Pelageya amazed with her grace and beauty in a simple white dress on the set of “The Voice. Essay on the image of Pelageya Nilovna in the novel Mother (Gorky Maxim) Pelageya’s blue dress in the voice project

A completely different image is the image of Pelageya Nilovna, Pavel’s mother. In the first part of the novel, we see a downtrodden woman, oppressed by life, who madly loves her son, who is unlike others. This love is transferred through Paul to his comrades, it becomes the mother for all revolutionaries. At the end of the first part, she understands the meaning of her son’s activities (... after all, it was for the whole people that our young blood rose, for the whole world, for all the working people, they went!). The banner becomes symbolic when the mother raises it, as if she herself is joining the revolutionary movement.

And, indeed, in the second part, Pelageya Nilovna seems to replace her son in the revolutionary field: she helps her son’s friends, distributes leaflets and books in the factory and in the village. The mother wants to be worthy of her son; During Paul's speech, her heart fills with pride.

Even at the station, when she notices surveillance and thinks that it is better to hide and leave leaflets with this speech, she asks herself: “How can I leave my son’s word?”; she stands on benches, scatters leaflets and calls for revolution.

Even when they grabbed her and started beating her, she continued to shout slogans.

In my opinion, the images in Gorky’s works are somewhat idealized. The main characters of his works do not strive for enrichment and personal happiness; they live for others, giving all their strength for everyone’s happiness.

Updated: 2012-01-21

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Pelageya Amosova belongs to the new peasant formation of the post-revolutionary period, and these traits are clearly expressed in her consciousness and character. At a time of difficult trials, having lost her first-born son, Pelageya with “reckless, downright reckless courage... rushed into battle for new life“,” she was not afraid to go against everyone,” with whom she shared a common fate, who sympathized with her. Leaving the collective farm, moving to a bakery, she “threw her grain army” to conquer people. Of course, she achieved her goal not only with “bread”. Much contributed to the implementation of the heroine’s plans: her intelligence, beauty, courage, and skill in her work were recognized by others.

The people's mind and experience of workers are recognized in Pelageya's assessments and opinions, in her self-condemnation, recognition of the triumph of justice in the human world.

The character of the heroine developed as contradictory. In the actions and consciousness of Pelageya, incompatible principles coexisted: consumer aspirations and public interests, passion for work and petty-bourgeois ideals of “going out into the people.” However, summing up her life, Pelageya finds the brightest and most joyful thing in it - the days of working in a bakery.

The writer’s position is expressed in many ways: in trust in the heroine, who is given the floor; in respect for her human dignity and the right to choose, to act as reason or prejudice tells her, and to judge herself in the court of her own conscience. Finally, in the intonation of sympathy and compassion that the author experiences, calling the reader to mercy. This is the main result of the life of Pelageya Amosova.

That is why Pelageya is not mistaken in her assessment of her daughter Alka, she despises Pyotr Ivanovich, the intriguer who, taking advantage of impunity, in the difficult post-war times “counted five thousand rubles on her”, “so that she wouldn’t turn up her nose. And at the same time, to receive free bread from the bakery.” Labor remains the highest value and meaning of life for Pelageya.


M. Gorky's novel "Mother" is one of the most significant works of Russian literature of the early twentieth century. On the pages of the novel, first of all, we see the Russian revolutionary movement as a movement masses, heroic in their impulse. "Mother" played a huge role in the development of the social thinking of many generations of readers and marked a new milestone in the development of Russian and world culture. It is no coincidence that Gorky's "Mother" became a reference book for many Russian revolutionaries of that time. At the center of the story is Pavel Vlasov’s mother Pelageya Nilovna.

The work is structured in such a way that Nilovna is a participant or witness to all the events described. If the novel “Mother” is a work about the painful process of overcoming slavish feelings of obedience and fear in people, about the complex transformation of a person from a victim into a fighter, then Nilovna in this regard is the most striking and convincing example. Nilovna's path is complex and contradictory. It was not so easy for a woman who had lived most of her life in submission and fear to free herself from the old. Pelageya Nilovna experienced all the bitterness of the plight of a working man's wife. She is oppressed by poverty, a drunken and rude husband, religiosity, and the realization that “everyone lives like this.” At the beginning of the novel we see a timid, submissive woman, downtrodden by a life of servitude, afraid of people. She teaches her son to escape from people, because they “hate each other.” Nilovna is deeply convinced of this. Having learned that her son was reading forbidden books, she was at first frightened, but then she felt in her heart and then with her mind she understood that her son and his comrades were right. Gorky's heroine unexpectedly finds herself in a different environment, among people of faith and self-sacrifice, into an environment of devotion to the cause of the future.

