Singer Tarkan is the prince of Turkish pop music. Tarkan Tevetoglu: biography Singer Tarkan sings in Turkish again

Singer from Turkey Tarkan is one of the most famous performers popular music all over the world. Despite the fact that after the start of his career he did not sing songs in English for a very long time, he managed to achieve great fame in all European countries. Fans of Tarkan's work, who enjoy listening to his music and enjoying great shows, will be very interested in learning some facts from the biography of the star.

Brief biography and personal life of Tarkan

Turkish singer Tarkan was born into a family of hereditary Turks in 1972. At that time, the parents of the future celebrity lived in the German city of Alzey, and the reason for their move was the economic crisis in Turkey. When the boy turned 13 years old, the situation improved and the family decided to return to their historical homeland.

Immediately after moving to Turkey, the young man began to actively study music, and all teachers noted his remarkable talent. To continue his studies at a new level, Tarkan went to Istanbul, where he entered the Istanbul Music Academy. The aspiring singer did not have enough money to pay for his own accommodation, so he was forced to work as a performer of national music at weddings and various holidays. Although the height of the singer Tarkan is only 173 cm, he has a very attractive appearance, so he was often invited to host various events.

After some time, Tarkan met with Mehmet Soyutoulu, who then ran the Istanbul Plak label. As a result of the joint collaboration of producer, aspiring performer and composer Ozan Colakolu, Tarkan's first album Yine Sensiz was born in 1992. It included original compositions in which national Turkish motifs, as well as Western notes, were discernible. Thanks to this, songs from Tarkan’s album immediately became extremely popular, especially among the younger segments of the Turkish population.

Subsequently, the young singer’s career developed at extraordinary speed. All of his new albums and singles became incredibly successful, with the exception of the English-language album Come Closer, released in 2006. Contrary to expectations, listeners did not like Tarkan’s songs in English, and sales of this album in the singer’s homeland amounted to only 110 thousand copies.

Turkish singer Tarkan is a very controversial personality. In particular, the celebrity’s biography contains several unpleasant facts. So, in 1999, the famous singer was called up to the Turkish army, however, he did not enlist, but chose to stay in Europe. As a result of such actions by the star, the question of depriving Tarkan of his country’s citizenship even arose in the Turkish parliament.

Meanwhile, in August 1999, in the singer’s homeland, a law was passed on the opportunity to do military service within 28 days and pay 16 thousand dollars in charitable foundation. This is exactly what Tarkan took advantage of, going into the army for only 4 weeks.

In 2010, the singer, along with other people, was detained by drug police. Tarkan faced up to two years in prison for the use and possession of narcotic substances, however, 3 days after his arrest, the young man was released.

Finally, for a long time There were rumors in the press that Tarkan belongs to the category of people with unconventional. According to rumors Turkish singer He himself has repeatedly confirmed that he is gay. Meanwhile, between 2001 and 2008 he was linked romantic relationship with Bilge Ozturk, and in 2011 he began dating his fan Pinar Dilek.

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On April 29, 2016, singer Tarkan finally married his beloved after 5 years of relationship. Earlier in an interview, he claimed that he would get married only when his girlfriend became pregnant. Whether the singer Tarkan’s wedding is connected with the “interesting” position of his beloved is still unknown.

Our hero today is a singer with Turkish roots - Tarkan. The biography of this sweet-voiced handsome man interests hundreds of thousands of his fans around the world. Do you also want to know where he was born and studied? How did you build yours? musical career? Does he have a wife and children? Then we recommend reading the article from the first to the last paragraph.

Singer Tarkan, biography: family

He was born on October 17, 1972 in the German city of Alzey. The father and mother of our hero are purebred Turks. How did they end up in a foreign country? Ali and Neşe Tevetoğlu immigrated to Germany. They were forced to leave their homeland by the economic crisis that broke out in Turkey.

Hüsametin Tarkan Tevetoglu is the real name of our hero. It’s not easy for a Russian person to pronounce this. The first name (Khyusametin) is translated as “sharp sword.” And his parents named him Tarkan in honor of a humorous book that is very popular in Turkey.

The future artist was brought up in large family. He has two sisters (on his father's side) - Gyulai and Nurai, and a brother Adnan (from his mother's first marriage). That's not all. The singer has a brother (Hakan) and a sister (Handan).

What kind of child was Tarkan? His biography indicates that he grew up as an active and inquisitive boy. He liked outdoor games and dancing.

