Pierre Bezukhov as a strong personality. Essay “Ideological and moral evolution of Pierre Bezukhov

One of the main characters of the epic “Warrior and Peace” is Pierre Bezukhov. The characteristics of the character in the work are revealed through his actions. And also through the thoughts and spiritual quests of the main characters. The image of Pierre Bezukhov allowed Tolstoy to convey to the reader an understanding of the meaning of the era of that time, of a person’s entire life.

Introducing the reader to Pierre

The image of Pierre Bezukhov is very difficult to briefly describe and understand. The reader needs to go with the hero throughout his entire

Acquaintance with Pierre is dated in the novel to 1805. He appears at a social reception hosted by Anna Pavlovna Scherer, a high-ranking Moscow lady. By that time, the young man did not represent anything interesting to the secular public. He was the illegitimate son of one of the Moscow nobles. He received a good education abroad, but upon returning to Russia, he did not find any use for himself. An idle lifestyle, carousing, idleness, dubious companies led to the fact that Pierre was expelled from the capital. With this life baggage he appears in Moscow. In turn, high society not attractive either young man. He does not share the pettiness of interests, selfishness, and hypocrisy of its representatives. “Life is something deeper, more significant, but unknown to him,” reflects Pierre Bezukhov. “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy helps the reader understand this.

Moscow life

The change of residence did not affect the image of Pierre Bezukhov. By nature he is a very gentle person, easily falls under the influence of others, doubts about the correctness of his actions constantly haunt him. Unbeknownst to himself, he finds himself in captivity of the idle with her temptations, feasts and revelry.

After the death of Count Bezukhov, Pierre becomes the heir to the title and his father's entire fortune. Society's attitude towards young people is changing dramatically. A famous Moscow nobleman, in pursuit of the young count's fortune, marries his beautiful daughter Helen to him. This marriage did not foretell a happy family life. Very soon Pierre understands his wife’s deceit and deceit; her debauchery becomes obvious to him. Thoughts about his violated honor haunt him. In a state of rage, he commits an act that could prove fatal. Fortunately, the duel with Dolokhov ended with the wounding of the offender, and Pierre’s life was out of danger.

The path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov

After the tragic events, the young count thinks more and more about how he spends the days of his life. Everything around is confusing, disgusting and meaningless. He understands that all secular rules and norms of behavior are insignificant compared to something great, mysterious, unknown to him. But Pierre does not have sufficient fortitude and knowledge to discover this great thing, to find his true purpose. human life. The thoughts did not leave the young man, making his life unbearable. Brief description Pierre Bezukhov gives the right to say that he was a deep, thinking person.

Passion for Freemasonry

Having parted with Helen and given her a large share of his fortune, Pierre decides to return to the capital. On the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg, during a short stop, he meets a man who talks about the existence of the Masonic brotherhood. Only they know the true path, they are subject to the laws of existence. For Pierre's tormented soul and consciousness, this meeting, as he believed, was salvation.

Arriving in the capital, he, without hesitation, accepts the ritual and becomes a member of the Masonic lodge. The rules of another world, its symbolism, and views on life captivate Pierre. He unconditionally believes everything he hears at meetings, although much of his new life seems gloomy and incomprehensible to him. The journey of Pierre Bezukhov's quest continues. The soul still rushes about and finds no peace.

How to make life easier for people

New experiences and searches for the meaning of life lead Pierre Bezukhov to the understanding that the life of an individual cannot be happy when there are many disadvantaged people around, deprived of any rights.

He decides to take actions aimed at improving the lives of the peasants on his estates. Many people don't understand Pierre. Even among the peasants, for whose sake all this was started, there is misunderstanding and rejection of the new way of life. This discourages Bezukhov, he is depressed and disappointed.

The disappointment was final when Pierre Bezukhov (whose description describes him as a soft, trusting person) realized that he had been cruelly deceived by the manager, his funds and efforts had been wasted.


The alarming events taking place in France at that time occupied the minds of everyone. high society. excited the consciousness of young and old. For many young people, the image of the great emperor became an ideal. Pierre Bezukhov admired his successes and victories, he idolized the personality of Napoleon. I didn’t understand the people who decided to resist the talented commander and the great revolution. There was a moment in Pierre's life when he was ready to swear allegiance to Napoleon and defend the gains of the revolution. But this was not destined to happen. Feats, achievements for glory French Revolution remained only dreams.

