Singer MakSim spoke about the scandalous details of her relationship with her ex-husband. Alexey Lugovtsov: biography and personal life Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov

Ordinary people never tire of being interested in the personal lives of show business stars, the stories and events taking place in their destinies. Satellites are always in the crosshairs of human curiosity famous people. One example is Alexey Lugovtsov - first husband and father eldest daughter popular Russian singer Maxim. His name appeared many times on the pages of magazines and newspapers, especially during the development of the relationship between Alexey and Marina Maksimova.

Superstar's first husband

Perhaps Alexey Lugovtsov would have remained unnoticed and lived a calm, quiet life in Zhukovsky near Moscow, where he is from, if fate had not brought him together with the popular singer Marina Maksimova, performing at Russian stage under the pseudonym Maxim. For several years, the young people’s romance proceeded secretly, but in the end they stopped hiding their relationship and got married. While the romance between the singer and her chosen one lasted, many rumors circulated around their relationship. The press tried to find out all the details of the personal lives of Marina and Alexei, while they tried to hide them as carefully as possible.

Meeting Alexey and Marina

Having moved from the Moscow region to St. Petersburg for the sake of study, Alexey Lugovtsov lived there for some time. At that time, in 2006, Maxim was at the peak of her popularity. Her CDs were sold in millions of copies, she went on tour, different cities the singer gave concerts. One of the performances was planned in Lugovtsov, and thousands of fans of the singer naturally purchased tickets to the concert. At that time, the position of a sound engineer was vacant in the musical group, and Alexey, having found out this fact, did not hesitate for a minute. Appearing at the casting before the concert, he showed his abilities in the profession with best side, and his own candidacy for vacant position was reviewed by the director together with the singer. Of all the applicants, they decided to take Alexey into the group. The decisive word was, of course, for Maxim. And so the stars aligned, or the girl felt something, but from that day on a new sound engineer appeared in the group - Alexey Lugovtsov.

A love story between a singer and a sound engineer

As time passed, new songs were recorded, which instantly became hits. The pace of life of the musical group was frantic, but this brought only happiness. Success and a favorite activity gave strength to the young people, inspiration often visited Maxim, and new and new lyrical songs came out from the pen of the talented girl, captivating with their simplicity and melody.
And the reason for the inspiration was, of course, the tender feelings that were born between new colleagues and grew stronger every day. Life creative people involves full dedication to work, does not separate everyday life from profession, so young people spent almost all their time together: working and relaxing. The relationship between the singer and the sound engineer gradually flowed from professional to friendly, and then stronger feelings arose between them, which made them think about further staying in Alexey’s group as a participant. It turned out that office romance It can't go on like this. Therefore, the lovers took their relationship beyond work and continued to meet, no longer being colleagues.

Reproaches and condemnations of the press

Singer Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov kept their romance a secret, but they managed to hide their feelings from the public with great difficulty. Young people were often seen together, and in informal settings. At any interview, journalists asked Maxim about her relationship with Alexei, but the singer continued to deny everything. there was a rumor about marital status Alexey Lugovtsov, photo young man with his real wife appeared every now and then on the pages of magazines and on Internet sites. Scandals arose many times and reports appeared in the press that famous singer behaves inappropriately when dating a married man.

Wedding of Marina and Alexey Lugovtsov

Singer Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov got married in 2008 in Bali. The decision to enter into a legal marriage was made by young people after they became aware of the interesting position of the singer. Sound engineer Alexey Lugovtsov has been involved in divorce proceedings for a long time; his photos often appeared in magazines. Maxim continued to hide the true state of affairs in her interviews as long as possible. The young couple had a modest wedding; for this they went to the islands. According to the laws of the state of Bali, an official marriage was registered between Alexey Lugovtsov and Marina Maksimova. The ceremony was performed according to all the rules of the state, the priest read a prayer over the couple and declared them husband and wife. This is how the wedding of the popular Russian singer Maxim and sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsov took place; they did not hide the photos from the ceremony site, anyone can see them.

And having returned to Moscow, the lovers got married a year later according to all the laws of the Russian Orthodox Church. conducted by the father of Luka, the singer. The wedding took place in Krasnoselsky Lane, the Church of All Saints received a young couple under its arches, where the priest blessed the newlyweds. Marina and Alexei’s little daughter, Sashenka, was also baptized there.

