A couple from Russia took a prize at the World Tango Championships in Argentina. Singer Sogdiana: I am grateful to the fathers of my sons Singer Sogdiana biography personal life husband now

At 26 years old, singer Sogdiana has already experienced difficult divorce, after which her foreign husband took her son to India to be raised, successfully marry a second time and give birth to another son. Today she is full of creative energy, she recently released a new album.

Don't you think that some moments in your life are like a movie?

Yes, I generally have one continuous movie and not always a comedy... It’s a series, one might say. I think my life can be filmed interesting film multi-part and everything will be there... It will not yield to any Mexican series in terms of passion. Life turned out to be a good screenwriter, unexpected and interesting. Sometimes these plot twists happen!

Blitz survey “Cleo”:
— Are you friends with the Internet?

— I made friends, but I haven’t been sucked into it yet. (Laughs). I'm working on my website, using search engines, watching videos, but social networks I'm not here.

— What is an unaffordable luxury for you?
— I can’t afford a vacation yet. But I really, really want to.

— Where did you spend your last vacation?
— I was in Dubai. My husband and I swam, sunbathed, and saw the sights. We went to the largest aquarium in the world.

— Did you have a nickname as a child?
- Yes. At school they called me a giraffe because I was the tallest in the class.

—Are you an owl or a lark?
- Owl.

— How do you relieve stress?
- Valerian. (Laughs).

Yeah, everyone knows about your melodramatic story with your ex-husband and son (Recall that Ram’s ex-husband stole his son from Sogdiana and took him to India). Tell me, how are things going now? Do you see your eldest son?

If possible, of course, we will see each other. Not the way I would like to see him every day, every hour. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t work out that way, but I’m happy that we see each other. I know many examples where women do not see their children at all, so I am grateful that the situation is this way. I think that in the future my ex-husband will be even more loyal. And we will see our son even more often.

What do you do when you meet?

We play, of course... He is so uncommunicative now... Apparently, he has more adults around him, and therefore he is a little isolated. He loves to walk in parks, sit near the fountain, walk around, touch some water, and feed the ducks. That is, some noisy events: slides, circuses are not for him. He doesn’t like all this and, I would even say, avoids it.

Of course, I’m a little upset, because it seems to me that as a child you have to experience all this: circuses, clowns, and slides to the point of nausea - this is normal for a child. I think that over time he will understand that this is all interesting.

Is a serious man growing up?

Yes, serious. For this birthday I gave him a house, and they tell me that he simply does not leave there. This is such a big children's playhouse. As they tell me, he put all his toys there, he also has a mattress there, he rests there during the day. You can invite friends, nanny, dad there. Of course, I imagine how great and fun it is, but I really want to join them, I want to go see him again in the near future.

What language do you speak?

Speaks Russian.

Also knows and uses English and Indian words. I think it’s good, he will have three languages ​​at once. They study English with him. In general, I am in favor of him knowing his native language, English and, of course, Russian, where he would be without it.

How is your second son doing?

We are already 8 months old, he is already crawling with all his might, he is already sitting down, he is very cheerful, smiling, and friendly. I like that he understands humor. When, for example, you make a face at him, he starts laughing! He understands that you are playing with him like this. Sometimes he even asks to be played with like this. Such a good guy. Pah-pah-pah. I am very pleased that he likes to spend time with me. And if I leave, he begins to protest, immediately pulls the handle, cries... Therefore, I have to distract him with toys and cars. And if I need to run errands, I quietly run away. (Laughs).

Well, of course, you always want to go home to him as soon as possible. It is simply unbearable for me not to see him for a whole day or even two. I really want to organize my schedule so that I can spend more time with him.

Do you sit with your son yourself and change diapers?

-What turns you on?
— My main energizer is my child.

—Which animal do you associate yourself with?
— My husband says that I am a tigress. But they tell me that I look like a doe.

— Do you have a talisman?
- No. I don't like talismans. You can't get attached to them. Because if I suddenly forget it somewhere, I’ll think that now I won’t succeed.

— What melody is on your mobile phone?
- On my Vertu - a standard melody, on an iPhone - a standard iPhone melody.

— What is your psychological age?
“Sometimes, when they trick me, I feel like a complete girl... And sometimes it seems to me that I’ve been living for a long time.”

— What is your favorite aphorism?
“My husband often says: “Those born to crawl cannot fly.”