And the events of 1812 will destroy all ideals. The adoration of Napoleon's personality will be replaced in Pierre's soul by contempt and hatred. An irresistible desire will appear to kill the tyrant, taking revenge for all the troubles that he brought to the world. native land. Pierre was simply obsessed with the idea of ​​reprisal against Napoleon; he believed that this was destiny, the mission of his life.

Battle of Borodino

The Patriotic War of 1812 broke the established foundation, becoming a real test for the country and its citizens. This tragic event directly affected Pierre. The aimless life of wealth and comfort was abandoned by the count without hesitation for the sake of serving the fatherland.

It was during the war that Pierre Bezukhov, whose characterization had not yet been flattering, began to look at life differently, to understand what was unknown. Getting closer to soldiers, representatives of the common people, helps to re-evaluate life.

The great Battle of Borodino played a special role in this. Pierre Bezukhov, being in the same ranks with the soldiers, saw their true patriotism without falsehood and pretense, their readiness to give their lives for the sake of their homeland without hesitation.

Destruction, blood, and related experiences give rise to the spiritual rebirth of the hero. Suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, Pierre begins to find answers to the questions that have tormented him for so many years. Everything becomes extremely clear and simple. He begins to live not formally, but with all his heart, experiencing a feeling unfamiliar to him, an explanation for which at this moment he cannot yet give.


Further events unfold in such a way that the trials that befell Pierre should harden and finally shape his views.

Finding himself in captivity, he goes through an interrogation procedure, after which he remains alive, but before his eyes, several Russian soldiers, who were captured by the French with him, are executed. The spectacle of the execution does not leave Pierre's imagination, bringing him to the brink of madness.

And only a meeting and conversations with Platon Karataev again awaken a harmonious beginning in his soul. Being in a cramped barracks, experiencing physical pain and suffering, the hero begins to feel truly Life path Pierre Bezukhov helps you understand that being on earth is a great happiness.

However, the hero will have to reconsider his own life more than once and look for his place in it.

Fate decrees that Platon Karataev, who gave Pierre an understanding of life, was killed by the French because he fell ill and could not move. Karataev's death brings new suffering to the hero. Pierre himself was released from captivity by the partisans.


Freed from captivity, Pierre receives news one after another from his relatives, about whom for a long time he didn't know anything. He becomes aware of the death of his wife Helen. Best friend, Andrei Bolkonsky, is seriously wounded.

Karataev's death and disturbing news from relatives again excite the hero's soul. He begins to think that all the misfortunes that happened were his fault. He is the cause of the death of people close to him.

And suddenly Pierre catches himself thinking that in difficult moments emotional experiences, the image of Natasha Rostova suddenly appears. She instills calm in him, gives him strength and confidence.

Natasha Rostova

During subsequent meetings with her, he realizes that he has developed a feeling for this sincere, intelligent, spiritually rich woman. Natasha has a reciprocal feeling for Pierre. In 1813 they got married.

Rostova is capable of sincere love, she is ready to live in the interests of her husband, to understand, to feel him - this is the main dignity of a woman. Tolstoy showed the family as a way to preserve a person. The family is a small model of the world. The health of this cell determines the state of the entire society.

Life goes on

The hero gained an understanding of life, happiness, and harmony within himself. But the path to this was very difficult. The work of internal development of the soul accompanied the hero all his life, and it gave its results.

But life does not stop, and Pierre Bezukhov, whose characterization as a seeker is given here, is again ready to move forward. In 1820, he informed his wife that he intended to become a member of a secret society.

Pierre is one of those people who are strong only when they feel completely pure.

L. Tolstoy. Diary

On the pages of L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" I we meet many people who, in the course of various events, undergo moral evolution, the development of ideas, and a change in worldview. One of these people is Pierre Bezukhov, whose life path was complex and difficult, but in whom the thirst for self-improvement, personal development, and the search for freedom and truth never extinguished.

Raised abroad, the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, Pierre appears to us as a free-thinking person, but quite far from the real Russian reality, as a result of which he becomes an obedient toy in the hands of cunning and dishonest people.