Daughter of Alexey and Maxim

The long-awaited and desired child - the daughter of Alexei and Marina - Alexandra was born on March 8, 2009. The happy parents took tender care of the baby, Alexey helped his wife a lot, stayed with her daughter during her mother’s absence, because creative activity the singer did not stop. Songs were now dedicated not only to love for a man, but also to the strongest feelings in the life of any woman - the feelings of a mother for her child. The appearance of a new person in the fate of Marina and Alexei changed a lot. The young parents decided to resign Alexey from the position of sound engineer, and they found another person to take his place. The motive for this act was the changed relationship between the spouses, when the man becomes the head of the family, and Alexey could no longer be subordinate to his wife as an employee.

The first cracks in the relationship

After the birth of her daughter, the young mother was at home next to the child for several months, and the father worked as a sound engineer on television. Alexey came home in the evenings, where his beloved wife and daughter and a delicious dinner were waiting for him. But imperceptibly the time came for Marina to go to work, creative life the singer implies certain obligations that must be fulfilled. The couple faced a pressing question - with whom to leave the child. Alexey tried to be with his daughter on his own, but quickly realized that this was not for an adult successful man. Alexey reacted negatively to his wife’s proposal to find a nanny. Perhaps this is why the first cracks began to appear in the relationship between the spouses, when love and warmth gradually give way to misunderstanding and quarrels.

The collapse of family life

Several years of a happy marriage, tenderness and affection gradually turned into the past. Jealousy, suspicion, conflicts and reluctance to find out the reasons for the split appeared in the family. Two loving people lost mutual understanding. Alexei was jealous of his wife, angry because she was not at home, and often went away himself. The desire to save the family could not overcome the desire of both spouses to give up everything and separate. Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov found themselves caught in this whirlpool of passions, and divorce became the end point of their relationship. This often happens in young families, it was this collapse that Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov suffered, the biography of both young people was replenished over several years beautiful love and happy family life, which, unfortunately, did not have happy ending. During the time that Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov spent together, the world heard many touching songs that were born at the moment of experiencing strong and real feelings. As a result of their love, another person was born - a little girl who took only good things from both parents.

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

The husband said: “I will still have children, but I will never have someone like you.” Perhaps Lesha thought that this would flatter me, that I would understand how much he loves me and forgive him, but it turned out the opposite. The phrase came out like a slap in the face. Like a milestone after which you can’t return anything,” says singer MakSim. IN exclusive interview She told “7D” about her divorce.

- Marina, rumors that not everything is going smoothly in your family have been circulating for a long time. But you constantly refuted them. Why?

At first, everything worked out great for Lesha and me. He seemed like exactly the person I needed; with him I felt good and calm. When disagreements began in our family, the last thing I wanted was for anyone other than the two of us to know about it. But there were too many “kind” people around who like to talk their tongues out about things that don’t concern them. Or maybe they did it for their own benefit, I don’t know... At some point, the amount of gossip, speculation and lies about Lesha and I crossed conceivable and unimaginable limits, and I realized: it’s better to tell everything as it is, than to let unscrupulous people journalists will continue to practice dirty statements at my and Lesha’s expense. To be honest, I’m not used to giving such interviews, but I was so uncomfortable answering journalists’ sometimes completely incorrect questions for the hundredth time and then seeing how worried our loved ones were for us, that I decided to give an interview to “7 Days” and Oksana Pushkina in the program " Female look" I also want to say: family is the most important thing in life. You must be able to preserve it! Alas, I didn’t have enough wisdom... After our wedding, Lesha and I received thousands of letters where people confessed how we helped them believe that love exists. They wrote: “Thank you! Looking at you, we also decided to get married.” They sent us bouquets and gifts. Even now I continue to think that true love still exists. Despite the fact that my own story, unfortunately, did not have a happy ending...

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

In an interview with “MY!” the singer spoke about her family and the sensational quarrel with Dima Bilan

Before the singer MakSim performed at the Voronezh circus, a circus on the water arrived there. By October 28, workers installed a pool in the arena and filled it with water. MakSim had to be content with a small platform in the middle of the pool. The girl entered this unusual scene with caution, gasping when she noticed that the platform beneath her was slightly swaying.

This is my first time performing on the water,” she told Yo! correspondents. - It’s very beautiful here! But in circuses I often have to give concerts. I remember one day I was singing, and there were cages with crocodiles nearby...
In a rather harsh form, the celebrity forbade photographing herself during the interview. But Marina treated the audience warmer than the journalists, and never tired of admiring: “There is such an audience here, such eyes, this rarely happens!”

To begin with, the journalists talked with the singer about family matters. After all, quite recently a significant event happened in Marina’s life - in one of the churches in Moscow she got married to the father of her child, Alexei Lugovtsev.

Saturday, October 24th, 2009

Marina Maksimova and Alexey Lugovtsov got married and celebrated their wedding on the last fine day of October. They didn’t organize a magnificent celebration - they say “glamor” is not close to them - and only invited their closest relatives and friends.