Return to the homeland of our ancestors

In 1986, the family left Germany. They decided to return to Turkey. By that time, the economic situation in the country had improved. Tarkan continued to study at school. My father and older brothers got jobs. And mom did household chores: cleaning, cooking, and so on.

In 1995, grief happened in the family. Tarkan's father died of a heart attack. The man was only 49 years old. The singer and his relatives took this loss seriously. Some time later, the singer’s mother married for the third time. She was of a considerable age. Therefore, there was no longer any talk about having children.

Passion for music and first difficulties

Immediately upon returning to Turkey, the young man decided to begin realizing his old dream - to become a singer. To begin with, the boy entered music school, located in the city of Karamursel. He studied piano.

After graduating from school, the guy went to Istanbul. At first, Tarkan had a hard time. He rented a small room in which several people lived. Tarkan earned money by performing in restaurants and cafes. The biography and personal life of this period do not contain any outstanding facts. The guy's priorities were study and career.

He managed to enter the local music academy the first time. After receiving his diploma, Tarkan began implementing creative plans. Let's take a closer look at this.

The beginning of a musical career

During another trip to Germany, our hero met the director of the recording studio İstanbul Plak, Mehmet Soyutoulu. They were united not only by their Turkish roots, but also by their love of music. This man offered Tarkan cooperation. The guy couldn't miss such a chance.

In 1992, the debut album of the Turkish artist Yine Sensiz was released. While working on this record, the singer met composer Ozan Colakolu. Their mutually beneficial cooperation continues to this day.

The singer with the fashionable name Tarkan has gained incredible popularity among Turkish youth. Guys and girls heard European notes in his songs. They really liked it. In total, over 1 million copies of the Yine Sensiz album were sold.

In 1994, the second album of the sweet-voiced singer went on sale. The record was called Aacayipsin, which translates into Russian as “You are beautiful.” The album sold 2 million copies in Turkey. Producer Ozan Colakol managed to “promote” his ward abroad. Almost 1 million copies of Tarkan’s second album were purchased by people living in European countries.

Our hero was not going to stop there. He literally disappeared into the recording studio, working on creating a new musical material. And his efforts were not in vain. Together with Turkish pop singer Sezen Aksu, he recorded the song Hepsi Senin Mi. Subsequently, this song became a real hit. In Russia and Europe it is known under the name Şıkıdım.

Tarkan was invited to radio and television programs. In Turkey, his music sounded from almost every window. The singer's work schedule was scheduled by day and hour.

Conquest of the USA and Europe

Tarkan wanted to announce himself to the whole world. Soon such an opportunity presented itself to him. In 1994 he went to the USA. The young man began to study English. Friends helped him rent an apartment in New York. Soon the Turkish performer began recording an album aimed at English-speaking listeners. The album was planned to be released in 1995. But I had to put it on the back burner.

The singer went to tour across Europe. The local public liked Tarkan's work. And in 1997, he presented a new album, Ölürüm Sana (“Crazy about You”). Tarkan also released the single Şımarık, which immediately topped the European charts. In Turkey, the entire circulation of the album Ölürüm Sana (3.5 million copies) was sold out in a few weeks.

Career continuation: 2000s

In 2001, Tarkan pleased his fans with his fourth album - Karma. The singles Kuzu-Kuzu and Hüp included in it conquered the European charts.

In 2003, a new album, Dudu, was released. This time the singer recorded compositions on his own label HITT Music. Turkish fans purchased 1 million records.

Tarkan has been working on creating an English-language album since the early 1990s. He recorded several fiery songs. And only in 2006 these compositions were presented to English-speaking listeners. It must be said that the Come Closer album did not live up to Tarkan's expectations. So he continued to write songs on


Tarkan, whose biography we are considering, has released 9 studio albums during his career. Total circulation Records sold amounted to 19 million copies. The Turkish singer has toured almost all of Europe. He was also in Russia. Everywhere his performances were warmly received.

Tarkan, biography: personal life

The sultry brunette was never deprived of female attention. In his youth he had affairs with beautiful girls. Then the guy calmed down. He wanted a serious relationship. And soon the Almighty sent him great love.

In 2001, Tarkan met Bilga Ozturk. The guy made every effort to win the beauty's heart. And he succeeded. Soon the chosen one moved to Tarkan’s apartment. The singer's friends and relatives were confident that the lovers would get married. However, fate had its own way.