Brought up on the ideas of French enlighteners, Bezukhov completely denies God, but he, like every Russian person, needs some kind of faith. So he becomes a Freemason. Easily succumbing to the external charm of Freemasonry, Pierre is almost happy. He feels strong because now he can figure out where the truth is and where the lies are. However, it did not take Pierre much time to understand that those who preach poverty and correctness of life themselves live in a lie, and all their rituals only cover up the falsity of their behavior and the desire to gain their own benefit.

At one time, Pierre was extremely attracted to the image of Napoleon, he too

I wanted to go ahead, to be strong and invincible. However, with the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, this passion passes, Pierre understands that he worshiped a despot and a villain, and therefore an empty idol. Remaining in Moscow, Pierre even gets the idea to kill Napoleon, but his plan fails, and Bezukhov is captured by the French.

In captivity, Pierre Bezukhov meets Platon Karataev, and this man gives him a completely new understanding of the world and the role of man in it, answering the questions: why live and what am I? Bezukhov only develops and deepens this new understanding for himself: “I lived for myself and ruined my life. And only now, when I live... for others, only now I understand the happiness of my life.”

Tolstoy wrote: “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness, and truth.” And the whole point of Pierre Bezukhov’s ideological and moral evolution is the gradual overcoming of individualistic self-affirmation, self-denial for the sake of the good and benefit of others.

After the end of the war, Pierre marries Natasha Rostova. Both she, after her suffering, and he, after all the misfortunes and doubts, find true happiness in their love. But Pierre does not calm down and enters into secret society. Perhaps soon, “joining hand in hand with those who love goodness,” he will go out onto Senate Square.

For Tolstoy, not only the results of the heroes’ quests are extremely important, but also the paths they took; these paths reveal the true content of life, brightly illuminate the real relationships that exist in life. Pierre Bezukhov’s search for truth is also unique, but it was dictated by time, circumstances, surrounding people, so it is no less important for us than those truths that the hero comprehended at the time of our parting with him.

Pierre Bezukhov is one of L.N.’s most beloved heroes. Tolstoy. His spiritual quest is universal in nature, and in the metaphysical plan of the novel, this image is key to understanding the meaning of the great epic.

One of the valuable qualities of a person is L.N. Tolstoy considered the ability to internal change, the desire for self-improvement. Therefore, we see that his favorite heroes - Natasha Rostova, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov - change, evolve, and the images opposed to them are static.

Pierre is an emotional and dreamy person. He is an intelligent, exceptionally kind, but at the same time absent-minded and weak-willed person. His main goal is the search for “agreement with himself,” a calm, harmonious life that would bring him moral satisfaction, but his life itself is full of ups and downs, joyful hopes and bitter disappointments.

By nature, Pierre is too pliable, soft, prone to doubts, so social life and its temptations drag him in, he becomes led by it, wallowing in revelry and debauchery, but at the same time he understands the futility of such a life. With horror, Pierre discovers that from a promising young man he has turned into an ordinary landowner-drone: “Everything in himself and around him seemed to him confusing, meaningless and disgusting.”

Bezukhov is in constant search for the truth of life, the meaning of human existence. Those questions that others did not even think about, on the contrary, were haunted by him. Endless spiritual quests led him to the Masonic lodge. Everything that its representatives said seemed to Pierre then to be the ultimate truth, despite the fact that much of the complex symbolism surrounding them was difficult to understand. Freemasonry, like everything else for Pierre, is not a mask or a means for moving up the career ladder - all the spiritual work of the previous years resulted in a sincere and strong feeling of involvement in a “huge harmonious whole.” It was happy time in his life, when he saw the meaning of existence in religious truth. “You have to live, you have to love, you have to believe,” he says to his friend Bolkonsky in Bogucharovo. But later Pierre experiences disappointment in Freemasonry, realizing its falsehood and insincerity.

The War of 1812, which broke all previous foundations and became a test for everyone individual, did not miss Pierre either, interrupting his aimless life. He joyfully gives up “wealth, convenience, comfort, which constitutes the happiness of many people in peacetime,” and goes to war.

The climax of the novel was the depiction of the Battle of Borodino. And in the life of Pierre Bezukhov, this is also a decisive moment. He, not being a military man, takes part in the battle. Through his eyes, Tolstoy conveys his understanding of the historical life of Russia.