The wedding took place in the Church of All Saints in Krasnoselsky Lane. Father Luka, the rector of one of the Ryazan churches, specially came to Moscow and brought his church choir to perform this ritual, since he had known Marina and Lesha for a long time. From the church, the wedding cortege went to Luzhkov Bridge near Bolotnaya Square. There, Marina and Lesha, like many newlyweds before them, hung a lock on the “tree of love”, symbolizing their hearts, and threw the key to it into the Moscow River. Passers-by, seeing the bride and groom, shouted “Bitter!”, and when they came closer, they exclaimed in shock: “This is the singer MakSim!” And they couldn’t believe their eyes... Towards evening, the guests and newlyweds moved to the Sorry, Babushka club, where the whole company rocked until late at night. Their friends sang for Marina and Lesha - the groups "Dyagel and the Mongols" and "GDR", the bride sang for the groom, and he performed a song for his beloved, playing along with himself on the guitar. We met with Marina the next day at her home to find out about her impressions of the wedding and how her love with Lesha arose.

The personal life of modern pop stars cannot go unnoticed. In just a few days, curious fans will expose the secret romance, find out the latest events and find out the reason for the breakdown of the relationship. This happened with the singer Maxim: before she had time to file an official application for divorce, all her idols had already started rumors about a scandal in the married couple. Alexey Lugovtsov became the star’s first husband and the father of her daughter. But, unfortunately, even the strongest relationships do not always pass the test of strength.

The pop singer won millions of hearts with her talent

In 2006, at the peak of popularity on the Russian stage was a singer under the pseudonym Maxim. It was in this year that her solo album was released, which acquired the name “Difficult Age”. It included the most romantic and touching works of the star. A few months after the release of the first album, the girl was awarded the title “Best Performer of the Year”; The 20-year-old singer was able to win millions of hearts.

Maxim's audience was mainly schoolchildren and schoolgirls. Without musical compositions“Do You Know”, “Tenderness” and “Difficult Age” were not passed by any school disco or graduation party. Huge number young fans could be seen at the concerts of the popular singer. More mature age category also did not remain indifferent to the star’s work.

The mystery of the origin of the pseudonym

In fact, the young and talented performer’s name is Marina Abrosimova. The singer's producers considered this name too simple and common for her. For a long time they thought about how to present a young beauty on stage, but could not find general solution. Marina herself suggested calling herself Maxim, this name reminded her maiden name his mother - Maksimov.

Accidents in the life of a star

Maxim calls his life a series of happy accidents. She never planned anything, but everything always worked out for her. At an early age I never dreamed of becoming a romantic singer. On the contrary, the girl was distinguished by masculine character traits, a love of sports and a hooligan lifestyle. IN music school Marina came completely by accident, but something told me that she needed vocal skills.

A few years later, luck smiled on Maxim - producers noticed her and brought her to the pinnacle of fame. Also, by a lucky coincidence, the singer appeared in the life future husband Alexey Lugovtsov.

The couple's perfect relationship was the envy of everyone

Alexey Lugovtsov was the most sincere fan of the singer Maxim. He attended all her concerts in his native St. Petersburg, was a member of the girl’s fan clubs and knew almost all of her compositions by heart.

At the end of 2006, the young man became aware of a vacant position as a sound engineer in the Maxim team, and he decided to try his hand at casting. For a long time, the fan was preparing for the audition; it was important for him to show himself from the most worthy side. The performer had the final say: hidden sympathy told her that this person should be on her team.

After several months of courtship, Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov became a couple. At first, their relationship was a secret to everyone, as the lovers did not want to mix hard work with their personal lives. But this connection was soon exposed. All colleagues, fans and friends were jealous of Maxim, because she got the most devoted, loving and romantic gentleman. The singer herself always spoke about her chosen one with a tremulous tremor in her voice.

In 2008 star couple played a wedding. All fans were surprised by this decision, because a little more than one year had passed since the young people met. Soon a rumor arose that the singer was in an interesting position. The newlyweds themselves did not hide this fact.

In October 2008, a sacred ceremony took place, uniting the young couple into one unit of society. Singer Maxim was incredibly happy that Alexey Lugovtsov became her husband. Photos of the newlyweds were not hidden from the public eye; the couple actively posed for annoying journalists throughout the celebration. On March 8, 2009, a daughter, Alexandra, was born into their family.

Discord in relationships

With the arrival of the long-awaited baby, the life of the married couple noticeably worsened. Romance, tenderness and sincerity disappeared from the relationship. According to the singer, Alexei Lugovtsov has changed noticeably for her. Husband Maxim became more distant and cold.