Naturally. And if last time I had nannies and assistants who stayed with the child around the clock, they physically did not have the opportunity to leave, since they were from Bryansk. Now I spend most of the time with him myself, no one stays at night, I’m with him all the time. It seems to me that this is more correct.

How then do you manage to combine child care and work?

It's not that difficult. If I go to some shooting or event, I don’t stay there for long, I don’t hang out like many artists, but I go straight home. Yes, I travel quite a lot, film a lot, but I’m strict, I arrive right at the beginning of the event. Well, how long can a shoot or a commissioned concert last - 40 minutes, well, an hour. And then run home to my son. In my opinion, the main thing is to want and explain it to the people you work with, and everything will work out.

Don't you take it with you anywhere?

Not yet, he's so small. But there are thoughts that soon it will be possible to take him with you little by little. And to teach him that besides the people who surround him, there is another world, other people. Even at the ninth month, children already know and understand who is theirs and who is a stranger. And they react very negatively to strangers.

I really want him to be sociable and sociable. I really want to teach him to this. Therefore, when he grows up, I will definitely take him with me. Not everywhere, of course, but I will definitely attend some significant and interesting events.

Do you do the housework yourself or do you have an assistant?

Of course, there is an assistant. But I often cook myself. When I have time, I cook with pleasure; I am very pleased to please my family with my dishes. Not to order something from a restaurant, but to cook something with your soul. It’s very nice, especially if it’s delicious and everyone likes it.

Do you have a signature dish?

When I didn’t know how to cook, I knew what to say: I have a signature dish such and such. Because you can’t do anything else, and when you already know how, it’s very difficult to say what your signature skill is. I cook everything. If they tell me “We want pilaf” or “Make samsa” - please... Bashir has his favorite flatbreads - I make them with pleasure. And even if I don’t know how to do something, I’ll see how to cook it. Although I remember one time something didn’t work out for me, I threw away half of it. I have a problem with heat in general. I don’t always succeed in frying, because I’m afraid I won’t cook it enough, and in the end I overcook it so much that you can’t get it out of the frying pan... It turns out something oaky and black. (Laughs). I even got burns from the oil. (Shows hand). But I can cook, bake, bake, fry without oil. And I’m afraid of using oil, but everyone says that it’s harmful, which means it’s not necessary. (Laughs).

You said that your husband loves flatbreads, but what kind of flatbreads are they?

This is a traditional dish that his mother has been preparing since childhood. She taught me. Flatbreads and national pies. You can simply prepare them like bread, or you can make them with pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes, cheese, meat, whatever. This is such a versatile thing that can be eaten for breakfast or just as bread. In any case, they are always welcome on the table.

Did your husband's mother teach you to cook?

Yes. I've heard a lot about how wonderful she cooks. Bashir said that no one cooks so quickly and so tasty! In general, she became such a role model. She came, we met, she treated me very well, like a daughter, with all her heart. And she showed me some things. More precisely, she just cooked, and I watched. Now I can call her at any time and clarify some things. She is an amazing housewife, all hand movements are polished, everything is clear and fast, and how she works with dough! I still have to study and study.

To be honest, at first I was even scared: could I do it? But the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. But before that I couldn’t even fry sausages. Of course, I didn’t succeed right away; at first everything was not so smooth, but, most importantly, it was delicious. It's working out better now.

It turns out that your husband has an example ideal woman and the mistress is his mother. But you are a creative person, you have no time for cooking, you are constantly at concerts and on the road. How does your spouse feel about this?

He treats this very well and, most importantly, he understands me. I told him from the very beginning that I creative person And I’m not a housewife, there are some things I can’t do no matter how hard I try. And he understands this very well. In our family life there is no such obligatory point that I have to wash, clean, iron, and the like. But if our au pair suddenly doesn’t come, and my house isn’t cleaned, I won’t walk and step over the dirt. No way! I'll take it and clean everything myself, I love order.

Isn’t your husband jealous of your fans and popularity?

Never noticed. On the contrary, he is proud of me, he is pleased when I am praised, invited to concerts when there is filming.

And you new material are you showing him?

Is he criticizing?

Happens. We even argue sometimes. It happened with one song. I feel like I’m mine, but he says: no, not yours. When I receive a demo tape new song, I already understand what it will look like in the end, but he doesn’t see the big picture. But when I recorded the song in the studio, he admitted that I was right. Well, in a dispute the truth is born.