Pierre planned to kill Napoleon and for this purpose remains in Moscow, but is captured. In captivity, he meets Platon Karataev, and this acquaintance marked the rapprochement of Tolstoy’s beloved hero with the people. In captivity, he “... learned not with his mind, but with his whole being, with his life, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself, in satisfying natural human needs...”

Experiencing physical hardships, Pierre became happier and happier every day, as he realized that living in the world is a great happiness. Pierre was always looking for the meaning of life: “He looked for it in philanthropy, in Freemasonry, in absent-mindedness social life, in wine, in heroic deeds, self-sacrifice, in romantic love for Natasha. He sought this through thought, and all these searches and attempts deceived him." And finally, thanks to Plato, this question is resolved. Pierre finds "that peace and self-satisfaction for which he had vainly strived before."

The epilogue only confirms the lesson that Pierre learned during Patriotic War 1812. Natasha’s spontaneity and inspired sensuality are similar to the folk sensitivity and responsiveness of Platon Karataev; it is not without reason that Pierre remarks to his young wife that Karataev, if he were alive now, would approve of their family life. “He so wanted to see beauty, happiness, tranquility in everything, and I would proudly show him us,” says the hero, but to Natasha’s question: “Would he approve of you now?” - answers negatively. Pierre returns to his spiritual quest "by way of thought." The good looks received from Karataev remained in the family life of the Bezukhovs. Unlike the dead essence of Pierre's first wife, Helene, Natasha is a spiritually rich person, the embodiment of a woman's main dignity - the ability to love, understand, feel. She “dissolved” in her husband and sincerely lived in his interests. The family shown in the epilogue by Tolstoy is a small model of the world, without which existence is impossible. By bringing together the Bolkonskys, Rostovs and Pierre Bezukhov under the roof of one house, Tolstoy emphasizes his main idea: family is the highest form of spiritual unity of people.

We learn that Pierre is infinitely happy, but shows a desire to join a secret society. Thus, the author makes it clear to us that nothing has been finally decided yet, and it is too early to draw a conclusion. Yes, and it’s impossible, because life doesn’t stand still. The hero's life is shown in dynamics, in constant movement. The main contradiction again appears at the end of the novel - the contradiction between conscious life and immediate life, life with the mind and life with the heart.

Pierre does not stop there, he continues to look for something new. But now he is no longer following Karataev’s, but his own path: “He learned to see the great, eternal and infinite in everything... and joyfully felt around him the ever-changing, ever-great, incomprehensible and endless life. And the closer he looked, the more calm and happy he was."

Pierre is one of those people

who are strong only then

when they feel completely clean.

L. Tolstoy. Diary

On the pages of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” we meet many people who, in the course of various events, undergo moral evolution, the development of ideas, and a change in worldview. One of these people is Pierre Bezukhov, whose life path was complex and difficult, but in whom the thirst for self-improvement, personal development, and the search for freedom and truth never extinguished.

Raised abroad, the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, Pierre appears to us as a free-thinking person, but quite far from the real Russian reality, as a result of which he becomes an obedient toy in the hands of cunning and demonic people. honest people.

Brought up on the ideas of the French Enlightenment, Bezukhov completely denies God, but he, like every Russian person, needs some kind of faith. So he becomes a Freemason. Easily succumbing to the external charm of Freemasonry, Pierre is almost happy. He feels strong because now he can figure out where the truth is and where the lies are. However, it did not take Pierre much time to understand that those who preach poverty and correctness of life themselves live in lies, and all their rituals only cover up the falsehood of their behavior, the desire to extract their own benefit. At one time, Pierre was extremely attracted to the image of Napoleon - he also wanted to go ahead , be strong and invincible. However, with the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, this passion passes, Pierre realizes that he worshiped a despot and a villain, and therefore an empty idol. Remaining in Moscow, Pierre even gets the idea to kill Napoleon, but his plan fails, and Bezukhov is captured by the French.

In captivity, Pierre Bezukhov meets Platon Karataev, and this man gives him a completely new understanding of the world and the role of man in it, answering the questions: why live and what am I? Bezukhov only develops and deepens this new understanding for himself: “I lived for myself and ruined my life. And only now, when I live... for others, only now I understand the happiness of my life.”