The first quarrels occurred because her career was important to the young mother; she went to work a few months after the birth of her daughter. The husband was forced to quit his job and raise his daughter. The singer responded to all persuasion to have a nanny with a categorical refusal, since she did not want her child to be raised by stranger. A few years later the couple divorced.

What's happening to them now?

Alexey Lugovtsov, whose biography became famous only thanks to pop singer, became successful person. He opened his own business and finally felt like a full-fledged man.

Maxim continues to release new albums for his fans, which continue to be popular. In addition, she appears in commercials and has mastered a new profession - producer. In addition, the singer became the mother of another daughter, whom she named Maria. Unfortunately, Maxim soon broke up with the girl’s father, businessman Anton Petrov.

Alexey Lugovtsov and Maxim try to maintain a friendly relationship with each other for the sake of their little daughter.

Ordinary people never tire of being interested in the personal lives of show business stars, the stories and events taking place in their destinies. The companions of famous people are always in the crosshairs of people's curiosity. One example is Alexey Lugovtsov, the first husband and father of the eldest daughter of the popular Russian singer Maxim. His name appeared many times on the pages of magazines and newspapers, especially during the development of the relationship between Alexey and Marina Maksimova.

Superstar's first husband

Perhaps Alexey Lugovtsov would have remained unnoticed and lived a calm, quiet life in Zhukovsky near Moscow, where he is from, if fate had not brought him together with the popular singer Marina Maksimova, who performs on the Russian stage under the pseudonym Maxim. For several years, the young people’s romance proceeded secretly, but in the end they stopped hiding their relationship and got married. While the romance between the singer and her chosen one lasted, many rumors circulated around their relationship. The press tried to find out all the details of the personal lives of Marina and Alexei, while they tried to hide them as carefully as possible.

Meeting Alexey and Marina

Having moved from the Moscow region to St. Petersburg for the sake of study, Alexey Lugovtsov lived there for some time. At that time, in 2006, Maxim was at the peak of her popularity. Her CDs sold millions of copies, she went on tour, and the singer gave concerts in different cities. One of the performances was planned in Lugovtsov, and thousands of fans of the singer naturally purchased tickets to the concert. At that time, the position of a sound engineer was vacant in the musical group, and Alexey, having found out this fact, did not hesitate for a minute. Appearing at the casting before the concert, he showed his abilities in the profession from the best side, and his own candidacy for the vacant position was considered by the director together with the singer. Of all the applicants, they decided to take Alexey into the group. The decisive word was, of course, for Maxim. And so the stars aligned, or the girl felt something, but from that day on a new sound engineer appeared in the group - Alexey Lugovtsov.

A love story between a singer and a sound engineer

As time passed, new songs were recorded, which instantly became hits. The pace of life of the musical group was frantic, but this brought only happiness. Success and a favorite activity gave strength to the young people, inspiration often visited Maxim, and new and new lyrical songs came out from the pen of the talented girl, captivating with their simplicity and melody.
And the reason for the inspiration was, of course, the tender feelings that were born between new colleagues and grew stronger every day. The life of creative people involves full dedication to work, does not separate life from profession, so young people spent almost all their time together: working and relaxing. The relationship between the singer and the sound engineer gradually flowed from professional to friendly, and then stronger feelings arose between them, which made them think about further staying in Alexey’s group as a participant. It turned out that the office romance could not continue like this. Therefore, the lovers took their relationship beyond work and continued to meet, no longer being colleagues.

Reproaches and condemnations of the press

Singer Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov kept their romance a secret, but they managed to hide their feelings from the public with great difficulty. Young people were often seen together, and in informal settings. At any interview, journalists asked Maxim about her relationship with Alexei, but the singer continued to deny everything. There was a rumor about the marital status of Alexei Lugovtsov, a photo of the young man with his real wife flashed every now and then on the pages of magazines and on websites on the Internet. Scandals arose many times, and reports appeared in the press that the famous singer was behaving inappropriately when dating a married man.

Wedding of Marina and Alexey Lugovtsov

Singer Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov got married in 2008 in Bali. The decision to enter into a legal marriage was made by young people after they became aware of the interesting position of the singer. Sound engineer Alexey Lugovtsov has been involved in divorce proceedings for a long time; his photos often appeared in magazines. Maxim continued to hide the true state of affairs in her interviews as long as possible. The young couple had a modest wedding; for this they went to the islands. According to the laws of the state of Bali, an official marriage was registered between Alexey Lugovtsov and Marina Maksimova. The ceremony was performed according to all the rules of the state, the priest read a prayer over the couple and declared them husband and wife. This is how the wedding of the popular Russian singer Maxim and sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsov took place; they did not hide the photos from the ceremony site, anyone can see them.