In general, we don’t argue often, we communicate more, discuss and come to a common opinion. He suggests something, but leaves me the opportunity to make a decision myself.

Many women, after an unsuccessful first marriage, are afraid to get married a second time. Didn't you have this fear?

In my opinion, the main thing is to listen to your heart. And trust your first feeling. Our first sensations are what our heart says, and then we begin to think, analyze, and then our mind speaks. I listened to my heart.

By her age, the singer not only managed to shine on stage, but also got married twice, although she only had unpleasant memories of her first marriage. First husband of Sogdiana Indian businessman Ram Govinda promised her a wonderful future, but in reality everything turned out completely different. At first family life The singer's development was simply fabulous, and she, for the sake of her husband and born son Arjun, was even ready to leave her career, but over time, Ram increasingly began to show his domineering and very cruel character. It got to the point that Sogdiana began to be afraid to come home, and her husband considered her work unworthy.

In the photo - the singer with her first husband

The singer found herself under conditions of total surveillance - she was constantly watched by people who worked for Ram and reported to him about her every step. Sogdiana’s husband did not allow her to communicate with friends, colleagues, and even took away her phone with all the contacts she needed. At first she agreed with everything and obeyed Ram, therefore she loved her husband very much, but gradually such a life became unbearable for her. She invited him to break up, but her husband responded to this request in his own way.

In the photo - Sogdiana with her second husband

At this time, the singer’s son was already growing up, and Sogdiana’s husband, having given her a divorce, secretly took the child out of Russia. For a long time the singer was forced to live away from her son. For the first time after separation, she met her son when he was already three years old. She and her ex-husband agreed that they would take turns raising Arjun. During the separation from her son, the singer managed to arrange her personal life and get married for the second time.

Sogliana's second husband, Dagestani businessman Bashir Kushtov, is the president of the Lynx hockey club. He is seventeen years older than his young wife and his life experience helped Sogdiana survive in difficult times. The singer met her second husband during a conflict with Ram. The singer immediately appreciated the kindness and attention with which Bashir surrounded her. Sogdiana's second husband was married twice before her, and his first wives bore him nine children. However, this circumstance does not frighten or embarrass the singer; she hopes that in this marriage everything will work out much better for her than in the previous one. In her second marriage, Sogdiana gave birth to another son, whom her parents named Mikhail. For now, the singer is happy, but she is worried that, according to Muslim customs, her husband can have several wives, and if he decides to do this, it will be a real tragedy for the singer. But she hopes that Bashir will love only her, so she only builds for the future happy plans.
Also read.

“I don’t consider myself a nun”

Photo: DR

The singer SOGDIANA was born in the East, but she is Slavic by blood. Fragile on the outside, she is incredibly strong on the inside. She cannot imagine life without the stage, but she can leave it for the sake of her children. Leaving her career for a while, the singer disappeared from view. Now Sogdiana has returned and is storming the musical Olympus again.

N I can't help but ask you about something unusual and beautiful name- Sogdiana. Is this a stage name?

My real name is Oksana. I like it, but it is for family and close people. I couldn’t imagine myself on stage with him, so I started looking for a stage name. However, everything that came to mind or anyone suggested was funny and absurd. Once I was preparing for a competition in Italy, where I was traveling as a singer from Uzbekistan. I collected documents and filled out various forms. And one person who helped me with this said: “Take yourself the pseudonym Sogdiana. Sounds so good! I liked it too: straight to the point! Moreover, Sogdiana is a historical region located on the territory of modern Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. That is, this name indicated where I was from. This is how my image of an oriental girl, a singer, developed. But my parents are not Uzbeks. IN Soviet era they came to Tashkent to work.

If you are in character now, I will call you Sogdiana. You have already conquered Moscow once - when you got to the “Star Factory”. Was it more difficult then or now when you return to the stage after a break?