Tolstoy wrote: “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness, and truth.” And the whole point of Pierre Bezukhov’s ideological and moral evolution is the gradual overcoming of individualistic self-affirmation, self-denial for the sake of the good and benefit of others.

After the end of the war, Pierre marries Natasha Rostova. Both she, after her suffering, and he, after all the misfortunes and doubts, find true happiness in their love. But Pierre does not calm down and joins a secret society. Perhaps soon, “joining hand in hand with those who love goodness,” he will go out onto Senate Square.

For Tolstoy, not only the results of the heroes’ quests are extremely important, but also the paths they took, since these paths reveal the true content of life and brightly illuminate the real relationships that exist in the world. Pierre Bezukhov’s search for truth is also unique, but it was dictated by time, circumstances, surrounding people, so it is no less important for us than those truths that the hero comprehended at the time of our parting with him.

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Pierre's life is a path of discovery and disappointment, a path of crisis and in many ways dramatic. Pierre is an emotional person. He is distinguished by a mind prone to dreamy philosophizing, absent-mindedness, weakness of will, lack of initiative, and exceptional kindness. Main feature the hero is a search for peace, agreement with oneself, a search for a life that would be in harmony with the needs of the heart and would bring moral satisfaction.

At the beginning of the novel, Pierre is a fat, massive young man with an intelligent, timid and observant look that distinguishes him from the rest of the visitors to the living room. Having recently arrived from abroad, this illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov stands out in the high society salon for his naturalness, sincerity and simplicity. He is soft, pliable, and easily susceptible to the influence of others. For example, he leads a chaotic, riotous life, participating in the revelry and excesses of secular youth, although he perfectly understands the emptiness and worthlessness of such a pastime.

Large and clumsy, it does not fit in with the elegant decor of the salon, it confuses and shocks others. But he also inspires fear. Anna Pavlovna is frightened by the young man’s gaze: smart, timid, observant, natural. This is Pierre, the illegitimate son of a Russian nobleman. In the Scherer salon they accept him only just in case, what if Count Kirill officially recognizes his son. At first, many things seem strange to us about Pierre: he was brought up in Paris and does not know how to behave in society. And only later will we understand that spontaneity, sincerity, ardor are the essential traits of Pierre. Nothing will ever force him to change himself, live according to a general, average form, or conduct meaningless conversations.

Already here it is noticeable that Pierre does not fit into the false society of flatterers and careerists, the defining feature of which is the all-pervasive lie. For this reason, the appearance of Pierre causes fear among the majority of those present, and his sincerity and straightforwardness causes outright fear. Let us remember how Pierre left the useless aunt, spoke to the French abbot and became so carried away by the conversation that he began to clearly threaten to disrupt the system of social relationships familiar to the Scherer household, thereby reviving the dead, false atmosphere.

With one intelligent and timid glance, Pierre seriously frightened the owner of the salon and her guests with their false standards of behavior. Pierre has the same kind and sincere smile; his special harmless gentleness is striking. But Tolstoy himself does not consider his hero weak and weak-willed, as it might seem at first glance: “Pierre was one of those people who, despite his external, so-called weakness of character, do not look for a confidant for his grief.”

In Pierre there is a constant struggle between the spiritual and the sensual, internal, moral essence the hero contradicts his way of life. On the one hand, he is full of noble, freedom-loving thoughts, the origins of which go back to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. Pierre is an admirer of Rousseau and Montesquieu, who captivated him with the ideas of universal equality and re-education of man. On the other hand, Pierre participates in revelry in the company of Anatoly Kuragin, and here that riotous lordly beginning is manifested in him, the embodiment of which was once his father, Catherine’s nobleman, Count Bezukhov.

Pierre's naivety and gullibility, inability to understand people, force him to make a number of life mistakes, the most serious of which is marrying the stupid and cynical beauty Helen Kuragina. With this rash act, Pierre deprives himself of all hope for possible personal happiness.

This is one of the important milestones in the hero's life. But Pierre is increasingly aware that he does not have a real family, that his wife is an immoral woman. Discontent grows within him, not with others, but with himself. This is exactly what happens with genuine moral people. For their disorder, they consider it possible to execute only themselves. An explosion occurs at a dinner in honor of Bagration. Pierre challenges Dolokhov, who insulted him, to a duel. After everything that happened to him, especially after the duel, Pierre finds his whole life meaningless. He is experiencing a mental crisis: this is a strong dissatisfaction with himself and the associated desire to change his life and build it on new, good principles.