In 2008, Tarkan and Bilga announced their separation. They managed to maintain friendly relations. After some time, the girl met a new love. And Tarkan continued to carry the status of a bachelor.

Despite his advanced age, the popular singer is not married. He has no children. At one time, rumors about his gay orientation were spreading on the Internet and in print media. And to many people this version seemed plausible. Such rumors only amuse the Turkish performer. He had never been attracted to men. At the same time, our hero does not condemn which are allowed in several European countries.

Our hero dreams of a magnificent wedding. Let's hope that this wonderful event will be added to in the near future. The wife must be thrifty, caring, faithful and, of course, beautiful. These are the demands that the famous singer makes of his potential chosen one.

Russian fans

Tarkan first came to our country in 1998. Thousands of fans came to his concert. They sang along with him, not knowing Turkish.

Soon Philip Kirkorov performed the song “Oh, Mom, I’ll give you some chic!” Listeners immediately recognized the motives in it famous song Tarkan Sıkıdım. Many people were quick to blame the king Russian stage in plagiarism. However, they were wrong. The fact is that Tarkan broke off business relations with the author of the song Sezen Aksu. She, in turn, began to sell the rights to perform her compositions to various performers. Philip Kirkorov liked the song Sıkıdım. He acquired the rights and translated it into Russian.


Today many of us know who Tarkan is. The singer's biography, height, weight - all this interests his fans. About childhood creative activity and the personal life of the Turkish performer we described above. Now let's look at his external data. He has naturally thick black hair. Eye color is green. A pleasant timbre of voice is another advantage that Tarkan has. Biography, height of the prince of the Turkish stage - not only fans of his talent, but also producers and directors want to know about this. With a height of 174 cm, our hero weighs 70 kg.

With such figure parameters and external data, Tarkan could well build successful career in the modeling industry. But he chose music. Although he still managed to appear on the covers of fashion magazines. But the photographers saw him not as an attractive model, but famous performer songs.


A lot of unpleasant gossip always arises around popular and talented personalities. Our hero was no exception. Several years ago, information was circulated in the world press that he was gay. Tarkan is also suspected of alcoholism and drug addiction. The Prince of Turkish Pop denies this. However, not all rumors are unfounded.

In February 2010, the Istanbul drug police raided the villa of the famous singer. Tarkan and 10 of his friends were detained on suspicion of using prohibited substances. The star faced up to 2 years in prison. But everything worked out. Three days later, our hero was released from custody. The circumstances of this case have not been disclosed.

In conclusion

Now you know what path Tarkan has taken to global popularity. Photos, biography and details of the performer’s personal life - all this is presented in the article. We wish Tarkan success in his work and great love!

The famous singer Tarkan left the bachelor ranks. The Turkish star, who made a great contribution to the development of music in his country, finally got married. Particularly interesting is the fact that Tarkan’s wife was his longtime fan.

Personal life of Tarkan

For a long time, there was no place for his wife in Tarkan’s biography. Moreover, he was suspected of homosexuality. He publicly denied these rumors, and at the same time said that he was dating girls, he simply did not see the point in tying his relationship with marriage. Perhaps the singer was a little disingenuous and rejected marriage due to the fact that he could not find a woman whom he would sincerely love. By the way, in Russia, Tarkan was spotted with his girlfriend Bilge Ozturk - the couple walked around St. Petersburg and seemed quite in love. But it was not Bilge who became the wife of a handsome man.

Singer Tarkan's wife

Just recently it turned out that Tarkan got married. The successful singer’s lucky chosen one was a fan who broke through to him backstage a few years ago. The girl’s efforts were not in vain; Tarkan noticed and singled her out from thousands.

The relationship between Tarkan and Pinar Dilek, which lasted 7 years, was kept secret for a long time, just as the details of the wedding ceremony were not disclosed. But still, a little information leaked out, and the public saw photographs of Tarkan and his wife from the gala event. The wedding took place at the singer's villa in Istanbul - the newlyweds said to love each other forever in a beautifully decorated garden.

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Only the closest people were invited to the wedding, but Tarkan mentioned that he was going to organize another, more magnificent celebration in honor of his marriage.