Then, in 2006, Russian show business was absolutely incomprehensible to me, I didn’t understand it at all. Although by that time I was a fairly successful singer in Uzbekistan, I already had experience of participating and winning various competitions in many countries. Many singers traveled from Tashkent to the competition “ New wave“I also really wanted to get there. I was in Moscow twice to audition, but I was terribly worried and did not pass the selection. Although I already had a song “Heart Magnet”, which later became a hit. I really believed in this song, I knew, I felt that it would play an important role in my life. But when I got ready to go to the “Star Factory”, I didn’t even think that I would be able to go there - it seemed to me that this was from the realm of fantasy. However, I am a desperate person, I borrowed money and went to the casting. It was morally difficult to see huge queues of people wanting to get into the project. All day long, some kind of roulades sounded everywhere. You come and they sing there, they sing here, in whole groups, individually. This singing makes you terribly tired. But we still need to get together and perform ourselves. And you know, it came as a complete surprise to me that I completed all the rounds. Then, I remember, my adrenaline was going through the roof! Besides, at that moment I had no plans to move. But that's how it happened. After “Factory” I already recorded songs and stayed in Moscow. Everything was fine. But I had to take a break. It’s easier to come back now because the audience already knows me. We shot a video for new song“Lightning” is a very touching composition where they sound Arabic instruments. And I’m also recording songs for my new album, which I hope will be released soon.

I remember the whole public was alarmed when you said that your ex-husband Ram took and took away his little son Arjun.

It was a very painful period. Then emotions overwhelmed both me and my ex-husband. As a result, I didn’t see my eldest son for two and a half years. Then, when the grievances between Ram and I passed, we stopped quarreling and decided that we needed to improve our relationship for the sake of our child. We talked a lot about how to live so that the boy could feel good. This is how life turned out that we got divorced and nothing can be returned back, but why should a child suffer?! And then, when we agreed on everything, I went to see my son in Tashkent, where he lived with his dad. I felt that my baby needed me. I was going to stay there for a month, but it so happened that I lived in Tashkent for two and a half years. During this time I left my job. I don't regret it in any way. You see, these are incomparable things - career and children. Arjun was four years old at the time. Naturally, he needed his mother. I wanted to give him that maternal warmth and care that he lacked when he was without me.

And now Arjun lives with you?

The son lives with his father in Tashkent. He goes to school there. But he often comes to Moscow. I was here just recently. Yes, and I go there with youngest son. Now Ram and I have no enmity and we can see Arjun whenever we want. I left Tashkent when Arjun started going to school. At first, I took him to classes, picked him up in the evening after school from different sections - there was not much time for communication. The child was busy. And that’s when I realized that I could return to the stage again.

What actually started the rift with your first husband?

We are very different people. No, he's not a bad person. But he is not creative at all. He doesn't like music or painting. He can say “Yes, it’s beautiful,” but for him art can never become the meaning of life. And he didn't want me to perform.

But after this painful divorce, another man appeared in your life and you became a mother for the second time.

My second husband, Bashir, is a wonderful person who was very supportive of me during that difficult period. But in 2011 we separated, divorced in a civilized manner. Mick's son lives with me.

What happened this time?

I am such a person: I cannot live when there are some restrictions and prohibitions. And my second husband was very jealous of me - he was afraid of losing me. He assigned two guards to me. It's very difficult. It seems, what's wrong with that? Just think, two guards. But it really bothered me; I didn’t like being watched. At some point, I realized that it was easier for me not to go anywhere, I stopped meeting with friends. I remember reading a lot of different horoscopes as a child. My zodiac sign is Aquarius, so they wrote everywhere that Aquarians value their freedom very much. Then I did not understand the meaning of these words. I thought: “What does it mean to feel not free?” And when I found myself under the protection of two bodyguards, I fully felt how much freedom I lacked. I'm not talking about the fact that I should be single or flirt left and right. No! I need such freedom that I can easily move around the city - for example, sit and talk with you and without anyone watching me.

The main thing is that now you have managed to improve your relationships with your ex-husbands.

I am grateful to both of them for being and still being in my life. It doesn't matter that we're not together now. It’s even good, because we are great friends at a distance. For some reason, when a man lives with me, he inevitably begins to isolate me from everyone, I become only his property. And at the same time it’s hard for me to breathe. To be honest, I’m not very pleased that I already have two marriages behind me. Because before my eyes I had another example - my parents. They met each other at the age of 20 and still live together to this day: 45 years of marriage. And I was very worried at first, I was ashamed, embarrassed, and worried about the question: “What will people say?” Then I realized that I was eating myself with these thoughts. If it happened this way, then it had to be so. This is my life. And I just accepted her for who she is. And I began to feel happy. I have wonderful children, a wonderful job.

What do you think an ideal man should be like?