Bezukhov abruptly breaks up with Helen after learning how strong her love for his money was. Bezukhov himself is indifferent to money and luxury, so he calmly agrees with the demands of his cunning wife to give her most of his fortune. Pierre is selfless and ready to do anything to quickly get rid of the lies that the insidious beauty surrounded him with. Despite his carelessness and youth, Pierre acutely senses the line between innocent jokes and dangerous games, which can cripple someone’s life, so he is openly indignant in a conversation with the scoundrel Anatole after the failed abduction of Natasha.

Having broken up with his wife, Pierre, on the way to St. Petersburg, in Torzhok, waiting for the horses at the station, asks himself difficult (eternal) questions: What is wrong? What's good? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live and what am I? What is life, what is death? What force controls everything? Here he meets the freemason Bazdeev. At the moment of spiritual discord that Pierre was experiencing, Bazdeev seems to him to be just the person he needs. Pierre is offered a path of moral improvement, and he accepts this path, because most of all he now needs to improve his life and himself.

Tolstoy makes the hero go through a difficult path of losses, mistakes, delusions and quests. Having become close to the Freemasons, Pierre tries to find the meaning of life in religious truth. Freemasonry gave the hero the belief that there should be a kingdom of goodness and truth in the world, and the highest happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. He passionately desires to “regenerate the vicious human race.” In the teachings of the Freemasons, Pierre is attracted by the ideas of “equality, brotherhood and love,” so first of all he decides to alleviate the lot of the serfs. In moral purification for Pierre, as for Tolstoy at a certain period, lay the truth of Freemasonry, and, carried away by it, at first he did not notice what was a lie. It seems to him that he has finally found the purpose and meaning of life: “And only now, when I... try... to live for others, only now I understand all the happiness of life.” This conclusion helps Pierre find the real way in his further quests.

Pierre shares his new ideas about life with Andrei Bolkonsky. Pierre is trying to transform the Order of Freemasons, draws up a project in which he calls for activity, practical help to his neighbor, for the dissemination moral ideas in the name of the good of humanity throughout the world... However, the Freemasons decisively reject Pierre's project, and he is finally convinced of the validity of his suspicions that many of them were looking for a means of expanding their secular connections in Freemasonry, that the Freemasons - these insignificant people - were not interested problems of goodness, love, truth, the good of humanity, and the uniforms and crosses that they sought in life. Pierre cannot be satisfied with mysterious, mystical rituals and sublime conversations about good and evil. Soon there will be disappointment in Freemasonry, since republican ideas Pierre was not shared by his “brothers,” and besides, Pierre sees that among the Masons there is hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and careerism. All this leads Pierre to break with the Freemasons.

It is common for him, in a fit of passion, to succumb to such instant hobbies, accepting them as true and correct. And then, when the true essence of things is revealed, when hopes are destroyed, Pierre just as actively falls into despair, unbelief, as if small child who was offended. He wants to find a field of activity to translate fair and humane ideas into concrete, useful work. Therefore, Bezukhov, like Andrei, begins to engage in the improvement of his serfs. All the measures he took were imbued with sympathy for the oppressed peasantry. Pierre makes sure that punishments are used only exhortations, and not corporal, so that the men are not burdened with overwork, and hospitals, shelters and schools are established on every estate. But all of Pierre’s good intentions remained intentions. Why, wanting to help the peasants, he could not do this? The answer is simple. The young humane landowner was prevented from bringing his good undertakings to life by his naivety, lack of practical experience, and ignorance of reality. The stupid but cunning chief manager easily fooled the smart and intelligent master around his finger, creating the appearance of precise execution of his orders.

Feeling a strong need for high noble activity, feeling rich forces within himself, Pierre nevertheless does not see the purpose and meaning of life. The Patriotic War of 1812, the general patriotism of which captured him, helps the hero find a way out of this state of discord with himself and the world around him. His life seemed calm and serene only from the outside. "Why? Why? What is going on in the world?" - these questions never ceased to bother Bezukhov. This incessant inner work prepared him spiritual rebirth during the Patriotic War of 1812.