Hüsametin Tarkan Tevetoğlu(tour. Hüsamettin Tarkan Tevetoğlu; 17 October, Alzey, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), better known as simply Tarkan- Turkish singer, songwriter and producer. Known in Turkey as "Prince of Pop" for influencing the country with his shows during concerts. Tarkan has released several platinum albums, selling about 19 million copies. Is the owner music company "HITT Music", created in 1997. Tarkan is the only artist who managed to become famous in Europe without singing a single song in English. Tarkan also became the first and remains the only musical performer from Turkey, who received the “The World Music Awards.”

Music portal "Rhapsody" recognized Tarkan as a key artist in the history of European pop music with his song “Şımarık”.

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    His parents, Turkish by nationality, immigrated to Germany after the country's economic crisis. On his father's side, Tarkan's ancestors are military men, for example, his grandfather is a hero of the Russian-Turkish War. Tarkan has a brother and sisters - Adnan, Gyulay and Nurai, from his mother's first marriage. And also brother Hakan and younger sister Handan. When Tarkan was 13 years old, his family decided to return to their homeland. In 1995, Tarkan's father died of a heart attack at the age of 49. Tarkan's mother married for the third time, to the architect Seyhun Kahraman.

    The beginning of a musical career

    After Tarkan's family moved to Turkey, he began studying music in the city of Karamursel before going to study at the Istanbul Music Academy. In Istanbul, he had no friends or money, and he had to earn extra money as a singer at weddings. During one of his visits to Germany, Tarkan met the head of the label "İstanbul Plak" Mehmet Soyutoulu. He subsequently produced Tarkan's debut album, “Yine Sensiz,” which was released in 1992. During the recording of the album, Tarkan met an almost unknown composer at that time - Ozan Cholakolu, with whom he works to this day. The album was successful among Turkish youth, because Tarkan introduced Western notes into traditional Turkish music.

    “Most likely this happened for the first time - Turkish slang began to be actively used in the lyrics of the brave guy with green eyes”- this is how the Turkish magazine described Tarkan’s debut album "Milliyet".

    In 1994, the second album "Aacayipsin" was released. At the same time, Tarkan began working with composer Sezen Aksu, who wrote two songs for the album, including “Hepsi Senin Mi?”, which later resulted in a European single "Şıkıdım". In the same year, Tarkan went to the USA to continue his studies in New York and learn English language. The video for the song was also shot there. "Dön Bebeğim". In America, Tarkan met Ahmet Ertegun, who was the founder of the American label Atlantic Records and wanted to start producing Tarkan's English-language songs. But Tarkan’s first English-language album was released after Akhmet’s death, in 2006.

    Success in Europe

    In 1997, Tarkan released his third album “Ölürüm Sana”, and in parallel the single “Şımarık”, which was successful in Turkey. But in Europe the single was released only two years later along with “Şıkıdım”. After the success of the songs, the collection “Tarkan” was released in Europe. In the same year, Tarkan received the World Music Awards for album sales. Afterwards the single “Bu Gece” was released.

    In 2000, Tarkan quarreled with Sezen Aksu, who wrote the songs "Şıkıdım" And "Şımarık". After the contract was terminated, Sezen began selling copyrights to various artists who covered these songs. For example, Holly Valence as "Kiss Kiss", and Philip Kirkorov as "Oh, Mama Chic Dame".


    In 1999, Tarkan was drafted into the army, from which he had a deferment from 1995, ending in 1998. Due to being drafted into the army, he did not return to Turkey after releasing the collection in Europe "Tarkan". This aroused great interest in the press, and the Turkish Parliament also discussed the issue of possibly depriving Tarkan of Turkish citizenship. After the Izmit earthquake at the end of August 1999, a law was passed on a 28-day military service, provided that the future soldier pays 16 thousand dollars to the earthquake relief fund. Taking advantage of this, Tarkan returned to Turkey in 2000 and completed 28 days of military service. Before leaving for the army, Tarkan gave a concert upon his return to Istanbul, the money from which also went to charity. Tarkan said about his military service: “It was January and wild snowfall. It was difficult, the food was terrible. Eighteen months of my life for nothing. I think my dreams are more important".

    2001-2002: Karma

    In 2001, Tarkan became the face of Pepsi in Turkey. At the same time, the album “Karma” and two singles “Kuzu-Kuzu” and “Hüp” were released. The album was released both in Turkey and Europe. And in Russia Tarkan became the most popular singer not of Russian origin. The album sold 1 million copies in Europe. Fans refer to the period from 2001 to 2002 as "period of karma", because the album is radically different from the previous and subsequent albums. Together with musical style, Tarkan’s appearance also changed. He grew his hair long and began wearing tight trousers, unbuttoned shirts and T-shirts. This trend has been adopted by many young guys in Turkey. . At the Woodstock festival, Tarkan met his future international affairs manager, Michael Lang, according to whom “Tarkan is a wonderful artist and his current success is just the beginning. He will be a star in five years and will not disappear. No, he will remain a star."

