sense of shame even for the noble impulses of the soul. The Russians have already been convinced that they were in vain to naively believe in the party and sincerely tried to build a bright future. The only thing that has not yet been possible to convince the Russians is that you need to live only for yourself and make the acquisition of as many goods as possible the goal of your whole life. After perestroika, Russia was “stuck between heaven and earth.” Having abandoned the ridiculed code of the builder of communism, the Russian people at the same time cannot fully adopt the low values ​​of Western culture, feeling that they can lead to the complete destruction of humanity. Currently, leading universities in Israel and other countries are working to create a special ideological platform specifically for the Russian people, who do not know where to go.

Multinational from the very beginning, Russia is a very unique phenomenon. At all times, Russia was so open to both the East and the West that (many Russian thinkers spoke about this) it became a kind of bridge between East and West. Throughout its history, Russia has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to deeply understand both the West and the East, which gave Dostoevsky the basis to declare Russian “all-humanity.” In modern and recent history there have been no writers who so easily entered the soul of all the peoples of the world, as did Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Gogol, who are perceived equally as one of their own in both the West and the East. Significant ideological changes occurred in 1917, when foreign (more precisely, migrant) organizers of the October Revolution began to view Russia as “combustible material” for kindling the fire of the world revolution. Then the Russian word “all-humanity” was replaced by a word of Latin origin - “internationalism”. If the idea of ​​pan-humanity expressed, first of all, the desire to rise to spiritual heights, then the idea of ​​internationalism led, for example, to the invasion of Afghanistan, which was a kind of continuation of the “cause” of the world revolution, although it was called “the fulfillment of an international duty.”

Speaking about Russian pan-humanity, or the Russian national idea, it should be especially taken into account that for thousands of years Russia has been a spiritual multinational country, and the idea of ​​​​isolating itself only on Russian national existence has always been alien to it, since there are very many carriers of purely Russian, or East Slavic “blood” in Russia. few. The Eastern Slavs are so mixed with Finno-Ugric, numerous Turkic and other tribes that the Nazis were right when they said that there were few “Aryan elements” in Russia. In a broad sense, Russia is more of a continent rather than a specifically defined nation.

Its self-name also says a lot about the character of the Russian people. In the Russian language, nouns are used to designate all other peoples: German, Italian, French, etc., and only “Russian” is an adjective, which indicates the fact that Russians are a unifying principle for many peoples, from time immemorial living in Russia. It is known that during the war, having crossed the border and ending up in Europe, any representative of our army, when asked: “Who is he?” replied that he was Russian, and this was extremely natural. The word “Russians” is more of a definition than a subject. Therefore, those who insist on their pure Russianness not only do not elevate Russia, but, on the contrary, degrade it. We can say that Russian is the definition of a state of mind.

Russia is located between East and West. On the one hand - ancient wisdom, and on the other - progressive technologies and material development. Many reasonable people We are confident that Russia will be able to quickly restore its former glory if in its development it focuses on the high spiritual values ​​of the cultures of the East and at the same time uses the material achievements of modern Western society.

Russian national values ​​lie at the heart of Russian culture. To understand what Russian culture is, you must first understand the historically established, traditional values ​​of the Russian people, and understand the mental system of values ​​of the Russian person. After all, Russian culture is created by Russian people with their own worldview and mental way of life: without being a bearer of Russian values ​​and without possessing the Russian mentality, it is impossible to create Russian culture or reproduce it in your daily life, and any attempts on this path will be fake.

The most important role in the development of the Russian people, the Russian state and the Russian world was played by the agricultural peasant community, that is, the origins of the generation of Russian culture were laid in the value system of the Russian community. The prerequisite for the existence of the Russian individual is this very community, or as they used to say, “the world.” It should be taken into account that for a significant part of its history, Russian society and the state were formed in conditions of military confrontation, which always forced the interests of individual people to be neglected for the sake of preserving the Russian people as a whole, as an independent ethnic group.