The author's attitude towards Nilovna is obvious. It is no coincidence that she plays a decisive role in the development of the plot of the work. She participates in all the events that occur in the book, the description is often carried out on her behalf. Nilovna does not appear immediately. Her portrait is not immediately given. It is characteristic that the leitmotif accompanying her appearance in the novel is fear. At first it is the fear of a downtrodden person. Later - fear that people will not understand the truth, Paul's ideas. Fear haunts the mother throughout the book, but gradually turns into another feeling - pride for her son. And at the end of the work, this is already fear that she will not be worthy of Pavel, and fears for people who are doing the same thing as her son. Nilovna does not leave her son, she is always there, and what could be more beautiful in life! It is not surprising that it is the feeling of unity with her son that at some point helps her completely overcome her fear. (She immediately felt better and became completely stronger, adding: “Don’t disgrace your son. No one is afraid!”).

The theme of resurrection is connected with the image of the mother in the work. human soul, the theme of the second birth of man. Gorky does not simplify this resurrection. The process of Nilovna’s rebirth is generally complex. Firstly, she is forty years old, and for that time this was already the age at which the “woman’s age” ended. At the beginning of the book, Gorky generally states that, “having lived such a life for 50 years, a person died.” Nilovna is an established personality. In addition, she is a religious woman. In the mother’s faith, the writer sees a certain system of views on the world that helps her survive. This is why Nilovna is so afraid of the destruction of her faith in God. It is no coincidence that she asks Pavel and Rybin: “Leave God to me, as I did. By placing in the center of the story a powerless, downtrodden creature who in his life saw nothing but beatings and rudeness, Gorky showed how the meaning expands in the process of gradual degeneration the words “mother.” At first, Nilovna is the source of Pavel’s life, her love is selfish love for her son. Later, Nilovna begins to feel like the mother of Nakhodka, Natasha. At the end of the book, she is the mother of all children: “A warm shadow gently surrounded the woman, warming her heart with a feeling of love for her. unknown people, and in her imagination they all formed into one huge man.” The following phrase also takes on special meaning: “We are all children of one mother, the truth.” The mother does not understand much, but she feels the truth, because this is inherent in her from the very beginning.

Watching Pavel’s comrades, Nilovna realized that the revolutionaries were best people on earth, and she loved them like family. At first she is shocked by their lack of faith in God, the feeling of their own ignorance, insufficient understanding of events, but she overcomes all this with her strength mother's love. Nilovna willingly begins to carry out her son’s instructions and is gradually drawn into revolutionary work. After Pavel's arrest, Nilovna carries leaflets to the factory so that the work started by her son does not stop. Gradually, from a dark, downtrodden, silent creature, she turned into a person who knows the truth and confidently brings it to people.

The confidence that she can help in the revolutionary struggle straightens Nilovna’s soul. Her circle of interests and affections was poor. Her interests and behavior were previously limited to everyday concerns. Her love for her only son grew into a great maternal feeling for all fighters for the liberation of the people. Thus, the meaning of the title "Mother" expanded, acquiring the meaning of a symbol. The knowledge that through her actions she brings significant benefits to the revolutionary struggle fills a woman’s heart with pride and is the basis for her sense of self-respect. Not only Nilovna is proud of her son, but Pavel is also proud of his mother, who has become dear to him in spirit. This spiritual community strengthens and fills with deep content the love of mother and son. The process of spiritual enrichment was complex and difficult, but she overcame the difficulties. In Nilovna’s first propaganda speech at the May Day demonstration, her idea of ​​social struggle still coexists with the religious. Gradually her horizons expand. In the village of Nikolskoye, Nilovna skillfully conducts propaganda work with the peasants. After Pavel’s trial, the mother did not succumb to grief; she continued her son’s work. Arrested at the station, beaten by gendarmes, Nilovna is tense last strength to throw leaflets with Paul’s speech to the people. A fiery call bursts from her chest: “Gather, people, your strength into a single force.” On Pelageya Nilovna’s new path in the revolutionary movement, everything old and backward is burned out, new thoughts and feelings are born. She gets into it great love to the world, to the people, to the people.

The writer shows Nilovna’s revival to the struggle for freedom, drawing a type of person from the depths of the people: “It seemed that thousands of lives spoke through her lips.” Great is the merit of Gorky, who in the novel “Mother” created the image of a simple Russian woman from the people, entering the world of the revolutionary liberation struggle, spiritually reborn from an oppressed state. The image of Nilovna is perceived as the personification of the enormous changes that have taken place in the minds of people who have embarked on the path of revolutionary struggle.