    The book went on sale in 2001 "Tarkan: Anatomy of a Star"(Turkish: Tarkan - Yıldız Olgusu), but after some time it was withdrawn from sale by court decision, since the book violates copyright. Also, another scandal erupted after the release of the video for the song. "Hüp", people who saw the clip claimed that the kissing scene was too pornographic. But the video was not banned, and it was nominated for a Turkish award. music channel "Kral".

    After Tarkan became the face "Pepsi", he also became the official mascot of the Turkish football team at the 2002 World Cup, for which he wrote the song “Bir Oluruz Yolunda”, which became an anthem for the fans.

    2003-2004: Dudu

    In the summer of 2003, Tarkan released the mini-album “Dudu”, which became the first album released on his own label “HITT Music”. The album sold 1 million copies in Turkey, and in Russia the song "Dudu" became "Song of the Year". Also this year, Tarkan released his own perfume called “Tarkan”.

    Once again, along with the musical style, the singer’s appearance also changed. He cut his hair short and began to wear simpler clothes, implying that looks and glamor were no longer the way to sell his music - “It doesn’t matter how sexy I look or how I dance, what matters is the music I make.”

    2004-2006: English album

    The idea to release the album in English came to Tarkan back in 1995, when he met with Ahmed Erteun, but due to problems with his old producer, the release was postponed. In October 2005, Tarkan finally released his first single in English, “Bounce”. And the album “Come Closer” was released six months later on the Universal Music label. Tarkan was helped with the recording of the album by authors who worked with many famous singers. A second single, "Start The Fire", was released in August. In the fall, Tarkan went on a European tour. The album was not as successful as the producers had hoped, and sales in Turkey amounted to only 110 thousand copies.

    2007-2008: Metamorfoz

    In 2007, after the failure of the English-language album, the album "Metamorfoz" was released in Turkish. The album sold 300 thousand copies in the first two weeks. Videos were shot for four songs. New album caused great controversy among critics, some said that Tarkan returned to his past, others on the contrary. In 2008, a collection of remixes of songs from the previous album, “Metamorfoz Remixes,” was released.

    2010-2011: Adime Kabine Yaz

    On July 29, 2010, Tarkan released his eighth studio album, Adime Kabine Yaz, consisting of eight new songs and one remix for each of them. The album received an enthusiastic reception from fans and critics and sold 300,000 copies throughout Turkey in its first week. After its release, Tarkan partially goes underground, only periodically giving concerts, but almost never appearing in the press.

    2016-present: Return

    In 2016, Tarkan came out of the shadows when the digital release of his long-awaited ninth album “Ahde Vefa” took place on March 11. On this album, the singer again experimented, recording all the songs in the style of Turkish folk music. Despite the complete lack of advertising and the release of singles, the album became a hit immediately after its release, taking first place on the iTunes charts on the American continent, in England, Denmark, Holland and Germany - in total in 19 countries around the world, thereby proving that Tarkan still popular.

    On June 15, 2017, the tenth album was released, which was simply called “10” and marked Tarkan’s return to dance pop music with oriental motifs. Tarkan wrote some songs again in collaboration with Sezen Aksu. On the 27th, a video for the single Yolla was released.

    Personal life


    On February 26, 2010, Tarkan was detained by the Istanbul drug police at the villa of the famous musician Omerli in Turkey, along with ten other people, after which they were taken to the police station, where they underwent a medical examination and then interrogation. Tarkan was detained as part of a Turkish police operation to combat drug trafficking. Tarkan faces one to two years in prison on charges of “using, acquiring, storing and selling drugs.” This is stated in the indictment of the Istanbul prosecutor's office. 12.5 grams of hashish were found at Tarkan's villa. During interrogation, Tarkan allegedly admitted that he started using drugs six years ago and wanted to undergo treatment. But this turned out to be untrue. Three days after his arrest, the singer was released from custody. At the same time, his lawyer denied claims that cocaine was found at Tarkan’s villa.