After two marriages, I realized that I don’t need my man to help me with anything. I mean work. Usually this kind of unprofessional help only gets in the way. I can handle it myself, even if not right away, even if it won’t be easy. But it’s okay, but I will work, I will feel free, no one will infringe on me either in my interests or in my creativity. And I also realized that you cannot change an adult. Therefore, if you accept him this way, it means you are making this choice, and that’s all. Then all that remains is to endure, but it is impossible to do this for a long time. I believe that I will meet my man, I don’t consider myself a nun, I’m only 30 years old. But I need a man with whom I will be comfortable.

Sogdiana, how do your main men, your sons, react to the fact that their mother is a singer?

They like it when I sing. Sometimes they watch some programs and say: “Why aren’t you there? Why don’t you perform?” I'm pleased that they want to see me on stage. The eldest, Arjun, is so serious at seven years old. He said he would be a doctor. And the youngest, Mika, he is five, behaves like a young star. ( Laughs.) I directly remember myself as a child, when I dreamed of a stage, of spectators. We recently went to the equestrian center, and there are many, many interesting things there, including an open stage in the shape of a semicircle. And he climbed onto it and began to dance to the music. We were with relatives who began to applaud him, and he bowed like an artist.

And you behaved this way as a child, right?

I had a big dream - to become a ballerina. Tall height got in the way. Mom said: “Your partner won’t lift you up.” But I was drawn to the stage. I sang and danced a lot. From the age of seven she performed at home concerts. Then I went to music school in Tashkent, where there was a very strict selection. I was accepted, and I took piano classes. I started going to competitions, but I always had some kind of internal uncertainty about whether I was doing what I was doing. And moving to a new music school, where there was pop art, I began to sing with pleasure. By the 11th grade, when the time came to choose where to enroll, there were no questions: of course, to the conservatory. However, I was thinking: vocals or piano. I remember that my piano teacher was very jealous of my singing because she wanted me to become a pianist. And my mother was shocked when I said that I decided to study vocals. She probably didn't think it was that serious. But I made my choice. And I will always give my children the opportunity to decide for themselves and do as they see fit.

So you are a very loyal mother?

I think I'm not strict. Although anything can happen. You can’t follow children’s lead when they are capricious. I try to be fair. I am affectionate, gentle, kind. I love my children. Now I’m thinking: everything that I had to go through - and it was a difficult path - I’m ready to repeat, knowing that I will have such wonderful children.


BUENOS AIRES, August 24. /Corr. TASS Elena Kondratyeva/. Russians Dmitry Vasin and Sagdiana Khamzina took fourth place in the stage tango category at the World Championships for this dance. The final of the competition took place on Wednesday at the Luna Park cultural and sports complex in Buenos Aires.

The Argentines Axel Aracaki and Agostina Tarchini from the city of Lanus (province of Buenos Aires) were recognized as the best. Russia was also represented in the final by Dmitry Kuznetsov and Olga Nikolaeva, Maria Vasilyeva and Maxim Gerasimov, Stanislav Fursov and Ekaterina Simonova, Maxim and Natalya Luchko. In total, 20 couples competed for the right to be called the best.

Last year, Vasin and Khamzina, competing together for the second year, took fifth place. “We hope that every year we will rank higher and higher,” the Russian woman said in an interview with a TASS correspondent.

However, as her partner noted, they do not yet know whether they will participate in the next championship. “Usually, after every World Cup, I say that we won’t go next year: there’s a lot of work in Moscow. But within a few months I always make the decision that we need to go,” added Vasin, who before competing with Khamzina took fifth place three times at the World Championships with other partners.

First time and straight to the finals

For the first time, Maxim and Natalya Luchko competed in Argentina, who guaranteed themselves a place in the finals a month and a half ago by winning the European Championships.

According to Luchko, after the European stage of the competition the couple had more positive impressions. “The European Championship is a real holiday. In addition to the competitions themselves, people constantly spend time together, there are milongas (dance evenings), everyone dresses smartly, and there is a very kind and positive atmosphere,” she noted.

Earlier, champions in the “salon tango” category were also determined in Buenos Aires. The winners were Argentines Germán Ballejo and Magdalena Gutierrez. Of the 41 couples who reached the final, eight were from Russia. In the final standings, Vasilyeva and Gerasimov took sixth place, Vasin and Khamzina - eighth.

The World Tango Championship is held in two categories - "salon" and "stage" tango. "Salon Tango" is classic style, which is characterized by slow measured movements, including all the main steps and dance figures. The “salon” style is traditionally contrasted with the staged style, the features of which are the technique and entertainment of acrobatic movements and figures.