Contact with the people on the Borodino field was of great importance for Pierre. The landscape of the Borodino field before the start of the battle (bright sun, fog, distant forests, golden fields and copses, smoke from gunfire) correlates with Pierre’s mood and thoughts, causing him some kind of elation, a feeling of the beauty of the spectacle, the greatness of what is happening. Through his eyes, Tolstoy conveys his understanding of the decisive events in the people's historical life. Shocked by the behavior of the soldiers, Pierre himself shows courage and readiness for self-sacrifice. At the same time, one cannot help but note the naivety of the hero: his decision to kill Napoleon.

“To be a soldier, just a soldier!.. To enter this common life with the whole being, to be imbued with what makes them so,” - this is the desire that took possession of Pierre after the Battle of Borodino. Not being a military officer, like Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre expressed his love for the fatherland in his own way: he formed a regiment at his own expense and took it for support, while he himself remained in Moscow to kill Napoleon as the main culprit of national disasters. It was here, in the capital occupied by the French, that Pierre’s selfless kindness was fully revealed.

In Pierre's attitude towards ordinary people and nature, the author's criterion of beauty in man is once again manifested. Seeing helpless people at the mercy of the rampaging French soldiers, he cannot remain simply a witness to the numerous human dramas that unfold before his eyes. Without thinking about his own safety, Pierre protects a woman, stands up for a madman, and saves a child from a burning house. Before his eyes, representatives of the most cultured and civilized nation are rampaging, violence and arbitrariness are being committed, people are being executed, accused of arson, which they did not commit. These terrible and painful impressions are aggravated by the situation of captivity.

But the most terrible thing for the hero is not hunger and lack of freedom, but the collapse of faith in the just structure of the world, in man and God. Decisive for Pierre is his meeting with a soldier, former peasant Platon Karataev, who, according to Tolstoy, personifies masses. This meeting meant for the hero an introduction to the people, folk wisdom, an even closer rapprochement with ordinary people. The round, affectionate soldier performs a real miracle, forcing Pierre to again look at the world brightly and joyfully, to believe in goodness, love, and justice. Communication with Karataev evokes in the hero a feeling of peace and comfort. His suffering soul warms up under the influence of the warmth and participation of a simple Russian person. Platon Karataev has some special gift of love, a feeling of blood connection with all people. His wisdom, which amazed Pierre, is that he lives in complete harmony with everything earthly, as if dissolving in it.

In captivity, Pierre finds that peace and self-satisfaction that he had previously vainly strived for. Here he learned not with his mind, but with his whole being, with his life, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself, in the satisfaction of natural human needs... Introducing himself to the people's truth, to the people's ability to live helps the inner liberation of Pierre, who was always looking for a solution the question of the meaning of life: he looked for this in philanthropy, in Freemasonry, in the dispersion of social life, in wine, in the heroic feat of self-sacrifice, in romantic love for Natasha; he sought this through thought, and all these searches and attempts all deceived him. And finally, with the help of Karataev, this issue was resolved. The most essential thing about Karataev is loyalty and immutability. Loyalty to yourself, your only and constant spiritual truth. Pierre follows this for some time.

In the characteristics state of mind hero at this time, Tolstoy develops his ideas about the inner happiness of a person, which lies in complete mental freedom, calmness and tranquility, independent of external circumstances. However, having experienced the influence of Karataev’s philosophy, Pierre, upon returning from captivity, did not become a Karataevite, a non-resistance. By the very essence of his character, he was not able to accept life without searching.

A turning point occurs in Bezukhov’s soul, which means the adoption of Platon Karataev’s life-loving view of the world. Having learned the truth of Karataev, Pierre in the epilogue of the novel is already going his own way. His dispute with Nikolai Rostov proves that Bezukhov faces the problem of moral renewal of society. Active virtue, according to Pierre, can lead the country out of crisis. It is necessary to unite honest people. Happy family life(married to Natasha Rostova) does not take Pierre away from public interests.