    Studio albums

    • 1992: "Yine Sensiz"
    • 1994: "Acayipsin"
    • 2001: "Karma"
    • 2010: "Adımı Kalbine Yaz"
    • 2016: "Ahde Vefa"
    • 2017: "10"
    • 1999: "Tarkan"
    • 2008: "Metamorphoz Remixes"
    • 1998: "Şımarık"
    • 1999: "Bu Gege"
    • 2001: "Kuzu-Kuzu"
    • 2001: "Hüp"
    • 2005: "Bounce"
    • 2006: "Start The Fire"
    • 2016: "Cuppa"
    Promotional singles released only in Turkey
    • 2002: "Özgürlük İçimizde"
    • 2002: "Bir Oluruz Yolunda"
    • 2005: "Ayrılık Zor"
    • 2008: "Uyan"
    • 2010: "Sevdanın Son Vuruşu"
    • 2012: "Benim Sadik Yarim Kara Topraktir"


    1. Turk Prince of Pop (undefined) . Chacko, Jessica © Hillsdale Collegian. Retrieved November 11, 2004. Archived February 18, 2012.
    2. News Bulletin (undefined) . The Sofia Echo. Retrieved May 26, 2006. Archived February 18, 2012.
    3. Key Artists in Euro Pop (undefined) . Rhapsody. Retrieved May 18, 2007. Archived February 18, 2012.
    4. Sezgin Burak's Tarkan (undefined) . Sezgin Burak Foundation. Retrieved May 3, 2007.
    5. Tarkan News Coverage in Brief (undefined) . Osmanli, Adelind © Tarkan Deluxe. Retrieved September 29, 2009. Archived February 18, 2012.
    6. Tarkan"ın dedesi teşkilatçıydı (undefined) . Sabah(July 15, 2007). Archived from the original on February 18, 2012.
    7. Tarkan finds his moves take him across borders(English) .

    Tarkan is a Turkish singer, producer, and singer-songwriter. He is called the prince of Turkish pop music. Tarkan became the only musician who gained popularity and recognition in Europe, without singing a single song in English.

    Tarkan Tevet-oglu was born on October 17, 1972 into a Turkish family, Ali and Neshe Tevet-oglu. The boy was given a name in honor of a hero from a popular humorous book in Turkey, but Tarkan is his middle name. The first name of the star is Hysametin, which translates as “sharp sword.”

    Tarkan's parents immigrated to Germany during the economic crisis in Turkey. His grandfather is a hero of the Russian-Turkish War, and his mother’s ancestors were folk singers. The singer grew up in a large family: he has half-sisters Nurai and Gyulai, brother Adnan from his mother’s first marriage, and sister Handan and brother Hakan. They always preserved the traditions of the Turkish people, and Turkish songs were always heard in their house. In 1986, Tarkan’s family returned to their homeland. In 1995, the singer’s father died of a heart attack (he was 49 years old), and his mother married for the third time.

    After moving to Turkey, the boy firmly decided to start a singing career. He began to study music, and then went to Istanbul, where he entered the music academy. At first it was very difficult, because he had no acquaintances in the capital, and he also had no money, so Tarkan began to earn extra money as a singer at weddings.

    Back in 1995, Tevet-oglu was drafted into the army, but he took a deferment for three years. In 1999, he again received a summons, so after the release of his collection “Tarkan”, the singer did not return to Turkey. They even wanted to deprive him of Turkish citizenship. But after the adoption of the law on 28-day service and payment of $16,000 to the earthquake relief fund, Tarkan returned to his homeland. Before joining the army, he gave a concert, the proceeds of which were donated to charity.


    A leap in Tarkan’s career occurred when, during his next visit to Germany, he met with the director of the İstanbul Plak label, Mehmet Soyutoulu. He offered to produce the debut album of the aspiring singer. Tarkan, of course, agreed, and in 1992 his first album, “Yine Sensiz,” was released. During the recording of this album, the singer met composer Ozan Colakolu, with whom he works to this day. “Yine Sensiz” brought Tarkan huge success, because the singer introduced Western notes into Turkish music.

    In 1994, he released his second album, “Aacayipsin”. At the same time, he began working with Sezen Aksu, who wrote two songs for him. In the same year, Tarkan left for the USA in order to study English and record songs in it: an album in English was released in 2006. Tarkan's songs were a huge success, and therefore in Europe he released the collection “Tarkan”, which brought him an award at the World Music Awards.