And returning to Moscow, the lovers got married a year later according to all the laws of the Russian Orthodox Church. conducted by the father of Luka, the singer. The wedding took place in Krasnoselsky Lane, the Church of All Saints received a young couple under its arches, where the priest blessed the newlyweds. Marina and Alexei’s little daughter, Sashenka, was also baptized there.

Daughter of Alexey and Maxim

The long-awaited and desired child - the daughter of Alexei and Marina - Alexandra was born on March 8, 2009. The happy parents took tender care of the baby, Alexey helped his wife a lot, stayed with her daughter during her mother’s absence, because the singer’s creative activity did not stop. Songs were now dedicated not only to love for a man, but also to the strongest feelings in the life of any woman - the feelings of a mother for her child. The appearance of a new person in the fate of Marina and Alexei changed a lot. The young parents decided to resign Alexey from the position of sound engineer, and they found another person to take his place. The motive for this act was the changed relationship between the spouses, when the man becomes the head of the family, and Alexey could no longer be subordinate to his wife as an employee.

The first cracks in the relationship

After the birth of her daughter, for several months the young mother was at home next to the child, and the father worked as a sound engineer on television. Alexey came home in the evenings, where his beloved wife and daughter and a delicious dinner were waiting for him. But the time has suddenly come for Marina to go to work; the singer’s creative life involves certain obligations that must be fulfilled. The couple faced a pressing question - with whom to leave the child. Alexey tried to be with his daughter on his own, but quickly realized that this was not for an adult, successful man. Alexey reacted negatively to his wife’s proposal to find a nanny. Perhaps this is why the first cracks began to appear in the relationship between the spouses, when love and warmth gradually give way to misunderstanding and quarrels.

The collapse of family life

Several years of a happy marriage, tenderness and affection gradually turned into the past. Jealousy, suspicion, conflicts and reluctance to find out the reasons for the split appeared in the family. Two loving people have lost mutual understanding. Alexei was jealous of his wife, angry because she was not at home, and often went away himself. The desire to save the family could not overcome the desire of both spouses to give up everything and separate. Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov found themselves caught in this whirlpool of passions, and divorce became the end point of their relationship. This often happens in young families, it was this collapse that Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov suffered, the biography of both young people was replenished with several years of wonderful love and a happy family life, which, unfortunately, did not have a happy ending. During the time that Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov spent together, the world heard many touching songs that were born at the moment of experiencing strong and real feelings. As a result of their love, another person was born - a little girl who took only good things from both parents.

31-year-old singer MakSim is again in the spotlight. The public is discussing a photo of the star in the company of businessman from St. Petersburg Anton Petrov. The singer herself does not comment on the pictures. As well as rumors about her possible second pregnancy. MakSim already has a 5-year-old daughter, Alexandra, from her ex-husband, sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsov. Past relationships for the singer are still a source negative emotions.

In a civil marriage with Alexei Lugovtsov, singer MakSim (real name Marina Abrosimova - website note) lived for three years. They met in 2006, when Alexey came to work as a sound engineer for the singer’s team. For two years, the young people kept their romance a secret. But at the end of 2008 it became known that the couple got married in Bali according to local customs. On March 8, 2009, Marina and Alexey had a beautiful daughter, Alexandra. True, the happiness was short-lived - in... But the singer is still sure that she and Alexei were connected by true love.

"He became very important to me dear person. Alexey worried about me, gave advice...

Their couple was considered by many to be ideal. But after the birth of their daughter, a lot changed in the lives of MakSim and Alexey. Alexey was looking for work and the opportunity for further self-realization. But her absence, as well as her wife’s frequent tours, began to lead to family scandals. Lugovtsov turned out to be incredibly jealous. He was ready to cause a scandal for any reason. MakSim still recalls that period of his life with a trembling voice:

“Lesha was influenced not only by his environment, but also by some kind of harmful addiction, let’s say. I won’t go into details, but I saw from my own example that this happens not only in TV series and dysfunctional families..

This situation affected not only the relationship of common-law spouses, but also their daughter. .

"One of the most common phrases my child was: “Daddy didn’t come.” He constantly promised to come to her, Sasha got ready, put on beautiful dress, spun in front of the mirror, waited for him, but he never appeared. Then he visited her a month later, without explaining the reason for his absence, and again disappeared for an indefinite period of time. And Sasha continued to wait. Sometimes he called, talked to the child, once again promised to come to her, but in the end he disappeared completely,” MakSim frankly told the site.