The feeling of complete harmony for such an intelligent and inquisitive person as Pierre is impossible without participation in specific useful activities aimed at achieving a high goal - the same harmony that cannot exist in a country where the people are in the position of slaves. Therefore, Pierre naturally comes to Decembrism, joining a secret society in order to fight against everything that interferes with life and humiliates the honor and dignity of a person. This struggle becomes the meaning of his life, but does not make him a fanatic who, for the sake of an idea, consciously refuses the joys of life. Pierre speaks with indignation about the reaction that has occurred in Russia, about Arakcheevism, theft. At the same time, he understands the strength of the people and believes in them. With all this, the hero resolutely opposes violence. In other words, for Pierre, the path of moral self-improvement remains decisive in the reconstruction of society.

Intense intellectual search, ability to selfless actions, high spiritual impulses, nobility and devotion in love (relationships with Natasha), true patriotism, the desire to make society more fair and humane, truthfulness and naturalness, the desire for self-improvement make Pierre one of the best people his time.

We see at the end of the novel happy person who has a good family, a faithful and devoted wife, who loves and is loved. Thus, it is Pierre Bezukhov who achieves spiritual harmony with the world and himself in War and Peace. He goes through the difficult path of searching for the meaning of life to the end and finds it, becoming an advanced, progressive person of his era.

I would like to once again note Tolstoy’s ability to portray his hero as he is, without embellishment, natural person, which tends to constantly change. The internal changes taking place in the soul of Pierre Bezukhov are profound, and this is reflected in his appearance. When we first meet Pierre, he is “a massive, fat young man with an intensely observant gaze.” Pierre looks completely different after his marriage, in the company of the Kuragins: “He was silent... and, looking completely absent-minded, picked his nose with his finger. His face was sad and gloomy.” And when it seemed to Pierre that he had found the meaning of activity aimed at improving the lives of the peasants, he “spoke with the animation of joy.”

And only after freeing himself from the oppressive lies of the secular farce, finding himself in difficult military conditions and finding himself among ordinary Russian peasants, Pierre feels the taste of life and gains peace of mind, which changes his appearance again. Despite his bare feet, dirty torn clothes, tangled hair filled with lice, the expression in his eyes was firm, calm and animated, and he had never had such a look before.

Through the image of Pierre Bezukhov, Tolstoy shows that no matter how different the best representatives of high society may take in search of the meaning of life, they come to the same result: the meaning of life is in unity with their native people, in love for this people.

It was in captivity that Bezukhov came to the conviction: “Man was created for happiness.” But the people around Pierre are suffering, and in the epilogue Tolstoy shows Pierre thinking hard about how to defend goodness and truth.

So, having gone through a difficult path, full of mistakes, misconceptions in the reality of Russian history, Pierre finds himself, preserves his natural essence, and does not succumb to the influence of society. Throughout the novel, Tolstoy's hero is in constant search, emotional experiences and doubts, which ultimately lead him to his true calling.

And if at first Bezukhov’s feelings constantly fight with each other, he thinks contradictoryly, then he is finally freed from everything superficial and artificial, finds his true face and calling, clearly knows what he needs from life. We see how beautiful Pierre's real, genuine love is for Natasha, he becomes a wonderful father of the family, is actively involved in social activities, benefits people and is not afraid of new things.


The novel “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy introduced us to many heroes, each of whom is a bright personality and has individual traits. One of the most attractive characters in the novel is Pierre Bezukhov. His image stands at the center of “War and Peace”, because the figure of Pierre is significant for the author himself and plays a huge role in his work. It is known that the fate of this hero was the basis of the plan of the entire novel.

After reading the novel, we understand that Pierre Bezukhov is one of Tolstoy’s favorite heroes. During the story, the image of this hero undergoes significant changes, his development, which is a consequence of his spiritual quest, the search for the meaning of life, some of his highest, enduring ideals. Leo Tolstoy focuses on the sincerity, childish gullibility, kindness and purity of his hero’s thoughts. And we cannot help but notice these qualities, not appreciate them, despite the fact that at first Pierre is presented to us as a lost, weak-willed, undistinguished young man.

Fifteen years of Pierre's life are passing before our eyes. There were many temptations, mistakes and defeats on his way, but there were also many accomplishments, victories, and overcomings. Pierre's life path is an ongoing search for a worthy place in life, an opportunity to benefit people. Not external circumstances, but the internal need to improve oneself, to become better - that’s guiding star Pierre.

The problems raised by Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" have universal significance. His novel, according to Gorky, is “a documentary presentation of all the quests that a strong personality undertook in the 19th century in order to find a place and business for himself in the history of Russia”...

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