    In 2000, Tarkan quarreled with Sezen Aksu, who wrote the popular songs “Şıkıdım” and “Şımarık” for the musician. The quarrel also led to legal consequences. After the contract was terminated, Sezen began to sell the copyrights to perform the compositions to other performers who made covers of these songs. Based on these tracks, Holly Valance's songs "Kiss Kiss" and "Oh, Mom, Chic Ladies" were written.

    In 2001, the singer’s next album, “Karma,” was released; it sold 1 million copies in Europe. The singles “Kuzu-Kuzu” and “Hüp” appeared. A video for the new composition “Kuzu-kuzu” was also released.

    In Russia during this period, Tarkan became the most popular singer of non-Russian origin

    At one of the festivals, Tarkan met his future manager Michael Lang. In the same year, the book “Tarkan: Anatomy of a Star” went on sale, but after some time the court ruled that the book violated copyright. Tarkan became the official face of the Pepsi company, as well as the mascot of the Turkish national team at the 2002 World Cup, for which he wrote the song “Bir Ölürüz Yolunda,” which became an anthem for the fans.

    In 2003, the singer released his mini-album “Dudu” on his own label called HITT Music. In videos and at concerts in support of the album “Dudu,” Tarkan appeared with a new image. The musician got a short haircut and started wearing simple, not pretentious or glamorous clothes. The musician commented on these changes in appearance by saying that he wants to show fans that no matter what the singer looks like, what hairstyle he wears or what dances he performs, music remains the main thing in Tarkan’s work.

    His next albums “Metamorfoz” (2007), “Adımı Kalbine Yaz” (2010) also became successful.

    Personal life

    The personal life of a celebrity is always in the spotlight. There were rumors around the singer that he was allegedly gay, but Tarkan denied this information in every possible way. Soon a photo appeared in one of the Turkish magazines where the musician was kissing another man; it later turned out that it was photoshopped.

    For seven years, Tarkan dated a girl named Bilge Ozturk. Unfortunately, the lovers separated in 2008.

    The musician himself claimed that he was ready to get married only if he found out that the girl became pregnant. But April 29, 2016. The singer dated Pinar for 5 years, but the couple has no children. Tarkan met future wife, when a girl sneaked backstage during one of the European concerts.

    The wedding passed quietly. According to rumors, the wedding took place according to Muslim traditions. Tarkan promised to arrange a more magnificent celebration, but there was no news about the star wedding. But in October 2016, journalists learned that Tarkan. The musician even forced his wife to delete her Facebook account, which the woman had created before the wedding.

    Tarkan has a ranch in Istanbul, where he raises animals and plants trees. The singer also has an apartment in New York, which costs about $5 million.

    Tarkan now

    After the 2010 release, Tarkan disappeared from the music scene. Break in creative biography artist lasted six years. But fans’ expectations were met in the spring of 2016. On March 11, 2016, the digital release of the musician’s new, ninth long-awaited album, “Ahde Vefa,” took place.

    The return to the musical horizon turned out to be triumphant. In the new album, Tarkan was not afraid to experiment. The singer recorded all the songs in the style of Turkish folk music, despite the fact that the album is intended for both the domestic market and Western listeners. Also, “Ahde Vefa” was released without advertising, and the release of the album was not preceded by a series of single releases, which were supposed to prepare listeners and stir up interest.

    But experiments with style and advertising turned out to be successful. The album became a hit immediately after its release. The album “Ahde Vefa” took first place on the iTunes charts on the American continent. In total, the disc took first place in the charts in 19 countries around the world, including England, Denmark, Holland and Germany. Such a triumphant return showed that, despite a long break in creativity, Tarkan is still world star.

    Fans didn't have to wait as long for the next album. The musician’s tenth album was released on June 15, 2017. The tenth album received the laconic name “10”. Here Tarkan returned to his own style, familiar to the musician’s fans - dance pop music with oriental motifs. Some of the songs included in the album were co-written by Tarkan and Sezen Aksu.


    • 1992 - “Yine Sensiz”
    • 1994 - “Acayipsin”
    • 1997 - “Ölürüm Sana”
    • 1999 - “Tarkan”
    • 2001 - "Karma"
    • 2003 - “Dudu”
    • 2006 - “Come Closer”
    • 2007 - “Metamorphoz”
    • 2008 - “Metamorfoz Remixes”
    • 2010 - “Adımı Kalbine Yaz”
    • 2016 - “Ahde Vefa”
    • 2017 - "10"