For Russians, the goals and interests of the collective are always higher than the personal interests and goals of an individual - everything individual is easily sacrificed to the general. In response, Russian people are accustomed to counting and hoping for the support of their world, their community. This feature leads to the fact that a Russian person easily puts aside his personal affairs and completely devotes himself to the common cause. This is precisely why Russians are a state people, that is, a people who know how to form something common, large and extensive. Personal benefit always comes after public benefit.

Russians are a state people because they know how to create something common for everyone.

A truly Russian person is categorically confident that first it is necessary to organize common socially significant affairs, and only then this single whole will begin to work for all members of the community. Collectivism, the need to exist together with one’s society, is one of the brightest features of the Russian people. A Russian person is a conciliar person.

Another basic Russian national value is justice, since without its clear understanding and implementation life in a collective is not possible. The essence of the Russian understanding of justice lies in the social equality of the people who make up the Russian community. The roots of this approach lie in the ancient Russian economic equality of men in relation to the land: initially, members of the Russian community were allocated equal agricultural shares from what the “world” owned. This is precisely why, internally, Russians strive for such a realization of the concept of justice.

Among the Russian people, justice will always win a dispute in the categories of truth-truth and truth-justice. For Russians, it is not as important as it once was and as it is at the moment, it is much more important what and how it should be in the future. The actions and thoughts of individual people have always been assessed through the prism of eternal truths that support the postulate of justice. The internal desire for them is much more important than the benefit of a specific result.

The actions and thoughts of individuals have always been assessed through the prism of justice.

Individualism among Russians is very difficult to implement. This is due to the fact that from time immemorial, in agricultural communities, people were allocated equal plots, land redistributions were periodically made, that is, a person was not the owner of the land, did not have the right to sell his piece of land or change the culture of cultivation on it. In such a situation, it was unrealistic to demonstrate individual skill, which was not valued too highly in Rus'.

The almost complete absence of personal freedom has formed among Russians the habit of rush jobs as an effective way of collective activity during agricultural periods. During such periods, work and holiday were combined in a phenomenal way, which made it possible, to a certain extent, to compensate for great physical and emotional stress, as well as to give up excellent freedom in economic activity.

A society based on the ideas of equality and justice was unable to establish wealth as a value: the greedy desire for an unlimited increase in wealth was considered a sin. At the same time, living prosperously to a certain extent was quite revered - in the Russian village, especially in the northern regions, ordinary people respected merchants who artificially slowed down their trade turnover.

Just by becoming rich you cannot earn the respect of the Russian community.

Such a peculiar Russian national peculiarity as an attitude towards work: work in itself is not a value - it is not considered a means that unconditionally determines a person’s earthly vocation and a criterion for the formation of the soul. Everyone is well aware of the saying “Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest,” from which it follows that in the system of Russian values, work occupies a subordinate place. At the same time, creativity in a Russian person is largely formed precisely by the fact that Russian life is not too oriented towards work.

Another characteristic nodal point in the Russian system national values are patience and suffering. These are the most important criteria for a Russian, along with self-restraint and abstinence. The constant readiness to sacrifice something for the benefit of another person is a continuation of the readiness to endure and suffer. In Russian society, a specific person will not be able to receive high status and respect without his sincere personal sacrifice. “God endured, and so commanded us,” says the famous Russian folk proverb.

For Russians, a feat is not personal heroism - it should always be aimed “outside of a person”: death for one’s Fatherland and Motherland, feat for one’s friends, for the world and death is good. Immortal glory was gained by people who sacrificed themselves for the sake of others and in front of their community. The basis of the Russian feat of arms, the dedication of the Russian soldier, has always been contempt for death and only then - hatred of the enemy. This contempt for the possibility of dying for the sake of something very important is rooted in the willingness to endure and suffer.

At the heart of the Russian feat of arms, the dedication of the Russian soldier, lies contempt for death.

The well-known Russian habit of getting hurt is not masochism. Through personal suffering, a Russian person self-actualizes and wins personal inner freedom. In the Russian understanding, the world exists steadily and continuously moves forward only through sacrifice, patience and self-restraint. This is the reason for Russian long-suffering: a real Russian will endure a lot if he knows why it is necessary...