In the novel, M. Gorky created the image of a revolutionary woman, for whom all fighters for the common truth are her children. “Mother”, who conveys to them the slogan of her life: “Do not leave your children on a lonely path!” After her dream, Pelageya is completely freed from her old faith. And we no longer doubt that Pelageya Nilovna will help her children survive, give them the necessary strength to fight, and support them in the most difficult moment, because she is a real mother!

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Singer Pelageya is filming in the new season of the show “The Voice. Children". The first footage from the filming appeared on the Internet, in which the singer looks gorgeous in a delicate white dress.

New photographs of singer Pelageya, taken from the filming of the entertainment show “The Voice. Children". Numerous fans immediately took the pictures to their fan pages. Anyone can rate new image Pelagia. In the photo, the popular performer is depicted in a very simple white dress below the knees. A low ponytail and black shoes with white polka dots completed the look.

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Spiritual renewal people - a topic that especially worried Gorky. His novel by M. Gorky "Mother" became one of the most significant works of Russian literature of the early twentieth century. On its pages we see the Russian revolutionary movement - a movement of the masses, heroic in their impulse. The novel "Mother" played a huge role in the development of the social thinking of many generations of readers and marked a new milestone in the development of Russian and world culture. It is no coincidence that Gorky's "Mother" became a reference book for many Russian revolutionaries of that time.

The central character of the story is Pavel Vlasov’s mother Pelageya Nilovna. The work is structured in such a way that Nilovna is a participant or witness to all the events described. If the novel “Mother” is a work about the painful process of overcoming slavish feelings of obedience and fear in people, about the complex transformation of a person from a victim into a fighter, then Nilovna in this regard is the most striking and convincing example.

Nilovna's life path is complex and contradictory. It was not so easy for a woman who spent most of her life in submission and fear to free herself from the old. Pelageya Nilovna experienced all the bitterness of the plight of a working man's wife. She is oppressed by poverty, a drunken and rude husband, religiosity, and the realization that “everyone lives like this.”

On the first pages of the novel we see a timid, submissive woman, downtrodden by a life of servitude, afraid of people. She teaches her son to escape from people, because they “hate each other.” Nilovna is deeply convinced of this. Having learned that her son was reading forbidden books, she was at first frightened, but then she felt in her heart and then with her mind she understood that her son and his comrades were right. Gorky's heroine unexpectedly finds herself in a different environment, in an environment of people of faith and self-sacrifice, in an environment of devotion to the cause of the future. Watching Pavel's comrades, Nilovna realized that revolutionaries are the best people on earth, and she fell in love with them as if they were family. At first she is shocked by their lack of faith in God, their sense of ignorance, and insufficient understanding of events, but she overcomes all this with the power of her mother’s love. Nilovna willingly begins to carry out her son’s instructions and is gradually drawn into revolutionary work. After Pavel's arrest, Nilovna carries leaflets to the factory so that the work started by her son does not stop.

Gradually, from a dark, downtrodden, silent creature, she turned into a person who knows the truth and confidently brings it to people. The confidence that she can help in the revolutionary struggle straightens Nilovna’s soul. Her circle of interests and affections was poor. Her interests and behavior were previously limited to everyday concerns. Her love for her only son grew into a great maternal feeling for all fighters for the liberation of the people. Thus, the meaning of the title "Mother" expanded, acquiring the meaning of a symbol.

Gradually, the consciousness that through her actions she brings significant benefits to the revolutionary struggle fills the woman’s heart with pride, and is the basis for her sense of self-respect. Not only Nilovna is proud of her son, but Pavel is also proud of his mother, who has become dear to him in spirit. This spiritual community strengthens and fills with deep content the love of mother and son.

And although the process of spiritual enrichment was complex and difficult, Nilovna overcame the difficulties. In her first propaganda speech at the May Day demonstration, the idea of ​​social struggle still coexists with the religious. Gradually her horizons expand. In the village of Nikolskoye, Nilovna skillfully conducts propaganda work with the peasants. After Pavel’s trial, the mother did not succumb to grief; she continued her son’s work. Arrested at the station, beaten by the gendarmes, Nilovna strains her last strength to throw leaflets with Pavel’s speech to the people. A fiery call bursts from her chest: “Gather, people, your strength into a single force.”

Pelageya Nilovna She is imbued with great love for the world, for people, for the people. The writer shows Nilovna’s revival to the struggle for freedom, drawing a type of person from the depths of the people: “It seemed that thousands of lives spoke through her lips.”

An important feature of the book is its propaganda orientation, and author's position given in Nilovna’s perception of events.

Great is the merit of Gorky, who in the novel “Mother” created the image of a simple Russian woman from the people, entering the world of the revolutionary liberation struggle, spiritually reborn from an oppressed state. The image of Nilovna is perceived as the personification of enormous changes in the consciousness of people who have embarked on the path of revolutionary struggle.